HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-08-13, Page 8,PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931 HENSALL. The acb ourtiec1 inquest on the late Robert Lamont took .place on Tues • rh>Inc n hall,Dr clary morning in the T IO'DWyer, coroner of Huroh•eCdtinty,. presiding and Cr-o.wn : =At't'orney Holmes of •Gloderich:was there in tete' linteres'ts of the crowns Dr. Collyer, who 'performed the post mortem, was 'cabled on and told. of the condition he fntmd; the.. body in and that in his. opinion death \rias caused by an alco- holic condition of the heart. Con- etables Gundy, Whitesides and Hud - sop also a number of young men be- longing- to the village testified. The crbwin aut'hori'ties were trying to find iwihene the deee'asedgot the l'iqu'or bu't. nlotlhling definite was found out. The jury brought in a verdict along the Sines of Dr. Coilyer's 'evidence, Dr. and Mrs, 'Campbell and daugh Mer jean have returned to their home to Toronto after a pleasant visit here. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Campb.elt's mother, Mrs. Thos. ,Miurdoch, who will 'visit in 'Toronto 'for some time. hies Amy L'armnie of Toronto is visiting at her home here, Mrs. D. Paisley and children of Montreal are visiting at the hone of the former's mother, Mrs. E. Rennie, The Women's Missionary Society of -the United Church held th•eirreg- ular monthly meeting on Thursday !afternoon last in the basement of the church. Owing to the absenceof the president, Mrs Sinclair took the chair. After the, opening exercises, an instrumental duet was given by the Misses I, ,Douglas and B. Foss and a Solo by Mrs..Heddeu, after which a devotional leaflet was read by. 'Miss tConsitt and the study taken 'by Mrs. (Elder, Mrs. Redden, Mrs. T. Hab- kirk and Mrs, Annie McDonnell. What might have heen a serious accident occurred on the London goad on Friday afternoon last. Mrs. 10. Beaver; a former Hensel] girl and book keeper for the Exeter Lumber Co., was returning to her work after dinner. She stopped her car before entering the highway and noticed a :car coating about 40 rods away. She drove on the highway and went about 4 rods when the other car, driven by a Detroit man, came up and took to the ditch rather than hit her. A Mr. -Taylor of Auburn was in the car and the two men were talking and claim they did not see Mrs. Beaver's car ahead of them. Their car turned aver in the ditch three or four times and the nnen were badly bruised and cut and the -car badly damaged. Mr. Bea- ver, who was quickly on the scene, called the provincial traffic officer at London, who came up and -investig- ated the .case. The two men were ta- ,ken into the Beaver home and Dr. (Fletcher was called and later they were driven back to Auburn and the car left at the garage in Exeter for repairs. Mrs. Peter Fisher and Miss Elinor 'Noir returned home after a two weeks vacation with friends in Gra- venhurst. Mrs. Vair of Toronto is visiting with her mother, Nrs. Robt, Bon throe, 'Miss Ei.va Bolton of Kitchener, (Miss Torry Bolton of Toronto, Doris and Norma of London ane 'holidaying at the home of their parents, Mr. and iMrs. Gordon Bolton, Mrs. Harry Harman who has spent the Inst month visiting friends in Tor- onto has returned home. Mr. 'Vern{, Butt of 'Seaforth is visit- ing with his sisters here. Mrs, John 'Murdoch, Mrs. John Dinsdale and Mrs. J. M. Petty. !Captain Fairwell of the Old Age Pension Department, Toronto, was in town Friday calling on the old age pensioners of Hensall. 