HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-06-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931 H•ENSALL, ;Anniversary services were held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day last and a'large, crowd was pres- ent. The servicee'were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Goodwill of Blyth. Spe- cial music was given by the choir and speeial sernnons for ,the occasion. Iu the morning the anthem, a ladies' quartette; composed of Misses • bL Heiser, I. Hoggerth, 11. Workman and 1. Deters and in the evening. a quartette was given by Misses D. Little, IR, McLaren, M. Workman end Margaret MclLaren. Mr, Hereld .Scruton of Pont Dover .spent the week end at his home here, Rev, jos. MdIlray was in Toronto last week' attending the Assenebly. Mrs, Sne'tsinger, of London, is vis- iting for. a few clays' with friends in town. Mrs, Wn. L, 1ldLean and babe of Hamilton are visiting at the h:oine of her .parents, _lar. and Mrs. J. Pass more, Walker f Mrs. Handel \Va 1 et o Mr. and :�1 IIar s i Peterboro spent a iew days visiting friends in •town last week. Mrs. Alexander Swan 'has rented her faint in Hibbert to Mr. Peter 1.1eNaughton, y. 'William Frazier is able to be around again after his recent illness.. Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Friday in Stratford. 31r, Josh. Ashton is improving the appearance of his house on South Richmond street by having the veran- dahs nicely painted and a new side- walk laid. ISe vices in the United Church on Sunday last were largely attended and with the Rev. Keith. Love preach- ing inspiring discourses. This was his first service after ordination. Mrs. P. Fisher visited for a few days 'last week with her daughter, Mrs Moffatt of Bruce!field., !Rev. A. Sinclair of the United Church, preachced anniversary ser- vicee at Lucasville, near Sarnia, on Sunday last, it being the fiftieth an- niversary of the church which Mr. Sinclair attended during his early life. Miss Lois Moffatt of Bruce'field is viiting her grandmother, Mrs. P Fisher. Mies. Verna 1Lorgan of London is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. 'Mrs. Youngbiutt of Kitchener is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs James Bouthron. Mr. and Mrs, James Ebby of Col- lingwood visited over the week end with Mr. and Mee. W. J. White. The Lone Scout Patrol of Hensell recently held a very enoya'ble meeting in their club house. Mr, Jack Law- son of London was present and gave a very interesting address, after the business, games were played, At the close of the meeting a dainty supper was served. The following are the officers elected: Friend and Adviser: Mr. Fred Hess; patrol leader, Albert Passmore; 2nd, Harvey Hudson; sec- reetary, Robert Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith of Kincar- dine, visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. The annual recital put on by the pupils of Miss Greta Laramie was gi- ven in the town hall on Friday even- ing last. The hall was Well filled with an appreciative audience. The etage was artistically decorated with a profusion of summer Flowers. Every number being well rendered. Mies Vera Hudson of Seaforth, reader, assisted with the program, her num- bers being all well received and she also responded graciously to the •encores. The programs was tpened by an orchestra consiting of: piano, Katherine Drysdale and Isabelle Steele; triangle, Mildred Folliok; sand blocks, Jean Foster; castanet, Ruth Coles; drum, Jahnitc•Ilroy; piano. solos, Narcissus, by Edison \fdLean; At !Evening, by Pearl Thompson; Second Valse, by Laura Tremeer; reading, The Cattle Thief, by Vera Hudson; duets, Call to Arms, by Jean Foster and Mona Glenn; At Furl Tilt, by Isabel Smale and Elizabeth Bean; violin solo, Mighty Like a Rose, by Bill Glenn; piano trio, The Pretty Dairy Maid, by Mildred Fol - lick, Katherine Drysdale and Ruth Coles; pianolagee, The