The Seaforth News, 1931-08-20, Page 2PAGE TWO
THURSDAY,, AUGUST 20;, 19.31„
Lake Levels: \\'hile Lake Huron
rat Goderich showed an inch higher
during July than in Tune it is twenty-
five inches lower than in Jelly, 1930,
and twenty-eight inches lower than
the average age Jn e 'level for the past
seventy-one near,.
Appointed Night Watcbt,--lir, Wil-
liam Wareing has `keen appointed
night constable at :Exeter, taking the
place o3 Mr. Earl Parsons who re-
signed owing to ill health.
Sanderson-Parnell—The marriage of
Bessie Pearl, youngest daughter of
Mr. and .Mrs, H. E. 'Purnell of Kin -
laugh, and Dune Wellington,; young -
eel son of Mr. and Mrs, \V. A. Sander-
son of \V ngham, was quietly solemn-
ized at Blyth by the Rev. E. L. An -
dereo.t, The bride looked charm ns
in a veva of rose trance de foie She
ware her veil of silk net tulle caught
with orange blv'assoms and carried a
bouquet of pink and white sweet peas,
snapdragon and maiden hair cern. Her
only attendant was .Mrs. T. A. Cassel.
<af ll'"ingham, gowned inairway blue
sink taffeta_ Mr. T. A. Cassel attended
the groom. 'Later Mr. and Mrs. San-
derson ,eft. for Landon where they
win reside.
Enters Track Meet, --Of the five or
six girls Mae. will compose the On-
tario team in the Canadian Women's
crack and herd meet in Alberta, the
city of Hamilton is sending Betty
Tap:or, daaglner of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Taylor. formerly c \\Ingham:
Betty n iter for she junior hurdles.
False Alarm,—A-b:cut :we o'clock on
Sunday :Horning the peaceful sinmbe,.
ci the .nabile:t;s of Wn ham were
, _;lily broken by the piers ng cry of
: sire s ree eed gravel to ano:hee
fry' •,_ v„_ •.teff. These false alarms
lent hen.utne .. -,tern... and a reward
.neeeee ..-c.I . :tee:e end :he ef-
To make ICED TEA Brew tea as usual -
strain off leaves: allow to cool -aid lemon and sugar
to taste,, pour into glasses half full of cracked Ice
*Fresh from the Gardens”
land Cemetery, ''Goderic'h.
Cole -Robinson. --The marriage was
solemnized in \\e_el-Wtlis Church,
Clinton or Muriel M._ daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. \\' Robinson of Clinton, and
Mr. Charles W Cole and the late A.
T. Cale of Blyth. The bride was giv-
en in marriage by her father.. She
wore a sorely. wedding gown' a a i ivory
satin and lace made with fitted bodice,
a long veil of em'braidered mile, with
coronet of orange blossoms and car-
ried a &hewer bouceee't of roses and
fern. She was attended by a maid ref
honor and a bridesmaid, Miss Marie
Davi:iern was maid of honor. She
wore a gown of maitre over brocaded
satin, large :Slack hat and carred a
bouquet of pink roses, garden 'flowers
and fern. Miss 'Mabel Robinson sis-
ter o: the bride. was bridesmaid. wear-
ing a lovely frock a= oink georgette,
large mask ha; and carrying pink
roses and garden flowers. Mr. Berl
Cale was his brothers best man and
Mr. Harvey Robinson ?f Lsnden and,
Mr. L. McKnight were ushers. Mr.
1facPerson of London p:aged the
welding mush: and aster the ceremony
Miss Holt of Goderich, cerasin of rhe
rias.sang 0 Promise Me. A: the
cense:se-a -, the cerentany a rece'p-
Gas Puntr Broken Into—One `` was!lee a he home the brbe's
sere eeeeem.a b:e ce ..erei by the
M. J, \'t Ca"".''as ng- sake ane hand._ate'v eec,r-
Exeter and eix s The -a: de and y -an n :est laser
•r..seeeen. The tied
rk was :aka': ,.slip, .he has pump.
