HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-05-21, Page 8a -a _''9°tom '4v ,r •;• .. PAGE EIGHT. rss THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1931 'interment HEN$ALL. foursome visit the loon, where took place and a large number of friends attend- TO VV 1�1 TOPI(�S TOWN a PROFESSIONAL CARDS Make up a and Tiny G'olf Course on Tim ecl The three °act play entitled "Be an TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO • • Buy In Eyn ondville Medical May2fh May -5th. ;Mr. Lloyd Davis' bf Toronto spent his Optimist, put on p p by the Young of the United Churclx in the May,1905• DIR, H, I tJ1GIH ROSS, Physician a`fe'w clays last week with moth- er, Mrs. W. C. Davis. Mrs. William Davis • ,has ,during this, Creek . reatl imP roved the ap- Oast S Y P earance of her residence on the cot- n' townPeople evening town hall on Friday last was. well, attended. All took their pants very creditably. The stage was nice- vi cleconated for the acts. The Rev. A. Sinclair acted as chairmlan and the 'Robert _McMurray, of Bei/field, is the new fishing. overseer, succeeding g James Yates, .of Godericli, He. has jvrfsdiction.over the shore from Kin - Grana Bend, The position todance Picnic Hams per lb, 19C' Crown Blend Tea per Ib "' """ 3C Ind Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pita], 'London, E'n'gland. Special attention to disease's of the eye, ear, nose and'throat, Office and res - Office per of Verson and South Richman d nor streets. 1 The fence has been ` takenear.' improv- I-Ieosall orchestra played beEween -givenis ants. Violin selections were byY Miss G. Laananie and a solo by Mr. cardme worth $150 a _Mr. James Moore, who has carried - English Breakfast Q 4 - Red Rose Tea - . ���' Dominion Bank. behind Dion Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104 . away end the lawns greatly ed. The work Wasdoneby Mr. Har- Sam Rennie both accompanied by the mails on the Blyth and 'Auburn died at lufs_resi- Tea per Ib: .0 per lb. .. DR. P. J. BURROWS, 'Seafortls ry Smith;• NIT.. William Consitt, Census Com -rd for 5oulth Huron, has been, Miss E. Fisher on the piano, ISacramen't of the Lord's' Supper was observed in the Carmel' Presby- route for many years, deuce in Auburn last Wednesday. Mrs. Rich. Welsh of the -i con- 2 Tins Salmon tall 2�'c Rideau Bill Coffee /� 'per ib. , , .. , .. , , 'T9 C+ Office and residence, Godericin street, east of the United Churdli, Coroner for the County of Huron. Telephone missioncr holding schools of instruction for the enumerators, two days each at Exe- teri-an Church on Sunday mrnr•i'ing wi• th the Rev._Da. i rIlroy having 'charge of the services. cession of Usborne, n•arrorvvly escaped serious injury il'asf week, ,She was horses for 'her hos Rolled Oats 2l 25 90 lb. ....,. , , o Purity Flour 2 99 per cwt. , ,.,,.:+ • ■ No, 46, ter, Clinton and 'Seaforth, finisihing on - Anniversary services of the 'United holding a 'team of frightened; , UR, C. IfIAlOKJAY.—C. Mackay, Saturday.'Robert Higgins will be. g enumerator for Hensall; Jos. for Na. Inc No, 1, and William Slao'in for No. 5, Tuckersmfth, All the enumerators passed m their examinations and icor, capable class Church will be held on Sunday, May 31 and will be conducted by the Rev, Mr, Lane of Seaforth: . The sale of home-made capking un- der the auspices of the.St:.laauil's An- gitcan Church en Saturday afternbbn' band, 'when they became and she was thrown in front of the h IMO wheels passing over wagon, t eP her head. Fortunately she escaped with a bad scalp wound. Made Suddenly Rich. It will pay you to buy your 1 F J. Table Supplies in Egmondville; horror graduate of Trinity University and gold xatedallist of Trinity Medio College;' member of the College of Physicians and Surgeoips of Onutario- f will have a very of men to take the census for South Huron. Mrs. Jahn Murdoch is having her Mrs. House shingled and otherwise im- proved. The Workisbeing done by Mr. Fraser and Mr. Jos. Hagan,e.ter !Geiger & Sons are again sowing quite a large acreage'of flan in this district, A court of revision on the assess- be held avas well attended: Th•e liission Band of the United Church are putting on an- entertain- ment in the basement of the'- church on Friday evening, A good program will be given and Mrs, Layton of Ex- will address the meeting• iar A quiet'weddingwas solemnized at the Presbyterian p. Ohurch' manse on Saturday ale 5 p -ail when l Mr Cath -Kincardine, Brine Willett, daughter of Mr. 