HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-07-30, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931.
To' help you enjoy the CSVIC HOL'IDAAY, we offer a group of
foods specially .selected and priced. Every product is guaranteed for
purity, wholesomeiress and delicious. flavour. Each product is priced
low and ,anly product will be delivered to.your door (at no extra cost)
if you will .but reach for your ',phone and let us know roux needs.
Items for 'Week ending August 5th, 1931. �+
OXY131CaL ..; ,.... ... large p'kg• 19C
KRAFT .SALAD DRESSING "for dainty salads" 1 9 c
12 oz jar
BRUNISWICK •S'ARDINIES , , , .,. .. , . a tins for 19c
3 tins, a of each
FREE RUNNING SALT—Plain or Iodized .; ,.. ,2 cartons 17c
`2 for .,....... ...
iCatelli's Macaroni •or Spaghetti per pkg 10c
C. & S. Seal Brand Coffee 6's.....27c:........ . .... 1'st........ 49c
!Princess Soap Fl kes (with trial size free) , large pkg. 23c
,Clark's Assorted Potted Meats 's . .... ........... . . . .....3 tins 25c
Certo "the sure jell" t
,Shirriff's 'Good Moru'ing Marmalade 16 oz. jar 23c;
Lawrasou's Snowflake Ammonia Powder
per bottle 29c
..,.32 oz...30c
2 pkgs. 1Sc
Lawrason's Fangio per tin 23c
P. ,& B. 'Sandiwich Pate "Makes tasty sandwiches "----per : tin 14c
Carnation Milk, Evaporated -3 small tins 19c; 2 large•.•..25c
Drummer or Imperial 'Pastry 'Flour 7 ib. 'bags 19c
Australian Ne'w Crop Sultana Raisins , g lbs. for 21c
Tuckett's New Cellophane Wrapped P•a'ckages
lBucleirnghano 'Fine Cut 'Tobacco 1-16 lb ..... . . ... . ......,per pkg. 10c
Taylor's Homemade Peanut Bartter Cr. Gem Jar 25c
Rose's Lemon .or Lime Cup, "a real summer drink":13 oz. bottle 30c
fHillcreslt Shortening, ^1 .bb. pkg. 2 for 25c
(Royal York Tea TA lb. pkg.....28ce 1 lb. pkg. 55c
:Family Bleed Tea, .Red Bags, "a low price for this
delicious blend" 1 lb. 39c
Lealan•d's Sweet .Mixed :Pickles 12 pz. bottle 27c
!Fly Coils 4 for 10c
Wlhiz or Fly 'Tox , 8 ozbottle 35c
Crown Fruit Jars—sanail, 99c per doz.; ....a. ... , .medium, , 1.09
Choice Quality 'Blue Rose Rice h lbs. for 17c
Aylmer Fancy Tomato Catsup 12 oz. 2 for 23c
Asparagus Cuttings, No. 9 tin per tin 23c
McLaren's Jelly Po.ivders 4 pkgs. 25c
Post's Bran Flake,, . 2 packages 23c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
,Marjorie Ackert of Ayl
visiting at the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. T.. A. Dodds and son,
Mr. A. C, Dodds of Oak Patk ITL,
were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs Adam
Dodds and Mr. and.Mrs, Robt. Smith,
in town, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Brom-
ley, of L'ondesboro.
tMr. and Mrs. John Love and
daughters left Monday on a motor
to Burks Fall, Preston, and ' Toro
and will call on friends en route.
IRev. D. K. Ferrie, BA., of ,N
iBlaltblie'ford, Sask., spent a few days
the Kne'chtel's.
!Mi's's Grace Casien'ticri, R. !N., , of
the Mountain Sanitarium, Haniillton,.
is the•.guest of 'Mrs. Will'Govenlock, in
Egmondvil'le. '
'Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Anderson and
Miss Dorothy and Oliver' Anderson of
Auburn, spent Sunday with' Mr, and
'Mrs. J. Br Tyekman. •
Mn'. Nelson Garden and son, of Ac-
ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Adapt Hays daist week,
Mrs. Wellington Barber of Winni-
peg (formerly Jessie Chesney) is visit-
Mrs.Wes. s. Nott,
and other friends,
in Egnnondivitle, and vicinity,
Mrs. Snell and daughter 'Margrsta,
of Hamilton, are the, guests of Miss
jean Turner, !George street.
