HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-08-13, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS:
Snowdon Bros., 'Publishers.
Mrs, Jahn Gilmartin' and. Master
18ii'ilie of Hamilton is spending a few
-holidays at her brother-in-law's, Mr.'
James Mose,
'Mr. James Mose and grandson Ev-
'erett Pedue, Mrs, John Gilmartin and
:l Master Billie spent Sunday with the
former's brother -in-laws, 11r. Robert
`(Hayter of Dashwood, and 'William
lEIayter of Grand Bend, also called
on their cousin, Henry Hayter al
Beatrice Perdue and ton Everett,'
s•accompanted by• Mrs. John Gid'm'ar-.
tin and 'Master BDlllie, spent Monday
•':with the former's. sister, ldrs, Cartil•le
Houston of Bayfield.
'Mr, and Mrs. George Powers and
.daughters .Lucille and. Norma of Ur-
'brava, Illinois, and Mrs, A. Powers of
Yale, Miclhigan; and Miss Jean -Mc-
Giowan of Flint, Mich„ were guests
of Mr. ant Mrs. John Tomirlson last
Mr and Mrs. Jos. Clarke of Bliue-
-rLale v'isite'd. Mns. Enoch Clarke one
day recently.
Miss Bettie Rawer of Brussels Was
• visiting Mrs. F. Innes and' other
:'friends last week.
.11r. and Mrs. F. A. Hatubley of
".Staffa visited one afternoon last"week
.•with friends at Walton.
"Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dayman and
s � y
•wlr. and Mrs. John Norris of near
''Brucefi•eld called on friends on Sun-
'John aitd Lewis McDonald af Riv-
erside called on friends in the village
:from. Friday to Monday before •going
to Sdatarth and Mitchell.
Walton defeated Hesp•eler by 2,1
in a real fast game of football on the
Vocal field last Friday night.
Miss Muriel Fanqu'hanson of Gode
-rich is spending a few days at her
' home.
Mrs. L. Forsyth of Toronto is visit-
' hag, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy.
Beth Shannon who has been visiting
friends in Toronto has returned home.
Mrs, G. Wells and Miss Joan are
spending their 'hollidays with Mrs, H.
: Shannon and .Mrs. W. J. S•Iumphries.
1frs, C. Gawland and children of
Fergus are spending the holidays with
the former's parents, Mr. and .!Mrs. S.
14iss Helen M'dNabb of Grey Town-
ship spent part of last week at the
:Noire of her friend, \+Iiss Eno Parson's.
Miss Eileen Knox of Caledonia,
spent Friday at the home of Misses
Wilma and Phyllis Shepherd.
The Ladies' Aid of Bunts' United
Church'held their monthly meeting at
the home of Mrs. Geo. Knox with
Mrs, Geo. Watt and Miss Lydia Reid
.lass Marjorie Bickell is spending a
few days with Miss Lydia Reid and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allen.
•Mr. Clark Ball of Summerhill spent
-the end of the week at Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Shepherd's.
Miss Agnes Leiper of Toronto is at
present holidaying at her 'home here.
Misses Irene and Clara Brun.dson of
Clinton visited Miss Helen McGregor
part of last week.
Miss Edythe Beacom visited Miss
Helen 1'IoGregor \'ednesd'ay evening
of last week.
Rev, Mr. Holmes of Clinton took
•ch'arge of the service in Burns' United
Church on Sunday, Aug. 9th. There
wilt be no service next Sunday, Aug.
16th, and on Aug. 23rd, Rev, Lott of
,Brussels will have charge of the ser-
For Burns and Scalds—Dr. Thomas'
IEclectrfc Oil will take the fire out of
a burn or scald. It should be at hand
in every kitchen so that it may be
-available at any time. There is no
preparation required,
PIES just
crackle in milk or cream.
They're crisp rice. Bubbles.
.of wonderful flavor. Noth-
-ing like them anywhere!
Have Rice Krispies for
breakfast, lunch, the chil-
dren's supper. Try them
with fruits and honey added.
Make delicious macaroons.
At grocers. Made by Kellogg
in London, Ontario.
Come in and See
Our. New and Used Cars
1 Am Agent For
Durant Cars &Ru g -y
b Trucks
Massey=Harris ' Machinery
and Repairs •
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
Women's Institute,—tGrandmro•ther's
Day at the Wo'men's. 'Institute . was
held on Thursday, Aug, 6tih, and was
treated to a very enjoyable outing at
the home of the president, Mrs. R.
Richmond, with :a splendid attend -
ante of members and visitors present.