',lest day ., vette learned that the
i Garage et .`_.t::re.: ,.all .
of Me. C. , . :,•t.1."';'.7-27. at re.. .
net was taker. to Sea-
eeth the sans. day by Me. C. } est_e.
c a -R en , a erne: trip to
Musk ka. the eea:ing :-, IT.•ie
:.^ser a pretty jacket frozle eS brae
crepe wre, ,.,»t ani at.ce_seeies to
match. O., :heir ,:tarn they wi:: ,_side
. _ . Ts -::as. Atn`the puce,.
v: .
, Mr. and Mr_. l£ie er. Mrs.
jack..n and Miss Heel. B:y:h,
Holt end :we sone. 8:,,_,. , Mr. and
Barn Destroyed—A •-:,r-,; s,:::_, 'Igen A, --: t Ml-. ._? _M -s. Fear.
gill _ 1.._.. Ft ; 11- att ll'-. \V.. R :7et,:e an.1 M:.
r.:. 'Veenf. Rebit. . 5:. Me -ye: llr.
i Clay sill., F.F getii--.:.: Mr. and Mrs.
y_e:in:. and Mrs. yRebin: an
' y\_..: -x eeee. and R Wroxeter:
t ur-'e: :Miss Jahr -:a:.
'ern' .t'; _.}.sill. .. ....'c
Murray a. es were
He Was SnTooth.--.a ,n':,.. :. 1. t v re-
:: re,t \l. Agnes Ife-
e ' - . trearriei A . .:
ills_. „Ya,.. ill i Pe` he:: .. -t
" :4777 eight
B=- eee, T„'„1„ _r. _t::..Australia:
J illi.
. ,'•:: nee ..,. .»sill C':t 5:_R 15... ... 1'.:.. _C�: :5:,:an d
_. IS:_ltz x\ _., .» _heir _5n.
.. .. .. _ - N0 be .. 1S20 ande
",. _ .\ti. :.?._Fere -. :Sitt. ._ .e.
• -.... C.-.. ._.. T. -t
>. ,.. L. Putti
1l'. -Lan .,lend
... Sc
was out to hunt fa: her. Dorothy and
Agneas were left home: cooking on.
fireplace was a pot of pork. Two In-
dians carate and demanded the pork,
and said they would find the little
girl if given enongh money, but she
was never found. ff Ilow they would
walk to Goderich and carry hone
dour an their . back throngh a trail in
the bush. Once .Dorothy got her feet
badly banned and Will kept them in
a pail of cold water until the masher
came home. We could go on mak-
ing a book of 'stories. How happy
:hey were when they were able to get
a minister: after a while a church
was built. Time roils on and now at
this picnic there are a few of the
seventh generation from this. Philips
Murray and Agness McNeight; John
'Murree- and Jean \'feRabe t; Doroth-
iee Murray and Robt, Smith; Agnese
Smith and John McClure; Mable
'Clare and : Robt, Adame:Agnes
Adam; and Garner McC:inchey; little
Keith and Berne McClinchey,
Robert Gibson was born e the
year 1797, 1-333 years ago, fa Ayrshire,
Scotland, About the year 1521 he
emigrated to Canada and settled in
.Freda -;--o,.. ,New Be—ease—ink. where
shortly aS a war d's he was married :o
Jane Murray, who was born in Ros-
so i tire, S , :and hay ng also
; .ed to Canada. Abnat the year
1836 Mr. and lies. U a on and family
meted from New'B.un_wick to Hen-
an County. Ontario, and sealed on
Lnnd..n Road. S a., gy Township.
a i:hi n - miss of Bruce -field, on the
farm now encupied by Mr. Chanes
Coif:an, Same years lacer they moved
to .he 3rd cencess-nn ad Stanley,
w here Mr. John Aikerehead now lives,
1f.. and Mrs. GiSsau were a:naag the!
first setzlerson the Lnrdan Road.
Tse c:aua:ry n -as a:: bush a: that time.