Mrs. Edith Grieve and daugh•t
Nina, of Royal Oak, Mich., spent
few days with'Miss Jean Turner,
Mr. Will Faulkner and friend, fro
Brantford, spent the week -end wit
the fornier's brother.
Miss Addle. Tyerman has returne
home after spending a couple of week
with relatives in Listowel.
Miss Pearl Kes'ble of Brantford i
spending her vacation with Mr, an
Mrs. Clarence .Kes tile.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shields of .Kit
abetter spent the week -end with M
and Mrs. Lotus Hildebrand.
Mrs. Graham of ,Stratford is spend
ing a few drays with her daughter, Mrs
Mrs. E. E. Secord returned to he
home in Medford accompanied by he
•mother, Mrs, Wm. K•neeh'tel.
Mrs. Grisbrook, 04 Toronto; divan
panied by her sons, William from th
West, and Frank of Toronto, visited
Miss Mary Carty last week.
Mr. Oliver Siegrist 'attended the
poultry conference at the O:A:C.
Guelph, last week, also spent a couple
of days in Toronto,
Mr. aril Mrs, Jack Tainan and fam
ily of Detroit and' Mr. Glen Taman o'
Niagara Falls are spending their holi
days at the homes of their sisters, Mrs
Wilson - Wright dad Mrs. Roy Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockwood
and family of Brussels and Mr. 'and
'Mrs. William ,Knox of Birth spent
(Sunday at the home of _M'r. and Mrs
Wilson Wright,
Miss M. E. Turnbull is spending
this Week in Toronto,
Miss Marguerite Black is on a two
weeks' trip to Northern Ontario.
Mr. George Black of Toronto is
spending his holidays at the home o
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willies
'Mr. and.Mrs-,A, Shackleton and son
Allen of Toronto were guests of Mr.
and Mrs, J, B. Tyerman on Sunday.
1W'm. and Mrs, Knechtel and Miss
A. M. •Knec'h'el attended the Knechtel
reunion at Stratford when about 450
of the descendants were 'present.
Mr. Well Pollard left last week on a
three weeks' trip to Fort William by
way off Michigan. He was accompan-
ied by a friend from Woodville.
Mrs. Klein and three children are
visiting at the honoe of her parents,
Mr..and Mrs. Jos. Mero.
'Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Pearce and
family of Toronto, Herb Henderson
and Doreen Gibson, also of Toronto,
were visitors of Mr. and .Mrs. 0,
Siegrist last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake of
Staffa and Miss Olive Lemon of Hen -
all were visitors Sunday at the hone
of Mrs. Hugh Wright.
'Pro'fe'ssor J. 5. Keys, Mrs, Keys anal
dlaughter Dorothy, of Nas'hvi'lle, Tenn„
Who have 'been holidaying at their
cottage at Bayfield, were guests Mon-
day of Mrs, W. L. Key's.
Mr. John Myers and Mr. Elmer
Myers of Montreal airs( Mrs, Ferdin-
ind of Chicago, are guests of their
.,other and brother. Mrs Myers and
Rev. J 0'.Myers at the rectory.
Mrs. T. McElroy is visiting friends
u Aetoa.
Mr. and Mrs. M. .Hopi, Mr.. and
19rs, H.W.Hart and s.on Kenneth,
'penit Sunday at N'iagara i'tlla
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas and
on' of Bluevale were visitors Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr. and Ifrs,'George Love, of Tor-
nto, are visiting at the bonne of her
titer; Mr. Archie S'cot't, Thornton
Mrs. McGuire of London visited
Miss Florence :Fowler last -week.
Master Bill Darroch of Toronto- is
olidaying with his 'brother, Mr, and
�Irs. 'F W. Darroch, •
Rev. and Mrs, I. B.'Kanne leave this
veelc for their cottage at Fort Erie.
ter slave tbeen'cubtirilg wild be ejlo;neort acgoonrut of 'tile Mr.' and ,Mrs. Reg. Hart andda'ttgli-
rust which has stripped lasmaturing. ilter ,oif Toronto are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Sccstt,
'Mr: and Mr's. Aubert Keys of Blake
were visitors Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Samuel I- atrn'a,
Miss Hesk of 'Blyth and Miss Sar-
gent 01 Toronto, are the guests of Mr,
and Mrs, Jas. Grieve, George street,
Mr. Clete Ililde'brand and Miss
Stella Calfas of Kitchener are spendingi
this week with 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis
'Mr; Jlack Anderson, 9'f New York,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. R.
