HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-09-17, Page 2PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Such delicacy of flavour is not found int other teas TEA *Fresh from the gardens' 162 HURON NEWS. Bob Stoddart Wins Again.—At the Dominion track and field meet held at Winnipeg ort Labor Day, Bob 'Stoddart won the laurels of the day in the pole vaulting contest, Easily superior ln this specialty Bob made it at 12 feet 51/1 inohes. His only op- ponent, D. Alinas, of H'amil'ton, failed at' 11 feet, 6 niches. As a :result of his success Bob is now assured a pos- ition an the Canadian team at.the Oil-, -ynvp•ic,games to be held at Los An- geles next year, Mrs. James A. Dalton.—The death occurredMonday, Sept. 7, of Eliza- ' heti( Alice Donovan, beloved wife of Mr. James A. Dalton, following an ill- ness of one year and a half. ales. Dalton was born at Seaforth on May 29, 1371, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Donovan. In January, '189, ,'he was married to `vfr. Dalton and resided in \Vinghan and Niagara Ialis, Deceased had been a resident 31 Grdenich for the past twenty-five. yeare. Her Christian character found •expreeeion in the many activities of .St. Peter's Church of which she was a devout member. Besides her hus- h'and she is survived by one son. J. H. Dalton of Buffalo, N.Y.; and by :two sister:, Mrs. Bert tFoctune of Sea - 'forth and Mr:. James O'Leary of Winnipeg. TWO tens, Clarence and Cyril, predecetased her. The funeral took place last ,Wednesday. Interment wac made in the Roman Catholic cemetery, Colborne. The pallbearers were D. Fortune of Owen Sound, L. Fortune of Seaforth, nephew of the ,Yecea.•ed, Jerry Dalton, Joseph C. Dalton, Terrence Hussey 'and Joseph Dalton. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were .5. H. Dal- ton, Buffalo: Mrs. James O'Leary, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. B. Fortune, Seaforth; Miss L. Dalton, Chicago; Mr. Thos. Kehoe, Port Huron; Mr. G. Robinson and Mr, R. McCaw, Buf- falo. • EARLY LAKE VESSELS. The Toronto Telegram; recently published the fallowing history of early lake vessels, which is of local interest. Alarm, Annie Agnes, Explorer, Fla. rence, John G. ho;lage, Azov. These -are the sic sailers. large and small, of which Capt. John Macdonald, of Goderich, was master. The list commences with the yacht Alarm, unknown to Toronto yachts- men of this century, but renvbered by those of last. She was once owned by Messrs. Hagerty and Gravett—whoa were shareholders in many Toron- to trading sclioenere in the brave days. ,.;,f old. The Alarm was built at Goderich in 1575 for the late M. ,P. Hayes, ,Sea - forth lumber merchant and ship- owner. John Macdonald, sailar fli 14'ayes' lumber carriers, woewise sail- ing master in \ir, Hayes' yacht. God- erich Mill remember; how he fitted her nut and took he rto Detr,it, with a crew of G?derich hays—'tel old men now, if alive --and cleaned up the American champion. John Maddon- nl'i went with the Alarm schen she migrated to Lake Ontario, It was Lt. -Col. II. J. Grassett, sec- - retery a' the Royal Canadian Yacht Clot) and later Chief Constable of • Toronto, who. with NTeeers. Anderson -and l.i.skin, bought the Alarm, She 'elan been .schooner rigged. They changed her to a yawl. They also lengthened her, and refitted her hand- somely threught.mt., ,iltc'ed :o a e reain angle, in .smooth water the Alarm would det•e'1p sad- den bursts which amazed beholders. 'She created a eensation once by lead- ing the whole fleet in a cruising race to 'Niagara. when all the petting had been on how much she would he be- hind the next -last boat in. The Alarm w'as not long lived. She was sold and broken up in the 80 s. But long before that John Macdonald, Wad left her. Saving his money and • watching : his chance he returned to e Goderich, building the fish boat 1 Annie Agnes, one of the old-time mackinaws, and naming her after his ,.wife. A little thing,and sweet—and -Els own. Second in the granite serail above his grave in Goderich ;Front the oven fish bto'at he stepped ,,to the qual te:edeck of the hundred tun .schooner Extplorer, at the time when she was owned by the late Judge Lewis, of Goderich. She killed two crews, one off Tabertnory and one . on the Greenock Shoals, S'to'kes Day. Her story is Luridly tangled with suspicions of scuttling, switched car- goes and drowned sten. lit is hard to get it