HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-30, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
The many friends of Mrs. John
Dallas will be sorry to hear she is
suffering from a bad fall, Fortunately
no bones are broken but her back
and anus were badly strained.
Mrs. Hennessy of London spent
the week end at the home., of Mr. and
Mrs, Gannet Case,
Mr. George Cameros, of Guelph
spent the, week end at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell.
'Mr. Robert McMartin is able to be
at his work againafter his accident
several weeks ago. While working in
the flax mill he fell off a platform,
breaking several ribs and otherwise
injuring himself.
The many friends of Mr. George
Smale are glad to see hint out again
after his recent severe ilienss.
lylr, and Mrs. E. Fines of Clinton
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Laird is 1vk
Miss Violet Murray of London
spent the week end with her sister,
Miss H; Murray here.
Mr. George Sutherland is confined
to his room with a severe attack of
A severe snowstorm passed over the
district on Sunday evening, About
six inches of snow fell. The hydro
service was out of commission for an
hour and other damage done.
On Monday morning several loads
of logs were drawn into Welsh's mill
yard by sleigh, an unusual 'thing for
this time of year.
The many friends here of. Mr. Wm.
Elder will be sorry to hear that he is
lying seriously .ill at his home here.
Born -To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cud
more' in the Clinton hospital on Wed-
nesday, April 22, a daughter,
Mr. Donald Walker, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Walker, of Tuckersmith,
has accepted a position with Mr, W.
A. McLaren.
Miss Mattie Ellis has returned
from Goderich where she spent a few
weeks visiting relatives and recupera-
ting after her recent operation and
will again resume her position as
teacher in the Hensall public school
on May 1st.
Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Pepper of
Sarnia. spent the week end visiting
friends here.
.rifr. and Mrs. Wm. Gramm of Lan-
sing, Mich., spent the week end with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Gramm.
Mr. George Armstrong of Hay,
whose barns were recently burned,
has' made a very satisfactory adjust-
metn with the Hay Insurance Com-
pany and intends to rebuild immed-
Mr. Henry Soldan is tearing down
the house on his north farm know as
"Willow Hall," and will erect a hand-
some new residence on the farm this
summer. 'The old house was one of
the first brick houses built in this dis-
trict and was ate early landmark on
the London road.
Miss Louise Drummond, who has
been visiting relatives in Toronto, re-
turned home last week,
Mr. T. C Joynt made a purchasing
trip to Toronto last week.
Miss Leona Lemmon was a recent
visitor with friends in London.
Mr. T. Drummond returned to his
home in Toronto after a couple of
weeks' visit with friend's here.
The Hensall firemen are making
preparations for a big celebration on
the 24th of M.
The ,Hensall "Serenaders" intend
putting on another dance on Friday
evening, Niay ]st.
Messrs. Bonthron & Drysdale who,
are now starting on their 21st year in'
business, are celebrating it on Tues-
day, May 5th, There will be ten dem-
onstrators present to demonstrate the
various articles they .handle. ;Their
many customers and the public in
general. will be invited to visit their
store to see the many demonstra-
Mr. Harry Cook of Toronto is vis-
iting at the home of his parents, 'Mr.
and Mrs. C. Cook.
Mr. Ilarold Scruton of Port Dover
spent the week end at his home here,
Mr. Thomas Cook, who has been
confined to his home with' a severe
attack of heart trouble, is able to be
out again.
Mrs. Edward Sheffer is visiting for
a few days with her daughter in Port
The funeral of the late Andrew
Slater tory-, 5;ce from the undentak-
sx, 4-; parlors of Bonthron & Drysdale
on Saturday afternoon, interment in
the Hensall Union cemetery. A
y large
number hg
of neighbors
bars and friends of
the deceased assembled at the parlors
'to pay their last respect to Mr. Slater
'who was anold resident of the town
line west of Kippen, where he and his
brother fanned. After the death of
his brh
of er and sister er
he went'
tot he
home of Mr. Jas.Johnstona
'born where he was nursed by Mrs.
Johnston till he passed away Thurs-
Mr. Richard Welsh', who is lying
seriously ill at his honle here is grad-
ually sinking and his family has been
sent for.
