HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-06-04, Page 1/s
'Then from a ndi•ghboring thidket the.
• mocking bird, wildest of singers,i ,th
Swinging, aloft oil a willow spray that
bung o'er the tater, cv
Slhook from his little throat such
floods of delirious music,
That the whole air and the woods and
the waves seemed silent to listen.
WHOLE SIER'IES, VOL. 53, No. 23.
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
Confectionery and Restaurant
R e
The new novelty for children is said
tobe worth 35c alone. You can get one
with Weston's 11 oz. package of fancy
biscuits for 25c
E'MO'N-In Fancy vinegar bott'le with glass
stopp' r, regular 25c for 1234c
ARD. --'Regular 15c, for 7%c
LUX FLAKES. -3 for 25; which is
less than, regular wholesale'prfce.
IDEAL CATSUP -Per bottle (re-
puted quarts) " .25c
Clearing at 25% discount.
NUTS. -Very choice, Ib.... ,.30c
ARISTOCRAT. PEAS. -Large, ten-
der, juicy, regular 20; for ..15c
and nearly done. Don't delay in
securing yours.
Cream for Seaforth Creamery; Eggs
(graded by Mr. R. Aberhart) ta
ken in exchange for groceries.
Phone Phor Phood
L. BOX 43
The .Veterans of Seaforth and vii-
cinity will hold their annual Decora-
tion Service at 2:30p.m., Sunday,
June 14th. All ex -service men are
invited to attend. Fall in at Town
• Hall at, 2 p.m.
IMrs. Wood of St. Helens was re-
newing acquaintances in this vicinity
last week.
Mr. M. E. Elliott rn'ade a shipment
of live stock to Toronto at the week
.The many -friends of Billy Marshall
who were.' listening in Monday night
were much pleased to hear his music
fear 0J1GC, London, Success to .you,
The report of the Varna School for
May: -Sr. IV. „Pass 450; 'Hon's. 560
Lillian Elliott 505, Ida Clutter 502,
Bill Austin 369. Sr."I'Ih Pass 240;
hon. 300 -Willie MeAsh 306, Harvey
Ohuter 252, ,Elmer''Johnston 250. Jr.
I'II. - Bessie Clutter 306, Walter
Smith .305, Jean•e Reid 276, Gordon
Horner 252. Id, Class•--Murvin John-
ston 202, Ford Johnston 188, Sr. I.
Class-IFloyd McAsh 320, Ray 'El-
liott 320 ,(.equal); Horace Bratherton
270, ,Donald 'Keyes 187, Jr. 1st--
sst-Helen Johnston '718%, Gertie Smith
76%. Sr. Primer -Walter IBnat'her-
ton 56%. Jr. .Primer -Frank Smith
and Harvey ,Parsons' (equal) 78%.
Perfect 'Spelling = ,Floyd McAsh,
Helen Johnston, Number on roll 21,
average ,a'ttendan,ce 20,85. All the
class had Perfect 'Attendance except
Horace ,Bratherton.
Ruby h Taylor, Teacher.
Saturday Night Selling
Sa d
ayg g
Fresh Maple Buds, % ]b. .,10c.
'Salted Peanuts, just in, 1 Ib .....15e
Choc. Bars, assorted ..6 for 25c
Rainbow Peanuts, special, 1 Ib. .,25c
Pebbles -Raisin filled cotf'n, lib, 25,c
Choc. Piccaninnies, new, 1 Ib..:,.25c
These prices represent our aux
'Aver to to -day's drop in prices.
Special Prices for June Gift-
Beattie's Gift Store
North Side United Church -Pastor,
Rev, W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, June 7th, -10 a,m„ Sunday
School and Bible Classes.
Public Worship, 111 ant and 7 p.m.,
conducted by. Rev. J. E. Hogg, D.D.,
of 'Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scarlett, Mc-
Killop, wish to announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Eva Ma-
tilda, to George M'Ic'Cartney, son o8
Mr, and Mrs. G. R. McCartney,
Tuckersmfth, the marriage to take
place, shortly.
The big Annual Picnic of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of To-
ronto, will be held in Area No. 3,
Canadian National exhibition grounds
on Saturday, June 13th, at 2 p. m.
A full programme of games and
sports will be carried out, including
base ball matches, broom foot ball,
and races of every description for old
and young. As is usual, very valu-
able prizes will be awarded to the
successful competitors,
Supper will be served in the Trans-
portation Building at 6 p.m.
