HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-09-17, Page 1'Work while yet the daylight shines 'Man of strength 'and will] • Never does the streen let glide • 'Useless by the mill, 5 . ea ort ews Wait f&i: y w'n . SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1931. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES U all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Old Cheese Is said to be aid to digestion. We have some delightfully ymelloveold cheese 25c New •Cheese, specially prepared by !being •qu'antered and each quarter •parlatfinec1 so as to prevent mould - Mg, g, per .lb.''.,:..:18c JACOB'S BUTTER PUFFS inade in Dulblin, Ireland, per package 25c CABBAGE, .taesth herd heads at ... ...l'c'lb. SALTED PEANUTS IN SHELL per lb.........................15c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 25's 40% or .60'•s at 25c .or .5 ler ...... ...... ......$1.00 Guaranteed :for 1000 hours. EXTRACTS 2 oz. 15c quality for 10c .or 3 for 25c 8 oz. 35e quality for 25c 116 oz.'65c quality for 50c CRI'SOO.—+Per 1 lb. can 25c and with each pound a spatula or pancake rummer MIFIE. CORN FLAKES --Kellogg's or. Qua- ker 3 for 25c AMMONIA KLENZIINE.-2 for 15c CLASSLC CLEANSER—One of the best ...:... . .....::.........'3 for 25c LUX FLAKE'S- ...........'3 for 25c DOMESTIC ©:NEIRNS ... 13 lbs. 25c Seri`1blers, Exercise Books, Pens, Pencils, Rulers, 'Evershanp', Pen- cil's, Fountain 'Pen's, Copy Books, Drawing ' 03rodks, Etc„ 'for S'cheoi Opeauin'g. F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phood 166 BRODHAGEN 'WEST !Mr. and Mrs. 'William 'Fisher and daughter, Mr. and i?1rs. Eldon Fisher and children Of Stratford spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. William Koeh- ler and other friends in the 'burg, Mr. Ed. D,iegel and his mother of Du'b!1'in a000mtpanied by Mr. and Mr's. 'Henry Koehler took a motor trip to 'Kitchener and Preston over fhe,week and. Mr. and Mgrs.: R. Kahle and child - Ten spent' Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. William Hoegy, also Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Koehler and Children. :After a very dry spell we got a heavy main: on Sunday night so that the air is a little cooler and the'faeni- ers canstart to do fall ploughing, Rev. Winn Durst of South East - hope doculpieFd the pulpit iii the 'dhurch in the absence of Rev. Gaon for a change: CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. !Sunday, 'Sept. 20th. 10 a.m,—SS. and Bible Classes. 11 a.nn.-Pulblic Worship 'Subject, "With Confidence and Reoicinig," 7 pin.- iPulblic,Worship,'Rev. Colin Younlg,.. DID., former Supt. 01 Home Mission's inn Saskatchewan, will preaoh. Harvest Festival. — St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, Sunday, Sept. 20th. Rev. M. B. Parker, B.A., of Hensal1, preacher. Services, 830 a.m. 111 a.m., 3 p,ni. and '7 p.m. Tue'sd'ay, 22nd Sept.,. 5-7.30 pmt., .Harvest Supper, 50c. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. T. W. W. Evans, Bradford, Ontario, announce the en- gagement of their only daughter, El- izabeth A. (Betty'), to James T. Jackson,. son, of Judge and Mrs. J. A. 'Jackson, Lethbridge, Alberta. • W.M.S. At the .social •meeting of the W:M.iS. of the United Ohurc'h, which is to be held at the home of Mns., R. N. Fer- guson,, 'Sperling street, on Tuesday, September 32nld, a shower ' of infants' and ohildren's Clothing will be receiv- ed for sending to unfortunate people. in the West., WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 'The Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting, September 9th, at the home of Miss .Jean Poth- erinigham, the .mee'ing under the con- venorship of Miss Annie Moore, was opened with the Institute ode follow- ed by the Lond''s' prayer in unison. Miss Margaret Rroadfoct read on health and child welfare an'd! Miss Vera Forsyth on Education, Miss Helen Thompson, Home Economics, each one of the readings being veiny interesti'n'g and much enjoyed by all. The roll call was a suggestion for the fall fair, answered by 25 girls. The minutes of the last meeting were read' and adopted. Miss Annie Moore read; a very interesting piece on the stan- dard of living. Miss Dorothy Elgiie. moved 'the meeting be adjourned, , se- comd,ed by Viva Forsyth. Daring the social Mall hour a spelling match in geography took p•la'ce with. Alice Thompson anis Erma Bro,aidfo'ot cap- tains, after which refreshments were. served' by the lunnch committee, 'as- aiste'd by Mrs. Fotherin'ghaim and ;Jean. A vote of thanks was moved to Mrs• lCotlneringilam and jean for 'their -ho'sp'itality. 