HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-08-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
Mrs, IWee. Higgins, Mrs, Thos. Mc-
Neil of 'Clinton and Mr. Clayton .Mar
tin of Englehart called on friends here
on 11\londay.
Mrs. Hart and babe of 'Toronto are
spending a few days at the home of
her parents, vir, and Mrs. Jas Foster.
'Mrs. lBertha Bell of Toronto •spent
the week end with friends here.
11\triss Alma Scruton who is training
fon a nurse at London, ie visiting at
her home here,
'Mise Annie Huisser has returned
!roam after a pleaeant visit with
Trends in Michigan.
The ,ceoir of the 'Carmel PseaIbyttr-
ian held a picnic at Grand
Bend. A good time was enjoyed by
!Mr, T. Drummond of Toronto is
+visiting at the home of his son Me
racrld Deurrintond.
IThe Odd Tell of the South Huron
apietriet are holding a picnic at Bay-
field on Wednesday, August 26,
The Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor .of
the United Church here, received
twerd last week of the death of his
mother at Sarnia, and left immediately
for that place. Mr. Sinclair has the
sympathy of the whole community.
Miss Jennie Martz of New Baeti-
snore, Mich, is visiting for a few days
:with Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'eleLaren.
Mr, an d 1rs, O'Day of Detroit
spent the week end at the home of
eir. and Mrs. Alex. 'Ingram
Mr. Leonard Dart of .Elora spent
the week end with erienals in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson are
spending their vacation visiting friends
in Toronto,
,Miss McTaggart of Exeter
spent Tuesday in town.
'Mrs. H. Little has returned home
this •week after ,epeteding several
Months at the Bend.
Mr. Thos. Lang of Exeter spent
Sunday visiting friends in town.
Mrs. Thos. Mordeoh returned home
east week after a pleasant visit with
reletives in Toronto and Tonaveande.
She was accompanied 'home by her
oiece, Miss 'Edith Faster, of Tona-
wanda, who will visit 'here Inc a couple
of weeks.
Miss Lois Moffatt of Brucefield is
visiting at the home of her grand-
mother, Mrs. IP. Fisher.
Rev. Mr, Goodwill of Toronto oc-
eupied the pulpit of rhe Carmel Pres-
byteriaa Church on Sunday lag,
Mrs. Leslie Knight and son Junior
who have been visiting relatives in
town left dor their home in Kitchene:
on Saturday evening.
Mr. and teirs. •Lorne Zuefle and chil-
Area of Windsor spent last week visit-
ing at Phe home of the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'John Zuefie.
Rev. and Mrs. Hicks and family of
{Wallaceburg were here last week call-
ing on old friends, Mr. Hicks being a
'former pastor here.
10, Geiger afe Son has a large num-
ber of Indians and Others pulling
their large ceop of flax,
'Rev. IR. R. Conner of Kipper oc-
cupied the pulpit in the :United Church
on Sunday last.
Miss Mary A. Iloggarth is making
extensive improvements to her home
on, Queen ,s1. The work is fbeing done
by Mr. and Mrs. Ali. Sweitzer.
'The Hensel% Baseball team were
easy winners M the intermediate
"B" play-off with The Stretford •team
on Saturday afternoon on our local
'diamond, winning by 4-1. Kerslake,
pitching for. Hensel!, did splendid
',Work and was ably supported by the
'balance. Hensel' secured 1 rein in
each of the erd, 4th, 5th anal 7th in-
nings. The Hensell people and the
!business men on Main street took a
great interest ei .the game, the places
•of business all being closed ,from 4.30
to 6 o'Clock. 'A return game will be
played at 'Stratford an Thursday I al-
ternoon, ,August 20th.
�t is reported around town that a
yoang man going to his borne on the
(London. 'Road near 'Exeter, and in a
spdt came upon a young girl
streaming at the top of her voice, en.d
floor young 'ho'odlunes attempting to
drag her down. 'It seems ehat one of
them went to Exeter and invited a
young girl he net on the street to go.
ear a drive with 'him., leaving his three
• comganions a mile .aind a quarter out
•of totem with the promise that he
would teturn as aoon as he secured a
gire which he apparently did, This
r Vernon!, shamed he investigated by the
,Ctoten authorities, as the young men
who witnessed it is relialble and the
inain reason for pablisbing this is a
warning to young girls oe the awful
risk they are taking of going away
driving with men they don't know.
