HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-09-03, Page 5as
Below are listed the outstanding values in- pure foord rprlo Lncts and
household necessities that may 6e obta'itned at your Superior Store.'orale a list of your requ;ren enit• and, phone your order in. It will be
oarefully filled and protnrplt1yadelivered--AT NO EXTRA -.CHARGE.
Deal at your local Superior Store. where you ,will save time as well as
money: .
Items for Week Ending September 9, 1931.
(Ask your ,Superior .Store for ,Salad. Dressing Recipe Bbok)r 19Ir
LUX TOILET SOAP , „ i, • , ,,• . , , , ,l2 .cakes 13c
SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR.., ....1.:...., ...per pkg.
31 c
AXrLMER SOUPS -except Chicken "or
. ,each 29c
S'EL'OX (THE SPEED SOAP) , „, .. , , .: , .-, . 2 lege, pkgs.
McCormick .e 25 c
m Royal Asstd. Fancy Biscuit, in ;Fancy box
'w'ra'pped air tight 27c
Libby Asparagus, Picnic size . per Nin 25c
•3tL'eiLaren's Olives, No. 9 Stuffed. 'Grackle Jar 25c
No, 20 Pla'in' Crackle Jar 23c
Benson's Corn Starch per pdcg. 3'2c
(The Standard ,of perfe'ction)
/Paris Pate Wakes Tasty S'andwielhes) per tier 14c
ISanera (The Vitamin Cereal) r per ,pkg. 23c
r 39c
/-''s 28c
Salmon, Fancy Red Cohoe l s Is r 55c
a's /-'s, for 29c
G-,O.S. (for Cleaning or Scouring)23c
sill, 14c
lige. . 1.,,, 23c
Zebra Stave Polish, sml, tin 10c
i'ge tin 15c
Aylmer Tid Bit, ,Pineapple, 2's sq, tins each 23c.
'3IdLlaren's Tapioca Puddling 2 pkgs. 25c
(Macaroni,. Loose .Ready Cut 2 lbs. 15c
icily Brand Eaddie per tin 19c
!Kellogg's All Brian lge. size 19c
,Matches, Colombia 3 box, 25c
)Black Gat Liquid Shoe Dressing20c
Soap Chips, Loose 2 lbs, 25c
Welch's Grape Juice, Pt. Battles ........... .. ......33c'
iKSpipereld Snacks
'Tod'd'y, Serve hot or cold, 8 oz. 2 ties 13c
16 oz, 53c
Zinc Rings Heavy, for jars per doz. 19c
Rubber Jar 'Rings, Best Heavy 2 doz. 15c
Crdwn Jars sm.!. per doz. 99c
raid. per doz. $1.09
'Parks Catsup Flavour per pkg. 35c
karawaa S'25c
2 pigs.
Fly Hangers 4 for c
Try wa'tters
rub!bet , wire 10c
Fresh gritted Horse Radish 13c
small pints 33c
Tea, Fatnily Blend, ,1lb,'Red Brags
!Royal York ('The Delicious Blend)
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Rhone 8
Phone 77
Cream Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seatorth,Ont.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day. phone 67.
Mt John WiFliam's.of De'tnoit is vis-
'bihts parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Pat.
i'4.rI[raars of Hi'hbert.
The school teachers wile, were home
tlor vacation heave retuned to, their
'st?heots namely: Mildred and Gertrude:
BfiidGret'h No Waterlioo; Agnes Mc-
'sa!th to BamIburg;! iVPrrglaret Mc-
lOrath, Anne Dalton. anal James .Lane
cs Brantford;' Helena Flannery to
'Linwood; Thos, McQuaid, Windsor;'
?Mary Feeney to New York, and Ed'i'th.
;Miles to Guelplh.
,1L'rs. Joseph Ca'nning of Toronto
and Mr. Frank ,Evanss orf Wisconsin;
atteud•'ed the funereal of their sister,
Miss EllenEvans Peat week,
'Master Basil O'.+Reilll'y ,hes returned.
^Acs his home from Scott Memorial hos
vital after undergoing an olp'er!ation for
Detroit attended the funeral of the
latter'ts aumt, Miss Ellen, Evans, last
The League of our church spent an
enjoyable evening at the home of Mr.
