HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-30, Page 7Extraordinary Jobs In Distant Places London, -No job is too weird if a good living attaches to it. There is a man in London who makes his liveli- hood out of a punch -proof face. He is an ex -light weight champion attach. ed to a West End gymnasium -where, at the age oR fifty-six, he acts as a kind of human punch -ball, Few people can stand a flush bit to the face, even when the striker wears keavy boxing -gloves. This -wonderful fellow makes nothing of a full smash ,` on the jaw from a man half as big again as himself. Ile merely grins. Johannesburg, greatest of gold cities, has.a population of - nearly 150,- 000 black men, most of whom are em- ployed in the mines. If One of these gets into trouble, whether ee a result of beating his neighbor over the head with a knobkerrie or 'merely commit- ting petty larceny, off he goes to Mlamaulankunzi. Curing M.P.'s of Shyness This gentleman's real name is Gra- ham Ballenden. Officially, he ie Dir- ector of Native Affairs for the City; actually, the natives regardhim as their white father, and believe him to be the person who will take the blame Soy all their crimes and misdemean- ours. • If he aloes not quite do that he does the next best thing, IIis native name mean- Peace -Maker, and he does, in fact, act as mediator between black men and white. It is no •joke being father to 150;000 blacks, as as Mr. Ba]- tendon says himself, it is a twenty- /mellow wentylo,n'- lour job, The House of the Nine Books Is in Cheleea, and is the home of Mme. d'k]sterre, a lady whoge pupils are politicians and M,P: s, whom she cures in 'a few lessons of shy less, hesita- tion, or stage fright. Mors than that, she teaches them how to speak. In Japan crowds still gather around the professional story -teller. English People rarely become proficient in Japanese, which is a .most difficult language, yet one of the most cele- brated of Japanese story -tellers is an Englishman named Black, whose knowledge of the language Is so per- fect.and his wit so brilliant that he is more popular in Tokio than most na- tive professionals. Their Secret Art Violins and 'velli belonging to well- , ]-nowu .players aro usually very valu- able and heavily insured. There are r a few men in this country—perhaps a six in all—who make a living s in- strument porters." These are s well known and so dependable that r'eat artist will trust one of them to take his $6000 violin from London to din, they burgh, if need be. Naturally, are well paid for their services. S We all know that the United tate holds most of the world's stoc s of gold and silver. There are van is at tbe Philadelphia Treasury whit con - fain millions in minted dollars, The coins are kept in bags, emelt h ]ding one thousand dollars. It Is sal that there are only two mon in the orld who thoroughly understand the rt of piling these dollar bags ceiling h h so that there•is no risk of their' falls g, A man named Toughrll'origina y in- vented the method of piling thea bags safely, and before,he retired h took a, pupil, who, in turn, taught the ecret to another man. Thus, there a e al- ways two men, and two only, w can elf this particular job, An imp rtant. fob, for the bags are very hen , and if they fell someone would m ably get badly hurt, nS An. Eton Garden s E k 1 h 0 d w a ig n 11 e e s r ho 0 vy ob On Sunday morning after chapel I was invited to visit a certain charm- ing and spacious Elton garden—in- vited thither, and not a little flatter - to be invited, by its owner and creat- or, a master :of high and venerable standing in the school. His garden was very remarkable. It lay apart from the houses and the street, eeoluded in an unaccountable net- work et branching streams; for the Thames at this point scatters itself Into several meandering - channels, willeveshaded waterways that coil and twist and are gathered again into a great weir -stream that washes Fel- low's Eyot aud- the playing fields;. and on one of the broad island - patches between the water and the water this beautiful garden lay re- mote, a place of green alleys and vine trellises and rose -beds of trim bola dere and shaven'turf, of orchards and wildernesses and glowing dower - drifts in the meadow -grass. . The. hand of a garden -lover had fashion- ed the whole of it, frons . the breadth of the open lawn in the midst to the deepened shadow of . the further re- cesses—and a hand, moreover, that draws back and is stayed at the right point where tbe loose spring -tower- ing of the meadow and the river bank, left to itself, slips fromunder the fringe of the garden and rambles away in freedom. It is an enchant- ing peace to visit on the first Sunday morning of June, especially when you ere feeling rather proud of -the invita- tion. offered you in stern but friend- ly tones. The .owner of the garden leads you round, grimly pointing out its failures and shortcomings, the towers that won't comp up, s, weeds that won't stay down.. But there is a kingfisher; it is nest- ' ing in the steep earthy bank • that laces the little hornbeam close and the, bathing ladder. The, blue streak is thereand gone again as 700 reach the spot.