Soliloquy of an Old Piano, by Vera Hudson; piano solos, To a Wild Rose, by Helen Glenn; Tarantella, by Ethel Clark; Mazurka, by MlyrIle Thompson; Noc- turne, by Irene Hoggarth; Lascintel- '1'a, by Philippa Penfold; violin selec- tion, On Dress Parade; Audrey Mur- dock, Egbert Faber; Bill Glenn and Raye Paterson; reading, A Letter from Tracy, by Vera Hudson; piano duets, Electric ,Flash ,Gallo!p, by Grace Brock and Gladys Passmore; Ben- Hur Chariot Race, by Florence Mc- Donald and Marion Sinclair; part song, Aloha Oe, by eight girls, ac- companied by the guitar played by Effie Bell and .Greta Lansniie. During the program the pupils presented Miss Lammie with a beautiful basket of flowers, !Rev, tReith Love and sister, Miss Grace Love, of Hillsgreen, visited ov- er the week end with Mrs. P. Fisher and Miss Eleanor Risher. Miss Leone Lemmon was in Sttrat fend pn Friday. Miss Jessie Johnston of Clifford visited with relatives in town Satur- day. Mfrs. Collyer and son Charles, of Montreal, are visiting at the home of Dr, and Mrs. Collyer. Miss Eleanor •Fisher, A.T.C.:M., was in Clinton fast week trying music exams. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MtDonell and Miss .Dorothy MdDone'll were in Guelph on Wednesday attending the graduation of their daughter Mildred, who has been taking a course at•Mac- donald iHall'. Mr. W. C. Pearce of Exeter was in town on Monday. ANNUAL MEETING °:The Annual ' Affecting of the South Huron Conservatives will be held in the Town Hall, IIIELVSAIL, on Monday Afternoon JUNE 29 1-I AT 2 P.M. Election of officers for the coming year will take place and other 'business transacted. Several prominent speakers will be present to address the meeting, Ladies are cordially invited Ito attend. GOD SAVE THE KING. Col. H. B. Conte Robert Higgins President. S cretar es e y School Report. The foIDawing harks are the final averages based on the year's work. The subjects mark- ed with an asterisk (e) are Depart- mental subjects; F indicates failure while E. means recammeneiation, for a month's trial in the next form. (*) Br. 'Hist., Geog., Bot., Art, Form 1. to Foran III. -Bell, M- algebra 66, Latin 51, Fren'ah 76,.lit.R, comp. 58, Br, hist. 9, geog. 511, bot, 51, art 61.. Carnie, J -sig. R, Latin F, French R, lit. 55, comp. 60, Br. hist. F, geog. 55, bot. 9, art 61. Crerar, S. Atg. 53, lit. 58, comp. 61, Br. hist. 67, geog. 68, bot. 52, art 57. Dialing, C-Al'g. 78, Latin 52, Fr. 70, lit. 60, comp, 59, Br. hist. 67, geog. 76, bot. 61, art 56. •Elder, II. A'Ig. 81, ,Isatin 61, Fr. 84, lit. R, comp. 63, Br, hist. 9, geog. 65, bot, 58, art 71. 'Fee, M.-AIg. 83, Latin 62, FT. 72, lit. R, comp. 66, Br. hist. 52, •geog. 68, bot. 62, art 63. IFoeter, H -Alg. F, lit. 56, comp. 63, Br. hist. 65geog. 72, bot. 9, art 63. 'Glenn, ,H. Alg. 58, Latin 62, Fr. 77, lit. 66, comp. 6], Br. hist. 66, 'geog. 76, bot, 70, art 81. Hemphill, 1'L--Alg. R, Latin 55, Fr. 71, lit. 61, comp. 66, Br. hist. 60, geog. 67, hot. 63, art 72. iMolntyre, A.--'Aig. 71, Fr. 67, lit. 53, comp. 60, Be. hist. 50, geog. 63, bot. 59, art 75. :McIntyre, J.-'Alg. F, Fe. 93, lit. 60, comp. 63, Br. hist. F, geog. F, bot. F, art 58. ,Passmore, R.-iAlg, 72, Latin 57, Fr. 69, lit. 57, comp. 59, Br. hist. 64, gong. 73, bot. 57, art 69. Smale, B. •.A9g, F, lat. 9, F7. F, 5i1. 64, comp. 64, Br. hist. 57, geog. 62, bot. B. art 63. Taylor, S.-Alg. 7.1, Lat. 52, Fr. 66, lit. R, comp. 49, Br. hist. 54, geog. 59, bot. 50, art. 58. Thomson. \I -.Allg. 70, Iat. 80, Fr. 84, lit. 53, comp 60, Br. hist. F, geog. 54, bot. 53, art 61. Varley, A.-Alg, 51, Fr. 59, $it. 52, comp 57, Br. hist. 53, geog. 56, bot. F, art 55. Wright, L.-'Aig. F, Lat, F, Fr. R, lit. 54, comp. 60, ,Br. hist. 60, geog. 6 62, bot. 52, art 54. Forst H. to Form (s') Physiog., Ari'th, Bot. Eng. Gr. IBet1l, A.-Geom. 82, Latin 83, ,Fr. 667, lit. 64, camp. 65, p'hysiog. 69, arith. 77, bot, 72, grant. 64. Bell, E.