HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-09-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eb.y .of : South- a'mplten spent the week end at the home of 7tr, and Mrs. W, J. White.. '!Mfrs. D. MelKinnoai spent a clay last ,week visiting friends in Varna. Air. and Mrs. Roy 11cLaren visit- ed friends in Stratford an 'Sund'ay last. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilmore of the IVVes,t are visiting sit the home of Messrs. John and Wm. Craig. Messrs. jack and Fred Stteaaoy ae- co'nrp'anied by their mother and sister, of Detroit are spending their vacation visiting friends' in and around Hen - sail, lblr. Charles Rhodes of Bidgetowt visited last week with Mr. and Mrs Laird Mickle. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Love of Hills - green spent Sunday at the , home of 'Mrs, Alex, McMurtrie, The many friends of Mrs. Agnes Ross will be sorry to hear she is confined to her home through illness. ,Mr„ and Mrs. Lloyd • Davis 'left for Hamilton last week, where Mr. Davis has securerd a good position. Mrs. Leo Bishop of North Battle- ford, Sask., is visiting her mother, Mrs. B. Welsh. Mrs. Enitna Hawthorne of Hous- ton, Texas, is, visiting at the hone of Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Brock. 1hlrs. Hannah Patterson is visiting !tor a few days truth friends in Kin- cardine. .Mr. 'Mervyn Brown of Toronto vis- ited last week with his parents here. The new grain elevator being con- sltructed for Messrs, Thompson & iCo„ of Blenheim, is about completed. Another story has been added to fhe building and when completed will be one of the finest elevators in this dis- trict. Miss Edith Forrrest visited last week with friends in Hillsgreen. 'Miss Flossie Foss has returned home after several weeks' visit in To- ronto. 'Mrs. Wm. McLean of Hamiltons is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. William L. -McLaren has a ,dahlia in his garden of the fancy var- iety, which stands 9 ft. in height and has a number of large, beautiful flow- ers in bloom., Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. In the United Church, Mrs, Gardiner of lKairkton delivered a fine address in the morning and Rev. Arthur'.Sinclair occupied the pulpit in the evening. In the Sit. Pal's Anglican 'Church, Rev. M. Parker had charge of the services and in the morning Holy Communion was observed., The Young People of the United Church held their League meeting on Monday evening last in the form of a. social, the program being in charge of Mrs. !Maude Redden. After the opening exercises an instrumental 'Was given by Mis'a Gladys Luker, followed by a reading by Miss Ellis. An instrumental was given by 'Miss Mildred Smillie, after which several seleotions were given by the Hyde. -orchestra. The topic, which was very ably given by Me, Similar, was on. "The Depression in Saskatchewan," after which a social hour was spent in contests and •games. At the close of .the evening candy was served. Next Sunday Holy Communion will be observed in the Carmel Presbyter- ian Church, and Rev. Mr. Kane of Seaforth will occupy the pplpit. ;Miss Lizzie Bean, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Scott - Memorial Hospital, is at date of writ- ing improving nicely. Mr. Frank Delbridge of Exeter spent Tuesday in town. Mr. Albert Spencer and son are making good progress with the house they are building on King street. Mrs. Nicholas Guppard of Detroit is visiting at the home of Mrs. John Din'sdale, Miss Edna Bntt of Toronto is s'pend'ing a few days visiting frien'd's in and around Hensall. While -visiting at the home of Mrs, J. H. Petty, Mrs. iBu'tt of Toronto fell, breaking her arm, near the shoulder. STAFFA Miss Donis Colquhoun has returned to Belleville after spending the holi- day at the home of her parents. 