(Word was received hereof the un-
fortunate and serious accident to Mrs.
Louis' Hildebrand's brother, Mr. Si-
mon Thded of Kitchener that occurred
in the Merchants Rubber factory
there. His arm was: broken in two
places by being caught in the mach-
inery. He is now in the K. and W,
FIbs,pital and it is thought that his arm
may be slaved. Mr. Thiel lived in Sea -
forth for some years.
Mr, and .Mrs. S. Adolph of Listowel
were guests of Mrs. Melville on Wed-
Misses Anne and Janet Govenlock
are visiting bheir sister, Mrs. Angus
Bates, et Grand Valley.
Miss Bernice Hodgins Of Toronto is
'holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. De
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and 'fam-
ily and Mr. Taylor of Port Colborne
were guests on Wednesday of Mrs. H,
R. Scott, Mr. Snaith and Mr. Taylor
having come for the bo'w•ling tourna-
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Eggelton anal
family of Brandon, Man.. were guests
of their aunt, Mrs. Annie Reid, for a
few days, leaving Wednesday for
The marriage of Margaret Clarie,
eldest daughter of 2vft .and Mrs.
rah!' :?.tering of North Easthope to
Ramat: Ross McGon,c':: o: Kitchener,,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Me-
Gonigle of Seaforth took place in St.
.Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Strat-
ford, this week, Rev. G. P. Duncan, D.
.D,. officiating,. The 'bride, who looked
,charm,ing,in a gown' of white georg-
ette with large mohair hat, was at-
tended by her sister, Mies Edna I.
Doering in a flowered chiffon frock
with black velvet girdle and' white
hat. - Both .carried sweet peas. Gordon
'MdGoiaigle was besot man. After the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served' at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs..MdGonigle left, on
a honeymoon trip to London and De-
troit, the bride wearing for traveling
a navy crape suit with smart hat in
the same shade, She wore a fox far,
the gift of the bridegroom. They will
reside on Courtland avenue, Kitch-
Mrs, Chas. Johns and Mr. Walter
Johns visited in St. Marys last Sun-
Rev. Mr. Smith of Winthrop, a for-
mer pastor of this circuit, preached
here last Sunday morning. A large
number were present and were glad
to hear Mr, Smith again. Mrs. Smith
and chitdlten also accompanied him
here and visited at Mr. Wes. ,Horne's.
Miss Edna Ford entertained a few
of her friends to a birthday party last
Thursday afternoon.
Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock of
St. Thomas called at Mr, Harry
Ford's last Sunday evening,
itfr. ,and Mrs. Rodgers of near Kirk -
ton visited in the vicinity last 'Sunday.
Miss Bessie Johns is visiting in.
Special Optical Notice.
!1-Iave your eyes examined by our
well known. and painstaking specialist,
Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex-
pert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan & Co„ Montreal, Over 30
years' experience, 20 years coning to
Seaforth. You are assured of the best
optical work to be obtained and . at
very moderate cost. 'We have all the
late styles of mountings, the best
make of the best makers an,d our
prices are from $4.00 up, Monday, Au-
gust 10th from 1 p.m. to W'ednesday,
August 13th, 12 noon. Come early.
Beattie's Fair, Seaforth, 32
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
i.'s worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Suthorland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
Hairdressing .
MA'RCEL .50c
For appointment Phone 125
Pullman's Barber Shop
from 10:00 A M to 7:00 P M
Word has been receved of the pass-
ing of Mr, John MclIntosh of Toronto,
formerly of Brucefteld.
Mr. and Mrs. Moodie are spending
this week visiting friends in Toronto.
Miss Irene and Miss K. Snider and
Mr, Stanley Reid of London spent
their 'holidays at their respective
Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Bremner are
taking their holidays in August.. Rev.
Mr. Conner of Ktppen will preach
next Sunday morning. The evening
service will be withdrawn during the
month of August.
Word has been received of the pass-
ing of Mrs. (Rev.) E. H. Sawers of
Watford, formerly of Brucefield, after
a brief illness at the hone of her
daughter, 'Mrs. Kelso of Port Elgin
last week. Her funeral was held in
Watford and her remains laid to rest
beside her late husband, Rev. E. H.