-Geom. 52, Latin F, Fr. F, lit. 73, comp. 65, phys. 50, arith. 9, but. 58, gram. 55. Elder. L. -goon. 74, Latin F, Fa•. R, lit. 61, comp. 66, p'hy. 77, ariltlt. 55, hot. 7.5, gram. 56. MacEwan, J. -Geon. 74, Latin 82, Fr. 78, lit, 76, comp. 71, pity. 73, arith, 86. bot. 82, gram. 79. '.\Munn, H.-geom. 67, Latin 59, Fr. 61, lit. 54, comp. 60, phys. 60, arith. 53, hot, 67, gram. 54. 'Paterson, R.-Geom. 74, Blatin 57, Fr. 53, lit. 67, camp. 66, physiog. 65, arith, 63, bot. 67, gratin. 57. 'Pepper, N•--Geom. 79, Latin F, Fr. F, lit. 53, comp. 61, phys. 74, arith. 83, bot. 68, gram. 96. 'Sherrit, H.--tGeont. R, Let. F, Fr, F, lit. 63, comp. 67, phys. 64, arith. 64, bot. 72, grant. F. 'Spencer. M. Latin F, Fr. 50, Phys., 59, arith. 56, bot. 55. Bean, J --,Geon. 11. 52, alg. I. 76. McQueen, J.-'Geog. I. 63. 9, C. Canteton, Principal; I. Doug- las. assistant. A number of the ladies of the vil- lage have organized a ladies' bawling club. Mr. and Mrs. D. Centelan and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman spent the week end at Mr. Can'telon's cottage at Pike's Bay. Dr. and Mrs. Cullyak and babe spent Sunday visiting relatives in London. Mr. Robert Higgins, census enum- erator Inc - the village etas completed his work and made his returns to Cauvniasioner Oonsitt. Mr, Peter Case of Exeter was a re- cent visitor in town. Death of Mrs. H. Aldridge.-•tPhe death occurred in Vintot•ia Hospital; London on Friday afternoon, after a lengthy illness, of Mrs. H. Aldridge of the Township •of Hey, in 'her 491,h year. The deceased, whose maiden name was Annie Tweed, was born in England and came to this country a number of years ago. She is survived by her ltreabland, who is a successiu1 farmer of Hay tawusbnp. The funeral was held on 'Monday allterno'on et 2 o'clock with services in St. Piaul's Anglican Church, Rev. M. B. Parker, rector of the church, having chlar'ge of the service. Interment took place in the Hensall Union Cemetery. A very interesting ball 'game w'as Played here Monday evening between Hensall and.Godetic)h. The score was 9-7 for Goderich. Mr. F. M. Boyce who has been con- ducting a batiber shop here for the. past year, has closed his shop and is now barbering in Exeter. Like Another World ISpritig in the air -and only dull loueliness in John's heart. Miles 'from Isoine and the well-knoiwn voices. 'Sud- denly a . sign caught !h'is eye -"Tele- phone 'haute tonight." !What a great idea, John thought, and went straight to a telephone, iWlten he carie out, there was spring in his ,heart,too, CONSTANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson of Walton spent' ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, 'Button. • Mr. and Airs. 'James Scott and'fam- ily, of Roxboro and Mr. Roy Allen of Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. jack Ferguson. Miss lElva Wheatley of Toronto as home over the week w end d and re- turned eturned ott Monday to take a position with the Imperial Life Assurance Co. The Sunday ,School anniversary ' of Constance United 'Church was a de- cided success in every way." The speaker for the day, Rev.. Dr. Morti- mer, gave two very fine addresses, which were •much enjoyed by all. The singing by the choir was excellent, as- sisted by Mr. Scott and Mr, Allem: An anthem was sung, "Praise the Lord Al Ye Nations," The quartette by Mr. Roy Allen of Clinton, kir, James Scott, Mr. George !Wheatley and Mr.. William Britton, "I Waiit My (Life to Tell for Haim," was so highly appreci- ated that it was requested to repeat the quartette -in the evening. "Still, Still with Thee," was the evening an- them. A solo by Mr. James Scott, "Cast Thy Burdens," was sung ac- companied by Miss Helen Bri't'ton.., Mr. Scott inspired the service with his singing. The choir was very nnrch indebted to ).''9r, Allan and Mr. Scott for their assistance in making such a splendid success of the singing. Mr. Jack Scott tie Rottboro had tea with Mr. and Mrs. .Peter Lindsay on Sunday evening. 