HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-08-13, Page 1Along 'the country roadside, .stone: on stone, 'aaslt waving ;grain -fields, and near :broken stile, The walls str:e eh onward an uneven pile, "e. Sear rth Nef With rankling vines and lichen over:. scows; So stand they sentinel. Unchanged alone, They're left to watch the season pass- in'g slow. --,J. M. Jaippnantt. • WHOLE SERIES VOL. 53, No. 33. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931 Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES' Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Profit Sharing Our New Profit Sharing System en- ables our customers, by means of the coupons we hand out on cash purchase of 25c, 50c or $1.00, to acquire useful premiums at no :extra expense amounting to 5% of amount purCh'ased. SHELLED BRAZ'I'L NUTS, lb. 50c HUTCHPSOIN'S 'BAKING POW- DER, 16 oz. tin's .......... . ..25c XXX PURE 'CIDFER or SPI'RIT VINEGAR ....,... 50c per gallon OLD CHEESE, June 1930, per1b.25c CHOICE NEW CHEESE, per lb. 18c • BAKE'R'S SNOWDRIFT COCOA- NUT •,per Ib. 25c No. 1 TONI'APO:ES ...per basket 60c NEW CLOVER HONEY-H•artry's or Laing's, 10 ib. pails 75c; 5 lib. pails 40c. • OATELLIiS COOKED S'PAGHET- TI with Cheese -4 ib. tin's 10c IFIe'inz's, 15c. KRAFT OLD FASHIONED BOIL - .ED SALAD DRESSING. --,-12 oz. jars • 25c KRAFT .HAM4N-AISE for Sand- wiches -8 oz. 15c These we think especially good values.- BULK SODA BISCUITS, first class quality, very free from. broken ones, .2 lbs. 25c BROKEN SODAS 3 lbs. 25c Poultry, Eggs and Cream for Seaforth !Creamery, taken in exchange. • F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor P1 ood 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. BOX P43 CROMARTY. Miss Annie Spare of Toronto is holidaying, with her father and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott visited friends at Avo.nton and Carlingford on Sunday. :Miss Greetra Samaras of Toronto is •spendmg''her hobici ys under the par- ental roof., Miss Sarah Mc'Keiilar visited in !London last week. Mr. and;.I'rs "Carl Weitzman of !Niagara arts visiting "relative's in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Dunk; McLachlan. wh;o have been visiting in Londion and this vicinity for the past month, left for their home at Moose Jaw last Tuesday A number from here attended the the ball tournanten•t,in Mitchell. SEAFORTH BOWL'ER'S. beautiful trophy has been pres- eiiled to the local Olutb ;by -a we'll known Sealfonbh "old boy", Mr. Thlos, ISoole, Toronto; to be known as the ISbole Challenge Trophy. 'To declare a winner four gauzes will be played (Wren's rinks). Two games, Friday evening, August 1'41th, and two .games on Monday evening, August 717th at 7,30. The committee wo'u'ld like every 1o:ea1 howler ie this draw. No , entry fee. When the can- vasser calls you, just say: "Part my name down." Valuable prizes have also been don- ated for a men's `Hand'ic'ap" singles competition and al's'o for a mixed rink or trebles tournament in the near fu- ture. Our beauti'.fullawn is going to be a real slptohting field for the balance of the season. Fun for adz—all' for fain. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane; B.A. Sunday, August 116. --Union serv- ices. 10 a.m.-Sunday School, and . Bible Classes. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Egntond- ville United 'Church. 7 p.m. --Public W'orship. North Side United Church, Seaforth. DEADY-LANE. A pretty but quiet w'eddiieg was cel- ebrated in St. James' 'Ohaireh, Sea - forth, on ,Monday, August tenth at eight am when Mary Loretto, eld est daughter of MT. and Mrs. Thos. Lane oaf the Mill Road, was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Hugh Matthew Deady, son of Mr. and Mrs. tJohn Deady of Maynooth. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Father Shally, London. The 'bride, who en- tered the church on the arm of her fattier to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. F. Devereaux, was becomingly dressed in gown of powder -blue crepe satin with bridal cap of blue tulle and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of pink baby roses and 'fern. 'Her Ibridesmaid :we's Mary Deady, niece of . the groom. She.wore a gown *of flowered crepe ohiffon with accessories: in .aefh'i'te and carried, a 'large botiquet .af pink roses and fern• The groom was 'attended by Mervin Lane,'brother of the bride. The'uslhers were two brothers of the bride, 'Andrew and !William Lane. Sharp at twelve noon a sumptuous dinner was served at the 'home of 'the' bride to the immediate relatives of the 'bride and the priest. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful andusefulpresents and several sub: Martial cheques. The groan's gift to the bride was a han'dsome pearl and gold rosary; to the bridesmaid, an amethyst finger ring, and to the groomsman, a pearl set tie pin. BAND CONCERT There was an exceptionally - large audience at the band concert on Sun- day evening. 'The Highlanders Band played up to its usual standaed. The boys!band, rendered several numbers during the interval ' and it is p'lea'sing to note the progress these boys have made since the :conunencenent of their class. \Ve wish them every suc- cess. The pnogratmtne for Sunday ev- ening is as •follows: 0 Canada, March, Field of Glory; Serenade, La've's Caress; Tob'ani'is Fantasia, Gems of Stephen Foster; March, Enterprise; medley of church hymns and gospel songs; Solo, (a) Open the Gates of the Temple; (Ib) Nearer My God to 'Thee, Mr. : E. 'Chamberlain; waltz, Bliss Eternal; selection of co'lle'ge songs. Campu!s liemories; March. The Monitor; Gard Save the King. DIIED AT OTTAWA. Mrs. Ross Dunlop, nee Margaret Norris, died at her home, Sperling av- enue, Ottawa, on Friday. The pass- ing of this young life came as a shock to her many friends in 'Seeforth and 'vicinity, where s'he was a student of the Col'le'giate Ins'ti.tute for several years,t leaving to train as a nurse at Stratford General Hospital. ,For some months her illness, believed to have been contracted while nursing„ had confined ' her to the hospital and sani- tarium hut until very recen'tl'y She had shown improvement. . She is sur- vived by a year,-:abd daughter, Ruth; her 'husband, her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Hugh Norris,. Cromarty, and four .sisters, Mrs, Westlake (Or- iole); bit's. Parker (:Enna); Mrs. Pin - der ('Idea), all of Hilb'bert, ansa Helen and John 'at home. , Mr. and Airs. (Norris and Mr. Will Davis left for Ottawa on Saturday to attend the Ifunera.l which took place at 'Carl'eton Plate on -Sunday. ,Little },tooth„ D1nlep has been staying.a'ti the.imine,iefr her: griandp'arents! Mr. and Mrs: Norris, PAGE 'REUN'ION. The Page reunion held their annual- • 'gathering at the home of Mr• and 'Irs George Docking, Hibbert town: -i ship on August '3rd, civic holiday, at which a large gathering assembled to spend afew hours in reminiscence, of passed years and in sports The day was ideal for the occasion. Ta'bl'es were set under a large maple tree and after" the sports events' all partook of a most delicious lunch. Dr. Harburn, President of the reunion spoke a few words, reminding them that another year was past and gone, another mile- stone had been reached and during' that time bereavement had made nn- roads into some