Medd in Exelter last Thursday even-
ing. The girls of our League played
a game of ball against the Main Street
girls, although our girls were beaten,
they report having a splen'd'id time.
Mr, Wilbert Brinell of Toronto vis-
ited at the- home of his sister, Mrs.
r '
'Wes Johns, „
s teal Joht s week.
Miss Marton Pym of St. Marys vis-
ited in. the vicinity y r
currh acen•fly.
'Mr. Lou Woods of London spent
Sunday at .his home here,
Ur. John Wilcox of Detroit visiked
at his hlome recently. -
Mr. Fred and Miss Ruby Johns
were in Warwick he',pi,ng their brother
IMr, Mex. 'John's, move his house-
hold effects to Lu'can where he has
secured a position.
There will be no: preaching service
at oaur church next Sunday as Rev. R.
IN, Stewart of S'taf'Ia will ,pre'a'ch at
Zion next Sunday evening.
'Wlorins causeafrebfutiles s and rob
the meant of sleep, the great nourish-
er. Mother G'r'aves' Wham. Externvin-
tappendici'tis: abet wail cllea'r the stained' • and, intes-
\['r and Mrs': James Mlon't'ridse of bines and restore liealhnfu'bn;eas.,
Mr. and Mrs, Bogie of Parkhill, Mr,
Claude Fa'llis of California and Miss
Of Port Huron were guests orf:
M.r, and Mrs, Chas, Brodie, over. the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Fowler of Lea-
mington were week -end 'visitors . in
Iyer.. M. O"L'ourghiin of Dublin is
spen'din'g a couple of days in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Coyne and 1'Ir,
and Mrs. James Purcell were vusifor's
at Brian O'IHara's and T. Purcel'l's,
r3lcKil'lop, Last Sunday.,
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. -,Frank /Baxter were Mr.
and Mrs. R. Maltby and .daughter
Lillian, Mr, and Mrs, S. Gannon of
Woodstock aid air. and Mrs. F.
.Bowers cif Interkip,
Miss Helen 'Thomson is visiting at
the home o'f Miss Donelda - Adams,
'Constance, for a few day's.
'Miss Jessie 'Gardiner of Philadelphia'
is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
ICongnatu'bations to Mr. add Mrs.
Nelson Govenlock of Waterford, for-
merly isril'y of IW nahrop, on the bir't'h orf.
twin 'boys. By latest reports all are,
doing well in the 'Waterford! hospital.
'Mr. Angus McRae is laid .up with
an injured knee, "having been aociden't-
ally kicked while playing football in
Dapple's field.
Mr. James Hewitt, who has sold
his farm to Mr. 'Wilfred (Coleman has
purchased a house in Auburn.
Mr and Mrs. Clark and son Billy.'
of Windsor, were week en d guests of
Mr. 'aid Mrs. C. H. Holland.
Mr. Thos. MdA'dann, of Mount For-
est, is spending his vacation in
rBridgeburg and .Seeforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reid and small
soar of 'Whi'techuroh were calling an
'friend's an 'town Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilt Plant spent their
vacation at Windsor, Detroit, Toronto
and icon.
Edna (Ted) and Stewart Plant
spent two ,weeks at Toronto with
their gran'dp'arents, Mr, and. Mrs.
D. Stewart.
Mrs. MdLead of Detroit and her
'brother, Mr, W. Lei'tc'h, were visiting
Mr. David Le'ibch and his sister in
tEgmondvid'le recently.
IMr. and Mrs. Frank Neud'ick of,
131carboro'I.Beaoh, Toronto, were call-
ing an Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jonas on
Little Miss Margaret Sproat of De-
troit was visiting IMr, and 'Mrs. Rus-
sell Sproat last week.
Mrs. Wm. Me/Cloy, who has been
ooncvalescinrg at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John !McGregor, in
Tuckers math, has returned to her
hone in town.
Mr. Wm. Wilson and Mrs. Stewart
of taws, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Law-
son and Marion of Constance spent
the week end in Owen Sound at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Suther-
Mr. and Mrs. Mbert Meath and
children, David and !Floyd and Me.