Mrs. Harry Mew of Goderich visit-
ed with Miss Mattie Ellis on Monday,
The Od'd•fellows of the Hensall
Lodge intend attending the services
of the St, Paul's Anglican Church on
Sunday evening, May 3rd,
'Mrs. !;`red Smaliconibe of Guelph is
visiting her sister, Miss Mattie Ellis.
Mr. Alvin Workman of Moosejaw
is spending a few days this week vis-
iting his sister, Mrs. M. Love,
Mr, Clarence Shephard spent a few
days„ visiting at the home of his'fath-
er, Mr, Jahn Sheppard.
Services in out local churches were
well attendedt.
on Sunday las., consid-
ering the stormy weather. Owing to
an interruption in the Hydro lines
caused by the wind, and snow, t'he
services in the United Church were
held in the basement where Iarffps
were used and in the Presbyterian
Church lamps were used in- the audi-
torium, '
Death of Mr, D. Brintne11-The
death occurred at his home on the
boundary on .Monday morning of D.
Bnintne'il, one of the best lenown fare
n,ers in. the Hensall district, Mr.
Brintnell was suffering froth cancer
and despite the best medical skill and
nursing he gradually grew weaker till
he passed away early Monday morn-
ing, Besides managing his farm he
&H•ned a threshing outfit and was
well known. He belonged to the Ma-
sonic Lodge, was a Conservative in
politics, and was a member of the
Chiselhurst United Church, Besides
his widow he leaves to -mourn his
loss, four sons, " William, of Hibbert
township; Clifford, of Exeter, Wilson
of Usborne township and Thomas, at
home; three daughters, Belle, of
Stratford; Mae, of Sarnia, and Edna
at home. Trueman B•rintnell of Hib-
bert, and Jaynes of. Exeter, are bro-
thers of the deceased. The funeral
took place from his late home on the
Hibbert-Usborne boundary on Wed-
nesday afternoon, interment in the
McTaggart cemetery, Hensall . Mas-
onic . Lodge conducting the services.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Aaron
Eerc'her of Kitchener passed through
the village on Monday afternoon, in-
terment taking place in Bronson line
cemetery. Before going to Kitchener
to live with her daughter, she lived
on the Bronson line, Hay. Mr, Herb,
Irercher, east, in Tuckersmith, was a
son of the deceased.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger attend-
ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Aaron
Kercher of Kitchener 011 Monday af-
The A.Y:P,A, of the St. Paul's
Anglican Churph held their regular
meeting on Monday evening with a
large crowd present and with the
president, Mr. Robert Varley in
charge. After the devotional exer-
cises the following program was gi-
ven: Instrumental, Miss Margaret
Drummond; accordion solo, Mr. T.
Bennett; reading, Mr. Ward; vocal
trio, Mrs. Drummond; Misses E.
Johnston and G. Stone and the topic
by Rev. M. Parker on "Qualifica-
tions Necessary for a Young Man to
Enter the Ministry." A spelling
thatch was given and an interesting
feature of the evening was "shadow-,
graphs," the prize being awarded to
Miss Grace Stone, after which lunch
was served and an hour was spent in
The Women's Guild of the St.
Paul's Anglican Church intend hold-
ing a sale of home-made cooking and
candy on Saturday afternoon, May 16.
Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman,
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Coleman and
daughter and Mrs. Smith, all of near
'Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
.Johnston of Varna spent Wednesday
at the home of Mrs, L. Troyer.
Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane
of Clinton spent the week -end with;
-their sisters, Mrs, J. G, Forrest and
,Mrs, H. Fuss,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and
son spent the week -end at the home
of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Robt. Stephenson.
Mr. R. K. Love of Toronto is vis-
iting with his parents, Mr. attd Mrs.
W. Love, Keith has just finished his.
team at the University and has taken
the Standard Gold Medal and also
won a scholarship, We congratulate
hint on his splendid honor and wish
'him every success in his ministry,
Mr. and Mrs, W, Hyde and Miss
(Laurette Bell of Hensall spent the
week -end with Mrs. L. Troyer,
The 7, P. S. held the last set of
lantern slides on Japan on Tuesday
evening which were very good, The
Y. P. made plans to hold their an-
niversary on Sunday, June 14th.