Sawers, who passed away six years
ago. She leaves to mourn her loss
three daughters and one son, Mrs.
Hornie of Fittbturry, Mrs. Kelso of
Port Elgin, Mrs, Burgess of Merlin
and Dr. C, Sawers of Watford. The
sincere sympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended to the sorrowing
family and friends.
art ,90�'
JUST pour
milk or
cream in a bowl of golden
brown Rice Krispies and
your own ears will tell you
how crunchy every toasted
bubble is. So crisp they
actually crackle out loudi
Rice Krispies are deli-
cious for breakfast, lunch,
bedtime snacks. Great for
kiddies. At your grocer's.
Made by Kellogg. in London,
The community of Dublin wa
shocked Tuesday .morning on learnin
that Mr. Patrick Woods Sr. had die
in the early tours of the morning. He
had suffered a stroke last December
and was confined to his bed most of
the winter, but when the fine weather
came was able to be outside and 'work
in his garden. His death camequite
unexpectedly. He was one of a large
family, and lived for many years on
the Woods' homestead north of the
village, but dater moved to a farm on
the to t'nline. between Perth and Hur-
on on the 7th contcessfon of Logan
where he lived until nine years ago
when he retired front fanning an
moved into Dublin. He is survived by
his wife and one son Patrick, who
lived on the homestead. He was
dewoat ,m
0 St. Patrick's Ro
man Catholic Church, The funeral
will be held Thursday morning,
Mrs. Harry Grisbrook and son
Frank of'Toronto accompanied by Mr,
and Mrs. William Gris'brook and fam-
ily of Saskatchewan. visited over the.
week end with the former's brother,
Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney.
g wife and eight children to mourn
d'their loss: John, Louis, Joseph, Ed-
win, Mary, William, Thomas and
Angelia, all at hone. The funeral was
held Monday morning at 9.30 at St.
'Columba!' Church, where High Mass
was sung by Rev. Father Dan'tzer,
Rev, Father ;O5Drowski of Dublin and'
Rev. Father Jordan of Ka'latnazoo,
Mich., were present in the sanctuary.
The choir very effectively rendered
"Dwelling with the Angels," and
"Wearer _My God to Thee." The pall
, bearers were cousins of the deceased:
Thos. Gormley, Jahn McMillan, John
d Melady, John Morris, James Morris,
and Thos. Morris, Interment was
made in St. Columban Cemetery,
Miss Leona Maloney of Seafarth
spent Sunday with her parent's.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Tyers and family
have returned after a week's vacation,
'Miss Mary O'Connell spent Sandia)"
with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gib Murray and fam-
ily were Sunday visitors at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
!We are sorry to hear that Miss
Annie Ryan is ill at London hospital.
, Mr. and Mrs. George Holland and
family were guests of Mrs. Carbert of
Seaforth on ,Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McConnell and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Kelly at ,Blyth
on Sundla'y.
Mr. Neal Prendergrast and daughter
of Lbs Angeles, Calif., are visiting his
sister, Mrs, James Shea, of the village.
Miss Lillian Shea has returned to
Chicago after a months vacation with
her parents.
Miss Conway of Stratford is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, Walter Car-
Mr. James Shea started cuffing on
his 100 acre field of fall wheat last
William Morris, esteemed life long
resident .of Ribbert Township and for-
mer reeve and councilor, passed away
on Saturday following an illness of
about a week's duration from pneu-
monia. Born on the old homestead on
the seventh concession of Hibbert, the
son of the late John Morris, the de-
ceased man had resided there all his
life. He was in his 4dth year and
passing will be mourned by a wide
circle of friends, Mr, Morris had
becnit reeve fora tW4o, `yebrs:'aud served
on bhe council fora'sevenrc'.years, He
,was a Member of St. Golun ,ban Ro-
man CattUblin Church. lie leaves 'his
One of the many cases which have
been before the police court here the
past few weeks was a car accident
near Grand Bend, or better, two ac-
cident;. Wm. Watson and Alex.
MdD'onald. of Thedford, going to
'Grand Bend, ran into a car coming
the other direction and smashed it up
a bit. They went on apiece and then
parked their car . with the lights off
and ran away. Then along came
Bruce Tiedemann, barber, of Grand
Bend, who is said to have supplied
Watson and McDonald with liquor,
and ran into the parked car and
wrecked his car in the collision. Tiede-
mann was charged in the magistrates
court with keeping liquor for sale and
appeared at Crediton on the 24th. He
was allowed out on bail.