Stanley Hanson of Detroit are spend-
ing a few days visiting friend's and
seeing Mrs. Mean's father, Mr. Datlid
Holmes, who is in. the'hosprtal.
Mr. J. M. Hir tchley returned on
Monday bo Brantford to assume his
duties on the .Collegiate staff there.
Mr, anti Mrs. Ge'o'rge Lindberg, of
Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting the
Ta'tter's brother, Mr. John Gritnvol'dby,
and Mrs. Grimoldby.
taars, Elmer Reid and children of
Stratford are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Jmo. Grinvdldby.
'Itrs, G, T. Turnlbul'l is visittag in
Toronto this week..
Miss Aileen Flaaamer'y returned to
Toronto on Saturday to take up her
duties as teacher at Corpus Christi
JSc'hool after spending her holidays at
the 'hiome of her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs
Wm. Fi'aiinery.
Mrs. M. .Des'bu'ra 'ef N'o'rthviae
Mich., is alt p'resen't spending •her 'holi-
days with her Parents, Mr, and Mrs.
C. E'okant.
Miss Lutnsclen o'F Dulblln, Ireland,
has been vomiting the week with Miss
Jlalckson, Bgmon`d'v'ifle. r '1131 112
Mr. H. M. Jackson of Toronto
spent the week -and with !Mists tsls Jacksoi
Mrs. Fraser of Chatham was the
guest of Miss fleet:eon last week
Mrs. A. E. Stark was visiting in
Welland and B.uff+alo, N.Y., over the
week -end,
Mr.r d g
M G e or of Toledo Ohio,
was the guest of his aunt Mrs. Wil-
iam alealichlael, on Tuesday.
Miss Mary Fin kbchi er has resumed
ter position at the post Office after
pendiinlg her vacation in 'Preston and
Mr, and Mrs. M. J. Armstrong left
y motor for .Part Arthur last Thn's-
Mr. W. 'L. Fin'k'beiner ori Glendale.
Calif., and Miss Barbara Finle'be'iner,
R.N., of Cleveland visited lest week
the home of their 'bro't'her, Mr.
1011as. F:ink'beinet,
afr, and Mns. Wm. Somerville of
rt attending
Toronto were in bo
funeral of the dlarte Janne Scott on
Monday., •
Mrs. Dranieils returned on Tlhursd iy
to her blame in, TJonidon after a
Anne G. Govenlock
Teacher of Piano,. Organ and
Pupils prepared for 'Toron'to Con-
servatory of Music Examinations. -
Studio: North Main St., Seaforth
Phone 103.
month's visit at lth,e h'o'me of Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Cowan,
Mr. Mahar Scott of 'Windsor was
in town attending the funeral o'f Mr,
James ,Scott on _Monday,
'br. Mackay and Miss- Minnie Mac-
kay were in
lac-kay'were-inToronrto for several days.
The two sons and daughter of Mr.
Mackay 01 Formosa who are staying
in' Tloronita to a'tten'd school, are
spenIling a few days in Sea'forth,
Mrs. Hamilton 'has returned to the
home olf her ibrorbher; Dr. H, H. Ross,
after visiting in Auburn.
Mr. and Mrls, Sam, 'Hanna and Mrs.
rAunne Reid spent a few days' Pas#
week Waiting relatives at Port Huron
and Marlette, Mich., returning on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and son
Bernard, of Londesborough, were the
guests of the Misses Govenlock on
Mr, and 'Mrs, J. T. MelKinrey turd
daughter o'f Guelph were week -end
guests of Mrs: Wm. McMichael,
Mr. aad Mrs. Chas. Hays and son
Stanley of Windsor, s'pen't the week
end at the Former's home,
Mr. Wm. Elebat and Miss Jean
rEboolat were at'Wall'acetawn for a few
days visiting Dr. and Mrs, Glan.fie'I'd..
Mr. Aiaslee of Leamington is visit-
ing relatives in town.
A potato stalk 6 ft. 6 in, long has
been kept by Mr. Alex. Park, Jarvis
Street, who nlo'ti.ced it in ,his garden.
The abund'an't rain this ' season has
pradnced same in town of the 4 It,
class, which seelms to be bhe nearest
ap'proa'ch to the Jlarvis Street growth,
Corn,'112..ft. in height, has been report-
ed in .Nh'is violuity, wlhic'h, however, is
dolt quite the equal of the 14 Ft. core
grown near Lo'nd'on.