Later thee- said out on the 3r8 eances-
ani moved ac -ass :a :heir farm
ien the 2:t3 nenceseior- wheee then
ratichildren. Menray and Mary Gib..
r.rt. new lire. Robert Gibeer, died
ir. the year 1871 aged 73 years aed 9
zhe yea-: ISS1. aged S5 years. Their
ghter:re a:: of whom have passee an -ay.
the lee: seereining member of rhe fam-
ily being Mrs. WM, ItUrraS, who de -
hen yea--
_lis age Mee. R. E Dmfs t,: Teren.-
e art me'di a 3 ._-gee _. :he Lake
tIles tae:a: tinn=y aid :ami:y
Ha... e:: are e . _ r,,...e..
•. ,: 5 Agnes Cu:r ie.
M.. ae s M, s. J,;Stewart. al' Hami:-
a ^ e afee- . with the a
•':. _s,.. Mn, and M-., . i'..Prrar+rk, he-
.- _ .:: a 2C -x-
0 Atwaad a= Sa-n._ Spee: the,
week. end with_ll',,. 1. - parents.
lr d ilr Chas.
3 i+..-. ifc_.e-i
Mf L B, Snnf e M:s - +s:e�
s enentene.f Legetien.
3 Fisher Lontien is the gees:
Vs i:see.Weeker — '.
MVeeeees Belee—
It -
lulay_7 and Mrs. Pheenix tei
5.5 visiting .___E '. -,ate
,a .',..
iMoss , -Kerr fe _
_ - . d el _h. e g:e.
illi. . \_
..� r_ A. .
fasten Doneelee and Iles :Tank 1t
-nand '1, D,,:: ,._ :„, Ta: ereee
„theste the F.:
nte.11_. lies.Ge ze Kien. -u„
.r.- _ .. illi. and Mn,... James P- lass .. ,.
. e ;: a vanantir, with
, ., re Mrs- M. F ls
' Id `I
s _
L. - -C .e- ranegier.
u b_. ... . .. illi.
• t
ll' r" is r 1 t i Rr 'Y .1.Y.
ar.d. tto.-,_.e:,
I al,,
relit anis three eat ;:„.-.rateizioll
it:neva: was Geld her ?•..y
u lits armee tn
eg;ea s es i .. yo :e enge l'::•3: We,:
e 'w4
53".e, qr . R. R. Careen a: 'ei. ..R ,_w- C-eceatn ens
"L'ts Bee- there,
In sponsotege a supreme court ac-
tion asking far an interim injunction
to prevent the paytnen't by the Town
of Goderich of 53.000 for cemetery
land, the by -lair for which has al-
ready passed the council, lour mem-
bers of that body find themselves in
danger of losing their seats. These
are Deputy Reeve Moser and Council -
ars Humber, Mooney and Worsedl,
Legal opinion is that they are auto-
matically suspended from office. As
yet they .Italie not done anything about
it. They are sitting tight, but if they
are ousted and are elieribtle to again
contest their eeats, they state They are
prepared to lace the election on the
centenary issue and none ocher. The
application for the injunction comes
up .at Osgoade Hall on August 27. The
applicant says She the present -ceme-
tery is large enough.
The funeral' of Mrs, David Hill,
who, before her marriage was Miss
Jane Sillery, erasheld on Thursday
afternoon, interment taking place in
Sfaffit cemetery: The deceased woman
was in her 7Sth year, A week before
she was seized with a stroke and
never regained consciousness. _Mrs.
Hill was the oldest member of the
S:llery family, which numbered 12,
Fire predeceased her and site are still
iic ing. lir. W. Sadder, Mrs. J. Lir
ings:an, Mrs. R. Sadler. and Richard
S llerS..Stadfa: Mrs. D. Bruce, Crom-
arty, and a brother in Exeter. One
son, ane grandchild and three great
grandchildren' s^rvire•
Mrs. John Liringston has returned
hence after spending two weeks in
Hama -on,
Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Seen -art have
arrived home after a vacation:
Thoma: Apple on was carrying his
night arm in a sling. having hurt Iris
hand sane time ago, and eines then
rheumatism has deteiated.
