HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-09-03, Page 1(Where are the songs of Spring? ay, where are they? 1q I'Ih:inic n11t of then, thou Bast thy music too, While .barred clouds b'.ocam the soft- dying clay, !And touch the stubble -plains with r^osy hire: e Seaforth e (And fill]- ;grown lambs loud bleat ,from • 'hilly bourn; • Hedge -crickets sing;; and now with treble soft The red -breast whistles from a'garden, • es o'rt, And gathering swallows twitter in the skies, :Autumn: Keats. — w WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 53, No. 36. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1931. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME RADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The O Confectionery and Restaurant ure Spices for Pickles "We have them at lowerprices than ordinary. HIGH QUALITY VINEGARS.— At price of ordinary vinegars. PICKLING RECIPE BOOK.—Free t R OO,-+P:er 1 'lb. can 25c and with .each pound a spatula or pancake turner FiRIEfE. CORN FLAKES—+Kel'lagg's or Qua- ker ,,,,,....., , 3 for 25c (AMMONIA KI.,ENZINE,-2 for 15c CLASSIC CLEANSER -One of the ;best .:....................3 for i5c DUTCH COCOA in bulk, superior equality per 'Ib. 25c BALKING MOLASSES in bulk, Per lb 6g !BAKING swum 'in hulk, per Ib. 10c 'Very best quality. [BAKER'S SNOWd R51PT, Shredded, 'Go'caanut. per lb -. 25c JELLY POWDERS—At 3, 4 or 6 for .25c LUX FLAKES— , . , .- 3 for 25c DOMESTIC O'NIONS... 10 lbs. 25c lSoribb1ers, Exercise Books, Pens, (Pencils, Rulers, Evershanp Pen - ails, Fountain 'Pens, Copy Books, Drawing Books, Etc., for School Opening. F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phood 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE B. L. BOX 764E 01. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, September dal Union ser- vices. 10 a.m.-Sunday Schools and Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Public Worship, North Side United Ohurch. 7 p.m.- Public Worship, Egneond- ville 'United Church. Rev. C. A. Malcolm, M,A., will conduct both services. W.M.S. •The round table ;conference will be held in North Side United Church on Thursday, :September 10th by the W.M.S. od that church. THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly, meeting at the home of bliss Jean Fatlheriniglram, on iWlednesdiay, September 9th, at 2.30. A good programme is provided. Come and join us. .S'OHIOOL OPENING There is an increase of nearly forty pupils at the Seaforth Collegiate Ins- titute this year, the registration on Tuesday being 220 students. The Staff is the same as last term with the exception of Miss ;Marion 'Bela gra- duate od 'University of Toronto, spec- ialist in English and ,History, who takes the place of MTs. Kirkwood. ICELEBIRATES 87TH BIRTHDAY. On Friday of this week Mr. Sidney Jacobs, Ord Street, will celebrate Isis '87th birthday. Mr. J,acobs is still hale and hearty, conies op town every day where the sturdy figure with cheery smile and pleas'ain:t greeting hare been rarefy absent :farther back tlsan the older iathelb:itants can remem- ber. Mr.'Jacdbs is one of the original pioneer residents of this town, having ,dome here frown Hyde Park, 0-n'tari!o, seventy years ago. He recalls his old home near Hyde Park, a dense bush s'eparatin'g the village frees London.. One of his sisters was married. to John Brett, who had a tinsmithing. 'business in Egmdnd'vi:lie and young IJacolbs came at the age of sixteen to learn the trade. Egm'oand'viile and lhIarpusihey were flourishing villages, hut there were not half a dozen fam- ilies in Seaforth. Mr. Jacobs recalls that there were the Watson, Duncan, Stutz and possibly two other families, living on the present site of Seaforth. After serving four years' apprentice- ship, Mr. Jacobs went into nbusiness for himself. He leas at Bruoe'fietd a short time and then dame to Seaforth. During his many years lie occupied eight different shops at various times. He was first at .the north end of 'Main Street; then in .a frame building where •t'he town hall now is, the Thompson grocery 'store occuping one half of the building and the tin shop the other side; for some time he was in a building which was afterwards burn- ed on the site ,of the skating rink; he had a shop