HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-06-18, Page 4PAGE BOU'i
Snowdon Bros., 'Publishers.
Friday, June 19
at the Home of
Con. 14, McKillop.
.!SUPPER 6 8 p.m.
'PLAY "Safety First"
by Duff's Y. P. S.
A Very Humorous Play
:Admiseion; Adults 35c; Children 25e
Everybody Welcome:
REV. W. Pastor.
IFootball score Wed. night was 2-1
In favor of Milverton,
Walton football team had a work -
mut on Tuesday night before their
.garne on 'Wednesday night with Mil-
Nerton. The fallowing is their line-up
which gives promise of some real fast
:football ths season: Goal, Bill Dennis;
wings, Alvin Farquharson, Ray
eCarter; c. forwrd, Hayward; inside 'I.
ew. Clarence Steiss; Lw. Bob Holland;
1. half back, Lorne Steiss; c, half back
Hignell; r. half back. Wariwick; backs,
Bob Dodds and Ferg. Bollard,
Mr. and Mrs. Raahley, of Houghton,
Mich., accompanied by the latter's
,cousin, Mrs, Williamson of Wing -
ham, were renewing acquaintances in
this vicinty for a day or two this
week. Mrs. Rashley, formerly Miss
MeNamara, will be remembered by
many, her home having been et Lead-
ibury, though it is thirty-nine years
since she has been here. Mr. Rashley
is moetmaster at Houghtom
Friends of Mr. Hughie Fulton, of
Spokane, Wash., are pleased to see
him again after an absence af thirty-
two years. Mr. Fulton is visiting his
sister. Mrs. John Balfour, for a week
• or two. He motored the 2,200 miles
from his home.
Two barns were lose in flames last
• week in this district. Tuesday night
Mr.Andrew jacklin's barn on the 16th
concession Grey. on Frank Woods'
farm. On Wednesday night Mr. Jack
Haggitt's barn on the Morris -Mc-
Killop boundary, on Mr. J. Heffron's
farm, was burned. Both fires were of
naknown origin.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lawrence of
.Grand Valley spent Sunday with his
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Mr. and Mrs. Raba Hoy of Goder-
ich, spent the week end with his tia-
-ele, R. W. Hoy,
Mr. Porter Dennis is wearing a
smile these days. It's a son.
Mrs. Thos. Clark, who has been
visiting friends iu Listowel, has re-
turned to her daughter. Mrs. D. So
Mr. and Mrs. Genrge Clark of Lis-
towel visited friends in the village on
Mr. John Shannon. who spent the
winter with friends in Montreal, has
returned to Itis home in McKillop,
Mrs. R. Harriston of Montreal is
visiting her sister Mrs. E. Habkirk.
Miss Parr,itt of near Blyth has
been engaged to leach the junior
room in our school as Mi, E. Reid
had resigned. We welcome Miss Par-
Married at Weston.—The following
refers to the marriage of a grand-
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
1. -Vin. Dennison .11 Walton: The mar-
riage took place in St, John's Angli-
can Church in Westen on June 6th of
Mildred Irene, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Dettnkon to Me. John
Saiveeter, son of lir. and airs, Erneet
Silvester of Seuyner. The Rev. W.
Mackey onficia.ted. The church was
decorated with palm, ferns and snow -
* halts and the m-edding music was
.played by Mr. Greavee, organist of the
ahurch. During the signing. of the
register, Miss Jessie Garrett sang.
"My Werld."rhe bride was given in
marriage by her father and she wore
a gown ,,f white crepe satin made in
princess style. Her veil was si em-
broidered Brneeels net and was in
can shape, caught with orange blos-
.eome. She carried Ophelia roses,
lilies of the valley and maiden -hair
fern. She was attended by her sister
Ruby as maid of honor who wore a
frnck of pale pink net over flowered
taffeta, with a hat of Milk Mohair.
She carried a bouquet of American
• Beauty roses, lilies of rhe valley, and
.neeiden-hair fern. The hest man was
Ernest Harrisen, and the ushers
were Mr. Lindsay Stewart af Walton
and Mr Ernest Trueman of Toronte.