Every Huronite, either in the city,
or out of the. city, is cordially invited
to be present and take part in the fun.
The funeral of the late George C.
Dale, whose' death occurred on Sat-
urday, was held on, Tuesday after-
noon front Itis lateresidence on the
Huron Road. The Rev, W. P. Lane,
North. Side United
forth, conducted: the services at the
house at 2 o'clock and also at the
graveside in the Clinton cemetery.
During the service a beautiful solo,
",Jesus, My Saviour," was sung by
Mr. Charles Boyd. The pallbearers
were Messrs. •Tonnes Dale, Constance;
James Dale, Clinton; Arthur Dale,
Clinton; Orville Phillips, Wil'l'iam
Ross and Wesley Nott of the Huron
Road. Among those who were pres-
ent•at the funeral were Mr. Raymond
Glinslce, Messrs. Oscar and Hugh
Sproat and Mr. and Mrs. 'Shockcor
and family, from Detroit; Mrs. Sykes,
Shelton, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Will
Smel'tzer, Calgary, Alta.; Mrs: Reb-
ecca Reid, Luckno'w; Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Reid and family, Duugannon;, Mr.
Jake McGee, Mr. Reg. MclGee, Gode-
rich; Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McMich-
ael, Auburn; Mrs. French, Dash-
wood; Mr. Palmer, Thedford; Mrs,
Link and Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, Clin-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Exeter.
The floral tributes, which were very
beautiful in their profusion were sent
by ,the following: wreath, the T. L.
Link family and Mrs. French, Dash-
Wood; a wreath and a sheaf, Mrs.
Dale's brothers and sisters, of De-
troit; a wreath, Mrs. Sykes, Shelton,
Wash.;` a' sheaf, Reggie, Glen and
Mary' Pryce, M+clKillop; a sheaf, pu-
pils and ratepayers, S,1S. No. 6, ifdc-
Killop; a sheaf, Will, Russell and
Ross Sproat; a sheaf, the Crozier fa-
mily; a sheaf, Mr, and Mrs. 'Wesley
Nott and family, Tuokerls'mith; a
sheaf, M•r, and Mrs. Geo. Bickerton,
Woodstock; a pillow, The Family.
The fatality occurred on Saturday
and was a severe shock to the whole
district, where Mr. ,D'aie was a widely
known and highly respected farmer
of , the Huron Road. In the morning
Mr. Dale had gone to his grass farm
to do same wlork and as was his cus-
tom, to shoot ground hogs. • When
he had failed to return Nolte for din-
ner, his son Donald went to get hint
and made t'he sad discovery, his.father
Tying dead, with his "foot caught in
the fence. Deceased was' a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. William Dale and
was horn in McKillop 56 years ago,
his parents moving to Tuckershni'th
when he was quite young. On June
he was united in
to his now bereft wife, formerly Miss
Jean Ross Sproat, daughter of ,Mr.
and Mrs. John Siproat, Seafort'h, and
since then had node their hone on
the II'uron Road, west of Seaforth,
until this spring when the Dr. Scott
farm was purchased from Mr. Thos.
Ferguson. lir. Dale took an active'
.part in alnto:s:t every kind of sport,
where his keenness, strength and.
good sportsmanship made him popu-
lar, the same outstanding qualities of
his, fine nature which won for him the
warmest friendship e
tp and esteem em of ev-
eryone, Besides his widow, he is sur-
vived by one daughter, Anona, and
one son, Don'al'd; also a• sister, Mrs.
Wesley Nott, Tuckersinit'h. His fa-
ther, mother and an older sister, Mrs.
Crich, of Clinton,'pred:ece'asecl him
some years ago.
W. L
The regular month=ly meeting of
the Women's Institute will be held at
the home of Miss Thelma Elgie on
Wednesday, June 10 at 2.30. The roll Mrs. Win. Byrne and two children,
call will be answered by "The Name Jimmie and Donnie; Mr. and Mrs.
bie, .Gloria and Doreen; and Gerald
Jordan, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Theo Jordan and three children, Mar-1
jorie Ann, Jack and Tommie; Mr. and
of a Wo'nian,Writer and Her Works.
The district annual will be held in the
United Church at Crediton on June
9 at 10 and 2 p.in.