1Vfr. and Mrs. F. Condon of Hamil- ton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Reed. Mr. Howard Leary of London spent the week end with his parents. Messrs. Lyle and J. M. W.or.den spent the week end with Toronto ifriends. Miss Kathleen Colqulroun has re- turned from Jamestaw?n, N.Y., where she was visiting with: her aunt. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute o-men's,Institute will be held on Wed- nesday afternoon, September 23rd, at 2,30 pm. The roll call is to be answer- ed with Rules for Health. The Misses A. Lawrence and M. Wilson of Sea - forth are exipected to be present and give addresses. •; All the ladies of the community are invited to be present, also the junior Institute. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 TOWN TOPICS' TWENTY—FIVE,, YEAR'S AGO Septe'mber;" 1905. 19 t. 3,0h0 H'ays of Haysviil'e is vis icing his brother, itZt'. Thos. E. Hays, this week. He is.over 82 years of age and is remarkably smart and active for his years, A. large amount of cheese, which has been in cold storage at Mr. D, ,D. 'Wilson's, was shipped from the local station to Vlanicouver this week. Messrs. Alex. :Bethune wed John (Case, who have been employed at Reid & !Wilson's hardware Store, are leaving this week for the west. 'Mr. Bethune goes to Souris, where he has secured a good position, while Mr. Case will try his fortune at Witnnipe'g. IMr. Will Crich picked a Monster mushroom on 'Mehl • street the other day, which weighed once pound. It was of the light colored variety. Mr. W. j. Vale; deputy inspector of insurance .companies, was in town nnakin'g his regular itnslpect!iona of the books of the McKaillop Fire Insurance Co, He pronoun'ce'd' the company one af the best managed in' Ontario. Prize T ear. 'Mr. D. Donovan has returned from visiting the fairs at London and Tor- onto. At 'London he carried off 'b'oath. the first and the sweepstake prizes in the heavy draft class and at Toronto took second prize. He received many tempting offers for this exceptionally fine team, hut as yet they remain his property. Beechwood, Three noted lovers of the hunt scoured the woods of this distriot 'on Tuesday: Before starting the mana- ger, a gentlennan from Seaforth, en- gaged a dray to draw home the game, with instructions not to mix fur and feathers in loading. He now admits that if they did not get partridge, grouse or duck, they gat plenty of ducking. Secures a Patent. Mr. J. E. Wise, of the Huron road, Tucicersmith, is the inventor of an ap- pliance for opening and closing farm gates without leaving a rig, that is a marvel of simplicity and effectiveness. He has secured a patent for it and purposes putting the article on the market. A Diplomatic Letter. (11. G. Cameron, MIP:P. of Gode- rich, took up the question o.f electric car service by the CPR. 'between Brussels and 1Seafonth, and received the following letter from' Mr. 3. W. ILeonardi manager of :construction. 'C.P:R: "I have yours of July 19 and am rather favorably impressed with the proposition for the con'strtrction of an electric line between Brussels and Seaforth, and have no doubt that, as soon as the electric power that is now about to be generated at 'Niagara Falls, is distributed through the coun- try, that this line wilt be built and operated. 'Jost as soon as the Electri- cal Companies are in a ,position to dis- tribute the power and give us rakes, so that we will be in a position to snake comparisons, 'I will then take the matter up again." Injuries Prove Fatal. The many friends if the young .ratan and of the Carlin family, will learn with regret that the injuries sus- tained by. John Leo Carlin a couple of weeks ago. through a 'fork handle penetrating his body, have proved fa- tal. Last week his condition was such that bright hopes of his recovery were entertained, but during the early part of this week a change for the worse ocourred and he paeese:d away at an early hour Tuesday mornfnlg. Garden Party 'The garden party at the home of 11'r. j, F. '1+fc'Lrfosh, MIaKiIlop, was a pleasant event. The beautiful lawn which was decorated with evergreens, was alto 'hung with Chinese lanterns. The platform contained the national colors in profusion and was prettily draped with tissue paper of various colors artistically arranged and as the Pretty In Qi tripped back anal forth, serving refreshments to the guests, the scene resembled' a picture from fairyland. Rev. Mr. 