After the ceremony a reception was
held at the parish hall, where the
bride's mother received, wearing a
sgawn of orchid chiffon with a hat of
rbeige mohair. She wore a bouquet of
orchid, sweet peas. The groom's mo-
• thee, who also received, wore a gown
, of green crepe de chine with a black
mobair hat. She wore a bouquet of
- piek sweet pees. Later the bride and
groom left by't motor for a trip to
Woodland ,Beach, Muskoka. For trav-
elling the bride wore a printed en-
semble suit with a hat of brown to
• match and fox fur, the gift of the
groom. On their return they will re-
side in 'Weston. Gtteste were present
from Taranto, Weston, •Walkenton,
Preston,' Waterloo, Paisley, Stayner,
:S.Mount Dennis and Walton.
Mr. Lindsay and Miss Anna Ste-
• wart returned home on 'Tuesday after
7 attetiding the Silvester4Dennison wed -
ening at Weston.
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Death of Mrs. Burling. --Mor an
illness of more than two years, Mrs,
William Burling died on Thursday
evening last in the hospital in Tor-
onto where she had been for sac
weeks. The deceased lady had been
a sufferer from asthma the past year,
which with a tumor, rendered her
condition very critical and, painful. On
Wednesday morning an operation was
performed in an endeavor to remove
the trouble ,but she felted to make
any improvement and Wednesday ev-
ening Mr. Burling was called to To-
ronto where Mrs. Burling's death oc-
curred at 12 o'clock the follavving
night. On Sunday, afternoon, June
lath, the funeral took place in -Queen
street United Church where for years
the deceased, had been a valued and
faithful member of the chair. Her
pastor, Rev. E. L. Anderson, officiat-
ed. The attendance -at this service
was very large. "Crossing the Bar,"
was beautifully sung by Messrs. Ly-
ons, Wallace, Hilborn and Wight -
man. Interment took place in the
Union cemetery. The pallbearers
were Messrs. John Ferguson. James
Sims, John Petts, Frank Bainion,
William Thuela 'and Elwin Munroe.
Mrs. Burling's passing is keenly feit
as she was an active member of near-
ly all the ladies' organizations. Be-
sides being a regular member' of the
choir of her church, her services as a
vocalist were sought on many occa-
sions. Formerly Miss Nettie Smith,
daughter of the tate George Smith,
who died four years ago in Toronto,
and Mrs. Rebecca Smith of Toronto,
she was born in England fifty-nine
years ago and When two years of age
emigrated to this country with the
rest of the family and finally settled
at Myth. In 1880 on Dec. Wth, she
was married to )Jr. Burling, who with
three sons, Will of Stratford. George,
of St. Catherines, and Lorne. of To-
ronto and one daughter Mrs. James
Crawford of Hullett, mourn the loss
of a kind and loving wife and mother.
Besides her mother, four sisters and
three brothers also eurvive Mrs. Bur-
ling: lire. Ballantyne, airs. Mundy
and Mrs. Thomas, in Toronto, and
Mrs. Carrier in Hanna, Alta.; George,
Will and Herbert Smith. of Toronto.
Owing to an unfortunate accident that
happened a few days ago to Mr. Will
Burling of Stratford, who will be still
Confined to rhe hospital until the lat-
ter part of this week., he was unable
to attend his mother's funeral. Among
the many relatives who were present
from a di.stan'ce were Mrs, Andrew
Ballantyne, airs. aiundy, Mr, and
Mrs. Lorne Burling and family, Mr.
William Smith, Mr, George Smith,
Mr. Will Thomas, Mr, and Mrs, E.
Conklin, from Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Gee. Carrier and daughter, Chatham;
Mrs. Hanlon and Mrs. McDonald,
Detneit; George Burling, Si. Cather-
Meeere. James Cutt and R McKay
have moved into Dr. Milne's new
Mr. Jack Emigh, who has been in
the vicinity *If Toronto, opened his
barber shop in Mr. Sihthorpe's place
last week.
airs. William liontgornery of Sea -
forth, accompanied by her son, of To-
roneo, were visitors on Sunday at the
home of Mr. James biorritt.