Judge (after giving jury instruc-
tions) Is there any question any one
would 'like to ask before considering.
the evidence?
Juror. A couple of its would like to
know if the defendant boiled the malt
one or tat hours, and how he kept the
yeast out?
Ladies, we are prepared' to
serve afternoon tea while you.
are clown town,
We would be pleased if
would give us an order for
style of cake,
)/10 13
Our Chicken Dinners are be-
ing'wefl' patronized, Phone your
ordet early,
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you. the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth Ont
Walker's ...
•e -and—
Motor or Horse. Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Mr. and—Mrs. William Rapier and
daughter Doris were visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Edward C. Regele Sunday
Miss Anna Ki's'tner, who spent a
month in Mount Pleasant, Mich., has
returned home.
Mr. and Mrs, Jtolni Crozier were' Vis -
iting Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Thorntondiplomavernment
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Edward C. Regele and d'attgh-
ter Shirley spent last Thursday with
Mrs, Cecil E. Murray of Tucker- t
Mr. '
A & Howey
. A. Bower
and Mrs. J. T hornton, Kenneth
and Mrs. George 'Th,ornton spent
Sunday with the latter's parents. i
Mr. and Ira. John Eckart and firs s
Leo McKay and Mr. Joe Eckart and
Miss Feeney motored to the 1'fartyr's 5
PHONE 327-3, 'Centre Street
Shrine at Midland last Sunday.
,Mrs. C. P. Sills, Seaforth and Mrs.
Des'bura front,De'troit and Sister Clla-
The service in St. Andrew's Church
will be held at 9.50 a.m. on Sunday
August 2nd' and 9th. The Sunday
School will be held after Lite service.
The✓Fission Band are holding El Pic-
nilc on ,Saturday, August 8Ih.
Miss Lydia Steer and Miss Helen
McConnell of'Wlinnipog, and Miss
vor from Toronto and Mrs. Rarv- c
ley, from Flint, Mich., called on their; f
many friends in our burg last week. I
Messrs. Harrry Manuelarrry and Manuel Better -
mann have,purchased a.threshsng out -
The' prospects of the promising' h
bumper crop has 'been knocked• on the ,
head by the excessive 'heat and rain
the past three weelcs and it will only
be'a'matter of:.a short time when al,
,Marjorie Ackert of Ayl
visiting at the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. T.. A. Dodds and son,
Mr. A. C, Dodds of Oak Patk ITL,
were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs Adam
Dodds and Mr. and.Mrs, Robt. Smith,
in town, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ,Brom-
ley, of L'ondesboro.
tMr. and Mrs. John Love and
daughters left Monday on a motor
to Burks Fall, Preston, and ' Toro
and will call on friends en route.
IRev. D. K. Ferrie, BA., of ,N
iBlaltblie'ford, Sask., spent a few days
the Kne'chtel's.
!Mi's's Grace Casien'ticri, R. !N., , of
the Mountain Sanitarium, Haniillton,.
is the•.guest of 'Mrs. Will'Govenlock, in
Egmondvil'le. '
'Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Anderson and
Miss Dorothy and Oliver' Anderson of
Auburn, spent Sunday with' Mr, and
'Mrs. J. Br Tyekman. •
Mn'. Nelson Garden and son, of Ac-
ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Adapt Hays daist week,
Mrs. Wellington Barber of Winni-
peg (formerly Jessie Chesney) is visit-
Mrs.Wes. s. Nott,
and other friends,
in Egnnondivitle, and vicinity,
Mrs. Snell and daughter 'Margrsta,
of Hamilton, are the, guests of Miss
jean Turner, !George street.
Mrs. Edith Grieve and daugh•t
Nina, of Royal Oak, Mich., spent
few days with'Miss Jean Turner,
Mr. Will Faulkner and friend, fro
Brantford, spent the week -end wit
the fornier's brother.
Miss Addle. Tyerman has returne
home after spending a couple of week
with relatives in Listowel.
Miss Pearl Kes'ble of Brantford i
spending her vacation with Mr, an
Mrs. Clarence .Kes tile.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shields of .Kit
abetter spent the week -end with M
and Mrs. Lotus Hildebrand.
Mrs. Graham of ,Stratford is spend
ing a few drays with her daughter, Mrs
Mrs. E. E. Secord returned to he
home in Medford accompanied by he
•mother, Mrs, Wm. K•neeh'tel.