Visitors of the czennanniry are Mr.
and Mr_. R. G. `;_,ion and 13aliace
with 1L, and Mrs. Frank Yew:nen.
of Kinasan: Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Hern and daughter Mia: Olive with
-Landon friende :;^:s week: Mr. and
Mrs. WS'. Mar at G -and Bend; iMr.
Beacon ,f 'Gaierieh with Exeter
`rienest Miss Catherine Davis who
has been visiting Mies Mat:Peee May.
has returned to her house is Win-.^
:re. and Mrs. E. 11. Q.ta::e and srn
Chi -Turd spent par: -f the week a: the
home of Austin D ng; Mr. and Mr..
T. Coeper White and son and daugh-
ter a;' \\.riser with .r:enie ,n iewn
.Actual mobolizatien week fee tit
a: e arty of n temp::yed oe the
trans -Canada highway acid is prebsic
works „- rarau, de-cripti. ae in the.
. aeehe-n sec :ins ehe preriztee has
begun. Fant the Pa;iha iiia Build-
ingssenree of letters were eent nett to
,..5 various n•.-n:c pa,.tiee t?raa_.•.
xe n:hens re nernmeneee 1
,-a:,.n-week:ens. m_:. inzatedietely.
Ii :ay= are being ars.,-ed b y ,he seric-
injemezien thet.evert ma:e m»t-- e::
and single, who is to 5y ,^e
bread seherne. VMS,: Ne signed IT
tees, t4-- :veers A:: tib; . . re•
gistnetior. tehe.znareple+d br Au-
ie _,.a Ser.:en:then 1 each. »
a: -:b :h... Ti , :el: e
zegal number 7.!
thenumber ..
=ember ."tarried. 5.,.- _ . ,.,..5e.
of these . reeiding. Otieger
12 ma:lbs, .The be, .af , .. this
a elilli'• a -r regisrnatien
I A. Eleis. s.ecee:aryoft
p :. 11 Cern 1,: h:
:etZe sn „vre-
CK.a . e. 4 have `7negele
eigeeed ray each _ me. -:.e3 peneen.
lieceesfetgn rS a: curzernirin
ccupa_ ills .....:- e . f -Pepe., -en
children and -their
Tib' , .:.N: . :sole:
zhe O..:ar are ::a .,-
.e D ,
- - e S4;. - risert:annie
nt.n 5.p l undertakinenrs very ..-__
._ ti5 elms, gnes ae i-.adid ._.
assiezanze net;e f. e
S d:: ne. _. Ca: 'high-
The decistalt „5. thaws ,at
is t3 w7 y the Ce -awn
l ey Nerzh Bay ane ,r., c r.:.
i lie.. Ray, \L'
regard er the innertnerhates 1
ha, ,._.ben Oe:ided whether
- t :be steezee, ac'. . e
FloweringDarwin Tulips
Our Darwin tulips with extra long stems are remarkable for their long
flowering period, Enormously large flowers on strong stems of about three
feet in length. Magnificent for beds, edges and for cultivation in. pots.
Excellent Darwin tulips in 5 colours:
100 of each colour, and each colour
packed separately POST and DUTY
FREE delivered at your home for only
-Please remit amount per money order;
W. A. De Winter, Inc, Dutch Bulb Growers
Heemstede = Holland
Ilany years ago Jahn J. Griffin,
born and bred in Toronto, started out
to carve a career in the show world.
He .began as a candy butcher in a
circus, rose to became owner of a half
a dozen circuses and then became
L -•town to hundreds of thousands
throughout Canada as the first man
:a 'exhibit motion pictures in the Do-
minion. He died las: week in Toronto
a: the age of 77. ending a fhl: and
edg;.rous career that teal: him to al
parts of the world is the interests o
the only life he knew—the show busi-
ness. Bath in 1906, when oration pic-
tures were in their swaddling clothes.