—Percy Lubbock, in "Shades) et Eton." The Best Water Colour For Walls and Ceilings Free stencil premium kdLel on every pack- age. Send far Decorator's Guide and Menai, Catalogue.' • ' 400 GS'PSSUM,,rLIIME � ALABBASTNYSE, Crsc,,ED :,, , Ontario ' .11 AN ILL WIND By WILLIAM; FRANCIS "Frankly sick of it—and here's life offering me a way out. I'm taking it, Wally, so I think We good-bye," She, added a line about divorce • papers, signed, sealed and addressed the letter, and crossed the hall to his dressing -room, He'd find it when he came home to dress for din- ner—another of those poisonous din- ners at the ilillsons'. How 'she hated them! The soppy inanities of Laura Hilison, the rot : about the younger generation, the shares market tack, and Wally's heavy wisdom about the need tor calm conservatism. Calm conservatism! -. FREE Largo iilustrat.° ed catalogue01 new and reboil' bicy$ up. s Motor optics, Boats, "' . Ottboart. Motors, Ra Lina. etc. an paid. Write to DUBS CYCLE AND ISIOTOIL 10., 625 Queen Street W.. Toronto. Ont. Transom,' ®lir Purser ... is a smiling salt- water diplomat, who sees` that all your affairs run smoothly while on board. Your entertainment, your comfort, your 'general well-being are his charge. He is an expert in ocean travel and his fund of knowledge is, always et your service.. • Settings weekly from Montreal Cabin races from.... $130 Tourist Third Cebtn. T; . 1105 Third Class Round Trip $155 Special Seasonal Third Class Round Trip Excursion Rate $129. Information from -Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. (Phone Elgin 3471) Toronto or any steamship agent That was all her life had been since she had married Walter Weatherby for his money—two mortal *one of deadly, •paralyzing calmness without a thrill except the thrill of spending —and Wally, generous as he was, seemed, somehow or other, to ;take the joY out of that. Ile gave her all the money she could use. All she could waste had been Jim Dorris - ton's proposition. She opened her husband's dressing - table drawer, disturbing the order- ly arrangement of its 'content's—club cards, golf scores, keys and the load- ed service automatic he had used In France, She put the letter in be - Side it and, in so doing, touched the cold steel of the dull barrel. For a moment she stood motion- less. Then, slowly withdrawing the letter', she went to the window and flung it open. A tiny breeze was enough to brace her courage and steel her resolve. Site laughed aloud. "Wally do anything rash? What a chance!" she assured herself. "No, Wally will be iris' own conservative self`" Returning to his dressing table, she Ieaned the letter against the mirror. Then, going to her room, he threw on her coat and closed her bag. The hall clock was striking five as she let herself out of the flat. She was •� tyrjr •'4 Send for This FREE ROOK* Mail the attached coupon and we will send you copy of our new cook book, The Good Provider," with ever a hundred delightful recipes for puddings, pies, cokes. poslr,ce, Bic., and n wide variety of other things you can make better with - Si CHARLES MILK UNSWEETENED! EVAPORATED Raiders Co., Limited 115 George St., Toronto Send me a free copy of your new book.cook Q rear St,C;r1 1 No !natter how severe,, you can always have immediate relief; Aspirin always stops pain quickly. It does it without any ill effects, harmless to the heart; harmless to anybody. But. it always brings relief. Why suffer? s' S r5s IN TRADE mARit nee. Made in Canada NAD T1; tO TO SEA Abri Rheumatism or No RIOT KauSCNEN KEPT HIM FREE FROM PAIN This skipper of a steam trawler was "up against it," He had Rheumatism, and his doctor said he must not go to sea. But times were hard, and he was forced to go afloat again. That was two years ago. No see what he go to sea and two years ago I wee laid up for six months with very much suffering from rheumatism and general breakdown, and was forbidden 'by my doctor to go to sea, or to touch water. But it was ' Hobson's Choice' with to, rue, There was so .much unemploy- ment I was forced to get 'somewhere. So I am still here weathering the storms of the last two winters, and 1 can honestly say 1 have never felt the 1lightest pain from my old -complaints, since I started two years ago to take Kruschen Salts. I wish Kruscben every eueeess, and you may make whatever 080 you think fit of this letter."