'and erne Mrs. Irwin ilcil'lert of Ha was'unittd (1Faom the Ripley Expuess). Lt is not often that a man's death is re- ceived with joy, but suchwas the case on Friday night, when a tele - gram reached 'Am•berley announcing the death df Ur. John Coultard of l�ippen. The good news o#, his death vas received in Huron, Ashfield and with a certain amount of pleasure, by ithose persons whe `were interested in his.demise. The late • m eF8 We 'have on hand a good stock of high-grade concrete tile, sizes. 3" to. 8", 'We also make •on or - THE PURE BRED .CLYDESDALE STALLION Carbrook Flashlight (24641) Enrolment No.• 1958. Approved. Form 1• Will stand at his own stable, lot 3, 3, Hallett,- for the season -of •insure, DR. F. J. R FOtRSSTEIR Eye, Ear edi Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- 'University of Toronto' 1897 Late Ats'sfstaut New York O'plxthal- Lite min and Aural Iaystitute, Mooreefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospr Comm - \els, London, England. At Co+nm- ercial Hpael, Seaforf'h, 3rd :Monday in each ,month from id a.m. to 3 pan - roll of the village will g in -the town hall oil Mondayevening, 'in In marriage to .Bruce Koehler, son of y r. and Mrs. Oscar Koehler, the Rev. I Dr. Mein -soy The . John ,Coultard has a hfstor and to brief chronicle the story in a brief manner der sizes up to 16". Now 1s the time to get yours, 1931. Terms tp $8,00. 1931. T. J. McMICHA'EL, Prop,. DR: W. C. SIPIROIAIT,- iGraduate of University June 1. Quite a number of appeals have been entered. Mr, Josh. Ashton of Seaforth was in town on Monday. Mr. W. L. MdLaren spent Friday in Seaforth. The A,Y.P,A, of the St.' Pall's Anglican Church held their meeting effcciating: .bride was becomingly gowned in white silk crepe with accessories to match. Miss Greta Koehler, sister of the groom, Greta the only attendant. The adjourned" hearing of J'o'hn Boekholt, charged by Ariiiour Todd with an assault, was again up before Magistrate Reid on Tuesday . after- we might say that many years ago the deceased, who was a bachelor; laugh+t -school at 'Lochalsh, axil also owned a. farm, loaned money, arid' was looked anon as a rich man. FIe had a nephew in the Old 'Coun'try to whom he sent money to pay his pas- to Canada. The nephew retained ALSO Do you know, 70% of fires are caused':by defective chin- ne s' Are' o a y , y urs safe. See us at once about our new style fireproof chimney. - . The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion • m n Clamant (12115) will stand at his own stable at Dublin, forseason of 1931. Ile will make calls on request. Phone 24 r 19,': Dublin Faculty of Medicine, of Western On'ta'rio, London. Member of Collage of Physicians and Sur- g eon's of Ontario. Office in rear o€ Aber -har't's drug store, Seaforth Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.30 -9 p,nt, Other hours by appointment. on Monday evening. A good oaten- dance was present as this was the last meetingof the year. After the noon. A large crowd' wase present, including quite a few neighbors, Crown Attorney' Dudley Holmes " Jr. sage the money and refused to leave his native land. Coultard then made a R. Frost & Son central, for dates. Terms $13 at stable, 1st of February prompt. $14 on calls. 'William H. Keeler, Dublin, Ont. Dental busi- prosecuted and a' Donnelly defended. vow that none of his relatives should opening exercises and general Hess discussed a one -sot play was. The prisoner was 'found guilty of the and be by 12a- receive a dollar of his wealth. For SEAFORTH. Phone 183 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. J A. 14U?