The Seaforth News, 1931-09-24, Page 1fhsz1,1e
God! thee is ,aw.tys a Laird :o[ Apr de in our soul 'that mocks at a
03eyaid A manhood tht inks at a bond.
us who ane true to the taintAnd try how we wiIl, tatta'inable
vsion to seek, a beckoning peal.farness that never will fail; M BA
it, our Land of Beyond;.
'Rabert- Service.
WHOLE 'SERIES, VOL. 53, No. 39
Phone 84.
$1 A YEAR.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
The new speed soap for soaking
'clothes clean, saves time, clothes,
work, money.
2 larg packages, 3 Ibis. 25c
‘Introductory 'Offer)...
3 PALM OLIVE SOAP with 1 pack-
age Palm Olive Beads. All for 25c
Palmolive :Beads is pure soap in
bead form, 'trade of Olive and
'Palm oils, especially for washing
(fine fabrics.
IC SOAP, one of the best to be
had at any price and the price
lower and the cake larger 25,C
5 cakes
DDulblin, Ireland, per package 25c
'per ib. i$c
40's or 60's at 25c
or 5 for ...61.00
'Guaranteed for 11000 hours.
EXTRACTS 2 oz. 15e quality for 10c
or 3 for 25c
8 oz. 35c quality for 25c
'116 oz. 65c quality for 50c
best 3 for 25c
LUX FLAKES— 3 for 25c
DIOMESTIC ONIONS... ,10 lbs. 25c
RICE. -2, 3 or 4 pounds ........23c
(packages 20c
Widely recommended by dieti-
cians and physicians.
Phone Phor Phood
166 -
To the Editor of The News,—In
the interests of the young people at-
tending the High 'School, may I ad-
dress a word to your readers.
In some high school towns no
amusement ;places used to be allowed
open during the school year in order
not to interfere with studies. Nowa-
days, the schools seem to be on the
lookout for all kinds of distractions—
school will be closed for Fair Day,
then for Sports' Day, then for County
Sports Day, then a little later for
North Side United Church—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, Sept, 27th.
111 a.m.-Rally Day Service. Special
hymns and address.
7 p.,m. — Autumn Thankofferin'g,
'Meeting of the Women's Missionary
Soci.ety., MIrs. Mtn -tin -lore, M.D., for
merly of China, will give a special ad-
something else—and sp on.
'Phe boys and girls go to school
to study—and it costs good money.
Why cannot these extras be put on—
if at all necessary, Which I doubt—
on Saturdays?
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Siholdice were
in Stratford on Mlonday at'tend'ing the
funeral of the fornier's cousin, Mrs.
Margaret Nichols. Mrs. Nichols, who
was one of the oldest .residents of
Stratford, passed quietly to her rest
at her home, 36 Norman street, on
Fridley. Death occurred following a
lenlgthy illness. Born at Seaforth
sixty-one years ago, daughter of the
late Thomas Hodgins, Mrs. Nichols
went to Stratford when sixteen years
of .age with her parents and had been
a resident of the city ever since. She
.married 35 years ago to Mr. Ni-
chols, who predeceased 'her by seven
years. A member of Knox Presby-
terian 'Chureh, she took a .keen int-
erest in all its activities until illness
prevented her from. leaving 'home.
Surviving her are three sons, Dir. T.
R. Nichols, Bruce Nlitch'ols and Brack
Nichols, all of Stratford, and one dau-
ghter, Mrs. Otto Ney, of Cincinatti,
Ohio. Also there are two sisters and
one brother, Mrs. ,Pruttle, df vIi'.tc}hell,
William; Of Stratford, .and Elizabeth,
of Meaford, Interment was made in
Avondale cemetery, Straltford.
Stratford Normal school opened on
Tuesday of last week with the nn-
isually large attendance of 240 pupils.
Misses Kathryn Byrne, Dlor'othy Mfol
yneaux and Rose O'Connlor, f%ronn,
Dublin, are in attendance.
Threslhin'g is the order of the day
!n this vicinity,
'Isfiss Bernice McGrath returned to
Detroit after visiting her home here.
Miss Helen Roache of Toronto is
spending her holidays visiting friends
h ere.
Mr. Hugh Benninger spent Sunday
at his home here.
