HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-08-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 193i.: THE _SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros.,Publishers. WALTON. Mr. 'Willliarn 1Radford died on 'Sat- :urday:,nigh't at the home of his. son, Mr. William :E. Radford Mr, Rad- ford Sr 'was forced to give up his work in a Clinton harness shop. a few weeks ago owingto 111 !health and had been staying with his son. 'He was much 'improved until Saturday even- ,ing when Dr. Shaw and Dr, McCrea had to be called and he passed away ,several hours later. The funeral ,will 3e held m Clinton on Wednesday. The wiring at the Miss Driscolis' 'house at Leadbury was completed last week ready or the new hydro line in October, \lr. and 'irs. MoGavin and Mr.. Cha:. McGavin spent a day at Bayfield. Mrs. Jahn Crozier, with Mr. and Mrs. 'George (Brown and Lois and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brown were 'Grand, Bend visitors one day this \week. Mrs. W. E. Radford and son were called home from Sarnia where they went last week with her mother, Mrs. .Ashton and brother, from Gorrie to •:visit their sister, Miss Moore of Teeawater is visiting .at John Dennis', Beth Shannon is visiting at Mr. and 'Mrs. John L. Henderson's of Eg- mond'ville. .Mrs, J. Watt is visiting in "Blyth for a few days this week. Mr. Bert Anderson and Miss Eva attended the Allen -;Strong wedding last week.. Mr. D. 'Steins is visiting at D. Byer - man's the past week. Miss Vera Gardiner returned after spending a few weeks with friends in. Stratford, London and Detroit. The farmers are not able to harvest the crop on accbunt of so much rain. .XIrs. T. Beattie, Seaforth. and Mrs, London, visited with Mrs, J. Watt last week. W. Nicholson and W. Roe motored .to London on Friday. There are a great number of ped- dlers on the road at present, House- wives would do well to keep the doors Jacked. Mrs. J. Bernie and Hiss Audrey-, Listowel :visited with airs. Jno. Watt on Friday afternoon. Quite a number attended the foot- ball game head at iHespeler on Tues- day evening. The lawns are 6'oking green and flowers are beautiir.; for the month of August. The ladies of the united Church are preparing for a play which will be given in October. There is an abundant crop of all kinds of vegetables this year, Mr. and Mr. Gordon Taylor and daughter Jean and lir. Jas. Taylor of Guelph spent the week end at R. Hoy's. Mr. and Mr-. Eli McLaughlin of Iona and daughter, Mrs. N. Burges and N. Burgess of 'Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Young and Mr. L. Cum- mings in the village a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eli McLaughlin are formerly of Walton, Mrs. C. Gowaad and family return- ed to Fergus after .pending a few days with her father, Mr, S. Forbes. air. and •airs. Jas, McLaughlin of St. Thomas have been spending a few clays in the village and vicinity. Mrs. Naylor and Lais of Rochester. are visiting this week with Mrs. Gard- iner and friends in the village. Mr, Basil iMVilson of London is vis- iting a few days at R. Hoy's. lir. L. P. Forsythe of Toronto is visiting a few days at R. Hoy's. Mr. and \irs. C. Hoy of lfcGaw and Mr. Wm, Hoy of Ethel .pent Sunday evening with •Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Hoy and R. Hoy's, llr, \Vna, Overholt and son Wilbur -vf Toronto spent Sunday at R. Hoy's. Miss M. Farquharson returned to 'Goderich after spending the week with her parents, lf•r, and Mrs, \\?•m. 'Farquharson, and )Jr‚sDick Drager and son Charles of Preston spent Sunday with lire. L, Drager, ,Word has been received of the death at Melita, Mian,, of a former resident af this district in the person of Mr, Thomas S. \fenary. W.M.S.--T'he W.M.S. of Duff's Un- ited Church, Walton, met at the home .of less Bessie Davidson, MdKillop, . a large number :being present, includ- ing members from Bethel and Win- throp throp auxiliaries, Mrs. Bryans pre- sided. After the opening hymn 374 was sung, the members engaged in a few moments of silent prayer in un- ison. Mrs. Walter Davidson read the devotional leaflet "He Had Compas- sion on Them." Hymn 19, "The Lord is My Shen:mrd," was then sung and 'The topic, "Medical Work in Canada" was taken by airs. J. Marshall, assist- -ed;b, 3 Mrs. A. Coutts, viii. J. Mc- Donald and Mrs. Cumming, They told of our Home Mission Hospitals, 19 in number, and of the wonderful work our doctors ati3 nurses are do- ' there. o-'there. After the roll call, answer- ed by a harvest verse, and minutes of the .last mee•tiug, the meeting was Come in and See Our New and Used Cars I Am Agent For Durant Cars S Rugby b Trucks Massey=Harris Machinery and ' Repairs JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. .closed with hymn 469 and Mrs. Cum- ming closed is prayer, BLYTH. Music.