'The union meeting of the Ladies' Aid and WM.'S. was 'held at the home of Mrs. Austin Dexter. Meeting op- ened with the president Mrs. Robert Lawson, in the chair. After singing, "Blessed Be the Tie that Binds," prayer was offered• by the president and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The Scnip- tu,re 'lesson was read by airs. Snell Mrs. Lindsay, 'WjM.S, president, then took charge .and 'led in prayer. The de- votional leaflet was read by Mrs. 1V'heatley. Miss 'Ivy Simmons sang a solo entitled, "My Father's Wild." The minutes of the last meeting, were read and adopted. The report of the fifth meeting of the London 'Bran'c'h of the W.M.S. of the United Church, held in 'St. Thomas in Central Church on May 12th, .13th, was given by blas Wihiiatit .Britton. The study book on japan was taken by Mrs. Edwin Brit- ton. ritto,n. The meeting was •diosed with prayer by Mrs. William Carter. Miss Annie Taylor spent last week in London with her sister, Mrs, Wil- liam McMillan. 'Her brother and sis- ter, Mr. Harvey Taylor, .and Mrs. E. Lawson. went to London on Sunday and were accompanied home by Miss Taylor. Alis. Robert Lawson and sister-in- law, blies. Ira Johns, left last week to visit friends in the West. Mrs. Phillips and Jean and 'Irene 'of Toronto are visiting Mr. Vatter Will- ison, \.fr. and .\'Lis. Howard Snell and daughter 1Beatrice Of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carter, of London, vis- ited Mr, .and -vers. Oliver Anderson on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver IAnderson,'Jean and David visited at Guelph. I'Lr. Carman Gliddon spent Sunday. at Clinton. HARLOCK IDr. and Mrs. Coleman, also Messrs, Herbert, William and Miss„,K'ather ire Coleman, of Palmerston, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A \V. 17dEwing. Mrs, Casson, a sister of Dr. Cole- man, Palmerston, and son of Seaforth spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Me w'ing's. Little Master Kenneth Rogerson of Brucellieid is spending a few days at the home of his girandparen'ts, Mr. and Mrs. David Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Parsons en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. ,Miller Adams of near Seaforth, Sunday, also Mrs. Parson's aunt, Mee. Thos. Adam's of Saskatoon, and her claugihter, bars S,indlerc of the same city. Mrs. Adams has not been home for twenty-six years. 'A2r. and Mrs.. Ernie Stevens and baby, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the Monne of eh•e fornner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Daniel 'Stevens. , Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom and family attended a funeral of the for- nser's cousin in Clinton last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and family entertained Mess Louie Herrington of Blyth lfonday afternoon. Mir. Leo Watt also lar. and Mrs. S. McVittie; attended the Oddf.ell!ow=s decoration at Brussels cemetery on Sunday. Mr, Keith Hamilton. of St. Thomas also Mrs. James' Hamilton and Miss M. Watt of Blyth attended decoration services at Brussels Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Leiper and fa- mily were present at the shower given at the home of Mrs. Brown, near Lon- deslroro to Miss Brown and Mr. Wm. Trewin whose wedding bells are about to ring, Mr, Treavin made a very suitable repply. Word was received Tuesday of the death of Mrs. Albert Beckett of Kin - tail, Ont, Miss Alberta, Beckett, R.N., her daughter, `nursed for a number of Wolverton Flour Mills Co., Ltd. SEAPORT I-1 - ONT., MILL FEEDS Bran .. • .... ,.... $18.00 ton Shorts 18.00 ton Middlings 22.00 ton Feed Flour 24.00 ton Also Barley Chop, Mixed Chop, Screenings Chop and Corn Chop. PHONE 51 AUCTION SALE ID. M. ,Scott, Auctioneer, has receiv- ed'•fnstructions to sell by public auc- tion at the Dominion Hotel, Dublin,, an Thursday, June 25th, the following chattels, at 1,30 p.nt. B. Bell radio, 1 rug, 2 .heating stoves, 1 table, 2 ice cream_ tables, 13 wire chairs, 1 armchair, 6 chairs, 1 man- gel, 1 electric washer, 2 step ladders,. 