Mrs, M. H. Patterson held the place
of honor, she being the ,only great-
grandmother present. Meeting open-
ed by singing the opening od:e, The
'Lord's prayer was then repeated in
unison. During the business part of
•the meeting the secretary read a letter
from .Dr. Field, Inspector of School's,
stating bha't Dtona•ld. Richards obtained
the highest marks at the Entrance
exams held at Blyth Centre, and .was
awarded the +oa's'h prize of $2.00 given
by the Women's Institute. The first
number on the program .was cam-
inunity singinlg, followed by a reading,
"Grandmother's Quilt." by Mrs, Col -
dough, then two weld rendered solos.
by (Mrs. E. S. !Haughton of Londro;s,
th'at were much appreciated; then a
humorous reading "The Never Catch
Up's" by Mrs, Newcombe, followed
by a reading, .'"Mr. 'Brown's Argu-
merrt" by Mrs. "Scrimgeour, then a
reading by Mrs. Houghton. Mrs,
;Densmore of 'Clinton gave a splendid
talk on .the "Doukhobors," followed
by "The Wool Picking ,Bee," an old
fashioned comedy. by Mesdames
'S•crinrgeour, .Newcombe, 'Richmond,
'Colclou'gh and 'Fawcett. The meeting
was 'brought to a close 'by sin•gin:g
"God be with You till we meet again"
and the National Anthem, The grand-
mothers served lunch that was enjoy-
ed. Six metnbers were added to the
roll call,.
Miss Muriel Wilford of Adana
Ladies' College is spending her holi-
days with her grandmother, Mrs. A.
B Carr.
Miss Velma Craig who hes been
risiting her sister, .Miss Ada Craig,
Listowel, returned home on ;Saturday.
Mr, Russell Armstrong and Miss
Mae ,Davies of London visited the
former's mother, Mrs. M. Armstrong,
on Sunday.
Mr. and ,Mrs. J. W. Mi'lIs are spend-
ing their holidays at Grand Bend.
A joint meeting of the W. M. S, and
Women's Association was held at the
home of Mrs, R. Wightman on Tues-
day, Aug. 4th. Meeting opened by
singing hymn 254. Mrs. C. Grasby
presided for the program part of the
meeting, reading the devotional leaf
let, He had Compassion on Thetti."
Mrs, (Rev,) E. 'L, Anderson led in.
prayer, then a reading, "The Gift of
the Loving Heart." Two verses of
hymn 1'53 was sung followed by a
reading, "My Conversion to the Mite.
Box," by Mrs. Fawcett; then a piano
duet by Misses Elizabeth Mills and
Pauline .Robinson. A pleasing feature
of the tnee'ting was a splendid talk on
"Social Service 'Work" by 'Miss Annie
Maines of Toronto. The temperance
work was taken by temperance her-
ald, Mrs. 'Win, Hesk. The president,
Mrs. Colclough, then took the chair
and conducted the business part of the
meeting. The roll call was answered
by a verse of Seniptere containing the
word "Faith." After singing a verse
of hymn 308. Mrs. MclEiroy closed
the meeting with• prayer. The pres•id-
eet,'Mrs. J W. Mills, presided at• the
'Women's Association. Meeting open-
ed by singing two verses of 308, after
which the Lord's prayer was repeated
in unison. The treasurer 'stated the
proceeds from the meals served on
the 13th of July were $192.45. Net
proceeds $144,45. Meeting closed by
singing hymn 85. The group commit-
tee of the W.M.S. then served a 10c
The annual Flower Show of Blyth
Horticultural Society will be held in
Memorial Hall on or about August
20th, weather permitting. ,With the
abundance of rain that has fallen this
summer the flower display should be
A raspberry tea and baking sale
was held by the Ladies' Guild of Tri-
nity Church at the home of Miss Jo-
sephine 'Woodcock on 'Friday.
Mr. Phillips' store, lately occupied
by Mr. Lorne Scrimgeour, is being
painted and shelved for .Mrs. Susie
Lockhart as a 5 and 10 cent store.
There were no services in Trinity
Anglican 'Church on Sunday. Rev.
and Mrs. Pocock left last 'week on a
week's holiday,
'Mns. Johnston of !Lytton, Man., is
visiting Leet father, Mr- Steinhoff, for
s'e'veral weeks,
• The many friends of' Mr. James
Moody re'gre't to learn that he is not
improving as rap'id'ly Rs they would
About seventeen .members of the
Canadian Girls in Training left on
Monday morning to camp at Balls
Bridge on the Maitland River. Visit-
ors' ,Da w nesdl ',Scants
y as Wednesday. ay.,Broy $ a s
are preparing for a camp nett week,
The ''Mission Band: elf Queen St.
