The Seaforth News, 1931-07-23, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1931.
Your nearby Superior Store, one ala group of nearly seven hun-
dred merchants, offers you the aoerued„ benefit of his life -tithe grocery
experience, together with the advantbage, of his massed buying power.
His courtesy and service has behcoune a .by.word; 'and his prices may
be complered anywhere. ,Support local industry and. buy at your
Superior Store. Of course, only fine foods of a sufficientf standard of
wholesornepess and high quality are stocked.
Items for week ending july 179, 1931.
KE'LL'OGGIS RICE KR'ISPIE'S ('Special Price) ..,..2 pkgs. 2
1 c
RIDEAU CHEESE, % Ib..pkgs. .....t. .. , .t... 2 for 29 c
"S'pread's or Slices" (Extra Special Price) i
TIGER BRAND Qts. CATSUP (Special Price) 15c
RI'NSO, The 'Large Package ........................... for 21 c
LUX TOILET SOAP 3 cakes r�
McCormick's Golden Beach ',Wafers , per bb, 25c
"See and'Taste this biscuit to ,appreciate the .value"
Codioe Fancy. Red iSalni,on % lb. tin 15c; 1 lib tin 25.c
Aylmer Branld .Soups (except 'Chicken) 3 tins 29c
Paris Pate "'iblakes,W'onderful Sandwiches" per tin 14c
Lealand Sweet 'Pickles, large family jar 43c
Whiz or IFIy Toa, 8 -oz. size "Begin with the first fly" ... .35c
Finest Granulated Sugar or Yellow Sugar 10 -ib. 54c
Fastest Icing ,Sugar 3-4b.. 25c
Finest Powdered Sugar 3-1b, 25c
Libb 's Spinach, si
a 2's
per tin 18c
Nature's ,Best Golden Bantam Corn 9 tins 25c
McCormick's Jensey Cream Fancy Sodia Biscuits 9 -oz. pkg. 15c
Tiomatoes, 2's Squat tins t 3 tints 25c
Marshall's'K'ippered Herring, Vs per tin 23c
(or in 'Tomato S'ice)
Crown Brand Corn Syrup ....,per tin 2'......17c; 5's ....35c
S. '0. S..Scouring Pads smell size 14c; large 23c
Superior' Baking Powder 8 -oz 15c; 16 -oz. 25c
Loose Soap Chirps 2 lbs. 25c
Jams, 40-oz.:Stnawberry; Raspberry or Black Currant each 39c
Cocoanut, Snowldrift, Best 'Grade ee-Ib. 13c
Pure ,Lard,'l=1'b..pkg, 2 lbs. 19c
Vi -Tone "Serve ,Hot or Cold" 8 oz. 33c 16-oz...53c
Crown 'Jars sma'l'l 99c; medium .. ...1.09
Parowaa, 1-1b .pkgs. , 2 foe 25c
Zinc Rings + per doz.• 19c
Rubber Jar Rings, Best Grade .. ....., 2 doz. 15c
Certo , per bottle 29c
Keen's Mustard r4's 27c; /'s 53c
Manshmallow•s Wrapped, Packiage lec
Pilchards, Large 1 lb. tin 15c
Large Galvanized Pails, extra value 19c
Australian Seedless Raisins 2 pounds 21c
New Cheese 0 1 Ib. 15c
-Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
Cream Cream
Deliver your Creamto us and receiveyour cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
moat careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seafarth,Ont.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Chas. A. Howey
PHONE 327-J, Centre Street
'A two -and -a -half year' odd baby,
Phyllis Carrick, daughter of .Mrs.
Jean Carrick, St. Andrew's St., on
Sunday took a half -mile ride on the
ru•nnin'g board df an automobile, un-
known tothe driver, fell off on the
was eked up
n� uen�t aP
a e'
carrield into a
home, when it was
found shat She had escaped -with skin
abrasion's+ and a bad scare. The child
is none the worse for her unusual ex
perlence. On Sunday Norman Baird
and a !friend, front Seaforth, called at
the Carrick home, parking their car in
front. While they were in the house
the baby climbed on the running,boae1d
on the opposite side from the house,
obscured .from view. Mr, Baird and
his .friend got into the car and drove
off. As they were rounding the cor-
ner, Miss (Edna :Wiol'fe, a visitor at the
Carrick home, noticed the baby on the
running Iboaril,.She screamed, but the
driver did not hear for the ndise of
the engine: At aa point near Price's
grocery store another motorist caught
tip to Mr. Baird and informed him
that his child had fallen out of the
car, Sir. Baird was surprised. He had
no child, par did ,e know know of any in or
on las car. He turned back to find
Joshua Thomas.picking
baby which .had rolled •over and over
on the' pavement. Luckily the auto
was not travelling fast at the time.
