The Seaforth News, 1931-09-10, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1931 HENSALL. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pepper of Sarnia, are spending a 'couple' of weeks .with relatives here. Mr. Lester Fisher. of Windsor spent the holiday at his home 'here, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MctMurtrie of Toronto were holiday visitors with the former's mother. !7.e1r, Harold Scruton df Port. Dover spent the week end at his home, . • fMr. and Mrs. Earl '•Parin,er of Windsor visited at the home of the fonmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. P4arIn er. Dr. ' and Mrs. Coulter of Toledo, Ohio, were holiday visitors with rela- tives here, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner of '.1''horndale were recent visitors with friends. ,Hiss Ruth Chapman left' last week for 'Lc+rdoni where she intends to en- ter training in Victoria hospital. Mesar,. Geiger & Sons ' are busy having their large crop of •flax hauled into the mill. Quite a lot is being ;brought in by motor trucks. '2dr, and Mrs, A. J. Sweitzer, after spending a month with relatives here left for their "home in Detroit on Tuesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent the week end visiting relatives in iRid'getown. 'M`r, and Mrs, Lennis Seaman df Kitchener were week end visitors at the former's home. Mise Jean Elder of London visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. Miss Minnie Gibbs of Toronto is visiting for a few days with friends. Mr. Wm. Simpson, accompanied by his sister, Miss Mae, of Detroit, were holiday visitors with Mrs. Robt. lBonthron. Mrs, Harry Horton of Hay is visit- ing friends in Toronto. Mr. and .Mrs. 11. Nicholson of Arth- ur, were recent visitors with the Misses M. and E. Johnston. Mrs. Geo. Case has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in London. Mrs, Pearl Smith ,and daughter of London were the guests o'f the Misses M. and E. Johnston last week. ,Next Monday evening the Young 'People's League' of the United Church will be held. This being the first meet- ing this season a social evening will be spent. Mrs. Maude Hedden has charge of the program. Services in our local churches were well attended on Sunday last. In the United 'Church Rev. 1'Ir. Grant o'f 'Belleville occupied t'he pulpit and in the evening a duet was given by Mrs. 'Joynt and Mrs, Geo. Hess. In the ♦Carmel 'Presbyterian Church, Rev. 13Sernard Rhodes of Exeter, deli•vered very inspiring sermons. On Sunday, ISeptemtber 20, Holy Communion will be observed and Rev. Mr. Kane" of ISeaforth will •have change of the ser- vices. In St. Paul's Anglican Church Harvest 'Thanksgiving ,was held, Rev. H. Naylor of Listowel, a former rec- tor .cif the church, having charge of the services. Next Sunday Holy Communion will be observed. A large crowd attended the lecture and lantern slides in the United Church on Monday evening, given by Captain Scott of British Columbia. Addresses were given by Rev. Arthur Sinclair of Hensall Uni'ed Church, and Rev. Duncan McTavish of James street United Church, Exeter. after which a trio was given by Mrs. Sin- clair, Mrs, I -redden and Mr. Goodwin.' The slides and address were then gi- ven on amarine missions on the coast of British Columbia by Capta.a Scott, which proved very interesting to the large number present. At the baseball game here on Fri- day between Rodney and: Hensall, Rodney was the winner by 11-4 and on Monday evening the Hensall team went to Rodney and were again de- feated by 9-5. Large cro'wds witnessed' both games, The Hensall 'baseball team are to be congratulated on the very successful ,season, having been up against the hest teams in the district and have provided some. good sport an our local diamond, ;Our council aro having the cement road on Main street repaired this week filling in all the cracks. Mr. Lloyd Veinier has accepted a position with Mr. Thos. Wren. ' McKILLOP. Mr. Pat Murray of this township is redovering from a broken foot which he slastain•ed fast week when a load of timothy seed hay upset- As a slight, inelety rain w'as just starting to 'fall at the time, Mr. Murray had 'been unde- cided w.hetla,er to take it into" the barn or to the field where it was to be threshed, when in the meantime the team turned too short and upset the 'load. ,Mr, Murray :grah'benl for the ladder on the wagon but caught a sheaf which lay on it and he fell to theground. Upon examination it was !found he had two bones fractured in .his right foot, which had to be set in a plaster cast. He will be laid up for six weeks ,before the 'bones reset and even when he can get around again tae will have to take care Of the foot 'for a while. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE' YEARS AGO disease of smallpox with her or con- trtcted it on the train, as on the.28th '�. 'orf August she became sick and the health officer pronounced the case declared, "`is .to take On't'ario faeiners out of theirposition of he'lples'sness in marketing their products." INe'w effi- cien'cy had been injected .in the task Of ,'yWanted Lt V Poultry ✓ September, 190'5. Mr. Thomas eemin' of 'blolil9o, delivered thon s L he millw'here a load of wheat at tfew, on Tuesday,which tested 59 lbs. to the 'bushel 'This is probably thebest sample to be grown in the township. smallpox, and took .steps to have the laws of quarantine enfor'ce'd, no one being allowed to enter. the house the sick lady lay, or leave' it. A who had entered the house prey- iotrsly, were quarantined in their own haanes, overseas exportation and as a result apple exports would he doubled thins" year. ?Ontario cabbage for the first time was being seat to the Western markets. 'Ontario peaches will find a large market in the West. '\E,r, Sumer-, virile anticipates the time when every farmer w*ill. he receiving constant ad- We pay the Highest . Prices. We give you good weight. We want your Live Poultry delivered f rpt at the store, Tuesday and Thursday mornings Mr, J. W. -Poster has resigned his position as bookkeper at the .furniture * * * * * * * ' * * *where F NEWS AND INFORMATION * vice through Phe Marketing Board to and how .to mardcet his products factory and will likely leave for the (West. His position is being filled by, Me, !Sheffield of T'or.onto, Historical Mill. The. sawmill in (Bayfield, which was recently destroyed by fire w'as origin- ally. built 'for a drill she'd shortly after the Fenian Raid, 'The frame was a heavy one and at the .raising the cap- tains. were Mr. R. Penhal'e of Stanley and his brother, now in the west, After it -ceased to be used as a drill * FOR THE BUSY FARMER * (Furnished by Ontario Depart -'k d' ment of Agriculture.) s' * * * * *, * * * * * • The light horsey crop' in Ontario has finally turned out to he much less than was estimated and.it is doubtful naw' whether the total crop will reach two thirds of the normal .figure...Now Seed Prospects Excellent ' The prospect 'for a good seed year is very good. IA fair crop of alfalfa, More than sufficient to meet a heavy homelooked for; 'The Central Exiperi•menta'i ''Pan,nn, Ottawa, has now a number of sets' of lantern slides which may he secured by agrtcu]'tural and hottrcu]•haral or- gan'izstfans, schools, women's insti- tu'tes, chur!dlvds, etc.: without rental change, The stalbjects illustrated are: Home Beautification, V'arietie's of Cereals,. Se'l'ection of .Live Stock, Poultry Husbandry. These slide's are 'proving Very peppier wherever used and oplen did attendances are reported,1Seafo'nth; j��l�Tf'4 , i 0 V•• ' ' •• V �T db i r �� COTTAGE FOR 'RENT ' ()lice N Electric lights. In good repsir;, Town water. Apply to IP, 0, Box 494 or to The Ne'w's Office., 39shed S' am opening a Shoe Repair Shop in the premises formerly by Mr. D. Fountain. occupiedLealther-strap All ,work neatly and promptly . done at a reasonable price. IJOiST. On.IEridtay,. Sep'tem'ber 41,h, a yonag Fox Hound. White with greyisbi 'brown head and ears, Large and. small spots. 