HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-06-18, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931 THE SEAPORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE, sTOiEs.. SUMMER SHOPPING . ,During'tlt•e summer months you will,prefer to shop in the Superior :S'tor'es. In a 'd'eligh'bfu'lly cool and pleasing atm'osp'here, a wide variety of light ,food's await your selection. Of course, if you wish, you can telephone and be .conlfident that your ` order will, be filled with 'the name a'tten'tion it ;w'ould receive if you were present, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS. !Items for W_eelc IEndin'g June 24, 1931. Choice CORN No. 2 per tin 1 Oc Quality Size Catetlans Macaroni or Sp'a'ghetti per !pkg. 10c ManyAo.wers T'oil'e'\ Sawn 4 calves 25c • Ohase •8q Sanborn's Coffee.... %'s , ..33c; I's 57c Purity Quick Coupon Oats Fresh Ro1Iedc extra special perpkg SUPERIOR STORES recommend MIAIGGIC, BAKING POWDER S oz. ...22c; 16' oz. ...36c Fancy Red Codnoe 'Salmon, 'i's, ...'15c; l's 25c Keen's itlustard j4's 27c; %'s 53c 19c Crosse & Blackwell's Free Deal FREE 1 Tin C. & B. Pork & Beans or Prepared Mustard with the purchase of any two C. &13. products Tu'ckett's [Marguerite Cigars 5 'for 45c Crosse '& IBtacldwtll s 'Catsu'p, 1(ISip'ecial) ..,• ... , , each 21c Crosse & IBlaciewell's Malt 'Vinegar ((Spittal) Large Qts. 27c Lux Toilet Soap skin" 3 cakes 19c Muffets,'Post's ;Bran, !S'hre'dded 1Whe'at,',Rice IKrispies, ....2 'pkgs. 25c Taylor's 'Homemade Peanut !Butter, 'Crown ,Jars ......i..,, , , , each 25c Glacier Sardines, "Canada's IB -est 'Peek" 2 'tins 25c Dundurn'Crabapple 'Jelly 40 oz. jar 37c D. S. Perrin's DATE ISLICE.'B'DSCUIITS 'Something new and 'A -dicta -us special price per 4b. 17 C Centre Pull ,Wax Paper 3 'for 25c Swansdown Cake 'F1'our per ipkg, 39c Baker's Receipe Book Free with each package of Baker's Premium Chocolate %'s or Cocoa %'s Bake'r's' Cocoa Ve's.,23c; l Ta'ker's 'Ch'ocol'ate 4's..23c Vi Tone, "Serve !Hot or 'Cold"..6 oz. ..,....33c; 16 oz. 53c Hallowi !Bright IG'diden IDa'tes ' , 2 lbs19c AYLMER CATSUP 12 oz. 2 bottles' 19c Quality Pears or Pitted '',Cherries, 2's 'Squat 2 tin's 25c Plum Jant , , large 40 oz. jar 29c Aylmer Strawberries, 2's Tall per tin 32c Lombard'Pltrnts per tin 10c Sugar 'Crisp 'Corn Flakes 3 pkgs. 25c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Cream Cream HIGHEST PRT.CES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our cream drawer and receive our services. We wi11 pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaferth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. C. A. BARBER. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER,, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 111..11011111111.11L - Chas. A. Ilw y owe.-. PIAIO TUNING AND ORGAN REPAIRING PHONE 327-J, Centre Street WALTON. Mi and Mrs, W. C. Bennett and family and Mr. Tim' Eaton spent Monday afternoon in Stratford, Miss Annie Ferguson of SeaSfodth is visiting a few days with Mrs, Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Bob 'Hoy of Goder ic•h spent the week end with R. W. Hoy. The Youtng Peo,ple's Sochety of Church w u heir 'nrwilt l l01d k Duff's United CI t closing meeting next Sunday evening. There will be a special service. (Bethel Unwited Chinch are holding a garden ,party at the haute of Mr, John Dennis. on Friday, Jufie 19th. M nd Mes P B. Gatedin'er and TOWN TOPICS The bell on the post office cla'c'k has a joyous, happy tone these days, Mr. Davis E. Morrison of Niagara Fall's, Ont, spent the week end -with his Parents, M. and Mrs, James M:or- rison bir and Mrs: Sant Stevens of. Ann Arbor, ,Belt., and lir, and Mrs. John Markham of London, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J D, Stewart. _ The many friends of Miss Isabelle Moir will be glad to know that Her trot Which she recently' had the mis- fontene to break is healing up nicely, and she is still with her sister, Mrs. J D. !Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Eckert and 'Mr. Alonzo Matthews spent Sunday with their ,parents' and returned to Oak- ville to their ,positions with the Itiit'g Construction Co. Mr. Thos, Collie who was here for the reunion, left 'Wednesday for his home in Washington State. Mrs, Thos, Adams and 14rs, John Sindels of Saskatoon ,were week -end guests of ,lir, and Mrs. Miller Adams. Airs. Hannah Mulcahy and her grandson Wilbert, frond Tus'catt, Ari- zona, were guests of the Misses Mul- cahy last week Mrs. C. KesIle was called to Ex- eter to see her mother who is quite' ill, but is recovering. Mrs. Vern Walker and small daugh- ter from Rochester, N.Y„ and Miss Janet Chesney R,N of Cleveland, who have been at their home here for several weeks wi'tlt their mother who has been seriously ill left Monday for their respective homes. lir. and Mrs. Geo, Bickerton of Woodstock motored here Sunday and spent the day with their cousins Mr. and bars Wes Nott. Mr. Will Faulkner of Brantford is spending his vacation at his home here Mrs: Nellie Detwiller, nurse -in - training at Cochrane, and Mrs. J. Gear and 'son Jack, of Fergus, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell ,Sproat for the week end. Miss Bernice Boggs of Stratford is visiting Miss Irene A'berhart. Mr, and Mrs, Wes. Candler, Mr. and Mrs. Henb ,Stevenson and dau- ghter of L'isitowdl spent Sunday with Alrs. Eleanor Ritchie and fancily. Mrs, Candler and Mrs. Ritchie are eou- s.uts, The garden tea advertised for June 25 at Mrs. C. Holmes', by the Ladies of St, Thomas' Church, Is postponed for the present. Miss MldLenn'an of Toronto was the guest of Miss E, Smith this week. Mr, Frank Cudmore and -Miss Eve- lyn Cudmore of Toronto spent the week -end at their home. •Airs, Harold Cherry of California is the .guest of Miss E. Davidson, Mrs. R. S. Hays and son George were Toronto visitors over the week- end, owing to the illness of Mrs. Mc- Clelland. Mrs. S. Boyd is able to be up again after her recent severe illness. Her daughter," Mrs. B. Williams, of Strat- fodr, wh'o has been here the past four weeks, has returned. Chief Fee leaves ou Tuesday next on a few holidays, taking a trip to Sudbury, Mr. Gordon Ralph of Akron, Ohio, is a holiday visitor at his home. Mrs. J. A. McLaren has returned home after visiting her sister in Wal- lace -burg, who has been i11, Air. William Elcoat and Miss Jean Elcoat Ment to Toronto on Tuesday to spend a few days there with Mis-s Hazel Elcoat. Air. and Mrs. ,Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding Sr, of Staffa, Mr. and Airs, Frank Golding of Strat- ford, were guests at the home of Mr. and Airs. W. H. Golding on Sunday. Mr. W. 0. Fowler of Leamington spent the week -end in town. Mrs. Veinier returned \with Air. Fowler af- ter spending two weeks in town, Col. R. S. Hays, -Mss Mary hays, lIr. and Mrs: W. J. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs, A. F. tit:FE will sail July- 4th from Montreal on a trip to the Old Country. 'The annual re -union of the Web- ster family is being held this year at Goderich on June 20th. Stanley defeated Mill Road 2-0 in the first Football League ,sane Wed- nesday nigh 1. The town teams won from Avon Chests 12-5 in a softball game on Wednesday night. Miss Siera spent Monday in London visiting friends. Mr. and Airs. Kernlch, Kitchener, visited with Ah-. and Mrs, Harold Sellers oyer the week -end. Quite a number from the Tillage, attended decoration service at Brus- sels on Sunday. There was no service in St. George's Church on Sunday last, The Guild