2 nil cans, 1 garbage pail, 3 tubsgal.,' 1 washstand 1 ice box 1 centre table, 1 watering can '1 fish case, 1 ice cream container, 1 small table, 2 covered pots, 5 light shades, 1 small sh'ade,, 1 Targe can, 3 large mirrors, 1 cook stove, 2 tables, il• dresser, d pecker, 1 refrigerator, 1 eleetnic phonograph, 1 fraise¢ mirror, 1 table, 1 leather couch, 4 leather upholstered chairs, 1 stool, 1 flower stand, 1 Morris piano, 1 three-piece Chesterfield suite, 4 shall. rugs, 2 puc4ures, :2 ,pr. parlor curtains, 3 electric 'fixture, 1 hall rack, 1 lRaynrond sewing machine, 3 settee, 1 table, 8 'beds, 4 . dressers, 4 wash . stand's, +beds complete mat- tresses and springs, '1 three -burner oil stove,'linoleumt in bath room, 1 scan- go'leum rug, 11 linoleum in kitchen,. Terms cash. R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor. D. M. Sea tt, Auctioneer. • moths at the home of Mr. Isaac Rep - son during the illness of the late James Knox. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. Beckett .and daugh- ter. LONDESBORO. Mr. and Mrs.Manare and family of Belleville, also .airs. Adamson of Kingsville, visited with Mw. Robert McCrea last Friday. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert ,1'LcCrea, also Mr. Jim spent Sunday with friends near Winghant. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCall was in God'erich on Monday. A number of neighbors and friends met at the home of Mrs. Mary A. Brown on Friday night last antd pre- sented Miss Julia with a kitchen sho- wer, Miss Brown is being married on Wednesday of this week to Mr. William Trew^in of Hullet. A pleas- ant evening was spent in music and conversation, afterwards lunch. We wish Miss Brown congcatu'Uations. Mr. and Mrs. John Nott and Miss Belle spent .Sunday with the latter's father, Mr, J. Yong'blut of near Au- burn, who is on the sick list. Mrs. T. Little .is visiting with Lon- don ,friends. Mrs. Risley and Mrs, Tamblyn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and M,rs. Burt Taylor at 'Westfield. Mr, and Mrs. Edwin, Adams of Seattle, motored over here and are visiting with, the former's parents here. btr, and Mrs. Jas. Elsley are holi- daying this week with their daughter, Mrs. Hooper, of St. Marlys. 'Two Sunday School classes and their teachers from the United Church here picnicked at Conneldate last' Friday. sir. and Mrs, Lorne Dale of Sea - forth called on friends here on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and Miss Doreen were Constance visitors on Sti d'ay 1•ast. Mss Kathleen Beacom of Harlock Sundayed with Miss Id.a Lyon. IDr. Mortimer of Auburn changed pulpits with Rev, Mr. Johnston here on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Little of Stratford spent Sunday at her horse here. BUY IN EGMNO.NDVILLE Schneider's Pure 19' Choice Creamery Aa3 c Lard,.:,,2 lbs Butter .. .. 2 pounds °'$ Chase & Sanborn's Coffee , . , . 1 lb, 41 c. Club House Coffee ib, 41 c Rideau Hall 4 1 c Coffee 1 bb. Circle Brand Coffee 39 c llb Pastry Flour /l! 9 c Red Rose Tea 49 c 34 lb."!' per pound ,'... Chick Scratch Feed per cwt. $1.99 Fri. and Spat. only. ---Spot cash, .FI I AN l� ISI � W. �� THE WE'DIDILNG D'AY, IDo not neglect ct havingving n hotog,a p h s made of the Wedding gaiety. Wedding parties cone a great d•isltance to have their photographs made at the long- established Burgess Studio, Mitchell. WELL CLIEANING. Well cleaning, digging and repair- ing. Reasonable ',prices. RUSSELL WA'IILIAOE, Mill Road, 1'r/4 miles west of .Egmonderiele. Seaforth RIR. 3. TRUNK FOR SALE. 'Steamer trunk, in good condition, Only used a few times. .,Phone 2811W, ROOMS TO LET. !Rooms ,to let in cottage, rooms fur- nished or empty to suit, or will take lady boarders. M1IiS!S F. 