'of s'am'e color over body: on neck and' inidel e. iDIR. R. R. RIOISIS.:Phone 1110,- Sear earth., it was used' for a variety of pm- poses until finally it was converted into a sawmill. Bought Timber Limits. A' B'ck f' London, last week dam e afield's, purchased large timber limits contain- ing large quantities of soft elm from Augustus Warren and Angttet Hoist, of the tdnvnship of Stephen. Mr. Beck uses this tfnrber in the making .of boxes, Disposes of Hotel. Mr. Jonathan Miller ;has practically completed the sale of his hotel prop- erty here, known as the Grip House. Mr. W. Hergott of Mantis, near 'Pais- le will bethenew proprietor. Mr. y' p p Miller will .fikeiy move back to God - pertwhere he has a in. considerable pro- perry and will engage in the livery business, -denaan'd,is there will be sufficient sweet clover and enough aiaike to supply the domestic de';nan.d Though little left over • for export; some timothy and probably a big crop of do'aestic red clover, !Second!growth from wh'ic'h the bulk of the 'seed .crap is taken, are in excellent shape, unusually clean and .b'laoneing ebundiantly.• [With a bigger duty on clover and alfalfa this year, farmers are taking more interest in saving' seed. -- Fresh Grapes on Market The largest 'grape crop in Niagara Peninsula history, es'ti•mated to be worth $1,750,000, is mow ready for her- vesting, 'For several years the win'er- nes have required •the ''bulk of the grape crop for wine -making purposes, but recently the •producers have catered: to a.•growinlg market in difeerenit parts of Canada, and the appetising, health- has Cleanup Time, With harvesting and threshing fin- ished it is not too early to start pre- •paration for winter,' If the stable is not given its annual cleanup now,' it may be neglected alto ether.'The .lain- g intim ateentiion should in'cl•ude.sweep- nag the dell:mlgs'and walls, scraping the'loors 'and mangers and then' then- ouglily white -washing everythdn'g in sight. (Line is a great ,cleansing agent, and at its 'best when applied hot with a spraying machine.: 'There are al- ways odd j'ob's that sh'oul'd be attend- ed to before the cows are stabled for the winter, !The•panes thee'have been broken 'front the win•do.ws should be replaced 'the'broken! Patch, the de- cached binge and broken floor should be looked after. While these are small things their neglect fora year or two gy makes a sl'ipshonlsta'ble and this is' the mark of the carel'es's dairyman. BARRY J a S. FOR SALE Pullets, Single Comb White .Leg - 'hor'ns,. 5. months o7•d. WIIILLlPAIM' IRUTiDEIDIGIE, RJR. 2, Seaforth, phone 616 r 2, Clinton Central, 37 IN MEMORIAM R10lBIIINISIOIN.�Ln 'me'm'ory 'of'the late Fred Robinson, who died an•e year age to -dray, S'epitember 1O.t!h, 1930. LOST.. •tioein'g A diainoud'ring, in ,Seaforth, oe Friday, August 31st. 'Suitable aewaatl- Leave at the Pos'toffice. 3? "Gone, but ever held in •kindest re- imminence." 'W'i'fe and 'family. givenFOR SALE. M . (Having up the McCosnaieic-- Deering Agency, have several Bend Separators for SEAFORTH MARKETS. used Cream tale of a right price. Also a lot of good nseit repairs for nearly all makes of farm Home on Furlough. Mr. 'D'avid Buchanan was in town calling on friends the first of theHogs, week. He 'was formerly of ,Henleall and returned about a month ago, after se- vett ven years spent as a missionary in the Argentioe Republic, South America. He is home on a year's 'furlough and many old friends were pleased to see him again, Visits Old Horne. Mr, Dennis Barry, now of Eureka, Cal., but formerly of near .Seaforth, is in town visiting his parents and re- hewing old acquaintances in this vicin- ity, after an absence of Other years, Mr. 13arry has prospered in his adapt- ed country and is coun'te'd as one of its solid men, He' is a brother •df Mrs. Michael Hurley, and many Old frden'ds are pleased to see him once more. He is the executor o'f the estate df John. ITulley, formerly of MadKi•llop, who died in Eureka some time ago, and settling up the deceas'ed's affairs is part of his business here. Vote to Purchase Plant. The voting on the electric light by- law took place on Monday with the result of a majority for the purchase 367 giving grape proved' popular everywhere it was sent. The growers An 'Interesting Exhibtit have extended their vineyard's and this The OtA.C. exhibit at the CJN.E.implements: season the crop is am'pde to meet all Presents a graphic way the idea that demands. Only the finest grapes will 'although tlhe presenit worldwide de- he exported from the Pendnsula and. pression renders it i'mp'ossible for far- ,gdvermmen't-su:pervfsed packing will mens to matlee mucin m'on'ey, sti11 there assure tlae purchaser of a'high quality is real• wealth in the 'farms of :Ontario. product. IIs addi'tion to wine -making-,'. 