'BLUE COAL You can't find a more dependable or more economical fuel anywhere Your Local Dealer SOLVAY COKE QUALITY -SERVICE PHONE.. EC;L.: BOX .43. a..• VOLUNTEER. PO'C'O'H ANTAS SEAFORTH COLLEGIATE SEA'FORTH FALL FAIR. Thefoll'o'wing are the new regula- tions concerning the Middle School: The directors of the Seaforth A ui 'Mtdd'le School Exammati'ons, Spec-' cultural S'o'ciety are putting forth ial. Provisions. • 10 (4) ri4fiddile ,School standing will be granted to pupils in attendance at the day classes of any Collegiate ins'titu'te, (High, Continua- tion, or Vocational School, under the .following 'con'dition's: (a) The qualifications of the teach- ers concerned 'anid the ,provisions made for teaching the Middle School courses shall be siaibisifadtory to the Minister of Education. ('b) A pupil, to be granted' standing in a paper, shall have completed the prescribed course therefor and in the judgment of the .prin'ci'pal and the teacher shall have att'ain'ed a stand - lag on his year's work of at least 66 per cent., (c) 'T'he principal of the school and the teachers of the subjects concern- ed shall certif3 that the foregoing condition s have been fulfilled. Four students from the graduating class of the: Seaforth Collegiate intend entering the University o'f Western Ontario, London, when the ternn op- ens at the end : of September. Two of these, Miss Margaret 3lc- I ellar and Miss Muriel Beattie, will take honour c'ourse's in modern lan- guages; and Mervyn R. Keys will, take s science course. Miss Alice 1'1. ISietnon is entering Waterloo Col- lege which is affiliated with the Uni- versity . at London. The latter two studentd have been successful in winning scholarships. Mervyn Keys has been awarded a tuition scholar- ship valued at $1170. This will exempt !him from fees' for two years. In or- der to win ,this scholarship the candi- date.ntust write on mine U'p'per School papers and have an average of at deast 66 per cent. IMcss Sierniont has been awarded a 'junior Matriculation Scholarship va- lued at $11215. On re'gistrati'on She Will receive $25 cash and $25 will be de- ducted each year from her fees for, four years. All of these students are to'be•con- graitulate.d and our best wishes go with them in their University life. !Miss Eleanor Plurcnsiteel, B.A., a graduate of Western University, bas been appointed additional te'ac'her at the 'Collegiate. • TOWN COUNCIL The Council on 11,on'day ,evening, all members present.. Sutherland- Beattie,that the Pool Room License of M'arsh'all ,Stewart be transferred tol 'Crawford Smith, the purchaser of the business. The finance com'mit'tee reported thel following mammals: W. G. Fee. $70; Jno. A• Wilson, $715; Thos. Shorey $7i0; The Municipal World, 47c; Can, Niel. Rys., $118!19; Th,omtp•son"s Book -1 store $112!75; Mtolhr's Red Indian Ser., !S'ta'tion, $1470; Thos. Dickson, $2:30;, Bell, Tel. Co. $2.415; Geo. A. 'S'ills' Sr, Sons $7.$5; Geo. D. Ferguson $22.10;1 P.U. Gam. Elec., $01.06; W. E. Kers lake $9.50; Dominion Bank, $6; Sol.; Williaams, $36;; Jas. V. Rtsa'n, $722; 'Horace Wiloee $-$27.50; Peter McIver' $117:50; Chas. Ba:rnettt, $4; Wilson Hawkins $46,150; J. W. Beattie $Z29; C. P. Sill's, postage $121'5. • CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S CLINIC 'The Lions Club of G'aderich and IS'ealforth-wish to ,announce that ar- ran'gcnuen'ts have been made for their Clinic to be held at Scott Vlen'rorial Hospital, Seaford), on S'ataunday, Sep- tember 2.6th. Dr. D. E. ,R'olbertson, To nonto, wilil be C4initian and Dais. Macklin & ,Ross will examine cases of defective eyesight. The very bene- ficial restflts of the Lions Clubs work in 1930 were made possible by lust year's Clinic and it is urged that el-111)- 00d risppled children and children with de- fective eyesight should be exiamhned. Pernulssnon'' to attend ' may be obtain- ed from the Secretary of the .nearest Ih:onls Club, either T. G Gonion, Go- derich, or R. M. Jones, Seaforth, but early application is iteces'siary..-The Lions Clot)/ of ,Seaforth, Rohit, M. Jones, Committee Chairma.n, a a aaaaaa-a_._..., -aaar oriels •. ,Tei' HEAVY RAIN ,No Tess than 108,175 tons of water fell on Sea'fior,th Sunday night, Sept- i ember 13th and lath, according to fi gores compiled by Mt J. 'M. Robert - sail. The rainfall was 1g. inches that night. 134 inches on the'tevel means 4840 X 9 X 144 X 7-4 X 1-11728 X 125-2 X 1-200 equals .198.31 toas an acre. The area of .Seaford) is 550 acres, thus giving the weight of the rain the other night as 1108,1175 tons. every effort this year to put on one of the finest exhibits that has ,.been shown in Seaforth for a long time. 1930 was acclaimed by many to be the best in many years past, and this year pr'ounises to excel. 