John Griffin. with the ;deism that
bought Mita wealth in the circus
was g: plied with the belief
that here was a sew Pros • entertain -
:rent that .5 ",;.,-a ever.:ua::y take its
p:ace aleriggie. 10 not outrival, the
egi:intate tsea:re. Se 35 years agb.
G^ rain -aoene3 :he fir-; met_eu picture
Canada. It was .erased apposite
the Eatee stere in T r. -tt, and it Es
lit,-. a :notion pi: rare house. Un-
da•tnted by a ike ,n cal wet:i. Griffin
p»,chased to egeiputess: from. Chi-
cago. elected white .;lee: fer a
screen a.r.d informed the :att.-thing Pub-
lic that far .ire cents they c:.a:d ice
neerie p e:tree, H'::ores`nal in-
,t:a•se„lues T: was jammed at every
haw. Frani this naa.: sears the sit ev-
u:a:. lira::c^ed •.u: :eve' every teen
and , •n One.,.: 'tai a {s• effin : e-
-A„ ..:ere fele ^ , ,.
a.. natee re
glial' maeb.ot The cera,;,,
wt;;;:h1 `tarsi knee deep m .p in a.., en-
b demand a?::r :he pieture
c , there w•; '0 be the . i and ...weer-
:ask, , _t .d:r en -„e
peole. Of: r,::t: w: :1 a:esk an
thee te .ones'!reset the pienee .
.. ewe flit r.. .e die—Inge .
b:ereenn theatre.Ci` v thea .,:n5
51,Z feet tee.% :1:.,ae , .. m d
and wish the :s...:d n, an athlete.
1... 4 -f- was „...:e, -;•.r., p y. -
a. •pr_ we..s, t r... :x mgeithe age
when h slieneel ered injneeLl h.a hark
: it:. lents en Nagara Street.. '.7e:.
eters:- ehewmar. -al' :let leen a
day. Pete: Griffen. h,. .nn. . ee ...a.
yea- , ,n e age h:> father
teek rn tee a::e h;:,- lent :there
.c. _ see .. strength even
place where the bodies were found.
The boys, living in the neighborhood,
and the girls, visitors from Cleveland,
were in Ypsilanti, a 'short distance
from the scene of the tragedy at that
time. Another development was. the ;-
organization of the investigation un-
der the direction of Harry S. Toy, at-
torney of Wayne County (Detroit).
The road on which the bodies were
found is the boundary line between
Washtenaw County and Wayne, and
of>ficere of both counties had been en-
gaged in the investigation, without a
1 single directing head. Paul W. Voor-
f heir, State Attorney General, after a
conference with officials of the two
counties, announced that the case was
placed in the hands of Mr. Toy. The
evidence regarding a fifth man and
the fact that Miss Gold's purse was
found nine miles from the place where
the bodies were found, was regarded
by officers as favorable to the Keenes,
who have no .automobile, and are
being held as suspects. Rewards for
the arrest and conviction of the
slayers amounts to $3,000.
Life imprisonment was the speedy
punishment given a negro and his two
white companions for the brutal mur-
der and cremation of the two boys
and girls. Brought into circuit court
:e.4 than three hours after they had
confessed to the crane, the nigra,
Nathan Blackstone, 33. and the white
youths, Frank (Jiver and Fred Sm'th,
the lee: named a paroled convict,
heard the judge give them each life
in Marquette prison for each of the
four murders. .hu, snaking it virtually
impeseible that they ever will be re-
leased. :seedy as justice was, it was
accelerated by the presence of the
'n..S . en: anrd:,ig a chance to lynch
the k, t. , ansi by the fact that the
leis eters were anx'0ue to reach a
sate, behind etrongpr..ot walls.:
Fr>.nt a neer win, had a talions ac-
c^`mpanie i Sy lively .nipici sass, s-atne
:: r e 11 war an ucyraintance tif
t.:arise t e nes and said he dreamed he
saw three men c.'mmitt'n :he mur-
der:. Next day I met Hot Tamale
(B.:ackt:sae) and saw ' a cut on .his
en, 'H w c •re that cut. Hoa Ta-
male, I sskt- 1 him. He said it was
an ar,.ient, and l aid. 'Did yon see
eh: at these yourie people murdered,'
and he began shakieg a:: over.” .An-
other neg-c. te whom the gunused
in the killing was given. turned it over
::;e pO:_re. Black tone's confes-
d d IV,- rolthed :hens of some
litzle thing: and a ::t:e bit of money.