homes; some • who were with us fast year have joined a larger reunion -in a Grander Realm;, and extended sympathy to the her.' eaved ones. He also reminded them of the co -incident that on the farm and withina few rods where they were seated, stands a large maple tree to mark the spot of, the first log cab- in in which the three pioneers, Mr. Page, Mr. Docking and Mr. Jane's, lived together for some time after migrating to this country, whose memory we now oomnnemorate. Thos. Carlisle oncesaid we can't appreciate the heritage of our fathers unless we reverence and revere their memory: ,Our for,dfa:thers bu'ilt a foundation which •was substantial; let us not be content to just rest upon it, but build on and on and in building let us build wisely and well and impress upon our minds the necessity of right living and right thinking, to merit the inher- itance 'which is ours. A vote of thanks was tendered ,to Mr, and Mrs. Docking for the use of their home for the reunion. The reunion for 1932 will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Garnett Murray, Usborne township, with the following officers: - Mr. Henry James, Presidentt, Stratford; Mrs, Alvin Had - gins, secretary -treasurer, London. 'Oldest member present, 'Thomas Young, Walton, Ont.; youngest mem- ber present, Mervin Stephens; family claming longest distance, A. Hodgins, London, Ont.. The sporting .events were as follows 1St'ft ball game, Geo. Waddell, cap- tain; girls race, 6 years and under, Shirley Murray, Wilma James, Ger- raldine James; girls' race, 12 years and under, Gh'ris'tena James, Dona Adams, tansy Adams; boys' race, 3 years, and under, Ronald Stephens and James tHodigins, tie; boys, ,6 years and under, Harry Adiams; boys, 12 years and 'under, 'Donald Murray, Alvin Murray, Phillip James; young' men's race, Ho - .ward Pinder, Gordon Daclet ig; young women% •face, Ella Waddell, 'Beatrice aSarburn; married Wren, Frank Pini der, Irvin Trewartha; married' ' wo- men, Mrs. o-men,Mrs. A. Hodgins, Mrs. F. Pin- i.er; elastic race, Beatrice Harburn and Donald ;Murray; Dona Adams and Alvin Murray; hat race, Howard Pinder and Gordon .Dock'in'g; mys- tery race, Ella Docking, Ella Wad- dell; needle race, Mrs. ,H..Ja'mes, Ella Waddell; three leg race, Marie Dock- ing and Leslie Waddell; Ella 'Waddell and Irvin• Trewartha; tandem' race, !Gordon Docking and Howard Pinder; (Pert .Peart and Irvin Trewartha; el- opeineiat race, Sarah Waddell and GordonDocking; :Ella Waddell and Lawrence Waddeil; brick race, Chris - tetra James, Ella Docking. TOWN 'COUNCIL. Regu'l'ar tweeting of -council was held itt the council ehanlber at 8 p.m. on .'Monday, August 10th.. Members. preset :t: Mtayor Daly, Reeve Beattie; 'Councillors I. Hudson, C. Eckert, R• 'Squibb, T. J. Stephens lanld A. D. Su- therland. Minutes of last meeting read and Confirmed. 'The report 6i the finance commit- tee was adopted as read: W. G. Fee, salary, $70; Jvo. A. Wilson, salary,. $7'5; Thos. Storey, salary, $70; N. IGluff & Sons, account, $17.23; Wm. Venus, wages, $2; IGe'o. A Sills & Sons, .S24:21; Bell Tel Co $2.45; C. N. R., crossing protection, $4.09; J. F. Daly, acct. B. of H. $1.00; 'Municipal IWanld, acct, 541c; W. R. Smith, atm., Charity, $3'56; Fred Reeves, Wages, $10.63; J. M. ,Ga•rdno, aoctdcharity, 88c !Sal. Williams, wages, $30; Win. Ve- nus, wages, 52.50; Wm. Venus, wages, $2.50; Peter M1dIver, Wages, $14.50; Fred Adams, wages, $117,00; John lbuir, wages, $11.75; H. W'ilb.ee, $13.