A .doctor was called and found that
the bab;y's injuries were coofined to
abrasions af the face and hands and
a.ptiinor injury to one loot. ' No bones
were broken. Mrs. Thomas cared for
the child until relatives arrived,
In France they are making bricks
of ordinary loan. Soil that cantain•s
from five to eight per cent of clay is
put into mould's and subjected to
great pressure.,
pr u
number of funnels
on an
liner has been a popular gauge of
grandeur of the vessel, . but motor
ships have been launched without
Mr, and Mrs. Archie 'M'cllntosh of.
Leamington were -week-end visitors
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. 'J. J.
Mrs. Gerald 'D. McIntosh and Mir,
Frank Rankin of Detroit are :visiting
their mother, Mrs. J. J. 'Haggard.
Mr. Edward Rao.kin spent 'a few
thfriends in 'Parkhill.
IRev. and Mrs. Lane and 'Miss
Helen 'Lane are spending the week in
Goderich at the: 'Stormer 'School.
Mr. John E. Daley of Egtn'ondville
spent Sunday with his brother in
Mrs. R, E. Jackson leaves on F•
day for New York to visit with h
sisters, Mrs. R. N. Hays and Mi
Helen Oaimpbell.
Those attending the summer ca
at Knoell held under the auspices
the Presbyterian Synod of Hamilto
and London were the members of th
C. G. I. T, of First Presbyteria
Church; Misses Mary Kling, Ann
Edmunds, Norma Habkirk, Mon
Nichol, Margaret Ross, Miss Htam'i
Olt, 3fary Haigh, Eleanor Evan
Margaret McKellar, Muriel Beatti
Margaret Cardnta, Kathleen Stewar
the Misses Drover, and also Rev. an
Mrs. Kane and Mrs. Merton Reid.
Mr. Scott Hawthorne is helping
j. 'M; Eckert repair his tractor fo
the season's threshing.
Mr. and Mr's. lj'osep'h Grum'meht an
two children spent Sunday with Mrs
M. Hotton in Kincardine.
Mr. W. A. Patrick of Toronto is
spending his holidays here.
Miss Dorothy Hutchison, accom-
panied with `Miss Cloie Cole, Mitchell,
sailed on the e L'
'Rodney from
Montreal on Thursday, July 16th, on
a t+wo week tour to Bermuda, return-
ing by and 'spen'ding a few days in
New York.
Mrs. Lorne Dale, and Misses 'Doro-
thy 'Robinson., Muriel .Beattie and
Margaret McKellar returned home on
Friday from 'Bayifield after spending a
week at Mr. Box's cottage.
'Mrs. Alice Henderson was a guest
of her .friend, Mrs. F. D. Hutchison,
last week.
Miss Lillian Babb visited her sister,
Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, last week:
'Mr. and M'rs, Gordon Hays and
Miss Mary Broil and Mrs. 43. Des-
bura, of Detroit, were week end vis-
itors with friends here. Mrs. Des-
bura remained here for .her vacation.
'Sister Clavor of Toronto is visiting
with her sisters, Mrs. C. Eckert and
Mrs. J. Nolan.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirk of Fort
Wayne, Mr; and Mrs. F, Creighton
and family of Detroit and Mr. Oliver
Kirk of Birmingham, Mich., are
spending their vacation with M'r. and
Mrs. Andrew Kirk in Tuckersmith,
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Beaton are
moving into the house in Egntondville
formerly occupied by Sir. Joseph
Doyle and family, Mr. Doyle having
pu'rch'ased a farm in Hibbert.
Mrs. Fred Willis and baby of Lan-
don, are visiting her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. ,Jno. Grieve.
Mrs. Norman Knight and children
are visiting at her •home itt Exeter.
'Mks Florence Knight has returned
from Kitchener •accompanied by 'M'rs.
Leslie Knight and small bay.
