HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-08-06, Page 1hhi,Id arch of promise; on the eveniinlg' • [:!.'::4 • clay, Which •deepened dark anon, and fell 'in' rain: IBut.p'leasant is it now to pause and View" • Thy various tints of frlail and watery hue, :And thnk the Storni shall not returns again. WHOLE S'ER'IES, VOL. 53, No. 32. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1931. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Oly:.pia Confectionery and Restaurant Profit Sharing Our New Profit Sharing System en- ,ables our customers, by means of the coupons we hand out on cash purchase of 25c, 50c 'or $1.00, to acquire useful premiums at no 'extra expense amounting to 5% of •amount purchased. SHELLED BRAZ'Ii NUTS, lb. 50c HUTCHISOIN''S BAKING POW- DER, 16 oz. tins 25c XXX PURE CPDER or SPIRIT VINEGAR .......50c .per gallon OLD CHEESE, June 1930, per Ib. 25c CHOICE NEW CHEESE, per Ib. 1.Sc BAKER'S SNOIWDRIFT COCOA- NUT per 1b. 25c No. 1 TOMATOES ...per basket 60c NEW CLOVER HONEY—H'artry's or Laing's, 10 lb. pails 75c; 5 1'b. pails 40c. CATEIILI'S COOKED SPAGHET- TI with Cheese -1 lb. tins 100 'Heinz's, 15c. KRAFT OLD FASHIONED BOLL-, ;ED SALAD DRESSING. -12 oz, jars 25c KRAFT .HAM-IN-AISE for 'Sand- wiches -8 oz. 15c These we think especially good values. BULK SODA BISCUITS, first class quality, very free from broken ones, 2 lbs. 25c BROKEN SODAS 3 abs. 25c Poultry, Eggs and Cream for Seaforth Creamery, taken in exchange. F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phood 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. BOX Ti BRODHAGEN. •31,•. and Mrs. Harold Diegei, Claire and Glen, motored to Toronto to spend the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Dower. ',Ray Hart of the 'bank staff is holi- daying at his home in 'Palmers!ton. Albert Smith has returned to Oran- geville after a flew weeks' hol'id'ays and will .resume Itis position in the bank. Mr. and Mfrs. Cant Stamp arid Mr. Ress'efl of Stratford were the guests of Air. and Mrs. Ernest Mauegge. Mr. and Mrs. Kopf of Buffa'l'o visit- , ed the litter's brother, Henry It•leber. Rev. Manglessn, wife and children of Ellice, Rev, Stockman and wife of Tavistock, were guests at the person- age. Miss Martha Brodhagen of •Goder- ich spenit the week end with her par- ents. BEATTIE'S PRIZE WINDOWS -COME AND SEE— We will display articles suitable for PRIZES for any occasion Bowling, Goff, Tennis, Horseshoes, 'Picnics, Card Parties. You .wall allso find "Gift's" for the Wedding, Shower, Birthday, Anni- versary or just something for the Su'mmer visitor. ..Breakfast, Dinner 'and Tea Sets always on at Special Prices BEATTI E'S China and Gift Store CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church—Pastor, Rev: W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, August 9th.—Union serv- ices. 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Classes. ' 11 a.m,. —Pull:die Worship. Egmond- ville United Chu'rc'h. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. ' North Side. United Church, Seaforth. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charters an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth. Jane, to Mr. Sid- ney C. Pullman, the wedding to take place in August. GOLF NEWS Last Wednesday the ladies and gentlemen of the Seaforth 'Clu'b were invited to Listowel and had a delight- ful day. Listowel has a new club house and an improved course. The Mlita'hell lady golfers are ex pecte.d here on. Thursday of this week and will be entertained at the golf links. B:aylfield Ladies' Club are 'in- vited for Thursday, .August 13th. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mliss Kate Allison, August 12th at 2:30, under the con.venorsh'ip of Miss Gertrude Webster. The roll call will be a poem from the School Reader. The topic will .be taken by Margaret 3,'IdM111 n on. school lunches. Each member of the Institute is re- quested to take a lunch suitable for a school child on a w'anni clay in June. Everybody welcome. FUNERAL OF THE LATE JOHN NEILAN!S HELD The funeral of lefr. John G. Neilates, who died on Wednesday night last as the result of an accident while work- ing on a Hydro pole, took place pri- vately. from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. Andrew Scott, Gaderlich Street, at 3 o'clock on Fri- day afternoon, under