—Stripper J. J. It is common knowledge that rheu- matism 10 associated with an excess of urie acid in the system. Urso aeid is composed- of needle-like erystals, and the pain of rheumatism is caused by those "needles" settling down In the jolete, muscles and tendons. Rheumatism Kruselien Is a powerful' solvent of these torturing crystals. It swiftly dulls their sharp edges, then expels them from the system. Your pains ease; swellings subside, knotted joints bccomeloose. Afterwards, the ' little daily dose so stimulates the liver and. a kidneys ; that regular and complete elimination is ensured. Your inside is kept clean. Mischievous uric acid never gets the chance to accumulate' again. Start on Kruschen to -morrow. Beep up "the little daily dose" and you'll soon joyfully agree with thousands of others that rheumatism meets its master in Kruschen. • lirusehen Salta is obtainable at alt »rug Stores at 45e, and 75e. per bottle. to meet Jim at Victoria at five -thirty. The boat train left at six. 7n tbe giooiiiy isolation of tbe taxi deubt assailed her again. What if wally did -well, something tragic? Her mind clung to the sense of im- pendiiig tragedy. In tarliament-Sejuire fugitive maim; drops fell, heralding a storm; dark, scurrying cloud's brought night be- fore its time, and the tiny breeze, which but a few •ninatel. before' had fanned away her fear, now gree to a wind of .almost hurricane force,, Nervously ;she felt for her Pass- port and conculsively'confirmed the presence of her hearts. She -rather hated herself fol taking them,' but Jim had promised to ''send Wally a cheque for them—his "lucky beads" as he called them, He really be- lieved they had Drought him his good fortune "on 'Change." They'd actually been worth a quarter' of a million to him, he insisted, great 'big superstitious baby that he was. "Don't leave Wally my luck, he had pleaded. "III pay him twice what the pearls are worth, and that goes for the diamonds, too." She had brought both. Jim could post the cheque from the boat. she waived at the station' ahead of time, despite -the storm which now was blowing in ,full fury, They wouldprobably have a rough 'pas sage. She didn't care; Heaven knows she'd had balmnessenough— and to -morrow she'd be in Paris. She calve upon her trunks, the new ones she had bought and sent on ahead. Tim's were near by. "These your trunks, ma'am?" A porter was inquiring. "Why—er, yes." Her voice was queer. Where was. Jim? He was to have Where wsa Jim? He was to bave had the luggage attended to. A11 they'd have to do, he had said, would house?" asked tlie;irate husband. His be to get to their compartment. wife replied: "I guess it must have 011, where was Jim? Imagine. bion made the screen test being . ate at a time like this. It was a quarter 00 six. A' commercial traveler, traveling She waited a few. minutes more and through Scotland, wrote to bis com- then went to telephone in the booth at the end of the platform. She ase - ed for change; at the bookstall It was counted out to her on a pile of evening papers—upon the inky half- tone portrait which, on that day, was, featured on the front pages.. With gloved hands she began-piek- ing up. the coins and then, suddenly, W. C. LEAs{IE R4oeetly appointed vice-president of Standard Brands. .Limited; in charge of .Gillett' Products Division; Owl Laffs And ha1It is hard to break—even the habit of doing- good .work,. -Teacher—Willie, give :the defini- tion of 'home". Willie -Home is where part of the family waits until the others are through with the car, ° 1Vothing is so permanent as Sweet Sixteen's changing -affections.: No Power on earth can keep, a first class man down Or a fourth class man up; "How did that fly get into the pany's sales manager: "In reply to your question why I tailed to get any orders for canned goods in Aberdeen,' the reason Is that the tin cans cannot be eaten." Obsmrvant Oswald says: "A fat man has one advantage over his thin breather. He knows exactly where as though stricken, she let them fall. his cigar ashes are going to fall. Wild-eyed, she gripped the sheet, read the incredible headline, and re- Teacher—Tommy. if you had 50 