—I have started to teach music of the London (Eng.) Conser- vatory of,Music, I am a senior pupil. SARAH E. HOIwATT, Phone 40r12, Blyth, •Miss Mae \Vigh•t•tnan of White- church,' is visiting her sister, Mrs. Elsie Brigham of Hnilett. Mr, and airs. Wm. Howatt spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. N. R. • Sanderson. Miss 'Beatrice :Smith and Miss Beth Lovegrove of Florence, leaders of the C:G.I.T. Camp at Ball's Bridge last week, spent the week end at the par son•age `with Rev. and Mrs. Anderson, Mr. George Chambers of Toronto is a holiday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. If. Chambers. •Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. S. Chellew went to Toronto an Saturday to meet Dr. and lir. Ross who have arrived home from China owing to Mrs. Ross' health. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Mills have re- turned home from Grand Bend, Mr. Mills being much improved. Mr. Charles •Boyd of Walton rend- ered two delightful solos at the morn- ing service of Queen St. Church. -lir. and Mrs. L. 0. Miller and son of Goderich were visitor at the home of .firs, :4 Colclough on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnside of Goderich visited on 'Monday at the home of Mrs. A. Colelough. Twelve or thirteen. Boy Scouts went to camp at 'Ball's 'Bridge, south of Auburn, Monday afternoon. Mr. Wnt. Lyons and lir. Ross Robinson will be in charge of the camp the fore part of the week and Rev. Mr. Ander- son the latter ?art. The Queen St, S. S. is erecting an outing lodge in the grove there which will give a shelter with stove and water for group camps or family picnics at any time. The 'Horticultural Society has un- dertaken to plant flowers at the cor- ner where the Auburn Road joins the new section of the highway. The council succeeded in having the hill. at the corner removed for grading material and for 'filling in the unsight- ly hollow. This will give a clear view at the corner and allow a wide join of the two roads. Mr. and Mrs, Levi Hunt and fam- ily of Brandon, Man., were spending a few days last week with their cou- sin, Mr and Mir. John Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Yeo and ''Ir. Cloyd Johnston returned Sunday- to their home in \tallaceburg. Miss Ruth Yeo accompanied them to Lon- don where she will visit with relatives, sfis,e.: Mary and Mabel Fear have returned home from t-isiting relatives in lfimico. Mrs, C. F. White of Tacoma, Wash, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Yeo. ltrs. A. Jackson and her son, of Mimico, were week end visitors of the former's brother, Mr, Les Fear. Miss Rose'.a Cunningham is visit - hag relative: in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Yeo and fam- ily of Holmestille, MIr, J. Yeo and her sister, Miss Roberts, of Goderich were guests at the home of Mr. John Yeo on Sunday. Mrs. G. M. McKay and daughter of Goderich are visiting with their cou- sin. M7 S. Win, Cunningham. Messrs. Cloyd Johnston and Chas. Cunningham spent Thursday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs, David Craig. The Misses Richmond entertained i number of their friend's on Satur- day. Mr. Thos. Storey of Seaforth, and Messrs. Wm. and Daniel Nicholson of Walton visited Mr. and Mrs. N'el-, son Nicholson Sunday afternoon. Mr. and airs. Wilfred Cameron and on Jimmie of Brussels were guests f John and Mrs. McNichol on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Nicholson, Mr. .nd Mrs. John Grasby, Mr. Thos. Grasby, and Mrs. Clarence Johnston spent the week end at Durham and mere in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. John Grasby's sister, the late Mrs. Jas. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Nicholson spent Thursday evening at Mrs. J. J. Mc- C'aughey's, 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Grasby of near Auburn, also Mr. Alfred Nesbit visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, John Graby Friday evening. 'Mr, and firs. John Craig, 7th lite, visited friends at Kirkton on Sunday, BELGRAVE, Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Brydges, Mr. Archie Brydges, Mr and: '•Mrs. Thos: /Brydges; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoe - bottom and Mr. and Mrs. Abner 'Ne- thery were in attendance at the fun- erat of the late Mrs. Janes Tucker of Durham on Sunday. The late Mrs. Tucker avis formerly Fanny Ann Brydges, MANLEY. -lir. Fred Eckert motored to Lon- don with his daughter, Mr,-. Leo McKay to join a motor party who are motoring to their home in Re- gina. Rev. J. M. .Eckart, who has been sojourning with his many friends here left last Tuesday forhis home in Hawthorne from where he will go to the mission field. Miss Florence McMann from Chi- cago is visiting her many friends. -lir. Ales. Mitchell is busy making his rounds threshing. :A large number have finished har- vest operations with fair returns and all the weary farmer is waiting for is a raise in price for his production, The many friends of Master Steph- en Manley are pleased to learn 'he is none the worse for his adventure with the dog. WINTHROP. lir s, Foster Bennett, Huron Road, spent the week end with her parents, Jur. and :Mfrs. George Eaton. Mr, Jahn Bullard spent the week end with friends in Walton. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Doimage, Mrs' George Eaton and son Kenneth, spent a day in Stratford last week, Mr. Wm. MdSpadden has: begun threshing and has a busy season ahead of him. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Johnston and daughter Roma, spent Sunday with Mr. and .firs. Bolger of Watton. ELIMVILLE Rev. Mrs. L C. White and Misses Helen Murch and Florence Herdman entertained their Sunday school class- es to a party at the home of Miss Florence Herdman on •Thursday last, Mr, and Mrs.: j. Francis of London visited at lir. Wes. Johns' last Wed- nesday. Miss 'Bessie Johns returned home last week after spending- some time with relatives in Exeter, Mr, and lir,. R. Bragg and Gerald- ine, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm..Pybus of near Ohiselhurst visit- ed in the vicinity last Sunday. Rev, L. C. and airs. White and two children left Saturday for a visit in Windsor and Chatham, Miss Grace White and Mr. Vester .White of Chat- ham are returning with them. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allison and family{ of Springfield visited at lir. H. Ford's on Thursday last, air and Mrs, George Davis and two children and Mr. Harry -Burch and hiss Dorothy 'Delbridge motored to Niagara Falls last Sunday. 1Mi-s Ella Routley of near Kirkton visited at Mr. Wes. Horne's last Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Ford and Mrs. Canning of London, lir, and Mrs. J. Ford of Lake Road and Miss .Evelyn Whitlock of St. Thomas, called at Mr. Harry Ford's last Sunday even- ing. Mr, Harold Bell and Miss Helen Murchmotored to Toronto. last Sun day evening. Mrs. Wes. Horne visited her moth- er, -Mrs. Whiteford in Exeter last Sunday, Master Chas. Harris, of Farquhar, is visiting at Mr, and Mrs. Ivor Mar.. ga'ngs, Miss !Mary Johns entertained six friends to a party last Friday after noon. Mr. Whiteford of St. M!nirys visited at Mr, Wes, Horne's last Sunday HILLSGREEN The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society: was held at the home of Mks Annie Jarrott on \Srediyesday after- noon,'August l2'ph with Mr,s. J, Cocli- mane presiding. We opened our meet- ing by singing hymn 249, Silent prayer. The Scripture lesson was read' by Mrs. R. M'dAiilister. Hymn 637. The treasurers and, secretary's reports were read and adopted. The devotional leaflet was read by Miss Eileen Turner. Hymn 541. Prayers by Mrs. W. 'Turner. The business and offering was then taken. The leaflet; "Our Horne Mission Hospitals," was given by Miss Annie Jarrott, Mrs. B, McAllister and Mrs. W. Turner. Hymn 336 was sung, We closed our meeting by all repeating the Lord's prayer, Mr, and Mrs, Grant Love" of Lan- sing, Michigan, have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and outer friends, • Miss Edna Colchrane, RJN., anent the week end with her brother, Mr. and MTS. Cleve Cochrane : of -Bruce- field, Mrs. L. Troyer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell of Exeter, also with Mr, and Mrs. W. Dignan of near Hensali. Mother Angela of Chatham is spending her vacation with her .moth- er, Mrs. A. Hagan and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Love and fa- mily spent Sunday with friend's in Seaforth. Mr. Ross Lave and Mr. Orville Smith are wearing a ,broad smile these days. It's baby daughters. Messrs. Jack and Fred Steamy of Detroit spent the week end at the. home of Mr. W. Jarrott. Mrs. Steacy who has been spending several weeks here returned to her home with them. Rev. Conner conducted the service on Sunday and on Sunday: next. Rev. A. Sinclair of Hensall wild' condu'ct the service at 2.30. The fall anniversary of the Hills - green Church will be held on Sunday, September 201h, with Rev. A. V. Robb of Centralia, as the special speaker. CROMARTY. The death occurred in Scott Mem- orial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday evening, of :lir, John F. Hamilton, a highly respected farmer of this dis- trict He had undergone an Opera- tion of a serious nature on Wednes- day of last week. The late Mr, Haan - Eton was in his forty-sixth year and. was known all over Western Ontario as a breeder of thoroughbred short- horn cattle. He was a son of the late IF. R. Hamilton, who was also a breeder of shorthorn cattle and he was born in Hiblbert and had lived on the old homestead farm ail his life. In religion, the late Mr. Hamilton. was a Presbyterian, being a member of the