�r4Q, Successor` to of A'ortlt- R. R. Ross North - given after which a social hour. was change will sentenced Reid nett Tuesday. the past 35 'years he has loaned fromDr. NOTICE is hereby given that all graduate s ant and a dainty lunch was served. pMr. lir. and Mrs. T. C. Joynt spent the week curl at Toronto. ;Services in the United Church on Sunday were well attended -with Rev. A. Sinclair delivering fine sernx'ons. gistrate and Mrs. Roy McLaren' spent Sunday with friends in Staffs: Wedding hells are ringing in the vicinity., County Officer Lever was in town Tuesday checking up on the cars. $50,000 to $75,900, on condition that the rate .of 6 per cent, be paid as long as he lived, and when be'died the deed of the property was to be given to those who had money borrowed, whether it be one year or thirty. It �� h •• % Automobile �•a Insurance creditors and others having claims against the estate of Sarah Jane Sten- ey, late of the Township of .l'IdKi1- lop, in the 'County of Huron, widow, who died on the lith day of April, 1931} are required to send to the un- * western University, Chicago, I11, IA centiate Royal College of Dental'Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 151. 4. in the, morning special parts in the anthem were taken by Miss G. Lam- mie and Mr. T. Sherritt and in the eveninga solo by Mrs. A. Joynt, Mr. Melvin Sohoenhals of Clinton was in town on Tuesday on business. Mr. Harry'Joynt of Toronto is vis- sting at his home here. is no surprise that the news o'f the old gentleman's death was pleasati'tly _re- calved, as many mortgages are Blow paid up and man farmers in Huron y Mr. Motorist: The first question you'will be asked if you are involved in an , dersigne'd • solicitor for the executors full particulars and verified by ells- davit of their claims on or before th 8th day of June, 19H. DR. F. J. B1EOHtELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons. g g Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's 'Quite a number from here, attend- ed the anniversary services at Kip- Church Sunda last. ' ST. COLUMBAN Mr. 'Thomas I'IoQuaid of Windsor have a clear title to their property. Good Horses. - Messrs, John and Andrew Flynn of automobile accident, is "Can you give proof of financial response- bility?" And Notice is Further Given* that after the said last mentioned date the to distribute grocery, Main St,, Seaforth. Phones. office 1851W, residence 1'85J. pen United on Y Miss Lizzie Slavin returned home Tuesday after a couple of weeks with is at his home here' convalescing af- ter his recent operation for appends- .. Hullett township sold a team of horses the other day to Mr. McClus- Let us show you how this can be arranged for you. ' executors will proceed the assets of the said deceased Navin regard only to the claims of tt'hich g Auctioneer. ' her brother in Stanley, Miss Ruby McLaren spent Satur- day in Stratford, Mr. Ed. McQueen is assisting in the store of Mr. W. J. White while the latter is on his vacation. Mr. Mrs. Dan Dew Usborne ctu -lir, Charles 1'Ialone of Windsor spent the week end with his parents here. Mr. James Kelly has hired with Mr., Joseph .Stapleton for the summer: Misses Mildred and Gertrude Mc- key of Goderich -Inc the sum of $450. This is a prettyplaced good price for a team were good horses, such as but theyp the Flynn boys are noted Inc raising. Blyth Assessment. The assessment of the village of Blyth for 1905 is as follows: Real All Bible and Let in res un- business P give prompt cam anies whoday efficient service. quote you our new low prices. s theythen shall have had notice. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this _0th .of iliay, 4931. JIOIHN j. HUG+G+A`RD, •us Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. 'GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer Incfor the Count of Hufora Arran gements can' be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guranteed- and of were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Consitt. lir. and Mrs. Devlin of Stratford Fred} Corbett with )Jr, and Mrs, The Young People of Cannel Pres- Grath of Waterloo spent the week end here. Harold Maloney of Detroit was home on .Sunday. V. J. McGrath and Leo Holland of Windsor paid a flying visit here over the week end. property, $61,639, buildings, $178,347; $ taxable income, 394$; business as - sessment, $3}630,60 total real and. pars$283Sial 31 64gopop population, taxable income;' Seaforth, Remarkable Experience.