s'traigh't, at this' distance, fifty years afterwards. One tale is that she was reported lost on Shingle Shoals by her master, hut was afterwards found on the Green- ock; Shoals with Spars 'above water and her crew frozen in the rigging. She was supp'o§ed to have a valuable cargo of Whiskey; bttt rhea Harry Jex, the Port Huron diver, bought the wreck two years later,and went to salvage it he was said to have found nothing but railroad iron—and what looked like augur holes in her bottom. That is one version. Another is that when she capsized' off the Tubs of Tobermory and tt owned her crew her then owner — who was itot, of course, the late Judge Lentis — was suspected of having had her loaded with a false cargo and to have scut- tled her for the insurance. But the poor man was found drowned himself —according to one story, in her cab- in, according to another in the lake— so that shoiild clear hint. All these legends cannot be true, for they are self-contradictory: If anyone can give the "true .inward- ness" it would be very welcome. It seems to be estra•blished, however, that the Explorer ,drowned two crews, one perishing on board her, when she rolled over, the other dying of ex- posure in. her rigging when she stranded in an aatu'nin gale. 'Capt. Macd'onitld was the Explorer's master in between her two tragedies. He had good luck with her. So much so that he was given contin'and of the. Florence, a full canal -sized "brig" (brigantine) with double topsail and topgallantsail. She had been built in Kingston ar Port Burwell, and was owned by \f, P. Hayes, who had own- ed the Alarm. He was twelve years in the Florence altogether. John Macdonald sailed the Flor- ence in the grain and lumber trade, when the wharves of Goderich would be lined with "far'n'-afters," "three 'n' -afters," "barques," and 'brigs, loading square timber ar boards, or shingles, tanbark and staves. Lake Huron was a great highway for the lumber hookers, and Goderich Was a great port. The barque Maitta'nde voas built there. And the E. W. Rathbun was lost there on the breakwater. Her insurance had run out at noon that day. She was lost at night. There was the Lilly Darcy, owned by Darcy and Marlton, built by Hen- ry Marlton in 1356, who built the Stanley and the Tecumseh and other Goderich vessels. She was named af- ter a welt -known shop -owner's daugh- ter. Marlton built the Stanley two years earlier, antl the Tecumseh its 1862. The latter was one of his chief works, a schooner of 245 tons register 114 feet on deck, 29 feet 4 inches beans. and 10 feet deep in the hold. She was too big to pass the Weiland Canal in her day; too wide for the locks, al- though they will now take a tes- ta' of eighty feet beans. Messr!a. Vanet-ery and Rumball (Wiled her and several other vessels. And there was the Ab's'alotn Shade what a name—built in 18'57, and the Sailor's Bride, owned by C. C. Crabb, and the old Annexation, after- wa:•de owned by Wright and Wallace Port Hope, and sailed by Capt, Charles \ 'akely, Sr. The Annexatioe was a thorough -old-timer," built in 1840 for C, C. Crabb, before centreboards carte into general use oe the. Great Lakes, She war one of the last ":,tangling keelers." 'Goderich was a great town for sailors; is yet. Big bold hills for a landfall, A snug part at their feet.. It is a big s'ltipping port yet for grain and salt, ILt has huge concrete, elevators, tapped: by the high hilt - sides. The sail trade is all done now, save for a few able .little fishing boats with auxiliary power,. These same fishboats cointnemorate Jiro, ':Macdon- ald. They are built and sailed by his sons. 1Alfter so'tue years in the Florence, with sturdy boys getting to the age where they could pull a trolpe, and.. 'atle daughters becoming useful at 'tome, Jrn'hn \'facdo'etdd, invested all THURSDAY SEPTEMBER. 