'Rev, Mr. JOhneton has returned af-
ter spending a holiday at .Slarrtia ,and
he his recupenated, Mr, johns.ton
occupied the pulpit on Sanday last.
Mi es. Blanche /Wheatley motored to
'Toronto on Thursday last and spent
,severfal days there.
Miss Lillian McQueen., who was
Visiting her aunt, Mrs, Carnochan, re_
turned to Toronto last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Britton and
Will Jewett went to Grand Rend on
Feiday and attended the MoRorie pic-
inic. Albcett flety-five were present
fromi ail pants of the proVinte and
With the ,rain hollding off until even-
ing a very Pleasant reunion was held.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Ted, Jack
and Buddy, Mr. and Mrs, Fred VVII-
lOws and baby D'onalda, Mr, and Mrs.
Orn Butson ,anct Mr. Lewis, all Of
Uondon, were visiting Mr. and Mns.
Ernest Adams •during the weelc end.
blaster Kenneth Canter and Masten
Lorne Canter are holidaying with
their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mns.
Mrs. Edwin Briitton, motored to
Toronto with Mrs. 1-Linehley and ,Son
1,1lack to spend a few days with Mns.
Fred Kethey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson were
11-1rancilton visitors on Friday.
Mrs.. Wilson ,of Toronto is visiting
her friend, Mrs, Moore.
'Mrs. Schoales, of the Soo, visited
her sister, Mns. James Dale recently.
Mr. Percy Reid of London had the
mistfortune to upset his car in the
ditch a short distance saulth df Mc-
Cr,egor's, .b.ridge on, Saturdla-y mann-
lug. He was coining to Mr. Oliver
Anderson's where the family were
visiting. The car got out of control
at one side of th,e road and turned
sharply to the other side with the Te-
m* that it turned over. Me. Reid es-
caped with a feW breises, though he
had, a close call from more SeriOu's in-
jury as his het was cut above his fore -
ler, Seaforth; Allen Butler, Seaforth
jas, Afor.nison, and wife ,anci five hi(-
7110WisT TOPIC dren, Winthrop; Orval Soolc, Sea- ,
nox, arlock; A C.
Stoneman, Chisethunst; Arthur Gal-
beaith and daughter, Seidorth; And-
rew :Pen nington, Gb telhnrait ; Miss
dess'ie el rr ow, • Klippen; 1 -Pa v eY
eafortlif D. W. McDaugh-
lin, Walton; V,1 13. Phildips, HenIsail,;
'W. W . Pyth ns and Miss Al, E. Py,bus,
?Chi s ellru rst ; (Roy McTayiah, Seakotth,
IN'oran an Henn, Seeforth; J. Denni-
son, Leadbury; Levi Tisdale, Sea -
Forte; J, G. Dlocherty, Egmlondiville;
Archie el'eGre'gor, Kipip ; Jelin F,
'Cummings, ,Seeforlh; Robt. Grieve er,
Beafiorth,; Plamv.ey erellance Sealfanth;
jas. Ward, Varna, and A-rthor Johns,
August, 1905.
Purchase Separators,
The Robt. Bell Engine antsi Thresh-
, . ,
tr Co.'s workn
s ave recently sthippea
out the folllowing threshing outfits
loCelfy: 20 h.p. ,traction engine, wincL
sta'cker, to Roclerielc 'McLeod, Wal-
ton; 18 hp. traction engine to Andrew
Reid, Varna; 20-hiptraction engine
and separator, cutting box and wind
Stacker to the Hibbert, Tackeremite
& etalillop 'Threshing Go.; 20 lee•
tractionengine with loco, cab, canopy
tap, separatar and feeder with cutting
box ettachanent aral .whad staticer,"aleo
steel tank, to Jas. Hudson, Egrnfood-
ville; 21) .h.p. traction engine, separator
wand stacker and Self feedee, to Bird
Eros., of Brussels; 17 h.p. tra,ctionen-
gine, to Jiolen Holden, Beechwood;
A Record.