of, St. George's Church will hold a hone made baking sale in the A:O.U.lW. Halt on Saturday after- noon, June 27. Luttich will be served. Strawberries and creast will be on the bill of fare. Doors open at three o'- clock. Everybody wvcicomte. The dust is getting very bad on the roads, The houses that a are close to the road get the full benefit. Mr, and Ates. J Buchanan and Mary spent Saturday in Stratford. KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Doig and _hiss Janet expect to leave in a few days to .attend the graduation exer- cises of the D,etrait College o'f Law, where their sort John willhe one of the graduates. The exercises will be held on June 241th, 1931, in the Scot- tish Rite Cathedral of the Masonic Temple at 8:30 p.111. Mr, Justice Louis H. Feed Of the Michigan Supreme Oountr will deliver , the commence- ment address. Dean William. Krich- Baum, who is making arrangements for the ceremonies attendant to the graduation, has announced that he t 'a anouu ed t topic of Justice Feed\addrer'ss will be "The Duty of the Lawyer to his Community." Mr. T. Paul Hickey, 'Directorof Education, will preside, Dears K,richhauan .will present the dip- lomas and' conifer the degrees up'o'n try CCi. c SWv � n iLiii lv � L I • Nl l� IF® Y>f R orl�I "Awe* Y*Pp ' "yyy'V't Yy .' a'gvl4 �t� k et pp(�v", p,'e . A',r """'41a r 8, If W,1 to v. tr 'c t i bV08` 4g11WVI= tikits Seventeen Branches in Ontario ®LD Mother Nature has a habit of setting a good example. And the birds and the beasts often show more good common sense than man himself. It is always wise to "prepare for a rainy day"—to lay up a reserve in Summer for the Winter that is to come. No surer method exists than the laying aside of a small percentage of your salary or wages in a Savings Account. There it is protected against trifling extravagances and grows steadily, thanks to compound interest. t7 PROVINCE OF N�=A^ .I AVINGS OFFICE EVERY DEPOS/T EI/AM ,TEED ®YONTAR/000VFRNMENT HEAD''PARLIAMENT HEAOFFICE '` ` BUILDINGS SEAFORTH BRANCH t J. M. McMILLAN, MANAGER. are being made for the musical _pro- grams which will be prominent fea- tures of both ceremonies. Mrs. Andrew Bell returned from Toronto Where she accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Sinclair and Miss Margaret. CO PPIN-LI VIN'GSTO N -At the 7lighland Park Presbyterian Church, Julie 16th, 1931, Elizabeth Gillchris't, daughter of Mrs. Livingston and the late Dr, John W. Livingston, became the bride of Mr, John S. C-oppin, son of lir. and Mrs, Thfomas P. Coppin, Stratford, Ont. The cere- mony was performed by- the Rev, Ralph Ili. Crissman, D.D. The bride who was unat'ten'ded wore a Chanel model 01 opaline yell -ow French crepe, large picture hat and browse access'ories, Mr, and Mrs. Coppin left for a wedding trip through Northern Michigan and on their return will reside at 47 Cortlandt Ave., Detroit. BORN. BILACK.—In St. Andrew's Hospital, Midland, Ont., Wednesday, June 10, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Black (nee Miss Myrtle M. Sharkey of Sea - forth) of •Port .l'TaNicoll, Ont., a sort, UIT T Li'E,—To Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Little, (nee Dorothy Wilson), of Iroquois Falls, Ont., on Thursday, June 11, 1931, a son. W11lIIGiH'T.—lin Scott Memorial Hos- plital, on Sunday, June 1 -4th, 1931, to Mr. and Airs, Fergus Wright, of Hultett, a son. the one hundred and sixty graduates. A reception will he held follo'wing the commencement exerciess. Mr. Justice Fead and the members of the grad:uating class will sharethe honor of being the principal guests. It has been, announced that the l3accalaure ate Services for the June graduates will be he held Sunday, June 21st at PI :00 a:m, in the St, Johns EpisucopSal Church, Woodward ave. at Vernon l e er tk Robert V Highway. Tie R v eic Ro ert b, Waodroofe DD., pastor o'f the church will deliver the sermon. There will be a pncces'sion of the graduates and the members of the faculty attired in the syrnboltc cap and gown, from the school to the church. Aritnngetnents CONSTANCE. Mr. and Airs, Oliver Anderson spent Sunday, with fdiends in Guelph. 