'Captain Fair - well wit] call an all those receiving ,pensions in Human, ;Perth and Bruce counties, will make a general survey of -this district, and 'make his report to 'Toronto. iH'e has about finished Perth county and has spent three weeks in Huron, He is now working in the south end of the county. Mr. ahs ,Mas. Chas: Fleming and Miss Doris Hannan have returned to To,ranto after spending a few weeks visiting in town. James McCullough and sister, Miss Mary of Brucefield are spending a few days visiting with Hannah Craig. Mr. John Stacey and brother Fred of Detroit spent the week -end visiting friends here. They were accom- panied home by their another, Mrs. "S. Stacey who has been visiting reaitives •and friends in Hensall and. Hillsgreen {for ,the past three weeks. Mr. Scott Welsh has resumed his position with T. C. J'oynt after a weeks varaition. IB'anlrhron & Drysdale are painting Ith'e front df their store and o'ther'wise improving their property on King it. Mrs.' Annie Hawthorne and; laugh= ter Janet of Mo'oseja'w are visiting 'with Hensall friends this week. Miss Dloreean!Farquair is spending her h:eekla'ys this week visiting 'heel parents in ,Stanley township. Mr. Josh, A'sihlton of Seaforth visits ed with, friend's id town on 'Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, 'Willis .PBow•e'll of Exet- er called on friends in town Task week. Mr. Geo, Todd is spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in Mie+higan. Mn Wm. Pearce of Exeter visited ',friends in brit n fiekntly ' • The how'le'rs :heid''a ietilti'a'deent'On7 our local green on'Wednesday,'iast, A large, number "of bowlers from. differ- ent ;d`i ' Western Ontario were present. The green was in splendid ceticlltiorl and the day ideal for the event" The first prize was: won by las ,Beehdey'and B. J. Winter Of Sea - forth; second by J. S. Wren and Fred IBlontl'rou of. Hees'all; third by Dr. \leTaggantan'd A. L. Case of Hensall fourth by' R. J. Sproat and J. E. Willis o!f Seaifonth, '1ihe play continued til'l after midnight, Mr. Fred Bloomlfield of Exeter was in town on ,Tuesday. .IHensall's baseball team is making a name for itself this season, having won their eighth straight ;game at Windham on Friday evening with a snore of 10 to 8. Howe for Hensall had Wvn'gham .guessing for about five innings, 'then weakened, and Welsh the dark boy went in ,and held them Scoreless, lMclOateley, the speed artist, was on, the job as usual, with {Brownlee, Nichol and Rennie to help with the infield duties. lOantelon, the utility • man, caught, Gaschio and 'Y'oungblut, the aintfght fielders were absent but Joynt, Passinare.and Hor- ton did well. Hensall and Stratford meet next in the semi-finals, a play - down, and Hensall• are out to win with their strongest team in years. The boys should go far in . the race down the stretch• as they are hitting and fielding like fiends, and have four or five of the fastest men on bases seen in years, also a weld -balanced pitching staff. • Mr. and Mrs. Ladd MdE'wen and little daughter have returned home after spending a weeks pleasant visit with friends in Paisley and other places. • lel rs. Ross MelLean and children of Detroit are visiting with their relat- ives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beet of St. Thomas are visiting with their many friends in and around Hensall. ,ir. and Mrs. Lloyd, Davis of Lon- don have proved to town and will re- side with Mr. Davis' mother, Mrs. W. C. Davis, South Richmond st. Mr. Frank Farquair has several men engaged improving Ms pr'o'perty on Oxford et. Mr, and .Mrs. Alex. E. 'Smillie of Toronto are spending a few days in the village visiting their Son, Dr. 