Marion Ibborson spent last week
with her aunt, Mrs. E. Sparking, in
Mrs. ,E. Mole and family are visit-
ing Mrs. Mole's sister, at Southamp-
Mr. Lawrence Talbot of Goderich
was a guest of Mr. L. E. 'Webster on
Friday and Saturday.
:lir. Dennis Andrews anid two sons,
Joseph and Dennis Jr., are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Crich this
,Mrs. J. S. MdNeil and son 'Carl, of
Fullerton, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. MdKellar and Mrs.1E, iN. Mc-
N ahb, on Sunday.•
O. Harry McLeod,- of !Burlington,
Iowa, spent a few days with Ur. and
Mrs. A. A. McLennan last week.
Mrs. John Reid of Detroit is visit-
ing her brother, Mr. Joseph Matthews,
over the week -end.
Misses D{ary Bell and Margaret
Grieve leave e .ori Saturday on a boat
trip down the St.Lawrence to'the
Mrs. E.,Brown, of Egrnondvttle, un -
t n
Eor appendicitis
in the
hospital P last week,
Mr. R. Hutchinson,of the Charters
Publishing Co New Toronto was in
town. t Tuesday getting his car
g which
g t
was damaged on Thursday at the,
corner of Goderich and Main streets
when it was. struck by a car driven
by Mrs. Boyd of Walkerton who was
going south. It is surmised that
the Walkerton car did not observe
the stop sign.
Mrs, M 'McKellar. accompanied by
Mrs. E. IN, McNabb, of ,Drayton,
spent Tuesday it the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Ferguson, of Constance.
Tom and Frank Sills, W. Dever-
eaux and Tel Southgate wvetpt to Bay-
field o i
of 1'i, ar'
o da
Y to camp.
Mr. ,Arthur Ament of Toronto is a
holiday visitor, at his Iaome,
Mr. George .Brownlee has ,'returned
front Peel county,
Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Free and fam-
ily'„were at Kitucardine on Sunday.
Misses Lillian and Violet Under-
wood' and Mr. William Underwood
and their mother, Mrs. G. H. Under-
wood, of : ' breetsville, called on
friend's its ,Seaforth and 'vicinity on
Miss Ina Gray has returned from
Toronto where she has taken a course
in hair dressing.
During the week the weather has
been warm and sultry, accompanied
by thunder and rain,. A violent storm
Friday 'evening about six o'clock dis-
connected the Hydro line east of Mit-
elicit, : and it was Saturday evening
before the damage could be re-
:lire. and Mrs. J. 13. Soot of To-
ronto spent the week-ec with the
Misses Brine.
Miss ,Agnes Crosbie of Toronto is
visiting friends in th is vicinity and is
the guest of 1'Ir, and Mrs, Adam
Dodds while in town,
\'Liss Eiizebe,th Smith_ and Jimmy
Scott returned' on Tuesday from.
Flint and Lansing, Mich„ where they
have been, visiting for .a month.
Mrs. Duncan Gillies of Tor'ooto and
Miss Jennie Dickson, teacher of Sask-
atoon, who are daughters of the late
John T..Dickson, called on friends in
town on their way to Goderich.
Mrs. Wm. Somerville of Toronto
is visiting friends in town for a few
Mr. Walter 'Wolf of Mitchell called
an Dublin friends on 'Monday.
A very interesting ball game was
played between iSt, Marys and Staffa
on Monday evening, July 20. 'Both
teams played a real good game and
finished in a fie.
Mr. and .Mus. jack Beck Of :Sagi-
naw,1M'ich., and daughter 'Ele'a'nor,
spent the 'weekrend at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling; also Mr.
and 'Mrs. (Baker and. family of Shel-
burne, were visitors•.
Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Byrne and fam-
ily of Detroit are- at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Wm. Byrne.
Mr, and Mrs. Matt. McCarthy of
Detroit spent the week -end at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Michael :McCarthy.
Miss Catherine 'Gormley of Buffalo
has returned hometo spend her vaca-
tion at the home of her pareiras, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. 'Gormley.
Misses Angela and Lillian Shea' are
spending their vacation at Port Stan-
Miss Marion. Dill, has returned
home from Windsor after spending a
week ,with her aunt and uncle, Mr,
and Mrs. John McDonald.