south of the railway track and for a number of years before he retired' he had Ms shop at his, home, first on Market Street on the lot now occupied by Mr. J. J. H:uggard',s resi- dence and finally at Ord Street. He also spelt four or five years at Bow- manviille, returning to Seaforth to work for Johnson Bros.' ]Hardware, who had a large double store on the west side of Main Street. Some years ago Mr. J'ncblbs dealt in real estate to some extent, building several of the present substantial houses of Seaforth. He remembers there was a tremen- dous building boom here, as occurred over Western Ontario during his early years in: business. Fifty-seven years ago he Was united in marriage to Miss Brdwnell, of Montreal, who had donne to ,Seaforth because her (bro- ther had a grocery store here, and she hes remained as a valued resident of the town ever since. For a number of years Mr. Jacob's mother, who lived to be ninety yelars Of age, and his sis- ter, lived with theme. His many friends join ' The News in wishing Mr. focobs nneny happy returns of his birth day. HIENSALL 19, AS,LS'A CRAIG 7. The play off game between Hen - sail and Ailsa Craig was played at Crediton co'mm'unity playground do 0vfoinday. Legg and Dinsmore, of lLondan, were satisfactory -u'm'pires. •K.' /01-san started in the box for Craig and was replaced in the third ,by Meadows, who finished, exicept for part of the fatal seventh, when Master relieved' him, For 'Henislall Howe pitched' anti was replaced in the eighth by Welish. Altogether 26 rums were scored, of w'hidh 116 were in the seventh inninlg. Ailsa Craig- IBurige'ss, c1; Yoe Given 3b; Meadows, ss; Masters, lb; Stew- art, 2b; 'Stokes, cf; K. Given, p; Grieve, c; Barnes, rf. 'Heinen—Horton c; McCauley 2b; Gesdho, cf; Brownlee, Ib; Joint, lf; B'rintnell, es; Passmore, rf;. Rennie, 3b; Howe, p; Welsh; p. H'enisall . . ... , 202 '1110 l4 02-19 Ailsa Craig 00111 100 5 00— 7 It is exlpected that Hensel; will meet Rodney in the next round. ON THE EDITORIiAL DESK. (The members of the now British Idalbinet, under Prime Minister 'Ram- sey MacDonald are reported' to all halve worn a sprig of heather on the occasion of their first meeting the !other day as a taken Of good luck to lthe deliberations of the new Govern- ment; to the present .there seems neo rea.eonn to complain oif the heather Charm, On The News'desk this week is a sprig of 'heatlher, a bit off "just some '(heather fnae bonnie Scotland, gather- ed at Kum4ndllbeidge, Pillochry," sent by Mrs. Janet Don to her c'outsints, Me. J. M. Rolbertaon aand Miss Raberltso•n. (Beside the heather are two tidy 'little samples of Hermans Trefil'e's prize !winning wheat and oats from the Can - loaner West, left by Mr. Oarless df ICi; ',ton. That -magi* to be a conllbinalti:oan. hard to beat. • BORN. IWOIEIDMARK. — In Scott Memorial IHes'pital one Friday, Auguet 2'&0h, 119131, to Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Weed - mark, Seek:ntih, a daughter, KI5TlviLR Ln S:cola Memorial Hos- pital, on T it rsdtty, Aargus't 27011, 49311`, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ,Kisltner, ;Dublin, a daughter. ECIKAIRIT-In Oaikv'iile, on IWedues- :day, August 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. ;Jos. iEckaa.t, a son (Stephen Joseph) ,CA'IiIIPRIaLL —Ie Stanley Township, on F-iday, August 21, 1931, to Mr. land Mrs, •P. Campbell, a dauginter; A NOV1EL REUNION Mr. Themes Adam's of ;the Heron Road returned 'home last week with a couple Of cans of cattle, 715 in all, bought on Ude Winnipeg market. Mr. IAdiams had intended going on to Slas- Ika'tdhewan •to vis'i't his sister, Mrs. filmes 'Oook; at Y'onkton, and in this connection .had a very navel exper- ience. ,Mrs. Cook had c:omie to. Win- nipeg on a visit without knolwing her brot'he'r was in the .city, and while Sittinnlg at a table in IJoullos' Cafe sibUh friend's, she sudideially recognized Mr. Attains' voice, and 'looking around, saw ,hisas at the table behind her. Mr. ;Adams and Mrs. Cook were supremely de1'iglhte!d alt the kindly turn of 'fortune. Mrs. Cook reported severe .though conditions in the Yorktondistrict, but that a recent grain, ,might give thein sufficient 'p'ota- toes in their •garden for over winter, WINTHROP. Mission Band.