The Seaforth News, 1931-06-11, Page 3THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1931,
('Continued from Page Two)
matter of oiling and tarring streets'
for which an applropriation was asked,
Mr. Patterson answered several sues-
tions on ' road building and keepirg
them in repair.
The warden also discussed the mat-
ter of asph'al't pavement arid claimed
it was a very economical method of
street building and the top surface
dressing at the present used by the
county engineer was very effective
anid thorough.
Roads Commission Report.
The County Roads Commission • re-
ported as •foldOws:
'Since the January meeting of the
;Council, the work, on ;the County
(Roads has been prolceeding as usual,'
and due to the factthat the fall' of
'1.930 was unusually dry, and the roads
Contained little or no water during
the winter, there was little frost
damage in the Spring, and the roads
were yin very good cond'ition. ,
An inspection of the roads was
made, and the locations ,of proposed
work was looked over. The north
(boundary of Colborne Township, and
the road at Centralia' were examined,
and with regard to these requested
additions to the County Road Sys-
tem, we reconn'nnend that !they be
given consideration when the bylaws
at present before the ,Department of
IHighways are reported on.
The fo'llo'wing are the estimated ex-
penditures'required on the 'Cou:rity
Road System in 1931.
'1. Maintenance:
Weeds ...$ 4,600.00
Ditching and drge. 3,000,00
Grading . . , .... • 1;500.00
Dragging . . , , .. 12,000.00
Culverts 2,000.00
IR•esur,facing . 25;000.00
(Bridges. 5,000.00
]Oiling and Tar.r'g 20,000.00
,Calcium Chloride 3,000.00
(Snow Roads 4,000.00
(Guard Fences 1,000.00
Gravel Pits . 2,000.00
---$ 81,300.00
2. Machinery:
Distributor , , 1,000.00
'Rean'd'hd crusher 1,000.00
,Scrapers, etc. .. . 2,000.00
'Rep'airs . 6,000.00
t$ 40,000.00
3 Superintendence 5,000.00
$ 5,000.00
4. Towns and Villages.
'Goderich . $ 1,892.50
Myth . . .. 953.99
'Clinton 1,'6150
'Brussels . 553.65
Exeter 4,083.119
Wingha . . . 6,766.00
Hensel] • 2,05'5.00
$ 45,918:76
6. Traffic Officer .. 1,800.00
6. Signs ..,,,. 300.00
7. Snow Fences 2,000.00
8. Bridges:
Culverts and small
bridges . ., 5,000.00
9. Bdy. bridges .... 1,500.00
10. Construction:
Road No. 2, Kintail north $ 6,500:00
;Road No. 2, ,Goderieh south' 7,000.00
'Road No. 35, Clinton west..
'Road No. 9, Zurich west...
'Road No. 2, ,Grand Bend 's'th
Rd. No. 8 west ,fro'm ,Hibbert
'Rd. 32, Tuckeramith .
-Road 25, Gr
Grey n.'d ,.. d600.00
'Road -v5, (Blyth Lo bh east y 5,000.00
amid 25, E. 'W'awanosh and
1Hirl1ett 2,200.00
Road 22, Whitechurch s'th16,'000.00
Road 19, north of Ethel'2;600,00
Road 28, Wallace-Ho'wick
bdy, 3;100.00
Road 21, west from Wallace
Road 31, B'luevale north .
Road 30, west Of Clifford....
Road 7, west of Dashwood.
Road 27, Colborne at Ben -
Road 2, St. Joseph South ..
'Total for 'construction. $62,900.00
Due B'ou'ndary
.Counties $ 2,000;00'
Total expenditure ...$187,718.75
Widening and ditching of many'
road's of the county is badly needed,
and as this type of work can be car-
ried out by leen and teams, a con-
siderable amount is incorp'orate'd int
this program. Your commission feels
that during the present period of low
prices it would be unwise to postpone
this work until such ,time as labor is
scarce and prices high. Moreover,
many residents 'and ratepayers within
the county are in need of opportunity
to earn money' from work on high -
The cost, of this program to the
County of Huron is equivalent to a
two -'mill levy on the County—the
same as we have had for a number of
years. But in view of existing financ-
ial conditions of the ratepayers, aiid
in view of 'the fact that money can
be borrowed at 4% by the County,
the lowest rate for a long period, we
recommend that the cost of a large
part of the periinanen•t work (e,g.
grading, 'hill -cutting, concrete bridges,
etc.), be met by an issue of $22,500.00
of .debentures, and the county road
rate be 1;% mills.
