HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-05-14, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1931. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE r OUR .BIIGGEST AS'S'ET Our :policy';of ",playing the game" with thiole` .who deal in Superior Chain ,Stores, in prices and values, is one that returns to us a rich harvest of satisfied customers every year. • We confider that these satisfied customers are our most valuable as'set, and, in passing on to them reduced costs its they take effect, and 117, many other ways, we spare • no effort to keep therm in that contente'd frame Df' mind: ,It is to your, own advantage to deal in,a'Superior Store, WE SEUL THE BEST FOR .LESS. Ptems for Weelc Ending May 20, 1931, SURPRISE SOAP, "A Pure, Hard Soap" 10 Bars 45 c LUX ;TOILET SOAP, "Fora Smooth Skin". .... 3 ;'cakes i QF GREEN GIANT PEAS, "If you want the best"..,. .per tin 1 Q � CHOICE YELUO,W PEACHES w7 in Heavy Syrup, 2's Squat 2 tins' 35 C AYL'MER SOUPS, Assorted (except Chicken) , , . , , 2 `tins 19 e PRINCESS FLAKES and 1 pkg. Super' Suds Free , n, 23 • B'orden's. Chocolate Malted Milk, "Makes an excellent cold drink" .............................8 oz37; 16 oz. 59c Chase & Sataborn's Coffee, "A reliable Coffee . ,S oz. 29c, 16 oz. 57c S. O. S. ScouringPads small 14c; -large 23c Durham Corn Stanch, "The Yellow Package" each 9c Interlake Toilet Tissue "More sold than any other . , .3 rolls 23c Seta King Lobsters, "N'd•w full pack" Ws. ; 21c; /'s..35c Rown'tree's Bars --York Nut 'Milk, York Milk•.small 5c; large 19c , Carnation Evaporated ...... small 3 bins 19c; tall 2 tins 25c Frenlchis Mustard, "For Meats and Fish" - large bottle 14c Kraft 'Cheese. "A quality Cheese" -. , • ... . •- ...... / Ib. plcg, 21c Royal York Tea, "Replacing all others"... ;...f Ib, 28c; 1 lb. 55c Ovalbine, "No moresleepless nights" ISmalt....'50c7 Medium..,.75c; Large ...$1„25 Rice Krispies, Post's Bran, Shredded Wheat 2 for 25c Canada Dry Ginger Ale (IPlus bottles) . 1....1'2 ,oz. 15c; 30 oz. 25c 'C'osts no more than other Ginger Ales" Aylmer Tomatoes, Choice, 2's squat per tin 9c Minulte Tapioca . ..... 2 pkgs. 25c Aylmer Fruits for Salad, large is Squat size' Australian Apricots, 2's tins Centre Pull Wax Paper Roman Meal Tea Cubes Sugar, 2's Powdered Sugar ,3 lbs. 25c Icing Sugar 3 lbs. 25c Pink Salmon /'s, . 10c; l's.. 15c EXTRA S'PEOIA'L'S- 1 per'tin 29c each 23c 3 pkgs. 25c per pkg. 29c 20c Bird's Custard Powder, reg. 20c 1 i 3 for 25c; i's..19c Robinson. Patent Barley, reg. 50c, for 29c P. D. Sauce, reg. 25c, now 10c Heinz .Cider Vinegar, reg, 25c, now 15c McLaren''s Quick Pudding, Coconut, Choc.,Tapioca 2 for 25c Ross J. Sproat: Miss N. Pryce Phone 77 Phone 8 Cream Cream HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. ' Call' in our cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing., No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on W,ednesday and, Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. C. A. BARBER. aft Walker's FUNERAL . SERVICE UNDERTAKING --and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment'diploma and license. Flowers Furnished.. Night or day phone 67.. Chas. A. Howey PIANO TUING AND ORGAN REPAIRING PHONE 327-J, Centre Street says writer on success.' s ys that people should: notice little things , in IEfe. Forgers, of course, often pick up apiece of paperand make a note of it. A Midland's clergyman is trying to` -abolish kissing. Osculation is the sincerest fore' of fiappery. D, H, McInnes Chiropractor' Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth ' Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used, STAFFA. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the hall ois Wednesday afternoon, May 20:th• Mr, and .l'Lrs, Arnold Jeffry of De- troit`spent the week -end under the parental roof, Mr. Howard Leary, London, spent the week -end: with his parents, Mrs, W. Jackson of Miitche'll' is visiting with her son, Mr. Geo. Viv- ian for a fess days. • Mr, George Vipond has treated himself to a new car. Mr, and Mrs. Juo.' Paris and Mrs. M. Temp of Mitchell ,spent Sunday with Mrs, Jas. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. jam. Coyne have re- turned from°their honeymoon at To- ronto, Niagara and points east. Their Many friends tendered them :a hearty reception last Wednesday evening, HIIUDSGREEN The W.M.S. will be held . at the home of Mrs.' ('Rev.) Conner- on Fri- day r o 1 isle t uo n a 2 ..0.tit, The ser- vice vice- in the Hillsgreen Church will be withdrawn owing to 'Kip enYan- niversary on Sunday, May' 17th at 11 a,nc. and 7,30 p.m. ,.The ,service will be conducted by Mr.` R. K. Love in. the Hillsgreeu. Church on Sunday af- ternoon, allay 24t1h at 2.30 pun TOWN TOPICS • Mr, and Mrs. H. W; IE'art, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Dunlop and Mrs. J. A. Storey, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. Events, of Strabford. Mr. Jas, Gibbons of Wingham and friends called on Mr. and Mrs. J, V. Ryan this week, Mrs. John McIntosh and, Mr, and Mrs, Gerald. Mcllntosh wre week- end callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs i '' W (tato Cudmore. Mr, fhOinas Nolan has been suc- cessful in ,passing his year at Toronto at the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamb of Brus- selsspent ,Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Nolan, Mr. Robert Willis has completed his fourth year with honours in chem- ical engineerinlg at the School. 'of Science, Toronto, Mr. Elroy IB'rownlee of ;Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr.. and Mrs, George :Browlee: 'Mr. and iM s. 1W. W. Hill of Luck - !TOW Were ill 't last 'week attending the funeral of the Pate Hugh'MadKay.. Mr. Thomas Hudson of Hensel! is visiting his 'father. in Egmo sdvil1e, Mr. William Hudson. Mr. Hudson, -who is 97 years old, has 'been nonfin ed to his room for, some time. .Mrs, Will Pray and daughter Wil ina and her sister; Miss McLean of ,Kippen, have moved into Egt>xond- vile. NTessrs. Lyall and' Gerald Jordan of Toronto called on their friends here on Sunday., Mr. Jake Sproat, c•f Tentaga:mi, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Sproat and left 'Tuesday morning for Tenaagami, Mr. Russell Hays and Miss Bess Anderson of Detroit' spent the week end' with friends in town and were guests of. Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Reid while here, !Mrs. Pevitt of Guelph spent several days last week with her aunt, Miss Margaret Henry, Mrs. Pevitt return- ed to Guelph Saturday and was ac- companied by her aunt who will stay in' Guelph a few' days. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. :McIntosh,. df E'mbro, visited one day ; this week with Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Lane. Mr. Oscar Neil and Mr. W. R. Veale of Ingersoll are taking a fishing trip to the Muskoka district. Miss K. A. Collins of Buffalo is the guest of. Mr. an:d Mrs. Leo Fortune. .Mrs. Maud 'Sloan and •a party of friends' from Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jones last week: Mrs. Sloan stayed for a `week with her brother, Robb. Jones, who has been seriously'ill at his home on Jar- visstreet and 'we are glad to say, is improving, but still confined to ' his moan. A number from ,town attended the funeralf' Reeve eeve Baeker of Brussels Friday afternoon. 1 Mr. and ,Mrs, Hugh Sproat and'chil- dren Of Detroit were here last week. They brought Mr. John Sproat who hayspent most of the winter with his family in Detroit. Mrs, Sproat was delayed on account of serious illness in their immediate family. Mr. 