(.Suecssors Chainberlain INSU'RA'NCE AGENCY Ont. Phone 334 WOOD FOR SALE. I have a few cords of hardwood deft for sale, delivered in Seaforth; $5:00 a cord for beech and maple; $4.00 for maple slabs; $3,00 for soft wood, delivered in town. Apply to WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY to' Joules 'Watson) byterian Church held their meeting -Mr, Roy ,Scott had a remarkable T. J. RICHA'RD$ON, Phone 148r22 MAIN S'T., SEAPORTS, O=NT. on Monday evening, After the open- ing exercises the minutes and the roll Of'ller's +Worm Powders are sweet escape an 1Vednesiiay. When the CARD OF THANKS. storm came up he eves doing some - Mr. Charles Else and 'Mr. anal Mrs. Seaforth. 24. Al! kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest in First call were given after which the Scrip- ture reading was read by Miss D. and palatable to children, who shows no hesitancy in taking them. They will certainly bring all worm troubles repairing at the top of an electric Robert Archibald wish to express light pole near the Temperance 1Hall.p their appreciation and thanks Inc the He descended to- FARM FOR SALE rates -Class Companies. p Little. An interestingfeature of the evening was a debate, resolved that "City Life is More Beneficial to the to an end. They are a strengthening and stimulating medicine, correcting quickly the round q Yg kindness shower during their recent and had -got not more than fifteen feet bereavement. away when a bolt of lightning s'truc'k Lot 11, Concession 4, H,R.S., Tuck- ersmith,'containing 100 acres of chaise land, situated on county 'road, 1% THE: McKILLOP Young People than Country Life." The affirmative side won. Miss Alice Walker of London spent a few days at her home here, Mrs. of London is visiting the disorders of digestion that the worms cause and imparting a healthy tone to the system most beneficial to development, the pole. Had he been a few nun- A PLAY utes later in descending the pole, the "'Safety First," will be presented by consequences would no lasso's have the Young People in Duff's United been fatal. Church MdKill'ap, on Wednesday ev- Put on Grass. mules south of the prosperous Town of Seaforth, on theC.NR.; convenient to schools, churches and markets. This £arm is all underdrained well fenced about 2 acres of fruit trees. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. i home at the home of her daughter, 1lrs, (Dr.) Collyer. Want and For Sale Ads., 3 times 50c ening, May 27th, at 8:15, Admission Eighty steers, mostly three-year- `25c. olds, were driven up the 'Huron 'Road choice The soil is excellent and in a good state of cuivation and all suitable for. FIAIR�I AND ISOLATED TOWN Mn and Mrs. hark Drysdale and Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Goodwin mot- Dred to Niagara Falls on Sunday {nom.* ?' yam . Wednesday afternoon las , to what PLANTS FOR SALE. has been known as Bech'ler''s reserve 'We have a larger •supply this on the Maitland river, about three Tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, as- the growth of alfalfa, no waste land: •year: The farm is well watered with two never failing wells, also a flowing; PROPERTY, 0 NI, Y, INSURED' Officer jam Coxinoll y' C'gdu` ich, Pres.; where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent Sat- urd'ay in Stratford. Mr. and fins. J. White spent a TENDER'S 11,0,12. GOAL SI7NIJED 'DECODERS S addressed to miles front tGoderich. They belonged ters, snapdragons, petunias, and zip- to Mr, -Robert .Winters, who valued nias. Apply' to .AILBlERT BIA!I{!IiB; the drove at $4,000. The reserve once Railway ;Street, ,Seaforth; 23. consisted of 1,900 aores; has spring in the farm yard; about 4tl acres plowed and reading for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall 'wheat; remainder is seeded with The James Evans, Beechwoad, Vice President; D. F. McGregor. Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—W'ni, Rin•n, No. 2, Sea few days with their daughter at Col- hn wood. Mrs. Robert Bell spent a few days friends in Cromarty last week; Mr. Wiliam Reynolds of Til'son- berg, is visiting his sister here for a few days. the Purchasing Agent, Department Of Public Works, Ottawa, will be receiv-forth; ed at his dffice until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving), Monday. lune 8, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications some been sold off, but it still' continues to PLANTS FOR SALE. be one of the largest "ranches" in the Choice Snap -Dragon now ready, by county. the box or by the dozen; Petunias, count Kicked byHorse, large and small, cabbage and naafi- A daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Janes flower, also a few other varieties of Dorrance of the northgravel road Rowers. .A. L. 