HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-30, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931
with the articles plainly priced, this home -owned store can offer you
every conw•enlence and service, Our prices make shopping almost
pleasure.--JustAry us. • • ,,,,r-ri-4-:
, • - /
Regardless of where you now shop, we are sure that y7/7Ord
find enjoyable a visit to your Superior Chain Store, Bright and airY,
Items for Week Ending May tii, 19h. ,
MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, l'S i la I l ' '1'. 4 1
(Your Opportunity to Buy) .,.. • . ' . . ..'..-f ,---- C
OkY.DOL, lge. (Ideal Water Softener) *. '''' per pkg. ill a...".
SCHNEIDER'S PURE LARD .. , ... , .. ... ...., ..... 12 Ills, 25 c
APPLE. JELLY, 40 L. jar
• each 33 c
Ingersoll Cream of Pimento Cheese 2 pkgs, 25c
Premium Tea , 1 Ib. pkg. 59c
,(Free Cups and Saucers, Vases, Sugars, or Plates)
Magic Baking Powder (No Alum) 8 oz. 22c
'16 oz, 36c
Ideal Silver Cream , per lge bottle 23c
Sunera ,(The Vitamin Cereal) • per pkg. 23c
Clark's Potted Meats, assorted M.'s 3 tins 24c
St. Croix -Castile Soap 8 'cakes 25c
Reckett's Zdbra Liquid Stove Polish
Benson's Corn Starch ' - per bottle 15c
Purity Coupon Quick Oats per pkg. 12c
lg. pkg. 25c
Nugget Shoe Polish, Assorted Colors .. ..... .a. -.......i ...... 2 tins 23c
Macaroni, Loose Ready Cut 2 lbs. 15c
Red Colme Satmon . 51,'s 15c
1' 25c
Pep, Rice ,Krispies, Bran Flakes 2 pkgs. 25c
Waterglass Egg Preserver . 2 tins 25c
Babbitt's Cleanser or Panshine 1 - 3 tins 25c
Clothes Pins, No. 1 quality , 3 doz. 10c
Silvo or Brasso, small tins 2 for 25c
King- Oscar Sardines per tin 17c
Cowan's Velvet Buds 1 per lb. 29c
Choice Corn, 2's
Golden Wax Beans 2's 2 tins 25c
Shrimps per tin 15c
per tin 23c
Specials Prices for one Week—buy a Dozen or 2 Dozen Case
Aylmer Tomatoe's, 2',A'S... ..... 2 tins -22c ; 6 tins 65c/ • 12 tins $1.25
Aylmer Tomatoes 2's . .. .. ...3 tins 240 12 tins 95c; 24 tins $1.89
Aylmer Tomatoes, individual size 4 tin 5c; 12 tins $9c
Aylmer Tomato Catsup , 12 oz. bottle ' 2 for 25c
Aylmer Tomato Juice Cocktail l's each 10c; 6 tins 55c.
Aylmer Soups, all flavors 3 tins for 25c
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
Cream 1.. Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont,
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Chas. A Howey
PHONE 327-j, Centre Street
D. H. McInnes
Of Wingham, will be at the.,
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
Diseases of all kinds success -
'fully treated.
Electricity used.
If "Love is Real"—service and sac-
rifice. must be given to those thous-
ands less fortunate than ourselves,—
?Tames Hay.
Self -Denial Week, May 3rd to 9th,
The Salvatiton Army throughits
SelfJDenial Week offers you the op-
portunity to help thiOse in need, It
makes a plea to all that is best in you.
Don't hesiVate to give. Remember
those less foektnate than yourself.
Your donation now will help this
great Organization to bring joy and
relief to homes that have- forgotten
The Salvation Army's appeal has
the endorsement of many long years
of unfailing 'service, economical over-
sight, loving hearts and supreme
Nurse, "Teddy, an angel has just
brought you a baby brother, Would
you like to see him ?"
Want and For Sale Ads, 3. rimes 50c' Teddy, "I'd like to see the angel."
• April came in like a lamb and is
gping out like a lion.
Rey, A, W. McIntosh, B.0,, of
Vancouvet,,who has been in Toronto
atteuding a. meeting ,of the Board of
Poreign Missions of the United
!Church, with this son, Mr. I3., A. Me-
antosh and Mrs, McIntosh of Wind-
sor, were Sunday, visitors with Mr,
and Mrs. John .M. Henderson. in Mc-
I-Iazelwooci of Kirkton, has
rented :Miss Elizabeth ,Sicdtt's resi-
nthe, 1-liqn
h,:way west Of •tow,
7.,ossession May 1st. '
'Mrs.-Sinnes G. Martin, left on Satur-
day, 4, spen d a. eoup 1e o f w eek 'n
nglehart before going to Calgary.