'McNabb acted as chairman and the program in part consisted a number of well rendered and high class sefeotfdns by the Bethel and Walton church choirs. Organ selections with variations by iefiss Dora Kinney, which were well received, Allen Brothers gave a num- ber ,of selections on the violin in fine style. Rev, Mr. Baker gave a nice ad- dress and Mr. T. :McFadden favored the company with a humorousrecite- tion spoken distinctly. 'Me. John Mc- Donald of Seaforth was also present with his b'agpi'pes, and was ready to respond to all the calls§ made upon him for music and which were quite, n'ume.rous. While it would• be impru- dent to mention the names of all who in the preparation, special mention m'us't be made of Mrs. Mc- letos'h "and ivtiss Rosa Langford. I h CARDINiG'S HALL ALL COLORED DANCE BAND FAIR NIGHT Sept. 25 (Lad'ies 25c, Gentlemen 50c ZURICH. School Fair. --Grain. and. Corn= Spring wheat, quart, :S.S. 7 Fred Brawn; oats, quant, 3 Wilmer Adkins, 7 'Blianche Grenier, 7 iEar1 (Deichert, 3 Billie Fuss; barley, quant, 3 Ivan Rei- chert, 3 Billie Fuss; barl'e'y sheaf, 7 Kenneth S't'ock; field corn, Longfel- lo'w, 6 ears, 7 Marie Bedard, 7 Mil- dred Haberer, 7 !Grace Meyers, 7 Elda Koehler. Roots and Vegetables— Mangold's, 7 William !Brown, 7 Carl Decker, 7 !Ruth !Brown,. 7 Ruth rFosfter; turnips, 7,Cart Decker, 7 Le- nora ,Haberer, 7 Eileen Beaver, 7 'Mar- jorie Gallman; beets, 7 'Archie 'Mac- Kinnon, 7 Keehleen Kocheams, 7 Vera •Flastboard, 7 Ruth Johnston, 7 !Doris Meyers; parsnips, 7 Geraldine Den- emme, 7 'Alice Beaver,- Cecile Den- onrme, 7 Doreen O'Dwyer; onions, 7 Almeria Deichert, 7 Charles 'Thiel, 7 1Lennis Thiel, Leroy Thiel. Flowers —Asters, 7 ,Allan +Gascho, 7 Beatrice Meidinger, 7 Chas. Thiel; phlox, 7 Archie 'MaclKinnon; zinnia, 7 Bert .Deichert, 7 Dolores 'U'ittleholtz, 7 Bruce Church; cosmos -4 Karl De- cker, 7 Vary -Merner, 7 Audry Fos- ter verbena, 7 Mae Smith, 7 Mildred Haberer, 7 Wilmer Snider, calendula, 7 Ruth Foster, 7 Eiroy"Desjardine, 7 Ross Johnston; Fr. marigolds, 3 Jean Pylbus, 7 Marjorie Gallman; pinks, no- thing but teats; gallardia, 7 Harry Foster, 7 Louise Willer•, 7 Doris Me- yers; bouquet of any single variety at flower,., 7 Louise Willert, 7 Archie McKinnon, 7 Vera Decker. Poultry -!Barred Rock cockerel, 7 Elroy Des- jardine, 7 Mildred Haberer, 7 Fred (Brown, 7 Dorothy O'Brien; Barred Rock pullet, 7 Lenora Haberer, 7 E'l- roy Desyardine, Mildred Haberer, 7 Fred Brown; Wahite Leghorn cocker- el, 3 Mildred Pybus, 7 Elroy Desjar- dine; White Leghorn pullet, 7 Lenora Haberer, 7 Dorothy O'Brien, 3 Jean 4Pybus; dozen brown eggs, 7 Elroy Desjardine, 7 11'i;ldred Haberer,• 7 'Carl Decker, 7 Wilmer Snider; dozen 'white eggs, 7 Audrey Foster, 7 Mar- jorie Gallman, 7 Greta Flexb'ard; dog, Willis Foster, 7 Chas. Thiel, 7 Dor- othy O'Brien, 7 Grace Meyers; any Pet, 7 Ruth Johnston, 7 Ross Uttley, 7 Archie MacKinnon, 7 Audrey Fos- ter; winter wheat, quart, 7.Elroy Des_ jandine, 7 Marjorie .Gal9m7an, 7 'C'arl Decher. Vegetables --Potatoes, Irish Cobbler=7 Louise Widlert, 7 Alice. Beaver, Marjorie Gallman; Green Mountain pdtatoes, 7 Marjorie Gell- man, 3 Marjorie Deters; Dooley po- tatooes, 3 Ervin Reichert, 7 Alice Beaver, 3 Ivan Reichert; pumpkin pie, 7 Doris Meyers, 7 Louise Willert, 3 Clarence Love; 'collection of garden vegetables, 7 Audry Foster, 'Lenora. llladerer, 7 Doris