HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-07-02, Page 4cYsaa'rv.s.gvte».m'^,•rte.. - , PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bras., Peblishers. ANNUAL Bardeu Part Under Auspices of the Ladies' Aid of DUFF'S UNITE'D CHURCH Walton belie attended -the Norris family le union et Stratford an Saturday. On Friday evening the congrega- tion of Duff's Clht roh ;net in the church to bid farewell to -Rev, and trance at a t•enem 'iies. As t rs ifai the splendid spirit of good fellol , ship that has existed between the .de- parting pastor and congregation; and as a token of their high regard for both Mr. and Mrs. Mantes, a library table and runner were presented to Mr. Mlaines, while to Mrs. Mtaines Was presented a large • autograph quilt. The presentations were Made by Mrs. Brya•trs and Mrs. Shaw. A very complimentary address was read by M•r. john Leeneing. The choir of the church took advantage of the oc- casion to ,presenta hymn hook to Mr, Mlaintes, A boy, 112 years of age, from Tor- onto, Who was visiting in Brussels at„ the home of Mr. Archie MclDuelaild, a cousin of. Mr. Duncan McDonald, Walton, was drowned at the Brus- sels dam on the Maitland river on -ftiouday afternoon. The unfortut ate lad, Teddy Jordan, went• into water over his head and wan unable to swim: He was found 25 minutes ta- ter. The district Orange ser'v'ice wilt be held at 3 o'clock on Sunday in 'St, George',s Chuch, Rev. F. G, Rick- ard of Brussels, officiating; Miss. Efeie Balfour and MTS. Faw- cett of London spent Sunday at their home at Lea'd,bury. Mr, and Mrs. Chris. Barrows and Mr. Russell Barrows were Visiting Mr. William Brae at Ethel, who, we are sorry to say, is very i11. Mrs; James Fulton- and Mr. Hugh Fulton of Mimico were guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Balfour of Leadbury. Mrs. Balfour and Jimmie, accompan- ied thein back to Mimics. iles. (Rev.) J. M. Dallas of Flori- da, and MT. and Mrs. John Beattie of Seaforth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William itdcGavin on Sunday, ,Mrs. Dall'a's attended the 'Collie Family Reunion on June 13th at•Setaforth.. Mrs. Henry Nesbitt.=There passed to her Eternal Reward on Sunday night at about IA o'clock, Mrs, Henry Nesbitt, of Listowel, who was an only Sister of Mr. Thos. Kinney of Lead - bury. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Kinney, of MdKfillop, where her home was until she was married 26 years ago to Mr. Nesbitt to whom every sympathy is extended in this his third sad ber- eavement. Mrs. • Nesbitt leaves one daughter, Agnes, who gave up s'choo'l. teaching during her mother's linger- ing illness of the past nine months. Mrs. Nesbitt's maiden name was Sar. ah Kinney, and she is survived by two brothers in the West, Henry, in Gil- bert -Plains, Man., and Joseph, in British Colunelvia, as well as Thomas at home. Her mother predeceased her just about three years ago. .Mr. John Hili, Mr. Bill McCor- ntac'k. Mrs, George McCormack and Miss Lottie Laing of Sundrid:ge; Mr. David Hill of Arthur, and Mr. and Mrs. John Priest and Mrs. John Gan- ton of Detroit, spent a few days with on Mr. Wm. Woods' Lawn FRIDAY Evg., JULY 3 SUPPER SERVED FROM 6 TO 8 Excellent Program by Toronto's best talentconsisein•g of JAMIE REID, The. Scottish Minstrel, MISS JEAN SIMPSON, Character 'Contralto' and Duettist MISS BETTY ROBERTSON Versatile Entertainer. First -Class Accompanist BLYTH CITIZIENS' BAND Admission 35c and 25c Mrs. Pearl Shaw, .Pres. Ladies', Aid., Mrs. P. B. Gardiner, Sec'y.' WALTON. Presentation, — Thursday evening. June 25th, Duff's united Church choir met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love, Watton, The usual choir prac- tice took p'la'ce and then the choir took the opportunity of showing their good will to Mr. and Mrs. R. Patter- son. The following address was read by Isabelle Ritchie and G. McArthur presented a beautiful 'silver platter. The address read: "Dear -Bob and Ferne,--tbVe, your feltow mem- bers of the choir of Duff's. Church. are assembled this evening to have our usual hour of practice, and