- 25; Jas. V. Ryan, $7'5.50; Louis Dev- ereaux, hay, $1:1.76; Wilson Hawkins, acct. $84.00. ,Sutherland -Beattie - That there p'o'rt of the treasurer of the estimated receipts and expenditures for 1931 he received and •adlopteid. IB'yl'aw Nos. 335 and 336' af' 1934, were given their several "readings and adopted•. One bylaw was striking' the fax rate. for 1934, wh'ic'h will be half at mill lower . than llast year. The oth- er 'bylaw was making grants to the band and Agri:oulltutai Society. • `Happy Home' Sale 133 Pieces China, Silverware, 1 Goblels, Table Cloth and Servieties J $.5o Complete A Complete Table Service for 12 People The 26 Piece Silverware Set in Gift cabinet CONSISTS OF ..',�,' 6 Teaspoons 6 Dessert Spoons 6 " Forks 6 Knives (Stainless) 1 Sugar Spoon 1 Butter Knife and they are of Guaranteed Quality. ivy-+„�'+.a`"i'~S;•-.Yya'z".7' ^�y�,-, s'�"+�+' The Goblets are fine imported glass and beautifully cut. The Table Cloth is fine Damask with Serviettes to match 911 Pieces English Dinner Ware English Dinnerware has an almost irresistible appeal both as to design and durability. We have surpassed all previous efforts in being able to offer, in 4 new and beautiful designs, a complete service for 12 Persons as follows : 12 Cups 1 Cover 12 Saucers 1 Sugar 12 BaB. Plates 1 Sugar Cover 12 Tea Plates 1 Cream 12 Dinner Plates 1 Vegetable Dish 12 Soups 1 Platter, large 12 Nappies 1 Platter, medium 1 Coverdish 1 Sauce Boat 1 Salad Bowl This Dinner Ware is of the famous "Myott. & Son" English make and the designs and" shapes are beautiful indeed. 'Only by buying in large quantities, and for spot cash, and then cutting prices to the bone, is this sare possible. This is a value far beyond any we have ever seen in a sale heretofore. Phone 194 S. Savau JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Evening 10 ftw „tliA�.. .e3x+ gonnagallallonmed PULLMAN -CHARTERS A quiet wedding took place on tMo'nday morning at 10 o'clock at the parsonage, when Elizabeth J.,:••d'augh- -ter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry M. Char, ters, be'canie the bride of Sidney C. Pullman, youngeslt son of the late Thomas Pullman and Mrs. Ptiermian. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. P. !Jane. The bride;'wore a 'pretty gown of canary colored geong- ette with ,blonde hat. She was attend- ed by the bridegroom's sister -in -'law, Mrs. John Pullman, who was gowned in navy blue georgette with Panama• lea't. IBobh carried a bouquet of s!wee`t peas, b'aby's, breath and fern, Robert A'NNUA'L PICNIC Chanters, brobher of the bride, was (Sehfonth L:OIBaA. helld their an - best man. F,ollalveing the ceremony viral lids$ ,to 1Bayifield on Widnes- Malls. Both are very popular young ideal, the members enjoyed the water, people and have the best wishes of a After the supper they all retired to host of friends. ,the ha'l'l 'grounds for the sports. The following are the prize winners: 'Kicking the slipper, Mrs. Jno. Pull - MUSIC RESULTS. man; boys' race, Garnet Free; Wren's race, Jno. Pullman; children's race, Ray Kerr; fat ladies' race, Mrs. Wes !Green; soda 'biscuit race, Stan .Nichol, thread needle race, Dorothy Parke end Shan Nichol; tie race, Mrs. M. . Stewart and. Garnet Free, Successful pupil's of Miss Anne IGbvemliock at the:reoeet Toronto Con- servatory of Music exams were: Primary Theory— 'Jessie Smith ehosrours)1 'Margaret Snti'tli (pass). Isitroduc'tor-y Pnanp— 'Clarissa Dale (pass). DIED, ,SGOITIT.--lOn Aug. 10th, at, the To— nonito Western Hoepital, Lottie Airaud Young, widow {of the late Rtobeit day'sftarttian i, ,' !Scott of Seaiforthe Funeral Wed Mr,. and Mrs. Pullnan lett ort a hart- , August bth. T.hene was day, from her !mine ; 54 . F; nes etery., glx oynoon tnip 'ta. Stratford and Niagara .a lenge atten'dan'ce. 'The dMdy bitingavenue, 'to Purl: Lawn Cemetery.-