Mr. Jack Morritt of Teronto visit-
ed his mother, Mrs. Ben Morritt, ov-
er the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sholdice of
Walton visited the latter's sister, Mrs.
Robert Craig.
The \Venice's Institute i 5 giving a
prize to the pupils obtaining the high-
vKith a FLASH
Touch the starter, shift to
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Motor Fuel. Red Indian Motor
Battery Charging. Greasing
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G. F, MOHR, Prop.
THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931.
Mrs, George Durant of Meaford,
who was visiting her sister, Mrs. Both
McClure of ..McKilacep, and other rel -
eaves, returned home Saturday last
with Mr. Clifford Bro'aelSoot and Miss
Violet Tyndall. '
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wallace were
Sundae visitors at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Norman Walker. ,
Mr. and M's. George MCC'ertney,
Jr., have returned home from their
honeytdoon and will reside et the
home of his Parente, for a sheet per -
eat marks at the entrance examina-
tions itt Blyth.
Mr. Stewart Robinson of Goderich
and Miss Dorothy Rolbinson of Sea -
forth spent Sunday with their par-
ents, R. H. and Mrs. Robinson.
Rev. E. Anderson and the dhoir of
Queen street Church, assisted in the
service of the Montcton Church on
Sunday evenieg.
Mr. Harold Wallace of Newark,
N.J., is spending some days with his
cousin, Mr. Irvine Wallace.
Miss Janet Hamm entereained
quite a number of her girl friends at
Iter birthday party on Monday.
Mrs. R Richmond, Mrs. R. New-
cordbe, Mrs, A. CoSciough, Mrs. H.
Young, Mrs. A. Fawcett, Mrs. R.
Wightman and Mrs. R. McGee from
Blyth attended the district annual
meeting held at Goderich when up-
wards of 150 delegates were in attend-
ance at this annual convention of the
Wes't Huron Women's Institute held
in MacKay Hall. There were morn-
ing and afternoon sessions, with the
president, Mrs. R. Davidson presid-
ing. At the morning session reports
of the various branches in the district
were given revealing that the past
year had been one of much progress
and aotivity. Reports of standing
committees were also given. Aub-
urn, Immigration, Miss Margaret
King; Blyth, Home Economics, Mrs.
J. Colciough; Health, Miss C. Coul-
tes; Clinton, Canadian: Itedeteries,
Mrs, J. aleKinley; Dungannon, Com-
munity Activities, Mrs, R. Roach;
Goderich, Historical Research, Mrs,
Wm. Abel; Child Welfare, Kintail;
Miss Lena Buckingham; Londesboro,
Legislation, Mrs. R. Well's; St, Hel-
ens, Agrictelture, Mrs. R. R. Miller;
Wingham,Education, Mrs, Wm. Fra-
ser; St. Augustine, Relief, Miss M.
Cunnington. The election af officers
for the ensuing year resulted as fol -
heves: President, Mrs, R. Davidson,
Dungannon; 1st vice .presidene, Mrs,
Gordon, Bisset, Goderich; and vice
president, Miss Bart, Londesboro; se-
cretaryetreasurer, Mrs. J. J, Elliott,
Wingham; auditors, Mrs. Henderson
and Mrs. Fraser; Federation delegate,
'Mrs. MeKiteley, Clinton, The first
address of the afternoon session was
that of'the president, Mrs. R. David-
son, of Dungannon. Mrs. Davidson
expressed her appreciation of the hon-
or shown in re-electing her president
Site said the Institute • was dung a
great work. and hoped the coming
year would be a most successful one
for the branches in 'West Huron, and
ellen followed a paper on Helping
Girls and Boys Through the teen age
by airs. Paisley of Clinton. Mrs.