to have the pleasure also of weshing you both much happiness. You have both been valued members of our group and we :have found you always ready to do your part both in the services of the church and in our social activities as well ¥Te have felt that we could not allow a happy occasion such as this to pass. without tendering to you in some forst a token of our apprecia- •tion and best wishes, and therefore we ask you to accept this gilt. We sincerely hope that you will continue to consider yourselves members of th% choir, who are .hopitrg to see you both hack in your usual places. Signed on behalf of the choir." Mr. Patterson then .made a brief reply showing their sincere apprecia- tion. -After a social chat, a dainty lunch was served. Before returning to their homes the choir all joined hands, signing Auld ;Lang Syne, and leaving their best wishes with Mr and Mrs. Patterson. • Friday evening, June 19th, the Mer- ry Mlakers';Club of the boundary and ninth of Morris held a surprise party at the home o.f Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Mrs• George Henderson last week. Patterson. In the early part of the evening a short program was enjoy- ed, consisting of songs and speeches. Mr. W. Shortreed acting as chairman. The follngMrs. WaiMurray,dress and Gaws'McCalluread m and J. Shortreed presented a beautiful mantle .dlock, a pyrex casserole. in silver holder, a pyrex pie plate in sil- ver holder and a salad bowl ;with sil- ver servers, "Dear Friends, --'We, the members of the Merry '•Makers' Club while enjoying this pleasant evening together. desire to snake the memory of this time of a permanent nature. The Merry Makers have always found their meetings of the better type, but have been conscious of a certain weakness for which a few were res- ponsible. We ;want to give you full credit, Bob, for all that your have already done for ,the Club; and yet we offer special congratulations to THE : SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1931. Come in and See Our New and Used Cars 1 Am Agent For Rugby Trucks Rgy Masse Barris Machinery and Repairs JOHN GALLOP C�1°[ AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repahs and Labor Cash. KIPPEN. Mr. 'Ro'bent IVIciNaughton, of Lon - doe, is home for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs, John Norris were in Strafford attending the Norris fern - illy picnic on Slatunday last. IMr. Webster MGNaaugthtou of Port Arthur is visibtng at his home in Tuckers'neitlt for a felw days this week Donald and Esther Dayr'an are holidaying in Lo'ndon. Mr, and Mrs. Folin Gilot'our of Moosejiatw, Sask„ are visiting .with their relatives and friends at Kippen and Brucefielld, Miss Dorothy McLean o,E Haan'ilton is spending a few weeks with her par hhe trustees ,,5 ,81S. No, 2 have en - A. Coldlough attended an executive meeting of Huron Presbyterial in Bayfield on Thursday. IMr, lames Newcombe Of Neiwarlc, N J:; is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newcombe. • Mr. Basil Wallace of Newark, N J.. is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Wal- tace, ',/Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Snell -of Detroit are visiting with relatives. Mr. Reg. Argent of Welland is, spending the holidays at his hotme. IMiiss Nelliie Fear of Ridgetown is home for the holidays. Miss Lillie Carr arrived from Cal- gary last week, The July meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on the 2nd, This will be a "Glints' " meeting. A demonstration will be given on tea, coffee, and cocoa in charge of Miss M. Pate; also, a coutesb in darning and mending; report of district annu- al convention at Goderich by Mrs. Barr; roll call a quotation on "loyal- ty Miss Mettle McElroy, who gradua- ted with honours recently from the College of Education, Toronto, att'd who is a graduate of University of Western Ontario, is a holiday visitor. at the home of her mother, Mrs. John R. Bell. McGavin-Stewart. — The marriage of Florence 'Elizabeth, second daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart of Brussels,; to William John Gordon MaGavin, son of John MaGaw'in and the late Mrs. MoGavin, of MIdKiiltop township. was .solemnized at the home of the bride's parents on Saturday. Rev. W. Moore, pastor of Melville Presbyterian Church, conducted the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. M'dGavin will make their Nome on the groom's farm in MdKi1'lop township. Mr. and Mos. James Rach'o of 01- terville, spent the week end at the home of his parents: STANLEY. Promotion report of No. 14, Stan- ley. Jr, IV. to Sr. IV.