Quite a number of the ladies of the
ladies of the W. M, S. attended the
Presbyterial meeting in the United
Church in Hensall on Tuesday.
Mrs, R. Love of Hensall is visiting
with her son, Mr. and Mrs, Ross
•Air. and Mrs, A. Bell and son Har-
old of Exeter were recent• visitors at
teh hone of Mrs, L, Troyer.
Many mothers have reason to bless
Mother Grave's Worm Exterminator,
because it has relieved the little ones
of suffering and made them healthy.
April, 1905.
Mr. H. C, Davis, son of Editor Da-
vis, of the lfitohel.L.Advocate, has in
contemplation the establishment of a
paper atNew Liskeard; as town in
New Ontario. •
Mr. J. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs,
(Benjamin Allen, of Cromarty, were,
ticketed this week to Strathcona, Alta,
While attending to a sick horse for
Jno,.!Oldfie'ld one day this week, Mr.
J. Grieve, VS,, had the misfortiine to
have one of his hands so badly cut
that it required six stitches,
John McEwen has purchased the
Aikenhe'ad farm on the 2nd conces
sion o-1 Stanley, for a consideration of
a littleov er $'5000,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Crich and son,
Newton, of Tuckersmith, left on
Tuesday morning for- Arcola, Asea.
Mr, Crich has rented his farm and if
he likes it out west, 'will take up land.
,Percy Wanless, of Seaforth, who
has been in the ,employ of • Joseph
Cook, Hensall, for some, time, and
Will 'Cook,.of Varna, leave nextweek
for the West, where there are fine
openings for young tradesmen.
H. J. Downey has .;purel ased.. the
residence at present occupied .. by
Thomas E. Richardson, North ward,
for $S00. We understand he haspur-
chased a grass farm in McKillop
township and purposes going exten-
sively into the cattle business.
Display of Furs,
Mr. George E. Henderson, of the
Commercial hotel, had a very fine ar-
ray of undressed furs displayed in
his sample rooms last Friday. The en-
tire lot were .captured throughout this
district, within a radius of 15 miles
and were purchased by Mr, Hender-
son. The display consisted of two do-
zen red fox skins, three' dozen mink,
125 skunk, 100 coon, about 50 mus-
krat and a few ground hog. The skins
throughout were fine specimens and
were awaiting the inspection of a
prospective purchaser. The lot was.
valued at close to $500.
Welcome Visitor.. .
The News was pleased to receive a
call from Mr. Jacob McGee, of .Eg-
mondviile. Although he has reached
the ripe old age of 57 years, Mr. Mc-
Gee looks 'hale and hearty and is able
to walk into town ,quite often, and his
many friends hope.he may live to en-
joy many more years of comfortable
old age.
Organizer Here.
Mr. Harry Brown, of Hamilton,
Grand Organizer of the Royal Arcan-
um, is in town this week endeavoring
to secure now members for the local
branch of the lodge here. The pres-
ent members of the lodge comprise
many of Seaforth's best business men.
Book Large Order.
The old adage that "'tis an ill wind
that blows nobody good" has proven
true in the case of the Canada Furni-
ture company here. This firm has re-
cently booked orders for about six car
loads of their high class office desks.
The orders will amount in all to some-
where near $8,000. The desks man-
ufactured at the factory here are the
best that can be procured and have a
good reputation throughout the coun-
try. The orders have come in conse-
quence of the Toronto fire through
the firms that are rebuilding.
Mrs. Ellen Coleman, of Walton,
died on Saturday 23rd, at her late
residence, in the 80th year of her age,
She had lived for many years at Wal-
ton and was very much respected.
Her funeral was held on Tuesday,
proceeding from her residence to the
Catholic Church, Seaforth, where ser-
vice was conducted by Father Cor-
coran, and thence to St, Jaynes' Cem-
Bride from Blyth.