'Mr, and Mrs. Harold Coakley spent t Sunday at the home of bI t, and Mrs. John Mann. Air. and Mrs. Robert Grintlold'by and Mr, Benj. Riley visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John .Riley of Brussels on Sunday last. • Mr. Arnold Colclough spent Sun- day with friends at Brussels. 'Air. John .Moore of Toronto is spending his vacation at the home of fuss brother, Mr, William Moore, - WINTHROP. !Helping Hand Mission -Band of Ca- vell Church, IWiet'htpp, entertained the members of the W.AL:S. and La- dies' Aid at their .regular meetiing on Saturday, June 13111. The meeting op- ened with quiet music followed by the call to worship . Hymn 726 was then sung. The Scripture Lesson, Psalm 121, was read by Margaret Habkir+k, after which Agues Dodds led in pray- er. The minutes of the,prewious meet- ing were read and adopted and the offering was then received. An in- teresting dialogue was 'presented by Misses Elva Pryce, 0 -live Pryce, -Mur- iel Dolntage and Helen Blansharcl and two songs -were well rendered by the Band. The meeting closed with the Lord's prayer and a daiety lunch was served in Japanese fashion. With deepest regret we learned of the death of Isabelle Bullard, beloved wife of Harold Smalldon, of Walton, who passed peacefully away in Lis- towel l3ospfta4 Saturday, June 6th, t, after a lingering illness. The late Mrs, •Smalldon was born in Winthrop and was the daughter of Mr. Jahn Bul- lard and the tate Mrs. Bullard, and was in her 33rd year. The funeral was held from her late residence on Tuesday, June 9th, to Brussels Ceme- tery. The services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Air. Maines of Duff's United Church, Walton. The pall- bearers were: Fergus Bullard, W'il'lie Trewartha, George Eaton, Roy Ben- nett, James Rea and Harold Sellers, Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Ms, and bars. Wm. Sm'alldon, lir. and Mrs. Jack Small - don, Ovid, Mieb.; Mr. Samuel Somers of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and firs, Wil. Thornton, Preston; Mrs, Robert Mur - die, Stratford; Mr. James Brown, Mil- verton; Mr. and Airs. Hall, Lucknow, Among the floral tributes were a pil- low from the Family; cross, Dad, Brothers and Sisters; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murdie; spray, Mr, and Mrs. Foster Bennett; spray, Mr, and Airs. W, C. Bennett; spray, Hunter family; spray, Mission Band; spray, Air. and Airs. W. Woods. Those that are left to mourn her loss are her hus- band and children, Fergie, Bobbie, Jack, Gladys, Helen and Babe; her father, John Bullard; brothers, Fer- gus and Billie; and sisters (Ina) Mrs. George Eaton of McKillop; (Mabel) Mrs. John Maher of Brooklyn, N. Y. Airs. Maher was not able to arrive in time to attend the funeral but came later and is spending a week with rel- atives. Mr. and irs. Melvin Clarke with Miss Jean Foster and Mr, Bill Clarke of Varna spent the week -end in Nia- gara Falls and Buffalo, Miss Jean Granger of Winnipeg is visiting her cousin, Aliss Ethel Mc- Clure, Miss Margaret Henderson is im- proving after her illness. Little Ernie Clarke is spending the \week with his grandmother,' Mrs, Clarke, and little Betty Clarke 'Tis visiting at her grandmother's, Airs. Epps, both of Varna. Auto nsuraoco Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates Us worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low ton -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day' Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over &eating's Drug Store Mrs. Janet Ross visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. Hastings, of llringham last week, Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family spent the week end with friends in Stratford. McKILLOP. McCartney-Scarlett.