Church had a picnicin the grove on
Friday afternoon .and held their regu-
lar meeting. The president, Pauline
!Robinson, presided. Rev. Mr. Ander-
son gave a talk on keeping the Sab-
bath Day. Swimming and games were
enljloyed by the iEand• The . superin-
tendent, Mrs. Bender, and several
guests, were present, besides the
Mr. John R. Bell had the misfor-
tune to have 'the end of his left thumb
severed 'by a binder 'blade at Mrs,
Bowes' farm in Hui'lett.
Mrs. Ban. Lockhart has gone .to
(Exeter where Mr. Lockhart is seri-
ously ill.
A new radio was installed in Mr. I.
C. McElroy's house this week. •
' The Cons'tructi'on Co.'s .steam shov-
el was laid up for days with a break
while cutting down the hill at • the
Auburn road corner.
,Mr. Cardiff of Bru'ssel's, one of the
contractors on the new cut road, had
hi•s car stolen in Toronto recently.
Mr. Cardiff was in Toronto on busi-
ness, ac'cam,panied by his wife at end
of last week. While shopping the car,
with their purchases, disappeared. Af-
ter waiting a clay they returned, and
are still minus the ear, a large one
Miss Janet Craig is vibiiting het sis-
ter, Mrs. T. ;Walsh at 'Westfield.
Mr. 'H. McElroy unloaded a car of
co&l and coke this week.
Mr. Floody's men are re -shingling.
the east wing of the Public School.
The marriage of Miss :Muriel M.
Robinson of Clinton to Mr. 'Charles
W. Cole of St. Thomas, took place on
Wednesday in Wesley Willis United
Church, Clinton. Mr, Cole is the
youngest son of Mrs. Cole of Blyth
and the late A. T. Cole. The .bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Robin-
son, Clinton.
The tw'o new stores of Mr. John
Heffron are being painted .and decor-
Miss' Melda'MclElrroy has returned
from Toronto where she took .a
teacher's course in physical training.
Mr, and Mrs. John Grasby visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Tucker at Durham
an Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Nicholson spent
Sunday afternoon at George Nichol
son's in 1'I dKil l'o p.
Mr. Bruce Brown of New Liskeard
spent the past two weeks visiting his
parents, John and Mrs. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnston,
and Iona were guests .of Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Jerilyn of Jamestown Sunday
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Shoebottom of
'Belgrave spent Monday evening with
Clarence and M,rs. Johnston.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Johnston
and Mrs. John Granby spent Monday
evening at Mr. :rhos. Shoebottom's.
of Belgrave.
•lir, and Mrs. Charles Nicholson.
Gordon and Velma visited Mr, and
Mrs, Robt. Higgins, 3rd line Morris,
'Mr. and Mrs,' John McNichol and
Aubrey were guests of btr. and Mrs.
Wesley Somers of Grey.
Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty di
London are at present enjoying a
Mrs, L. MclAsh in company with
Mrs. Weekes of Glencoemotored tc
London' Monday.
Owing to Rev. Mr. Poilter being
an a hdliday there was no service in
the United Church Sunday evening.
'Processor Keyes, in company with
wife and daughter and Miss Turner
after spending a few weeks with
friends and relatives have returned"ltc
their home in 'Tennessee,
!Midis Thompson of Toronto then"
the week end with her sister, Mrs: L.
l]'h+e' following are the results of Inc'
�Mid'd'l'e Sdch+oo't Exanninabuons of the
Sca'forbh Collegiate Institute. The
tank is indicated as follows; 75-100,
S.; 66-'i4, III.; 60-65, III.; 50-59, C.
The certificates Of alt candidates
have beers mailed.
M, Donald'a Adams -:Eng. camp, 'C
Geo m. C.
IW. Russell Allan•—'Can. hiislt C;
geom. VIII.•
Mary W. Biarher-!Anc. hist,. III.;
alg. 1II; p'hys. C, chem. C, Lat.' A. C;
Fr. A. C; Fr. C. III.
Muriel' H, Beattie—CChem. IIIIL
Alda• J. Bolton—Alg. I; geom. IIII;
thein C.
!Elinor J. B•ro'a:cllfoot-lGeom, 11.
Margaret L B'roadfaot—Eng. comp.
C; Can. hist, C; geom. III.