Mrs. Grisbrook, 04 Toronto; divan
panied by her sons, William from th
West, and Frank of Toronto, visited
Miss Mary Carty last week.
Mr. Oliver Siegrist 'attended the
poultry conference at the O:A:C.
Guelph, last week, also spent a couple
of days in Toronto,
Mr. aril Mrs, Jack Tainan and fam
ily of Detroit and' Mr. Glen Taman o'
Niagara Falls are spending their holi
days at the homes of their sisters, Mrs
Wilson - Wright dad Mrs. Roy Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockwood
and family of Brussels and Mr. 'and
'Mrs. William ,Knox of Birth spent
(Sunday at the home of _M'r. and Mrs
Wilson Wright,
Miss M. E. Turnbull is spending
this Week in Toronto,
Miss Marguerite Black is on a two
weeks' trip to Northern Ontario.
Mr. George Black of Toronto is
spending his holidays at the home o
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willies
'Mr. and.Mrs-,A, Shackleton and son
Allen of Toronto were guests of Mr.
and Mrs, J, B. Tyerman on Sunday.
1W'm. and Mrs, Knechtel and Miss
A. M. •Knec'h'el attended the Knechtel
reunion at Stratford when about 450
of the descendants were 'present.
Mr. Well Pollard left last week on a
three weeks' trip to Fort William by
way off Michigan. He was accompan-
ied by a friend from Woodville.
Mrs. Klein and three children are
visiting at the honoe of her parents,
Mr..and Mrs. Jos. Mero.
'Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Pearce and
family of Toronto, Herb Henderson
and Doreen Gibson, also of Toronto,
were visitors of Mr. and .Mrs. 0,
Siegrist last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerslake of
Staffa and Miss Olive Lemon of Hen -
all were visitors Sunday at the hone
of Mrs. Hugh Wright.
'Pro'fe'ssor J. 5. Keys, Mrs, Keys anal
dlaughter Dorothy, of Nas'hvi'lle, Tenn„
Who have 'been holidaying at their
cottage at Bayfield, were guests Mon-
day of Mrs, W. L. Key's.
Mr. John Myers and Mr. Elmer
Myers of Montreal airs( Mrs, Ferdin-
ind of Chicago, are guests of their
.,other and brother. Mrs Myers and
Rev. J 0'.Myers at the rectory.
Mrs. T. McElroy is visiting friends
u Aetoa.
Mr. and Mrs. M. .Hopi, Mr.. and
19rs, H.W.Hart and s.on Kenneth,
'penit Sunday at N'iagara i'tlla
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas and
on' of Bluevale were visitors Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Mr. and Ifrs,'George Love, of Tor-
nto, are visiting at the bonne of her
titer; Mr. Archie S'cot't, Thornton
Mrs. McGuire of London visited
Miss Florence :Fowler last -week.
Master Bill Darroch of Toronto- is
olidaying with his 'brother, Mr, and
�Irs. 'F W. Darroch, •
Rev. and Mrs, I. B.'Kanne leave this
veelc for their cottage at Fort Erie.
ter slave tbeen'cubtirilg wild be ejlo;neort acgoonrut of 'tile Mr.' and ,Mrs. Reg. Hart andda'ttgli-
rust which has stripped lasmaturing. ilter ,oif Toronto are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Sccstt,
'Mr: and Mr's. Aubert Keys of Blake
were visitors Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Samuel I- atrn'a,
Miss Hesk of 'Blyth and Miss Sar-
gent 01 Toronto, are the guests of Mr,
and Mrs, Jas. Grieve, George street,
Mr. Clete Ililde'brand and Miss
Stella Calfas of Kitchener are spendingi
this week with 'Mr. and Mrs. Louis
'Mr; Jlack Anderson, 9'f New York,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. R.
(Word was received hereof the un-
fortunate and serious accident to Mrs.
Louis' Hildebrand's brother, Mr. Si-
mon Thded of Kitchener that occurred
in the Merchants Rubber factory
there. His arm was: broken in two
places by being caught in the mach-
inery. He is now in the K. and W,
FIbs,pital and it is thought that his arm
may be slaved. Mr. Thiel lived in Sea -
forth for some years.