'GALLOP, 34 East William St., near 1digh School. 26. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Cottage 28 Coleman St., in good condition. Apply, stating terms to Mrs. MARY CON97OLLY, Avalon apts., No. 21, Erie St. !E„ Windsor, Ont. 25. FOR SALE. Quantity of Seed Buckwheat. Ap- ply to !BERT IIRIWIIIN, RJR. 2,, Sea - forth. Phone 616c32, Clinton, 25. PASTU'R'E. Pasture for a few more cattle on my farm in Tuckersmith. Abundance of grass and water; prices reasonable. 'SIPROAT, Seaforth, CROMARTY. 'Miss Gladys Ilansiiton of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. bars. Tufford and Miss 'Cu!rnie of, Toronto are holidaying at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman S'p:e'are of Toronto are visiting at the home of Mr. Joseph Speare. 'dlr. Tont Hislop, a fornre!r resident ci8 the village, but now of Toronto, called on friends here last week. eknniversatiy services will be held in the Presbyteniian Church on Sun- day, June 28111, at 11 o'clock a,m, and. 7.30 p.m, ;lir. Cranston, a fornseir pastor here, but now of Weiland, will be the sneaker for the day. IWedding bells" are ringing in the village. (Persian ,Balani ,quickly relieves chap ping, windburn and :all roughness caused :by weather conditions. 'Keeps the contlplexion clear and lovely.'Gom- uletely. absorbed by gentle rubbing, Never leaves undesirable stickiness, Stimulates the skin, Makes it soft, smooth and flawless. !Preserves and enhances natural beauty. 'S'oothes, re- freshes and invigorates. Makes hands soft and flawlessly white, 'Imparts that sublte charm so essential to true elegance. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Eggs, per doz. .. .... . 10c -14c Butter, per .lb. , 18c 20c Potatoes, per bag .. , . . ..$1,00 ' Hags, per cwt. $7.75-8.25 Want and For Sale Ads., 3 times 50c PERMANENT WAVES. ,Frons $3.75 to $i0 by experienced operator at ' ROD'G'.ER'S BIEA'UTY PAI.RIIJOR, Mlitchell, phone 272. 25. FOR SALE. 1 h.p. gasoline engine (White) working fine; cheap for cash. Also DelForest Crosley Electric Radio 1931. model, will take $100. Also electric washing machine, late model, will be sold at quarter of cast. Apply at EGM,O•,NIDVIL'LE GARAGE. 25. WANTED A limited number of cattle for pasture, water and grass guaranteed. Phone 133 r 21, Seaforth. T, G. SHIL'LINGLAW, PROPERTY FOR SALE. In Egmondville, containing 4 acres of good fertile land; on said property. is erected a comfortable• frame house containing 8 rooms, good cellar, cis- tern and heard water at the door, All has been recently renovated. Good barn, 40 feet in length, also hen house, all in good repair. Electric light, fruit trees. This .property is convenient in every way in regard to church, school, on premises and near the flourishing to!w'n of Seaforth. For further partic- ulars, apply on the premises, or ad- dress RODERICK MdIJEAN, Eg- mondville, Ont. 25 W. C. ` Govenlock McCormick -Deering Agent. Set our lhte of SULKY PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale good used Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, and '25 Ford Coupe. For Sale-Robt. Bell cutting box, 32 ft. carrier, in first class shape. Set 2,000 pound Scales. The Premium Clydesdale Stallion FAVOUIRI'TE AGAIN (24337) Enrolment No. 1961 Form A 1 atMonsiay.- and leave his awn stable go to the 2nd Con- cession of Stanley and south to Wit Earn lldKenzie's, far noon; then south 104 miles past Town Line and east to Kippen at Al. Haitvey's, for night. Tuesday. -East to the 10th Coates- sunt to Aligus McKinnot's, for noon; theft east to the Town Line to . the Oth Concession to 'Won. Patrick's, for night Weldn es d ay -East le; utiles and north to the 7th Concession to Coyne Bros. for noon; thea to Robert Doig's for night. Thursday -West to. Gentnien's corner and /north to Mill Road to G. R. 