The Seaforth News, 1931-08-06, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1931. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY. The merchant who buys from the manufacturer •i•ncarload lots dnrarfiably'buys at a lower price than one ,who .purc'ha'ses in small quantities. The enormous buying power of seven hundred merchants wlho form the Superior Stores 'Chain enables them to purchase at rack.bnittomprnccs. these savings, ere, fn r ' in .turn- passedon to the customer, therefore, we say, "It k a wise customer who . buys from Superior Stores." WE' SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending August 12, 1931. ROYAL YORK TEA, Orange Label—Black, .Mixed or 25 C Greens % ib, pkg. "The Delicious Blend—try it iced KELLOGG'S 'CORN FLAKES! .3 pkgs. 25c RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY JAM, New Pack /e 40 :oz. Jar ....47,Usito DURHAM CORN STAROH .... ....:...........per pkg. 9 Cr STANDARD QUALITY PEAS, No. 4; Sieve 2's......3 ties 25 c LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP.. .. ,....... , .......3 cakes 21 c t . ii Maple ,Leaf Salmon, e lb. tin ......19c; 1 lb tan . .........35c McLaren's Pure Spices, Whole or Ground , ...,,. ....per pkg. 10c Hawes' Floor Wax, "Gives a hard, lasting finish to your floors," 1 lb, tin 43c Hewes' Lemon Oil t 12 -oz. bottle 23c Del Maiz Corn, 2'•s 2 tins 35c Green Giant Peas, No. 2 per tin 19c Kipper Snacks, "Ta'sty for lundhes" 3 tins 17c Toddy, % .lb. hire 33c; 1 ]b. tin 53c Perrfints Matto Cream Biscuits 1 per Ib. 29e Derby Loaf CClieese per Ib. 29c Tomato Juice, Nlo. 1 Tins , 2 for 19c Fray Benton Corned Beef per tin 19c Kkovah ,Health ;Stilts 2 :tins 35c Aylmer Boneless Chicken 8 oz. tins 39c Shrimps . per tin 25c Clark's Spaghetti •- large tin 10c Australian Canned 'Peaches or Apricots, No. 2 tins :..each 23c Chloride of Lime .,r large tin 10c Keen's Mustard %'s ... ............•.. 27c; /'s 53c. N'o, 20 Crackle Jars Queen Olives each 23c No. 9 Jars Pimento Stuffed Olives each 25c Grapefruit, Buffet Size .. 2 tins 25c 3 cakes Palmolive Soap , for 23c One IOc Box Palmolive Beads Free Heinz Vinegars, Canada Vinegars, Matt, Older, Salad and Spirit, , Pickling Spices, all ,kinds. Rubber and Zinc Rings, Fruit Jars, Wax, etc All alt Lowest Prices. Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 without any child. mconvennence to the Mrs. R, . C. Rogers, ,cif Ceoneerty, a dau,g+later. TOWN TOPICS Mr. Earl Oluff of ,BufIlalo Visited his smother, Mrs. Noble Clef, in town last week.` Mr, Alvin R. Dodds of McKillop a tteaded a banquet held by the sum- mer students in 'Western University on the evening of July 31st. Mr. Reg. Coleman of'Toroneo spent the week -end with Miss T'sab.el Lawry. 'Mies. Kate R. 'Wil'es, R.N., of Os- sining, N.Y., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Ker;sdake. Lorne Pinkney is visiting his bro- ther Carl ,in Montreal. Mr. and M'rs. john Hartman, Agnes J'ack, Phil, and Miss Elizabeth Ryan spent Sunday in K!i'tche•ner, .. ihllisis Myrtle Hunter has returned to Seaforth after spending two weeks vacation at Clinton end ' London. Mrs.J . as C c ao Ilan t, te of Brantford is spending a ;few days with Mr. and Airs. C. Dungey. 'Miss Dorothy Hutchison • has re- turned from a holiday trip to Ber- muda. Misses Isabel stud +Marion Watson. have gone on a trip to the Maritime Provlinces and expect to spend most of August there. ,Mrs, johns of London is eisitiang Mr. and Mrs. W. W. 'Cowan. Mr. anrd Mrs. Sanit.. Hanna left on Tuesday to visit cousins at Colborne and Brockville for a week. or levo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Ettwood of ,God erich spent' -the week -end at the -home of Mr, and -Mrs-. Samuel Haun'a, .Miss F. Turv'ill and Miss Audrey Leslie of Toronto are spend'inig two weeks with Mr. and -Mrs, Wm. Deem. Mr. A'l'ex. Cox ' and Mr. Edward James of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Deem, the latter part of this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates and baby of Havelock and Mr. and Mys. Harold Coates of Montreal are visit- ing with Mrs. R. E. Coaltes. Mrs. Thos. Rowley has returned to .hier-home in Flint, Mich., after spend- ing her holidays with her brothers and sisters in this vicinity. :Miss Julia Kenny from London is visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel- land visited the former's mother, Mrs. A. E. Stark, .over the week -end. Mrs. Ker hen and Mr. Lloyd Ken- chen of Owen Sound spent Sunday in town: Miss Evelyn Golding whb has been holidaying at Owen Sound, ac- companied them horse. Mrs. IR. H. Ferguson and daughters returned from Port A1''bert on Thurs- day. Miss Mary Smith, R.N., returned to Albany, N.Y., on Thursday after a two weeks' hoii'day. Borden Merner of Windsor was the guest of Mir. Jack Arnold. Mr. and Mss. Lyle Norris o4 De- troit were guests on Friday of Mrs. Hugh Wright. Mrs. (Dr,) Hossok of Innerkip was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. leclpetosh and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. 