Miss Sadie Emigh left Blyth on
Monday of last week for Ponoka, Al-
berta, She reached Calgary on Satur-
day, when she was married to Lieut.
7. A. Jackson, B.A., who left Blyth a
year ago and has since been practis-
ing law in Pon:olca. Before leaving
Miss Emigh was presented with a
silver pudding dish by the congrega-
tion of Trinity Church, and as a mem-
ber of Blyth Thimble Club she was
presented with a silver thimble.
Narrow Escape.
The family of Mr. McDougall came
near being suffocated with coal gas
one nightlast as week at their home in
Hensall. Miss Papple and the ,chil-
Big Difference
"Hello there, Tom, how are you ?"
"0, I feel kind of weak and run down since I had • the flu."
"That is just the way I felt about 4 weeks ago," says Bi11,
"and along came that new milkman, representative for J. E.
HUGILL & SONS Ltd. and' he said to ane, did I know that the
cheapest ahedicine I could buy to -day was some of their milk.
`And after explaining. to nne that their milk contained ail the
vitamins necessary to build up a rundown body like mine, 1 de-
cided to just drink a -quart a day at my meals, and to -day I feel
like a spring chicken and that is not all. The children all drink it
and Little Bobbie even. cries for it,"•
"Does it cost any more than the ordinary milk," says Tom,
"No," says Bill, "Why they are selling it at Sc per quart,
and when we lived in the city we paid 14c per quart for milk that
was not in it with theirs,"
"Have they got a phone," says Toni.
"Why, sure they have. Jiist call Central and say "Ring
34-616 Clinton Central and tell her to reverse the charge and you
will have fresh tniik to -morrow morning for breakfast."
"All right, I'll do that now before 1 forget; good day, Bill,
and thanks,
dren of her deceased sister were sleep-
ing upstairs and during the night' she
was awakened by,a.choking seusation.
Upon rising she had just enough
strength to get down the stairs -
one' of the 'children, IGfr. McDougall'
ran anps'teirs and brought the others.
down, throwing•open all the windows.
They were all so weak and sick that,
they had to have medical 'attention
and .were confined to bed all the next
day from the effects.
Licenses Granted.
ISou'th Huron: Township of Us -
borne --- Tavern, Joseph Stephens,
!Woodham.. Township of Stephen
Tavern, Wsn. Moffatt, T. Annett,.
Centralia; A, Hill, Win. Fritz, Credi-
ton; 13. Cunningham, Khiva; Simon
Dietrich, Mount Carmel; A, Moser,
Corbet; Joseph Brenner, Grand Benet;
(Tames Idannan, Shipk"a; -C, L. Moser,
Dashwood.. Township of. Hay -Mrs,
W. Nicholson, Blake; I2 R. Johnson
and J. P. Rau, Zurich, Township of
!Stanley -,H. Shafer, Kippers; Wilson
Cook, Varna. Township of Tucker-
smith -Charles• Wilson, Brucefield;
George Strong, Red Tavern. Village
of 'BayfieldHMt•s. E. Elliott, H. Dar-
row, G, E. Greenslade, Village of
Hensall-IJ. E, Blackall and W. F.
2vfc'Caughey. Village of Exeter -W,
Page, Jas. Shaddock, - W. T, Atche-•
son .and 'W: H'awkshaw; shops, F. J.
Knight, Farmer Bros. Town of Sea
forth=J: Miller, Jas. Dick, Hender-
son & DeLacey, T. Stephens, D. T.
Pinkney; shops, E. Dawson and Jos;
9West Huron -Blyth; 'Airs. Francis
'Mason and J. G. English. Wingliam--
G. B. Roe, Alex, 'Ort, Orr Bros., Jas.
Broadway and L. W, Hanson, tavern,
Clinton -Joseph Rattenbury, J. J.
McCaughey and J. W. Brandenber-
ger, tavern licenses; Thos.. Bell, shop
license. Goderich-Fred Davis, Ed.
Swartz, Ellis Bros., Annie Keene, W.
Babb, Ben. Saults, M. Farr and D.
Sare, taverns; Walter Satins, shop,
Ashfield -Isabella Mallough and W.
d• Mountain, Dungannon; Aiex.