Paisley dealt with the subject in four
parts, Home Life, Schaal, Social and
Religion. Mrs, R. T. • Phillips of
Goderich, gave a report on the recent
meeting of the Federation of Woreen's
Institutes; an address was given by
airs. Rose of Embro. Another ad-
dress was that of Mrs. Dierham o:f
Ripley, provincial Federation repre-
sentative. The resoletiort committee
report included the following two im-
portant resnlutions: First, consider-
ing the excessive charges in matern-
ity ca:ees; be it resolved that we ask
the. Government to standardize the
charges for medical treatment. Sec-
ond. resolved that we are in sympathy
with better supervision of leadership
and luncheon facilities in rural
sc'hools. It was decided to hold next
year's meeting in Belgrave.
Mrs. Sims is improving after her
recent severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. John Riley, Eileen
and Helenalso air. and Mrs. Russell
Bradshaw and family of Jatnestawn,
were guests of Jno. and Mrs, Granby
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit and
children, of near Auburn, visited Mrs.
Clarence Johnston Sunday afternoon.
Mn. and Mrs. John Meas.:101ml and
Aubrey spent Sunday evening with
SannielStorey of McKilMp.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson and
family spent Stinday with Mrs. Jas.
Storey of MoKillop.
air. and Mrs. Christopher Roger-
son, Doris and Miriam, of Thorndale,
visited Mr. and Mrs, John McNichol
and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nicholson on
Mr, mid lies. Thos. Shoebottom of
• Beigrave speat Sunday es/ening at Mr.
and Mrs. Jno. Grasby's.
Mrs. Henry Peckelder of Lansing,
is visiting under the parental roof for
a few weeks.
Miss Margaret MelNaughtoe, Eg-
1=11(1141e, is at present in a very, crlt-
ical c'ondition. Her many friends
hope to see same hriprevement.
Mr, and ivies, Wilbur ,Keyes and in -
fent eon, Merton, and his parents, Mr.
and Mrs; Nelson Keyes, ,a111 motored
to Windsor Friday last to visit Mr.
and airs. Ruskin Keyes.
Mrs. William McMillan is in the
Stratford Hospital where she under-
went a serious operation.
Mrs. George Canieron visited at the
home of air. and Mrs. William Char-
ters Monday last.
Football. — The Stanley Blood-
hounds; Westend
Tigers and the Egmondrille River
Rats all have entered the Outlaw
Football League and now commence
their first game Wednesday evening
between Mill Road, Tigers and Stan-
ley Bloodhounds, 'and Friday evening,
June 19th, the Egmandville River
Rats and Westend Bulldogs meet at
the farm of Mr. Dave ?apple where
all the games will take place. A col-
lection of 10c for gents. will be Charg-
ed. Don't forget the dates, 17th and
19th. Next week watch for the sche-
Mr. and 'Mrs. James Hay spent the
week end visiting friends in Niagara.
Mr. Neil Tyndall has accepted a
position in London.
Miss Thelma Elgie was operated on
for sinus trouble in Seaforth .hospital
and is doing fine.
The Junior Women's Institute met
at the home of Thelma Elgie with a
good attendance and all report leaving
a good time.
Mr. Wialiam Pullman is spending a
few days with his son, Cecil, on the
Mrs. Chris. Eaber and Mrs. Roger
Rice spent Tuesday with Mrs. Tames
Mrs. R. H. Lyon and children of
Detroit are spending a few days with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mrs. Philips of Toronto spent the
week -end with her friend, ,this, Lewis
The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Jas.
Broactiont's last Tuesday. The rroll
cell was answered by a good attend-
ance. Mrs. Will Black gave the
topic on salvation which was very
well rendered, and after the meeting
Mrs. Broadfoot served a delightful
Mrs, Andrew Kirk attended the W.
I. at Goderich last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Kirk spent a
clay last week with their daughter,
airs, Beeceeft at Dungannon.
A number fram this part went to
London,last week to hear Rev. Paul
Resler, rioted .evangelist of Chicago.
Mr, Thomas Purcell left last Tues-
day for Stheobrooke, Quebec, where
he has secured a job with the Warren
Paving Co,, Taroato, to run the cem-
ent mixer and he engaged Mr, Jos.