'Due to the fact that the Depart-
ment of Highways may incorporate in
the Provincial Highway System •cer-
tain parts of the county roads in.
Clinton and Exeter, the work` to 'be
done on these streets is in doubt;
We recommend that the policy of
the Merchants and Employers' In-
surance Cofnpanry re. highway liaibil9-
ty be accepted at a premium of
Under the head of enquiries, Mr.
Wright brought up the matter of
the cost of a grant to libraries. He'
was informed 'libraries got a grant
of $25 and boundary libraries one-
Mr. MdNab asked about the fur-
nishing of lists of Old Age 'Penedon-
ers. The motion to send notices was
lost on vote of 15 to 12,
Ga'm'ble and Leonard moved that
the members of County Council -here-
by express their appreciation of the
work undertaken and carried on by
the Lions Clubs of Seaforth and God-
erioh on beh'alf , of the crippled Oil -
then of the oounty and that a copy
of this resolution be forwarded to
these cluibs. Carried.
Under the head of unfinished busi-
ness the deferred report of the Roads
Commission Was taken up with 1'Lr.
1,700.00 Geiger again in the chair.
;Moved by Mr. Eckert an&• Mr.
Swei4zer that we spend a rate of L:%
mills' instead of 2 mills, pay as - we
go and issue no debentures for 1931.
The report port as amended was adopt-
ed. ado
A motion by W. J. Stewart and
James Ritchie that the County Coun-
cil of Huron approve of placing and
maintaining, street fights on county
highways running. throught thevil-
lage of Dungannon was passed.
The treasurer gave an account of
the finances of the county.
The clerk read a letter from J. E.
Stone of Kirkton offering to purchase
bonds' of the county issued 'lin 1930
and it was referred to Finance Com-
Peter F. Doig of Forthwith wrote
stating that a deputation was coin-
ing to interview the council -'.:asking
an increased grant for the Huron
Plowmen's Association. The deputa-
tion composed of Messrs. McDonald
and Cardiff, addressed the council,
The reports of the Legislative,
County Property, .Education, Finance
and Exe'cutive Comauittees'were. sub-
The -Finance Committee's report
was as follows:
We wish to call attention to the
item No. 1'3, a ,b111 of $136.50 for the
keep of J. H. 'Smith at the Industrial.
Home. The committee is of the op-
inion that the father should' maintain
the boy, and that the clerk take steps
to ascertain the full circumstances
of the 'case and, if necessary, take
steps to correct the same.
We alsoc'ail attention to item No.
17 for $55:52 for Division Court.
b'an'ks, and the :noany bills rendered
from time to time of this nature.
We are of the opinion that the
comity taxpayers should not be call-
ed upon to make it easy for people
to go to law by paying the cast o'f
paper, summonses, etc., used by these.
counts but that these should be added
to the costs of and paid for by the
people involving the law. We have
no ab'jeotion ,to providing our offic-
ers with offices and books but the
papers used and other expenses
should be paid by the litigants.
Re Corn Borer Inspector, we wish
to draw the attention of the council
to the large expenditure in enfo'rcing
this act which cost the county $572 to
date. We recommend that no more
work be done this year.
We recommend the auditors's re-
port be accepted and printed in the
minutes; that the .following rates be
levied for 19311: General account 334
mills, old age pension 54 nitill, coun-
ty highwsy PA milds, provincial high-
way 1 .mill, a total of 6% mills.
The Executive Committee report
recommended that the bequests to
the county and Children's Aid Society
-,Col. Hoare $200; 'W. McDougall
$500 and McKay 'Estate $1.000 be
invested in government bonds and
the interest used annually for that
institution. This clause was adopted.
Regarding the 'notion of Messrs.