71 r. (Fred Neelin of Sealforth weeel-
ed front Seeforth to Stratford in an
hour and ten infinite's. Who clan beat
this ?
Dean of Lacrosse,
Mr. James Dick, the ever popular
head by broken glass. proprietor of the Dick Hotel, Ste-
ele and Mrs, Win. 'Clarke and Mrs. forth, was in the city this week. elm -
Dinah 'Taylor, Mrs. Holward Arm- any imay well be termed the dean Of
strong and Mrs. Pete Papitte;au mot- thelacrosse ring as he alway's has the
ored to Mount Bridges on Sunday. long green. An all roun 6 sport, a
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriem Clarke Vis- gentleman, land a lover of a good la-
ited Mr. and Mrs. George johnston of crosse game—not the kind Goderich
Varna on Sunday. playse-eStratford Herald.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCune' and A Narrow Escape
dauglater Margaret, Miss ,Belle Mc -
'Cully celled at the home af William The wife Of Samuel Blown of 'Hail -
Clarke on ,Mondlaylett, together with a lady friend, had a
Miss Dorothy Coleman spent a narrow escape from what aright have
couple of days with Elewodd Clarke. been a serious accident a , few days
•Mr, George Cockerene olf Toronto, since. They were driving when one cif
Mrs. M. Mains, and Miss Eliaabeth, the wheels came off the .buggy, thrOw-
of Loncleeboro, were visitors at the ing them backwards into the buggy
inc/me of their niece, Mrs. Austiti top, which broke off and carried them
Dexter, one day this week. with it to the 'ground. The horse ran
'Mr, and Mrs. L. Johnston ane Me, away with the rest of the buggy, that
!Robert Joinseton of Blyth, were vis- was badly broken before the horse was
itors on Sunday at the ,home ,of Mr. stopped.
and lens. Robert °lattice. .
Mr. and Mes. Hedb Glazier of 'Straka IBright Bros. are moving their Stook
ford visited with Mos. Poeard one of genes furnishing's this week to the
day last week. Strong block, the stand fonmenly ot-
Miss Alma Leitch spent a few day.s copied by Greig & Stewatt. The tall -
et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce aping deportment will be conducted in
Medd last week. the old YeMJC.A. acoria on the seemed
Mrs. W. C, Clarke of Listavvel has floor.
been spending a few days with Mr. .
Old Boy Visits Seaforth
and Mrs. Robert •Claoke. Mr. Clarke
.has not been in the best of .helalth, Mr. Robert Pringle, a former Sea -
his. many friends are sorry to know. lorthite, lattenly of Stratford, but now
Mr. David 'Alison and sister, Mete of Chicago, was in town last week for
Anna Menem of Buffalo and Me. a short visit. Me. Pringle was one of
and Mrs. Peter Lindsay were guests the most successful wheat 'clearers on
of Mn and Mrs. S. Hiles. the continent and lately cleaned up
Mrs. Pency Reid an ,Margaret and something like a million dollars in. his
Kenneth returned with MT. Reid • to operations.
London on Monday after a two weeks
visit with MTS. R. Anderson. Ole, Abram Kneehtel made his bro-
INIT. and Mrs, Geo. Riley, Mies thee Mr. Val. Knechtel a short visit
Mary Cook, Mr. Frank Riley, Ms. last week, wileile enroote to his home
George Riley Jr. and Mac Steplhenson irt Albany from the St. L01115 fair. Mr.
spent Sunday with ,Mr. and Me. Jebel Keteclbtea .holds a lucrative position
Riley of Tuckersmith. with the New York State 'Fish. and
Game 'Calmness:on and win sail to
Freddie Riley has returned home
Germany this month on official busie
titer helping at Mr. Bill Glazier's in
Tackersmith. • ness.