Miss •Anna Delaney- of Toronto
spent the week end at the home of
her parents• air. and Mrs. James
Miss Nellie Ryan of Toronto is
spending her vacation at the home of
her mother, lies. Pat. Ryan.
Rev. Father Jordan of .Detroit is
visiting his mother, Mrs. Peter Jor-
:Rev. Father Miohael of New York,
and Mrs, (Dr.) Michael of Toronto
returned home Tuesday after spend-
ing over a week visiting friends here
The many friends of 'Mr. James
Cronin .are pleased to know that he is
recovering front an operation in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, Last week.
Mr. Pat. Beni spent Monday in
We all hope to hear af the recov-
ery of Mr. Wm. Morris Who is seri-
ously ill with pneumonia,
The Helping Hand Mission Banld
held their regular meeting an Wednes-
day afternoon, Juiy 15th in Caven
Church, iWittehrap. 'The meeting op-
ened with Hymn 740, followed 'by the
reading of the Scripture, Psalm '103,
by Edith Hil'len. The roil call was
answered and hymn 741 was sung.
'The First Missionaries" was the sub-
ject of the study period which de-
scribeld the beginning of Christianity
in Japan. A social half hour was
spent in sewing, stringing beads and
making scrap books. The meeting
close with tv th the Lord's Prayer,
Let us rotect you anywhere re in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at •
Non Tariff Rates
Ib's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All ciaims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
A. D. SutherlandPhone 152
Office over Keati'ng's Drug Store
The Blake congregation were fav-
ored with fine ' weather ota Sunday
and longe congregations attended the
anniversary services to hear their for-
mer pastor, Rev, T. J. Davidson of
Hamilton, who delivered two very
fine addresses.
On, Thursday evening, July 23rd,
annual ice cream social of the
Blake Young People will be hel'cl on
Rolbent 3IcBride's lawn (Goshen line)
and following refres!hmettts a good
program will be given.
Rev. Will Robinson returned last
week from Antler, Sask., where he
has been stationed for the past few
Miss At tt of Hensel' vis-
ited a fee,'t week with Mr.
and Mrs, Dawson.
Mr, ;El Gley and family
spent Sun friends in Clinton.
Mr. anid n Reid and fam-
ily of Flt visiting friends in
Mr. Els*Dawson and Miss Ella
Dawson w mother, Mrs.
D'o.esson, week end with
;Mr. Oscar and., family of
Kennilw'art Wright and
daughter, been visiting there,
Mes. nH whale was the
guest of : e Coleman on
Monday last.AnnieW.Sunday with JohnFlint,Elston,spent
Sir. and Mrs. Thos. .Snowden were
the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold
Penh!ale on Sunday 'last.
Mr. and
Goderich spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson.
Quite a crowd ,from this vicinity
visited ,Bayfield on Sunday,
Mrs. Adam ,Glazier .of Clinton is
spenlding a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Tom, 'Pollard.
Mr. ;Pack Hinckley of Stratford
visited Mr. Dave :Willson for ,a few
days and was renewing acquaint-
We arepleased to note that Mrs.
Harold Coakley who underwent an
operation far appendicitis in Seaforth
last week, is doing well and is' ex-
pected to be able to return home the
end of the week.
Mr. Claretuce Clarke of Listowel
called to see his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. 'Clarke, on Wednesday
Miss Jean Gorw-ill of London and
Mrs. Justin Sinclair of 'Sarnia spent
the week -end with Sir. and Mrs. Leo
Mr. and Mfrs. Dave Watson and
Donna of McKillop spent Sunday
with Mr. anal Mrs. Oliver Anderson.
Mr. Clifford Jamieson of Kitchener
visited at the home of Mr. Robert
Jamieson from Friday to Monday.
Mrs. McArthur of tGoderich visited
with her sisters, Mrs. Nicholson and
Mrs. Moore.
Mies Edith Riley spent the week-
at the home of her parent,, lir.
and Mrs. Geo. Riley.
'Mists Thelma (Dale of Toronto is
spending her vacation at the home of
her parents, Mir. and Mrs. James
Mrs. Stewart of Seafonth is spend-
ing a few days at the home of her
dauighter, Mrs. ,Roy Lawson.
Mr. arid Mrs. Fred 'Elliott of To-
ronto, and Mists Elliott, of Clinton,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Ferguson the latter part of the
Miss Margaret Adams of Landes -
hero, and Mr. Cunningham of Au-
burn, visited at the horse of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Dexter on Sunday last.