Young and Neil McDonald, Kintail;
Nelson Peirson, Port Albert, tavern,
!Hullett - Thomas Hill, Londes'boro.
.Colborne --(Wm. Glazier, Dunlop.
'East Huron: Belmore, Jas, Kirkby;
Wroxeter, -Wm. Currie and " A. A.
Esty; 'Gorrie, R. F. White and A. C.
Proctor; Fordwich, H. Rapp, Moles-
worth, Chas. Seehaver• Ethel, L,, L.
Longeway; Cranbrook, J. Long, Brus-
sels, Geo. Brown, J. Querrin, and
IIdLentian$r Broadfoot; Walton, W.
1131ashell; Dublin, L. Wolfe; Belgrave,
Jas.'B;'Stretton; Bluevale, J C. John-
ston,'J'ammestown, Thomas McEwen.
Application forms from students
intending to write the department of
-education examinations are being fil-
ed. ' The timetable for the various ex-
aminations of the department, which
will be used by all schools throughout
the province, has been posted as fol-
+Lower school examinations-T•hurs.
Tune 18: Morning, agriculture, first
year; afternoon, agriculture, second
year, Friday, Jute 19: Morning, geo-
graphy; afternoon, arithmetic. Mon-
day, lune 22: Morning, English gram-
mar; afternoon, French gra'minar and
zoology. Tuesday„ June 23: Morning,
:Art; afternoon, British history. Wed-
nesday, June 24: Morning, physiog-
raphy; afternoon, botany.
Middle school examinations-Mon-
xaminationrs-Monday; June 15; Morning, ancient his-
tory; afternoon, 'English composition,
Tuesday, June 16: Morning, algebra;
afternoon, Canadian history, Wednes-
day, June 17: Morning, English liter-
ature; afternoon, ,physics. ,Thursday,
June 15: Morning, geometry; after-
noon, chemistry. Friday, June 16:
Morning, Latin authoos; afternoon,
Latin composition. Monday, June 22:
iMorning, French authors; afternoon,
Trench composition. Tuesday, June
23: Morning, Greek authors: after-
noon, Greek accidence. Wednesday,
June 24; 'Morning, German composi-
tion. Thursday, June 25: Afternoon,
business arithmetic, Friday, 'June 26:
Morning, •household science I.; after=
noon, household science II, Tuesday,
June 30: Morning, 'Spanish authors;
afternoon, Spanish composition.
Upper school examinations --Mon-
day, June 15: Afternoon, English
composition, Tuesday, June 46: Mor-
ning, algebra. Wednesday, June 17:
(Morning, English literature; after-
noon problems, Thursday June 18:
Morning geometry; afternoon, .chem-
istry. IF
Y>7une 19: M rnt
-tin authors: afternoon Latin compo-
sition. Monday, June 22: Morning,
french authors; afternoon, French
composition: Tuesday, 'June 23: Mor-
ning, Greek ,authors; afternoon, Greek
composition, Wednesday, :June 24:
authors; afternoon,
I an composition. Thursday, hursday, June
25, Morning, trigonometry; afternoon,
history. Friday, June 26: Morning,
botany; afternoon, zoology. Monday,
June 29: Morning, physics. Tuesday,
June 30: Morning, Spanish authors;
afternoon, Spanish composition.
Sunday, April 26, saw- the annual
change to daylight saving time in
many cities in Canada and in the Un-
ited States with the usual amount .of
confusion because the rest of the
population remained on standard
time. The following list shows when
the various centres advance their
clocks one hour and also on what
date next fall they will return to stan-
dard time:
•:Annprior-April 26 to ,Sept. 27,
Aurora -May 24 to Sept. 27.
21 to Se.t.1
Brampton -May 2 to Sept. 27
Cooksvilie--April 26 to Sept. 27.