Mrs. Bent Ferris and two children Fell from Train.
have been visiting MT. and Mrs. Vein
IMICM,illan in Landon. 'A report comes from Toronto that
the young man who fesi from the bar-
HARLOCK vesters' train at Holland Landing on
Miss Edythe Beacom returned Tuesday afternoon was Phos. Donned -
from camping Fniday. ly, of Sealearth, a son of Jas. Connelly,
Miss Ena Parsons is, at present Of Hibbert. He was undonstions when
visiting in Stratford Peet of Allis week, brought to. the •General Hospital at
Master james leclEwing visited Toronto, bit reeved donstiousnes's
Walter Beveley Of near Watton pant 'ehottly alter. He w'as injured about
Of last 'week, ehe head.
Mr. Angus Reid, Mists Lydia Reid,
also Mrs. Geo. Walt and Erme and Left Inc West
Mis's Bickel! visited Mr. alnd Mts. The following were ticketed to the
j°hMnrs,M.WaKillinliflaentY dBf ellalinth7s Frr:aurned W
Ca°Tildt'wheale,xMctilrss:°1-InaTnnu:1,sido'wfYT: ttEc'dfk--
from London hospital. Mrs. Bell un- eeerrath; 'w. Ryckman and family of
derwent an, operation some time ago five, ,Maok Burns, John • McConnell, A.
for goitre. We are Ipleaaed she is able tAikens and D. ,Aikens, of Hibbert;
to be home again and we wish for a Miss Mamie MiclEwen and, George
speedy recovery.
Miss Marjorie lecEiwing visi
led ajt Hulley, 1....eadbirry; Duncan IVDcCalltim
the home of Mr. .and, awes. Leslie and A. Grant, of 33teeelade.,'p. L,
Ry -
Knox Part of fleet week. anni teIh41,11Weratethr,°Tn! W
J. liMiNac:MmhHall,icael,o
rWe 'are 5°rrY 'hear that 'Mr- Th'es• lett; W.aeter MCMIllan, of Roxboro;
Neilatia is bedfast We bete he will Nellie Gentmele William Armstrong
Mr.Noon olc. again. '
Ah Knox of mtioutio, &sic., and Idlua eleclIntase, of Seaolley; S. R.
Hindhley 01 S,eeforth; Jahn 3. %yea
visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. of Blake. The foledveing were issued
Isaac Rapeon, also Mr. and Mrs. te people of Hensel', district : J. Edb-
Tlhes, Knox the end of last week. eragele J. Caldwell, Miss BuM,
Mrs, Knox intends leaving for her (Kerslake, j. Ashton, J. Bullard, S.
lane in Madhlie ,Motelai of this Swan, S. Iloriton, G. 1-ealakirk, A.
week' Smith. C. Osaveld, .Bezeau, Sol
Mrs. Albert K/TOX and Mrs. Thos. Schroeder, J. Thompson and W. VVIet-
Knee visited Mr. and Mrs. Willriam son By CIP.R: Wne Clark, Con -
Knox of near Walton Friday. etente; 'Mrs. Geo. Smith .and four chid -
Miss Toots Peynalda peruke cirea, Winthrop; Miss Anne MoGreg-
eiseted her friend, Misa Marie Repson, or, Constance; Matt 'McDermott, Sca-
the end of the week. toreh; 5, P. Carlin, St, C,oltentban; H.
For Frost Rites and Chilbkine—
eBee9t, il.art4r*;.
Chilblains come from endue exposure son, Leeeeere; W. H. Stogtell, Stan-
ge en, agot. nop, MIss
David -
to &Instil and cold and.frost bite from
the ley wincla of winter. In the treat- Bleeyi'doWee.;,Re.e.a.AefOcriMthi;c1Tlaheeq's.SAeadfa:ns
isanent of either an excellent,ereparation s,bee,ee;
!s Dr. Thames' Eclectric Oil, as, if . Miss Maggie Driscoll, Lead -
counteracts the eativemeeeee ansi re- bury; jaeob Seeforth; John
Ideaes the gain. The action, of the oil 11. Ran48' Sea'f"th; Wilb
Is gromipt and its application is ex-
Mr. and Mrs. George ReCall were
Morris visitors recently.