Amnstrong and Geiger that Mr. Ed-
wards' salary be reduced from $1,000
per annum to $600 per annum for
1931, we recommend that this be re-
ferred to the open council as the
committee is divided on same. A
lively 'discussion took place on this
clause and Messrs. XICKi'bbon and
Cctt moved an amend'm'ent that Mr,
Edwards' salary be left the same as
last year, $1,000, subject to the 5
One -Millionth Ford Made in Canada, II
ANEW era in the progress
of Canadian industry was
hailed when the .one -millionth
Ford car tobe made in Canada
name off the final assembly .line.
at the sat Windsor plantof the
Ford Motor Company of Canada,
Limited.. The occasion was climaxed
when Mr. Wallace R. Campbell,
president, punched the serial
number "CA -1,000,000" into: the
engine block and then drove the
car off the final .assembly line.
The event was witnessed by of-
ficials and veteran• employees of
the company. The car isnow
touring the eastern .provinces
where it is being viewed by
In a statemexit< following the
ceremony.,, Mr. Campbell empha
elzed the economic benefits Orich
had accrued to Canada as a result
of the growth of the Ford com-
pany. He pointed out that the
company Spent in Canada during
the lost ten years almost; 5300,, -
Mr. Wallace 16. Campbell, president of the Ford Motor
Company of Canada, Limited, punching the serial number
"CA -1.,000,000" into the engine block as the one -millionth Fox]
car made in Canada came off the final assembly line. Or. E.
Dickert, -vice-president, 1s assisting, Below—G. P. Panabaker
(left), and Andrew Moir, veteran ,employeeswho assembled the
r first Canadian Ford oar, with the aluminum costal one -millionth
Canadian Ford motor,
per cent reduction. The 'amendment
carried on division, Messrs. 'Ballan-
tyne, Collins, Geiger, Goetz' and Mc-
Nabb voting against it.
In connection with the communica-
tion from the Deputy Provincial
stating that jail salaries are not re-
ducible 'without consent •of, the De- The 'following is a report of Mrs. prove that if the spiritual life is• pres-
partmemt,'we recommend the de -
cif address at the meeting
cit ent, the gifts will come.
cision be concurred in. At Poo Chow, a girl in her teens
the IHniron ,Presbyterial at iHens�all, had :a great desire to be trained to
The -County Property Committee , 2,. 1 31 given by Mrs. Laingtoeach the
report was adopted as follows:. That April _8th, 9 , Y teach school, and also pr
we visited the jail and found every- at the W. M. 'S, of North Side United Gospel, but was hindered by a tuber-
thing in good condition. There are Church 'last -week. cuter condition of her right hand.
at presentseven prisoners: The Executive of the Huron Pres, Two doctors, in consultation, decided
that in,; order to save. her life, the
A new bath tub and tank and a byterial made no 'mistake in se'lec't-that
should' be amputated. The girl'.
new ]awn mower have been punches -nig Mss. Lonigley of the West Ghfna
was strongly opposed to having this.
ed far the jail as recommended In Mission Field, to give the address at done, as the absence ,of any monitor
January re'p'ort; we'visited 'the iiiagfs- our meeting in IT3ensall on Tuesday, of the body, causes a girl to lose out
crate's o'ffice and registry office and 1Pr. 28th. To see Mrs. ,Longley is in prestige, in the home of her •fi-
found even ;thin 'in oo'd ion to love her. To know her intimately ante. 'She had'been betrothed's'inoe
Y g g would indeed be a privilege.and an
we recoirmend that the structure nt- honor. Iter outhlful a earance, her early childhood. Her father wished.'
der the floor be repaired beneath the pleasant •smile, her sparkleng eye's, to make arrangements for'a speedy
crown attor'ney's office and two new 'which at tines ttwinkle :with humor, marriage; before the family of her af-
&nced 'husban'd learned of her un-
bliuds be out in the witness room up- her beaming face—the index of the'fm^kunate condition. Because' she,
stairs. true 'Chrfsstiau soulwithin, the clear, would not acquiesce, she was ostra-
The Legislative ,Committee re -tone of her voice, her naturalness, and cized by her father and the ''family,
ported as follows: the simplicity of her speech, her an- and left to fend for herself.. But she-
Regarding resolution of Lennox tense earnestness, her winning waywould not be conquered. :She asked
her charming personality, and the permission of Mrs. Longley, to be
and Addington counties re traffic of- ,acri'ffce she has made, and is making llotwed to speak to 60 or 70 boarders.