coiled as she recognized the photo- cents, and you loaned your father 30 graph of Jim Dorriston. Big type "proclaimed: PROMOTER ARRESTED, and their followed a story'. of which, to her befuddled gaze, only a few phrases stood out; Huge Stock Swindle—Arrested on eve of Sight abroad—Criminal record bared —Victimized women say Dcrriston took jewels. - The cab which bore her home seem- ed to crawl Hone? There was a bare chance that: sbe still might have one—one thin, forlorn hope of get- ting that letter back before Wally got in. Thank God it was Thursday, the day he had an appointment with the dentist. Thank God for that delay --ft might save her, keep for her the only , comforts be life had known— the only manwho had ever been good to her. Wally had been that, and she bad been happy enough un- til Jim had swept her off ber feet with promises. What a fool she had been! What a fool! She felt herself close to the point of madness as a policeman held up tho traffic. A few minutes later she was at her door. The hall -porter did not know if Mr. Weatherby was in. Ile had not taken him up hi the lift,. Hysterically, she fumbled for her — key and,, letting herself In, ran to his room. He was not there. Quietly she opened his dressing - room door and turned her anguished eyes to his dressing table. Anti then utter panic seized her, FOr the letter was gone, the drawer was open,; and sprawled, inert, upon the brilliant crimson of- a Persian prayer rug, with arm - limply out- stretched beneath the radiator, lay the prostrate form of Walter Weath- erby. White with horror, she tried to scream, but no sound issued from her fear -numbed throat and, stagger- ing, she crossed to the still figure acrd sagged down beside it. • And then the form that wap Walter Weatherby atirred ever so slightly and a coot, Calm voice was heard to say:— "Don't move; 1've dropped my pearl stud under the radiator: There's a letter or something there, too, Someone left the window open and it 'blew oft the dresser." . 1'11 get it, deal;). Mrs. Weath- erby said.—Tit-Bits. The Philippine islands are to ox- hrbit at the. forthcoming World's Grain Exhibition and Conference at Reginain the summer of 1932, both in the competitive classes and in the educational exhibit section. The unit in charge of these displays win be the College of Agriculture of the 'One. versity oS the; Philippines, and Dr. B. 14h Gongelez, dean of the college, and Prof. N. 13. 1(7ondiola -of the Depart- lnent of Agronomy supervising. cents, and 'your brother 20 cents, how many cents would you have: Tommy—I wouldn't have any sense. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE (Barnesville, Obio, Whetstone) While putting new shingles on the roof on his home on landau Avenue, ,ClemGorman fell to the ground and was fatally but not. seriously injur- ed. THE FLY 1N THE OINTMENT A lawyer's lot's no easy one, Despite your stout denials, For after all Is said and done, His life is filled with trials. First Fly—Will you join our party In the jam preserves? Second Ply — No, thank you, the lady of our house has baked a cake with icing on it, We're going in I for winter -sports. TWELVE CENTS The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO Not one ease of -parrot' disease (psittacosis) has been °reported" in Britain since May 20th, from which date the importation of parrots: ham been banned. JaS1L.. 1l •+.�' 1�� r ) '.l.? `ins m " GOD 231 ItC his. t 1 " `:.»'Rei I OLA & OIeae ltiAcoe At the behest of his best friends and severest critics, Joe Callen, the big league umpire, agreed to have his eyesight tested by au optician, A delegation accompanied him to the interior office for the vindication. Tho Optician—Road those figures on the blackboard, elr, Callem, Mr. Callem--Wot blackboard? Ragson Tatters—How do you. like that new mare of yours? Windy Wolf—Oh, fairly well. But I wish,I had bought a horse. She's always stopping to look at herself BABY ,:H1CliS—IN. S3X VAR ,,-1 PAILS, Ina and up atalggUea in thewater puddles.' frac. A. n. Switzer, Granton, Ontario. Classified Advertising Yaaz 10 OR MAU111NL OR BANU1SN11".11Nu. 1i' "1.11 Wool,' "Salk -tnd Wool,'! 01d Tyme, all colors, 760 Ib. Up. Lamples :free. Stocking & Yarn Mills. Dept. T. C)rillia, Ont..,. BABY ,".mszc7tsr EASY 01ICBs 1D.11785 PAbsOuS - CRICKS PROM blood tested Tom Barron Leghorns r.o.P. Cockerels. April chicks 100, lrlay:. 14q, Express prepaid, Circular tree,' Alfred R'der, West alona'o0e,-Ont. The flapper was truly repentant AGEIPm$ waivTED and sought to make- amends. 