'Govenlo'ck and Miss Grace'Casienteri spent the week end at Bruce Beach. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Geddes and Mary and jean of Waterloo, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mts. Ernest Geddes. Miss Helen Ament is visiting with relatives in Kincardine. Miss Margaret Williams of Detroit is s,pending a week's holidays at her home. Mr. and ?ins. A. Blewett of New Toronto were week end visitors at the. home of their cousin, J. B. Tyerrna n. Mr, H'a,rold Mihail is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyenntan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neal of 'Blattl'e Creek, Mich., are ,guests of their niece, Mrs. Norman Carter, Huron Road. Mr, and Mrs. W. 'Walters, Mrs. Carleton and son Ross of Orono, and Mr. and Mrs: Cral. Myles and son and Mr. Wiaiter Carleton of 'Toronto. were week end guests at the hone of Mr. anal Mrs Charles Adams. Mlaster Stewart Geddes is spending; his week in Wlaterloo. Arr Mrs. J T.Wilson, Rouabd, Russell Ind Ian Wilson of .Oshawa . were ,eek end visitors at the hone of Mfrs. Cobert Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding and the blis'ses Audrey and Joyce and William Edgar of Toronito were visiting Mrs. 2olbert Edgar. Those from town who attended the Fliutc'h•isoit re -union at Queen's park, "rtratford, on Civic holiday, were Mr, nd Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and Miss Dorothy Hutchison, Mr. and Mfrs. Jisas. Adams. Mrs. R. E. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, Miss Adeline iyerntan and Miss M.:Melville. and Mrs; R. Stonehouse •and on Donald of Goderich were guests nE Mr, and Mrs, Norman Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glinsite and wo children of .Detroit are visiting er patients, iMr. and : Mrs. John iiproat. Dr. J. W. Hu,te4,ison and Mr. Mc- Kinnon of S(•tginave. Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mars, 3. B. Tyer'man on Sunday. 'Mrs. Ft'ed Rolblinsioit and daughters, Mrs. Guy Richards and Mrs. Davis, and Miss Dorothy Davis, of Detroit called on Seaforth friends this week before leaving on a trip to the Thou- sand Islands to visit Mrs. Robinson''s three 'brot'hers- at Ganano'que, Miss Mary Kling is spending a few days at Goderlc'h with her frieted, Miss Erie Qtvaig. Dr. Stnidlie of Henslaal called on his uncle Mr Mex Gray and the Miss ' es Gray. The L.O.IB,,A. picnic yews held at Bayifiel'd on Weduesiday afternoon. Mrs. Sdhoales of Algona and bit, and Mrs. Ai'dNeil'I of 'Full•a-thon, Mr, and Mns. McTaggart of Toronto, Mr. and, 'Mrs. Reid of Hamilton were gi tests at the hone of AMC. and Mrs. Alf McKellar on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster of Toronto, s,p•ent the week end at their homes. .Miss Audrey Webster of Mc- Killop acc'o'nypaitied them back to the city. Mr. and Ibbs. Duncan Shaw of Ha- milton spent the holiday with J. M. and Miss Robertson. Messrs. Arthur Golding, George Hays and Ken. Beattie spent last week at Owen Sound, Miss Bertha Beattie has been 00 a two weeks' motor trip to Haliibunton in company with four other 'Fosonto teachers. She will return home on Thursday. Miss Louise :Allen is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. W. F. McMillan visited Mr. and Mfrs. Stanley Grey in Stratford. 