—The Helping. Hand lakission Band of Cavell Church held their regular meeting at the home of itfrs., Ferg. Bullard on Wednesady' af- ternoon, August 26th. The meeting opened with the singing of Hymn 721. 'The ;Scripture: Lesson was read by Edith Hilleti, after which Elva Pryce ted in'prayer. The roll was then call- ed and Agnes Dodds read an interest- ing story "Inasmuch" to the Band. After singing of Hymn 494 we con- tinued our study of Japan which -Nos followed by the repeating of the Lord's prayer in unison•. An enjoyable hall hour was spent in playing games at the close of which a delightful lunch was provided by Mrs. Blanch and and the hostess. 'Miss Minnie Wheateiy has -returned home after spending a week with friends in Wlingiham. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell and Rata, and _lir, and firs. Cecil Baxter and Marjorie of .Benmfller. spent .Sung day with Mr. and 'Mrs, Adam Dodds of Listowel. Miss Mildred Wheatley spent Sun- day with Miss Velma Hoist. LORDIS DAY ALLIANCE !Soave people are aiskiug today wihe-, ther or not the L'ord's Day Alliance cif Canada has out -lived its usefulness. The Rev. Geo. A. McLean of Toren to, Field Secretary for Western On- tario, will answer this question M. his i•:elpont off the work' of the ,Alliance to be given '.Sunday-cveniin'g next, Selp- teaia'b'en 6tli, in the Presbyterian ,churct, Seaforth. and ;Sunday morn- ing, September 20th in the Anglican church, Sealfor'tli, and the -United IOhirrdh; Egnvonlc0vill:e A14 interested are invited to hear thisreiport. s HALL -KEY'S REUNION. A Hall -Keys reunion, was ehld in j'olwatt's Grove, B'aylfield, on. Tuesday afternoon when over twen'ty of the friends assembled to renew odd ac- quaintances. Those who were present were: Mrs. William L. Keys, of .Se'a- :forbh; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall and son B:ernlard, of Londesb'oro; Mr. and Mrs, Willliasn J. ,Hall of Toledo Ohio; Mists Annie Govenlo'ck, of Seaforth; MISS Janet Gloven1ock o'f Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Artie P. Keys and sons, Bernard, John and Arnold, of Stanley ito'wn'sh:ip; Mrs, Jlahn isFcAsb and sans, Willie and Floyd, of Varna; Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mellvin Keys and Mildred, of P•iittsbungth, Pa., Mrs. Annie Reid and Mary, of Seaforth, and Mrs. Mel- vin C. Talbot and Mabel and Ernie, of IKiiplpen. The picnic was held in honor el the visit olu Mr• and Mrs.Hall of To- ledo and Dr. and Mrs. Keyts of Pitts- burgh. , IThe 'alfternioo:n was spent playing ;hors,e-shoes and bathing, while the ;children made merry an t'he swings' and playing in the sand. A fine sup- per was served at six o'clock, atter whioh the fridtiidls bid each other fare- well, promisiing themselves that .there should ' be •many similar events in the tutu STAFFA T'he school bells are making them- selves heard once more. Mr. and 'Mrs. .Cecil O'Brien and daughter, of Ridgetawn, called on Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien recently. They were on their way to Toronto where Mr. O'Brien is on the teaching staff. Our teachers have returned again, Miss B. Simpson, Tuokersmith, to S. S. No. 4; Miss J. Hogg, Seafortrn, to No. 3, and Miss M. Smith, Stratford, to No. 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sadler, Mr, and (Mrs. L. Hannon and Mr. A. Jeffry Spend the week end in Hamilton. 'Mrs. Bragg of Dublin is visiting with Mrs. S. al. Webb. Mr. and Mrs. C. Templeman of To- ronto stpent the week end with the fornter's parents. Miss Betty Temple- man who has been visiting her grand- parents, returned with them. The Jr. Farmers held a corn and weiti.as roast last Thurad'ay night and all report a fine time, SEAFOIRTH HIGHLANDERS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray return- ed to Toronto after spending the holi- days at the former's home. Miss Florence Cooper of Seaforth is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Iismbl'ey. Our students who have returned to High 'S'ch'ool at Mitchell are 3risses Muriel and Marion Drake, Jean S'male, Norval Norris, Arnold Bar- 'bour, Harry Drake, Lorne McGill and 'Carl Drdwn. To .Seaforth—Misses' Gladys and Flossie Batson. Miss Eva Verner h!as returned to Stratford alter spending .the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie "Miller. Mrs. F. Drake, Stratford, visited nvitbher sister, Mrs. W. Jeffry re- cently. Miss Marie 'Sill:ery returned to, her school' near Sit. Marys. Miss M. E. 