HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-06-04, Page 4-PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH' NEWS. THURSDAY, " JUNE 4, 1931. WALTON. At the tegult? monthly meeting of -lite Ladies' Aid Society of Duff's Un- ited Church, Walton, it was .decided that the annual garclein party tv01.11c1 ibe held Oa ,Friday evening, July 3.. Full arrangements have not yet been snade. f Tngagement.—Mrs and Mrs. Josepli Love, of Walton, wish to announce 'the engagement of their 'daughter, :'Fdanetta Ferne, to Robent E. Patter- acv, son of Mrs. Patterson and the lane George Patterson of Blyth, the enarriege to take place early nn June. Born,—On Tuesday, June 2, 19311, -to Mr- and Mrs. Will Humphries, of Walton, a eon. 'lairs. Hash Felton has returned, 'haute alter spending a few weeks in : oondon analBlyth, Mr. Wesley Clarke, one of our bar - :hers, and his bride, Miss Edna Cara, of Stratford, who were married at "Stra:tforld no Wednesday of this week, are moving s'o'me of their heuse- "held effects from ;Stratford into pert sof Mr, and Mrs. Jos. B•emtett''s house, :the former personage. ersonla e. el' hili serprise Presentation.-4Ad 1 t ig' P vwa5 tendered Miss Flora Harris, -popeliar young bride-to-lbe whose Marriage to Mr, Armand Kerd'ick of Blyth, will take place in Kitchener the tatter pant of this week, in the (arm of a kitchen shower When about ±itirty-.five a her friends gathered at -tire home of her sister, Mrs. Harold :Sellers, on Saturday ;evening. A 'smell -wagon, artistically -decorated with 'green and white was drawn into the •rooan by Misses Alethea Carter and Margaret Pellicle in which was a -large basket also decorated in green 'and white and laden with gifts, and 3[iss Mildred Sellers, charming little -niece of the bride -elect. After open- ing the gifts Miss Harris thanked her friends for their thoughtfulness and the remainder of the evening was spent in singing and in playing 'games. At the close of the evening, dainty refreshments were served by Misses. Alethea and Viola Carter, Margaret Pethick and Mrs, Harold Sellers. ,-v BLYTH. -Woman's Institute. The regular - meeting of the Wemens Institute was !held in Memorial Hall on We'dnes- slay, \lay 37th, with the president, Mrs. R. ,Richmond presiding. Meet- ing opened by singing our opening ode, followed by the Lord's prayer in -unison. During the business part of --Abe meeting it was decided to give a 'Trim to the pupil obtaining the high- est marks at the entrance examina- tions. The program was opened with coatmunity singing, a reading was gi- ven by Miss Pate, Miss A'letta Smith of Glanford ,Station„ the summer •speaker, gave a very interesting ad- etress on The Four Square Institute, The district president of the West Huron Women's Institute, Mrs. R. Davidson of Dungannon, was present and gave a splendid talk on institute work. The national anthem was sung 'in closing, Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. The play, "Cherry Time" aril[ be -staged in Memorial Hall on Tuesday, June 16 by Westfield talent under the :auspices of the \Voman s' Institute. Mr. Stewart Robinson of Goderich spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and M[rs. R. H .Robinson. Mlr. Russell Armstrong of London visited his mother. Mrs. Martin Arm- -.strong. on 'Sunday, Alis Dorothy Robinson spent Sun- day with her parents, -Mir. and Mfrs, R. H. Robinson, The bowlers are preparing for a toernnament au June 17, The district annual meeting of West Huron Women's Institute will he held in MacKay hall. Goderich, on Tuesday. June 9th, Morning ses,inn, 10 to 12 o'clock institute ode, Scrip- ture reading by Mrs, Woods of Au- burn; prayer. Mrs. Philips, Auburn; appointment of resolution committee, minutes of last meeting; reports of branch institutes; auditor's report, standing c unm trees' reports, discus- sion: election it officers. Afternoon session. oinmunity singing. instrum- ental, Atiss Gladys Mountain, Lon- de 'tn )ri i1e rt's address; recite- -tem, M 'Forbes. Belgrave; Federa tiee delegate's report. Mrs. Phillips, l,„cleru't eet:tet ant a paper, Help- ing Girls and Boys - tnri ugh the Teen ."tee. Mrs. Paisley. f C ints,n; music from the God,.