'Mfrs, (IDr.) Coon, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Docherty, left on Tuesday for Pet- erb'o.ro, eu•rou'te to her home in ''Nor- folk, Virginia. Dr. Coon visited here for a couple of days before going to his old home at Peterboro for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Toronto were guests over the holiday of Mr. and -Mrs. M. McKellar. Mr. Michael O'L'oughlin of Dublin spent a few .drays at Mr, Pete Mldlver's in town. Mrs. Harry Speare of Toronto (for- merly of Seaforth) was a week end guest of Mrs. L. C. DeLacey. Mrs. Walter Cole of Toronto is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. John Sclater. ;lir. and Mos. John Pangmian of To- ronto attended the funeral of Mr. L. C. Jackson on Friday. Miss Anna Sutherland of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of her parents, 'Air. and Mrs, A. D, Sutherland, Mr, Ralph Cresswell of Denver, Col., is visiting his sis't'ers, Mrs. (Rev.) Barry of Ottawa and her daughter, Mrs. Bolton, and four daughters, Catherine, Heather, Bar- bara and Ruth are visiting in town, Mrs. Berry being the guest of the Misses Cresswell and the latter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13, Thomp- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Gfazebrook of Chicago were guests of the Misses Brine over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mrs. L. C. DeLacey. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCrea of De- troit were. guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. 'O'scar Neil. ;Miss D'oble of Toronto who has been cotllfine'd to the Scotr Memorial Hospital for some weeks, has been able to return to the home of her sister, Mrs. Bright. Mrs. George Weir left on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney to visit friends in Toronto, Mr. Harry Livens of Mitchell visit- ed 'fiends in town on Wednesday. SMITH-MADILL, A quiet wedding was solemnized in the presence of the immediate rela- tives of the contracting parties at the home of the bri'cle's parents, 249 Bris- coe street, London, Ont„ on Tuesday, August 4th, 1931, at 4 p.m., when ,Miss Vena Maud Madill, daughter o'f Mr. and Mrs, B. Madill, became the bride of Thomas Arthur Smith, son of Mr. John A. Smith of Seaforth. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mns. Snaith will reside at Cobourg, lOnt. AutoInsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load, off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates I; s worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 . D. Suth-erland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store. Farmers Sons, Attention Any Huron County boy contemplating entering the Ontario Agricultural College for either the Associate or Degree Course is eligible to compete for the Huron County and Massey Fund Scholar- ship. Particulars regarding this Scholarship may be found elsewhere in this paper. Applicatipns must be made on or before Saturday, August 15th, and should be forwarded to the Ontario Department of Agriculture CLINTON, ONT. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Kamcke of Toronto spent' the excel- end at the home of the lady's father, 'Mr, C. Reid. Mrs; L. Forrest spent the past week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Landslborough, Port Credit, who has been seriously ill. Mr. and Airs. W. N. lf'oQueen and dattghiter Sheila, of Toronto spent the week end at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McQueen. Miss .Edna Bremner, nurse in train- ing at Scott Memorial Hospita'l, is spending her holidays at the home of her sister, Pers. West, of St. Thomas. � Death of Alex. Mustard, Sr.—Mr, Alex. Mustard, Sr., passed away on Monday, August 3rd at his h'onre in the village after an illness of a few weeks. The late ler, ,Mustard was one of the few remaining pioneers, and was a well known and highly respect- ed 'lifelong resident of 'Brucefield. He was born at Bruceficld 82 years ago on the farm on which he has resided, eldest son of the 'late William Mus- tard, and had been in the saw ntftl business since h'oylhaod as well as farming. IIn polities he was a staunch Liberal and was a 'Past President oft, the South Huron Liberal Association; M religion, a member of the United Church and a former Presbyterian. Surviving are his wife and six sons and three daughters, William, of Say - field; Rev. 'C. A. Museesd, B.A., of Toronto; Thornton, of Toronto; John B.. of Brucefield; 'Emcee, of Vatican - ver; Miss Margaret Mustard, R.N.. in charge of the Mission Hospital of Gypsumvrlle, Man.; Alex., on the homestead, Brucefield, Misses Annie and 'Aliice, of London. There are a'ls'o two sisters, Mrs, Neil MldGnegor, of Brucefield, and Mrs. James Laut, of Crossfields, Alta. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the place of interment in Baird's cemetery. It is expected that Rev. W. D. McIntosh of Embro, a former pastor, will conduct the ser- vice, as Rev. W. A. Bremner is away on vacation. DUBLIN. Mfrs. Jerry Ryan, of Stratford spent the week end with iter mother, Mrs, T. Maloney. We are glad to report that Mr. Pat Flanagan is improving from his ope- ration far appendicitis as rapidly as can 'be expected, Mrs. Wm. Stapleton is visiting a few days with her luster, Mrs. Wm, Morris. Miss Anna 'Molyneaux of Kitchen- er spent the week end under the par- ental roof. Mr. Philip Flanagan of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flanagate Mr. and Mrs. Thos.Mo:lyneaux and faultily spent Sunday in G'odcrich, Mr. and Mts. Frank Feeney visited the Tattler's parents Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Flanagan. Miss R. O'Connor and Miss Marie Krauskopf s'p'ent Sunday with Gode- rich friends. Misses Mary and Margaret Wil- liams etrterltained a number of their friends on Sunday evening. ,bir, Leo Kenny returned' to Tor- onto Monday after spending his vace- ti•an with his parents, Mr. anrd Mlrs, Phillip Kenny. lir. and Mrs. Hattnice of Toronto were week end visitors in the village. Mises Gertieli'ut•li an and sister of Detroit visited at the hone of their mother. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Beale of Stratford were Sunday guests at the home of his mother and sister. 'Mr. Atex. Litt of 1Vinds'or, lit•. Ed. Litt and daughter Alice of Cosiec'se. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Byers of Ot te'rvilie, were visitors in the village. Quite a number from town attend- ed the baseball in Mitchell on Monday and the first game, Motherwell vs. Steffia, Motherwell 4, Staffs 8. Second game, Woodham - vs. .St Marys, Woodbaim 2, St. Marys 4; third game, SNaffa vs. S't. ;Marys, Staffa 5, Si. Marys .3. Winners of the cup are Stafa. .Good for our own home boys, Last year St. Marys won • the cup, Staffa 'holds the cha,mpioirship this year, Much praise to th'e boys, Southpaw Says. "I made some very valueb'le con- tacts today." ' "I didn't make :an}' ,sales, either." iisteu toit.. _.sate KIDDIES are fascinated with the way Rice Krispies crackle when you pour on milk or cream. And what a flavor treat! Toasted rice bubbles. Won- derful for breakfast, lunch and supper. Fine to use in candies, macaroons. In soups. Order the red -and - green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. RICE KRISPIES KR/SPIE HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. John R Knox and Miss Eileen of Caledonia also little Master Gordon Wheatley of Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson, Sunday. Miss Eileen remained holt-laying at their hone for a short tithe. AMr. Thos Knox and Audrey motor- ed to Toronto Thursday accompan- ied by Air. Arthur Foreman and sten Harry Foreman of near Atwood, also "Mrs, Phos. Knox of near Pickering, who had been visiting in the neigh- borhood for the past few weeks. Mr. Thos. and Audrey. also Mr. Foreman and son returned home Saturday ac- companied by Latina of Toronto who spent dee holiday at the home 01 her parents, Air. and Mrs. Thos. Knox. Misses Helen and .Marjorie Mc - Ewing visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rogerson of near Bruce - field Saturday. blaster Watson Reid spent last week teeth his sister, Mrs, William Rogerson, returning home Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Heggar th and family visited on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoggarth, A. bad 'storm struck this locality on Sunday afternoon and about leei utiles east of H'arlock it uprooted trees, took the roofs off the barns owned by Mrs. Holmes and Mr. Somerville, and shingles off Mfr. Tomlinson's barn and driving grain down in the ground. The Ladies' Aid will be held Nhis week at the home of "Mrs. Jennie Knox with Mrs, Geo. Watt and Miss Lydia Reid assisting. lir. and firs. James Scott, also Mrs, Thos. Cole of Toronto is spend- ing the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sinton McVittie, returning to Toronto Tuesday morniu.g. Mr. and Mrs. MMcVittie and family also the former's sister, Mrs. Cole, held a family reunion picnic on the flats on Monday afternoon, Airs, William Bell, who was oper- ated on in Toronto lest Friday was by Saturday's report doing nicely. We wish her a speedy recovery. Macklam's Lunch 4 AFTERNOON TEA Ladies, we are prepared to are do serve afternoon tea while you Ywit town. CAKE ORDERS We would be pleased if you would give us an order for any style of cake, CHICKEN DINNERS Our Chicken Dinners are be- ing well patronized. Phone your' circler early. PHONE 42. CreamCream HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call, in our cream drawer and receive our services, We will pay you the. Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. • — No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. C. A. BARBER. ee.e. 'Special Optical Notice. Walkers FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— • EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W., J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. Have your eyes examined by our well known and painstaking specialist, Mr. H•ughson, formerly optical ex - pert for Kents,' Toronto, and Henry 'Morgan & Co., Montreal. Over 30 years' experience, 20 years coming to Seaforth. You are assured of 'the best optical work to be .ob'tained and at very moderate :cost, We have all the late styles of mountings, the hest make of the best makers and our prices are from $4.00 tip. Monday, Au- Au- ust 10t gust 10th from 1 p.m. to Wednesday, August 12th, 12 noon. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 32 Chas.A HoweyMANLEY. � lf.r, and blr, C P. Stills were -vis- itors in our bung this week, 1 PIANO TUNING AND, ORGAN REPAIRING Rev,; Fr. Icelly from N.Y., and Rev. 1 J. M. Eckert from Hawthorne, N.Y., called on friends here during the 1 week. PHONE 327-3, Centre Street Harvest and thne'shing, opera- - tions are in fall swdn;g and it will be ] only :a short time until the fields will i Do -not allow worms to sap the vi-be stripped, al though laas't Sunday's tality of your dhildrem. If not attend- maleic custorm with th•e, heavy raid has ' ed to, worms may work irreparable and slow. harm harm to the constitution o'f the infant, BiORN. The little sufferers cannot voice theirWALSH.—In Scott Memorial Hos- tilment, but Beene are many signs by pital, to Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, wihich mothers are made aware that at dose of ?Mi'ller's IW;orm ,Powder is ne of Dublin, on Sunday, July 26, 1931,1 eessar These powders act quickly a sort (William Francis), y R1OC ERIS-1I•n Scott Afembeia.l Hos Ind expel worms from the system pion, ort August 4th. 1931. to Mr. aced , without any child. mconvennence to the Mrs. R, . C. Rogers, ,cif Ceoneerty, a dau,g+later. TOWN TOPICS Mr. Earl Oluff of ,BufIlalo Visited his smother, Mrs. Noble Clef, in town last week.` Mr, Alvin R. Dodds of McKillop a tteaded a banquet held by the sum- mer students in 'Western University on the evening of July 31st. Mr. Reg. Coleman of'Toroneo spent the week -end with Miss T'sab.el Lawry. 'Mies. Kate R. 'Wil'es, R.N., of Os- sining, N.Y., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Ker;sdake. Lorne Pinkney is visiting his bro- ther Carl ,in Montreal. Mr. and M'rs. john Hartman, Agnes J'ack, Phil, and Miss Elizabeth Ryan spent Sunday in K!i'tche•ner, .. ihllisis Myrtle Hunter has returned to Seaforth after spending two weeks vacation at Clinton end ' London. Mrs.J . as C c ao Ilan t, te of Brantford is spending a ;few days with Mr. and Airs. C. Dungey. 'Miss Dorothy Hutchison • has re- turned from a holiday trip to Ber- muda. Misses Isabel stud +Marion Watson. have gone on a trip to the Maritime Provlinces and expect to spend most of August there. ,Mrs, johns of London is eisitiang Mr. and Mrs. W. W. 'Cowan. Mr. anrd Mrs. Sanit.. Hanna left on Tuesday to visit cousins at Colborne and Brockville for a week. or levo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Ettwood of ,God erich spent' -the week -end at the -home of Mr, and -Mrs-. Samuel Haun'a, .Miss F. Turv'ill and Miss Audrey Leslie of Toronto are spend'inig two weeks with Mr. and -Mrs, Wm. Deem. Mr. A'l'ex. Cox ' and Mr. Edward James of Toronto are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Deem, the latter part of this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates and baby of Havelock and Mr. and Mys. Harold Coates of Montreal are visit- ing with Mrs. R. E. Coaltes. Mrs. Thos. Rowley has returned to .hier-home in Flint, Mich., after spend- ing her holidays with her brothers and sisters in this vicinity. :Miss Julia Kenny from London is visiting with her sister, Mrs. C. Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel- land visited the former's mother, Mrs. A. E. Stark, .over the week -end. Mrs. Ker hen and Mr. Lloyd Ken- chen of Owen Sound spent Sunday in town: Miss Evelyn Golding whb has been holidaying at Owen Sound, ac- companied them horse. Mrs. IR. H. Ferguson and daughters returned from Port A1''bert on Thurs- day. Miss Mary Smith, R.N., returned to Albany, N.Y., on Thursday after a two weeks' hoii'day. Borden Merner of Windsor was the guest of Mir. Jack Arnold. Mr. and Mss. Lyle Norris o4 De- troit were guests on Friday of Mrs. Hugh Wright. Mrs. (Dr,) Hossok of Innerkip was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. leclpetosh and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. 'Govenlo'ck and Miss Grace'Casienteri spent the week end at Bruce Beach. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Geddes and Mary and jean of Waterloo, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mts. Ernest Geddes. Miss Helen Ament is visiting with relatives in Kincardine. Miss Margaret Williams of Detroit is s,pending a week's holidays at her home. Mr. and ?ins. A. Blewett of New Toronto were week end visitors at the. home of their cousin, J. B. Tyerrna n. Mr, H'a,rold Mihail is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyenntan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Neal of 'Blattl'e Creek, Mich., are ,guests of their niece, Mrs. Norman Carter, Huron Road. Mr, and Mrs. W. 'Walters, Mrs. Carleton and son Ross of Orono, and Mr. and Mrs: Cral. Myles and son and Mr. Wiaiter Carleton of 'Toronto. were week end guests at the hone of Mr. anal Mrs Charles Adams. Mlaster Stewart Geddes is spending; his week in Wlaterloo. Arr Mrs. J T.Wilson, Rouabd, Russell Ind Ian Wilson of .Oshawa . were ,eek end visitors at the hone of Mfrs. Cobert Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harding and the blis'ses Audrey and Joyce and William Edgar of Toronito were visiting Mrs. 2olbert Edgar. Those from town who attended the Fliutc'h•isoit re -union at Queen's park, "rtratford, on Civic holiday, were Mr, nd Mrs. F. D. Hutchison and Miss Dorothy Hutchison, Mr. and Mfrs. Jisas. Adams. Mrs. R. E. Bright, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, Miss Adeline iyerntan and Miss M.:Melville. and Mrs; R. Stonehouse •and on Donald of Goderich were guests nE Mr, and Mrs, Norman Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Glinsite and wo children of .Detroit are visiting er patients, iMr. and : Mrs. John iiproat. Dr. J. W. Hu,te4,ison and Mr. Mc- Kinnon of S(•tginave. Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mars, 3. B. Tyer'man on Sunday. 'Mrs. Ft'ed Rolblinsioit and daughters, Mrs. Guy Richards and Mrs. Davis, and Miss Dorothy Davis, of Detroit called on Seaforth friends this week before leaving on a trip to the Thou- sand Islands to visit Mrs. Robinson''s three 'brot'hers- at Ganano'que, Miss Mary Kling is spending a few days at Goderlc'h with her frieted, Miss Erie Qtvaig. Dr. Stnidlie of Henslaal called on his uncle Mr Mex Gray and the Miss ' es Gray. The L.O.IB,,A. picnic yews held at Bayifiel'd on Weduesiday afternoon. Mrs. Sdhoales of Algona and bit, and Mrs. Ai'dNeil'I of 'Full•a-thon, Mr, and Mns. McTaggart of Toronto, Mr. and, 'Mrs. Reid of Hamilton were gi tests at the hone of AMC. and Mrs. Alf McKellar on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster of Toronto, s,p•ent the week end at their homes. .Miss Audrey Webster of Mc- Killop acc'o'nypaitied them back to the city. Mr. and Ibbs. Duncan Shaw of Ha- milton spent the holiday with J. M. and Miss Robertson. Messrs. Arthur Golding, George Hays and Ken. Beattie spent last week at Owen Sound, Miss Bertha Beattie has been 00 a two weeks' motor trip to Haliibunton in company with four other 'Fosonto teachers. She will return home on Thursday. Miss Louise :Allen is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Mrs. W. F. McMillan visited Mr. and Mfrs. Stanley Grey in Stratford. 