Gladys M, Butson-+An:c, !visit, Ifl;
alg. 'I,; phys. C, chem, C; Fr, A., C
Fr, C., C.
IAnrtle+yv J. Calder—!Eng. Comp. C
Margaret E. Cardtvo—(Chem, III4.
Eileen Chapman—Eng. Comp, I'I1I
geom. C.
(Geo. W. Crioh—Eng. lit, C; Can
hist. geotn. I'I; phys. ILII.
(Francis A. (Devereaux—lAiig. I; pays
S'I; them I11I'I; Lat. A. .C; T;a't, C., IIII
Fr. A., C; Fr. C., ItI.
!Chas. S. Dickson--lChem. C.
Bernice D'orranoe-Eng. Comp. C.
IDonothy M. Driscoll!—Allg.. Id
geom, II hem. C • Lat. A. Is
H; • playa
II; •Coit. C. IIT; Fr, A. IIII;; Fr. C. II
Elsie M. -Drover SEng.. comp. C
Eng, lit, I; Can, hist. VIII; geom. III
ph'ys. III; Lat. C., I.
Eugene W. Duncan—Arm. •Hist. C
geom. I; Lat. C, C;. Fr. C.
Frank W. Dundas—Geom. C. N.
Angela C. Eckert—Eng. Comp.
Eng. lit. III; Can. +hisit. IIII.; geom. I
Lat. C, I,
Anna G. Edmunds—Eng., lit. IIII
alg. C; geom. SII.
IE'leanor Evans--'Ohem, I; Lat. A
II; Fr. A. I; Fr. C. I.
Jeannette Finnigan-Chetn. C.
Isabel Forrest—Chem. C.
Mary E. Forrest—!Eng. Lit. ISQ
Seam. I.
+Grace V. Free—Eng, lit. C; geom
C, -
'Glen Gemmet1'--�Alg. 'C; Lat. C, C
IF'r, A., C; ,Fr. C, .C.
Jean L Gemmell—Eng. Comp. C
geom. C.
J. Ear'l Gillespie—Lat. A, C; Fr. A
C; Fr. C, Lh
Evelyn I. Golding--Alg. II; phys
IC; chem. II; Lat. A. DIII; Lat. C, C
Fr. A. C; Fr. C, VIII,
John C. H'abkirk—.Anc. hist. III
chem. 111II.
Norma J. Habkirk=Chem. C.
J. Leo Hagan—Anc. hist, IIII.
geom. SII(; ohe'm, C.
Mary I. Haigh—Eng. camp. C
'Cana. hist. C; ,geom. C; Lat. C, C.
Glenn Hays—Alg. II; :chem. 11
Lat. A. I; Lat. C. I; Fr. A. IIII; Fr
Madeline E. Hoth'am—Alg, C
geom, 1111,; chem. C.
O. Ruth Hugild--'Eng. cotnp, C
geom. III.
Mary M. Kling—Eng. Co•mpp, C,
Enlg. lit. III; Can. hist. C; geom. LI
Flys. C.
Win.nifred L. Kruse—Eng... Comp
IIIIII; Eng. lit. C; geom. I; phys, C
Dat. C, LLh
'Roderick W. 'MacLean -Eng. comp
C; Eng. lit. IIII; Can. hist. hL; geom
phys. IiI'I; Lat. comp. C.
'Margaret C. ieE'adLennan—lAlg. C
geom. C, .plhys. C, chem. C; Fe. A, C
Fr. C, C.
Margaret P. Mc!Donal'd-Eng. coin
C; Geom. C.
Mary E. McIver-En,g. coanp. C
Can. Hist. 'C; geom. II.
M. Margaret Mc'IIell'ar—Chem. C.
John N. A. MoKe'arz'ie—!Anc. hist
C; Alg. I'I; Fr. C, C.
Jeanetta McLachlan—!Geom. i11;
phys. C.
Keith I..MacLean—tPhys, C, chem.
II; Lat. A, LIII; Lat. .convp. C; Fr. A.
C. Fr, C C
'Samuel A. McSpadden—Eng. lit.'
ISS; CEn, hist, IIII; meant. I; phys. C.
M. Elizabeth Malcolm—Eng. comp,
II; Eng, kit. I'1I; Can. hist, LI; geom..
I11; phys, II+I; Lat, C, I'I.
Gertrude I. Matthews—Phys, C,
chem. C; Lat. C, C.
'Laura A. Mole -Chem, C.
