HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-05-07, Page 8Golf Course;
rail. friends.
and .Mrs. Lott
ited over the
nes in town
is -Cot .t -visited
relatives in Kin -
‘of Detroit, is
bent 13onthroit
iicl��n r#oiNn.
:of Goce:ich'vis
,t.iday n th Miss M. Ellis.
C:,Ocldiellows of I-ien alt, 73aceter,
'▪ field Clanton Seaforth and Lu -
i,, tt tided d int service at St.
f �}sheen Church an. Sunday
g last w' h a• large • attendance
it and a very interestling ser -
*as :delivered,
are number from Hensall at-
�,tenderli the funeral of the late D.
rtn'ftSell 'of, Hibbert on Wednesday
Mr, and Mrs A. L. Case spent a
few .days last week visiting friend's in
Detroit. Mr, Case brought home a
net�,f Chrysler taupe that he recently
purchased •froth Cook Bros,
Mr• and Mrs. John G. Scott of Cro-
idited friends in tow last
y v t n
f.r.uNathan Peck is spendinga few
days v,Ssttmg -at the.' home of his son,
Mr, ]jerk Peck of Stanley township.
Mr. and :Mrs. S'+anley Mealy and
children' of St, John, New Brunswick,:
are, visitiugat the home of Mrs.
.Mealy,, sisters; Mrs. (Dr,) Peck and.
Mrs.: Sidney" MCArthur.
Mr. Josh. Ashton of Seaforth .was
to''wn on Friday.
Mr. auil Mrs. Herman IDayman vis-
ited friends in Exeter on Sunday.
Miss Amy Reynolds had the mis-
fortune to fall and. have her wrist
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron vis-
ited friends in Hanover on ;Sunday.
Mrs, John Murdock visited friends
in Exeter onSunday.
A large '•erowd attended the ,services
• in Carmel 'Presbyterian Church an
Sunday last. Inspiring sermons were
delivered by the pastor. During the
morning service Mr. and Mrs, Verne
Redden had their baby baptized. `•
Mrs. Ed, Sheffer is visiting with
her daughter; -Mrs. (Dr.) Reid of
Port Rowan.
The dance held in the town hall on
Friday evening last was well 'attended
and the music was furnished by the
Hensall Serenaders.
Mrs. J. R. McDonald of the Lan-
don Road who has been in a Toronto
hospital, has returned 'home and is
greatly improved in health.
Death of Mrs. John McLean, -The
death occurred at her hone in Tuck-
ersmith on Saturday, May' 2nd; tf
Mrs. 'McLean, beloved *life: of; John'
McLean, in her 62nd year.. Mrs.-
McLean he'd been in `poor, health for
some time and gradually weakehed
uirtiI she passed away . on „Saturday,
Mrs. MoLeap's maiden name was
Eliza Dalrymple and she was a mem-
ber of the Chlselhurs•t United Chucdh
and was highly respected by her
friendsand neighbors.
Besides her
sorrowing husband she leaves to
mourn her loss, four sans, Ross. of
Detroit; Robert and Glenn, of Tuck -
smith and Lloyd at home, .and two
daughters, ,Mrs. 'Oliver Rowcliffe of
the Lot n:d:-ialrs:• H-nster of
orkie. T -he funeral took place on
Monday afternoon. 'Interment in the
Hensall Urtiml Cemetery. Her "pastor,
Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of the United
Church, had charge of the service,
Mrs. Samuel Smillie is lying seri-
ously ill at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. John . Tapp..
Miss Alice Higgins visited over tb
week, end with relatives in Exeter.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Verne Heddeir ar
moving into the Murdock block, re
vacated by Mr. A. Tucker.
Mr. Thos. Sinnpsonaf -Lunar:, calls
on friends in town ;last week.
Mrs. Thos. Hemphill of Detroit .1
''iese-telatives and friends in tows
anti''`.Collyer and Mr, a>n
dishes. hdon visited o
w. orae of Dr. --and Mr
yt" w �
Fire Insurance
The Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co is _writing Fire In-
surance at Classified Rates, ,Farm dwellings of ,first'class construction,
with Lightning Rods and -Fire Extinguishers kept oh the .premises,
are insured -with their col:tents at $1,50 per thousand,
Barns with First Dais Roofs and;Lightning Rods are als'a given
specially Reduced Rates. Live Stock and Implements are protected
on a percentage basis. ,Something new in Fire Insurance.
