HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-05-14, Page 3THURSDAY, MAY 14,• 1931. •
7:7517 '77777'
Official 'aninottneement is made 'Of
the, terms of .the 'Dominion of Canada
19311 ;Conversion ILoan. This issue ex -
'tends the 'ogportanity to holders ,of
Dominion of Canada War i1Jdan and
Victory Bonds now approaching ma-
turity to convent their holdings into
bonds extending over a further per-
iod of !from '115 to 25 years, and marka-
What may eventually prove to he the
greatest financial operation in the his-
tory of Canada -the !refunding of the
helavY volume of !financial obligations
incurred during the War period.
'The offer does not involve the 'rais-
ing of any new. Money. Not a
penny will be added to the national
debt of Canada in consequence of
the 19311 .ConVersiort Loan. It is
entirely a .matter of exchanging ex-
isting berribs for other bonds of the
Dominion. A .toltal of more than one
billion dollars of bonds reaches nta-
Unity` within the next 31/2 years.
This total is made up of issues com-
ing due 1931, 1932, 1933 and 11934.
Iliolcitra of bonds 'of these issues
are ibeieg 'given the opportunity ,of
,contirming their investment over a
longer term in the direct obliga-
• tions of the Dominion 'Government.
They will not lose anything in the.
way of interest payments or income
tax exemption by exchanging for
bonds of the 1931 ;Conversion , Loan.
It is explained 'that the new bonds
will carry coupons ent!itling holders
to receive up to the date of the ma-
turity of their Mid bonds, the sanie
int'ere'st payments and ltax free privi-
leges as they would. enjoy if they
held their War Loan or Victory
Bonds until the actual date of matur-
ity in each case. For the remainder
of the term of the 193'1 'Conversion
Loan Bonds, they will carry interest
at the rate of PA% per annum, which,
in the opinion of leading investment
bakers, is a comparatively generous
return 'in view of the interest rates
now prevailing in the London ..and
New York markets.
Holders of the War Loan 5%
Bonds maturing 1st of October, 1931,
may exchange their bonds for Do-
minion of Canada 1931 Conversion
Loan Blonds maturing November 1,
1956. The new bonds will not be .sub-
ject to redemption before November
1, 1946, but from that date until ma-
turity they may be called by the Gov-
ernment on any interest date on 60
days' notice, at 100 and accrued in-
terest. The 'first , coupon on these
bonds will be for six months' tax free
interes(at 5% per annum, payable
0,ctober 1, 1931; the second coupon
wil1rbc for seven . months' interest at
4.1,4.% per annum, .paya'ble May 1;1932.
All other coupons will carry interest
able :half -yearly on the 1st of May
and the 1st of ,November.
'Holders of the 'Renewal Loan 9,4%
Bonds maturing lst Of N•ovember,
1932, may exchange their Iboirdi' for
Dominion of Canada 1931 Conversion
Loan Bonds,, maturing November 1,
1957. The latter issue cannot be retir-
ed before 'November 1, 1947, but after
that date it may be redeemed by the
Gbvernment on any interest date on
60 days' notice, at 100 and accrued
interest. The new bonds Will tarry
regular coupons covering interest at
the rate of 41/2% per annum payable
half -yearly on the 1st of May and
the 1st of November. In addition to
at .the rate of 4,d% per annum pay- the regular coupons, these bonds will
• ..•441,1
The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers to holders of the undernoted DominiOn issues the
privilege of exchanging their bonds into longer dated issues, in the following
terms and under the following conditions:
iThis offer affords to holders of bonds eligible for conversion,
the same interest payment and tax-free privileges, for the life
of and as contained in the present bonds, and the opportunity
of extending the term of the investment at 434% per annum.
BER, 1931 -Holders of these bonds have the
privilege of exchanging into bonds maturing 1st
November, 1956, bearing interest from lst April,
1931. The first coupon will be for six months'
tax-free interest at the rate of 5% per annum pay-
able lst October, 1931; the second coupon will
be for seven months' interest at the rate of 43.4%
per annum payable 1st May, 1932; thereafter to
maturity interest will be payable half -yearly at
434% per annum.
1st NOVEMBER, 1932 -Holders of these bonds
have the privilege of exchanging into bonds ma-
turing 1st November, 1957, bearing 43.4 % interest
payable half -yearly from 1st May, 1931. There
will also be attached to these bonds three
adjustment -coupons payable respectively on 1st
November, 1931, and 1st May and November,
1932, for additiona interest at the rate of 1%
per annum.
lst NOVEMBER, 1933 -Holders of these bonds
have the privilege of exchanging into' bonds
maturing 1st November, 1958, bearing 434%
interest payable half -yearly from 1st May, 1931.
The first five interest coupons, being those to and
including 1st November, 1933, will be tax:free.
There will also be attached to these bonds five.
tax-free adjustment -coupons payable respectively
on 1st NOvember, 1931, and lst May and Novem-
ber, 1932 and 1933, for additional interest at the
rate of 1% per annum.
NOVEMBER, 1934 -Holders of these bonds have
the privilege of exchanging into bonds maturing
lst November, 1959, bearing 4%.% interest pay-
able half -yearly from lst May, 1931. There will a,Iso
be attached to these bonds seven adjustment -cou-
pons payable respeCtively on 1st November, 1931,
and 1.st May andsNovember, 1932, 1933 and 1934,
for additional interest at the rate of 1% per annum.