Regaining consciousness at times
for several days past, Miss Marg'are't
Drake who is lying in the 'hospi'tal
with a fractured skull and a doubly
fractured arm, on Wednesday had
mlade but a slight change for the
(Many friends 'of Mr. William Pe't'h-
ick of Hallett, formerly of Se'a'far♦bh
and Exeter, who is confined to the
h'os'pital, regret to learn that his, eon-
dittoo is very low at present.
'.Itt'. Herbert Fairservice visited
Sunday at the home of Mr, Wilson
'Miss Bernice Howes has been
spending a couple o'f w=eeks with her
cousin, Miss Isabel Sundercoek,
,Mr. -Willis Phillips of Toronto is
visiting his uncle, Mr. Walter IW'il-
Mr. Oliver Price speiut a couple of
days visiyting his cousin, Gordon
Pethick. •
Miller's Worm Powders do not
need the after -help of castor oil or
any purgative to complete, their thor-
oughness, because they are thorough
in themselves. One dose of them,
and they will be found palatable by all
children, will end the worst trouble by
making the stomach and bowels un-
tenable to the parasites, And not only
this, but the powders will be certain to
exert most beneficial influences in the
digestive organs.
The reason young cosipaes dose
their eyes .when tkissing is to prevent
each Other from 'seeing chow foolish
they look.
,Mrs: Gurbbins: "I'm glad to 'ear
your 'irsbanld s up and about again,
Mrs. Miggs.
Mrs, Miggs: "'Yes, the doctor says
'e 'as marvellous power sof vitupera-
Auto Insuraoce
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while IQ see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call -Night and
Day. Service
Phone ' 152
A. D. Sutherland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
The New Chopping Mill is now ready
Chopping and Rolling Done Every 'Day.
Service is our .Motto. Good Work Guaranteed.
Louis Eberhart
Last Monday our 'burg was bright
erred up with The rays of the Hydr
Electric li-h'ts:,Eor the 'first time,
Mr, Fred 'Eokart and his daughter
Eileen motored to 'Oakville to visit
M5,and llrs.,Joe 'Eckert, while Eileen
is spending a month's vacat'i'on with
her friends there.
Miss Mary .E'Ilen .Dempsey -has re-
turned to ,Guelph to resume her duties
as teacher,
Our leacher, Miss iHeden 'Delaney,
opened our school' on Tuesday.
'Misses Maria and 'Etiza'beth Murray
eft for Logan and Hibbert toavreships
o Open their respective schools.
Mrs. John Coyne and her son from
(Detroit called on .frien is in our burg
est week.
IMr, wad .Mrs. Thos. McKay and
_ Mrs: Rags Love and daughter halve
a =returned from the Clinton hasp ltal to
their home.
Dr. John Hagan, who spent - several'
weeks at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Annie Hagan, returned to his practice
in Chicago. -
'Miss Edna 'Cochrane, R.N., had the
misfortune to break a bone in her foot
the other day, but is doing nicely.
Mrs. W. Love and brother, Mr. J.
B. Forrest were to Lanka recently.
to visit Mr. Love, who underwent an
operation recently in Victoria Hospi-
tal, and who is getting along nicely.
The service in the Hillsgreen
Church will be wi'thdraw'n again next
Sunday, Sept. 6, and the congregation
will again worship with the Ki•ppen
eongregatian when .Rev. Mr. Bremner
of Brucelfce'ld will conduct the ser-
vice as usual. ' -
Misses Anna and Agnes Love have
returned to their home aftercanuping
'for a few days at the Li:niberlost Cot-
tage at Grand Bend.
The schools in this section reopened
for the fall term 011 Tuesday morning
with Mr. Din'non of Cromarty in S.rS.
1No. 7, Stau'ley, and Miss Lettie Love
in 'S:S. No. 3, Hay.
Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
!Isaac Jarrott and family of Kippen.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jarrott and
Mrs. Mitchell' of Brig -den spent a day
with Mrs. L. Troyer.
IWe are glad to report that Mrs, R.