'Master Melvyn.. Batios.don, returned
to his home Sunday after a three
weeks' visit with Ingeosioll friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Woodntan and
,lers. Riddell returned to Ch'athant on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lovett anal Tam-
ily were the guests df Mr. and Mes,
Geo, McCall on Sunday.
Mrs. Stevens and lbabe returned, to
.Seeforth after a wee'k' .s visit here.
Mrs. J. W. Tanifelye returned home
last Friday alter ependin.g a week
with her :brother, Mr. Hiles of Clin-
tcle and Mrs. Dewar ansi family
leave returned to their home in Ot-
tawa after Isipending their holidays
here with friends. They were ac-
Comganied by Mies Elda Watson.
lie Jim MdGre'a of London spent
the week end with his parents trete.
'Mrs. Geo. Melville of Toronto who
has been visiting at tee home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Melville, has returned
to the city,
Mrs. Patterson anal son Alex who
have been visiting with the former's
sister here, Mrs. Fingland, returned
to Paris lest Friday.
Mr. and Mts. Jim MdCool Sun-
dayed in Goderimch.
A number from 'here Sundayed in
haelny Bee/4.61d.
MTS. Proctor Of Monis Ment Sun-
day with her friend, Miss B,arr, also
'the Misses Jamieson.
Iefr. Louis Pringle of Toronto is
visiting his mother here.
, Mr. Geo. Cockereine of Tor.onto is
Spending a few days with friends
Death of Samuel Woodman.—Oae
of the oldest peoneers off this settle-
ntent passed away in Londesboro in
the person of Samuel Woodman, age
es years, 4 months and 27 days on
Tueeclay ilase, August llth. The fun -
'era was held from his late residence
et Loneeslboto to the Londeshorto
cemetery on Friday seternloon: He
and his wife inemig-rafted to this coun-
try over sixty years ago. His farmer
wife, Hannah, prede'ceased him thirty
three years ago. Two years later he
married Martha, Pingle. Those left to
mourn his loss are his wife, one son
and two daughters, Rachel, at home;
ler, Howard Riddell of I..yleton,
'Manitoba, and James Woodman of
Obartham. "Andther son, John, pre-
deceased him five years ago. The
pallbearers were as follows: Robert
Cackerline, Hernry Adams, Harry Ril-
ey, .Anchie Webster, halm Harvey,
David Ewen. Much sympathy is felt
for the .bereaved ones, especially Mrs.
Wood'man, who is in very poor health.
(D. L. 1\ifaidPherson, town °leek olf
Clinton for maoy years, died in. the
'Clinton hospital about 920 o'clock
Tuesday morning as the result oe an
accident on Sunday night when he
was struck dOw.n by a car. Mr. Mac-
Phenson died without regaining con-
stioneness. The accident occurred
about 10:30 o'elock 'Sun.day night.
When crossing Ontario street oppos-
ite the Anglican, Church where there
is a conaicletable drop from the side-
walk to 'the plavelnient he stumbled
and was thrown against a car which
vvias going east on th.e highway driven
'by D. M. Maltby, Clinton. The driv-
er was unable to avoid the aceident.
The injured Men was melted to the
IHdepital anal he suffered a fractured
skull ,a,nd other injuries. Me. Mac-
Pherson Was „in his ,70th year and was
born in Fingel, son of the late Daniel
ele.c1Pherson. He was town Clerk for,
many years and ,before this had ;been
in the, office of the lesceeherson-Hav-
ey Manulfactutring Co, Clinton. He
had lived here most of his life. There
Inc atinviving two brothers, 'C. H.
MeePherslon, Torionto, and J. K.
MaciPhe rso n , Go deride
Tf Ofi8ars Worm Powders needed
the support of teetineoniela they
could he gat by .the thousancla from
mothers who know the great virtue off
this excellent medicine, But the paw
eters will spdak for themselves and in
5uch a way that •there can be no
cerestion of them They ace speedily
Ind thoroughly, and the ohed to
Seaforth; Ed. Britton, Constance;
whom they eve administered wiiui show
Geo. Taylor, Constance; Philip Bet- jrnitneo.ve,inont from .t4he trot aos,e.