'T'he exhibit consists of three sec- grapes are used for delicious jel'l'y and tions, which are uni'fie'd under the title for making grape juice, a very popular 'Farm Wealth. T'he first section en-. drink. ti'tied 'Food is Wealth,' illustrates the A nation-wide advertising ,campaign fact that -much df the 'food •used • by to move this bumper crop is 'being the farmers ''family is Ob'ta'ined direct- sponsored by the Ontario •Grawers' ly from the farm., and even hard times 'Market Council, the Department. of cannot affect this supply. !It also call's Trade and Commerce, and the tCanva'd•i- attention to the ,fact that the !College an Horticultural ,Council, "Every bas- has produced and has given to the ,ket of grapes shipped outside the pro- 'farmers df 'tihe }Province many high vince will be subject to govern'men't producing varieties of crops which inspection to insure grade and quality added greatly to farm wealth. and the whole crop will be m'arke'ted 'The second section with t'he title through a selected list o•f of shippers, 'Time is Wealth' sets 'forth the idea }brokers and agents, through whom that 'though'nt'oney may be .scarce, the the (Big '0' brand of Ontario grapes, farmer still hias as much time as ever, sponsored by the Markets Council, and shows h'o'w time an'ay be utilized will be placed' before the public" says to the 'best advantage 'by 'the use of 'Charles W. Baser, (secretary. 'Every labour-saving devices. basket Of grapes going through this, The third sedtiot under the title channel will contain special inserts `Beauty is 'Weal'th' presents the fact and "buyers will be able to accept these that, while farm folks may envy some as certificates of quality of the ,grapes of the good thitngs df ci't'y lif e, they Offered for sale. may, 'by •a little effort and with almost no expenditure of cash, leave 'be'atstiful per cwt. :f;5:b'S-$6:15 gutter, per 1'b, lac W. C. GOVtElt E.13ll�, Phone 146 r 5, Seaforth. Eggs, per doz 12c -18c -21c E:otatoes, per bag 50.c FOR SALE OR RENT. dje -. House and lot 'on Highway adjoin.- ing town Of Se'aforfle the aY property DUBLIN. Elizabeth Scott. House is in gond Died, at her Nome in Hibbert, on .p,a'ir, co'ntain's seven :room's, hard.and 'Monday morning et .5 o'clo'ck, Mrs. soft water, electric light. Apply . iAndrew 'McLellan, after a long ill'- JOS'ES'IH SCOTT, R. R. 2, Seaforth. n'ess:' from diabetes, She leaves to mourn• her loss her hu'sb!and and one FOR SALE. . dlau'gh'te'r, in Hamilton, and oae son 1% hop. gasoline engine. Also Delea, at home and one son in Saskatche- light plant, 600 watt. Apply to CUM- wan. OI'NIG'S 'GAIRIAIGIE. Walton. 3Fi. funeral of Me's's Margaret :The (Drake of Hibberlt, who died .after the !FOE SALE results Of inj'urie's in an auto accident Conifortab•le Cottage situate o+e four miles month df Dublin, was one East G'aderidh Street, Seaforth, form - of the largest ever seen around'. these erly occupied by Mrs. Clara ' ,pa'rt's, on Sunday afternoon. tThere'Ci'uskey Crowley. were 162 'cars, She leaves to mourn Intnnediate possession: can be rims - her loss her sornolwing mother and Por further particulars apply to R. S. 'fattier and three sisters and two bro- HAYS, Sabath, On'.t, tiers. Internm'en't was in S•taffa cern- etery, ih1'essrs. Peter and Joseph Dill of GODER.COH FAIR.NEXT WEE IDetroi't spent the week end at the Goderi,ch .1air., September 15 and• 1r, 'Mame of their famher in the village., presents on We'dnesd'ay afternoon a IM•iss •Margaret B'yrene of Detroit is program 'of 'five .races -2.25 trot mr visiting her mother, Mrs William pssce, 2.'15 trot or :pace, relay runnier !Byrne for a few days. race, open run, and three-year-old colt Mr. Dan Costello is wearing a smile race, for good purses. Hoes. T. 1.. these days. It's 'a girl. ICem'nedy, Ontario 