the auspices of the Canadian' ..L'eg'ion. Rev. I. B. Koine of First Presbyterian Church officiated at the house and at the graveside in the Harpurhey cemetery.. The members of the legion, a'ecom- panied by the 'band, attended in a body. The pallbearers were Messrs. Chas. P. Sills, Ross J. Sproat, J. M. McMillan, 'Thos, Beattie, Dr. Bechely and Dr. hfttnn. Among those present at the fun- eral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sieith, Sarnia; \4r.' and Mrs. Brown, Petrone.; ?vlr. James Sleith, Detroit; Mr. (Al'ex'ander Neil-- ans and. ,daughter, Mrs. Shaddick and Mr. Sleaddick, Mr. and Mrs.. John Neilan•s and daughter, of Cl'inhon. The fatal °accident occurred Wed- nesday evenurg albout 5.30 an Goder- ioh Street east, where a new pole and transformer had just been instwlle.d, While the final work was being done Mr. Neilans in some manner received a severe electrical shock and collaps- ed on a cross bar of the pole. :Medical aid was called and he was removed to the hospital where the efforts at re- suscitation were cond'inueci until late at night without success, bi'r. Neil ars had nearly left the electrical work to work on a farm for 'the harvest the previous Saturday, but decided to wait a week before going.. The inquest is in change Of Cor- oner Dr. F. J. Burrows and will be held on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A 'sudden ,change; I, in a moment fell, I had not time to bid my friends This day .was mine, to'ntlo:rrdw you may fall, Think this not Strange, ik hapsiens undo I COUNTY OFFERS SCHOLAR- SHIP IN AGRICULTURE The I-Iuron County Council has 1 voted , $50.00 tow'ardis a scholarship. for a cotinty boy entering the 0. A. C. This amount will be supplement- ed by a similar'sum from the. Massey Fund at the College. That is to say, the successful eandideite will receive $100.00 daring his first year at the College. This amount should repre- sent a large pant of the first;year's ex- penses of a.'boy attentlinrg that instit- ution. The conditions are briefly as fol- lows: 1. Applicants should he farmers' sons residing in Huron County. 2. "Applicants must be eighteen years of age on o'r before 'September 113th, 1931, the opening day of Col- lege. 3. :Applicants may enter either the two year Associate Course or the De- gree Course. 4. Only one scholarship is avail- able for the year 1:931-3'2. 5. The total amount of the schol- arship is $100 payable in two install- ments, one at the opening of the fall tern' and the other at the opening of the winter term. 6 Applicatiouis along with ch'a'rac- ter and other recommendations should be mailed to The Ontario Department of Agri'cul'ture, .Clinton, not later than Saturday, !August 15th. 7. If a number of applications are received it may be n•ecessary to have the applicants appear before a com- mittee to decide the wanner. It is not necessary here to dwell upon the advantage's of a Course in Agriculture at such a well known In- stitution. 'There should not be scarc- ity of suitable applicants. Therefore it is hoped that any boy contemplating entering the 'O.IA!C. this fall will make an effort to win a worthwhile schol- arship. PATIRICK-DAMS REUNION The annual Patrick -Davis reunion was held in Bey/field on friday, July 33ist. About two hundred friends and relatives were present including many from Toronto, Astwood, Ottawa and Dublin. The in'ajorety were from the eighth concessions of. Tn'ckeesmith and Hiblbeet. Frani the noon hour un- til late in the evening the grove was teeming with activity which included races, softball, •horsesh'oe pitching and other sports. The .foot races of the afternoon were in change of 'Wni. Strong, Davis Moore, Rena iVPackenz'ie and Agnes P'a'trick and prizes were receive& by those whose names appear. Children tinder 5 years, Bobbie Sadler, Betty Moore. (Boys, under 8 years, Roes Swale, Gordon MacDonald. Girls, under 8 years, Rossie 'C'ole- man, Hazel Laing. 'Boys, under 14 year%; Jack Wilson, Orval Norris. 'Girls, under 14 years, Helen Norris, Jean -1'fa4Dotnald. /Boys Race, Donald Patrick, Lorne Hay. Fat women's race, Marguerite Sil- lery, Mrs. Wm. Patrick. \Parried men's race, Jas. Barber, Tom Laing. Married women's race, vers. A. Seale; Mr's. Roy MacDonald. Bald head race, Win, Patrfick, Har- vey Moore.. Slipper race, Jean Hutton, Mrs, A. Single. Biscuit race, Margaret Hultton, Donald Patrick. 