!Miss Von McConnell visited her fa-
ther over the week end,
Miss Anna Mlolyueaux spent Sun-
day at her home in Dublin.
blue cOa1'R10 HOUR
on the air Every Sunday
Evening 5130 to 6:30
WGR - Buffalo
CFRB - Toronto
WHEC - Rochester
160 prizes each month e.= Tune in
Your Local Dealer
A very pretty September wedding
was solemnized Tuesdaymorning in
!St. Janes' Church, Seaforth, by Rev,
Fr: Gaeta, when Mary Alice, daugh-
ter of Mr. Thomas Pineau, was unit-
ed in marriage to ' John J. Nigh of
Tuckers math.
The bride who was given in 'mar-
riage by Fier' father, was becomingly
gowned in eggshell satin trade on
princess lines with long sleeves and
very fell skirt. Her veil, which form-
ed a train, was of embroidered . net,
was caught into a Juliet cap with' or-
range blossoms. She carried a bouquet
of Oplielia roses, lily of the valley and
maiden hair fern, The bridesmaid was
her sister, Mlis's Agnes Purcell of To-
ronto, who wore a French blue geor-
eargette dress and an Empress Eugenie
black velvet hat and accessories to
match. Her bouquet was carnations
and maiden hair fern. The groom,
was assisted by Mr. John Walsh.
The wedding music was played by
Mrs. Frank Devereaux. The groom's
gift to the bride was a gold wrist
watch, to the bridesmaid a blue pen-
chant and to the best man gold cuff
links. The ushers were Messrs. Lewis
and Joseph Purcell, 'bro't'hers cif the
bride. Following the ceremony a wed-
ding breakfast was served at the
home of the bride's father to the im-
mediate families and a few friends,
Later the bride and groom left -r by mo-
tor for Toronto and points north. The
bride travelled in a navy blue en-
semble with hat to match.
On Tuesday of this week about 715
ladies of North Side United Church
met to erijoy their .Septe'nidber social
meeting at the home of Mrs. R. H.
Ferguson. ,A most Ipieasing feature of
this meeting was the shower of in-
fants' and children's clothing for our
needy sisters of the West, to vvlhich:
the ladies of the church most gener-
ously responded, Each of the six
groups along with Miss Ferguson's
Sunday School class, "The King's
Daughters," had a wonderful display
of goad, warm winter .clothing,.which
we feel sure will be most thankfully
received. The meeting under .the
convenorslhip of Mrs. 3ekili tosh was
opened with a 'hymn and Mrs. Lane
leading in prayer., The Bible lesson
for the day was taken by Mrs. Hinch-
ley, and Mrs. Laing gave a most in,
teresting talk, urging that in this cris-
is our missionay work should not
have to suffer. A duet by the Misses
Helen Lane and Bessie Cluff was
'much appreciated.. This was followed
by a reading entitled, "Mine and
liam's Tliankofferiag," by Mrs. R.
&S'avauge, in 'her usual ple'asin'g man-
ner. The meeting was closed by re-
peating the Lord's prayer in unison.
A delicious lunch was served by the
ladies of Group No. '5. The offering
amounted to $'W. The Auxiliary ap-
prelciates very much the donation
from the Home Hoppers. Several. have
expressed their willingness to shake
further contributions and these will
be grateful'l'y received by any member
po'f the supply tom, Mrs. IHinc'hley
L\'irs. Spencer, Mrs. Tyerman and
Miss Ferguson within the next week.
The opening m'ee'ting of this organ-
ization was held in North Side United
Church on Monday evening, Septem-
ber 21st, with the president in charge,
iHysnn 98 was sung, after which Mrs.
Inane offered prayer. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and
ad+olpted, followed by the roll call
Delegaltes were appointed to attend
the sectional convention to be helix in
Wlalton on October 116th. Miss H.
Lane. leader 'a1 Circle 4, presided
over the remainder of the evening and
the Scripture lesson, h'Ia'tt. 9:1143,,
read by Mrs. Gonane, followed by the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison.
Mrs. Close gave the devotional leaflet
and Mrs. B'echely favored with a sola,
"Are You Lonely?" accompanied on
the piano by Miss H. Lane. Leaflets
on the topic "Medical. Wiork. +in. 'Can-
ada," were read by Misses H. Lane,
ID. Hutson and R. Fennell, fol lo'wi 1g
which was ,a sentence prayer by Miss
A. McKay. Ph'e meeting was closed'
by singing hyanae 31M, and repeating
the Mizpala henedictios.
The EganoicIviile Church people
are invited to share in a canned fruit
and pickle shower at their Rally Day
Service on Sunday, 'September 27th..