0LSs dirAN1'ED TO SELL NECK.. ,u� T1E5 direct to Consumer; spare or Flapper—Jack, I , am very sorry I pull time: write for samples. Trans treated you the; way 3 did last week. `"a1PtI t His Comna»y, Box 08, Station Jack—Oh, that's all right, honey. 1 saved $30 while we weren't on even th15 day air mail service from England to Australia was inaugurated on April 4th with departure of an Imperial Airwaystionsliner earrying 50,000 letters for Indian and Australian destina- , Australia's 15,000 letters will be transferred at various points so as to reach Port Darwin,' on the western Australian coast, on April 19. An Australian machine will pick them up there and carry them eastward across the' island continent. Return mail from Port Darwin will leave there on April 27 and reach Croydon on May 14, approximately seventeen days en route, or a saving of thirteen. days over the surface route. ma The greatest bet ever de was the alphabet. The acreage of beet grown in Eng- land last year was 347,000, in 1925 it was 54,750. In England and Scotland there are now 19 beet -sugar fat - tortes. speaking terms. A man's worst y is often right under bis own hat, England -Australia Air Mail Started Wi ,000 Letters Croyden, England — The efteen- v„ cess, —PHILLIPS i teAGN4 'rW For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION, 5T0M0OH HEARTDURN CONSTIPATION GAS.NAeseA When in Toronto Make Your Home at Hotel Ford Bay St., at Dundas St. HATES --$1.53 t3' 2,50 S1ogIe Every hotel service in a clean, quiet, fireproof building. 750 rooms. Good Herbal Remedy For Kidneys and 'Liver Paine in the back, headache, poor: appetite, dizziness, indigestion, nervousness, etc., are often 5ynlU- toms of :kidney disorders and - ne- ture'sgentle warnings that poisons are being retained in the system. Don't neglect these symptoms if you value your health. Warner's Safe lildney and Liver Remedy is de.. tiered by many to be very helpful. Get a bottle today. Sold by all druggists. Free sample 'x001. Write Warner's Safe Remedies , Toronto, Ontario. , WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY' LIVER REMEDY he,f1 Food 0?, RS About two hour's ' after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs: They cal it indiges- tion. It rne�ns -that the stemmed nerves have been over -stimulated. There is excess acid, The way to correct it is. with an alkali, which neutralizes' many times its volume in acid. - • ' The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia — just a tasteless liquid; pleasant, efficient and harm. Ions. But it stills excess acids. Made t{293 versa RAWBERRY .'LANTS, SENATOR }7 Dunlap, the no at potUlar variety; 300.. 91.00. 1,000, 97,00, P.O.B, Geo, Moo:ague, Woodville, Ontario, KEEP ALL LENSES CLEANSED Ito not fail to keep windshie'.d and all temp teasel clean, This en hence ha per ewe of motoring and dim.ni.<1,es c 111,10s of accidents. The four main teases of crime are Iust, greed, vanity, and jealousy. ac- cording to 3I1 Jeetiee McCardie, who added that drink and poverty had very Ririe to do sC: h ct•i:.,e. A Brit1sh mriur h.,at has dune 1'i11 miles an boa wi,h the thisetie !ra''f open" 011, th1.:c!-- Ottawa Journal. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-Lavldson Diatribe sole Write at once for our bargain listof Used motorcycles. Terms arranged, leOt iIT'E'4' 4tf;AEMS Soap and Ointment t WOO aaorde.r rho pureaq metetoet and mon, nano- factory method of oortng for the nhta and heir. BRUISES There's' nothing to equal Ivr nerd's, It "take. bold". Antiseptic,soothing, heeling. Gives quick tallest ! It has remained the standard with physicians for more Than 50 years. It is the quick method. Results s Mae almost inetaut]y. It is 0110 approved method. You will never use another when you know, Be sure to get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribedby physicians for over fifty years -`in correcting excess acids. 5Oa bot- ties—any drugstore. So look for the name Phillips on wrapper and bottle, in Canada E. ES Upset 1) ABY HIS and ailments seem twice es serious at night. A sudden cry may- mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. Howwould you meet this emergency—tonight? Have you a bottle of Castorja° ready? For the protection of your wee one—nor your owe peace of mind— keep this old, reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep It just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence wilt ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep, Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue 10 coated because of sluggish bowels. AU druggists have Castoria. ISSUE No. 1,6—'3,1