IBedore leaving to assume his duties
in the Dominion Blank at Brantford,
Mr. Wm, J. Faulkner was presented.
with a beautiful leather wilting set
by the members of St. James' Choir,
Mr. Faulkner has been a very faithful
and calpal:de member of the choir for.
some time and will be much missed,
not only in the chair but in other
societies •of Which he was a member.
The Horne and School Association
will discontinue their meetings for the
summer months. A great deal has
been accomplished during ,"the past
season Miany poor families have
been suppl'iedwith milk and clothes.
A lantern was also purchased for the
public school. We do' hope the public
will continue to support the Home
and School' by attending their day at
the' Tiny Tim golf course, Friday,
June 5th, afternoon and evening.
W. M. S.
The W.M.IS. of North Side 'United
Church niet at the home of Mrs. J.
R. Scott on Thursday afterndon of
last week when about sixty ladies
were present. The day being ideal,
a very enj=oyable social hour was
spent roaming around the beautiful
grounds of the host and hostess, lir.
and Mrs. Scott. Early in the aftee-
noon, a very dainty and delicious
lunch was served by Circle No. 3.
Miss Govenlock had charge of the
dev=otional program. Mrs. Porteous
gave the' Bible reading. Miss Law-
rence lead in prayer. A. duet by -Mrs.
Tyerman and Mrs. W: Cudmore was
very sweetly given. Miss A. Fergu-
son and Mrs. Laing gave very inter-
esting and full reports of the Presby-
terial held in Hensall on April 28th.
Miss Ferguson took the morning ses-
sion and Mrs. Laing the afternoon
session, dwelling mostly on Mrs.
Lougley's address.
The MelKillop Branch of the 'Wo-
men's Missionary Society of First
Presbyterian Church met for the May
meeting on Thursday, May 28th, at
the home of Mrs. Robt, Govenlock.
There were 43 ladies present. Mrs.
Wm. Thompson presided and opened
the meeting with hymn 776. Mrs. Wnr.
Drover read the Scripture lesson from
Matthew, 10th Chapter, which was
followed with prayer 'by Mrs. Chas.
Brodie, The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read and the roll call was
responded to by a verse of Scripture.
iIrs. John Carter sang a pleasing solo
entitled "Crown Jesus King," accom-
panied on the piano by Mrs. Nellie
McMillan, Mrs. Koine gave an ex-
cellent report of the provincial meet-
ing held in Windsor in April. It was
bo'tli inspirational and practical and
gave many ideas that could be put into
practice in the Society. Mrs. Nellie
McMillan played a delightful piano
solo. Miss Jean Scott gave an ex-
cellent lesson on "Otir National Mis-
sions" summing up the work of the
missions in a very brief acid able
manner. The collection which was
taken up by little Mildred Aitcheson,
amounted to $1520. ThO meeting
closed with hymn 471 and repeating
the 'Lord's prayer in unison and a
dainty lunch was served. The June
meeting will be held at the home of
'Mrs. John M'cD'owel'l.
Mrs. J. 31. Henderson of Seaforth
received, several broken ribs and one
lease of her glasses broken in a motor
accident (five miles north of Walker-
ton on Saturday, and the other occu-
pants of the car, Mrs. Fred Adams -of
Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Gil-
bert, of Detroit, were bruised and suf-
fered minor injuries,
'Mr. and Mrs 'Gilbert, accompanied
by Mrs.lHenderson and Mrs. Adams,
were on their way to open their sum-
mer cottageatPort Elgin. While go-
ing through fresh gravel the left rear
tire blew out, causing the car to
swerve -from the road, turn complete-
ly over once and come to rest on its
side in the ditch. No glass in the
windows was broken and the "three
ladies, who were riding in the front,
seat; were able: to extricate themselves
without trouble and release .Mr. Gil-
bert who was .held fast in the rumble
seat. Mrs. Gilbert, an experienced
and careful driver, was at, the wheel
when the accident occurred.) When
the traffic officer arrived he exoner-
ated any person from blame, pointing
out that a sharp piece of stone had
penetrated deep into the tire and.
caused the blow out.