'S'ntil'I:ie and other .relatives.. Mrs, A. J. Kimball and family and Miss Norma Bonthron left on Friday for their home in Chicago after a pleasant two weeks visit with relat- ives here. Eileen Beck, Mary Goodwin and Carrie Joyrt have had their tonsils removed, the operations 'being per - fanned .by Dr. Collier and Dr. Flet- cher of Exeter. The Roy Scotts and Scout Master Fred Hess have returned home after a pleasant holiday at Pike Bay and Tobe rmores. Dr, Jas, Gray of ,Seattle, 'Wadi,, and Mr. John Gray of Toronto were re- cent visitors .with their sister, Mrs. S. ,Smillie. Robt. Baker and son of Cardiff, !Sask., have returned to their home in the \Vest after visiting frienids in this district for a couple of weeks. Dr, Geo. Blatchford of Clinton, Mich„ is spending a few days in the village this .week visi'tin'g his brother Richard and other relative's. HIBBER'. The regular meeting of theiHibbert. Council was held at iStella on Mon- day, August 106, all nemibers pres- ent, the .Reeve presiding, The min- utes of the fast regular meeting and of a special meeting* were read, and on motion of Wm. Kay and Frank Al- len were approved as read. 'Reeser Scott was peed the stem df $30 for sheep killed and daanages to flock, and the clenk instructed' to notify the owners of dogs certified by the sheep, valuator to have been responsible, to pay the 'damages to the coptadi'l. A delegation from Stratford 'Genesial .Hospital soliciting the usual grian'tl were practised the stem of $50. Reno-' lutions were passed. instructing :the, Clerk to "forward the account of put- ting lights on a bridge an the west boundary to John 'gamey, . coufntyl engineer, for payment, also to issue; an order of $5 for weed cutting on the! 'Dominion Hotel property and enter the amount on the collector's nolh against said property. The treasurer! submitted ,his estim'ate's for ,gene.ran town'shi'p exp!en'diture and road ex-" penses. Bylaw N,o.370, awthorizin'gi, and conlfirining the levying 'Of ' rates for the current' year was passed and, signed: by the Reeve and 101erk: coon -7 ty rate, 026'23 moles, genera? town ship rate ,876 mills, road eadp, rate 1.165 milt's. A communication wast read from the clerk of 'Iluckeirsniith advising the council of Hffblbert that a resolution had been forwarded to fhel drainage referee "at ' btfahva "reld>iestinig permission to vary. 'the -assessnren't schedule on the Shepherd" `Creek Drain. The clerk was inatruleted toe do4nfnunthetke witfi'the ' fld wre�hip sof- 1ci.to', E. G. Thompson, to arrange a meeting with the council ' with regard to the omission of the Scott Drain levy 'in 1929 and the Walker Drain levy in 1930. Orders nor approxim- ately $4170 Road ,Exp.'and $1128 general' exp. were issued. The meeting ad- journed to meet again on Monday,. ISeptember'14, at 1 pen,—Mrs. Kath- leen Feeney, Tp. Clerk. BRUCEFIELD. IMcBeath-Brock.—;A quiet wedding was aiolennnized at the manse, Eip- peat, on Friday evening, Jury 31, ween (Pearl, only dategkater of Mrs. Charlotte lBrock, became the Ibr.ide -olf Mr. J. Waiter MdBeabla, only son of Mr. Waiter _M'dBeath and the Tate ,Mfrs. MelBeatilt, the ,Rev; R. 'Conner officiat- ing. The bride Who was given ie marriage by her mother, was very beautifully gownne'd in an ensemble ,af yellow chiffon with hat, shoe's and hose to match. After a short /honey moon spent at lake paras the happy couple will reside in Brucefiehd where the groom is service manager of Tauckersnrith Municipal Telephone Sy:ste'm. The 'Bru'celfield U FtW.O. will 'hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Stackhouse on Wednes- day, August 19th, at 2,30 pan. Mr. Lott of Brussei's/wiili preach in the United Church next Sunday mor- ning. ;lir. and Mgrs. J. B, Mustard and family returned- to their cottage in 8nverhuroxt last week, adc'ewpanied by their mother, Mrs. Alex. Mustard. Mrs. Jack ICetchen of Drayton, vis- ited friends in the village and vicinity last week. Miss Laura Swan' of Toronto is spending her holidays at her home in the village. Last .Monday night when Mrs. ,Wale ter MdBeath, the new bride, re'turneld to her home, she got a surprise to Ked it all beautifsily