1Mr. and Mrs. 'C'h'as. Troop of Chi-
cago, and Miss Elizabeth Maines of
Londesbaro visited their cousin, Mrs,
Yungblut, anid Mr. Yungblut, on
Tuesday last.
.lir. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of
Grey Twp., ware visiting :Mir. and
Mrs. Edward' C. Regele, Sunday after -
Mr. ;rain Munn was visiting Miss
:Mary Ellen Dempsey on'Sunk-lay.
Miss Anna Kintner is ,till holiday-
ing in MountIPleaaaant, Michigan.
The rain a fall ' is dung a great
to n
a oar t of damage
and hay
fields bit is keeping the wells filled.
Mr. and Mrs. +Duncan McNichol anid
family were visiting ting Mr. and Mrs,
James Carnoohan of Brussels on Sun-
day. bfrs. McNichol is improving
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Davidson and
family from the west are visiting their
sisters and brother and other relatives
of McKinley. .
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming and
son Ross were visiting Sifr. and Mrs.
Frank !Skinner of Munro on Sunday,
Sir. and Mrs. Peter McTaggart of
Walton were visiting the Misses Dris-
coll of Lead'bury on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton and
Kenneth .were visiting the Matter's; -
parents ,Saturday evening.
Berry 'picking is •t+he order .o'E
day. Thetrap is very good.
Mr. ,anal'. Mrs. Peter McLaughlin
th e
and taste!
YOU'VE never known such
a cereal. Rice Krispies are
so crisp you can hear them
crackle in milk or cream.
Toasted rice bubbles.
Golden crisp. Wonderful
for breakfast or lunch. Fine
for the children's supper.
So easy to digest. Use Rice
Krispies in macaroons, can-
dies. On ice cream. At gro-
cers. Oven -fresh. Made by
Kellogg in London, Ontario.
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Thornton Monday evening.
Mrs. William Boyd is home 'with
her mother, who is under the doctor's
Mr. and Mrs. M. McLaughlin and
babyand xdMr and •Mrs. Peter Mc-
Laughlin were visiting the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Mlic-
Laughlin Sunday evening.
Little Joyce. Hugill who was so
painfully scalded last Tuesday morn-
ing is doing as well as can' be ex-
pected and though there is yet the
passibility that poison might deveolp
in the burns, her recovery is now al-
most certain. Joyce is a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Joe (Hugill of the Mc-
KilloplHullett boundary line and the
disastrous accident befell the unfor-
tunate tot as the result of her own
act, tipping a table so that a kettle of
boiling cherries was poured aver her,
which inflicted painful scalds from her
chin to her feet. Her mother had a
moment before 'lifted the kettle of
boiling cherries to the table from the
stove as it began to smoke. :Joyce
who will 'be three in August is being
attended by a trained nurse at her
parents' home. ;The many 'friends' o'f
Mr. and Mrs. IHugi+ll extend sympathy,
particularly as this is their second
serious 'misfortune this year, having ill
the spring Post their barn by fire while
Mr, (Hugill was in town getting medi-
cine for their younger childwho has
been in delicate health.
Mr. Duncan MdCowan of iRox'boro
began the wheat harvest last week by
cutting a field, which is about the .first
in this district.
A number of buildings in the town-
ship have been equipped with light-
ning rods recently by Mr. George
Brownlee of Seaforth, among which
were Mrs. Hoist's barn at Winthrop,
and the three barns and house of Mr.
John Delaney, at St. Columba•n.
Mrs. R. Jahns and Bessie and Mr.
and Mrs. M. Williams attended the
Janes Street picnic at Grand. Bettd
last Wednesday,
'Mr, and Mrs. Harry Murch of Lon-
don visited at the home of Mr. P.
Murch last Wednesday.
2sIr, Lou Woods Of London visited
at his home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Webster of
Oakwood and Mrs, S. M Edwards
and Miss Wells of Mitchell visited'at
the home of Mr. Ed. Johns last week.
Ladies, vee are prepared to
serve afternoon tea while you
are down 'town.
We would be pleased if you
would give us an order for any
style of cake. .
Our Chicken Diluters are be-
ing well patronized. Phone your
order early.