The auto was laden with provisions
for 'the. summer cottage o tae and many
fruit jars were scattered on the road
side but curiously
none were broken,
The party were driven to Port Elgin
by a' Walkerton garageman, the car
being left at Walkerton for repairs as
one of the rear wheels' was shattered,
;They got the car and: returned to Sea -
forth on !Sunday and Mr. and Mrs,
Gilbert left for their hone in Detroit
Tuesday- morning.
Jordan Family Reunion -A reunion
of the Jordan family was held \lay
31st, at the home of Mr, and' Mrs,
7This vans
the Inst
time in 15 years that it was possible
for the fancily all to be together, the
occasion also being the completion of
Mr. Jordan's -25th year as Postmaster
at Dublin. The mit-sof-town members
of the family were: Mr. and, Mrs; Ly-
all Jlordan anti three children, Bob -
Jerome Jordan and lir, Joseph Jor-
dan, all of Detroit; sister M. Jerome
and Sister M. Evelyn, of the Ursuline
Academy at 'Chatham, and Miss .Mar-
garet Jordan, of Windsor- Twenty-
four were served at thinner and the re-
ception in the afternoon brought to-
gether many who had not met in
years. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan were
presented with a beautiful Cogswell
their and a gift of silver.
Mr, and Mrs. John Kenny of De-
troit spent the holiday with his p=ar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kenny.
Mrs. Dan ,Elliott o'f Windsor is vis-
iting friends in the village,
Mr. George H'ol'land visited friends
in Seaforth during the week.
•Mr. P. Dili and 'brother 'Joe, of De-
troit are guests of their parents, Mr,
and Mrs. P. Dill, over the holiday..
Miss .Mary ,Hills of London is visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Hills} .
Mr, and Mrs 'Win. Byrne and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Byrne and
family, all of Detroit, are holidaying
at the hone of Mrs. 'Wm. 'Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kale of Sea -
forth, spent Friday the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Flanagan.
Mrs. Tony Burns is visiting friends
Mrs. Archie Forbes wishes to
thank the Ladies' Guild o'f St. Marys'
Church, Dublin,'for the delicious bas-
ket of fruit sent her in her illness, also
all friends and neighbors who gave a
helping hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith spent a
few days with iDunnville friends._
lir, and Mrs, Cecil O'Connel and
fancily and Annie Watters of Detroit
visited friends around Dublin over
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan held a
family reunion an Sunday 1 w,vhen
all the members of the famwere
present, It is fifteen,yearsince
they have all been togethers before.
Mrs. Wm. hlahaffy, an old resident
of Hibbert, died on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Feeney were in
London on Wednesday attending the
wedding of their son, Thomas, and
Miss O'Reilly of that city.
Miss Lizzie Ryan of Seaforth is
home this week taking care of her
mother, Mrs, Pat. Ryan, who is sick
with the flu.
Miss B. MdGrarh of Stratford re-
turned Nolte Monday after visiting
friends in Dublin over Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Blood of Detroit vis-
ited Mr, and Mrs- Pat. Ryan over.
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
James Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Jordan, inet with a very serious
car accident in Toronto last week.
Messrs. James and Basil Kelly mo-
tored to New Hamburg on Sunday
Misses ,Florence and Calista Kelly
visited Hiss Josephine Haunn over
the week end in New Hamburg..
Mr, and Mrs. Art O'Connor and
family of Detroit visited this week
end with the 'fortner's brother, Dan-
iel O'Connor.
Miss Marie Benninger of Hamilton
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. M.. ,Benninger,
Miss "Annie Ryan of London spent
a few days this week ' with her pat-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Ryan.
Mrs. Win. Mulcahy of California is
holidaying with her sister, Mrs, and
Mr, Michael Doyle.
Report of S. S. No. 14, Stanley, for
May. -'sr. IV. -Margaret McKenzie81, Mabel Talbot 74. Jr. IV. -Andrew
McKenzie 84, Margaret Jones 63, El-
mer :Hayter 63, 'Wilmer Jones 61,
Wesley Jones 57, Alex. MclBeath 55,
Mary Aldrich, (absent). Sr. 1111-
Audrey Cochrane 73, Harvey Hayter
70, Aubrey Farquhar 62, Hiarold
Tones 62. Sr. +III -Mary Farquhar 73,
Kathleen !Jane's 64, George Tifton.