—rich branch: address. Miss D nlam, Provincial Federation representative: quartette. Auburn; place of meetirg next year; God Save the Kele, Al: ladies, whether mem- bers or the Institute or not, are cor- dially Melted to attend the, ntee.- ng.. I)t s nets from 12 ri 1 o'- ir•ck by the ..,lir, .:,1 the Go- lcrch Maur t. Mfrs Anderson and children of To- -I -onto spent smut days wail her mo- 'iher, Mrs. :dater. Mr. and Mrs. Armitage of Wing - 'ham s."tent Sunday with the latter's -parents, Mi and Sfr., E. C. Laundy. Mr. and Mrs, George Johnston of Lonrho n visited at the home of Mrs. Johnston'. uncle, .Mir. James Dodds. Mr. and \ir., Robertson of Witte - ham \' tt+ham visited with the latter'; brother and Ater, Mr. James Dodds and Miss .Cassie Dodds. Miss Mary Cartwright spent over; 'the week end with her cousin, Mr. lend Mrs. Irvine Wallace. Mr: and Mfrs. Robert 13e11 and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bell and children motored to St. :Marys last week, -Mfrs. Robert Bell spending the week end at the home of her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Harvey •"Biernes. Mr. and Mirs. Jack McNeil and babe are visiting at the home of the former's bt'other, M'r., and Mrs. Geo. M cNall. Mr, and Mrs. R, E. Sillib of $rant - lord were visitors in Blyth over the week end. .Grading work on the new cut-off road on the highway was /emun this week 0 charge of Mr, Cardiff. 'NIr. Will Barr of Detroit returned Wednesday after spending a week vissititrg friends. Miss Ella Heffron was taken to L'ond'on on Wednesday last and ex- pects shortly to go to Detroit to un- dergo an operation. The Ladies' Guild of Trinity f Church are planningto have•a he tea at thorse of Miss Woodcock t:in June n. Come in and See Our New and Used Cars I Am Agent For Durant Cars & Rugby Trucks Masse =Barris Machinery, Y Y and Repairs JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS Alt Repairs and Labor Cash. ,M rt Jo 1 n P ice Mr.' and Mrs R o bt, Wallace and MissMildred H•d ern spent Friday eventing et the home of Mr. Toho Yeo. Mr. and iMrs. John Yeo visited with Mr. and Mrs. roe Johnston Saitueetry afternoon. Mrs. Wm. Craig spent a few days last week with her son at Grand Bend. Mrs. 'carr Yeo was the guest of Mrs. Thos. Lyon on Sunday. Miss Mildred H'tlborn visited at her brother's. Mr. Leslie Hilborn's, on Sunday. Mrs. Halliday, Mrs. Walker and the Misses Young of Goderich were guests at the home of Mr. John Yeo during the week -end. Mrs. 'Stanley Dougherty has re- turned home from spending a coupie of weeks with her parents near Lis- towel. Mrs. John Yeo is visiting friends and relatives at Clinton and Bayfield. HILLSGREEN The ladies of the ,Hillsgreen Church met on Wednesday afternoon and quilted two quilts to go in the bale. The Rer. C. Campbell, LJD.A., of Toronto, will conduct the service in the afternoon on Sunday, June '7th. Rev. R. R. Conner will be attending the conference held in Chatham from June 3rd to June 7th. Mr. Keith Love is also attending the 'Conference held in Chatham this week. Keith will be ordained for the ministry on Sunday, June 7th, in that city. 'Mrs. L. Troyer spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde of the Lon- don Road Hensall. We are very sorry to report that Mr. Robert Stephenson is confined to his room. We hope he will soon be enjoying his usual good health again. Mfrs. J. Stacey and sons, Messrs. Jack and Fred and Miss E. Faulkner of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie and also with friends in Hensall. Mr, A. Cochrane spent the week end with friends in Centralia. Mrs. P. Campbell of Hay township visited recently with her parents, .Mir - and Mrs. H. Love. a(r. IV. Blackwell, of Lansing, Mich., spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Blackwell and family. Mr. and Mrs, G. Love and Mrs. R. Love, also of Lansing, accompanied Mr. Blackwell over and visited rela- tives in this vicinity. Quite a uunber from this vicinity attended the anniversary services in Hensel' 'United Church Sunday last and also the play held in the town hall en -Monday evening. The Y. P. anniversary of the Hills - green Church will be held on Sun- day, June 14 at 7.30 p.m. Rev, R. N. Stewart of Staffa will conduct the service. The Kippen choir are, pre- paring special music for the service. The afternoon service will be with- drawn on that day. Mr. and Mrs, Lavender have gone to Hensall where they are nicely set- tied in their new hone. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan and fam:iy have also moved to Hensall to live and have got nicely settled fn their new home. STAFF( A Ret. and Mrs. R. N. Stewart and Mr. tion. Sadler are in Chatham at- tending the conference of the United Church. Mr. Les Harburn is visiting with relatives and friends in the West. Mrs. \Vrn Jackson of 'Mitchell is vkiting at the home of her son, Mr, Geo. V.vian. We are Terry- to- report that Mrs. ir..o. Livingstone is under the cluc- tes care. 1'ih, district mutual of the South Perth \\ einatt s Institute was held in the hall last Thursday when upwards of 150 ladies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fletcher of Detreit spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Elliott. Miss Elveretta Sills of Cleveland lied on her ,grandparents. Sir, and Mir.. H. Golding, Saturday, Mr. and Sirs. J, R. Bowman and Miss Bowman of Hagersvifle are visiting with their sour, Mr. 'Cecil Bowman. Mr. Frank Hanibiey attended the funeral of the late Mr. Luther Kemp in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, H. Fitzsimmons of Clinton spent Sunday ,with Mr. and Mrs. D. Colquhoun, Mltcses Marguerite Sillery and Mary .Hastings visited in Stratford Slnnday. Mr. and Mrs. 1,V. O'Brien arid Miss Olive O'Brien of Zurich spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Parsons. Sarnia,. visited over the week -end with their mother, who is ve.ry'iow, Don't forget the hall game Friday night when the local team meet St. Mary's on the home diamond. The marriage took place on June 3 ti Miss Norma Wilson, daughter of 3lr, and Mrs. Geo. G. -'Nilson, of Stet - fa to 11r. Cecil Stewart of Exeter, the ceremony taking place at 12,30, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison of Seaforth attended the Stewart -Wil- ton wedding on Wednesday. A very pleasing event,of, a e'ourte- our character occurred .on Friday ev- ening at the home of Mr, and Mrs, George G, Wilson when a number of r \ornn ' friends Norma's tends s n ur edher s b ppre- senting' P senting her with a beautiful floor lamp. An addre-' was read by Miss Marzetta Sadler which, mentioned Miss Wilson's long service and will- ingness to help on all occasions in the choir, also her services in the Sunday School. Miss Wilson was ap- pointed as teacher of the infant class When a very young child and has taught some of these girls in succeed- inqclasses up to the present time. Miss Vera Leary made the presenta- tion on behalf of the choir and Sun- day School class after which Miss Wilson made a very fitting reply. Af- ter enjoying some games the visitors provided a very dainty lunch alter which they joined in wishing Norma all the blessings possible in her new home. CONSTANCE. Mr, Joseph Riley.—The death oc- curred at Constance on Thursday morning, May 28th, about Id o'clock, of Mr. J'osepm Riley. Born in Hallett towniship seventysone years ago March 23rd last, son of the late Mr, and Mrs. J. Riley, he lived .here until as a young man in his twenties he went to the United States and became a resident of Cleveland Where he lived for nearly fifty years. In that city he met Miss Mary MdGeary, whom he married 48 years ago. Five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Riley came to Con- stanee where they had since lived. A week before his death Mr. Riley was seized with bronchial gneenIonia. On Tuesday, May 26, his wife passed away after being seriously sick for only a few days, after Mr. Riley was taken 'ill. On Thursday last, the day of his wife's funeral, he passed to the Great Beyond. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the home of Kr. Robert Grimoldlby, the service being in charge of the Rev, 3lr, Johnston, pastor of the Constance United Church, Six neph- ews were pallbearers at both funerals: Messrs. George Riley, Frank Riley, Joseph Riley, John Riley and Charles Riley and Robert Grintoldby. One daughter survives, Mrs. Charles Stutz of Cleveland, - Mrs.. Stutz tv as called from her home owing to her father's illness and arrived on Saturday, May 23rd, and the same day her mother became ill, Mor. Riley is survived by. two brothers, both living here, Mr. George Riley, and a twin brother, Mr. Ben. 'Riley. The community .extends sincerest sympathy to the bereaved, who have been called upon to bear sorrow twice within so short a space of time. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stutz of Cleveland, Ohio, returned to their home last Monday. Mrs. Stutz was called to the bedside of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riley, who both passed away last week. The com- munity sympathizes with 3[rs, Stutz 'n her double berea)-ement. ale and Mrs. Riley of Brussels spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Rohr. Grimoldby. Mfr. adn Mrs. Stanley Muuns of Blenheim, also Mfr. Charles Coakley, spent the week -end in the village at- tending the funeral of Mrs. Miunn's uncle, Mr. Joseph Riley. The Ladies' Aid and. W.11. S. will meet at the home of 3.lrs, Ausiin Dexter, Thursday, June llth, An in- vitation is extended to all the ladies of the congregation. The Constance United Church will hold their Sunday School anniversary on June 14. The speaker for the day will be Rey. Dr. Mortimer, Aaburn. The choir wilt give special music, as- sisted by )Jr. Roy Alien of Clutton and Mr. James Scott, Seaforth, Mr. Scett will sing a sola in the evening. Work on the bridge west of Kin - burn is in progress this Creek. Miss Jean Lawson, Clinton, is mak- ing an extended visit at her hone, as her mother, Mfrs, Robt,'Lae-son, is taking a trip West, MANLEY. Mfr, and. Mrs. \Vilford McKay and their father, Mr. Jos, McKay, former- ly of this place but now from London visited their former friends of this place last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKay and Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley were visit- ors under the parental roof of Mr. and Mfrs, C. Eckert, Searorfh, . Rev. Fr. Dhler from Chesley, Ont.. accompanied by Rev. J. 11, Eckart, called on friends here during the week The many friends of Mrs. Jerry O'- Hara are pleased to learn she is con- valescing rapidly in St. Joseph's Hos- pital after a serious operation, ' No More Disappointments. "Going homer sang •Lou to her- self; "going home!" echoed the rails as she sped along. Oh, how grateful she was for that fast -minute telephone call which made this trip possible!. Long Distance so often -saved her from misting happy times. SEAFORTH MARKETS. (Wed., .June 3. WANTED' Eggs,, per dozed 11c, 1'4c, '16c A limited number of cattle for Butter,'Per lb ....................20co pasture, water and grass gv ara nteed.Petatoes per bag $l.on Phone e •) 1. 3 Zl r Seaforth. forth f .. T Hogs, per .cwt. 07.65-t$8,'l0 i SHIL LINIGLA+4V. G. HENSALL Mr. Minton Ortwiin of London spent: the week end visiting relatives Int town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boiithron spent Sunday with friends iii Hanover, Mgrs, Thos. Palmer is visiting for a few days with, relatives in Windsor. /Rev. and Mrs. Naylor of Listowel spent Monday visiting friends ie tahere.ws, Miss Doris .Chapman of Palmerston is visiting for a few days with friends (Mrs. C. A. McDonnell is s'pend'ing' a few weeks with relatives in Toron- to. Miss Greta Mc/Naughton, who has been int poor heal't'h is in Toronto tak- ing treatments in the interests of her heabth, Messrs. Jack and Fred Steacy, ac- companied by 'the'ir mother, of De- troit, spent the week end With friends here, Mr. Tames Tapp of Montreal is vis- iting at his home here. Mrs. Tait of Toronto is visiting far