Matthews to run the farm in his eb-
Rev. J, M. Eckert is spending has
holidays with his brothers and sis-
ters after finishing his mission work'
for the season,
Quite a member from here attended
the Holy IName Rally ,its. SeaforSh last
Sunday. '
Worry -Saving
Betty realized one day that holiday -
time was not far off. She made a men-
tal note that this year she was not
going to be bothered with the usual
worrisome details. 'No, indeed, she'd
used Long Distance to settle things
on the spot.
,The ,Annual Picnic of the Huron
Old Boys' Association of Toronto
was held in Area No, 3, Canadian Ex-
hibition. Park, on Saturday lest, and
was probably the most successful in
the history of the Asaociation.
The weather was alt that could be
desire'd, and the location the 'nose
beautiful in Canada. The green
sward, with beautifull flowers of the
choicest varieties forming an enchant-
ed .baeleground, did much to add' to
the day's pleasure.
lAll roads lied to Exhibition Park
on Saturday, and the people came
from alt directions, and many old
time greetings were extended for the
first time in twenty Tears.
The time of the afternoon was, ta-
ken up with • exchanging old time
courtesies, and baseball matches were
phyed between the girls • of North
and South Huron, and the men of
North and South Huron, with North
Heron very much to 'the front,
At 6 p.m. supper was served in the
transportation .buading, when every-
body enjoyed the refreshments so
well prepared by the ladies.
.After supper the various games
were carried out in quick succession
and the -proceedings closed at dusk,
after a most enjoyable afternotm's
tAmongst those present were notic-
ed the following: Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
ivicLaren, Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody,
Mr. and ales, B. H. McCrea*, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Ferguson and
Miss Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stoke, Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Forbes, Mn. and Mrs. W.
A. Campbell, Mr, and Mrs. Lac'k
Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Floody, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Wick-
ens, Mr. and Mrs, S. L. Scott, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Brooks, Mr, and Mrs.
W. W. Meson, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Hart, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Saul, Mr. anal Mrs. A.
II Wilford, Mr, and .Mrs. H. R. Kil-
by, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gs Kilty, Ms. and
Mrs. J. Haraley, Mr„ and Mrs, D. S.
Cook, Mr. and ..afrs, Geo. Thomson,
a'Ir. and Mrs. D. Crawford and. the
Misses Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. A.
F. Pnidham (Detroit); Mr. John R.
MaclNicol, M.iP., and airs. alacNicole
Ald, and Mrs. W, Duckworth, Dr, C.
A. Hesston and Mrs. Hesston, Dr. G.
Robinsott and Mrs. Robinson, Dr, H.
J. Hodgins and Mrs. Hodgins, Mr.
and. Mrs. A. Currie, Mr. and
airs. 1). Currie, Mr. and Mrs. 'W.
H. Barre/a-, Mr. J. N. Kernagthan and
Mrs. J. Beck, Mr.' Robert Holmes,
Mr. Alex. Armstrong, Mr. Wm. Pow-
ell, Mr, G. A, Newton, Mr. W. H.
Mitchell, Mrs. A. 5, Grigg., Mr. W. F.
Cantelon, alr. W. Harland, Mr. 1?. A.
Petrie, air. Arthur Sims, Mr, W.
Walker, Mr, A. M. Hannah, Mr. A.
F. Guay, Mr, Jas. Morrow, ex-M.B.P.,
Winnipeg; Mr. W. L. Pepper, Mr,
Roy A. Stewart, Mr. H. Pridhatn,
Mr. N. Stanlake, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Williatnson, fMr, and Mrs. J. Alder-
son, 11r, and Mrs. J. Muir, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Wallis, Mrs. J. Hynclinans
Mrs. J. L. Smith, Mrs. Clubine, Mrs.
F. Echlin, Mrs. M. Henry, Mrs. H.
Hamilton. :Mrs. J. M. Sabine, Mrs. H.
Halliday, Mrs, W. T. McKee, Mrs.
W, R. McBrien, Mrs. C. Gray, Mrs.
A, L ,Fisher, birs bE. McGee, Mrs. J.