Dwellings of First' Clank Construction with Fireproof Roofs in
Towns and Cities are protected et low cost by the Wawanesa Mutual.
The-Compauy also writes Windstorm Insurance .at a specially low
Three Year :Cash rate, Get our rates for all plans of Insurance from
our Local Agent,
iOntario Office -2 Toronto St., Toronto,
e TT
be replaced by 50 or 100 feet more. The Young Peoples Society of St.
The clerk was instructed to write for
prices for new hose on motion of
Spencer and Consitt. Tax collector
Hemphill was present and s•tat'ed.that
z p to
there was $1111:14. of back ta-�eSand
collect. It was moved by Mick e
seconded by Consitt that the collec-
tor hand in the amount of uncollected
taxes to the town treasurer to be sent
by him to the county treasurer for
collection. Mr, Colin Hudson, asses-
sor of the village was present with the
assessor's roil for 1931, which was ac-
cepted by the council alter a great
deal cf discussion on some of the as-
sessments, on motion of Cameron and
Spencer. The assessment on lands,
business and income are about the
same as they were it 1930. There is
an increase in population of 18 for the
year. The present population is 745,
against 727 in 1930. A court of re-
vision will be held on the assessment
roll on Monday evening, June lst. A
number of accounts were presented
and orders paid on notion of Cam-
eron and Consite The street commit-
tee were instructed to get tenders for
a number of loads of screened gravel
and considerable discussion took place
on the Transient Bylaw as it affects
a business that is being started up in
town. The council then adjourned on
motion of Mickle and Consitt.
The .firm of Bonthron and Drys-
dale cerebrated their 21st anniversary
of being in business in Hensall, on
Tuesday. Their big stores thronged
all day and especiallly in the evening,
large crowds attended the demonstra-
tions' put on by different firms. Some
10 demonstrators were there for dif-
ferent lines of good sold by Bonthron
and Drysdale, and giving advice.
Fran a small beginning the firm has
grown to be one of the largest hard-
ware and furiture establishments in
Western Ontario,
The A.Y.P,A. of the St, Paul's Ang-
lican Church was held on Monday
for the
North and
rids in
s at his
Peck. -
The on
Eliza A.
Peck, in
was born
ter they.
1 191
rof the
Bert M.
in the
e Doug -
Henry Hor-
is bra -r
i Ian-
2r store
to be
able, to
ge cram -
eel with
1' Reeve
nuKes of
,eat,, Fire
d--shied,that rap e.of the
will_ be observed
oy .and special services
'�ti our .
local churches
'Mr, and Mrs. Bertram No
a daughter Atidrey visited frit
Seaforth onSunday.
Mr. Harry Cook of Toronto
versify is spending hit holiday
home here.
The death hof 'Mrs. Nathan'
The death occurred at Hen
Wednesday, April 29th, of
McKinley, .wife of Nathan
her 73rd year. Mrs: Peck
in Stanley township the daughter
the late Mr, and Mrs, John
ley• and spent her early life there.
ter her marriage to Mn. Pe
moved to.their farm on the
line; where they resided trail
,I -i when they retired to Hensall
Peck was a consistent menvbe
United Church and highly r.
In, all,who knew her. Besides
sorrowing husband She lea'
mourn her loss, one son, Robert
Peck, of- Stanley township:".
-soil, t'he late Dr, J. W. Peck
cea ed her
s six years ago.T
which r was private took place
Baylfi ld cemetery, her pastor,
Rev Arthur Sinclair, having
of':the services.
T -he pallbearers .were Georg:
'las, John Elder, Fred Hess,
Fgater, John Z'uefle.'and•. '
+Mr. Henry Ari?,al�eoeive
rbits*,'£a sdsy'°of i!@. death olk
. ther, Fred: AL old, who died
pital a Buffaf om Tuesda
Mr"; Arnold Was well known
valla .having eonducted a genes
fitisiness here some 2,5 years
A 'new ladies' ready -to -we.
B• being opened up in the i
lock on Xing street.
Mr. G.J. Sutherland is
a 'leis duties as our local pa
affet `his recent ilines,e.
Council lVteeting. - The
monthly meeting of the villa
' was held on 11 c11.event
til the members present and
Geger 15- ;e Air, The,nil
thd:last were read
"i?? '�.. an.