56. Jr. II.=Eric Switzer (absent).
I.-ID'onald Switzer, (Ernest 'Talbot,
Kenneth McKenzie, Mervin Hayter
(absent). Pr. -Lois IRath'well, (Eileen
Hayter, (jean ;Speir, Mildred Jones,
Donald McKenzie. Numbberon roll
26, average attendance 118:80.
P. C. Peirfolcl, Teacher,
Mr. Frank MCCIip'chey was to To-
ronto on business 011 Tuesday,
MISS Margaret McKinley visited
relatives in Detroit last week. She
made the trip with her cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. B. Lavis, of Clinton.
(There will be no services in the
churches on the Varna charge next
Sunday as the pastor, Rev. E. A.
Poulter, 15 attending conference at
'M'r. and Mrs. Fred Greenbury of
Flint visited with the latter's sister,
Mrs. Thos. Robinson on ,Sunday.
-Mr. Wilson Campbell, Miss Letitia
iIac Toa
Under the auspices of the
of First Presbyterian Church
At the I-Iouie of
Goderich St. East
e 4
From 4 to 7 P.M.
Admission 25 Cents
lat Special al LPricesow
We have been fortunate in securing
a few special China Sets at prices
that are very much reduced. Cheaper
in fact than pre-war prices.
43 piece Dinner Set, complete for 6,
gcod; quality ,FrenchC
dinner ware at '.. , . , . �.w7
The Set
23 piece Tea Sets, very pretty designs,
real china 2
good quality, at ■ 47
These are reduced in price to very
much below present values, and are
new designs, 'very pretty shapes and
the quality is surprisingly good.
Fred S. Savauge
Opposite Post Office.
Phones 194.
Res. 10.
Cantpbefi and Hiss Mae Campbell of
Seaforth spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Jean McKinley.
Mr. and Mrs, Meno Steckle sr and
their three sons, Dan, Oliver and Asa,
spent the week end at Markham.
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Carnie spent
Monday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs.
Jas. Allan of Zurich.
.fir. and Mrs. Milton -Sleep and fa-
mily of Goderich tp. spent Wednes-
day evening with Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Haugh and family of
Tuckersmith paid a brief visit on
Tuesday last at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Carnie.
Miss Marsh of Auburn spent the
week -end" with 'Miss Elizabeth Snow-
den of the Sauble line.
Mr. Gladwin Westlake visited with
friends at St. Thomas last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Penhale and
family spent a couple of days at Lon-
don and St. Thomas last week..
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake
spent Sunday- the guests 0f friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Rhyel of Detroit spent
the week -end with Miss R. Snowden
of the S'auble Line.
Township Road Work. --Payments
for road work in the Township of
Tuckersmnth for the month of 'May,
1931, are as follows:.Ro'bt. Dalrymple,
road superintendent, $718.00; Thos.
Hodgert, running engine, $5472;
Wilbert 3/lethally, drag line, $35.50;
A. McGregor, trucking gravel, . $311.6'4;
Will Coleman, trucking gravel $21.60;
Amos Townsend, dragging, ng, $6.00;
Wilson McCartney, dragging, $5.00;
Wm. Bell, drag -ging, $7.00;
Chapman, dragging, $17.30; 'Win.
Hoggarth, ditching, $9.00. Total,
$263.66. -Root. D•alrynnple, Road Su-
perintendent. ,
The farmers here are busy prepar-
ing the land and sowing corn, roots
and beans.
Miss Reta Fear of Toronto spent
the 24th at her home here,
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Crich of Pon-
tiac. -'Mich., spent the week end visit-
ing relatives here.
iMr, Jos. G. Crich is a delegate to
the annual conference of the United
Church which meets at Chatham this
Mr, Allan Jahns of Toronto spent
the holidays at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Nia-
gara Falls spent tiie week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay,
Mr. K•ennethh Jackson has started
his duties as enumerator.
Mrs. John Elgie and Dorothy have
returned after a two weeks' visit in
Mission Band. -The fourth m;eeting
of the Helping Hand Mission Band
was held on Saturday, May 30, with
a large attendance. Marion Little pre-
sided and opened the meeting with
hymn 1The Scripture v 7 S. Scriilur 1
c esson h
t the
23rd Psalm, was repeated in unison
after which Mrs: Dodds led in pay-
er. The roll call was then answered.
and hymn 745 was sting Mrs Dodds
conducted the study period, which
had for its topic, "Schools in Japan.",
The minutes were read by the Secre-
tary and then a few business items
were discussed. A pleasant half hour
was spent in singing and the meeting
closed with the Lord'sprayer,
lir. John Afntstrong, of London is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ferg. Btil-
1•f.rs, George Eaton spent last week
lvith her sister, Mrts. Harold /Small
tion. of
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late George C. Dale,
Huron Road, on Tuesday,
• 'Court of Revision was held in the
hall holiday.