Cowansville,' Que.--April 26-Sept.27
Dixie -April 26 to Sept. 27, '
Etobicoke Tp. -April 26 to Sept. 27
Buy in EginoIidville'
2 Pound
Per Pound 49c
P. & G; SOAP
10 Bars ..,., 36c
16'- oz. Bottle
Per Pound'. ,.,,.......,49c
Best Quality 49c
Good Quality ' ' 49c
O i
FI - ..
l�I GN
Of Household Effects at the resi-
'(knte of Miss Elizabeth Scott, Har
purhey, on Friday, May .8th, at 1,30
p.m.: 3 bedroom suites, mattresses
and springs,; 3 toilet sets, 2 couches,
book -case, dining -room table, 6 cane
bottom dining room chairs; piano,
small mahogany_ table, ,2' electric
lamps, hall 'rack,' sewing;'machine, 1
fall -leaf table, kitchen table , and
chairs, dishes, kitchen stove (.Quebec),
2 heaters, linoleums, carpets, electric
washer 1 'washing machine and wrin-
ger tabs, electric 'iron, vacuum cleaner.
and Mops, 'lawn mower, wheel 'bar--
row, kitchen utensils and' other ar-
ticles. 'Terms cash,,„,,,M'ISIS E!LI'Z'A-
iBIETH SCOTT, .Proprietress; Geo.
61. 'E'Iliott, •Auctioneer,
Tenders for the operating of ': the
Hibbert Township Stone Crusher for
the season, 1931, will be received by
the undersigned till. Monday, May 11,
Tenders also to be received for
trucking crushed material from the
crusher. Crushing to be' done in
Christie's Pit, Lot 5, Con. 12, and the
Township Pit, Con, 12, Lot 21.
Tenders will be opened at 10 .a.m.
at Township Hall, Staffa.
:Lowest or any tender not neces-
sarily accepted.
• Clerk,
19 Dublin. .
'Forest Hill --,April 26 to Sept. 27
Georgetown -May 2 to Sept, 27
Grand Mere, Que.-Apr. 2.6-i5ept.27
Guelph -May 17 to Sept, 13.
IHalifa ,
N.S.-April 26 to Sept. 27
Hamilton -June 13 to Sept. 7
!Humber Bay -April 27 to ,Sept. 27
Kingston -April 27 to Sept.' 27
Lachute, Que.-April 26 to !Sept. 27
Long Branch April' 27 to Sept. 27
iiiinico-,April 27 to Sept. 27.
Montreal -April 26 to . Sept. 27
'Newmarket -April 26 to Sept. 27
New Toronto --April 27 to Sept. -27
3ltagara Falls ---,June 14 to Sept. 5,
North York •Tp. -.April 26 -(Sept, 27
Orillia-'June 30 to Aug. 31.
(Oshawa --!April 26 to Sept, 271
Ottawa -April 26 toSept. 27.
1Peterboro June 15 to .'Sept. 1.
tP,ort Hope -May 31 to Aug._ 31.
Quebec -April 26 to Sept, 27.
Regina -May 3 to Oct. 4.
Richmond Hill -April 26 to Sept27
St. John, N3B; April 26 to Sept. 27
St, Catharines -May 56 to Sept. 12
St. John's, Que: Apri, 26 to Sept,27
Scarboro Tp. -April 26 to Sept. 27
Shawinigan Falis--Apr. 26 -Sept. 27
Sherbrooke, Que-Apr, 26 - Sept.27
S-reetsville-May 2 to Sept. 277
!Swansea -!April 27 to Sept, 27
Three Rivers -April 26 toSept. 27
]Toronto --April 26 to Sept. 27'
(Welland -!April 27 to Septt. 7
Weston -April 27 to Sept. 27
(Whitby -April 26 to Sept. 27
York Tp, -April 26 to Sept. 27.