Coisitf a;?tCl
-the firer'
ore a'dd George L>;pk were
ere vv,9rr}uOW' -,should
Andrew's United Church will hold
their anniversary on Sunday, May 17.
Services at 11 ani. and 7,30 p,m, Rev,
D. McTavish of Exeter vein be- the
'special speaker and the -choir are pre-
paring special music for the occasion.
On Monday night a concert will be
presented by the �H•uronia Male Chor-
us under the direction of W. R.
Goulding, AT.CIM., assisted by Mr.
G.'Grant, violinist, and Mr. In Abbott,
reader. You have heard these artists
over the radio -hear them in person,
May, 1905,
Mr. Michael Dorsey has purchased
the house and Io!ts on North Main
Street from Mr, Jelin McIntyre.
Mr, Wm, Fritz of Zurich has tis
slimed the management of the Bren-
ner House at Grand Bend.
;_A vote taken at!Turner's Church,
Huron Road; West, as to whether they
would engage a young man for the
coming conference year or unite with
the First Methodist Church, Clinton,
was unanimously in ,favor of the 'lat
ter proposition.
'Vora Archie MelGregor, Mc'4--i11op,
delivered Monday an extra fine fotir-
year-old horse- to Mr. James Archi-
bald and received the handsome sum'
of $260 in exchange, The animal
weighed 1,869 !pounds and was sired
by Mount Bois, owned by Archie
Menzies, of McKillop,
Going West,
A number have left for the West'.
Mr, James Johnston of Winthrop, to
S'wif't Current, Assa.; .,Mrs A, S.
Sampson, to Winnipeg, Man,; and
Miss S. Dorrence of Seaforth ` to
Regina, Ansa • Mrs. S. O. jones, to•
g , •> r
San Francisco, Calif.; Mrs, J.G. Jef-
frey and Mrs. W..Graylord, of Staffa,
to Weyburn, Assa.
Bumper House Assured.
The Beaver Minstrels are' assured
of an overflowing house at Wingham
on Monday evening next, The sale 'of
reserved seats opened Monday noon
and upwards of 300 have already been
sold, 150 being sold in the first hour.
Vital Statistics.
Assessor Ballantyne has completed
the assessutsn•t of Seaforth and from
the roll just turned•in we gather the
followang: statistics: -,The total ass-
essment is $651,326; taxable income is
$19,275; business assessment is $69,=
039; the total amount of taxable pro-
perty (real) is $563,925; the total po-
pulation is 2,211; number of dogs 95;
deaths during the past' year were 12
and births 31.
IH, Little has bought•out the mail
contract from Mr. McGee, which he
had taken for three years to come;
also the stage -horses, etc., together
with his house at B'aylfield, for $2,200
Mr. MdGee will shortly move to his
farm, which he recently purchased
from Charles Mason.- 'He will be
missed frons the stage as lie was a
jovial, honest good fellow.
iMr, William • Elliott and 1aniily
have removed` to Owen Sound. At the
close of the prayer meeting'in the
Egmondville; Church on the 19th, the
pastor read a farewell address to
them and on behalf of the congrega-
tion, presented Mr. 'Elliott with a
purse containing a substantial sun' of
gold, and Mrs. Elliott with a life
membership certificate in the W.F.
M.S. Mr. Elliott -w-as a member of
session for 25 years.: Mrs, Elliott was
a member of the W:FlM.S. since it
was first organized in the congrega-
Ladder Colla ed
Air. James McMichael's many
friends were shocked on Tuesday to
learn of a serious mishap which betel
him that day. He had mounted a
step ladder to hang some pictures in
one of the rooms of -his -residence,
when in some unaccountable manner
it spread out allowing him to fall
heavily to the floor, He sustained
many cuts and bruises about the face
and was at first thought to be injured
To Enlarge Factory.
The Canada 1Fureiture Co. have de-
finitely decided to accept the terms
Seaforth has offered' them to erect
another large furniture `factory here.
Plans are being drafted- in the rough
at present for .the new building,'the
main part of which will be 120x 60
and will be five -stories in height. The
building will probably be of cement
Annual Harvest.