'Minister of Agri - A very interesting meeting of the culture, .opens the' fair on Tuesday en - Ladies' Guild was held at the home ening. of Mrs. Alex. Darling on Thurs'dlay, of the plant. votes were polled out of possibly 450, who were entitled to vote. British Livestock Market home surroundings that would be the The British market has been a envy of ,city people. to Curling Rink, An enthusiastic meeting dt local curlers was held at the Dick House on Monday evening, when the project to erect ,a curling and skating rink in town received further impetus and is no a certainty. Messrs Wm. Ament, John furher and Geo. Sills were Re. patuied a committee to prepare pier, and secure tenders from the various contractors and the work rushed along and completed early in December. A stock company is to. formed source of considerable strength the ICaaradian live ,cattle industry during Persian. B'a'lm is alluringly fragrant, the present year and every effort Adds a charming refinement to the should. be made to fol'l'ow the good most finished appearance. Creates and advice contained in the following encs- Preserves complexions of surpassing sage from the Agricultural .Products loveliness and texture. Softens and 'Representa'tive for Canada in, Great whitens the 'hands. Cools and dispels Britain; "Cattle markets are weaker; all iritation Caused by weather condi- our best hope is strict selection far frons, Swiftly absorbed by the tissues tyne or quality of all weights, either leaving never a vestige of stickiness, fats or stores. Anything else sells inn_ A Peerless toilet requisite. Invaluable differently. Lower prices likely." Up to all women who care for elegance to the resent time the type and qual- and distinction: P 3^P to Great. Brit- ity of the cattle shipped' ISep'tember 3rd. All the ladies of the (Guild were present, also a number of , r "le 'lady friend's, �Qir e. , 'Mr. Hugh 1B'esaurnger of Hesson•�7,c�i� spenit the week end at his home here. • �'�-^ �. e -e ; eer, and Mrs. Jo'hc Maloney of SEALED T'FJNIDIER'S addressed lira •Buffal'o spent the week end with his Nie uuidersigned, and endorsed "Ten- 'mother, erns. T, Maloney of Hi'bibent. dot for Cribwnork Wally and Fender .M'i'ss Nellie Ryan .of T'onan'tp.vis'iited IRoom, Gade'ric'h, Ont.", will be se - her mother, Mrs. P. Ryan over Labor eeived until 12 o'clock noon (dapligjit day. saving), Tuesday, September 15, 1931'„ -n Of a timber trite - Mr. Louis WilliamsWtlll'i:ann's returned to his for the constru'cti home in Cleveland on S'aturda y after work wall and. fender boom, at Gor-. stpen'dan'g the past three weeks with erich, Harron County, Oaa.t, a ends 'here. • IPl'ane and form Of c'on'tact can be Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O'Connell and seen and s'pec'ilfi'c'ation and forms: and lanvily, Mr. and Mrs, M'ayeeed• '0'-: tender o'bta'ined at this •Departmen', at Connell and • Miss Annie Watters of.the offices of the District Engineer.. ;Detroit slp•en't the week end with 'Cus'tonvs Building, London, Ontt,; Toe - f,rfends here. ionto .B,ulldens Ekc'hange'& Construe - tion .Ind'ustnies, '71104 Bey Th- and and already ,over $4,000 has been sub- scribed, with the prospects that this sten. will be considerably augmented, The proposed building is to be a mo- ain have made an excellent reputation Brit - and have been more na line with Brit- A#tention Farmers ish requirements than at any other f time in the history of our export trade; The Ontario Equitable Life, of Wa- terloo, leave secured from eer, Herman dere structure in every detail, and will be '100 x 170 ',feet Seaforth has good curling material and the grand old winter game wilt furnish excellent sport during the long venter months. Fire. •venture story and a half rough cast dwell- ing of Wiliam street east, owned and occupied by 31r. Wm. Duggan was total'l'y dessroyed !bp' fire at mine o'clock this Thursday morning. The origin of the blazea. g is known. Most Nov Central Marketers Trelle of Wembley, Alta, winner 01 A central packing and grading as- sevety world's championships for sociation has been organized by apple Wheat, Oats and Peas, •during the Producers