decorated with flowers and about . fifty lady friends from the village- who had assembled to do her honor by presenting her with a beautiful set of dinner dishes. in a neat little speech. Pearl thanked the ladies for their kindness. The, beset wishes of all the friends were ex- tended to the bride and groom. A 'pleasant evening was, spent and a dainty lunch was served by the ladies, The regular monthly meeting .,of the 'Woman's Association was held Wednesday, August 5th at the heine of Mrs. J. Graham, with a Splendid attendance of members and also vis- itors, Which are always welcome. A very sociable hour was spent 115 st'w ing quilt blocks. The devotional lead- er them called the meeting to order by singing several verses of hymn 55:3 and Scripture reading, Psalm' 1S, Prayer and 'hymn 461 closed the de- votional part of the meeting. The president then took the business part when reports were read and adopted, roll call answered by favorite picnic grounds, was well responded to; topic of favorite place ,for holiday, 'by Mrs. T. Chapman, was very interesting and very much appreciated by all. A vote of thanks to Miss H. Tough for dolma - tion of a quilt top eves moved and adopted. A hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. J. Graham for her home and kind hospitality and repeating tine Mliepalt benediction in unison: brought another pleasant afternoon to a close. The hostess kindly invited the ladies out on the lawn where a most gener- ous lunch and tea was served. Mrs. A. Calweli' kindly invited the ladies 'to her home for the next meeting, on September 3rel. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser from De- troit are s'pendin'g their vacation at ahc !Dine of the latter's p'aren'ts, 11.r. and Mrs. H, Zap'fe and other friends. Miss Jean Murdoch has left for De- troit to spend leer va'cationtwith her brother and other friends in the city. LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs. Jas."Woodman and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Woodman of Chatham are visiting friends here, 'M'is's Margaret kic0o:od of Toronto visited with her b'r'other, Mr, J'as, Mc- Cool on Sunday. Mr, and firs. Anro'd of Woodstock' and family spent Sunday in the vie- Jago, firs• Wfheeiet and little Miss Ru'th are visitors this week with .Mrs. R. McCrea, 1Mr. and Mrs. A. Kunkel and, Miss' Marion returned to Nliagara Falls af-; ter a two weeks' visit with the lady'sl parents here. Miss Pearl iB'ed4ord of Sault Ste.: Marie is visiting with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs.. Wm. Day " of De'troitl 1 visited with Me. alis 'M.rs. Crawford� recently. ,Mr. and Mrs, Froud 'King anebaibel of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. George Kiang of Baylfiti'd spent Snniday with Mr. tend 'Miss itarr of the village. Mess . Myrtle Eirefrierton. of Ripley is a guest'of firs. D. D. Itdberton for the week. 'Mrs. Stevens .and babe of Seaforth are spending this week with her par- ents here, Me. and Mrs. J. Nott, Vtr. Saki Woodman passed away today 'to the Great Beyond. , Mr. iWlooebrnlan has been in p:obr .health for. some time but has not been bedfast until Friday Last. ,Ha leavestomourn') his loss his wdclow, one son jas., of 'Chatham 'and two, daughters, Mrs. Rid- dle of Mel'aa M'aai and Miss Rachel'. at home. We extend our •dee.pest syn- .pa'thicto the'bereaved-ortes. KIPPEN Mr. Roy Butt spent Sunday with 'friends alt t1roctuais ]Beach. Tiles IRsse MI'dLean is visiting her trrend, Mise [Olive IWorknean in glen - sill. Thte''e1'ission 'Band Picnic !held 'Bat urday was a fine sule'cess, a splendid attendance, and a 'good time. Much credit is edtne 'Mrs,i3,1'ontei'th who spares neither time nor energy Iw'here ''the little folk are concerned. Miss Mildred Workman, ,who is as- sisting {Mrs, IG'e'o. McCartney, Miel (Road, spent the week'end .at her home in the v'ililage. 