In the United States the following
cities will be on daylight saving tin
from .April 26 to Sept. 27: Allentown,
Pa.; Bethlehem, Pa,; Boston, Mass.;
Bridgeport, Conn.; Buffalo, 14.Y.;
Chicago, I11.; Easton, Pa,; Mauch
Ohun'ck, Pa,; New Haven, Conn.;
(New York, N.Y.; Pittsburg, Pa.; S,
(Norwalk, Conn.; Stamford, Conn.;
Waterbury, Conn,
'Estimates for the current year a9
Ottawa disclosed a firm stand on the
sidef c
o economy
but nioof
Y most the sav-
ings represented morer '
pa trcularly
curtailment of capital outlay and staff
Mr. Bennett has amplifiedthat
standard with a direct promise of
economy at the top, He, by virtue of
holding V
Y of Fm
ance the
denty of E the Privy Council and
the Secretaryship of .State for Ex-
ternal Affairs has been saving the
country $20,000 a year, Now he Pro-
poses tyat other departments shall be
amalgamated. There will be no slack-
ening of efficiency. On the contrary
it will be increased and further. im-
portant savings to the; treasury effect-
It is, as one now expects fnotn Mr.
Sennett, a courageous policy. There
are few positions with which to re=
c•onlpen•se long and distnguis'hed poi-
itical service, To reduce these is not.
a popular course and, be'it re'me'm-
beted, in its best sense political ser-
vice carries no stigma. It is' public
Mr, Bennett, however, is conduct-
ing public business as he so ably con-
ducted his private business interests,
Seu; :meat is not standing in his way
where public welfare directs his course,
The times demand economy consis-
tent with efficiency and he prop'ose's
to enforce that policy from the top
of the ladder to the bottom,
Mrs, Herbert Box wishes to e,dtend
her heartfelt appreciation to her 'many
friends for their kind expressions of
sympathy in her recent bereavement
in theeloss of her dear mother. •
New 'garage to rent. Phone 183,
Seaforth. _. 19
Under auspices of Ladies' Aid of
Duff's Church, McKillop, on': Satur-
day, May 2nd, in the Toggery -•Shop.
Doors open at 3 •o'clock.
A limited number of cattle for pas-
ture, - water and grass guaranteed. I
have also a number of choice'1?igs, 6
weeks old for sale, Phone 133 r 21,
Seaforth, T, G.-SHIIaL'INGIIJAIW.. 13
Single Comb White Leghorn
,chicks 11 cents; O.A.C. • Barred
Rocks 13 cents; Jersey Black' Giants
15 cents for May; for June 1 cent
less; eggs from Jersey Black Giants
$5 per hundred. Your own eggs
hatched out at 4 cents • per. egg.
holm, Ont. Phone 52 r 23. 19.
I have a few cords of hardwood
left for sale, delivered in - Seaforth;
$5,00 a cord for beech and maple;
$4.00 for maple slabs; $3,00 for soft
wood, delivered in town. Apply to
T. J, Rbaf-MMRIIYSON, Phone 148r22,'
!Seaforth. • 24.
Slightly used Heintzman & Co.
piano in good shape. For sale cheap.
STORE, phone 67, Seaforth. .
Lot 11, Concession 4, H.R S., Tuck-
ersmith, containing 100 acres ofchoice
land, situated on county road, l4
miles south of'the prosperous Town
of Seaforth, on C.N;R.; convenient to
schools, churches and markets. This
farm is all underdrained, well fenced;
about 2 acresof choice fruit trees.
The soil is excellent and in a good
state of citiljvation and all suitable for
the growth of alfalfa, no waste land.
The farm is well watered with two
never failing wells, also a flowing
spring in the farm yard; about 40
acres plowed and reading for spring
seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat;
remainder is seeded with alfalfa. The
buildings' are first class, in excellent
repair; the'house is brick and is mo-
dern in every respect, heated with fur-
nace, hard and soft water on tap, a
three-piece bathroom; rural telephone,
also rural mail. Theoutbuildingscon-
sist of barn 50x80 feet with stone
stabling under; all floors in stable
cement; the stabling has water sys-
tem installed. A good frame driving
shed, 24x48 feet; a 2 -storey henhouse
16x36 feet. A brick pig pen with ce-
ment floors capable of 'housing about
40 pigs. The house, stables and barn
have hydro installed, Anyone desir-
ing a first class home and choice farm
should see this. On account of i11
health I will sell reasonable. Besides
the above I am offering lot 27, con-
cession 12, Hibbert, consisting of 100
acres choice land, 65 acres well under-
drained; 10 acres male bush
P all
o ed-
ed to grass; no waste land. Onthe
Premises are a good bank barn 48x56
feet and frame 'house, an excellent
well. The farm is situated about 5
miles from the prosperous village of
R on
e er of
a mile from school
and mile from
church. ,This farm has never .ben
cropped much and is :n 'expellent-
shape for cropping or pasture, ••I will.
sell these farms together on. separate-
ly to suit purchaser. For further par-
ticulars apply to the proprietor, Sea -
forth, R.R. 4, or phone 21':; on 133,
Seaforth. THOS. ' G. S:H661 L16 G -
LAW, Proprietor.