—,The Anglican Church in Brussels was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding at high noon on June 10, when Eva Matilda, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scarlett of McKillop, was united in marriage to George McCartney, son of Mr. and Mrs. George R. McCart- ney of Tuckersmith. Rev. Mr, Rick- ard officiated. The bride, who was unattended, was given in marriage by - her father. She was lovely in a gown of shell pink georgette trimmed with rhinestone and lace jacket. Follow- ing the ceremony dinner was served at the home of the bride, the guests being the inunediate relatives. The color scheme of the dining -roost was pink and white, the table being dec- orated with pink candles. Four of the bride's friends, Misses Jean Archi- bald, Grace Somerville, \taybelle Rands and Jeatt Fothetingham assist- ed at the table, lir. and Mrs. Mc- Cartney left later by motor on a trip to London, St, Thomas and Lea- mington. The bride travelled in a suit of aqua green flat crepe with sand hat to match. 00 their return they will reside on the groom's iarm on the Mill Road in Tuckersmith. An inter- esting feature of the h -appy event was that the marriage took place on the 23rd wedding anniversary of the bride's parents. The many friends of Airs. Jerry O'Hara are glad to hear she is home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London after an operation, and is improving - nicely. Mr. Ernest Drager now wears a smile since his wife presented him with a baby girl. 'We congratulate Miss Pearl John - San on obtaining all her departmental subjects for Entrance to Form H. in the St. Coluntban continuation school. Air. and Mrs. Frank Evans and little daughter Marie were Sunday visitors at Manley, BRUCEFIELD. Miss Hazel Haugh, of Wellesley I-Iospital, Toronto. is spending her holidays at her home on the hill Road. Yr. and Mrs, Reid Kirk, Mr. and Airs. Carman Hunter and son Billie, of Fair Grove, Mich., visited at the hones of Mr. and Mrs, C. Ilangh and .lir, and Mrs. Robert Allan"last week. Sympathy is extended to Air. W. Stackhouse and fancily in the death of his mother, Mrs. Anderson of Blyth, whose death occurred on June 9th, Miss Olive Johnston, daughter f Mrs. A. Foote, was operated on for antrum trouble last tweet, in London hospital. , -Mrs. Cameron of Stratford spent the week end at the home of iIr, and Mrs. N. McGregor. Brucefield will hold their ,garden party on the church grounds on Wed- nesday, June 2411. Successful Students. — Mr. Lance Morris. Mr, Carman Haugh and Mss Anna May Haugh were successful in their exams at Medical College, To- ronto. Air. John lfoTetosh has been awarded the degree of Master of Arts. Miss Hazel Haugh was award- ed the Sir John Eaton' Scholarship for Proficiency in Theory and Prac- tice in the intermediate year at Wel- L'es'ley Hospital, Toronto. Rev. A. and AIT-, Bremner ne- e W. s e turned home last, w-eele after attend- ing the United Church Conference• held in Chatham. Mr. MdLeod, teacher in No, 10, Stanley, school has been engaged for another year. Y di les S i s T.SCE KRSSPIBS is the only. cereal that's so crisp it actu- ally snaps when you pour on milk or cream. Delicious toasted rice. Different for breakfast, And what a treat for lunch— with fruits or honey added! Kiddies love it. Use Kris- pies in candies, soups. At grocers. Made by Kellogg, in London, Ontario. RIVE HRISPIES iattyry RICE KRISPIES