'M'any enquiries are coming in *re- garding prize lists, both from adults and children exhibitors. The boys' foal club has already created much interest, and promises.a good exhiibition of what a boy can do in the training; handling and prepar- ing c;altm for show. .A special judge' has beet assigned' from the horse breeders' association of Toronto for this class alone. Ten prizes' are award- ed $1'2, $1O $8, $6, $5, $5, $5, $3, $3, $3. Among the nsany other events see bills and prize list's. Remember the dates, .Sept, 24 and 25. EGMONDVILLE. The September meeting of the Eg- ntondv lie W111,6S. was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Richards.on Fri- day afternoon, a goodly number being (present. The meeting opened by singing "Go Labour On: Spend by Spent." The Scripture lesson was read . by Mrs. Shillinglaw and Mrs. Chesney led in prayer. The devot- ional leaflet was taken by Mrs. Mac MtIia.n. Mns. Malcolm gave a very interesting account of the great work that is being oarried an by the W.M. S. b'abh at home and abroad. She us- ed parts of the report seat in for the annual repent of the WADS. by the }workers in each field. A lovely solo was rendered by Miss Iva 'Nett Plans were made for preparing clot'hin'g to be'seint to the west.. It was decided to ahold the Thankoffering meeting in Ortaber. Mrs. Brawn led in prayer at the close of the meeting. A dainty lunch was then served and a social half hour spent. The Egmondlvi•lle people will Wor- ship. with.Nionbhside Sunday evening when the Rev. Colin Young, Home. Mission Secretary o'f the United Church will speak on his work. WILL MAKE CANVASS. 'The Sunday lovers of Seaforth will have the opportunity of contributing to assist in the work of preserving ths•;great national asset very shortly, as a canvass will be made in the town under the auspices of the Lord's D'ay Alliance of Ontario for this work, Mi. C. Campbell and Mr. C. C. 'MdLean, well-infoemed and trained canvassers, xull eanry on the canvass, and all will be given the privilege of assisting. Canada owes much to the L'ord's' Day Alliance, and the preservation of our 'Canadian Sundays is due, in a large measure, to their efforts ever. since the organization of that society forty-two ,years ago. Within a short time, a ,statement was made in the of- fices of the Al 'iaiuce, by the President of one of the large retail associations of Toronto, that atitdoulb'tedl'y if it had not been for the Lord's Day Alliance,, Canada wotdid riot have had her San day as she has it today. It was large- ly through the activities of the Al- liance anti the Trades and Labor Council of 'Canada that the presenat, Domin'ion Lord's Day Act, the finest in the world, was passed in 1906. The basis of tills Act, namely, a non-,do'mmeecial Sunday, with every- one possible securing a clay of rest from their ordinary vocation, is also the basis of the work of the Alliance. iWhile, to be sure, education is the great task of the Alliance, the second greatest task is to co-operate with ennlplloyens and employees and th.e of- ficers of the law in 'securing a clear understanding and willing observance of the law. ,Except .where every other means fails the Alliance never advises' recourse to the law ,counts, and, above everything else, the Alliance never acts as a prosecutor unless it is neces- sary to support a test Case in order to secure' a stated verdict. With regard to the educative ;side of the work, the .officials statethat the chief work of the A'll'iance has been and is the sdevelopanent of public op- inion, and thatit carries on an un- nterrupted campaign of education by means o'f addresses, newsp•alper anti - ales and the distribution of literature. They also believe that public opinion. as expressed in the Canadian press, is increasingly in favor of the nnconn- inataealize.cl Sand ay, an el that the :Canadian Sunday is recognizecl gen-. ecally to be a great rational asset. I'f evcryone wail do what they ane THIS MAN NEEDS GLASSES! DEFECTIVE eyesight gives unmistakable warnings that all is not well. 'Holding a newspaper too far or too near when reading .. , frequent head- aches ... squinting ... scowling - . are all signs that you need 40 an eye examination. Heed the first warnings. A thor- ough, dependable eye examination and a fitting with Orthogon Full - Vision Lenses will save you pain, trouble and the possibility of per- manent injury. Fred. S. Savauge JE`V'ELER & OPTOMETRIST 3d. Ross Savauge, R.0, Eyesight Specialist 1 able, even though that be a small amount, it will greatly assist in the work which the Alliance is doing, CONSTANCE. Summer piano pupils of the Con stance community, of Miss Elizabebl /Mills, will give a musical recital in Constance :United 'Church on Thurs- day, Sept. 24th, commencing at 4 p. . ey w , e. ass s'ted by Mrs. Dr. Miorti,more, who is a co'mp'oser of vocal music and a delightful entertain- er. All interested are invited to at- tend. Mr, and 'Mns. George Cahilla of ,Guelph visited at the homes of Mr. Charles Dexter, Mr. Austin Dexter. and Joseph Yvnngblut. !Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter visited with Mr. and Mrs. John 'Potter of Blyth, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Dexter and Ella visited at the' home of Mr. Wm. Wadden o'f Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cole, Mr. Al- bert iOaleby, all of Stratford, and iMrrs. Welsh, and son Earl, of Olds, 'Alberta, spent Wedtnesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt, R.ogerso'n and. other friends. The Constance United Church in- tend holding an anniversary on Sun- day, October 2i51th, and a fowl supper and entertainment on the 27th. A good program is being provided. Mr. Oliver Anderson returned home on Monday after a short trip to !Swift Current, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson and daughter Manion visited Mr, and Mrs. IWbrden ad Staffa of Sunday, Mr. Lou Jewett of B•luevale and Mr, and Mrs. soy Hall of Ethel and Miss Alice Jewett of Brussels visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Britton on Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs, Alfred I -Luskin and family of Exeter visited Mrs. C. An- derson oil Sunday. 'Mr, and Mrs' W C. Clarke of Lis- towel and Mr. Robert Johnston of Blyth r y h we a Crests Sunday of VLr y and Mrs. Robert Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. MdNefl of Fellarton were visitors recently with ;VIr. and :Mrs. John Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Winn. Logan and K°a- thleen and Dr. and Mrs. Ross of (Blyth were guest's of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson on Sunday. laIr, and birs. Fred Armstrong of Gri'tivslby and Mr. James Armstrong of Toronto were attending the funeral. of Mr. William Pethick last .Friday a l:Mrs. MdGregor and Ross were vis- itors recently with Mr. and .stns. Jos. t Love in Walton. FOOT BALL WINTHROP vs. EGMONDVILL'E Wed. Sept . 23rd Recreation Grounds, Seaforth Game called at 5:15 PM. Admissioli 10c anti '20a HILLSGREEN W M;,S—'The regular mo'mfhl.y meet- ing of the Women's 1'Iissioseary So- ciety was held at the hone of Mrs. Troyer on Wednesday afternoon, Selptem'ber 9th, with Miss Annie Jar- rett presiding. We opened our meet- ing by singing hy'rnut: 3$4. Mrs. W.. t1'urner offered prayer. The Scrip- ture lesson was read responsively from Luke 10, verses 1 to 20. We then sang hymn 31810. The secretary and treasurer's reports were ream and adopted. The business was then tak- en and the offering. The topics on Temperance were then given, idisis. (Cochrane read a letter from Mrs. Ross Love thanking all those who remembered her by sending greetings. We then sang: Hymn 388. The study was not taken as we just received our new hooks. 'The meeting. closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. The October meeting will be held at the hone of Mrs. R. McAllister. (Anniversary services will be held in the Hiltsgreen Church on Sunday, Se.pteneber 20th, at 11 eau. and 7.30 p.m., with Rev. A, V. Rots of Cen- tralia as the special speaker. The rK'ippen choir are preparing speciall music. Rev, A. Sinclair of Hen'sall, conducted the service on Sunday last. Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane returned to their home iat 'Clinrtom al., ter spending a few days with friends here. Mrs. P. Campbell and daughter,. who spent several days at the home o'f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, returned to her name recently, .Dr. John Hagan a g of Chicago, Ill., and Mother Angela of Wallaceburg, and Jas. Hagan of Seaforth, who were here attending .the funeral of their mother; have all left for their homes. 'Aka. J'as. Hawthorne and daughter Jan'e't, who have been spending sev- eral weeks with friends in and' around this vicinity, left for their home in Moose Jaw, Sask. Me:asr,s. Jack and Fred S'teacy o,f Detract are spending their vacation. with friends here. bit. and Mrs. Jas. Love spent a day recently with Mrs. licl'fur.'trie in:Hen- sall. Miss Annie Jarrott snffened c sliglii attack of appendicitis on Thursday last. 'Mr. and sirs. Levitt of Ingersoll visited with `Mrs. Troyer recently. '''tins Effie Bell of Henson. paid a flying visit here recently.