This contribution will 'he ship'ped on
Septe'miber 30th with the carload of
vegetables to the dried out areas in
ISIa s;katcihewa n.
Miss Frances Fortune, daughter of
NT. and b:lrs. Leo Fortune, has won
the gold piece donated by the Sea -
forth swbdvision of the Catholic' Wo-
men's League. This prize is given to
the pupil of the parish obtaining the'
highest narks at the Entrance exam-
ination. Miss Fortune is to be con-
gratulated as she was one of the high-
e'bit pupils w'lib wrote at the Seaforth
centre. She was a pupil of Union S.
S. No. 1, McKillop, and is now attend-
ing the Seaforth Collegiate and her
many friends wish her continued suc-
C. W. L.
The Catholic Worneli's League held
the first meeting of the fall term at
which Rev, Father 'Goetz gave an ad-
dress. Miss Frances Fortune was
awarded the prize for highest stand-
ing in the Separate School' entrance
examination. It was decided to hold a
challenge euchre in St. James' parish
hall on Tuesday evening, Sept. 29th,
The anniversary of St. Andrew's
United Church will be held on Sun-
day, October 13th. The services at 11
a.m. and '7:30 ,p.m. will be conducted
by Rev. D. E. Foster, B.A., of Clinton.
Rally Day service will be -held next
Su]]nday., September 37th at 10 a. mi.
The certificates and diplomas will be
presented at this service. The parents
and all interested in the Sunday
School are invited to this Rally Day
IService'will be held at 11 a.m.
ivir. Alex. Sproat of Toronto is
spending a couple of weeks with his
brother, Mr. NV. 'C. Sproat.
Mr.Clarence McLean left on Mon-
day to resume his duties at college,
which he expects will be his final
A great many from here attended
anniversary services at H'illsgreen on
1.Sundiay last..
!Silo filling is the 'order of the day
and corn is an extra heavy crop.
Mrs. John (Gilmour visited for a' few
days in !London recently.
The 'heavy ,rains over the .week end
delayed the bean harvest for a time.
The death occurred in London on
Saturday at the family residence o1
Mrs. Grace MadDonald, 4510 Colborne
street, where She had been Flick for
nearly four months. Mrs. Mee'D'on-
a'ld was a native of Kippen. but had
,been a resident of London for the
past forty years. She was a member
of Sit. An.dre;w's United Church and
had been an active worker. Surviving
are her husband, a soar, Thomas Ar-
thur, of London; three brothers, Ar-
thur, 'Williams and A'llb'ent Anderson.
and four sisters, Mrs, F. Landon,
Mrs. Jessie Fraser, Mrs. Jean Wind-
ers and .Mrs. 'Clare W'ork'man. The
funeral was held to Baird's cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake spent`
Wednesday last in London.
dross Marie Hodgson of Wilton
Grove is visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Harold Penh;ale.
IMr, and Mrs. John Scotchmer
spent Wednesday l'as't in London.
Mr, A'Wi4l iScotchnier was in 'Clin-
ton on Friday last.
Home 'Burned.—Mr. William Ross'
house on the Constance Road was de-
stroyed by fire about 3 o'clock Satur-
day morning. The fire started in the
kitchen from an 'explosion when Mr.
!Ross was filling patent lamp. (With
the ptnnp 'breaking and the heat driv-
ing Ih'im1 from the ,phone, the fire had a
chance .to spread beyond control. Mrs.
Ross, Margaret and 'K'at'hleen, were
rou'se'd, but very little beyond ,the
piano and contents io'f one upstair
room were saved. Tike house was a
two storey, white ' 'frame building
about half a mile from the Highway.
Mr Ross was away during the even
ing; the fire started after his return,;
The loss is partially covered 'by in-
surance. 'Tlhe family are living in
the Mann house on the corner of their
far'tn, on the Highway, 'which, though
furnished, has not been occupied late-
ly. The night of the lire, 'Miss Ethel
'Ross was staying in Seaforth with
her cousin, Miss Jean Turner, but her
two younger sisters, Margaret who
comes home every night from Clin-
ton ICollegiate, and Kathleen who is a
pupil of S. S. No, 2, 'Hallett, were
both home. The win which stood
right beside the house, the cellar foun-
dation and 'a lilac tree at • the front
is all that remains of a fine honne, By.'.
good fortune the wind was blowing
away from a large straw stacks and
EFECTIWE eyesight gives
unmistakable warnings
that all is not well. • Holding a
newspaper too far or too near
when reading ... frequent head-
aches... squinting... scowling
are all signs that you need
an eye examination.