—Pass, Margaret Jioties, Eimer Hayter. Recommended, Wilmer Jones, Wesley Jones, 'Alex, MdB eath, 'Sr. 11111. to Jr. 2V. -Pass, Audre ,Cochrane (on per cent. for year Harvey Hayder, Harold Jones. Re- connmende,d: Aulbrey Farquhar. Sr. III. to Jr. III.—Pass, Mary Far quhar, Kathleen Jones, Recommend ed, George Clifton. I'I—Eric Switzer,. II,—Mervin. Hayter. Donald Switz er, Ernie Talbot, Kenneth McKenzie Primer — L'ois R'athwell, Eileen Hayter, Jean Speer, Mildred Jones D lo' McKenzie P, C. Penfield, Teacher. Was Known Here.—'Col John A. Currie, of 158 Warren Road, Toronto, who died in Mientli, Florida, on Sun day, June 28 was w'el'l knb'wn here. His wife formerly Helen Sparks, is a former resident of Stamey and a daughter of the late George Sparks. Her sister, Miss Maggie Sparks, of Stanley who passed away two month;s ago, was a sister to Mrs. Currie. The funeral is to be held in Toronto, the body being brought home by Mrs. Currie and daughter, Miss Helen Cur rue, B.A., who is a practising barrister of Toronto and was an independent Conservative candidate for Slt. Pat- rick riding in the election of 1929. gaged Miss MdKenz.ie for . another ear. y,IMiss Marguerite MdDonaid spent a few days with 'friends in Wlindslor recenitily, ub asses .Guice Cooper and Etta B.elll of London. spent the week end with their parents at Klippen. • Mr, .Stewart CtidInsore of Seafot'th has engaged with Harry Caldwell for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. William MdGregor were oalled to Bay City, Mich., owing to the serious jitneys of Mrs.' Mc-' Gregorls.' brother, 'Several from these parts attended jtdbtilee services alt 'Thames Road on Sunday last, Persian Balm -rile delight .of dainty femin'ity: Imparts a fragrant charm y eBig Saving •Effected( George R. 'Pate'nSott, in charge of feed and fertilizer dlisttibutioti, for the Department, has compiled figures for the first two months April and May, in which the reduced freight tariff and l tnesbone shipped' was 1562.55 totes, freli t• $1,1175.70 • in h .bi paid rs j9 LIC chase and the subventions amounted to $1,-, 005.72. The average rate Paid by the purchasers was .752 a ton and by .sub- ventions .644, an average freight rate off $1.396. The"elstimiated average Bate - per boli bad the ta'ilways and gov- ernment not acted is $1.86, whereas the purchaser of agnicuhtcural link - stone has actuially paid only •7'52c, an average savling of $1.•10, per ton, The estimated total saving to purchasers $li702,469. The following is the report of the June final examinations is U.S.:S. No. 11, East Wa.wanosh: Jr. IV. to 'Sr. IV.—'George Cowan 81.87%, Franklin Kechnie 6'6!S7%. Jr. HI. to Sr. IPI—Mary Kechnie 69:85, Norma Daer 68.851 H. to Jr. SIII,—iDor:obhy Taman 56.1r, Mary T'amnan 53.6r. :Number on rbttl 12, average atten- dance 11. 'Bessie M. ,Hillen, Teacher, The following is the report of the promotion exam'inabious for USS, No. 1'2, Morris and Hallett. Jr. IV.—Gerald Heffr'on 63.5%. Jr, I!12. — Katherine McDonald 75:8%. Sr. LL—Tuan Wighttnan 77.3%, Margaret. Heffron 75.7%, Edna Mc- Donald 64.3%. Jr. PL—Harry Bryant 59:3%. ' Jr, I.