ecere deinanction drivers permits, for •the •Master'sCause, c'otnpel the ad- at their school She told these girls
eft, that no action be taken. Carried. mratioii of all'an'd'captivate the hea,3s g
Re resolution from 'Lineolu Colin- of her hearers, Added to all these of the verdict of the doctors and:
qty regarding personnel of road coni- graces, the fact that she is a native asked lose pray"for her. Some-
is another cord times we lose out because our prayers '
niftfee, as they can 'be disch.arged on of Huron 'Goo s. are not direct enough, but'the sim-
plicity two-thirds vote in this county, -the to 1hind her to us, plicity of the way these girls brought
no action be taken. Carried.. Five years ago, that difficult 'time the troubles of their friend to Jesus
Re resolution of Norfolk ridCounty for all missionaries with families, ar- Christ, touched the heart of the Mas-
regardingincrease of rived for them, the time for decision ter, and the hand did heal and the,
gas tax, we re- regarding the' educator; of ;their chi]
commend no action as :we believe the dren, Several oseibilfties presented ajew ion went out of her system. Tlie
tax of 5c a gallon is high enough bit P answered to their prayers, had a won
g g g theltselves. (Should the elder ch'i't derful effect on the girls of . that.
we thick a larger per cent 'be return- dren be sent to Canada alone; should school and changed their lives. Not-
ed to the municipalities, Carried, the mother and ell fhe children go; withstanding the crippled right hand,.
Regarding resolution train North- should the father (try to secure some the girl went back to school and re -
timberland and Durham re 'patients work in Canada for a ,few years, etc„ sumed her studies. At that time, in
sent ,to hospitals we recommend that, etc.? On a given date they were to stead .of using a ,pen to write, a
the resolution he adopted in full. Car_make their decision known to the camel's-hair brush was used, but she
Foreign Mission Board. The day ar persevered with it, until able to write
ri In regard to the legislation re cent- rived. They 'were still undecided with her ]eft hand. With her left,
g g and knew not twhak to
di to.
Mfr. Long- hand, she also learned to do .beautt--
eteries appointing a county commis ley proposed leaving it to the ehfl- ful crochet work, .which was so'id to,
sion with the County judge as a' dren to decide. This was done and. help defray the expanse of her edu-
nrernber and two members dram the their unanimous decision was, that
County Council, we strongly dis'ap- no matter what the cost, "daddy" ajanfost asnttwell segirlsshe
withrnou im
prove of the legislation as we think must continue the work in China. pediments. After teaching 6 months,
it will unnecessarily add to the al- INirs Gau•id says the separation in she again 'became ill and was taken to •
families is one .of the greatest trials the hospital. Her trouble rowed to,
ready heavy burden of taxation, Car- P
Tied, of the mas'sionaries''Ifves. Mrs. Long- be a tu'bercuiar spine. She was put
The report of the Edification 'Cont-. ley says it is the only one. She with in a cast and lay on her back ,1'8•.