'The many, friends of Mfrs. J. An- derson will he Sorry to hear she is confined to her ibed, h'avin'g suffered a severe heniornhiage,ISunday last, and .3,hss, 'Jog. Cook, !lir, ,Rich- ard 'Gdid:den, and 'Mr, 'Fred +Gl'id'den, all of the Nile were visitors at• Mr. John Workman's Sunday. " IWe are glad to say that M'rs. R', Dinsdale is doing nicely and hopes soon' to up again. " Miss IRiena !Johnston R.IN. of Strat- ford was ` a visitor with .Mrs. 'J. Wonkman during the week, Mfr. and Mrs: Hu'bb'ard of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs, Thos. IDayman of California are visitors with Mr, and \lrs, 'Jas. MdClyntont, fel.rs. John Mason of Auburn ,visited her sister, Mrs. A. Anderson, clueing the week. Mr, and 'Mrs. Pickard of 'loner's Hill were Sunday visitors at T. 'Bu'tt's The second annual meeting of St. Andrew's Baby Band met on Tues- day, August 1'lth in the church. Mrs. W. W. Cooper, the Auxiliary presi- dent, presided and Mrs. Monteith conducted the gnadteation exercises when four baby bane members grad- uated into the Mission Band, They passed through an arch made by (Mission Band girls and the graduates received graduation diplomas and a year's su'bs'criptioin to the \Vorld. Friends. Pour new life members were received into the band and six new annual member's, making a total mem- bership of 24 members in tine Baby ;Band. We were greatly favored by ha'vieg.Mfrs. Gundy, the Baby` Band Secty. of the W.M.S. Dominion Board Of Toronto, as " our guest speaker. Everyone enjoyed her 'heart to .heart talk with the mothers and were glad. they made the effort to be present. After the sodeardid address all assem- bled to the S.S.'room Where the C. ginls had served a dainty ltnndjay f 'The service on Sunday, August 16, will be herd at 14 a.m. The Rev. Ar- thur Sinclair of Hensall will conduct the service. 'The Sunday School will be held at 10 am, WINTHROP. The ,W.MjS, and Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Austin Dal'tnage on 'Wednesday, August 54'h and we welcaneed all our visitors. After an hour of sewing the ,meeting was apen- etl by :Mrs. Robert 'McFarlane, after the roll call answered by a verse on a Bible character and the Scripture reading by 'Mrs. A. A. 'Guthil!1, Mrs, J. Simpson 'led in prayer. ' Mrs. R. Beatty gave an instructive reading on Temperance by Miss Booth. Sins. Robert :Campbell], Miss Lr.'Cuthiel.ands Mrs. R. Beatty gave sentence prayers. The topic on Japan was given by Mrs. D. McFarlane after which the meeting was opened for 'business. The mite box captains reported on 'what had been received. After the Lord's prayer an attractive lunch was served by the committee in charge, Mrs, Melvin ,Clarke and her little girl Betty returned home after spend- ing a'w'eek in Windsor. Mrs. Bent 'Chivers and little son Lloyd df 'Windsor are spending ,a week with' her friend, Mlrs. \Melvin. 'Clarke, TUCKERSMITH. Mr. and Mfrs. Duncan McLachlan left last week for their home in B'o- iaartn, Slask. Miss 'IlHazel MCLaclalan aoconepanied them back. 'MTis'ses Mary and Peggy Doig o'f, 'Geo'ngetown arc holidaying with friends ]sere, ' Miss Grace Casen'tieri of Hamilton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Chanters, Mill Road. Mr, and Mrs. Dave lyfc'Lean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John El.gie. M't•, John Clark is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. 