Stephenson is able to be up again,
after having fallen and fractured her
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman and
family of'Se'aforth spent Sunday with
•Mrs. L. Troyer, who -returned witch
them for a few days.
Mrs. P. Campbell and little daugh-
ter, of Hay township, are visiting at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Love.
'amity and .Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Mur-
ray and' family and Mr. and 'Mrs, Jas.
'Murray motored bo .Formosa to spend
a day at the summer reso:nt at the gey-
er spring which is becoming popular
I or ahe 't'ourlist.
'There is no reason ivthy gas should`
bare taken a rise, as the price of the
aw oil is lower than even Your cor-
respondent passed through several
owns and cities east of here and all
gas stations had 'their signs up 15c a
gallon and tax extra, .It was a good
ad. for tourists to fill up before they
got to the 'high-priced territory. Why
s the hold up?
Hayter-frown,—A quiet but pretty
wedding was solemnized at high •noon
on S'aturd'ay, August 29th, at the
m'an'se, Brucefiel'd, when Miss ,Sarah
Henderson, Brown, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, !Angus .Brown, of Tucker -
smith, became the bride of Mr. Lloyd
Hayter, sort of Mr. and Mrs, 'Henry
Hayter of Stanley. Rev. W. ,A,
Bremner performed the ceremony.
The bride who was beeo,msngly dress-
ed in 'beige, with all accessories to
noa'tcb, was attended' by her sister,
'Miss Margaret Brown, while Mr. El-
gin' Hayter, the groom's brother, was
groomsman. Following the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Hayter left by motor
for Pllint and Detroit and upon their
return will reside on the groom's
farm in 'Stan'l'ey, accompanied by the
best wishes and congratulations of
tiheir many friends.
Mr. Elmer Sparrow, of 'Orangeville,
visited 'last week at the home •of Mr,
and Mrs, !Nelson Keys.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin G. Keys left
on Monday for East Windsor after
s'pen'ding :part 'of their holidays with
their pa'ren'ts in ,Stanley and at El-
mira. Mr. Keys is 'principal of the
David ..Mamwed'l school, East Windsor,
and is to be :congratulated on the suc-
cess ,of his entrance pupils this year,
all twenty-eight who wrote having.
passed, seventeen with honors,
Mr. Stuart K. Key's is vi'si'ting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys,
after cpendiog the summer months on
the engineering staff at !Beauhartiois.
Miss Margaret .Drake has been itt
the Seaford'. hospital in a very seri-
nus condition, the result al a motor
accident on Thursday night on the
boundary road a few miles north olf
Dublin, There were five young peo-
ple in the car, all of tt'hom had been
attending the corn roast of the Junior
'Farmers.' Insrtitute at Staff -a. J'o'hn La-
ment, b who was the driver; his cousin,
C. McDougall and Alex Gardiner,
who occupied the front seat, and Neil
Lantana�r b
brother her ofhe
t driver, and
Miss Drake, inhe rumble e seat, John
Lamont had arranged to meet a friend
Who Was attending a dance at $ro-d-
'hagen that night, and started for that
place. When about four utiles north
'of Dublin the car struck loose gravel
and swerved and finally went into the'
ditch where it turned over, thro'win'g
the occupants out, 'Miss D-r.'ake did not
recover consciousness for two days.
!Persian Balm .is the one trate family
aid for skin health and beauty. Aids
the m'other in additional loveliness,
'Protects the tender skim of the .child.
Delights the father as a hair fixative
or cooling Ibtion, N
o matter to what
use it is nut, it is always beneficial to
he skin, (Every woman should use it.
(Persian Balm cools and caresses the
skin and creates co'm'pIlexdoaas .af 'svr-
pvssiinig loveliness.,
that's how
every deli-
cious bubble crackles when
milk or cream is poured on
it! Rice. Krispies are toasted
rine—filled with flavor and
crispness — what a break-
Rice Krispies fascinate
children. Ideal for bedtime
suppers. Order a red-and-
ed-andgreen package from your
grocer. Made by Kellogg in
London, Ontario.
Ladies, we are prepared to
serve afternoon tea while you
are down town,
We would be pleased if you
wou!td give us an order for any
style of cake. -
Our Chicken Dinners are be-
ing well patronized, 'Phone your
order early. .