their five remaining children, left Mr. months, after which she underwent
mitten was adopted as follows: their
on the 'Field, and sailed for an operation and lay 6 months lon'ge'r_
We have examined the several. Canada. On the way house, the ;baby During all her suffering and conlfine•
levies of the different High and Con- died. The two eldest children are at- went, no word of grumbling or re-
tinn'aton Schools ,sent in to date and tending University in Toronto. pining passed her hps, but gladly,
find that some 'of those submitted are 'Mrs. Langley occupies the honored happily and convincingly she told the •
not properly completed and will have position .of Corresponding Secretary. story of the Gospel and tarried mes-
to be sent back for correction or in the T'oron'to Central Presbyterial. sages of Jesus Christ to the many`
amendment. When this is done sat- She •says she is 'proud to belong to who visited her in the hospital. 'What
such a marvellous organization as :the a sermon to us, to make the very -
isfactor ly to the 'Warden and Clerk W M:S., also proud of the business- best use of the tongue God has given
they be paid in sufficient time to en- like way in w'hic'h the business is us, in telling others of the Kingdom
able the several Boards to complete handled. ,Proud too of ,the women of of God. Our hearts have become so
their financial busines's on or before the W.M.S. who have .been called calloused, we fail to appreciate our•
the middle of December when they "the Cream 'of the ,Church." The great privileges. Some time ago Mr. Long -
are due. ;;umber of members of '44?'lhS. shows ley married her and the young man'
Bythe Education Act of the Pro -that it is a live organization, and that to whom she had long been betroth-•
wince, ,pu,pils attending High or Con- the women take the matter of spread- ed. Her heart and mind are neither
in ad'ja'cent coun-ing the 'Gospel very seriously, and crippled nor fettered, and her hus-
ties are not only charged the cast of
tinuation schools very much to heart. band, though not a Christian, is very
The field in which the Longleys proud that his wife is one. Her father
tuition. received, but are also charged have labored for a quarter o'f a con- is also very proud of his daughter's
for the debenture debt of such tury is that of IV,rest China. West attainments. She is still teaching the
schools. Your committee is of the China has a population of 70.000,000, subjects on the school curriculunx
opinion ti'iat this is unfair as these and of 'these the United Church of and also telling the story 'of the Mas -
pupils' parents or guardians have to Canada is responsible for giving the ter o'f Galilee, who alone is the sottr-
pay for these debenture debts in Gospel to 42-114 millions, more than tion of every Chinese problem. She -
their own county, and are, therefore, the whole popu'la'tion. of Canada. Nu- is a product of our schools, and our
merically, it is largest .field in which representative, in that work of labor
paying double. (We think this legis- our W. .M. S. works. In 1925 there and love. Thus, we:will never know
dation should 'be amended by making our
200 missionaries on :the field, what our devotion has done for
the cost of education alike to all. now there are only 1'75. China, for the foreign lands and for
We would recommend 'that the The main ]business Of newspapers the remote parts of our own land, for
School Boards of different schools of is to report what is news, and most as the story is told from lip to lip,
all classes be urged to use their best of the news items regarding the mis- the Message is being carried out iu'tc,
endeavorto reduce expenses in such sion fields, deal with the banditry, up.- the world,
manner as seem to them best, as risings, kidnappings, etc., and for this Another woman, the wife of a'
there is no doubt the cost, particular- reason, and because the vital things Chinese official, had great prestige
secondary education, is particular -
are not reported, the progress of Iris- in her'locality and was the key wo-
ly Bions' as reported, is not encouraging. reran to a large group the mission-
ing out of all proportion' to the benefit Very often the question is asked, aries were unable to touch with the
received, and that the several ap- 'Of what use is it to send mission- Gospel message. In 19218 she be-
pointees of High School Boards made aries to these heathen people, if they came converted and sufferedreat
by this county council bring this do not want the Gospel? The ,Gospel persecution for the Master's sake_ .
matter to the attention .of their respec- came from the East, the sante as did She is now in the NE. Province, tray
tive boards as the wish and request Confuscianisnt and Buddhism. If they ening in an ordinary chair when site•
of this Coutcil, have their own religion, wnhy not let might ride in a regal one, wearing -
them alone with it "
We would 'beg to again call atten corral gowns such as the meg "1. It is our right to give it. The class wear. She wears no
tion to the number of pupils attend- knowledge of the Gospel cause from and carries onlyher Bible and clans
ing scliool•s in adjacent counties, and the East from the Jews, (2) It be-
would urge that this be discontinued longs to the world, and not to 00 veers all questions from that 'Bible,.
so far as possible unless the home alone, The `knowledge of Jesus Christ of which she has: made a thoroughlysystematic-
so aas few
schools are not prepared or sufficient- belongs to the womanhood of the of uus and.knows v se,comfort. few-
East, as well as to 'diose of the West. w a t do. She gave up the isal.
ly cquip;ped or not sufficient enough wealth, left a1i because she feels that
to furnish the education required. We (3) 'After carrying out all the rules tv.hat the womanhood of China .needs,
believe that these practices are very of their own religion, they find it is the old, old Story and her work
to our schools and does not do for theta what they wish has been a decided success, If the
often done not for convenience are it to do, therefore we Should give Spirit of Christ enters life. that
need but rather to satisfy a whim of them of our best in spiritual re- life will be a success. Having par-
tligion. This is one reason why the taken' of the 'Living 'h1'aters, do ,we -
a prejudiced parent or pupil. We W,\f S, flourishes. .It is born to thirst that others round about us
plead. for more loyalty to our own prayer and filled with the spirit of may know the Spirit of Christ. Oh,
schools which are second to none in love and the desire to share our best that we could catch some of the glow.with others.
the province, of those Eastern women.