1,7,, 1331.1 +01.1.1110.6 his savings in a schooner of his own, She ,was the John G. Kolfage;. built in Ani'Iterst'burg it 1869; small' and not new; but fast: She was clipper- bowed and two anasted; s'even'ty-e4diit feet on deck, twenty feet -beam, and seven feet. deep in the hold; register- ed eighty-four tons measurement, but eduld carry over 200; white bulwarks, and black below; so quick in stays it was hard to get her headsheets piloted dottn in Mime. . With the Kodfage he did well, car- rying grain ,and ealt and lumber, with his boys to help hith—"Red" and "'Mac" and "Anigy" and Bettie." They grew up to he good saitormen; . you wit! not find better fishers between Cove Island and the River than those Macdonald •hays working out of God erich today, wibh their clipper-rbolwed power boats, The old schooner 'in- fluence- is manifest in broad, round, transom sterns of these boats and figureheads crowning the kned of the. stern -a girl's head and a pair of fishes. Heads and sterns are gaily' painted, schooner fashion, One boat is the Margaret Macdonald. The other is the Mac's, of Goderich, named for Mal•colin, Redfern and Malcolm Mac- donald and their brothers are known • to every water lover on Lake Huron. john Macdonald's big chance came vehen the :schooner Azox, long a pra.f itable carrier on Lake Ontario, came on the market. ARCHBI'SHHOP WILLIAMS ILL. Archbishop Williams, :head of the Diocese of Huron, and Metropolitan of Ontario, suffered a hemorrhage of the nose while in atten'd'ance at the sessions of the executive board of Bu- ren Synod, Which Was meeting in Guelph, but the illness is regarded as of a minor mature from—which 'he is recovering. He was removed to Guelph General 1[ospi•tat on Wednes- day night, Aeehbishop Williams, in the com- pany of Archdeacon Doherty was at- tending the sessions of the executive. The arehbishoyp is chairman of the missionary society, of the Canadian church. ATI his engagements. in Guelph were cancelled as, although the iMacs; was not serious, it prevent- ed his participation in the meetings of the body assembled in. Guelph. THE HEAT WAVE 'Ontario generally suffered during the past week with a September heat wave, caused, s'o the weatherman says, by the air currents 'bringing hot air from the 'Middle and Southern States. Ottawa repotted 103 deg. on Sparks street on tFoiday, and St. Thomas re- ported unofficial heat of 98 degrees. At Tdroato the temperature reached 96 and at Galt 94, The weather of the week is stated by the weather bureau not to be .ab- normal, as the mercury reached 90 degrees on Septe'nt:ber 14 Ant year and the month 'usually has one week of summer teinper!ature. CAPABLE OIF GREAT SPEED The speediboat Miss ,England II. should be capable of a speed of 1'50 utiles an hour without ret'olu'tionary changes in her .hull, Fired Cooper, de- signer of the Harmsworth Trophy challenger said at Montreal before sailing for England. "All that is needed is a better power plant:" he said. "Our enginels at De- troit were 1427 Schneider trophy sea- plane engines. This year the British seaplanes hare R`ollsaRoyce engines of the same weight that deliver 25 per cent, more power." The slim Englishman turned aside questions on the controversy" over Gar W'ood's action in leading Kaye Don to disqualification in the second heat of the series at Detroit. "It was bad lack," said Cooper. "It -well, Wood did not break any written rules," Cooper said he had examined the wrecked Hiss England 1f and was satisfied that she could race again next year. "The :hull and engines are not seriously damaged," he said. The fate that befell Kaye Don led Cddper• to the belief that it would he wiser to have ntore than ane boat on a challenging team. he said. It was also lois belief that the race course at Detroit was unsuitable for boats' as fast as Miss England I1. "Only foolts are certain, son; wise sten hesitate." Are you sure of that, Pop?" "Ye., certain of it:" Tourist: ^1; it an offense to park on Main Street in this town?" Native: No, ss, by gum, if you 'kin park 'nn :Main Street here it's a miracle." XItke and'Pat were recovering front a motorcycle accident. "Mike," said Pat, "when you saw those two lights ahead of you, why did you say `'Watch rte sneak through here.'" Author: "But what have you against the play?" Producer: "The play." Robby ,(in the .presence of fahrily and visit -One): r`Nio, II rlbrn`t wennP kiss Miss :Long,. Slhe slapped ,daddy 'far 'loing it."—IBea'm•sw,lle 1.12x.prares, HE truth, of the 'old Scotch saying is being driven home these days. Men have learned'. that the steady accumulation of money is a financial bulwark of the first importance. A dollar saved may not seem very much — but a dollar or more laid aside every week andplaced at interest in a Savings Reserve mounts gradually into a tidy, useful sum. Do not put off the opening of a Deposit Account — decide now to save systematically. Seventeen Branches in Ontario so PROVINCE OF CIN�t J IO SAVINGS OFFICE EVERY DEPOSIT6U�iiikaED rO`NTARIOCOVERNMENT HEAD OFFICE PARLIAMENT uitt'cr`vt pFp� BUILDINGS SEAFORTH BRANCH J. M.