Cromarty Church, and Inc leaves to mourn his loss his' widow, the former Miss Jessie McKellar of 'Cr•o:marty, to whom he was married 18 years ago; one son and two daugh- ters, Rdbert, Mary and Anna, all at home. Surviving also is his mother, Mrs. F. R. Hamilton, also one broth- er, Andrew-, and sister, Miss Agnes Hamilton of Exeter; another 'brother, Albert, and a sislter, Mrs. D. Allison,. reside in• Morden, Manitoba. His bro- ther, William, lives at Cromarty, and a sister, Mrs. J. S. McItraith, is a :res- ident of Durham, ONTARIO POULTRY BREEDSNG STATIONS For a number of years a system of poultry flock improvement has been conducted in Ontario under the dir- ection of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and supervised 'by the Poultry Department, 0.A. College, Guelph. Under this system outstanding flocks are enrolled as poultry breed- ing stations and are specially selected, inspected and blood tested by field men from the Poultry Department. The flocks may be of any of the standard breeds and varieties of poultry, but they mus•' shove evidence of special care in regard to cleanli- ness and the general health and qual- ity of the stock. In addition it must. be shown that the flock yields high grade eggs for hatcTiing and market purposes, and also serves as a source of inspiration for others. At the present .time there are only five poultry breeding stations in Hu- ron County and there should he room for at least double this number. En- try must be made to the Poultry De- partment. 0,A, College, Guelph, be- fore September lst, Entry forms to- gether with a copy of the rules and regulations may he obtained by writ- ing the Poultry Department, or The Ontario Department of Agriculture, Clinton, Ont. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is es- tecially recommended for spider, or infection of caw''s teat. Invaluable also :n cases of spavins, curbs and sphinits. Wolverton Flour Mills Co. Ltd, SEAFORTH, OINT. Wheat Storage On account of the unfavorable price of wheat this year we are arranging for the storage of wheat for farmers until the price improves. We will Store clean, good milling wheat only. Thecharge for -storage and insurance, etc. will be le per month or %c for each period of fifteen days or fraction thereof. PHONES Office 51. House 299. DUBLIN. Fly Spray Valuable. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Devereaux and fainly of Chicago are visiting relat- ives - here. Mr, and Mrs. Tom M'olyneaux and Miss Dorothy, also-. Weil Prendergast, attended the ceremony of the Profes- sion of Novices at Mt. Carmel , Col- lege, Niagara Palls, on. Saturday. (Their nephew, Edward Molyneaux, of Chicago,is in the cla'ss this year. Mr. Adam Clark returned home last week. Miss Olive Evans of Galt spent the week end with friends here. {Miss Teresa Delaney h.as returned to Toronto after spending her vaca- tion with her parents here. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Malady and fa- mily of Windsor visited with friends in Dublin last week, Mrs. Chester O'Reilly and family returned to Goderich after spending a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. M'alyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Williams of Cleveland, spent a few days with her mother, .Mrs. M. Walsh, of Beech- wood. VARNA. .Rev. H. Deihl of Hespeler is re- newing acquaintances in our com- munity. Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty have returned to London after spend- ing two weeks with relatives and friends. The Misses Irene and Mary Chuter of London spent the week end at their home. Mrs, A. McConnell has returned af- ter a pleasant trip up the St, Law- rence in company with her sister, Miss Esster, and on her return home spent a while in Toronto with her. daughter, Mrs. Argo. Mr, R. Steck has returned to his western home after spending a few weeks with his father, Mr. C. Stelck. 'Little Ross .Barks of Toronto spent a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Connell. ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore and Misses Ellen Moore and Mary Pur- cell of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Teary .Flannery. 'Mr. and Mrs. O'Halloran and fam- ily of Toronto called an friends here on Sunday. Miss Dorothy 32elady of Kitchener Hospital, visited her father over the week end. Basil 'Lane and -Mary' McGrath have ,returned to Toronto after spending their vacations at their homes here, Miss Evelyn MdGrath of Buffalo is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. MdGrath. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christopher and baby of London are visiting Mr. and 'Mrs. Michael Downey. Miss Mary 'Clarke of Lasallette is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carlin. Miss • Irene O'Sullivan of Saginaw, 'Mich., is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James O'- Sullivan. Miss Mary Wild of Bayfield visited' 'Ir. and Mrs. Peter 'O'Sullivan on Sunday. Charles Malone of Windsor spent a few days at his home here last week, * * * * * * * * * * * * NEWS AND INFORMATION * FOR THE BUSY FARMER * 'k (Furnished by Ontario Depart- * went of Agriculture.) * * * * * * * * * * * * New Market for Lambs. 'One of the .most interesting de- velopments or trends of the present time is the extent to which tourist traffic is providing new outlets for farm products. The visitor evidently prefers the best in quality and insists, on having it supplied fresh. This de- mand is making itself felt in eointec- tiott with almost all farm products, but this year it is particularly notice- able in connection with the heavy de- mand for fresh Iamb and mattyn. De- spite the fact that there has been a fairly heavy marketing of lambs, 'and that these have had to compete with considerable ,quantities of imported frozen lamb, the tourist demand has taken care of practically all the fresh product as fast as it has ,come onto the market. The importance of fly spray for cattle is definitely shown in the fon- lowing statement by a well-lksaown Oxford d'airyman n 'Our herd :had not ,been sprayed for two or three days and the milk fio'w had :been materially affected. Tlhe first day after spraying there was 22 pounds mote milk and 'the second day the 'herd was up 42 .pounds, This .rate was maintained for about a week. While other factors may have !been partly responsible, I believe 'the in- crease was largely due to the fly spray. This increase was not much on twenty cows, but ,it more than paid for our investment in fly spray at 90 cents per gallon." Live Stock Figures. According- to authoritative figures, there are about 180,000 'farms in On tario maintaining live stock, with cap- ital invested in this stock of ap- proximately $240,000,000. This esti- mate is roughly apportioned as fol- lows: .:Horses, $82,000,000; cattle, $120;000,000; sheep, $7.000,000; swine, $14,000,000; poultry, $1'8,000,000. Dairy cattle are said to return 4o 'Ontario annually approximately one hundred million dollars from the .but- ter, cheese, milk, powder and whore milk. Making Poultry Pay. ,One of the most interesting fea- tures of the Poultry Week .Confer- ences at 0. -AJC. was the facts of poultry •flock .revenue as represented by Dr. Ma•rcdllus in connection with •the .OJB.S, work in 'On'tario. One flock of 225 hens produced revenue totalling $2;393:50, acid the cost olf feed totalled $933,96; a profit over cost of feed for the year .ef. $1,459, Herd is where the revenue came from: Market eggs, $850,68; hatch- ing eggs, $199.170; market poultry, $747.97; and sale of chicks and breed- ing stook $595:15, fin connection with feed, this operator .bought feed to the extent of $366.09 and fed feed produc- ed on .his own farm to a value of $567.87. , A number of outbreaks of sod web- woran have occurred in the western part of the province. The method ,of control proving most satisfactory is spraying with 4 pounds of arsenate of lead to 40 gallons of water. This, of course, can only be used where no stock are present, Tour Tobacco Area. The inspection, tour of the Standing Committee on Tobacco Investigations took place eanly .in August. The party included • 'Dr. Harcourt, Messrs. N. J. Thomas and 3. E. Hargrave of the Department of ,Chemistry, 10'A:C., Dr. Nelson, and other federal tobacco' specialists, as well as others directly interested in the tobacco crop. The tour was started at tlae Harrow Ex- perimental Station and tobacco ,fiel'd's were .visited ,iitriKen.t, Essex, ,Eligin and, Norfolk. At the tdbacco test pilots near Delhi a special study was made of the effect of fertilizers of varying combinations on thetobacco 'plants. Foilow'ing official tests, the 0. A. C. herd of cattle, numbering 181 head,. was pro'noun•ced• absolutely free from tuberetillbsis. Live stock shipments from Canada to Great /Britain continue to increase, a recent report showing that approxi- mately 10,000 head of cattle have been marketed in the United 'Kingdom so' far this season. Latest returns from ,beekeepers in various parts of Ontario indicate that the honey crop generally will be light- er than anticipated three weeks ago. Unsettled weather came at a .tithe when the:honey flow was in full swing and materially lessened the :crop. I\\'omen and Asthma.' Women are numbered among the sufferers from astlunia by tate countiess thousands. Tux every climate they will be found, helpless in the grip of this relentless disease unless they have availed themselves of the proper •reniecly. DIr. J. D. Keli:ogg's Asthana Remedy has brought neve hope and life to many such, Testimonials, sent entirely without solicitation, show the enorm- ous benefnt it has wrought among' women eve•rywehre,