The enuntetators are on their
The school report of S.'S. No. 3;
Tuckers'mith for the months of April
and May, based on w=eekly examina-
tions.. The names are arranged in or-
der of merit,
V.-lJean Watson 68. Jr. IV. -Jas..
McCully 74. Bobby Dalrymple 72,
*Mary McCully 68, W. D. Wilson.
64, Arthur Wright 63, Earl Papple •
55, Beatrice A'rms'trong 53. Sr. III. -
*,Annie Papple 79, Delbert Taylor
75, Mac Wilson 74, *A=lice Wright
68. Jr. III -\Layne Watson 75, Is-
abel Armstrong 68, Donald MacDon-
ald 65, *Grace Dalrymple 52. Sr. 1I..
-*Elsie Robins 80, Myrtle Papple'
73, *!Ervin Sillery 71, -Muriel Wright
67, Ivan Taylor 66, Jr, I'I.-*±Hazel
Wilson 80, Morley Wright 70, *Tres-
ton Dallas 6i. Allan Hill 67, *{Bobbie
Watson 67, Milton Taylor 47. Sr. Pr.
-Anna Watson 80, John Calwill• 8131.
Lloyd Papple 7-4, Jr. Pr, -*Ethel_
Wilson, 'I'Olive Papple, Freda Hill-;
Morley Wright, Ivan Taylor and' El-
sie Robins had one mistake each. in:
the daily spelling for April. For May,
Elsie Robins had perfect marks and;
Mayne Watson and Anna Watson
had one mistake each. T'hose marked
with an asterisk had perfect atter,
dance for both months,
M. McNaughton, Teacher.
Rev. W. A. 'Bremner and Mr. Wal-
ter Moffat are attending 'the .confer--
ence of the United Church which is.
'being held in Chatham this week..
Rev. J. Smith, agent for the B'ibl'e
Society, will conduct divine service
next Sunday morning, in the United
Church. The evening service will be
withdrawn on account of the 'a'bsence
of the minister.
Mr. acid Mrs. Jas. McQueen visited
friends in Brussels last week.
Mrs. Jas. Moodie visited friends. fin
Goderich this week,
Mr. Hugh McGregor of Detroit^.
spent the week -end at his home in the
the many friends of Mrs. L. For --
rest were glad to see her at chtuclr
again after an .absence of over two
months on account of illness.
Mrs. G. Elgie of Tu:ckersmith visit. _
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
and other friends iii the village' last -
Mr. John Cornish purchased a che-
vrolet special car from .ilr. Passmore.
of Hensal].
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton and"
Kenneth of MelK'ill•Op, also Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Thornton of Henfryn
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hier -
man;' Broduilagen east of Dublin on
Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Leeniirtg,
and son Ross were visiting with :Wr:
and Mrs. Thomas Leeiniiig Jr. Suis--
day evening.
Itt. and kiss. John Kintner, Mr_.
and Mrs. Keinneth Kintner and son -
Robert and Miss Vera Kistner spent:
Sunday under their parental roof; a+ls:c'.
Mr. and Mts. Hodgins, al from•Kit-
chener and Waterloo.
Mr. and Airs. Wilfred McKay and
daughter, also the former's father,.
Mr. 'ose ,
J h McKay, Ka of
London, o were •
visiting' Mr, John 'Houlden onn Stand .-
da. afternoon:
y e bon;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Laidlaw of
California, are at present visiting at
the home of the former's sister, l4rs.-
John Smith,
The Ladies' Aid of Burns' United'
Church arc holding their June meet-
ing on Wednesday afternoon at the,'
hone of Mrs. Thos, Neilans with
Mesdames Leiper and Smith assist-
Service in Burns.' United Church•
will be taken by the W.\f,S, this
Sunday Service will be at the usual'"
IGERIR. 1In Oshawa General Hospi
tai on Friday, May 29, 1931, to Mr..
and Mrs; Howard II: Herr, a sone
(James Tan).