a few days h mof Mrs. R. w s a t the h o e Y Bont hron Mr. Wm, Simpson, accompanied by his mother, of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. R. Bonehron, (Large crowd's attended the aai•nli- versary senviees in the United Church on Sunday Pest when the Rev. Mr. Lane of North Side Unlited Church, Seaforth, preached very inspiring ser mons both itno'raing and evening. The new hymnary was used for the first time and special music was .given by the. choir. In the morning special parts in the anthem were taken by Mrs. Geo, Hess and Mr. W. O. Goodwin and a solo "The Lord is My Shepherd," by Mr. Sam Rennie. In' the evening the chair was assisted by a male quartette from Mtitchell, con- sisting of Messrs. rack Skinner, Franklin Moore, Lorraine Steiwaet and Dalton Davidson. The quartette gave two splendid numbers and a solo by Mr. Franklin Moore. Mrs. A. Foster spent a few days at Seaforth with her father. /Next Sunday the Oddfellows will attend service in the United Chun'ch in the evening. A special sermon will be preached and there will be special music, The W.MZ:S, of the .'United Church will hold their meeting on Thursday afternoon in the basement df the church. Mrs. A. Sinclair will have charge of the study. Miss Margaret Mel -area of London is visiting at her home here. The regular ,monthly meeting of the village council was held on Mon- day evening. all members being pres- ent except Councillor Cameron.' The minutes of last meeting were read and conlfinnted. Mr. Consitt reporited receiving 100 feet of fire hose recent- ly purchased froan the fire hose Co. of Kitchener and were in good order. Bills and accounts read as follows: Municipal World, supplies, $2.'19; W. Spencer, rebate on hall rent, $5; Bi- Laterial Hose Co., fire hose, $98,00; C. Vollaad. teaming, $2;60; W. Da - bus, sanitary work, hall, $3; total, $110.79. Moved by Consitt and Spen- cer, that accounts as read be paid. Carried. Mickle and Consitt, that the cduncil now adjourn until Monday,' June 8, at 8 p.m.—James A. Paterson, Clerk. The Court of Revision on the as- sessment roll was held on Monday evening, Juste 1 at $ p.m., all the member; of the council taking the oath except Councillor Cameron, sdho was absent. It was moved by Mickle and Consitt that Court of Revision be adjourned until Monday. June 8, at 8 pin. Carried.—James A. Paterson, Clerk. Miss Nellie Carmiohael is spending a few weeks in Exeter nursing her aunt, Mrs. Gillard, who is seriously ills Reeve Geiger is in Goderich this week attending the County Council. Mrs, Miry. C. Davis is having hydro installed int her home, the work be- ing done by -Mir. Ray Pfaff, -Mira. John Pope, who spent the win- ter months with her daughters in London and Galt, has returned home. Mrs. Ed. Sheffer was a visitor with friends in Hillsgreen last week. -Mfrs, John Zuefle spent Monday with friends in Exeter. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs. George Dale, Anona and 'Dor ald, also Mrs. Wes. Nott, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many kind expressions of sym- pathy during their recent sad ber- eavement, also for the loan of cars. STRAWBERRY TEA Under the auspices of the C,'' ,'.L. in St. J,antes' parish hall on Julie 1Ith from 5to8p,nt, AUCTION SALE Of House and Lots, There will be. offered for sale by public auction at 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 9th a six room- ed 138 story frame dwelling With hard and soft water. There is also in con- nection with same a choice orchard and garden. containing an acre of land. The dwelling is also equipped with electric light, It is situated 1 block west of Egnvondville Church and has the benefit of small taxes. The same will be sold on easy terns with 10% of purchase money in cash. The householcl effects consisting of tables, chairs, beds, also wheelbarrow, garden toots and other articles, and 30 choice hens. Thos. Hudson, prop. T. Brown, auctioneer. PROPERTY FOR SALE, In Egmondi'ille, containing 2 acres of good fertile land; on said property is erected a comfortable frame house containing 8 rooms, good cellar; .cis- tern and hard water at the door. All has been recently retio'vated, Good barn, 40 feet in length, also hen house, all in good tepair. Electric light, fruit trees. This property is convenient in every 's -ay in regard to church, school on premises and near the flourishing town of Seaforth. For further partic- ulars, apply on the premises, or a'd- dress RODIDRIICK MfdLEAN, Eg- inondviite, Ont. 25 Buy in Egrondville. Picnic Hams 19c per lb, Crown Blend Tea .... 