'J'ames Murray --!Eng. comp. IT;
Eng. lit, C; Can, hist. C; geom. I'I;
Veronica. A. Nolan--Alg, I'I, chem.
II'I; Lat. A. III; Fr. A. I11; Fr, comp.
'Raymond E. Nott—Can: hist.C;
anc. hist. C; alg. III; chem, Iff,
Mary J. O',Conator—Alg. I'LI; geom.:
C; phys. C; ohetn. C; Fr. A. C; Fr, C,
M. Celestine O'iLeary—Eng. camp.,
I; Eng. it, PI; Can. hist. C; geom. i;
phys, I11; Lat. Comp C.
Ignatius, OiLeary-Chem. 111
R. George Parke—Alg, I; Lat. A.
0, Lat. comp C.
Louis F. Parcel:l.-:Anc. Hist, IrI;
Alg. C; Chert. III; Lat, A., C; Lat.
C., IIIII; Fr, A. III; Fr. C,, I'I.
Helen E. Rankin --Eng. Comp. C.
lj, Mary, Reid—Eng. Comp, I'I; Eng,
Lit. LI; Can, Hist. ,1; Geom. I4; Phys.
I; Lat. C., LI..
:M'ary; D. Reid—Alg. I; Geom. 11;
Chem "I; Lata A. LI; Lat. C. IhI,
Wolverton Flour Mills Co. Ltd,
Wheat Storage
On account of the unfavorable price of wheat this year we are
arranging for the, storage of wheat for farmers until the price improves.
We will store clean, good milling wheat only.
The charge for storage and insurance, etc. will be lc per month or
,Ac for each period of fifteen days or fraction thereof.
Office 51. House 299,
Gordon C. Rennie-*Alg. 'I; Geom.
I,; Phys. IIIIL; 'Cheat. Th .
M. Elizabeth, R'o'lp:h-Can. Hist. 'C;
Geom. C. •
Margaret R. Ross--Arsc. Hist, I;
Alg. IiI; IGeb'm, C; :Phys. C; Chem. C;
Dat. A. C; Lat, C., C; Fr. A. C; Fr,
Kenneth F. Rotiedge-Eng. C. IIII;
Eng Lit. C; Geom. C.
Helen M. Sclater—'Eng. Comp. C.
!Alice M. ,S'tenton—Chem. IIL
D Oriean G. Sias—Eng. Comp. C;
Eng. Lilt. C; Atac. Hist. III; A!lg. :II;
Geom.. .1 -
IHe'1•en R Somerville--Enig, 'Coanp.
C; Ening. Lit. C; Geom, :LI. .
iK'athleen M. Sitdwant—Anc, Hist. 1;
Alg. III; Phys. II; Cheri. I'I; Lat. A.
C; Last C., C;,F•r. A. IItI; Fr. •C, II.
Mary A. Thompson — Can. Hist.
VIII; Geom. LI; Phys. LI!I,
(Anna M. Wallace --Phys. ITT; ,Ohem.
I; Lat. A-IIII; Fr. A. IIII Fr. C. I'I.
!Margaret S. Waltson—Alg, I, geom.
I, chem. LI; Lat. A, C; Lat. comp.
C; F'r. A. C. Fr. comp. C.
Joseph J. Williams-4Chem. PT.
Dorothy I. Wilson—Can. hist. C;
ant, hist. IIIIL; alg. II'I; chem. e; Lat.
A, C; •Lat. Comp. II; Fr. A. IIII; Fr. C.
The following pupils of the Sea-
ler -eh Collegiate Institute have been
successful at the Lower School De-
partmental Examinations in the sub-
jects in brackets after their names.
'The certi'ftoa'tes of those who wrote
on one or more papers ha a been
mailed. The certificates of the who:
passed on teachers' recommendations
Twill be .given out after school reopens
on September 1's!t, William R. Cud -
more (arithmetic; English grammar);
Charles B. Ferguson (English gram-
mar); Margaret I.. Leybu•rne (geo-
graphy); Ross M. Rennie (arithmetic,
English igra•mnrer); John C. • Stevens
The many friends of Rev. J,.W.
Johnston are .delighted to•.know' ;that
he is quite restored to health and %vritt
occupy his pulpit next Sunday after-
noon at the regular hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riley spent
Sun'day at Bayfield.
Mrs. Thos Pollard and Miss
Phoebe Wakefie'l'd visited Ethel
friends an Sunday.,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ha'b:kirk and fa -
rally of Clinton spent Sunday with
friends in the village.
'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong
and children visited' at the home of
Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Clarke on Sunday last.