'Graham of Mitchell, a :former school teacher at No. 3, visited with friends last week. Hiss Graham goes to Keewatin this year. \Ir. Archie Luxton is spen:ding a few weeks wish friends in the West. At the concert given by the. Sea - forth Highlanders Bland last Sunday evening a large crowd .wa's present despite the cog weather. The pro grain was one of the best of the sea - eon, and judging by the many favor- able comments heard Seaforth may well be proud of the Highlanders band, Two vocal .s'olois'ts were featured•' Miss Mabe] Turelbuld and Mr. James 'Sleelth. Each .sang two well chosen numbers, which were greatly_,a'pprec- iated, !Owing to the risk of unfavorable Weather there will be no more 'b'and concerts this season. • No student can hope to hit the high marks when handicapped by a scratchy, messy, old-fashioned pen! Send your boy or girl back to school with pep and enthusi- asm—with a smoot ;writing, comfortable. . to-the•hand Waterman's Fountain Pen. Many styles to choose from—in a variety of snappycotors- wither nib to exactly suit the student's writing and your pocketbook. Fred S. Savauge JEWELER & •OPTOMETRIST Opposite Post Office. Seaforth. Phones 194. Res. I0. Miss (Lydia Reid, who has 'tau,glht at 'Harl'ock s'ohool for ,the past two years will continue her ,du'ties for the ,touting year. lWe wish her a very successful year. Rev. 'lir. Forster has returned frown his 'holidays and conducted service on Sunday morning in IB,urns' United Church, with a gooid a'ttendan'ce. 'Miss Olive Knox visite'd at the hoine of 'her si's'ter, 'Mrs. Toney Ap- pleby in MdKillop, ,part •of fast week, Mr. and l'Irs, Bert Allen entertain- ed quite a number .of friends on iSuni.- d'ay., Quite a number Of friends visited on Sunday at the 'home .df Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris. [We wish to 'congratulate Mr. Wil- liam Leiper on ,being successful an passing all his exams. He in'tend's at- tending Normal this year. We wish him every success. Mr.. and Mrs. Toney Appleby and Rosamond and Marion visited on Sunday at the 'hone of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mason and chil- dren of Kitchener, Mr. J'dhn • Mason and Mr. •Neth:ery of Waw:atvoslh visit- ed' on 'Tuesday of last week at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Rapson,. also 'Mr, and Mrs. A. W. MslEwing. 'Rev. James !Pearson, Mrs. ,Pears•onn and son of St. Charles, 7sLidh„ visited laet week at the home of the fornier's sister, Mrs. A. 'W. Beacom, taking their daughter, Miss Olive, ,wlho has been visiting her cousin, Miss Edytne, home with them. Mr, and Mrs, Isaac ;Ranson visited on 'Su'nday afternoon at the home of Mr. arid ,Mrs. Wm, Shepherd Of 'Clin- ton. IWe with to extend sincere sym- pathy to the friends of the late Mrs. Harvey who was for a good many years a resident of near 'Harlock. HARLOCK Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes Watt and 'Master (Owen visited all their relatives i -n .this vicinity last week, 'making their Headquarters at the home Of the forni- er's 'brother, 'Mr. Geo. Watt. They re- turned. to Toronto on, ISattunday. 'The many friends of Mr. Robert Ferris :were very sorry to hear that he 'had 'been very ,poorly one day last week, but glad to know he is same - millet improved. We hope the wi'11 con- tinue improving, Mrs. 'Marie !Knec'h'tel df (Western Ontario arrived 'home ,Friday night, her brother ,Reece Meeting her in London. ,She ,was aec'omtpanied by -her l'i'ttle(laughter, Miss Ma:een, Quite a nuenilber of the young peo- ple attended the 'Junior Farriers' pic- nic twhich was helid le ,Bayfield on IWed'neslday least. The 'September Ladies' Aid meeting will he held on Wredniesday afternoon Of this week at the ,houie of ;Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox, w*ith Mrs. A. W. Beacom and Mrs. Isaac Rapson assist- ing. :Miss Amy 'Parsons will start her duties as teacher For number 2, Hui - lett, on Tu:esclay of this week; also ,Mass Ena at Number 1'1, Wawanosh. We wish ,the girl's every success at their new sdhiools, • Y' .':x,::rit'Ya''X+hi'a•^aY.4ik". . : air It was decided to hold a fowl slapper an !October 27rhh, or as near to that date as pdssible. Committees were Poem -ed for canvassing for four] and to look after the program. 