Gibson, Mrs. John Moon, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Gay, Mrs. Ida E. Smith,
Mrs. E. Glenn, Mrs. C. .Burgess, airs.
F. W. HMV, Mrs, Mary Elliott, Mrs.
B. Freeman, Miss Lavine Knox, Miss
Grace Stirling, Miss Annie Critten-
aen, Miss Irene Davis, bliss E. Barry,
bliss N. Barry, Miss L. M. Flynn,
Mies 1, Stark, bliss Ruth Stark, Miss
A. Lawry, Miss C S. Lowry, Miss.
M. Proctor, Miss E. Hamilton, aliss
Annie Kerr, Miss Leo Kerr, Miss
Ruth Shobbrook, Miss Jean 'Holmes
and scores of others whose names
could nat he obtained.
The Annual
Wal ISa Meld 'On
Friday evg., June 26
on the grounds of the'Memorial
Stmpee will be served from six to
eight. Aker Which a splendid pro-
gramme will be rendered, consisting
of -a three act 'Play put on by the
Young People of Westfield, entitled
They will ,also furnish the Programmi
between acts which will consist of
Solos, Duets, ,Readings, ete. Als'o
musk will be rendered by a five •piece
Onohestra 'Come and enjoy an excep-
tionally good evening.
Adtnission, Adults 35c; Chgdren 20c
REV. J, E. JOHNSON, Pa.stor.
Charles W. Stewart, Stmt. •
Mrs. ,Albert Atestia, Sec.
(Programme will be given indoors if
• weather unfavorable) • -
Me, and Mrs, Fowler of Goderich
spent the week end at the home of
bfrand airs. Mossop.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Epps left on
Tuesday for Boavmanville where they
have purchased a service statiota We
wish Mr. and Mrs. Epps every suc-
cess in their tow undertaking.
wiN Ran Beatty of biotin t
Brydges, in company with Mrs. Beat-
ty, and Master Billy, are on a heal -
Owin'g' to the absence of Rev. F.
H. Paull on Se-11day eveniag, Vener-
able Archdeacon joneseT3ateman of
Goderich took charge of the evening
service in St. John's Church.
Mr. and lairs. J. Mossop attettded
the fuaeral of the late Miss Simpson,
which was heal on Tuesday.
Mr. F. Weekes in company with
Beatty Dem:. and Mr. J. Hood, shipp-
ed live stock to Toronto in charge of
L. Forrest on Wednesday.
LO.L. 1125 Varna will hold their
anneal Church Service in the United
Church on Sunday evening, lune 21
at 7 o'clock. Members will meet at
the lodge room at 6.30 and a cordial
invitation is extended to the sister
lodges to join with es.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Westlake and
Mrs, Thos, Snowden motored to
Strafford ode day last week.
air, Wilber Blair motored to Lon-
don on Friday of last week.
lir. and Mrs. Wilt( Scotchmer and
family spent Friday wSth friends near
There as a very interesting sheep
breeders' meeting at the home of Mr.
Lorne Manson on 'Wednesday fore-
noon. The meeting had a good atten-
dance and was addressed by Lionel
Stevenson, Provincial Zoologist, and
some very bellyful information was
gi vere
Me. and Mrs. W. H..Stogdill of Sut-
ton spent a few days this week visiting
the latter's mother, Mrs. Geo, Dow -
son and family.
Mr, Herb. W. Smith and daughters
visited last week with Miis, Smith's
sister, Mrs. Hinds, of near Chaeham.
Mrs. Annie Robinson, who has
been staying for the past few mouths
with her daughter, Mrs. E, Lowden,
of Hamilton, returned last week to
Stanley and is staying with her dau-
ghter, ivies, Henry Erratt.
The rural ,Hydra line is being ex-
tended south frons Varna for 3e4
miles on the Peer Lane. Ten homes
have )been wired up and will soon be.
receiving Lite electric current.
J. Moon.
Peanut Race—Miss ,Elden, Mrs. W.