T'hreshing se'as'on has started and
five machines were busy around the
vil'l'age .all .at once.
'Misses Blanche Wheatley and Don -
aide Adams Are guests' at the home
of 'Mr. and 'Mrs, William 'Strong at
the trousseau tea in honor of their
daughter Annie, whose marriage took
place this week,
Miss Dolores Laithwaite, Goderic'h,
is visiting her friend, Mrs. John
Ferguson, and other friends in the
Mrs. Anna McLean of Buffalo is
visiting her brother, Mr. Dave Mill
son and sitter, Mrs. Peter Lindsay.
Mr. Thos. Pebhi.ck mlotored tip
irons London on S'u'nday and returned
Mondlay morning with 'his brother,
IWihda'm Pebhiitck, who is having an X
ray. taken at St. Jloseph's hospital.,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs,. F. Carter
of 1Gad:erich on: S•un'daY•
Miss Alma Leitch is visiting at Mrs.
E. God'kin's in McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M'e'd'd of Exeter
were, guests on: Friday last at , the
home of Mr, and Mrs, •James Medd.
Mrs. B. Ferris and children of:', the
West are visiting at thehome of /Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Lawson, a
'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Britton sank!
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton and Will
IJISwibt visited at the home of Miss
Viola Morrison on S'und'ay.
Mr. and' Mrs. H•eribeut ,Fowler of the
(Huron Road were guests Sunday at
the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lind-
Mr. Clifford Jamieson of Kitchener
is visiting his uncle,. 114r. Robert Jam-
Mr. Carman Glidden ` spent the week
and in 'Clinton with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Glidklon.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Papineau and
Mr. and Mrs. John Toll and two sans•
of Strathroy spent Sunday with Mrs.
Papin:eau's brothers, Robert and Wil-
liam Clarke.
Mrs. Dinah Taylor, Mr. Percy Tay-
lor and son George spent S'un'day af-
ternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Mrs. R. Anderson, Mr. Oliver An-
derson and Miss Jean Anderson, Mrs.'
Percy Reid and Miss Margaret Reid
visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reid on
Miss Hattie Armstrong is visiting
her grandlparetrts, iMr, and Mrs. Wm.
'Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Adams from
Seaofle, Wadhingtbit vte•ttecti at tithe
homes of his cousins, Mrs. Chas.
Dexter, Mrs. Austin Dexter and Mrs.
Joseph Yung;blu'tt, fast week.
:Mr. and Mrs. Woodman .and Miss
Rachel of Londesbor and Mr. O'liv:er
of Clinton, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dexter.
Mr. Basil Lane of Toronto is Visit-
ing hismother, Mrs. John Lane.
1'Irs, Leo McKay of Regina visited
her sister, Mrs, James McQuaid last
Mrs. W. Fortune and Miss Agnes
Lynch of Detroit are visiting their
mother, Mrs. Rose Lynch,
Messrs. Harold and Dennis Maloney
of Detroit 'visited their mother, Mrs. •
John Maloney last week.
Mrs..John O'Rourke of Detroit call-
ed on friends here this week.
Another of the 'old ,pioneers has
gone to his reward in the person of
Mr. John Hughes who died at the
home of his nephew, Mri Jos. O' -
,Rourke on Sundra'y and was buried on
Tuesday in,Du'bl+in:
Mr, anal Mrs. A. P. Keys and fam-
ily were visitors a.t the native of Mr,
and Airs. Erne's't Keys of Stephen
township on Sunday Last,
Tt gra.
'Wednesday, Aug. 19th
2:15 P.M.
2:15 to Free for All Handicap Pace $300.00
2:1.8 Pace
2:25 Pace $300.00
'Conditions -3% Entrance—5% off Winners Trotters allowed 5
seconds. 5 to eater, 4 to start, :Usual weather conditions. Eligibility,
Day of Race. Three in 'five (only heat winners after 4th.) 'Purses
divided 45%—,30%-15%-10%—Scaring (System—•but no more their
ti scores allowed.
INDIAN'PONY 'RACE 2 in 3 Run,I, , , , • , , • -100,00s
Half Mile --
10 or 12 Indian Boys in Native Costume --racing fast Indian Ponies—
bate back These ponies can run a.h.aif c'lose'to a minute, 'A real
h 1, ng a.tractt,n brought direct front andian Reserve on ''Walpole
Fergus Imperial Bagpipe Band
Chairman, "Starter & Handicapp'et..
H. E. WICKS Manager, for Lang Branclli'Jockey 'Club !Ltd.