—Lloyd Elliott 67.7%. Primer—asabelle MdDona'id (good)' 'Katherine McDonald had perfect attendance during the term, Teacher, Edythe L. Storey, 'Mrs. Jeannette Fredenick of Cleve- land. Ohio, and Mrs. James Dennison and daughter Doris, of Preston were guests of George and Mrs. Dundas last week. The .ladies are sisters of Mrs. Dundas. Rev. George and Mrs. Md.,eati of Toronto were guests of her sister, you on your having recognized your Mrs. David Boyd and Mr. Boyd, last responsibility to your "home and to week. our club, and making up for the Armour and Mrs. Dundas of De - weakness by baking unto yourself a trait are visiting with friends here. wife. We offer to you our best wishes, Ferree, in taking up your dut- ies in your new home. You are not the report of the promotion examin- a stranger to us for we have ai'l (known atioits held in Walton Public School. you and highly respected you for Pass 6091, honors 75%. years, and years, ,and years. tee give you a ,heartfelt welcome to the mem- Sr. 3 to Jr. 4—jack Drager 78%, bership of our club, trusting that you Mary Humphries 75%, Jack Murray may be very happy in association with 73%, Dorothy Murray 711%, Mary us. It is the wish of this club that Buchanan 66%. you may enjoy a full share of nater- Jr, I111. to Sr. III—Beth Shannon sal proslperity, Of home boys, of social 79%, Kenneth Sohier 79%, Bobby pleasures and spiritual happiness Kirkby 7i6%, Jack smalldon' 69%, through many years of married lite' Stewart 'Humphries 65%. in our midst. \yell you kindly accept From f0I. to Jr. 121,—IMtildred Sel these gifts as tokens of the respect i Iers 72%, Barrie Marshall 72%, Kath - and good wishes 'of the Merry Makers leen Farquharson 72%, Garnet Cum - Club. Signed on behalf of the Club:',atilt s 68%, Earl Coutts &1%. The groom then made a brief butt Jr. II. to Ill.- ass Bennett suitable reply, th'ank'ing the club for, 7� ° 111. S•Sr,, It. n 72%, Frank their though'tfu'lness and tkindtness, He % y also spoke of the good fellowship M;ars'ha'll 65%, Margaret Murray which existed in the olub during the 64%. past winter months, Afterwards the i 'Co I—Carl Coutts 72%, Viola evening was spent in music and dance t Marks 71%, Ruth Cummings 64%. ing until the wee small hours; the par-,, Jr. Pr.—Jean Farquharson, Donald ty returning ,to their homes, leaving efurray, Gerald Watson, Lawrence their, best wishes with M•, and Mrs. Marks, Betty Smalld.on. P' Chas. Sellers, Edna Reid, Teachers. School Report. -The following is Patterson. '11r. Peter McTaggart and Mr. Steins made an early start its harvest-! ing the Inc. crop last week when re -1 turning to Walton from Seatorth the Eonner's car they ran into a small; black cloud before they were aware' it was a buzzing swarm of bees. For -1 tunately the car remained on the road! as the driver was forced to shut hi' eyes and :deep 00 the brakes when the! bees entered the windows which were' all wvide open. Though the inside of the w'indshiel'd was spattered with honey, only one bee remained, on the driver's coat, after the swain had passed, nor was Mr. MpTaggart stung. The other eeesetwer took shel- ter under the steering wheel I, Mi, and Mrs. Armour Dundas and family' of Detroit are speeding their `holidays with the litter's parents, Mr. attl Mrs. A. Clark. •Mise Storey of Toronto is visiting friends 011 the 12th of McKillop:; Me. 'Lorne Toll visited in Goder- ich on Sunday. •Mr. and Mrs, Radford were at (Clinton on Sunday and returned to Walton with Mr. Ra'dford's father, who has been. quite ail, le and Are, Jos,. Garter and dau- ghter A'.e.he'a, and lir, J. N. Camp- BLYTH. The annual memorial service vitt be held in Memorial Halt on Sunday evening next. The. service will be led by a choir composed of members ni all church choirs. The speaker ter the occasion will be Rev, Williams Jewett, youngest son of a former m in- ter of the Queen Street Church, Rev. Geo. Jewett of London. Rev, Mr. Jewett served overseas during the Great War. Mrs. D.. Crittenden and Dorothy of St. Thomas are visiting at the `home .,f Mr, Chas. Bell and others. Mr, and Mrs. W. C, Clarke of Lis- towel were visitors on Sunday at the home of the latter s. leather, Mr. Rob- ert Johnston, Nearly all arrangements for the Orange celebration on July 13th at B;yth, are complete. 