The :goy. 'illi- they w'na:dn't stake no
teen:plant an l we ws for cwt:lap them
P.:11 he we z satisfied.
He --' ...Vaal- ab.;:it the <1r. ? mud
1,.e:: b5 gee all one of the girls
and dragged re of the car, S'.ie
carne out e els at him. First thing I
is err Stt:h i= hes a pistol out *0 his
pegket and .eh theee o„our times,
Thee we hai t, eeoe: them a::. We
el: t a^a
get some xaia..:te
e !neve Sark enter: u any the , cad
ward where we .,eft the bodies. On
he way tee heere. ^e of the girls
ruan su we hit leer ort the hear w.:h
egenee. Then ,}.ler we was sureWe
car off ,he road and set fire
esere, tee a :gee !ge.,.a knew
• i ls,' G ,
..,. H .. _.Irieh.. t e..t:. ,e
heneste 'd help Joie,4
0e :. a:a:Ye
..eta. w a 7 h, �. -,:5. 4 r µ u
G :sill ha.:: gentu,, Se •ra .` ,.
Nee- k a ti eve
, i' a.._ ,'k .5:- dramas. fie.
. eSeee ;eye the en'elen what
:viten_ it war_ted
eittnat_. l d
lit .and'
- 5' t
Z17 -
e A-, l - t
ah. Twee _
.c _ 2,312,5._„
ending eiene
d5„:15ed es :he e l e
Gied. eine 7:71: ntzle. and the
,esti vdu A•_ ..
f :ant y-_ai< e r 5 p:e
e os ^, au ry J
' .: rye C- a ,, :
rn. J r e.. ee e wee 1_
, ._r the fie_it member of the _
cn Ya„ ne t: a-. as abee , Sear:
nod and .wearing a _.Wed h .lost Ca-
d a sweaner. The w -sec d thee.
the as was evith Miss Geld. Ante
May Ha -ti ata 'rd, i homes' \'S nee k
17, and iia. Lo- CO, the other v'`
:latus.' ifelest ie aanssr 10 miles from rite
e e ''l w be a na^ni a- , 3 - I.
al' r.,3 ht. -. T - si
. Ir. .,e e, era
ll ,
\(.• r _.. Ser 5 er_.,, 1.:. atr.d.
. riatts.
Many are
r2C1'721 'See
�'. neer ..the Week el' -0 with tnes. P.a 721:5. ne . ..,i4...Sui ills
're: s: -, Mrs. 11'. Hae -0e 0 _ theie Mai .. 1. .. ^ .b, s
siten4e nee
nere7n t.,: e e hs -e a e 7a:^ n`."w..vee
gee me 1:lie :rants a G C Cray and
,. _.t. _a,. eek,. cgireit week 1_a: rheir eeercee.
a a peesieee thema fee met: v
T_ els ..C,
sheet was rhe Seareerth.el' Iso t'_,tu h
-tie:1:501 r_« S.: cast•
: to -,trate 6r 0015 c^a _^LL wit,s, -Three poo:itten en
'he .ettervhudy yAmm.,
arid' a E aeras e:
Doul:a_ Eg--p:iaz Linintent
ithout a rival. Steps Bleeding
etaretly. Ceetenizes. sra,sods and pre-
vent_ blood poisoning,
Want t and For Sale Rids, 3 times 50r,
with a FLASH
Touch the starter, shift to
second and away like a
Bash l That's the sort of service
your car gives when its tank is
filled from our pumps. Mara-
thon Blue and Cyclo No -Knock
motor Frei. Red Indian Motor
Bateery CGreasing
Red Indian
and Garage
G. F. M•[OHR. Prop,