Mr, and .Mrs. S. Adolph of Listowel
were guests of Mrs. Melville on Wed-
Misses Anne and Janet Govenlock
are visiting bheir sister, Mrs. Angus
Bates, et Grand Valley.
Miss Bernice Hodgins Of Toronto is
'holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. De
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and 'fam-
ily and Mr. Taylor of Port Colborne
were guests on Wednesday of Mrs. H,
R. Scott, Mr. Snaith and Mr. Taylor
having come for the bo'w•ling tourna-
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Eggelton anal
family of Brandon, Man.. were guests
of their aunt, Mrs. Annie Reid, for a
few days, leaving Wednesday for
The marriage of Margaret Clarie,
eldest daughter of 2vft .and Mrs.
rah!' :?.tering of North Easthope to
Ramat: Ross McGon,c':: o: Kitchener,,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Me-
Gonigle of Seaforth took place in St.
.Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Strat-
ford, this week, Rev. G. P. Duncan, D.
.D,. officiating,. The 'bride, who looked
,charm,ing,in a gown' of white georg-
ette with large mohair hat, was at-
tended by her sister, Mies Edna I.
Doering in a flowered chiffon frock
with black velvet girdle and' white
hat. - Both .carried sweet peas. Gordon
'MdGoiaigle was besot man. After the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served' at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs..MdGonigle left, on
a honeymoon trip to London and De-
troit, the bride wearing for traveling
a navy crape suit with smart hat in
the same shade, She wore a fox far,
the gift of the bridegroom. They will
reside on Courtland avenue, Kitch-
Mrs, Chas. Johns and Mr. Walter
Johns visited in St. Marys last Sun-
Rev. Mr. Smith of Winthrop, a for-
mer pastor of this circuit, preached
here last Sunday morning. A large
number were present and were glad
to hear Mr, Smith again. Mrs. Smith
and chitdlten also accompanied him
here and visited at Mr. Wes. ,Horne's.
Miss Edna Ford entertained a few
of her friends to a birthday party last
Thursday afternoon.
Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock of
St. Thomas called at Mr, Harry
Ford's last Sunday evening,
itfr. ,and Mrs. Rodgers of near Kirk -
ton visited in the vicinity last 'Sunday.
Miss Bessie Johns is visiting in.
Special Optical Notice.
!1-Iave your eyes examined by our
well known. and painstaking specialist,
Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex-
pert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry
Morgan & Co„ Montreal, Over 30
years' experience, 20 years coning to
Seaforth. You are assured of the best
optical work to be obtained and . at
very moderate cost. 'We have all the
late styles of mountings, the best
make of the best makers an,d our
prices are from $4.00 up, Monday, Au-
gust 10th from 1 p.m. to W'ednesday,
August 13th, 12 noon. Come early.
Beattie's Fair, Seaforth, 32
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
i.'s worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Suthorland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
Hairdressing .
MA'RCEL .50c
For appointment Phone 125
Pullman's Barber Shop
from 10:00 A M to 7:00 P M
Word has been receved of the pass-
ing of Mr, John MclIntosh of Toronto,
formerly of Brucefteld.
Mr. and Mrs. Moodie are spending
this week visiting friends in Toronto.
Miss Irene and Miss K. Snider and
Mr, Stanley Reid of London spent
their 'holidays at their respective
Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Bremner are
taking their holidays in August.. Rev.
Mr. Conner of Ktppen will preach
next Sunday morning. The evening
service will be withdrawn during the
month of August.
Word has been received of the pass-
ing of Mrs. (Rev.) E. H. Sawers of
Watford, formerly of Brucefield, after
a brief illness at the hone of her
daughter, 'Mrs. Kelso of Port Elgin
last week. Her funeral was held in
Watford and her remains laid to rest
beside her late husband, Rev. E. H.
Sawers, who passed away six years
ago. She leaves to mourn her loss
three daughters and one son, Mrs.
Hornie of Fittbturry, Mrs. Kelso of
Port Elgin, Mrs, Burgess of Merlin
and Dr. C, Sawers of Watford. The
sincere sympathy of the entire com-
munity is extended to the sorrowing
family and friends.
art ,90�'
JUST pour
milk or
cream in a bowl of golden
brown Rice Krispies and
your own ears will tell you
how crunchy every toasted
bubble is. So crisp they
actually crackle out loudi
Rice Krispies are deli-
cious for breakfast, lunch,
bedtime snacks. Great for
kiddies. At your grocer's.