'Graceful walking, Agnes Patrick,. Margaret Patrick. ;Hundred yards dash, Davis Moore, Ted Holman. The lunch provided by the ladies was a credit to those who spenit many hours of preparation for the event. SEAFORTH HIGH'LA'NDERS Another successful Sunday, evening concert was held in Vidt'e'ria park at- tended by a large audience. The, va- 111011s items were very pleasing, es- pecially the alto trio .pl!ayed by Biands- mee McLeod, R. and L. Bolton. Ow- ing to illness, Mr. Eugene Duncan was unable to ,give his violin numbers but we hope to have hien with us art some future date. The Paramount Male Quartette, accompanied by Mrus, Rennie, su'bsitituted, and as usual sang their numbhers to perfection. Follow- ing is the programme for Sivnd'ay, August 9th: b Canada; biar:dh, The New White House; serenade, The Lovers; march, N'av'y Frolic; sacred overture, Grand Religious Fantasia. At this interval the Boyis Bead, under the 'dinection of Mr. L'otug'heed, will render three atemlbe•ns. March, ''Dhe New Annapol'i's; ballad, Dainty Dear march, Un'i'ted America. God Save the King. 'Happy Home' Sale 133 Pieces China, Silverware, Goblets, Table_Cloth and SaruietfesComplete.3.50 A Table Service for 12 People Complete The 26 Piece Silverware Set in Gift Cabinet CONSISTS OF : 6 Teaspoons 6 Dessert Spoons 6 " Forks 6 Knives (Stainless) 1 Sugar Spoon 1 Butter Knife and they are of Guaranteed Quality. The Goblets ave fine imported glass and beautifully cut. The Cloth is fine Damask with Serviettes to match Table 911 Pieces English Dinner Ware English Dinnerware has an almost irresistible appeal both as to design and durability. We have surpassed all previous efforts in being able to offer, in 4 new and beautiful designs, a complete service for 12 Persons as follows 12 Caps 1 Cover 12 Saucers 1 Sugar 12 BB. Plates 1 Sugar Cover 12 Tea Plates 1 Crean' 12 Dinner Plates 1 Vegetable Dish 12 Soups 1 Platter, large 12 Nappies 1 Platter, medium 1 Coverdish 1 Sauce Boat 1 Salad Bowl This Dinner Ware is of the famous "Myott & Son" English make and the designs and shapes are beautiful indeed. Only by buying in large quantities, and for spot cash, and then cutting prices to the bone, is this sale possible. This is a value far beyond any we have ever seen in a sale heretofore.. Fred S. Savauqe JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Phone 194 W.M.S. Despite the nutnenonrs other social activities of the week, a goodly num- ber of menebers attended the social work meeting of the W.M.S. of North Side United Church at the home of Mrs, T. J. Webster on T'hursd!ay, July 30th. At four oiolo'ck'the meeting was called to order by,the President, Mrs. Lane. After singing a hyrntn, Mrs. Lane led in prayer. 'The topic for shay being `'India," interesting and inrstruotive papers on the subject were given by Mns. M3dGavin and Mrs. Crich. The message of love contain- ed the hymn, "'T'is Jesus" ie a 'pleas- ing duet, was conveyed by Misses Jean and Gertrude 'Webster, and Was much enjoyed by sir, The offering was taken up by Lois MeiGavfn, and the meeting closed with prayer. The next tweeting will be held in 'Septem- ber. A dainty lunch was served iby the Ladies of Group No. 4, SEAFORTH STRUCK BY STORM On. Sun'd!ay afternoton about four o'clock a violent thunderstorm passed directly over Seaforth, lasting only a few minutese A bolt of lightning Shat- tered the plaster in Mr. Fr'eld Shew- fel't's house on James street (formerly.. occupied by Mr. "1'isbanas Sharpe), W'ithin.afew .,1ioments another, bolt struck in Mr, Jblhn Webster's yard on Centre street, coming down on t'wb Evening 10 trees ten feet apart. Mr. Fred Mc: - Gavin, running from the sidle veran- dah of Mr. Webster's house to the home of his brother, Mr. George M:c- Glavin, had a ,close call as he ,had pass- ed the trees only a few'strides -and felt the shock slightly. The sen's'ation Was as if a powerful magnet had pull- ed him taw'ards the trees- The 'bark on the tree he was nearest is .chipped on two sides and on the other tree a: l'on'g strip is splintered out where the bolt leaped to the hydro wires which passes the tree to the rear of 1'Pr,' Webster's house_ Where fuses saved any,funth'et 81ainage. The radio, which, was 'being disconnected at that -in.-. stant w'a's put out of order