39 c per Blend. English Breakfast 4e9 c Tea per lb. Red Rose Tea 555 c per lb. ai Rolled. Oats 2 90 lb. .. , ■ 25 Palm Olive Soap +� 9 c 3 Bars . „ . i �r 'Choice Creamery,.• 13utter .. , . 2 pounds 43 a Magic Baking Pow- 34c der.. ,. per pound Cash Prices 'Only W. J. FINNIG11N AUCTION SALE. '01 Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, Standingn. Grain,Hayand Household usehold von 4, Hul- t 5 Concession Effects,at Lo' lett township 2 miles south of Mil- burn and seven males northea's't of Clinton, on. Wednesday, June 17th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following: CATTLE — Six choice Durham cows, fresh; one purebred Durham heifer, 'bred; 3 Dunham calves abput 8 .weeks old. .HORSES — Extra choice brown mare, 'draft, 7 years old; bn!own mare, 9 years old; general purpose mare, 10 years old, good single or double; ag- ricultural colt, 2 years old. About 150 Rook and Leghorn hens. IMPLEMENTS -•Good farm wa- gon, gravel box, hey rack, steel rol- ler, M.-iH. seed drill, 113 hoes; horse rake; M.,H. mower; scuffler, 2 walk- ing ploughs, good top buggy, steel tire; open. buggy; Parkland culler; set of sleighs, cultivator, set of har- rows, stone boat, beetling mill, grind stone, iwork bench, sugar kettle, 25 ft. ladder, step ladder, set of scales, roll of wire fence, double set of harness, set of single harness, number of grain bags, DeLaval cream separator No. 12, Daisy churn, washing machine, pails, lanterns, shovel's, hoes,' rakes, scythes, whiffletrees, quantity of wheat, barley, hay and wood. About 25 acres of standing hay; 11 acres of good fail wheat; 8 acres of oats; 8 acres of 'barley. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Pan- dora FFECTS: Pan-dora range, Quebec heater, sewing machine, 3 beds, 2 chests of draneers, dining room table, 6 dining room chairs, couch, 3 rocking chairs, pots, pans, •lam'ps, etc. THE FIAIRM- iAt the same time and place the fent, which consists of 148 acres more or less, of good clay loam, with good set of farm buildings, will be offered for sale, This farm is well adapted for grain or grazing, with abundance of water and shade. This property will be offered for sale in one block, that is to say, farm, farm stock, implements, standing hay and grain. Threshed grain and hay in barn will be offered subject to re -t serve bid. Terms made known. on day of sale. If not disposed of in block will, be offered on following •. terms. TIEIRMIS—On chattels, cash. On farm 10 per cent. of purchase money paid down on day of sale, balance in 30 days; arrangements may . be made for reasonable amount to remain on mortgage.• 1\\inn. J. McCully, Executor of the Estate of Wm. Rinn; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. 11 hp. gasoline engine (White) working fine; cheap for cash. Also DeForest Crosley Electric Radio 1931 model, will take '$100...Also electric washing machine, fate model, will be sold ' at quarter of cost. Apply at EGMLO,N,DM ILrL1E G_AIRAIGE. 25. PIGS FOR SALE. )3 choice pigs about 6 weeks old. S. LEY0311'R'N'E, Phone .136r24. 23 JUNE W+EDDINGS. 'Be sure and have Photographs of this great event. The ,Burgess Studio, Mitchel;, would be pleased to make good Photographs of the Wedding Party. 