Meyers; sheaf of winter wheat, 7 Elroy •Desjardine, 7 Earl Deichert, 7 Marjorie Gellman. Fruit—Northern Spy apples, Marjorie Gallman, 7 Eileen Beaver, 7 Grace Meyers; snow apples, 7 Elgin Snider, 7 Alice Beaver, 7 'Mildred Haberer; fall pears, 7 Eileen Beaver, 7 Leila Clausius, 7 Viola K9opp; winter pears 7 Dorothy O'Brien, 7 Alice :Beaver, 7 Elroy Desjardin:e. Live S'.tock--Ba- con type hog, 7 Albert Olaus'ius, 7 Gladwin Melick, 7 Claude Gelinas, 7 'Grace Gelinas 7 Grace Gelinas; feeder hog, 3 Laird Jaco'be, 3 Ross Walters, 7 Claude Gelinas, 7 Karl Decker; spring 'colt, 7 Grarce Gelinas, 7 Claud Gelinas; halter broke colt, Claude Ge- linas, 7 Grace Gelinas; market lamb, Albert Clausius, 7 Grace Gelinves, 7 Claude Gelinas, 7 Blanche Grenier; beef calf, 7 Bertrand Diechert, 3 Laird Jacobe, 3 Ross Walters; dairy calf, 7 Gladwin Me -lick, 7 Karl ,Decker, 7 'Rohner Salmon, 7. Hubert Salmon, halter broke call, Albert :Clausius, 7 !Hubert Salmon, 7 Karl Decker, 7 El- roy Desjardine. Domestic Science— Plain bran muffins -7 Alpha Meyers, 7 Ruth Johnston, 7 'Florence Schwalm tea biscuits, 7 Geraldine Denomme; 7 Veronica Stock; 7 Ruth Brown, 7 IFi:orence Mittlelholtz; rolled white cookies, 7 Edna Kochems, 7 Mildred •Haberer, 7 Marjorie Gallman, 7 Doris Meyers; plain white cake, 7 Grace 1'feyers, 7 Margaret !Schwalm, 7 Blanche Grenier; -maple cream, 7 Ruth Foster, 7 Audrey Foster, 7 Mar- jorie Gallman, Dielores Mittlehol'tz; To safeguard the child from da - peanut taffy, 7 Vera'Decker. Sewing mage that worms cause, .use hIliler's —Doll's patch work quilt, 7 Dorothy Worm Powders, the medicine par ex - We e,e, 7 Doris Meyers, 7 Alpha Mey- cellence, for children. These powd- ers; spoon case, 7 Doris Meyers, 7 crs will clear the systeT entirely of Kathleen Kochems; padded holder, 7 worms, Will regulate and stimulate Marjorie ,Gallman, 7 Mang. Schwalm, the organs injuriously •affected by the 7 Viola K1opp; pillow slips, emb„ 7 worms, and will encourage healthful Grace Meyers, Edna IKa c;hems; free operation of the digestive processes. and paper ctetting and folding model As a vermifuge it cannot be sturipassed of 'basket, 7 Florence Sch'wal'm, Jean- in effectiveness. ette Salmon, 7 Routh Brown; salt box, 7 Laird Thiel; farm milk stool, Ar- chie MacKinnon; bird house, 7 jack .Berner; rope halter for calf, 3 Or- land Reichert; scrap hook, livestock, IF osenare Miitleholtz, Vera F9axbard; collection, Of leaves, 7 Viola Klapp, 7 Vera Decker, 7 Archie 'Mackinnon; collection of 15 weeds, 7 Ruth Fos- ter; collection of 20 species insects, 7 Quimlbe Hess, 7 Archie MclKin•non, Ruth Foster; collection of 8 diseases of vegetables and field crop's,.7 'Le- l'and Schwalm, 7 •Margaret Schwalm, 7 Audrey Foster; flower in pot, 7 Gre- ta' Haberer, 7 Chelsea Thiel, 7 Jean- ette ,Salmon, 7 •Ruth Brawn; linoleum Piitern, 7 ,Ediath Uttley, 7 Lewis 'Thiel, 7 Gerald Regier, 7 Doreen Ducharme; group • of two fruits, 7 Tiheresa Zetted, 7 Launa Deichert, 7 Patricia Duch- erne, 7 Mae Smith; chalkbook and water tunubder, 7 Lou*.. Willer,•, 7 Paul Hess, 7 Grace Meyers, 7 Lenora lHiaberer; landscape medium, 7 Ruby 'Church, 7 Hazel Uttley; ;map of Hu- ron-contty, 7 Earl Deichert, 7 Fred •Hess, 7 Edith Uletley, 7 Audrey Fos- ter; map of Quebec, 7 Theresa Zettel, 7 Viola Klopp, 7 Mildred Iiaberer, 7 Mildred Kiefer; Map of Asia, 7 Len- ora Iiaberer, 7 Grace Meyers, 7 Ruth Faster, 7 Paul Hess; product map of Canada, 7 •Ruth' Church, 7 Ruby Church; The Little Plant, 7 Florence Schwalm, 7 Margaret Hey, 7 Leila Clausius, 7 Irene Turheim; October's Party; 7 Jeanette Salmon, 7 Vera Flaxbard, 7 Chelsea Thiel, 7 Ruth .Brown; Lullaby, . 