-McM'ILLAN, MANAGER. RESCUE FOUR CASTAWAYS. .The rescue of four 'S'cottish casta- Ways, marooned for many months on the shores of Frobisher Bray, the deep inlet which cuts into the southeastern portion of Baffin Land, has been of feete'd by the C.G.S. Beothic, the stela mer chartered annually by the „Cana- dian Government to carry supplies to the far northern outposts of the Arc- tic circle. The names of the casta- ways and of their small motorketch, which a year'ago was dashed to piece's on the coast of the inlet, could not be ascertained froth the brief wireless messages received from the Beothic. Such meagre information filtering through from the sub -Arctic, however, conveys they were (nen from. the little fishing town of Peterhead, in the north of ;Scotland ,Last summer, according to the ra- dio dispatches, an intrepid quintet in- spired it-itlt the prospects of riches to be gained in the furltrade of the Arc- tic, left the Scottish portin a small motor ketch, 'What fortune befell them is not known, but the fact that; the skipper of the diminutive trading vessel died indicates that mishaps were not foreign to them. One of the four took the place of the dead ratan and ventured the ascent of Frobisher Day, There the intrepid 'fur -traders (net their drowning mis- fortune. Their motor failed, andl helplessly they were buffeted about among the ice -floes until ,finally the vessel was dashed to pieces on the rocks. All four were able to reach land. A touch of good fortune came to them in their dis'coverin'g an abandon- ed Eskimo canvp once, adding the few supplies they had been able to sal- vage to •the walrus meat found there, they eked' out a precarious existence. Last Dece'ntber, however, their plight became desperate. The rigors of the Arctic winter, .cam,bined with their total lack of nourishing food,. brought the four (nett to death's doorr, but again the gods of chance were ltaith them, for as they were on the fringe of exhaustion they were found by a bated of svartdering Eskimos. The natives fed them, tended tltent, and at length conveyed the marooned, to the post of the Royal Canadian Mounted Pollee at :Lake Harbor. There the men were Well oared for, installed in warm, comfortable quar- ters, and provided with sustenance that rebuilt thein, • When. the Beothic put into Lake Harbor the four castaways; were tak- en on board and are now en route to North Sydney, N.B. • ROBBERS GET LONG TERMS Long penitentiary tertua andlashes were imposed at Winnipeg on 'Manley Conitiser, 31, and fHarry'Dundas, 2,2, towering New York bandits who rob- bed a 'Winnipeg branch bank ,of $11,- 000 a week ago. Conhiser ;was sentenc- ed to 15 years and Dundas to 12; each receiving an additional penalty of lain lashes. The "laughing bandits" were arrest- ed by policeat ate .isolated shack 14 miles north OE Winnipeg, two days af- ter they entered la west -end branch of the Royal, Bank of Canada, herded five persons into a vault,and vanished with the loot. Friends of children of the district, the site-ifoot-four robbers were recognized by detectives at a garden party the night after the hold-up. 'The two men are stated to have lbeen iir the district for several weeks, having motored up from the United States in their own automobile. The. motor car was seized'. bypolice .in'their raid on the isolated shack. Hospitality of residents of the district in which the shack was located led to the ar- rests. The two men were invited to a garden party at which Manager F. 'Thordarsan, of the looted b'attk, and remembers of his staff were present. iNo guns or amm,uatition were found by city detectives who discovered the hidden. lair of the gunmen, but mare Wean half the missing money was toc- aited, The drastic sentence marked the second time iii •the week Magistrate R. M. Noble had taken 'a judicial step to crush the menace of gangsters and gunplay, On Monday he imposed sentences of 112 and 10 years respec- 'tive'ly an William Maxey, 3'1, and Del- bert Heise, 23, for tiro dowtttorwn. chain stare hold-ups, each rece•ivect as well ten lashes.. Ali fotir bandits, who did bheir jobs' unmasked and with a' gun apiece, came to W'i tttipeg from the United States. Dundas was stated to have been a resident of Toronto before he went to New York, PLANNED JAIL DELIVERY Of1ieials at Kingston penitentiary wire silent over the report that a plot, having for its object, mutiny and a general jail delivery, led by `Two.tGett' O'Brien, was nipped in the bud at the big prison recently. 