'I'OIRTEOIPS, West was the victim of what might have street, Seaforth. 23. ,alfalfa. buildings are first class in a*cellent repair, the herhous istbrick andis it mo Y p with fur pace, hard and soft water on tap, a three-piece bathroom; rural telephone, also rural mail. The outbuildings con- sist 'of barn 50x80' feet with stone stabling under; all floors in stable - Jodtn Benntewies, Brodbagea; lames Evans Beechwood; M. Ile Ewen, Clinton• Jantes Connolly, y' erich; Alex. B'road'foot, No, 3, Sea - forth; J, M. S'hotd'fee, N0, 4, `l4ralton, 'Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc - No. 3, Seaforth; \surra 'Mr. and Mrs. Willis Powell of Ex- eter visited Friend's in town on lion- day, bir John Dick of Orillia was a re- cent visitor with friends here.ment and conditions attached can be ob- twined from G. W. Dawson, Purchas- in•g Agent, Department . of Public lVorls, Ottawa; and R. Winter, Dis- trfct Resident Architect, 59 61 Vic- loris Street, or is Ont. been a 'serious accident of Fridayy morning. •Miss Donrance is a pupil WANTED of the Collegiate, and while wheeling A limited number of cattle for to school endeavored to pass between pasture, water and grass guaranteed. two .wagoxxs, when one of the horses S.H:ILLINIGUAWPhone 133 r . Seaforth. T. G. viciously kicked at her, smashing the cement; the stabling has water sys- •tem installed. A good frame driving shed, 24x4$ feet; a 2 -storey henhouse 16x36 feet. A brick • pig pen with ce- floors capable of 'housing about .Cartney, 'Gibson, Brucelfield. Agens—James Watt Blyth r-r- No. 1, E. Hinckley,, Seafortis; J. A- Murray,r.r. No. 3,Seafortfi EF -J Yeo, (Mrs. H. Little visited Inc a few clays last week with friends in Han- over. s The manyfriends of Mn.W. J. Elder are glad to hear he is improv- ing after his recent severe illness. •Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hanan en lijt- shell visited with Mn and Mrs. Her- man Daynvan on Sunday. Tenders will not be considered un- I made on the forms ,supplied•, by; the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the sue-' cessful tenderer a deposit, not ex- ceedin• 10.per cent of the amount of the tender, o secure the proper fu1- wheel, She as put luta one of the FOR SALE wagons and taken home although not Used cars and new ! ht sler, Pl ' y' y' seriously injured. mouth Hudson -Essex e $oto cars. Lease of 200,000 Acres, Pleased to have you call and look In a recent issue of the Medicine them over, Very low,prices. S. OAR Hat News is given a list of the lease TER, East half W. Wright's garage, and the Goderich St. East. 22S holders of land in bald puncher of acres held by each. Among 40 ,pigs. The house, stables and barn have hydro installed. Anyone desir- ing al first class home and choice farm shouldsee this. On account •of 111 health I will sell reasonable, Besides she above 1 am offering lot 27,con-. cession 12, Hibbert,consistin f o 100 acres choice land, 65 acres well under- drained. Holmesvble; R. G. Jarznoncls Bornholan. James Kerr and John Go- Go - venlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurance or frau- sant other business, will be Promptly attended p P t ted to by application to any of the abobe named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Horton of De fitment of the contract, is reserved,grass By order,others in the list is the Cresswell Cat- SEAFORTH MARKETS. 10 acre's maple bush, all seed= ed to no waste land. On the troit, were recent visitors with friends ]tore. lAnniversary service's will be held in the Carmel Presbyterian Church y on Sunday, JunY 14 h. Rev. Mr. N. DE'S'ARDI•N'S, 'Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa,May13, 1931. tie 'Co„ which has a lease holding of upwards of 200,000 acres which makes them man times over the largest ranchers in that part of the West. letter to The News, Mr. H. ll. - Eggs, per doz• , •, .., , , , , lOc, llc, 13'c Butter, per lb. 20c Potatoes, per o pbag 90c Hogs, per cwt. 7.50 $nt- $8•UU premises are a good bank barn 48x56 feet and frame 'house, an excellent •miles The farm iprospe onsted about 5 from the cons village of.R, THOSE WERE THE DAYS MERRY MAR7,ON D.AVIES Mea nilelon one-quarternof C,Nool takes