With the advent of warmer weath-
er coons also the annual spring pest
-,the knights of the road. Last Fri-
day one of these gentlemen, William
Rodgers by name, became rather too
conspicuous and was' gathered in by
Chief Burc'her As a result he is
spending two months at hard'labor
at Goderich. On Monday another
specimen, calling himself Patrick
Brady, hailing from Lon -don, was ar-
rested as a vagrant and given fifteen
days. The Chief would do well to con-
tinue gathering them in as fast as
they appear,
Bride Disfigured Fianee.
A despatch from Seattle states.. that
Dr. Hedley S. 'Hewson, of Chicago,
came to that city to wed. With a dis-
figured countenance, the outcome of
the indignation of his fiance, he 'left
for• Sacramento, Calif, forfeiting $25
cash bail deposited to pledge his ap-
pearance in the police court. Mrs.
Harriet Louis Cherry is the .woman
whose affections Dr. Hewson won
and dost, She is a chemist employed
by a company in Seattle. The scheme
of the comedy is laid at ;Mrs, Cherry's
apartment in the. Walden Hotel. Each
claims •the honor of breaking the en-
gagement, and each says that the
e was the aggressor. essor.
g Mrs. Cher-
ry has a sweet, innocent appearance,"
said Dr, Hewson, "and when I met
her tivo months ago I fell in move. We
were 'engaged shortly 'after I met
her. I bought a diamond ring, for
which hpaid $1'60, and also gave her
the material .for a dress, valued at
$100, When I found that she had`. been
playing me false, and -that her game
was only to get my money .I 'decided
togetthe '
drains." D -r.
.Ire -
g w
son is a former Stratford boy, and
many there will remember him. He
is .a son of Mr, ,Janes Hewson, form-
erly in the insurance business, and in
the bakery business at Listowel.
The following is the report of. S. S.
No. 14 Hay for the months of March
and April:
'Sr. IV. --Shirley Koehler 81.5%,
Vera Ropp 79%, -Beatrice Wi'ller•t
Sr, III. -Doris Alexander '812%,
Bert Thomson 712%, Elgiri Johnson
64.9%.' ,
Jr. III. -Alfred Ropp ,84.7%, Ar-
chie :MacGregor 69%, 'Margaret Mac-
Gregor 66.2%, Jerry Johnston 51.5%,
Ben Dick 50.9%.
II. 'Class -Irina Ferguson 65.5%.
Stuant Dick 32%.
I. Class -Ina Ropp 96%, Harold
\Wsillert* 68%, Blanche Thomson 60%.
Primer Class -Harold: Koehler,'
Allan Crerar.
Those marked thus * have •been
absent for arae' examination.
4Highest mark obtained in Spelling,
Ina Ropp 100; highest mark in
Health Study, 'Shirley Koehler 100;
highest mark in Literature, Doris
Alexander 97.
Oral J. Finnigan, Teacher.
Mr, Everard Kerslake, who has
been i11, is somewhat improved.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mr. Rout-
ley of Usborne on Thursday last,
evening with a good crowd present.. Mrs.' Routley was formerly Miss
After the opening exercise a very in -Ruby Scott, a daughter of the late
tere tiw:g address was given by'Dr. Mr. James Scott of this place.
-Miss 1Grace McLachlan is in
Guelph taking a course at Macdonald
The Young People of the Presby-
terian Church motored to Motherwell
on Friday night and spent a social
evening with the Young People of
Motherwell Presbyterian Church.
Moir. A special feature of the even-
ing was a mock court which proved
to be both amusing and interesting to
those present.
This is moving week around the
village: Mrs. Hay and Wilma and
Miss McLean have moved to Eg-
Mr. Cliff Watson has the yob of
running the mixer again this season
on the highway which completes the
last lap between London and Gode-
Mr. and Mrs, T. N. Forsyth are
settled in their new home in the vil-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper have
gone to Hensall.
Jim McDonald spent the week end
with friends in Ailsa Craig.
W. R. Cooper has a good job with
the paving gang running the pumps
to supply the water.
Mrs. Gordon an'd sister of Hensall
are moving back to their former home
in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McGregor visit-
ed with friends in Guelph recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowey are now nicely
settled in Exeter and Mr. and Mrs.
Kyle in the IBowey store. We wel-
come Emerson's bride to our midst.
Mrs. J. Workman and Mildred call-
ed on Clinton friends Sunday.
'Mother's Day Service will be held
in the 'Church next -Sunday. A special
service is being held in the Sunday
School at 10 a,m.