7 Edith Uttley,, 7 •FI'orence Mittbeholtz, 7 Doreen Duch- arme, 7 Audrey Faster; The Charge Of the Ligihit Brigade -7 Theresa Z•et tet, 7 Laura Deichert, 7 Gertrude Turkheini, 3 Bernice Thiel; My Nat- ive Land, 7 Lenora Haberer, 7 Ruth ,Foster, 3 Margaret Pybus, 7 Edith iDereIiert; Twenty -Third Psalm, 7 Ha- zel Uttley, 7 Ruth Church, 7 Ruby iChurdh. Contests—Live Stock Judg- ing for boys -7 Claude Gelinas, 7 Charles Thiel, 7 Ross Johnston; cooking competition, girls, 7 Ruth Foster, 7 Grace Meyers, 7 Edna Ko •hems; spelling •match, Willie Byohvn. Edith Deichert, Margaret Schwalm; weed naming competition, Margaret Schwalm, Quimbe Hess, Doris Grab; pttblic speaking, Mae Smith, Grace '!foyers, Viola Klopp, Ruth Foster; Story telling, Doris Meyers, Florence ni:i'ttlNholtz, Audry Foster; school pa- rade, No. 3, Roams 1, 2, 3, 4, Of No. 7. T. Eaton Company Limited prizes for champion .pupils, '7 Marjorie Gallman, silver troplhy; 7 Elroy Desjardine, books; 7 Ruth Foster, ,books. HARLOCK (MissMarjorieColson attended To- ronto fair one day last week. Mr. William Leiper left on Sunday for Toronto where he expects to at- tend Normal. Mr, and Mrs. William, Knox of Grey visited over the week end at the home of .the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox. Messrs. Ernest and Ward Knox are at present busy trucking corn to Go- derirh. 'Mr. and dins. Geo. Brown and Lois with Mr. and Mrs. John Cannon, spent the week end at Brantford, HOCKEY Six months gone back some lads did say, "The Winter's well nigh o'er, No more those icy blasts will come And smite upon the door." "We'll just take off the hockey skates And hang them on the wall, We'll use the boots for football ,games And pioughun' sod this fall." "We're through with hockey forever, No more we'll chase the puck, Next year we hope some younger boys, Will cone and try their luck. 01 course that was in the Spring time Before the leaves carne on, And the' bumps a they had from hockey Had not just quite all gone. But 11ow the time is autumn, The fields again look bare, It won't he long till Johnny Frost Will .tingle in the air, When Old King Winter conies again 'With all his ice and snow, They'll put the skates back an the boots. To have a game or so. ART B. HILL. • eteeteeee- Live Poultry Wanted We ,pay the Highest Prices. We .give you good weight. We want your Live Poultry, delivered at the store, Tuesdayand Thursday mornings. f W.J. FINNIGAN ,CUEARINIG AUCTION SALE Of Cows, IHei'fers and "Farm. 'Win. Holman, Auctioneer, will sell by Pub- lic auction ,for D'aniei Mtachan, Lot 9,' 'Con. 13, McKillop Tp., Tuesday, .Sept. 22nd, at ttvo o°clock: 12 Young Dairy cows suaplposaed to be with tall and coining in early; '5, Heifers supposed -to be wtith calf; 1 purebred 'Durham bull 2 years old. IEarm. 500 acres being Lot 8 and 9, Con. 113, Township of .ledKlillo!p, will be offered:for sale subject to a •re- serve bid. Terms of farm will be nada' known on day of sale. Terms on 'Stock -12 Months' credit will be given on approved joint notes or a discount of '5°/a off for cash. No reserve. Daniel Maclean, Prop, Wm Hdleren, Auct. Win. Il-lumlphr•ies, Clerk. CARD OF THANKS IMr. and _firs. George Armstrong and family wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their help and cars and also the beautiful flowers--espec- 'ally the flowers of the School Section S. S. No. 3, Tuckersmaith. CARD OF THANKS Mr. John Dennis and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the expressions of sym- pathy shadwn them in their sad ber- eavement and the many beautiful flor- al tributes and those who kindly loan- ed their cars. I'N MEMORIAM ffn loving memory o'f my dear sis- ter, Mrs. Chas, MoDaid, who died Sept. 22nd, 1929. We watched her suffer hour by hour, It caused 'us bi't'ter grief. To see her slowly pine away, • And could not give relief; God knew that she was suffering, -And t'he hills were hard to climb, So he closed her weary eyelid, And whispered, "Peace be thine." She bade no one a last farewell, She said goodbye to none, Her spirit fled before we knew , That she from us had gone; Our lips cannot speak how we mi's's her, Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God only knows, how we miss her, do our home that is lonesome today. —Ever remembered by Sister Mar- garet. FOR SALE. Pigs for sale. ALEX, M'cIMmCIH- AIEL, P.h'one 2t33•r116. '38 FOR SALE OR RENT On North Main Street, desirable !lot with frame house and barn. Apply to, 'MRS. R. E. JIA'OKIS[0N, James Si.,. Seaforth. 