100 lodges are likely to attend. Privileges for the day have been awiarded to Ers kine & Co. Mi. and Mrs. Archie Bender o Hensall were visiting; the T'atter's mo then on Sunday. - Mrs: Robert Wigh'tmats and Mrs • oma Make the Meadows Pay. Ontario usually has about four' and one -hall m'ill'ion acres of hay crops each year. In passing across the province just before haying one can- not help feeling that many of these acres are not paying the taxes and the cost of hanntllling the crop. Stat- istical ,reports. indicate ani avera'ge'. yield of only • one and oneehalf tons to the acre and this can certainly be mush improved upon. For the 'mea- dows, good drainage and sweet soil are very important. Roots of grasses and clovers are ,slow to penetrate wet soils and wherever there is a surplus of water oa the soil, air is shut out and hence the bacterial life is either weakened or killed. Another point in meadow improvement is the use of. high quality seed. I,f' poor seed is used the meadow starts out with a handicap. Good drainage,. good seed, and a 'liberal sttp'ply of suitable fertil- izer melee profitable meadows. 'Foul Brood Prevalent. (Apiary inspectors of O.A.C. are finding in parts of the counties of Lambton, Sintcoe and Grey the pre- sence of the older virulent type of European Foul Brood and it is sig- nificant that in these localities the bees are mostly black. This variety of bee is particularly susceptible to European Foal Brood. Apiculture de- monstrations were secenitly held in. the counties of Ontario, Victoria, and Simrcoe. In an effort to lower the cost of producing queens, the De- partment at O;A.C, has established a dozen baby .nuclei, Weekly Crop - Report Weather conditions have been very favorable in most parts of the prov- ince, and the outlook is very promis- ing for fait wheat, alfalfa and clover, Cutting of alfalfa has been under way in many districts and the crop is fair- ly heavy. The frequent showers' and warts weather have been very favor- able for corm in Westerns Ontario. 'rise strawberry crop has been a very abundant one with prices ranging from 12 to 1!5 cents a box. Early cabbages and head lettuce are report- ed to be plentiful in a number of des- tricts. to the complexion. Tones up the skin and makes it velvety soft in texture. Cooling, refreshing, it is delightful to use. Never leaves a vestige of. stickiness. Ituvaluable for handls, face, and as a hair fixative. Wonder- fully soothing and protective. Espe- cially recommended in cases of roughness or chafing c°aused by wea- ther conditions. * * * * * * * * * * * * NEWS AND INFORMATION * * FOR THE BUSY FARMER * * (Furnished by 'Ontario Depart- * * rent of Agriculture.) * * * ,* * * * * * * * DUBLIN. The• following is the report of the June examinations held •at S't, Pat- rick's school,.'Dublin. The capital "'H", after the name means honours and capital "R" means reco'mmend'ed to the grade. Jr, DV. to Sr. EV. --Jack Benn (H), Muriel Looby, Leonard Nagle, Ros- elle Dillon, Margaret Dorrestteyn, Genevieve Feeney, Lawrence Dillon ISr, DPI. to Jr. LV: James Delaney (H), Mary Cenitio (H), Kathleen Cummings (1)12), Albert Donnelly, John Arnold QR), Joseph Donnelly (R). Jr. KPPI. to Sr, TIlI.--Joseph Evans (1H), Jack Jordan (H), Teresa Krauskopf QH), Charles Krauskopf, Fergus. Cummings, Fergus Stapleton, James Curtin, Jack Flanagan (R), Joseph Dorsey (IR), Camilla Donnelly: O• • FSr. II. to Jr. 'TH.-Mary Evans (H), Lucille McGrath QH), Mary Jordan QH) Marie Arnold (12), Har- ry Cummings (13), Michael Feeney (IH), Doreen Looby, Rose Feeney, Loretto Feeney, Louis Looby, Kath- leen Brennan, James Krauskopf, jr. PI. to Sr. PL—Margaret Tyers (H), Louise Flanagan (1=T), Joseph Bern, ICathleen Stapleton, Angela, Donnelly. Sr, I. to II.—James Jordan (Ii), Aileen Jordan (H), Margaret Cnn- tnings (H), Wim. :Maloney (H), Ger- ald Burns (H), Earl Nagle, Thomas Dorsey, Primary to Sr. ;I. -Rita Dorrestein, Lbuis Donnelly, Ryan, Jordan, Ed- ward Rowland, Mary Woods. Mr. and Mrs, G. IC Holland cele- brated their golden wedding anniver- sary on July 1•st. A very interestting gaine of softball was played Saturday afternoon bet- ween Kinkora and Dublin, the score hehtg 17-12 in favor of the home' team. The stain street has been innpcoved by putting tab on to lay the dust. Mr. Louis Matthews returned Go De- troit, accompanied by his aunt anti cousin, Mrs, P. Stapleton and daugh- ter. giber, Hugh Benninger of Riversclale and Miss Marie Benninger of Hamil- ton are home for their summer vaca- tion, .1'lr. J•aines Watson tailed on friends in the village on Monday. 