The W.M.S. met at -the- home of
Mrs; A. 'Forsythe on Wednesday. Mrs.
Finlayson presided.
Mission 'Band Will meet on Satur-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the S.S.
air. Albert Workman of Moosejaw,
Sask„ is visiting with his brother, Mr.
and Mrs. P. Workman.
Miys Verlyn Theil of Zurich spent
a few clays recently with Miss Min-
erva Reichert.
Misses Edna Cochrane and Rutlh
Leister, who have been spending a
few weeks with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, have re-
turned to Innerki•p where they will
spend a few days before going to To-
ronto to graduate at the General Hos-
'Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer and son
Gordon of Hensall spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs L. Troyer.
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Cook, Mrs.
Alex, Watt and Miss Bessie Watt, of
Clinton, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. •lames Leiper last Thurs-
Mr. and Mits. A. W. Beacom enter-
tained company from .Grey, Sunday.
Tiny Tim Advises
Watch this space from week to
week for items of interest concerning
the Tiny Tini Miniature Gel•f Course,
now open for play day and night.
There will be a formal opening at a
little later date. Read this iten'i first
every week,
A Big Difference
"Hello there, Toni, how are you 7"
"0, I feel kind of weak and run down since I had' the flu."
"That is just the way I felt about 4 weeks ago," says Bill,
for J. - E.
' km'an representativeo
e ail
ii came that new nJ
"and along
HUGILL & SONS Ltd. and he said to me, did I know that the
cheapest medicine I, could buy to -day was some of their milk.
"And after explaining to me that their milk contained all the
vitamins necessary to build up a rundown body like mine, I de-
cided to just drink a quart a day at my meals, and to -day I feel
like a spring chicken and that is not all. The children all drink it
and Little Bobbie even cries for it,"
"Does it cost any more than the ordinary milk," says Tom.
"No," says Bill. "Why .they aresellingit at Sc per quart,
and when we lived in the city we paid 14c per quart for milk that
was not in it with theirs."
"Have theygot a phone," says Tom,
"Why, sure they have: Just call central' and say "Ring'
34-616 Clinton Central and tell her to, reverse the charge and you
will have fresh milk to -morrow morning for. breakfast."
"Ali right, I'll do that now before I forget; good day, til,
and thanks,"
Buy in E:grn�ndville
Royal Purple Chick -29 c
Starter, 10 pounds
Royal Purple Scratch
Feed, c 10 pounds 6
Royal Purple Lay- 2I�
ing .Meal, cwt.
Royal Purple Calf
Meal, 25 pounds
Schneider's Lard
2 pounds ,q.
Men's Work Shoes, 'r99
Per pair „ ,,,,.,
Carbrook Flashlight
We have on hand a good stock
-of high-grade concrete tile, sizes
3" to 8", 'We also make on or-
der sizes up to 16",
Now is the time; to get yours,
Do you know, 70% of fires
are caused .by defective chim
neys, Are yours safe?
"See us at once about -our new
style fireproof chimney.
R. Frost & Son
SEAFORTH, Phone 183
Miller's Wornn Pdwders apt mildly
and without injury to the child and
there can be no doubt of their deadly
effect upon worms. They have been
in successful use for a long time .and
are recognized as a leading prepara-
tion for the purpose, They have
proved their power in 'numberless
cases and have given relief to thou-
sands of children, who, but for the
good offices of this superior (com-
pound, would have continued wealc
and enfeebled,
. Insurance
r nee
Mr. Motorist:
The first question you will be
asked if you are involved in an
automobile accident, is "Can you
give proof of financial responsi-
(Let us show you how this can
be arranged for you.
- All business placed in respon-
sible companies who give prompt
and efficient service,
Let us quote you our new low prices.
E. C. Chamberlain
Seaforth, Ont. Phone 334
Of the Day property in Bayfield on
Wednesday, May 13th at 2 o'clock,
House and lot and a wood and paint
shop. Household effects and a idt of
tools, an'd other articles n-dt mention-
ed. Some wagon tongues and wagon
axles in the rough. All will be sold
without reserve. Terms cash. Terms
on-pro(penity can be . arranged for.
Thos. Brawn, auct. J. M. Golven
lock, Inspector, House of Refuge,
Enrolment No, 1.958. Approved. Form
, 1.
own sta•blo loot 3
Will stand at his
coir. 3, Hulleft, ,for the season a
193.1. Terms to insure, $8.00.
T, J. MoMI GHAEL, Prop.