W. C. cove �� .
' tra$3at5t3fbag- digital a
Bee our line of SULKYo •
Have on hand for sale good.used
Manure 'Spreader, Gangplow, Sul-
ky Plow, .also '25 Ford Sedan in
Al shape,,.
A ,and '25 Ford 'Coupe.
For Sate• --!Root, Bell cutting . box,
32 ft. carrier, in first class shape.
Set 2,000 pound Scales.
DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physi ist*
and,'Surgeon. Late of London 1{ee-
pital, London, England. Specft5'
attention to diseases of the eye; alae
nose and throat, ` Office' and rear
ence behind Dominion Bank. Offiea
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 114,
DR. F J. BURROWS, Seaford;
Office and residence, Goderich state ,
east of the United Church. Cor'dia4¢
for the county of Huron, Telepluoaa
No. 46.
DR. C. MACKAY,-C. Macita.7t,
honor graduate of Trinity Univocal
and gold medallist of Trinity Medi
College; member College
of the.
Physician's and' Surgeons of Ontario,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi-
cine, University of Toronto IM
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic- and Aural Instit.:te, Moorefielirt
Eye, and Golden Square throat liae-
pitals, London. England: At"Coanna-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday fol
each month, from 11 a.m.' to, 3'.l.6.
DR. W. C. .S:PROAT.-Graduate al.(
Faculty of Medicine, University I
Western Ontario London. Muskegof College of Physician's and:
geons of Ontario. Office in rear 4$
Aberhart'•s Drug Store, Seefort&.
Phone 90. Hours .1.30-4 p,n ., 7.30-
9 p.m. Other hours by appointment.
DR. 3. A. MUNN, Successor' Co
Dr, .R. R. Ross, graduate of North.;
western University, Chicago, 111, Fir
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur?•
geons; Toronto, Office over Si8`i
hardware, Main St,, Seaforth. Multi
151. .
DR. ' F. J. BE CHEtY, grading*
Royal , College. of Dental Surgeoar.
Toronto. Office .over W. R. &nitfue
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
office 185W, residence 185j.
Auctioneer for the County of 7€arat
Arrangements can be made for ,Salsa
Date at' The Seaforth News, Ch*r s
moderate and satisfaction guaratateefr;
Auctioneer for the County of i%tsnoa.
Moderate rates and satisfaction plat-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box • 14,
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds' of Insurance risks effects.
ed at lowest rates in First-Cloti
Mutual a ire Ins
ance Cgs
Officers -James Connolly, Godot.
ieh• Alex, James Evans, Beecittrood,
Vice President; . D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
(Directors --Wan. Rinn, No. 2, See -
forth, John ,Bennewies, Brodhagmd
James Evans, Beechwood; M. lfo-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God.-
ericb; Alex. Broadfoot No. 3, Set-
forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton]
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray;
Gibson, Brucefield,
Agentsf-lJames Watt, Myth, h ri'
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; 3. A
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; j.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G, Jarmoutb,
Bornholm. James Kerr and Joh
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect 'insurance or tram -
act other business will be pronsptiar
attended to by application to any of
the above. named . officers addres>tzet,
to their respective postoffices.
Gehl Laemmle Presents •
With a full crew of comedians, 14 -
This Week End
Wednesday, Ari
Butter, per lb.; April 29.
E'g'gs; per dozen , 1'ffe
Potatoes, per bag . , , , .. , , 12$1.00
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50e.H0 s .,. $&08t
� , .Per owl, .... ,.$7.50-$S.Of)