'Edward Evans and friend, Miss Violet Sheddon, of Hamilton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans, George and •Victoria Sts. !Mrs, Fred Robinson and her daugh- ters, Mrs, Guy Richards and Mrs. John Davis of Detroit, are spending a few days in Egniondville. They are guests of Mr. and .Mrs. George Seip in town. Mr. Wesley Nichol has purchased the house from Mrs, F. Harburn, re- cently vacated by Mr. M'acIvor, and will move his fancily in shortly. Friends of Mr. Robert Moffatt re- gret to learn that he is very ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas War- den, Goderich street, Mr. Moffatt is in his 89th year. iifr. J.,Wenzel and sister, 31:iss Mary Malone and Brother Francis Nigh of Lackawanna,' New York, were week -end visitors at the home of \[r. and Mrs. Luke Nigh. A'Irs. Lane and Miss Annie Law- rence- are awrence-`are hi St. Thomas this week at- tending 'the meeting of the London Branch of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church. Miss Mary Hays, Miss Agnes Fowler and Miss Spotton of Toro'to were guests of Mrs. John Millson and Mr, and Mrs. Adapt Hays over the week -end, Rev J. F. Myers attended Synod in 'London for three days this week and returned Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Hamilton were visitors oil Sunday at the home of \Tr, and Miss Robertson. lir, J. C. Thomson, of Edinburgh, who spent the past week. with his cousins, re- turned to Hamilton with them, Mr. and :Mrs, James Fairservice of I.ondesboro were' week -end visitor in to w -n, Dr. H. H. Ross is having a fine new verandah built to his residence. Mr, and Mrs. H. Barker and two children and Miss A. Barites of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. E.'•'Haoking and two . sons of Cromarty; Mrs.. Thomas', Baird and Mr. Frank Baird, Mitchell, and •Mr, Htarold Kerslake, Staife, were visitors at the home. of Mrs. Hugh Wright' on Sunday. • Mr. J. V. Rya' has bought Thos. Storey's house and has moved it up to Chalk. street. Mr. Robert Porterfield is erecting a new verandah on Mr, W. H. Golding's residence, Sparlin:g street. Mrs. John 'Mil']son and Miss Mil- dred Britton were London visitors on Monday. Mrs. r s. W Britton Bt•i on and Mrs. E. Britton of Kinburit, who attended the W M.5. Conference int S ,Thomas this week, accompanied' them, Mr, Jack. ' Hinchl.ey of, Brantford spent the week -end at his home. ,Mrs, Oscar Neil is• visiting.in Detroit.• Mr, Charles Briggs of Cleveland was the guest of his uncle, Mr. Mal- colm -MaDeranid and aunt, Miss Mc Derniid, Goderich street, over the week -end. Mr. Briggs has just return- ed front a year a : Oxlford and a trip around the world. Mr, and Mrs, Henry Fowler, Lon- don, were week -end visJtors with Mr. Elmer Fowler: and Miss Florence Fowler. They, were acco'mpanind to London by Miss Fowler, who is re- mainiufor g a short visit, Mother's Day was suitably ob- served' by the churches in town on Sunday, Rev. R. C. McDermid of Goderich exchanged pulpits with Rev. I. E. Kaine on Sunday evening. Mr, and. Mrs. Sidney Morton of. Port Nelson were guests Sunday of Miss Broad'foot, Mrs, -E. H. Close returned Wednes- day from' London, Many friends of Mrs, William Elgie regret to learn of her serious con- dition., Mr. Latimer Sr„ of Brantford, for- mer shoemaker df §eafortfi \1'r. Ed.. Latimer and son Knox, of Orillia, were 'week -end' visitors in town. Mr. Ed, Latimer recal'l's' thatt he had "done" the steeple of the Presbyterian Church twenty-five' years ago when it was erected, and his many friends are glad to know he still feels. capable of the same deed.. Mr, and Mrs. Pierson Grieve and son Billy, of Buffalo, spent bhe week- end wibh Dr. and' Mrs. J. G. Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. Warren: Airenit and daughter 'Frances,. of Detroit, were week -end visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Wm. A'ment. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Forbes and two daughters of Toronto were visit- ors at. the Queen's. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Darroch and daughter Francis -spent the week -end in St. Marys., Mrs, John Hay is visiting her dais- ghter, Mrs, Thomas Oliver, in' -Hib- bert. Miss Mary Young's friends will be. sorry to learn that she has continued very poorly. Mrs. Robert McGonigle' is laid up with a severe heart ittacic. Sob. He, ha, ha. Just watch tnd. Just' watch mel That kid Betty Ann thou'gh't she could boss me—ME., (First I'm going to send a "telegram to dad. Then I'm going to tell Betty Ann and that comedy con'stable to (Riad some nice, deep lake and jump in. —4A'pple. Blossom Time, coming to .Cardno'•s hall, on Thursday and Fri- day, May 28 and 29 auspices of North Side United' Church Choir, , C. G. T. T. The weekly meeting of the Marion Keith C:G;I.T, opened by singing lty'ncn 102 on the song sheet. The Scripture was read by Elinor I•Iend- erson and- the year book by Mary Barber. The missionary vice-presid- ent, Helen Britton, then took charge of the rest of the meeting. We sang No, 94 on the song sheet, after which Helen Lane gave a reading on "Jtutk Riding is not Joy -riding." Miss Thompson then gave us a reading from the Study book. The 'meetliag closed by singing the Benediction. CONSTANCE. The Golden Links Mission Band held their monthly meeting on Sat- urday, May 16th, in the basement of the church. The meeting opened with the president, Doris Lawson, presiding. After the call to worship and hymn 4126, Mrs. Edw. Britton led in prayer and we repeated the Lord's prayer ih unisbn. After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and adopted, we had the roll call Having no business, the scrip- ture lesson was read by Edith Brit- ton and Ethel Dexter. We then sang 425, which was follower( by a very in- teresting reading, "Jack and the Jape," read by Hazel Jamieson. A reading entitled "1 -low the skylark lost his wings," was given by Marion Lawson. Readings from Heralds, Ed- ith Britton, Ella Dexter, Kathleen Yungblut and Viola Dexter respec- tively were also given. The leader, Mrs, Edw. Britton, gave a discourse on "The religions of Japan." The pianist was assisted in the hymns by two of our members, Edith Britton and Isabel Jamieson respectively. The meeting closed with hymn 446 and Band prayer. TUCKERSMITH. Mrs. McCartney of Clinton is spending a few days with her broth- er, Lewis Tehbutt. 'Fletcher Whitmore is improved and is able to sit up now after being Auto Insurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth ;your while to see us before placing yqur insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford. to take chances. `All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and • Day'Service Phone 152 D,Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL 'ESTATE,. CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store confined to hisroom for some weeks. tVtrilliam Martial was taken to Sea - forth hospital Saturday night and underwent an operation on Sunday for appendicitis and is doing as well as can be expected. IGeorge Black of Toronto is spend- ing a few days with his parents, (kir, and Mrs, Will Black, The Ladies' Club met last week at Mrs, Levvis Tebbutt's ,with a good attendance; the opening ade 'was sung t hi rolls aalledt aE er which w the was and answered by an exchange of bulbs or flower slips. Mrs. H.' Johns gave a reading about "mother." Hazel Pep- per gave a reading on gardening. The meeting closed by repeating the Homenvakers' Prayer in unison. The remainder of the time was spent in sewing, after which a dainty lunch was served. •Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grieve and son Billy, of Buffalo. Mr. R. J. Dunmore of St; Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Malntosh and daughter Florence, of Ingersoll, were Sunday visitors at the Charters home. VARNA. Miss Ruby Taylor, while in the act' df cranking her car, had the misfor- tune to fracture a bone in her arm. IMr. and Mrs. M'ossop and family accompanied by Miss Watson, spemt the week end at the home of Mr. De -„I war, Bayfield. IMr. and Mrs. Mel. 