'Mfrs, (IDr.) Coon, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. G. Docherty, left on Tuesday for Pet- erb'o.ro, eu•rou'te to her home in ''Nor- folk, Virginia. Dr. Coon visited here for a couple of days before going to his old home at Peterboro for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of Toronto were guests over the holiday of Mr. and -Mrs. M. McKellar. Mr. Michael O'L'oughlin of Dublin spent a few .drays at Mr, Pete Mldlver's in town. Mrs. Harry Speare of Toronto (for- merly of Seaforth) was a week end guest of Mrs. L. C. DeLacey. Mrs. Walter Cole of Toronto is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. John Sclater. ;lir. and Mos. John Pangmian of To- ronto attended the funeral of Mr. L. C. Jackson on Friday. Miss Anna Sutherland of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of her parents, 'Air. and Mrs, A. D, Sutherland, Mr, Ralph Cresswell of Denver, Col., is visiting his sis't'ers, Mrs. (Rev.) Barry of Ottawa and her daughter, Mrs. Bolton, and four daughters, Catherine, Heather, Bar- bara and Ruth are visiting in town, Mrs. Berry being the guest of the Misses Cresswell and the latter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 13, Thomp- son. Mr. and Mrs. John Gfazebrook of Chicago were guests of the Misses Brine over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mrs. L. C. DeLacey. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCrea of De- troit were. guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. 'O'scar Neil. ;Miss D'oble of Toronto who has been cotllfine'd to the Scotr Memorial Hospital for some weeks, has been able to return to the home of her sister, Mrs. Bright. Mrs. George Weir left on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney to visit friends in Toronto, Mr. Harry Livens of Mitchell visit- ed 'fiends in town on Wednesday. SMITH-MADILL, A quiet wedding was solemnized in the presence of the immediate rela- tives of the contracting parties at the home of the bri'cle's parents, 249 Bris- coe street, London, Ont„ on Tuesday, August 4th, 1931, at 4 p.m., when ,Miss Vena Maud Madill, daughter o'f Mr. and Mrs, B. Madill, became the bride of Thomas Arthur Smith, son of Mr. John A. Smith of Seaforth. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mns. Snaith will reside at Cobourg, lOnt. AutoInsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load, off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates I; s worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 . D. Suth-erland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store. Farmers Sons, Attention Any Huron County boy contemplating entering the Ontario Agricultural College for either the Associate or Degree Course is eligible to compete for the Huron County and Massey Fund Scholar- ship. Particulars regarding this Scholarship may be found elsewhere in this paper. Applicatipns must be made on or before Saturday, August 15th, and should be forwarded to the Ontario Department of Agriculture CLINTON, ONT. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. Kamcke of Toronto spent' the excel- end at the home of the lady's father, 'Mr, C. Reid. Mrs; L. Forrest spent the past week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Landslborough, Port Credit, who has been seriously ill. Mr. and Airs. W. N. lf'oQueen and dattghiter Sheila, of Toronto spent the week end at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McQueen. Miss .Edna Bremner, nurse in train- ing at Scott Memorial Hospita'l, is spending her holidays at the home of her sister, Pers. West, of St. Thomas. � Death of Alex. Mustard, Sr.—Mr, Alex. Mustard, Sr., passed away on Monday, August 3rd at his h'onre in the village after an illness of a few weeks. The late ler, ,Mustard was one of the few remaining pioneers, and was a well known and highly respect- ed 'lifelong resident of 'Brucefield. He was born at Bruceficld 82 years ago on the farm on which he has resided, eldest son of the 'late William Mus- tard, and had been in the saw ntftl business since h'oylhaod as well as farming. IIn polities he was a staunch Liberal and was a 'Past President oft, the South Huron Liberal Association; M religion, a member of the United Church and a former Presbyterian. Surviving are his wife and six sons and three daughters, William, of Say - field; Rev. 