38 LOST. On !Friday, September 4th, a young Fox Hound. .White with greyish. Mown head and ears. Large and small spots .of same color over body, L,eaither strap an neck and middle. $5.Q0 RIEWIAIRID to anyone .giving in- formation that will lead to the recov- ery of this animal. DIR. R. R. ROSS, Phone 110, Seaforth. MANLEY. Mr. Brine O'Hara has purchasedf what is known as lir. Mic'hcael Giv- lin's residence from Mr. Jos. IRo•urke and is moving it this 'week en' his farm to replace the one that was burned. The many friends of Mr John Deitzl Notice 1 am opening -a Shoe Repair Shop in the premises formerly occupied by Mr. D. Fountain. All work neatly and promptly done at a, reasonable price, We specialize in hand -made shoes. J. S. BARRY Why Feed Boarders No matter how good your hens are you have some 'board- ers. We are in a position to do expeaet culling `for a limited time and can offer highest market prices- for all kinks of ''poultry. Give us a ring and our truck will call. Sunnyvale Poultry Farm ANDIREiW A. MOORE Phone 137r3 Seaforth, Qnt. Wolverton Flour Mills 0o., Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. WE ARE PAYING 42c per -bus. Standard for WHEAT Attention, Farmers The Ontario Equitable Life, of Wa- terloo, heave secured from Mr. Herman +Trelie of Wembley, Alta., winner atf seven w'orld's chtinzpionelhips• for wheat, Oats and Peas, during the years 1926-1928 inclusive, a limited ggantity of his best 'prize winning - ,wheat and oasts. Samples are on dis- play at this office and may be procur- ed Free of Charge while they last through M. T. GORLESS, Dist. Manager Clinton, Ont. 38 :FOR SALE Canefortable Cottage • situate on East Goderich Street, Seaforth, form- erly occupied by Mrs. Clara 'Me- Cluskey Crowley. Immediate possessio•ncan be given_ For further particulars apply to It S. HAYS. Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE. 154 h.p. gasoline -engine. Also Delco light :'Plant, 600 watt. Apply to CUM - GARAGE Walton. 3& -FOE SALE OR RENT. House and lot on Highway 'adjoin- ing town 6f Seaforth, the property of Elizabeth Scott. House is in good re- pair, contains seven rooms, hard anal soft water, electric light. Apply to JOSE•Pai SCOTT, k. R. 2, Seaforth. are pleased to learn he is impnovingf COTTAGE 'FOR RENT in health. Electric lights, In good repair.. 'Rev. J. M. Eckant, wlhile enroute 'Town for Eastern Ontario on mission work,'Seaforth; or to The News Office. 39' called an his brothers and sisters this, week. _ Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley and farn- ily called on friends in Seaforth vicin- ity last •Sunday. Mr. Fergus McKay was awarded the five dollar gold piece for having the highest number of marks at :the entrance exams in St. Coln§nban par- ish. The presentation was made by the C. W. League of the parish. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Mr. George Welsh left last week. for Toronto to seek his fortune, • Douglas' E tian Liniment is a i quick, certain remedy for Hoof Rot or Thrush,g Fourovr gYP oar five application's ate ---_ usually enough, Lek .us 'have the names of your visitors - FOR SALE. Having given tip the McCormick - Deering Agency, have several goadused Dream Separalt.ors for sale. at a+ right price. Also a lot of good used repairs for nearly all makes' of farm. implements. W. C. GONEINI OCJK, Phone 1.46 r 1, Seaforth. Hogs, per cwt Butter, per ld. Eggs, per doz. 'Potaltoes, per bag 18c- 210 Si5c•