'Clark and Little family, of Winthrop', spent the week end wibh friends and relatives' in this cdmmunity. MIANUEY. Mr. (Fred .Eckart made a business, trip to .Blyth .this week. Vegetation 'has i'n'creased 100 per cent. ,with the .local showers. With prospects of a bumper crop, we hope for a, (better prices to help the pres- ent situation of depression which seems to be world-wide and things will not come back to normalsuntil the farmer gebs on his feet and has a little more spending money. Then business of all kinds will pick up. There are many kinds Of utaions that make a great holler when their wages are cut, but they forget that the basic industry is 'suffering .the' most. Pro- duce redactions have reduced prices to where they were many years ago but living' then was according to the times and a dollar had many :more times the purchasing :power. BRUCEFIELD. Farmers' Club Meeting. A meet- ing of the U.F.O, and U.(FJWJO. Clubs will the .held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles. Clifton on Tuesday evening. May '19th. Please keep this date open. A. debate Protection and (Free Trade," will be held. From a list. of 18 applicants, four of which met the requirements of the session of Knox ,Presbyterian Church, Kincardine, Miss Eleanor Strider, of Clinton, w'as chosen organist and. Choir leader for the church. She suc- ceeds Dr. Sanders. Rev. W. A. Bremner and Rev. Mr. Weir of Blyth will exchange pulpits next Sunday at the morning service, The evening service will be with- drawn' on account of the Young Peo- ple's anniversary to be held in 'Kip - pen. . Mrs. W. Stevens returned to her home in the village last week •after. spending four months with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thompson, ois Sarnia. We welcome her to our village again. Mrs. Smith of .Bluevale spent a few days last week at the (tome of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry, Miss Alice Mustard of London visit- ed at the home of her parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and family of London and Mr. and Mrs. Hast- ings and family of Wingham .spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Janet Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. Kaiser of De- troit spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Kaiser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe. ,A'Ir. and Mrs- Witt. Wright of Sea - forth called on his mother' Mrs. C. Wright, of Bruce!field. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association of Brucefield United' Church was held in the school room of the church Thursday after- noon, May 7th, with a splendid at- tendance. Quilting and piecing quilt blocks was the woyk for The first part of the afternoon, which everyone en- joyed. The devotional leader. called the meeting to order singing hymn No. 4 in the new hymnal. hirsi (Rev.) Bremner read the Scripture lesson and all repeated the Lord's prayer. The President, Mrs. Alex, Broadfoot, took charge of the business, Re -ports were. read and adopted. Roll call, "Spare Three," was not so well responded to as this time of year spare moments are few. A, very interesting paper was given on healthful home, which. was well worth iremenabering. The cup and saucer shower was a splen- did success and along with several other articles were donated to the church kitchen. The president 'kindly offered her home for the June meet- ing. Repeating the Mizpah beitedic- tion in unison brought the meeting to a close. A hearty vote of thanks was given to Miss ;,Marks for her splendid lunch and tea:' HURiON NEWS A. M. Bishop, manager of the Do- minion Bank has resigned his posi- tion, to take effect on June lst. Mr. Bishop has .not stated definitely what he intends doing, but expects to be linked upwith a London firm. It of is with t much 'regret that the town oI f Wingham is losing h l g g suctined citi- zens as Mr. Bishop and his esteemed wife. -Mr. Bishop' has been a great booster for Winghain, and has always taken, an active part in sports. sFor several years he has been:treasurer of the Turu'oerry Agricultural Society, where he has rendered a great service 'and has also taken a. very active Parti in the chamber of