'The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Robert Mr. Jack Riddell and daughter 'Gloria and son Jack o'f Toronto visited last week at the home of 'le. and Mrs. Edwin Britton. tMr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson and dau'g'hter Marion visited rel'a'tives in 'Owen Sound last week. Mrs. Stew - ant and uncle, Mr. Wilson of Seaforth, accompanied them. Mrs. Roy Hastings and daughter, iliattie, Mr. Oliver Hastings and Mr. andMrs. M. Rennie, all of New Ham- burg, visited on Sunday at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson and IMT. and Mrs. Walter Mansfield, daughter;Grace and son Norman, who totnrned from their camping trip with Mrs. Britton, spent a day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Britton. Mos. 'Robert Lawson and Jean and Lorne visited Mrs. Jack Busby in [Chatham for a few day's l'a'st week. 'M'r, and Mrs. Edwin Britton and Mrs, Riddell and chil'd'ren motored to St. Thomas on Thursday and visited their uncle, Mr, McDougall and Mrs. .MdDaugali. Mr. Will Milson and son ,Will and ,Mrs. Milson . of Cleveland were guests of Mr and Mrs. Peter Lindsay - Mrs. S. Ganwill of London was a ,guest of Mr. and Mrs, Lea Stephen- son on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter ,Gardiner of ILoatdoti and Miss Lottie Halls of Winnipeg visited their cousin, Mrs. ;Bent Stephenson. an Sunday. Mr. George Riley Jr. spent the week end in London visiting his bro- ther, Charlie Riley. Mr. 'G no. Stanley and daughter t4iteen, of Sault Ste Marie, Mlcltigan, and Mgrs. MdMurray of Seaforth spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke. Mrs. Leo 'Stephenson visited Mrs. jack Logan at !Brussels oei :Friday. Mr. and lfrs..Stanley Oh:ellew and Mrs, Taylor o'f Blyth, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. ,Rusts, ,who have just recently re- turned .from China, visited Mr. and. 'M'rs, Leo 'Stephe:nso,ii. on Sunday. Mr, Charlie Coakley of Blenheim called oti his brother, Harold Coakley, recently, Mr. and Mrs, Johan ,Riley of Tucker - smith were visiting Mr. and Mrs. IBerit 'Taggart over the week .end, Mr. Russell B'or•itt of Toronto has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clarke, Miss 'Cathleen Allen, w+hro 'lea's been visiting her sister, ,Mrs, Coakley, has re'turne'd to her home at Blenheim. Fire threatened to destroy Mr. Roy ILawson's house 'went of Kinburu, on Su:nd'ay wahine the family was away, Mr, Jane's Dale was taking a walk ors ISund'ay when he noticed the Lawson home was hidden in smoke. Neighbors were quickly summoned by telephone and a bucket brigade soon quenched the s'nilo ildesuing, fire in the upper .part :off the house, caused by too hot a fire the kitchen• sitove which -overheated the pipes. The hired mean, .w10 wa's ialoaae, lief a fire in the stove and went to the barn, so that the lire it started was unnoticed until seen by Mr. Dale. The gaud work of the 'bucket briga:de saved the 'house before very 'Muth ,d'annage was done. CONSTANCE. The W;NI::S• and Ladies' Aid met at the home o1 Mrs. Robert Lawson on August 25th. .Mus, Peter Lindsay, president of the W.MIS., opened. the meeting by singing hymn "There is Work to do for Jesus," followed lip 'prayer by •Mrs. Robert Lawtsion. The mieutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, Miss !Blanche Wheatley led the devotional' leaflet, which was very good. The president then closed ;the meeting as there vias important bivs'iness to be .di:acusscd' in the ;L'ad'ies' Aid nieetinlg, The Ladies' Aid meeting was •opened by the presi- d:ent with a few Minutes :of silent prayer followed by all repeating the (Lord's prayer. A reading en'ti'tled, (What Is a 'Christian? was given: by Mrs, M. B. Stephenson. Minutes oif last meeting read and adopted. A dis- cussion was 'held as to the best way of raising money in the near Endure. FOOT BALL Challenge Game MILL ROAD vs. EG7dO'ND•VIL'LE for Crawford Cup Papple's Field, 2l out Mill Road �dl ,.: ed.,$ep t. 9 Game 5:45 p. tn. sheep, • ,Admission 10c and 20c —Support Our Local , Team—