Heed the first. warnings. A thor-
ough, dependable eye examination
and a fitting with Orthogon Full -
Vision Lenses will save you pain,
trouble and the possibility of per-
manent injury.
Fred. S. Savauge
M. Ross Savauge, R. O., Eyesight Specialist
the barn, but as the barn and house
were not far apart Mr. Ross let the
live 'stock out of the barn, which also
delayed the work of removing the
furniture 'from the 'front part of the
Mr. Ed. Davidson and Miss Bessie
'Davidson of 'W,alton visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Britton Sunday.
Mr. S. Cole of Listowel is visiting
his sister, Mrs. Pollard.
'Mr. and Mfrs. Will McMillan and
daughter, Marion, of London spent
the week end at Mrs. MCMillan's
Mis's Florence Taylor, RJN., of
Nakina Red Crass hospital, is spend-
ing her three weeks' holidays at 'the
home' of her mother, Mrs. Henry Tay-
Miss .Mildred Britton left for Lon-
don on Thursday to train in the On-
tario hospital as a nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson and
'Mrs. MdNalbb visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ferguson in Gb'd-
erioh over the evee'k end.
MMMT, Lawrence Taylor has returned
to Detroit after spending his vacation
with his mother: Mrs. Henry Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. William Britton were
visiting relatives in Lanibton county
aver the week end. Miss Mildred
Britton returned with them from hol-
idaying at Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. James MfclGiil and
Miss Ellen McGill of Clinton spent
Saturday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin Dexter.
!Miss Teenie Waugh o'f Teesw'ater
is spending a couple of weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby.
'Mr, D. Cole of Flint, Mich., is visit-
intq his sister, Mrs. Thomas Pollard,
at present.
Mr. Chas. Wakefield and Mr. Har-
old Glazier spent a couple of days
at London last ,week.
'Mr, and Mrs. Roy Blarnett of Wes-
ton spent the week end at the 'home
of Mrs. B.arnett's brother, Mn. Robt,
iMessrs. Walter Scott, Benj. Snell
and Howard Armstrongare :bus
cutting their corn this week.
ISp endi'd congregations attended
the atntiversary services in the Hills-
Rich -
green Church on Sunday last. Rev.
A. V. Robb of Centralia delivered two
fine sermons, and the Kipipen choir
gave special anthems. A quartet was
given in the morning by Messrs. An-
drew Bell and J. B; MhtLean, Mrs. Ed.
'Butt and Mrs. J. B. McLean; in the
evening a duet was given by the
lktisses Florence and Mary T'honvpsosi
with Mrs. Henderson accompanying.
Rev. R. R. Conner will conduct the
service on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 2.30
Mrs. K. Clark of Detroit, who has
been spending a few weeks at the
'home of°lier sisters, Misses Mary .and
Dolly Hagan, and brother Frank, re-
turned to her ;tome
iMr. and Mrs. W. Weido spent a day
in 'Clinton and G'oderich recently.
Mr. and Mrs. J. .liteEwen of Hen-
salt and Mr. and Mfrs. A. Keys of .Es-
ater were recent visitors at the home
of Mr. Ross .Love.
Mrs. J. Cochrane is spending a few
days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Dick of Toronto.
Mis's Lillian Steacey of Detroit
spent the week -end with friends in
this vicinity.
Mrs. Ashton .and son Douglas of
Tillson'burg were visiting at the home
o'f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rich-
ilees Ruth Richardson voile spent a
few days with her sister at Till'son-
•brag, returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lans-
ing, Mich., spent the week -end with
'Mr, and Mrs. A. 14I.c3lurtrie of To-
ronto and Mrs. 'M'd3furtrie of Heesalf
visited with friends 111 this .vicinity-
Nirs. Frank Farquhar of Hensall
spent the week -end at the home of
..Mr. J. Coa•
livlrs. L. spent a few days"
recently at the home of Mr. and :Mfrs:.
W. Hyde of Hensall
Special Notice.
'A Car Load of Fruit and Vegetables will be sent to the dried
out areas of Saskatchewan on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,
from Seaforth, C.N.R.
The people of Brucefield, Egmondville, McKillop and Seaforth
are asked to bring their contributions Tuesday and Wednesday,
Those who have\ contributions to make will be able to get informa.
tion from Revs. W. P. Lane, W. A. Bremner, W. F. Smith, C.