The matter of equalizing the rain- Frohn out of long experience, and The answer as to wily the depres-
ty assessments for 193!1 was discuss_ frons her husband's letters, Mr S. sion of - to -clay is, that disciples Have
ed. Messrs. McNabb and Geiger con agingcthingsited tfroe mfther the field, For have bbeens Isiilttlnatsworth while
moved that the council go into a calm the last two or three years, Mr. We must give not onlyof our means,.
rn'attermittof the thewhole to equalization ;der the Longley has spent each year from 18 but ourselvs and our rayers, We are.
to 0 weeks in visiting the Christian an, the eve of a great revival, but
county, and this ',was adopted, schools of the 'Field. He'finds among the evidences of God's power will
In •committee it was moved by R. the Chinese women, great enthusiasm come, only as professing Christian:.
'H. 'Thompson and seconded by B. M. for doing missionary tvorl At the show by precept and by example,.
Francis and carried, that the county joint meetings of the W. M. S. an that Christ is all -sufficient for every
egira]Tzed valuer; -an of .the municipal- the General Board, the missionaries need. We would stake better wives,
ities of Huron be the same as 1930 try to keep as much in. the back- better mothers, better friends, better
ground as possible and the Chinese citizens, if we w'ou'ld work this out it
and that a'by-law he passed confirm- clow have more authority in the every avenue of our lives. There
ing the same. Church, than ever before. will be no peace until so-called Chris-
It was agreed to apply the cut of One Chinese Evangelist, Mr, tians"live nut I. Cor. 13, that splendid
5 per cent to the comity council Mhow, who, by the way, married one chapter on 'hove.' 'When we do, flit-
members' sessional pay the sante as of the first Christian converts, re- Spirit of Christ wit$ go farther and
that. of the officers, and the mileage re -
tinned to his home alter spending faster than it has ever done before.
be computed the sante as adopted in 12 years in the Mhow country. Ata There mast be no alien race, no for -
January, meeting of :Conference, where were eign shore, all women must be sisters
'Messrs, Henderson and W. T. present Canadian missionaries, native
and all men brothers. Greed and hate
T'moved that whereas the teachers and preachers. students, pat-
cease, and 51 its place must
provincial mored government has appointed tents and staff, from the Hospital, he collie kindness and help to other's..
g thrilled his audience by stating, that
a special committee to consider the it the work of evangelization' was Th her beautiful prayer following
Then peace will crime.
revision of the Municipal Act and as worth (while, for the sake of the in- her address, Mrs. Longley prayed.the said committee has asked for sig- spiration it would give the young that two might be made sincere, ` "and'
gestions as to changes desired by the church, they ought to have a place show to others that we are at least
municipalities, the warden name a in which to worship, and asked for trying to follow ,Christ; that the might to consider and recom_ $500 to 'bold a Church, . 'The girl stn- be good soldiers of the Cross and
mend to the government such changes
to he outdone by the girls, the boys
dentis of W.I.M.S. became enthusiastic,
not dishonour Him: and that we
in the Act as may appear to be in the and subscribed $50 towards it. Notwouldould help make better, brighter and
best interests of the County o'f (Huron, happier the lives of others. especial-
added their contributions. En }t, the little children. It is ctrl, by
thusiasan ran high, and before theHis strength and His power and His
meeting closed, more than '$4'50 had touch that these things can h'e,'
been raised. The young people cer-
tainly thought it worth while, or they
would not have offered to help, and
because they had sacrificed` to 'help
others, the 'Gospel came to mean
more to them. 'This again goes to
Mrs. Longley's Address
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