'Chas. MI.nK'ay. !Wee I3'arhara Si retturrced lash week from Guelph where she was taking a course in Agriculture.. -Miss Lizzie Taylot visited on Sun- day with her mother, 'Mrs. J. Taylor. ,Messes. Bek and Alex. H'ann'a dt Mitchell visited last week with their cousin'a, John lieLachilan ani John Elgie. The three fsfth• class pupils of 5.S. No, 2, 'Tuckerseeiibh, who wnotte on the four departmen't'al sulbj'ects re'gtfir ed for the firstyear of Mower sehoo0' have ,received their returns, 'The `.sub- jects written on were British His-' tory, Geograp'hy, Art anid. Botany) June ,Smith and Beatrice were sule- DVILLE BUY IN EGMONDVILLL Men's Overalls, at Men's Overalls, at 1 .00 $1.49 Men's Shirts, at ........... • , ; .. ... .89c Men's Wearing Boots, at ..,.. ,. , . , ,2,69' Men's Woollen Socks, at 3 prs, for 69c 45c Rideau Hall Coffee, per lb Circle .Brand Coffee, per ib , 39c Palmolive Soap, 4 cakes for , 25c 'Cash Only, It will pay you to buy from J. FINNIGTIN cess'ful in passing in all four subjects " FOR S'ALsE, and Eula McGregor in three, Congra- Having given up the Mc!Cormic'k--- tullatians. - • Deering Agency, have several good used Cream Separator's for sale at a right price. Mao a lot o;f good used repairs for nearly all makes of farm, implements. W. C. GOV'EINlLIOICK,. Phone 146 r 5, Seaforth.' MANLEY. What might have turned- out seri- ously happened on the farmer of Mr. John Deitz while 'Master Mervin Deitz and 'S'tephen Manley ,were play ?lig. Mfrs. Deitz had locked up the da'g 'before going to the other 'farm'' and there was no one at home until the boys came home and they let the dog aut. He at .oaa'ce pounced on Ste-. phen' and knocked bins down ait•d started to chew hiss about the face and arms and 'body and all "cretlit is due the pluck of Mervin, who pulled the vicious dogoff and saved the boy's life. Stephen is progressing nicely if no conspl'icatibns set in, while the dog is tiedup, muzzled and taken care of as the doctor wants watch kept, on the dog for eight or ten days and if nothing deve'lops there s is no danger as the wounds were all prop- erly dressed. The threshing season wi'l'l be of short: duration this season as there are seven threshing outfits in our burg and with not a very heavy crop of straw, but, the grain is turning out bet- ter than was at first thought. ELIMVILLE Mr. Venter Wlbi'te and Miss Grace 'White of Chatham visited at Rev. White's lash week. 'Little Ivfiss Lois Hunter of Exeter is visiting her cousins, ?Piss Gladys Skinner this week. 'Miss May Jones of London visited at Mr. Nelson Cou'Itis' on Sunday last. Mr. Keith Ford of London called in the vicin'ity last Sunday. 'M'aster iReggie Ford 5 Eden visit- ed with Master Clarence Ford on Moardiey -last. air. and Mrs. A. Jones of London visited at Mr. H. Jdhns' on Sunday Last. Mrs. Louisa Hagerman of Rox- boroug'h also accompanied them and. is remaining to visit for a while. DUBLIN. Mrs. Leo Hollandd and family re- turned to her home in !W'inds'or on Thursday after spending a fewweeks with her another, Mrs, T. Maloney. .Miss M'arganet Jordan' returned from St. Joseph's 'hospital batisskill confined to her bed. We hope for a speedy recovery. IWe are glad to rcpo:rt Miss Annie: Ryan is improving as "rapidly as can be expected. Mrs. Miidhell and 'Miss Vera Mi- chell are holidaying with friends in the village. Mfrs, Jack Kline of Pontiac spent a 'few 'days this week with her sister, Mrs. Jos, Hickey. Mr. Gerald Holland spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. K. Holland: Miss Anna Delaney of Toronto s'pent the week end with cher parents, Mr. Mr. and Mac Jas. Delaney. , .Miss Minnie Maloney of Bvffaeo is visiting with her mother, Mrs. T, MfMoney. Mrs. John :Mine and iwo child'rein from Pontiac, and Mrs. J. Nero are visiting Mrs, Jae Hickey.. Mrs. Roy Murphy of Pontiac is vis- iting friends around Dwbl"a+. •hsiss Venonic'a McConnell' is visit- ing friends in St, Thomas. Mr. James Shea is busy threshing his hundred acres of wheat, HIL.LSGREEN 'Threshiang its now the order of the day. Miss Edith Forrest of I'lensell! is' spending a few days with ,her hro'ther,', Mr. John Forrest, Mr.