E. Floody, Miss V. Hall.
Soot Race—R. MoCreeth, J. Mal -
don, R. R. Wilson. -
Married Couples'. .Race—Mr. and
Mrs, J. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. H. R, Kitty.
The following are the prize win-
ners of the different races:
Chitdren under 6 yeees—D. Kane,
R, afeAlliseer, D. Vance.
days, 8 and uader—da. McCreatle
D. aloKenzie, j, Symington. ,
'Girls, 8 and under—F. Weekes, M.
Mustard, Alma Simpson.
Boys, 10 and under—R. Isbister, J.
Jenner, F. Moser. . •
Gials, 10 and under -4 eSyiningtoe,
P. Torrance, R. Pridham:'
Boys, 10 and under, R. MoCreath.
j. Brisley, j. 'Murray.
Girls, 112 and under, Eileen Jay, al.
Crampsey, C. Floody,
Boys, 14 and under, J, Moon, J.
Mettle% Wallace Moody.
Girl's, 14 and under, E, Ewart, M.
Elliott, D. Torrance.
Boys, 16 and under, J. Crawford, L.
IGials, 16 and under—Beety Prielham
Young Men, 100 yarde—H. R, Kit-
ty, J. Crawford, Bill Priclham.
Young Ladies, 75 yands—M, Elliott,
Grace Stirling, Helen Mason.
Married Men, 75 ybrds—.H R Kit-
ty, Bill Pnidham, B. IL McCreath.
;Married Ladies, 50 yards—Mrs.
Wilson airs. Pridham. 'Mrs. C Katy,
Special, Officers' Wives—Mrs. D.
Thompson, Mrs. H. J, Hodgins, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido and family
spent a few days at Niagara Falls
and Buffalo.
alt. W. Thiel and family of Zurich
spent a few days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Reichert.
Mr. Brace Walker made a business
trip to Toronto recently-. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. Broderick were
visited recently with Friends from Pet-
Miss V.erlyn Thiel of Zurieh is en-
gaged with Me, and Mrs. 0. 'Smith
for a few months.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane and Miss
Edna and Mr. W. ,Parrott and Miss
Annie spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. F. Farquhar, of Hensall,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Love, Rev. R.
and Miss Grace spent Sunday with
friends in Hensel Rev. Mr. Love
was conducting service's in the United
Chureh there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Love spent Smedley
with friends in Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Levit of Ingersoll and
Mrs. G. Johnston of Varna spent Sun-
day with Mrs. L. Troyer.
The Young People's Anniversary
was held on Sunday evening. Rev.
Mr. Stewart, B.A., of Stalfa; delivered
a. very in.s,piring sermon and the Kip -
pen choir gave special anthems.
On Sunday, June 21, the services
will be withdrawn in the afternoon
and will beheld in the evening at 7
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Rutherford of
Woodham will conduct the service
The WM.'S. will be held on Friday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Picnics are now the order of the
day, The 'Troyer families met at
Grand Bend oti Saturday. The Love
families at Grand Bend on Wednes-
dhy. The Stephenson families at Bay-
field on Wednesday and the Webster
families on .Saturday in Goderich.
The annual S. S. Picnic of Kipper
and Hills -green will be held at Bay-
field on Friday, July 17th with the
Hillsgreen congregation in charge.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to afary and John Ryan in
the death of their mother, Mrs. Tho-
mas Riyan, who died on Tuesday fol-
lowing a stroke early Saturday morn-
ing The funeral will be held front
her late home on Thursday to St.
Patrick's Church, Dublin.
Mr, Joseph McGrath of Chicago is
spending his vacation at the home of '
his parents, Mr, anad airs. John Mc-
Grath. s'
Many from here attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Ernst of Ellice.
Mr. T. Molyneaux spent Sunday in
Miss Annie Ryan spent Sunday at
the home of her mother, Mrs. Pat.
We are sorry to hear of the illness
of Mrs. Andrew MoLellan.
. ...esaesees11"sn'a'ease:aeesi.:e..e, •
Drop in' arid try our
Ice Cream
Take home one of oily
You will be pleased,
Your patronage bas pleased
us. [Thank you ---calk