THURS'D'AY, M•AY 7, 1931.
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Phyefdat,
and Surgeon. Late of London 'Bloat
pital, London, England, _ Sateen
attention to diseases of the eye, cera
nose and throat. Office and resi4'
ence behind Dominion 'Bank. Olt
Phone No. 5: Residence Phone TQig,
Tenders 'for the operating of the
Hibbert Township Stone Crusher for
the season, 1931,.will be received' ',by
the undersigned till Monday, May 11,
Tenders also to be received for
trucking crushed material from the
crusher. Crushing to be done in
Christie's Pit, Lot 5, Con. 12, and the
Township Pit, Con, 12, Lot 21.
Tenders will be opened at 10 . a.m,
at Towns -hip Hall, Staffa.
'Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
49 . Dublin.
10f photographs, think of the Bur-
gess Studio, Mitchell, for good work,
We make a specialty of Wedding
A limited number 'of, cattle for
pasture, -water and grass guaranteed.
Phone 13-3 r 21; Seaforth, T, G.
The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion
DR. - F . J. BURROWS, 'SeaforfA.
Office and residence, Goderich etreefi.,
east of the United Church. CoEsii
for the County of Huron, Telephony
No. 4b.
will stand at' his own stable at Dublin,
for season of :1.931. He will make calls
on. request. Phone 24 r 19, Dublin
central, for dates. Terms $13 at stable,
1st of February prompt. $14 on calls.
William H. Keeler, Dublin, Ont.
DR, C. MACKAY.-C. Marlin
honor graduate of Trinity Univertfly1
and gold medallist of Trinity ]Eel
College; member of the College
Physicians and Surgeons of'Onterik,
The 'Brucefield chopping mill will
run on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat-
urdays only, after May 16th, until fur-
ther notice. CORNISH & D'AL-
RYM'PDE. • 20
!Single Comb 'White • Leghorn
Chicks 11 cents; O.A.C. Barred
Rocks 13 cents; Jersey Black Giants
15 cents 'for May; ,for June 1 cent
less; eggs from Jersey -Black Giants
$5 per hundred. Your own eggs
hatched ,out at 4 cents per egg.
HARRY K'IEH1N(E, RR. 1, Born-
holm, Ont. Phone. 52 r 23. 19
!For month ending March 31, 1931.
(Seaforth, Total hogs 68, select ba
cgn 27, bacon 30, butchers 5, lights
and feeders 3.
Walton -Total hogs. 88, select ba-
con 25, bacon 47, butchers 14, lights
and feeders 2.
(Exeter -Total hogs 41, select bacon
11•, bacon 266 bubchers 4.
IIHensall-'.dotal hogs 175, select ba-
con 46, 'bacon 93, butchers 25, lights
and feeders 10.
'Mc'Nau'ght-Total hogs -59, ` select
bacon 23, bacon 30, butchers 5, heavies
1, lights and feeders 5.
Huron Countylocals-Total hogs
925, select baco256, bacon 566, but-
chers 75, heavies 8, extra heavies 1,
lights and feeders 8.
Huron County -Total hogs 4,488;
select bacon 1,238; bacon 2;554, but-
chers .531, heavies 43, extra heavies 2,
lights and feeders 63.
Nose and hroat. Graduate in /f '
cine, University of Toronto 11a
Late Assistant New York Wither
mic and Aural Institrtte, Moorcfie1dik
Eye, and Golden Sq'aiare throat he.
pitals, London. England. At Corm*
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Moadag i
each month, from
a to S
DiR. W. C. SPROAT Graduatto
Faculty of Medicine, University e
Western Ontario, London. Mee fs
of College of Physicians and sae
geons of Ontario. Office in rear ase
Aberhart'•s Drug Store, Seel-artlo.
Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 pant„ 7
9 p.m, Other hours by appointment.
1 have a few cords of hardwood
left for sale, delivered in Seaforth;
$5.00 a cord for beech and maple;,
$4,00 for maple slabs; $3.00 for s'oft
wood, delivered in town, Apply to
T. J, RICHARID'SON, Phone 148r22,
Seaforth,- 24.