Made by Kellogg. in London,
The community of Dublin wa
shocked Tuesday .morning on learnin
that Mr. Patrick Woods Sr. had die
in the early tours of the morning. He
had suffered a stroke last December
and was confined to his bed most of
the winter, but when the fine weather
came was able to be outside and 'work
in his garden. His death camequite
unexpectedly. He was one of a large
family, and lived for many years on
the Woods' homestead north of the
village, but dater moved to a farm on
the to t'nline. between Perth and Hur-
on on the 7th contcessfon of Logan
where he lived until nine years ago
when he retired front fanning an
moved into Dublin. He is survived by
his wife and one son Patrick, who
lived on the homestead. He was
dewoat ,m
0 St. Patrick's Ro
man Catholic Church, The funeral
will be held Thursday morning,
Mrs. Harry Grisbrook and son
Frank of'Toronto accompanied by Mr,
and Mrs. William Gris'brook and fam-
ily of Saskatchewan. visited over the.
week end with the former's brother,
Mr. and Mrs. James Maloney.
g wife and eight children to mourn
d'their loss: John, Louis, Joseph, Ed-
win, Mary, William, Thomas and
Angelia, all at hone. The funeral was
held Monday morning at 9.30 at St.
'Columba!' Church, where High Mass
was sung by Rev. Father Dan'tzer,
Rev, Father ;O5Drowski of Dublin and'
Rev. Father Jordan of Ka'latnazoo,
Mich., were present in the sanctuary.
The choir very effectively rendered
"Dwelling with the Angels," and
"Wearer _My God to Thee." The pall
, bearers were cousins of the deceased:
Thos. Gormley, Jahn McMillan, John
d Melady, John Morris, James Morris,
and Thos. Morris, Interment was
made in St. Columban Cemetery,
Miss Leona Maloney of Seafarth
spent Sunday with her parent's.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Tyers and family
have returned after a week's vacation,
'Miss Mary O'Connell spent Sandia)"
with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gib Murray and fam-
ily were Sunday visitors at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
!We are sorry to hear that Miss
Annie Ryan is ill at London hospital.
, Mr. and Mrs. George Holland and
family were guests of Mrs. Carbert of
Seaforth on ,Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McConnell and Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Kelly at ,Blyth
on Sundla'y.
Mr. Neal Prendergrast and daughter
of Lbs Angeles, Calif., are visiting his
sister, Mrs, James Shea, of the village.
Miss Lillian Shea has returned to
Chicago after a months vacation with
her parents.
Miss Conway of Stratford is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, Walter Car-
Mr. James Shea started cuffing on
his 100 acre field of fall wheat last
William Morris, esteemed life long
resident .of Ribbert Township and for-
mer reeve and councilor, passed away
on Saturday following an illness of
about a week's duration from pneu-
monia. Born on the old homestead on
the seventh concession of Hibbert, the
son of the late John Morris, the de-
ceased man had resided there all his
life. He was in his 4dth year and
passing will be mourned by a wide
circle of friends, Mr, Morris had
becnit reeve fora tW4o, `yebrs:'aud served
on bhe council fora'sevenrc'.years, He
,was a Member of St. Golun ,ban Ro-
man CattUblin Church. lie leaves 'his
One of the many cases which have
been before the police court here the
past few weeks was a car accident
near Grand Bend, or better, two ac-
cident;. Wm. Watson and Alex.
MdD'onald. of Thedford, going to
'Grand Bend, ran into a car coming
the other direction and smashed it up
a bit. They went on apiece and then
parked their car . with the lights off
and ran away. Then along came
Bruce Tiedemann, barber, of Grand
Bend, who is said to have supplied
Watson and McDonald with liquor,
and ran into the parked car and
wrecked his car in the collision. Tiede-
mann was charged in the magistrates
court with keeping liquor for sale and
appeared at Crediton on the 24th. He
was allowed out on bail.
Judge (after giving jury instruc-
tions) Is there any question any one
would 'like to ask before considering.
the evidence?
Juror. A couple of its would like to
know if the defendant boiled the malt
one or tat hours, and how he kept the
yeast out?
Ladies, we are prepared' to
serve afternoon tea while you.
are clown town,
We would be pleased if
would give us an order for
style of cake,
)/10 13
Our Chicken Dinners are be-
ing'wefl' patronized, Phone your
ordet early,