23 "`PERMANENT WAVES. (Front $3.75 to $10 by experienced operator at ROD'GER'S 13'EAUTY PARLOR, M4itchell, phone 372 25, PLANTS FOR SALE. Choice Snap -Dragon now ready. by the box or by the dozen; Petunias, large and small, cabbage and cauli- flower, also a few other varieties of flowers. A. L. PORTEOUS, West street, Seaforth. '73 IN MEMORIAM. lin losing memory of a mother, Mfrs. Benj, Riley, who passed away three years ago. There is an angel who bears the light, And he conies at the close of day, When the sun goes down on a well -pent life. He lights up the last dark way, And he whispered, "Tired one, give me thine hand," And with spirit brave and steady,. Mother faltered not from the un- known land, But answered, "'I ant ready. —Ever remembered by her daugh- ter and husband, Mrs. ,Ro'ht, Grim- oldby and Mr, Benj. Riley.. IN 1MEMOIRIAM, Ili 'loving memory of Margaret A. Pen'hale who passed away June 7th. 1930. One year has passed since that sad day, God called the one we loved away Forget her? No, we never will. For in our hearts she lfveth still, The blow was great, the shock severe. We little thought the end was near, Tis only those who have lost can tell The loss of a dear sister without farewell. -Sadly missed by Brothers and, Sisters, armors Welhave on hand a good stock of high-grade concrete tile, sizes 3" to 8". We also make on or- der sizes up to 16". Now is the time to get yours. ALSO Do you know, 70% of fires are caused by defective chim-1 neys, Are yours safe? See us at once about our new style ,fireproof chimney. R. Frost & Son SEAFORTH. Phone 183 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given that all` creditors and others having claims against the estate of. Sarah Jane Stor- ey, late of the Township of M'dKil lop, in the 'County of Huron, widow, Who died' gin the <Nth day ,of April, , 1931, are required to sendto the un- dersigned solicitor for ;the executors full particulars and verified by affi- davit of their claimson or before the 8th day of June, 1931. And Notice is Further Given that atter the said last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to the claim's of which they then shall have had notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 24th day of May, 1931. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor. for the Executors. NIOTICE TO CREDITORS 'NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Edward M•elady, late of the Township of Hibbert in the County of Perth, Farmer, who died on the 2nd day of May, 1931, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the administrator full particulars and verified by affidavit of their claims on or before the 13th day of June, 1931. And Notice is Further •GEven that after the said last mentioned date the administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said de- ceased, having regards only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice, Dated at 'Seaforth, Ontario, this 27th day of May, 1931. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. Cottage 23 Coleman St, in good condition. Apply, stating terms to Mrs. .MARY CONN O LLY, Avalon apts., No. 21, Erie St: E., '.Windsor, Ont, 25. FOR SALE. Quantity of Seed Buckwheat, Ap- ply to BERT LR\MLN, RR. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 616r32, Clinton. 25. NOTICE My wife having left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. ED. GRAN VILLE, 24, WOOD FOR SALE. I have a few cords of hardwood left for sale, delivered in Seaforth; $5.00 a cord for beech and maple; $4,00 for maple slabs; $3.00 for soft • wood, delivered in town. Apply to T. J, RICHARD'SON, Phone 148r22, Seaforth. 24. PASTURE, Pasture for a few more cattle on ug farm iit'Tuckersntith. Abundance of grass and water; prices reaspnable. JINO. SPROAT, Seaforth. PLANTS FOR SALE. We have a larger supply this year: Tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, as- ters, snapdragons, petunias, and zin- nias, Apply to ALBERT BAIK'EIR, Railway Street, Seaforth. 23. FOUND. Licenselat r!1 P e No. K1Vi 31,.2 . Owner may have same by paying , for ad. GFJO. BATON, Winthrop, phone 240 r 15. . 23 WANTED. A limited number of cattle for pais- ture. Gograss nd�shade,d Phone ho teand a1170r ?.c ne o. C. Dale, R..R. 2, .Seaforth: 24 THLIIRS., FRI., SAT. "CAUGHT 'SHORT" Marie Dressler and Polly Moran with Auita Page Mon., Tues„ Wed. "SINS OF THE CHILDREN" RINCESt ae. R\1