ofGotheaserll vicef sl Blyth will have charge Mr. Jahn Sheppard y� RIIptIil'e' G pert lJlel•e 1: F' Cres1 eredswell andweli everything es that ilooks f fe cattle avor- able for early beef, as there is fairly LIVE STOCK MARKETS, fromhe' and church. This farm has neve er beenon you the gay nineties its "T• HEbELD;ORA!D'O GIRL" • is improving his property on Kin, street by hay- lug a new garage built, Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser and Mrs. Fred Simmons were recent vis -Art, itors With friends in Chiselhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Hudson and Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson were in Eg- Do you suffer from rupture? If so,good your big opportunity has. now arrived .Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture ex- eCows—=$3,25 will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth for one day only Friday, May 29th and will be pleased to give free exam- beef on the range now. Invited to Brooklyn. g The Beaver' Lacrosse Club have re- eeived and accepted an invitation from the Crescent Club of Brooklyn to play an exhibition game in that- city on June 3rd next, In all probability other games will be arranged for the Toronto. Butcher Cattle— $4:50 to $6 cwt. 'Heavy steers $5;25 to $67:50 cwt. to $4.50 cwt. .'Fee Calves—$6 to $7 cwt, Calves (choice)'---$6-to $7.50 cwt. Spring •Lambs --$12.00 to $1'5:00 cwt Buffalo. cropped. much and is in excellent shape for cropping or pasture, I will sell these. farms together or separate- ly to suit purchaser. l or furtherPlaners, par-, titulars apply to the proprietor, Sea_ forth, R.R. 4, or phone 21 on 133 Seaforth, THOS. G, S:HI.LLI'N!G LA.W, •Proprietor,_ Back to the time of balloon sleeves, bust/es and tandem bu.I, es Frolicsome, delightful, different! dru' stg PA , g ore cowboys and azz of thirty years ago. 'Funnier than The Family Album HERE THIS WEEK END 1,8 :, moxidville Saturday attending the fu- neral of their father, the late William illation to any 'sufferers and to demon- strata Inc famous appliance. Appliance trip, and with alt expenses paid this should be an excellent outing for Choice Steers—$S.50 cwt. Calves—$5,50 to $9.50 cwt. FOR THE HOLIDAY Hudson. Mr, Hudson was one of ilte pioneers of this district,. spending practically all his life in this neigh- boyhood, and also resided in Heenan for a time, He had reached the age g of 96 years and until this last year or so was a strong, robust pian: He be- gan to fail about a year ago and gra- dually sank till he passed away on Thursday last. The funeral took place from his late li;ome to the flail-: landbank cemetery 'on S y Saturday after- will contract the opening in• 10 to 15 'days and has been known to cure cases in from three to six months, This appliance is positively demon- strated to g you right on your own e P rson without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right' ap- uliance for you. A consultation with 'arr. Reavely will. cost you nothing, Don't Set this opportunity get away 'from you, 'Remember the date, those who are fortunate enough to be on the' Beaver line 'up ,this year. Obituary. There died at Egmonclville on Sun- dayrang, last one of the oldest residents of the village, fn the person of NeilING Brown, at the ripe old age of $2 years. He was for years a farmer near the Red Tavern in 'Tuckersmith, retiring some years ago to Egniond- villa, ale enjoyed the respect and esteem of a lar large circle of friends. Lonely y Martha Martha hoped', when the telephoneThe drat if was 'fpr her. SureSee enough, it was. "Lonely " said :a voice. "I thou ht I'd call and see," „ S Why mother,' 's'aid Martha, - "how did you know? I did want to talk to you so' badly!" 'Martha and her mother have had a - weekly Long Distance talk ever since, % (� pnj W. C. Govenlo ek McCormick-Demisti Agent 0171' a of SULKY PLOWS, 'PLOWS: AND TRACTORS. AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale good used Manure Spreader. Gangplow, Sul- Al shape,aalso nd'25 25 Ford Sedan in Ford Coupe. For Sale—Robt, Bell' cutting box, 32 ft. carrier, in first. , flan., Tues„ We".) Britisii-make Wartime Comed y Drama 'MAD771VBOhSE'L!L'E FROM ARM - EN'TIERE'S" RINCES;I' P . +-/ �.i .« class Sha e. Set 2,000 Aound Scales_ A .Want and For Sate A.i i s,..,- oc_'