in Elgin County. The Pro- years 1926-1928 inclusive,' a limited• vincial Govemm�ent will subsidize the quantity of his best prize winning to the extent of $750 providing wheat and oats. Samples ere on cis- that 10 growers with a combined acre- play this office and may he procur- 200ed Free of Charge age of acres can be secured. Ac- while they last cording to the terms of the bylaws the through Association will take the growers' en= M.'T. CO:RLESS, Dist. Manager 'tire crop and dispose of it. The grower Clinton, Ont. 3a must hind himself to dispose of his .S'treet, HARLOCK . ranee 5, Ont., and at the 'Post Office, Mr. Willson Campbell aand Miss' Godericit, Ont., LLe'titia, of S.ealforath, •atilt their cousins; Tenders will not be..consid'ered• rim- •at Mr. Hugh Brooks, :and Mrs. Leslie; lee's made on printed forms supplkff .aE M'i'chigan, visited Thursday at the 'by the Dep'a'rtment and in accordance homes of Mr. Angus Reid, Mr. and, with c'on'd'iti'ons contained there•ire Mrs. A. W. • Mcfre v'ing, Mr. and Mrs. 'Each 'tender must be acco'm'peniei Geo. Watt and lir. and Mrs. David by `by aan acce'p'ted 'cheque an a el antereEY+ Reid. bank, payable -to the ander of tlae Mina- Public Miss Laving, Knox of Toronto spente sister of I ublic Works; equal to 10 _per' the week- end at the home of her par -'cent. of the amount ' of the tcntler Bonds of the Dotn:tafian of Canada. err entS, Canadian National Reif Mr. and Mrs, A. W.McEwing and bombs of the Ga - family, also Mr. and Mrs. David:Reid way, Gonvpauy will also :be accepted as: and Watson, speaat Labor Day in. Kiaa- security, ar bonld!s an'd a cheque if co - cardiae and Goderich, quire(' to nvake up an odd a, oauant • IBnlrns' Unifetl Chttrcla brill a very None,—IB1'ue ,prints can be o'b'taiiiete' success'(ul picnic Monday at Ilarloc'k at liars Depatnt'ment by depositing am school ground. .' ;accepted cheque for the sum olf $1'O.QIYI' ISeptem'ben moaithly meeting of payable to the, o'rd'er o'f the Minister a1 :Burns United Church was held Wed-'0.'ub1 it'Works,which will be returnee nesday of last week at the h'om'e of if the intending bidder submit a regi !Mrs. Thomas Knox. ler' bid. Miss LydiaLy lIat Reid spetrl the week' Order with Toronto friends. N. DEiS'. 'AtR'DII'NS, J iDr, Coleman. of Palmerston called Secreio ser rs. A. W. 'McEwing - on •Ivlr. and M. Department of Public Works, Monday. 'Ottawa, August 29, 119'3'1, w of the contents were removed. .Some removed. produce or forfeit a penalty equal. to 50 The Association '� aasunance was carried. Smallpox Death. Al Alrs.,Emily E. Ryan died. in her 28th year on Monday night at the hoar of 7 o'clock and that same night, by the light of the moon .she was interred. She was 'a daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. John McMann l 0f Ew*srl9e and five and a half years ago was .marrde'd cents a barrel. v $ Will issue _00 shares of 50 each. The 10x1fard County Fruit 'Co-operative Ltd., is 11101A' ready for business' with headquarters et Woodstock. The Co'm'p!atty expects to handle 12,000' lbarrel9 of apples this season. The ;Government has assured the Coma a rant of 750 to install the Plant ge the business mo'vin'g., P g Wfiy Feed Boarders ? ? No natter how good your hens are you 'have some board- •am ers. We a're in. a pbsitioan to do expert cul'lin'g for a- limited time -and can offer highest market prices 'for all kinds of poultry. oeltr to Dr. Ryan of Walton, city after his'. marriage, located in the city Of Sagi-' ua Mich., w, c , where he has since been a practising Physician. Ryan the 17th all August last, Mrs. came to visit' her parents, no doubt •in anhiieipation time under, tjae pare•n- nf an J; but tel roof; but evident] 'brought thel"Thee Marketing Board Active < 'Ln a recent address on the work. of the Ontario Marketing iioancl,'Mr. 1J. 1B' S'amerville, iGhatrrnan, told 'of e�- Inclect tensive plans or advertistug, the pre- -trot; rd 'facilities •, t. sh'i'p t0'm'tarro fruitss and, vege'ta'l les. Give ns a ring and our truck . will' •call. { 'Sunnyvale Poultry Farm I ANDREW A. M'O'O'R!E , Pirrone 137r3 Seaforth, Ont, y she ai3n.of ttse'AI'arketang Board" he