2t s'•known that Brigadier -Central W. S. Hughes, sup- erintendent of petiitettiaries, was in the city for several days; that his visit was for tiro purpose of conducting an hrrestigatio.n, all that, as a result, 'OtBrien and four ringleaders are now in silent confin.etnent When question- ed in regard to the natter, General I-iugltes absolutely refused to. he inter- viewed, while Warden J. C. Ponsford declared that there had been no dis- tarhaoce. since the ott'tbreak a few years ago which was •engineered by Red Ryan. rHorwever, from other sourcesa it has been learned that e mutiny had 'been planners by a number of the convicts, Kinn O'Brien as their leader, anti that. eight or ten murderous daggers and stilettos, of from a foot to a foot and a half in length, several of them two- edged and as sharp as razors; Woe'' discovered in the machine shop, and that it was with these that the fine ringleaders were to be armetl and un- dertake the preliminary steps leading to the general jail delivery. All five of these mea are in for sentences ranging from 1 years to 25 years, and all for robbery with arms. It .was al- eged that the project was under the Leadership of "Two-IGun" rO'Brien, who entered the. penitentiary from Toronto a year ago, and who is rec- ognized as a desperate character. With, hint .ivere'asrsoc4rated several pris- oarers working in the mail -bang irooint • • �-v and several in the machine shop, in which latter place the daggers and stilettos were trade out of old (fides and pieces of tempered steel and hidden carefully until such time as they were 'to be needed. It is stated that 'ane inmate of the penitentiarychanced to overhear the ,plat being hatched and realizing that it meant bloodshed and murder, he reported the natter to one of the of- ficials with tete result that the w'hol'e plot was uncovered and the concealed weapons discovered. As near as can be learned, for lank of official verification the five ring- leaders armed with their daggers, planned to attack the driver of the big truck when he came to the dome in, the penitentiary and since bhere would be only one other armed official there the Eve hoped to overcome these two without difficulty, if not in one way, then in another. 'Thenone of them. was to run upstairs to the mail hag room and call out the single world "O'Brien" which would be a eignat for those men in the room who were in the plot to lay dawn their tools; and the comibined forces, in possession of the truck, and with their daggers, were to .rush the north gate, overpow- er the officials there, and thenmake their dash for liberty. MONKEYS THAT TEST MONEY. A friends Of mine, who has lived in Siam for a number of years, gives an iittteresting account of the money- testing monkeys orf that country. Large kinds of .monkeys are frequent- ly employed by tite merchants as cashiers, There i1 :u'sually a targe amount of bad amoney he circulation, In order to protect themselves the merchants employ monkey's to detect the genuine coin's front the counter- feit. !Exactly haw the mon'tvey's etre taught •to do this has never been dis- covered by Europeans, phut 'the 'fact re- ntsins that they are very clever at the fob. It is most amusing ' to see the grave business pian 'MITI the monkey sitting at his side. When any coin is handed over, this is at oncegiven to the monkey. Tote animal puts the cont in ,itis .mouth and with one bite, decides on the nature of the tiutney.'If it is good he drops it into a ba'ket at his side whilst, s'houl'd it he had, he flings it away making all kinds of angry anises. The -remarkable part about these monkeys is that they ar never wrong. However well a counter- fent cone is tnarle, the fact that it ie not genuine is detected at once by them. Excellent for Croupy Children.— When a child is suffering with croup it is a good plan to use Dr. Thomas' Eclectr•ic Oil. It 'reduces the in'flam- mationattt1 loosens the phrl'egnt giving speedy relief to the little sufferers: It is equally reliable for sore throat• and chest, earache, .rheumatic pains, cuts, bruises and sprai'n's. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is regarded by many thousands as en ,inellspensabie of the family medicine chest. •