'C. A. Museesd, B.A., of Toronto; Thornton, of Toronto; John B.. of Brucefield; 'Emcee, of Vatican - ver; Miss Margaret Mustard, R.N.. in charge of the Mission Hospital of Gypsumvrlle, Man.; Alex., on the homestead, Brucefield, Misses Annie and 'Aliice, of London. There are a'ls'o two sisters, Mrs, Neil MldGnegor, of Brucefield, and Mrs. James Laut, of Crossfields, Alta. The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the place of interment in Baird's cemetery. It is expected that Rev. W. D. McIntosh of Embro, a former pastor, will conduct the ser- vice, as Rev. W. A. Bremner is away on vacation. DUBLIN. Mfrs. Jerry Ryan, of Stratford spent the week end with iter mother, Mrs, T. Maloney. We are glad to report that Mr. Pat Flanagan is improving from his ope- ration far appendicitis as rapidly as can 'be expected, Mrs. Wm. Stapleton is visiting a few days with her luster, Mrs. Wm, Morris. Miss Anna 'Molyneaux of Kitchen- er spent the week end under the par- ental roof. Mr. Philip Flanagan of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flanagate Mr. and Mrs. Thos.Mo:lyneaux and faultily spent Sunday in G'odcrich, Mr. and Mts. Frank Feeney visited the Tattler's parents Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Michael Flanagan. Miss R. O'Connor and Miss Marie Krauskopf s'p'ent Sunday with Gode- rich friends. Misses Mary and Margaret Wil- liams etrterltained a number of their friends on Sunday evening. ,bir, Leo Kenny returned' to Tor- onto Monday after spending his vace- ti•an with his parents, Mr. anrd Mlrs, Phillip Kenny. lir. and Mrs. Hattnice of Toronto were week end visitors in the village. Mises Gertieli'ut•li an and sister of Detroit visited at the hone of their mother. 'Mr. and Mrs. L. Beale of Stratford were Sunday guests at the home of his mother and sister. 'Mr. Atex. Litt of 1Vinds'or, lit•. Ed. Litt and daughter Alice of Cosiec'se. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Byers of Ot te'rvilie, were visitors in the village. Quite a number from town attend- ed the baseball in Mitchell on Monday and the first game, Motherwell vs. Steffia, Motherwell 4, Staffs 8. Second game, Woodham - vs. .St Marys, Woodbaim 2, St. Marys 4; third game, SNaffa vs. S't. ;Marys, Staffa 5, Si. Marys .3. Winners of the cup are Stafa. .Good for our own home boys, Last year St. Marys won • the cup, Staffa 'holds the cha,mpioirship this year, Much praise to th'e boys, Southpaw Says. "I made some very valueb'le con- tacts today." ' "I didn't make :an}' ,sales, either." iisteu toit.. _.sate KIDDIES are fascinated with the way Rice Krispies crackle when you pour on milk or cream. And what a flavor treat! Toasted rice bubbles. Won- derful for breakfast, lunch and supper. Fine to use in candies, macaroons. In soups. Order the red -and - green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. RICE KRISPIES KR/SPIE HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. John R Knox and Miss Eileen of Caledonia also little Master Gordon Wheatley of Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson, Sunday. Miss Eileen remained holt-laying at their hone for a short tithe. AMr. Thos Knox and Audrey motor- ed to Toronto Thursday accompan- ied by Air. Arthur Foreman and sten Harry Foreman of near Atwood, also "Mrs, Phos. Knox of near Pickering, who had been visiting in the neigh- borhood for the past few weeks. Mr. Thos. and Audrey. also Mr. Foreman and son returned home Saturday ac- companied by Latina of Toronto who spent dee holiday at the home 01 her parents, Air. and Mrs. Thos. Knox. Misses Helen and .Marjorie Mc - Ewing visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rogerson of near Bruce - field Saturday. blaster Watson Reid spent last week teeth his sister, Mrs, William Rogerson, returning home Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Heggar th and family visited on Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoggarth, A. bad 'storm struck this locality on Sunday afternoon and about leei utiles east of H'arlock it uprooted trees, took the roofs off the barns owned by Mrs. Holmes and Mr. Somerville, and shingles off Mfr. Tomlinson's barn and driving grain down in the ground. The Ladies' Aid will be held Nhis week at the home of "Mrs. Jennie Knox with Mrs, Geo. Watt and Miss Lydia Reid assisting. lir. and firs. James Scott, also Mrs, Thos. Cole of Toronto is spend- ing the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sinton McVittie, returning to Toronto Tuesday morniu.g. Mr. and Mrs. MMcVittie and family also the former's sister, Mrs. Cole, held a family reunion picnic on the flats on Monday afternoon, Airs, William Bell, who was oper- ated on in Toronto lest Friday was by Saturday's report doing nicely. We wish her a speedy recovery. Macklam's Lunch 4 AFTERNOON TEA Ladies, we are prepared to are do serve afternoon tea while you Ywit town. CAKE ORDERS We would be pleased if you would give us an order for any style of cake, CHICKEN DINNERS Our Chicken Dinners are be- ing well patronized. Phone your' circler early. PHONE 42.