Men's Overalls, at
Men's Overalls,. at . $1.49
Men's Shirts, at ,......... ... . . .. . . , . . ...89c
Men's Wearing ,Boots, at . ..2.69
Men's Woollen Socks, at. , ......... . ......... 3 prs. for 69c
Rideau Hall Coffee, per lb 45c
Circle Brand Coffee, per lb....,..... .. .... .... .... 39c
Palmolive Soap, 4 cakes for • 25c
• C
• It will PaaYslylIou°tflodYbuy from
-w. J.
High 'Seledoll pupils' to room or
board, or wile take lady ro'ontere ar
boarders. Apply MIIISS. Fe GALLOP,
34 East William St., near High
School, 34,
Chevrolet touting car, first crass
condition. 'Pop and eines almost new.
Bargain for queck sale. FRED. S.
SAVAUGE, Seeforte. 36 '
Of Household Furniture at tie resi-
dence olf Mr. Se121. ,Hanna, &eolith,
Monday, Aug. 24th at 2 o'clock:
1 rug; dining roona table; fee leef
table; email tables; 2 rocking chairs;
10 'kitchen chairs, eltild's high chair
ansi rocking chair; writing desk and
book ease, 2 cupboard's, 2 bedroom
sakes; ainoleuna; 1 ,Quebec stove wiett
°vete; 1 hea6er;1 fire extinguisher;
set of scales .('180 lbs.); quantity o'f
fruit jars, pictures, coal ail lamps, and
other articles too ,numeroas to men-
tion. Terms, cash.
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
(Subject to a reserve bid)
At the Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth, Ontario, oa Wednesday, Sept-
ember 2nd, 1934, at two o'clock p.m.,
,the following lend:
ileot 20, Con,cesaion 2, Township of
MOKillop, County of Huron, conita.in-
ing 100 acres more or less.
This is a hundred acre farm,
all cleared, watered by well and
spning, 051 gOod gravel road about
three miles from. Seaforth, and otic
mile from echool, wire feaces. On
the land is said to be ,situate a one and
a hole storey frame hank barn. on
stone foundation, frame bank 'barn on
posts, one and a heel 'stoney frame
house on cement found'atMn.
'For further panticuthars and c,ond.i-
'eons of sale apply bo: Thomas
:Baown, Auctioneer, Seafarth, or to
F. C. BIETIMS, Vendor's Solicitor
220 Dundas Street, London, Ont.
,Nioeice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofone' carried on be
William Armlet ,and Janet Ament, in
the Town of Sealficirth in the County
'of lemon, 'Index the firm name and
stele ef W. Ament & Company, as
dealers in cool and coke, at the said
Town of Seeemith, has been diseoeved;
end that the said Janet Ament has no
longer any connection or interest in
the said linin..
The business will. in future be car-
ried on by the said William Ament,
who Will pay and discharge aOl debts
and Liabilities and receive sll moneys
payable to the said final.
Dated at 'Sealiontle this Fifteenth
day af August, 1901.
A meeting of the Congregation of
Knox Predbyitanian clum8h was held
on Tuesday evening for the purpose
olf Considering Whether the congrega-
tion wee welling tc go ahead, ansi call
a minister to occupy the pulpit lelfit
vacant by the Rev. R. C. leeclDermid,
feer. Duggan, of Cifinften, who is In-
terim Moderetor, explained' that if
.the Congregation Was not wieling to
call a minister in 'entirely new fist
would have to be formed and, those
ministers w'ho lead already been beard
would be eliminated. A vote was ^ta-
ken, which showed the p.eople as ov-
,weelfmlingly in favor of calling a min-
is:ter. T,he seven minister on the eat
were then nomitratecit Rev. D. J. Lane
by Dr. Field, seconded by Mr. 13ea-
ootn; Rev. F. C. Hamer, by lar. Geo,
'Stewart, seconded by Mr. lies.set;
Rev. C. G. Marshall, by Mr. F. G.