- and Mrs. 'H. Aikenlhead and'I daughters, Misses Margaret and Anna' of Brucelfield, spent Sunday at thel home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. Messrs. Freel and Jack-'Steacy of Detroit spent the week end with friends here. hili s Janet Hawthorne of Moose Jaw is spen'dlimg a week With 'het cou- sins in Detroit, iWe are sorry to report that Mrs.' Robert Stephenson is not enjoying the 'best of stealth. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile and daugh- ters, Misses Martha and ' Annie, of 'Hen,ea'el, Mrs, Mlaynard and sosi', of M'dosejraw, ld'r%,` i J ,'Llogan and Mrs. Hudson: of Hetnsel% were Sunday wes- 1 PULLETS {Ready -to -lay Barred, Rock pullets. for sale. Apply to O. F. •S2EGR4'ST Seaforth. Phone 304. BARGAIN PRICES ON TOM BARRON LARGE ENGLISH WHIT:EE 'L'E'GHOiRNI& And O.A.C. Barred Rock pulltets,4 weeks old. 30 cents; six weeks odd 40c; eight weeks ofd, 60c. Prices 'for' older pullets and selected yearling's on re- quest. We guarantee safe dellivery. Order now. Later prices will be high- er. KINGSWAY HATCHERY Petersburg, Ont. HOiNiEY FOR ,SALE Buy your honey according to grade. We sell No. 1 Clover in your contain- ers at 7c per lb; Light Gorden Clover in your co'ntainer's at 6c per bb; Dark Loney, in your containers; at 5o per 1'b. Bring your., .containers. WM. HIAIRITIRY, Seaforth, COLLIE PUPS. ;Five choice collie pups for salt, cheap. Apply to BEtNIiN HOL- LAN'D,- St. 'Colnm'ban. Phalle ' 64o3,' Dublin. FOR SALE. Young jersey cow, milking good. Choice of two, R. MLAGLIEAIN, Eg- mo ndvi l le, Phone No. 1461-23. 134 FARM FOR BALE To wind up theestate of the late Wr]]iam Rinn, the valua'bl'e farm pro-, perty consisting of 149 acres, more or less, in the'Tiown'ahip of Hulleht, lot 5, concession 4, must be so'Id. This is a very desirable faun, su'ita'ble for dairying or Mixed farming, with i an ample supply Of water; also bank barn,` and good frame house in good repair. A martian of purc'h'ase price may be left on mortgage. Apply to W. J. Mc - /GULLY, iiiExecutor) Stratford, Ont. FO'OTBA'LL MAT.CH. Ohaltenge game betiween 13rucelfiel'd and Egnnon'dvi,tl'e Will: be peayed next Monday night in Dave. Bap'phe's field at 6:15. Admission, ladies and chil- dren 10e; Men 20c. HOUSE TO RENT. On George street, Seaforth, five rooms and good 'basement. Hard and soft ,wa't'er:Apply 'at The News Office. 33 SEAFORTH MARKETS. 'Dogs, per cwt. .. .$6.50-$7,00 113utter, per 1b. 20c 'Eggs, per doz, l2c-20c +Potatoes, per bag ..90c itars with Mrs. L. Troyer, Lr. and Mrs, Jas. 'Dammed olf" Klippen spent a day wiith Dirs. L. Troyer, who returned with then for a few days. ;At the service in the lielilsgreem Chaurich on Sunday last a quartette was given by Mr. W. Carlile and daughter, Miss Martha, of Hensel, and Mrs. Maynard and son of Moose !Pam, "The Garden," Rev, Conner took the service as usual Rev, A. Sin- clair of Hensall well) conduct the ser - `vice next Sunday. Miss Mary Hagan of L'ond'on is visiting with her mother, Mrs. A. Ha- gan and family. Mir. Robert Stelck of F,dasaanton, Alta., and Mer, and Mrs. Chas. Stelck, of Varna, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Love and Mr. F. Stelck recently. Miss Margaret Robinson . of the Goshen line spent a day with Miss. Helen Anderson recently. Mr.s, MI.• Reichert and eatnil'y spent Sunday with Mr. and Mee.. Price of near Clinton." The Misses M1clAlllisiter of. Hensall spent a few days recently with Mrs. Wlalker, Mr. and Mrs. Ea'cre'tt of Vandouver spent a clay with Mrs. E. MdAdlister recently. As a vermifuge an effective prepar- ation is Mother Grave's' Worm Exter- minator, and it ,can be given' to' the most .delicate child, without fear of in- jury to the constitution,