'MaCartney's for noon; then by way of McAdant's side road to the 2nd Concession and west to, Carnochan Bros. for night. Friday - West by Broadfoot's Bridge and south to the Mill Road to Itis owl,' stable for night. Saturdaty-JWeet to the 2nd Concession of Stanley, and north to John H. 'McEwan's for noon; then hone to his own stable for night Terms To insure, $15.00, payable Fe- bruary Ass, 1932. R. D. Murdoch, Proprietor. and Manager, 1 armers We have on' hand a good stock of high-grade concrete tile, sizes 3" to,8". 'We also snake on or- der sizes up to 16". Now is the time to get yours. •A'LSO Do you know, 70% of fires are caused by defective chim- neys. Are yours safe? See us at once about our new style fireproof chimney.. R Frost '& Son SEAFORTH. Phone 183 Tenders Wanted iFor putting a cement foundation around two schools, also cement steps and putting in new floors. S. S. No. 4 North and SS. No. 4 S'oitth Stan- ley. Tenders must be in by 27th of Juste, 1931, - 'For full contract, apply to •MENO S. SITE'OIGLIE; Jr. ' Zurich PO. FARM FOR SALE Lot 11, Concession 4, H.R.S., Tuck- ersmith, containing 100 acres of choice land, situated on county `road, 13/4 miles south of the priasperous Town of Seaforth, on C.NJR.; convenient to schools, churches and markets. This farm is all vnderdrained, well fenced; about 2 acres of choice fruit trees. The soil is excellent and in a good state of cultivation and all suitable for the growth of 'alfalfa, no ;waste land_ The farm is well watered with two never failing .wells, also a flowing spring in the farm yard; about 40 acres plowed and reading for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat; remainder is seeded with alfalfa. The buildings are first class, in excellent repair, the 'house is brick and is mo- dern in every respect, heated with fur- nace, hard and soft water on tap, ;a three-piece bathroom; rural telephone, also rural mail. The outbuildings 'con- sist of barn 50x80 feet with stone stabling under; all floors in stable cement; the stabling has water sys- tem installed. A good frame driving shed,24x4e feet; a 2 -storey henhouse 16x36 feet. A brick pig pen with ce- ment floors capable of 'housing about 40 pigs. The house, stables and barn have hydro installed. Anyone desir- ing a first class home and choice farm should see this. On account of ill health I willsell reasonable. Besides the above I am offering Iot 27, con- cession 12, Hibbert, consisting of 160 acres choice land, 65 acres well under- drained; 10 acres maple bush, all seed- ed to grass; no waste land. On the premises are a good bank barn 48x56 feet and frame !house, an excellent well. The farm is situated about 5 miles from the prosperous village of Hensall on the C.N.R., one-quarter of a mile from school and mile from church. This farm has never been cropped much and is in excellent shape for cropping or pasture. I will sell these farms together or separate- ly to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, Sea- forth, R.R. 4, or phone 21 on 133, Seaforth. THOS, G. SHtIlLLfNiG L'AIW, Proprietor, Reduced by Aslthma. The constant strain of asthma brings the patient to a dreadful state of hopeless exhaustion Early„ use , should by all means be spade df the famous Dr, J. D. Ker - loges Asthma Remedy, which more than any other ants quickly and surely on the air .passages and brings blessed help and comfort. No home where asthma is present in the least degree Shotfid be without this great remedy; THE PURE BRED CLYDESDA.IX STALLION Carr b ook Flashlight (24641) Enrolment No. 1958. Approved. Form 1, Will stand athis own stable lot con. 3, Hallett, for the'season: a 1931, Terms to insure, $8.00. T. J. McMICHAEL, Prop.. The Pure Bl=ed Percheroni Stallion Diamant (12115) will stand at his own stable at Dublin, for season. of 1931. He will make calls of roquese.. Phone 24 r 19, D.ublir. central, far dates. Terns, $13 at stable, 1st of February prompt. $14 on calls.' William H. Keeler, Dublin, Ont.