commerce. : Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Walker spent the week end 'with friends in Toronto. ,World was nllarted on the road on Monday by the Winghain Construc- tion company, in charge of T. J. Mc- Lean. Brussels Stewart 'Shedden, who WAS '°pest ed on in Toronto for tumor on the brain, has made such good progress as to be able to be brought home. His many friends hope his recovery may be permanent,. A spark front the portable saw mill on the McCracken property set fire to a small barn on' the property of William Cook. The :prompt action .on the part of the sawyers and neighbors soon extinguished' the ffre with little loss. The funeral' of Phyllis Watson, who was fatally injured while playing in the school' yard, took place from her late home in Morris township on- Sat- urday afternoon to Sunshine ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Miller McArter, Howard Clark. Jack Clark, George 3Iatitiit; Leff Garrick, William, 'Grasby. Tbe'fimeral' service was con- ducted by Rev. Mr: Pocock, assisted by Rev, Mr. Scobie, Befgrave. Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Match, of Lacombe, Alberta, . with their in'fan't son James are visiting with Mr. 'hutch's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. (Match, This visit marks a very pleasant event in the lives of the eld- er Match's as this is the first time they have seen any of their grand- children. Their other son, Stanley, also of the,West, has a little girl, who is older than James jr„ but whom the "grandparents have (tort as yet had the pleasure of seeing. 'Dr. and Mrs B. 'C:. Weir accom- panied by Josephine and Jack, at- tended the Stratford" Musical Festi- val on Friday. Josephine sang in class No, 85 and class No. 90, and Ob- tained second' place in. the Iatter, She will enter the final competitions for either a scholarship or medal to be held on May 29. . !Gladys Taylor has as her guest of ,y the week end, Miss Nancy Clark, of . Goderich, daughter of Dr. Clark. William Doerr has engaged as his housekeeper Miss Weatherhead of St Heietis, who For many years resided with her 'uncle, the late Thomas Brown of Blyth,. iWi'Iliant Phillips of Goderich visit- ed with Phillips. lips on Friday,. Mr,. and Mrs, C. Ladd of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, J. Irw-fn, Goderich The prospect of establishing a cold storage warehouse for fruit growers here or elsewhere in Huron county this year, faded w1th the receipt of a letter from Ian MclLeod, agricultural representative at Clinton, to. the 'Go: derich Board of Trade. The letter asked that the luncheon which the Board of Trade was to have tendered the fruit growers on May 18, and which was to have been addressed by IIon. Thomas L. Kennedy, minister of agriculture, be called off. The let- ter, stated it was learned atter a can- vass that the time was not propitious for raising money* among the grow- ers, who were' asked to finance half the' amount required, a government subsidy supplying the balance. Exeter William Greenlee, of Exeter, has been awarded the contract for the erection off the new Presbyterian Church at Blaylfield. The excavation work has been done and Mr. Green- lee will start immediately. The new building will adjoin the postoffice, The plans were drawn by A. E. Fuke of Exeter and call for a handsome brick rug brick church with tower. A .subcontract for the masonry has been awarded to Jewell & Cutbush, of Exeter, and the woodwork and furnishings will be supplied by- Tho- mas Clump, of the Dashwood plan- ing mill. It is expected that the for- mal opening will take place on Sun- day, July 12th, JUST the sound of Rice Krispies crackling in milk or cream makes you hungry. And how good these toasted rico bubbles taste! Delicious with fruits or honey= -for breakfast, lunch or supper. Use in recipes in place of nutmeats. Order from your grocer in the red - and -green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont • C ' RICE �Ov E I(RI S PIE /( S RICE zttzzal .$RISPIES