. • s
"The Seaforth Highlanders playe
their bagpipes in the Crimean War
and probably started the war." Thi
fr011). Colliers radio hourthe other
night. •. , •
Tiv; D. Lane f Wai1acebur
Vidted With his brother, Rev, W. P
Lane, one day this week,
Mr. Calvert has rented Mr, Rober
Soarlett's House on. Victoria street.
Mrs. Pethick arrived last week from
Toronto and has moved into the Cash
residence roti fames street which she
recently purchased.
A. very successful home cooking
sale was held by the Woman's Guild
of St. Thomas' Church on Saturday.
Mrs. Marvin and Mr. Cyril 'Marvin
of Toronto, who were the guests of
the Misses Brine while attending the
'funeral of the late Mrs. Hicks, return-
ed to Toronto on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs, J. R. Hillis and son, Miss Bet-
e; Johnston, Miss -Viola Hillis and
Miss Mildred Turnbull and Mr. Arn-
old Turnbull of Toronto spent the
week end at the home of Mrs. Turn-
Mr. Willia111 Bell left on Sunday for
Barrie where he has taken a position
with the King Construction Co.
Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Crawford spent
the week -end with Mrs. Crawford's
mother in Dresden.
• Mrs. R. S. Longley, of West. China,
was the guest of Mrs. W, P. Lane,
While on her'Visit as -speaker at Hu-
ron Presbyterial Hensall.-
'Commissioner and Mrs. Hay, ac-
companied by ' the ' Stratford $. A.
1Band, will visit SeafOrth Sunday, May
'1.0th at a.m. Service in S. A: Hall.
Mr..and Mrs. flames .Colquheun and
son Donald of Niagara Falls, N. Y.,
are visiting this week with Mr, and
'Mrs. William Kruse.
Mrs. A. McTavish is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Silas Eyre, Tuckersmith.
Rev. R. A, Cranston of Welland
was a guest at the home of Mrs, R.
H. Ferguson, on Monday.
Wednesday half - holidays com-
mence next week,
Miss Jessie Case left on Monday for
Toronto after spending several weeks
MET relatives here.
Mr, and Mrs. James Love have
moved into Egmondville, following
the burping of the house on their
farm on the seventh concession. of
Tuckersmith, The house in Egmond-
ville belongs, to Mrs. Love's father,
Mr. Hugh Hamilton of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson of
Toronto were week -end visitors with
,Mrs. R. H. Ferguson.
sMr. James Barron is laid up with
pleurisy. His many friends trust he
will soon be able to be around again.
Mr. George Black of Toronto spent
over the week -end with his parents
Miss Mary Young, who has been
ill was taken to the hospital last
Miss Margaret Cleary, R.N., leaves
Thursday for Rochester, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs, Sara Hanna attended
the funeral of the late Mrs, Richard
Hoggarth of Cromarty whose death
occurred at Woodham on Sunday
morning iis her 82nd year. The funeral
took place from ' the Staffa Anglican
Church to Staffa Cemetery.
'Mrs. Frank Downard of Englehart
returned Friday aftei: spending a
week with her father, Mr, Robert
5 mi
Mr. William Black is suffering from
a severe attack of pleurisy,
"Messrs. Thomas, Melvin and John
,Hudson of Marlette, Mich., were
guests of Mrs. John Consitt during
the,week. Mr. John Hudson is spend-
ing a few days with his Mother at
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hocking and
daughter of Cromarty were guests
on Sunday of Mrs. Hugh Wright.
Mrs. R. S. Hays has returned to her
Home after being confined to the hos-
pital for two weeks.
Rev. W. P. Lane exchanged pulpits'
with Rev, R. N. Stewart of Staffa on
Sunday morning.
The name of Mr, Gibson White ap-
pears among the list of the graduating
class of 1931 at Western University,
' •
' First Year Associate Class.—H. D.
First Year Degree Class—W. H.
Hodgson, Centralia; H. J. Hunter,
Exeter; J, R. 'Turnbull, Brussels,
Second Year Associate Class—A,
W. Archibald, :Seaforth. •
Second Year Degree Class—K, E.