'Mr. Dave Hodgson returned to his house in London after a fe'w days vis- iting Mr,. and Mrs. Alex. Darling. The many friends of Mr. Michael Donnelly will be sorry to know that he took a stroke an Saturday. HILLSGREEN Mrs, F. Farquhar of Hensell pent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Cochrane, !Rev. R. K, Love, B.A. B.D., con- ducted the evening service in Emp- ress Avenue Church in London on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Miss Audrey Cochrane and Miss Annie Jlarrott aetended the gradvaibion df f Miss Edna Cochrane at the Rfv- 0 erdale Isolation Ho's-pital, Toronto, on Thursday 'last, Mr Norman Jones and Miss Alma Kelly of London spent Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane and other friends. Miss Mary Hagan of London is a. guest at the hdme of her mother, Mrs. Aline Hagan. Mrs, Lorne Eilber and children o,f Gerson, Northern Ontario, are spend- ing their vacation at the home of th'e former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. J. Love were visit ed by friends from Hcsvdck on Sun- day. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the d'ec'oration service at the Union Cemetery in Hensall on Sun - day afternoon. Mr, W. Jarrobt and daughter An- nie spent Sunday at the home of 1'Ir. Isaac Parrott. The 24th annual conference of ag- ricultural representatives was held at O.A.C. last week, under the cltair- intanshlip of Mr. R. S. Duncan, di- rector of this branch. Some very in- teresting and helpful addresses and discussions featured their delibera- tions. The attendance at O. A, C. during Farmers' Week was very satisfactory, with crowds of from 1500 to 2000 far- mers arsuers at the College each day, Peel County set the record for attend- ance from an individual county with about 500 representatives. The tours conducted by members of the O,IA,C, staff proved very helpful and inform- ative for the visitors. ,Communion services were heed in the Kippen church on Sunday morn- ing last, Quite a number from Hitis- green congregation attended the ser- vice. • Miss Robinson of the Goshen line spent Sunday with her frien•1, Miss Helen Anderson, All Night with Asthma. Everyone. knows how. attacks of asthma often keep _ their victors awake the whole night long. Morning finds thein whol- ly unfitted for a bay of business, and yet, business must still be carried through. All this night suffering lack of rest can be avoided by the prompt use of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthm'a Remedy, which positively Northern Ontario is becoming more and more a very productive farming area. Last year an enormous quantity of b'•luelbertiies were shipped from that dlistrict. They were of a high quality and found a ready mar- ket, During the height of the sea- son, as many as 11100 baskets were shipped daily from North Bay by ex- press. with a FLASH Touch the starter, shift to second , and away like a flash 1 That's the sort of service your car gives when its tank is filled from our pumps. Mara- thon Blue and Cyclo No -Knock. Motor Fuel. Red Indian Motor Oils. Battery Charging. Greasing Washing. Red Indian Station G. F. MOHR, Proo. Milk Record Helps. The value of milk records in im- proving herd production is the sub- ject of an interesting reference in the annual report of, the work of Illus- tration Stations for 1930, which has just been issued. In 1928 the average production- from eighteen test herds was 6,442 pounds of milk; for 1930 the individual average was 7,073, an increase- of 6311 pounds of milk . per cow- ewer a period of two years, Only by actual knowledge of what each cow in his dairy herd is producing can the farmer today eliminate the "boarders" and increase total pro- duction and the earning power of this phase of his farming operations. Why Hens Stop Laying. A flock that has laid heavily during the winter will