Weir, seconded by Mr. C. Young;
Rev. J. H. Wooda.icle, by Mr. P. J.
lefeEwan, seconded by Williym
'Waite; Rev, A. V. Brown, by Mr.
H. IfeCreethr seconded by Dr, Rou-
ter; Rev. M. G. Coupe by Me. A.
Porter, seconded by Mr. ,H. Bleck;
Rev. ler. J. D. Jacic, by Mr. George
Schaefer, secoaded 'hy Mr., John
A vote by ballet was taken, resulting
in the deleision to atend a call to tee
Rev. le, 5. ,IJan.e of Wallecebtree,
Will why person (other titatt pres-
ent members of the Band). having
any Baud property in' their posses-
sion, ,plieese return same to' the Band
hall or to WALLACE PARKE, Sec„
Seaforth Highlandera Bead. 34
Having given up the McCormick -
Deering Agency, have several good
used Cream Separators for sale at a
right price. Also a lot of good used
repairs for nearly all makes of farm
implements. W. C. GOVEINILOOK,
Phone 146 r 5, Seeforth. • ,
And 0.A.C. Barred Rock pullets, 4
weeks old. 30 cents; six weeks old 40c;
eight weeks old, 60c. Prices for older
pullets and selected yearlings on re-
quest. We guarantee sale delivery,
Order now. Later prices will be high-
Petersburg, Ont.
Buy your honey according to grade.
We sell No. 1 Clover in your contain-
ers at 7c per lb; Light 'Golden Clover
in your containers at 6c per lib; Dark
Honey, in your containess, at Sc per
lb. Bring your containers. Wee.
HAIRITRY, Seaforth.
Young Jersey cow, 'milking good.
Choice of tveo. R.- MAGI -TAN, Fee.'
mond.ville, Phone No. 346r23. 34
To wind up the estate of the late
Wiiluiam Rinn, the valuable farm pro-
perty consisting of 149 acres, more or
less, in the Teiwaship of 'Hullett, let
5, concession 4, must be sold. This
is a very .desirable farim, suitable for
clair,ying or mixed farming, with an
ample supply Of water, also bank barn,
and, good frame house in good repair.
A portioa of purchase price 'may be
ieft on mortgage. Apply to W. J.
(OULLY (1Executor) Straleford, One
On George stneet, Seaforth, five
rooms and good 'basement. Hard and
soffit ,water..Apply at The News Office.
Tenders for 'the nattnic(palities share
of work to be done an the Carpenter
Award Drain, sid,e goad 5 and 6, con.
2, MlciKeIuiop township,. will be receiv-
ed by the u.n.densigned till Wednesday,
August 26th, 1934.
Tenders :will be opened at 7 pm. on
said date at site of drain.
'Plans anal sp,ecifications of work
may be seen at engineer's S. W. Ar-
chibald) office, Seafo.rth,. or office of
Clerk, Vat 315, Con, 3.
!Lowest or any tend.er not aecessar-
ely aceepted.
Seaforth, RR. 2
' Tenders will be received until Aug.'
25th, 1934, for the transportation of
teat:hers from Dablin• to St. Colum-
bian. The iowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted,
P. V. MciGIRAITIH, Sc.-Treas.
St. Catu'mban, Ont..
In loving memory of Elizabeth
Jane Gales, wife Of Frederick Gale's,
Who passed away Aug. 19, 1924.
'Not forgotten by these who loved
Not dead, but gone .before
T'o thiet beautiful Isle of Somewhere, •
Where paeting. is no mote,"
—Ever e member ed by husband,
Frederick Gales,
Hogs, per cwt
113utter, per Ith.
Eggs, per doz. '12c, 17c, 20c
Potatoes 60c
'Entailer Cattle --$3 to $4.
Heavy SteersH16.40 to $6.75,
(Colwe-2$4.50 to $4.75.
Ted Calves -4S to $9.
Calves (choice)—$8.50 to $9.00,
Lasubsa-4e00 to e8 2e.