Lot 11, Concession 4, H.R.'S„ Tuck-
ersmith, containing 100 acres of choice
land, situated on county road, 1%
miles south of the prosperous Town
of Seaforth, on C.N:R.; convenient to
schools, churches „and markets. This
farm is all un'derdrained,'well fenced;
about 2 acres of choice fruit trees.
The soil is excellent and in a good
state of cttMivation and all suitable for
the growth of alfalfa, no waste land.
The farm is well watered with two
never failing resells, also a flowing
spring in the farm yard; about 40
acres plowed and reading for spring
seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat;
remainder is -seeded with ,alfalfa. The
buildings are first class, in excellent
repair; the 'house is brick and is mo-
dern in every respect, heated with fur-
nace, hard and soft water on tap, a
three-piece bathroom; rural telephone,
also rural mail. The outbuildings con-
sist of barn 50x80 feet• with stone
stabling under; all floors in stable
cement; the stabling has water sys-
tem installed. A good frame driving
shed, 24x48 feet; a 2 -storey henhouse
16x36 feet. A brick pig pen 'with ce-
ment floors capable of 'housing about
40 pigs. The house, stables and barn
have hydro installed. Anyone desir-
ing a first class home and choice farm
should'. see this. •-On 'account of ill
health I will sell reasonable. Besides
the above I am offering lot 27, con-
cession 12, Hibbert, consisting of 100
acres choice hand, 65 acres well under-
drained; 10 acres, maple bush, all seed-
ed to grass; no waste land, On the
premises are a good bank barn 48x56
feet and frame house, an excellent
well. The farm is situated about 5
miles from the :prosperous village of
Hensall on the C:N.R., one-quarter of
a mile from school and milefrom
church. This farm
has never been
cropped much and is in excellent
shape for cropping or pasture. I will
sell these farms together or separate-
ly to suit purchaser. For further par-
ticulars apply to the •proprietor, Sea -
forth, R.R. 4, or phone 21 Sn 133,
L'AW, Proprietor.
The cheapness of Mather` Graves'.
Worm Exterminator puts it within
reach of all, and it can be at any
�RDR. J. A. MUNN,' Success= tat
R,•Ross, graduate of North-,
western University, Chicago, IR, D
centiate Royal College of Dental Seal-
geons, Toronto. Office over StlY't
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Pim*
151. ,
F. BECHELY, graduate
Royal College •of • Dental Surgeon4
Toronto. Office over W. R. Snare
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. t?hone%
office18SW, residence 1853.
W. C. Govenlock
� lock
faceoridchatkosehog Agent
See our line of SULKY PLOWS,
Have on hand for sale • good used
Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul
ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in
Al shape, and '25 Ford Coupe. -
For Sale-�Roibt• Bell cutting box,
32 ft. carrier,in first class shape.
Set 2,000 pound Scales.
Auctioneer for the Co,unty of Hsi.
Arrangements can be made far Silk
Date at The Seaforth News. ammo.
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed;
•HAROLD D. DALE, License&
Auctioneer for the County of Monk
Moderate rates and satisfaction gum.
anteed. Phone. 149, P.O. Bos LL
GENV T(Successorsto James WatsagJ
All kinofdsn
Insurance ce i
ed at lowest rates in First -Clef
Fire Insurance tae
Officers -James Connolly. Caataii-
ichk Alex. James Evans, Beechamo&
Vice President; D. F. McGrejars
Seaforth, Sec, -Treasurer, •
Directors -Wm. Rinn, •No. 2, Ste -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodkagatss
Lames Evans, Beechwood; . 3E ILC -
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God;.
eric'h; Alex. Broadfoat, No, 3, Sea,-
forth; J. M. Sfioldice, No, 4, %haft
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Kerte) •
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents' -games Watt, . Blyt)e,
Na 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; F L'
Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; F Vo
Yeo, Holmesvilie; R. G. Jararau
Bornholm. James Kerr and Sohn
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Partite.
desirous to effect insurance or erase -
act other business will be pravnipf
attended to by application to ray' et
the above named officers addreset
to their respective postofficea.
Where men are men and, caws are.
A Riotous Rodeo of Roars, Ro-
mance and Red-blooded action writ-
ten by Byron Morgan and direotedl
by Fred Niblo.
'Wednesday, 'May lthe
u r, per Za.
Eggs, per dozen 12c-Iifsu.
Potatoes, per bag $1•0tir
Want: and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c Hogs,. per cwt:
$7.50- ARP
B tte 1b