generally slow up to- ward the middle' of the summer when they begin to moult, but when the egg yield drops rapidly until it prac- tically ceases without any apparent reason. then suspect vermin, Body Tice, which remain on the birds, and the red mite which infests the poul- try house daring the day, returning to the birds at roosting time, cause heavy losses, ,Mr. F. C. Elford, Do- minion Poultry Hu'sbandrnan, recom- mends for the forgier dusliiug the birds for lice powder mid applying blue ointment beneath the wings; and for the red Write he recommends - a strong solution of Zenoleunt, or any other creolin preparation, applied to the racks in tle roosts and nest boxes To Avoid Bloating Bloating is an ever present d'aniger with dairy cows on pasture, particu- larly where the legume is alfalfa. Means for 'lessening this danger, ad- vised by annual husbandry experts include: Never turn a cow out on alf- alfa pasture on an empty stomach; give a small feed of dry hay before turning out; have a supply of water available in or near the pasture at all -tines; don't turn the cows onto a -freshly irrigated pasture, or a pas- ture reeking with rain, heavy dew or coated withfrost, Much of the dan- ger may also be avoided by mixing grass with alfalfa in seeding down the pastures, The cows prefer grasts to legumes such as alfalfa or sweet clover and will take the edge off their appetites before feeding on these. Valuable For Dairymen The Dairy Branch has recently is- sued an instructive leaflet entitled "Probable Causes, and the Remedies for Defects in Second' Grade Cream," The introductory note states that "regulations under the Dairy Pro- duces Act require that a premium of one cent per pouted of butter :Fat be paid for Special Grade 'Creast over first grade cream, and a premium of three cants per pound of butterfat for first grade creast ever second grade cream. The leaflet points out 'ho'w these losses may be avoided and ea - numerates common defects in second grade creast. The leaflet p,oin'ts out how these losses may be avoided ands euunnerates common defects its ",Se- cond Grade Cream, Special Grade Creast, it says, can be secured by be- ing specially careful about keeping everything clean and sanitary, and co'olling the cream quickly to under 50 degrees and keeping it under that at regular intervals throughout the temperature, A copy or copies of this leaflet may be obtained by applyiinlg to the Dairy Branch, Ontario Depart- meat of Agriculture: Toronto, The dry season of - 1030 and the lack of frost in the ground .during the past winter leave been favorable for the growth and increase of insects. .Far- mers who are experiencing trouble with the cutworm. or any 'other pest are advised to get in touch at once with their district representative. A Real Asthma Relief. Dr. j, D. Kellogg's Astbabaa !Remedy has never been advertised by' extravagant state- ments. 'Its claims are conservative indeed, when judged by the benefits which it performs. Expect real relief and permanent benefits when you buy this remedy and you will not have any cause for disappointment. It gives permanent relief in many cases where other so called remedies have utterly failed, summer, Coal oil applied in similar fashion at intervals is also recom- mended. -- Cold Storage for Celery. Announcement is made of the in- corporation of the Thedeord Cold Storage Co. with authorized capital of $1'25,000. The cnsnpan'y purposes to construct and operate a cold stor- age plant primarily for the benefit of the celery growers of the Thed- ford dis'tdict and apple growers of the Tltedford 'and Forest areas, C. S. T. A. C'opference An outstanding agricultural gath- ering Jast week was the annu'a'l con- vention of the Canadian Society of Technical 'Agriculturists at the 0. A.C., Guelph, Leaders in the indus- try front all parts of Canada and front numerous other countries took part in the conference and !listened to a number of very valuable addresses on scientiific aspects, of the various d'e- pantmends of the agricultural industry. Want and For Shit Ads, 1 time 25c.