Conversion applications in the terms of the foregoing are invited to a total of $250,000,500. The Minister of
Finance' reservs, however, the right; to increase or decrease this amount at his discretion.
Subscriptions will be received and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank and by
recognized Canadian Bond Dealers and Stock Brokers, from whom may be obtained application
forms and copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the loan. Appli-
cations will not be valid on forms other than those printed by the King's PrinteA
The subscription lists to the foregoing will open on 11tb May, 1931, and will close en or before 23rd May, 1931,
at the, discretion of the Minister of Finance.
Ottawa, 11th May, 1931:
• 11", ',tt•
carry three adjustments coupons pay -
Ale, respectively, 00 the 1st of No-
vember 1931, the 1st of May 1932, and
the lst of November 4932, for ad-
ditional interest at the rate of 1% per
Holders of the Victory Loan 55/2%
Bonds maturing the 1st ,of November
1933 are being offered the opportunity
to exchange their bonds for Dominion
of Canada 1931 Conversion Loan
Bonds maturing November 1, 1958.
These new bkinds will carry interest
at the rate of 434% per annum from
May 1, 1931, payable half -yearly on
May 1st and Noventber let. The
first five interest coupons --that
those due to be paid each six
months up to November 1, 1933, will
be tax free. In addition. to the reg-
iu:ar coupons, these bonds will carry
five tax free adjustment tronpons for
additional interest at the rate of 1%
per annum, payable, respectively, No-
vember 1, 1931; May 1, 1932; Novem-
ber 1, 1932; May 1, 1933; and Novem-
ber 1, 1933, The Conversion Loan
Bonds maturing in 195S•will 110.: be
subject to redemption before NO re 01-
i) er 1, 1948, but on or after that date
they may be called at the option of
du. Government on any interest date
on 011 days' notice, at 100 and accrued
Holders of the Victory Loan
13onds maturing 1st November 1934
are being offered the opportunity to
exchange their bonds for bonds of
the Dominion of Canada 19,91 Con-
version Loan maturing November 1,
1959, which will carry coupons en-
titling the owner to interest at the
rate of 41/.'2% per annum, payable half -
yearly 'May 1 and November 1, com-
mencing, May 1, 1931. In addition to
the regular coupons these bonds will
carry seven adjustment coupons for
further interest at 'the rate of 1% per
annum, payable, respectively, Novem-
ber 1, 1931; May 1, 1932; November
1, 1932: May 1, 1933; November 1,
1933; May 1, 1934, and November 1,
1934, The Conversion Loan Bonds
due November 1, 1959,'will not be re-
deemable before November 1, 1949,
but after that date they may be re-
deemed by the Government on any
interest date on 60 days' notice. at
100 and accrued interest.
Principal and interest on the new
bonds will be payable without charge
in lawful money of Canada at the of-
fice of the Minister of Finance and
Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the
office of the Assistant Receiver Gen-
eral at Halifax, Saint John, Charlotte-
town, :Montreal, Toronto, 'Winnipeg,
Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Interest
coupons will be payable without
charge as they fall due at any branch
in Canada of any of the Chartered
The Department of Finance an-
nounces that interim certificates in
bearer form will he delivered in the
first instance in exchange for all War
Loan and Victory Bonds accepted for
Conversion. The interim certificates
will be exchangeable at a later date
for engraved definitive bonds, The
Finance Department expects that the
definitive bonds will be ready on or
about the 15th of August, 1931.
When the definitive bonds are ready
it will be possible for holders to o'b-
tain delivery of coupon bonds in
bearer form or of coupon bonds re-
gistrable as to principal. These bonds
will be issued in denominations ot
$100, $500, and $1,000, Fully registered
bonds, on which the itt teres svil 1 be
paid direct to the owner by Govern-
ment cheque, will also be obtainable
in denominations of $500, $1,000, $10,-
000 and $1000 000.
Active Living.
Spring was a busy time for Mrs.
• Baxter. 'Holiday visits to plan ---,
S LIM mer arrangements -outings for
the children's "mid -year" -and many
other things, meant constant ac-
tivity, "I'd .simply .be 'lost without
the telephone!" she admits. "1 nse.
Long Distance, whenever E want to
Foul out something, It's such a time -
and -worry -saver!"
.Another trip in a barrel through
the whirlpool rapids of the Niagara
River is being planned by William
(Red) Hill, veteran Falls riverman.
Hill made his last trip on 'May 30,
1930,. and the barrel in which he made
the trip designed by himself, is still
in his possession. There is a pos-
sibility, however, that he may use the
huge wooden and steel barrel in
which George L. Stathakis plunged
over the Horseshoe Falls here to his
death July 5 last. Hill made his first
trip through the rapids in a barrel
in 1910, He succeeded in swimming
across the lower river in 1925. He has
also been ,instrumental in saving sev-
eral lives in accidents and "stunts"
on the Niagara River.
An Oil th.alt Is Prized Everywhere.
--Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was put
upon the market without any Ronrish
over fifty years ago. It was put up
to Meet the wants of a small section,
but as soon as its merits became
known and prized throughont this
continent. There is nothing equal
to it,