Jackson, Kippen; Wright, Kip -
lInterinediate Year—E. II, Stoltz,
Apburn; J, E. Stackhouse, Brucefield;
C. R. Messer, Bine-vale,
'Remember the night we licked
the Turner gang? Gosh! that was the
best fight I ever had. They almost
had us licked -wadi Betty come a -tear -
in' itt. That's why they always call
her Retain' Betty Ann now."—Apple
fRiossom Time, coming to Cardno's
opera hall, Thursday and Friday, May
28 and 29, auspices of North Side
United Church Choi
Miss Bessie Chill entertained the
members of the McGillivray Auxiliary
at her home' on Wednesday, April 22,
when a pleasant time was spent to-
gether. The meeting opened with
hymn. 36, after which the Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison. The
roll was called and the minutes of the
previous meeting were read by the
secretary and adopted. The reports of
'the treasurer and Christian Steward-,
ship Secretary were given, Miss E,
Beattie and Mrs, Ross Savauge were
afil)ninted 'aeldgates 50 the Presby-
tel'ial held in Ilensall. The Scripture
lesson, the first Psalura was read by
Mrs. Savauge and Mrs. W. P. Lane
lead in prayer. After singing hymn
94, Mrs. Laing read a very helpful
paper on "Does Youth Call to the
Womanhood of Canada for Leader-
ship," .Miss A. Govenlock favoured
With a, piano solo, followed by the
druigrui'g- &f'heilit 1411 —Ar"
Juise-h W38 gei'Ved IV tile iiiembeTs of
Chicle 3, after which did 'meeting
closed with the Mizpah .benedlation.
C. G. I. T.
The Marian Keith C. G. I. T. held
theit weekly meeting on Wednesday
night, April 29. The meeting opened
by singing N'o. 1 on the song sheet.
The Scripture was read by Helen
Britton and then Isabel Jamieson
We then sang a hymn. Mrs. Lane
then read a chapter on "Beautiful
Girlhood," We then played a game,
after which the meeting closed by
singing the benediction.
Graduating This Week.--aThe grad-
uating class of Guelph 'General Hosp-
ital, of which Miss Lila Chapman,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William
Chapman, is a member, were guests
at a banquet on Monday evening gi-
ven by the alumnae association, Miss
Chapman has clompleted her three
year course and holds the enviable
record of being the only ntirse of a
class of 53, Who lost no time during
the entire cours- The 1931 gradua-
tion will be held on Friday evening at
8 'o'clock. .
"Last evening in the. Wyadharh
Inn the alumnae of the Guelph Gen:
eral Hospital entertained the mem-
bers of the graduating class of. this
year of the Guelph General Hospital,
a:t a delightful banquet. Miss Bliss,
superintendent • of the hospitatl, Miss
Ferguson, president of the alumnae
association, and Miss Kenny, secret-
ary of the alumnae, received the
guests who assembled at eight o" -
clock. The Inn presented a very
pretty picture, with the red and white
of the hospital colors -predominating
in the effective color ensemble. At
right angles to the long head table
were four tables, parallel to each oth-
er. The centre table arrangement
consisted of red tulips in a glass bowl
artistically arranged on a large glass
mirror. Tall red tapers in silver can-
dle -sticks and silver bud vases holding
single red tulips were further comple-
ments in a very pretty decorative
plan. Each place was marked with a
red bonbon dish, At the conclusion
of the banquet an interesting toast
list was carried Out, Miss Ferguson
proposing the toast to the King as the
opening number. The toast to the
graduating class was proposed by
Miss Pearce and responded to by
Miss 1410Nabb; to the training school,
Anniversary and Play
Brucefield United Church
Young People's Anniversary
11 A.M. AND 7 P.M.
of Stratford
Will be the Special Preacher.
On Monday Evening
MAY 4TH, 8:15
The Gate to Happiness
Admission - - 35c
- 25c
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
:All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
. Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Sutherland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
Seventeen tranches
in Ontario
do no
II show a profit on their book$
unless the money thy have
in cSeeIdNsEtShSeic::;:ae:ouoitu
Y 402.4R-atiptbeyseaatrd. by workgl :nn,
byTYiPot the
4:°I;e111: 7-ne
personal profit is the amouiif thir
are able to save. That is Why a
everrlpgreagng numhr. of nlaried
people regularly iave a portion of
their income. Their profits draw
steady interest and all or any part
Of their savings can be withdrawn
at a moment's notice.
by Miss MeNiven, Miss Bliss res-
ponding; and,to the absent members,
by Miss Grieve. A very interesting
feature of the program was the recall-
ing of years. The earliest one to res-
pond was -that of 1893 and in all ap-
proximately twenty-two answered. In
some cases only one representative of
the year was present, in other's there
was a large representation. At the
head table were seated the members
of the graduating class, who are Miss
Olive Wood, Miss Helen Pass, Miss
Alice Stephenson, Miss Catherine
Clegh'orn, Miss Marguerite Thomas,
all of Guelph; Miss Margaret Mc-
Nabb, of Rockwood; Miss Lila Chap-
man, of .Seaforth; Miss Ethel And-
rews, of Milton; Miss Clara Hardy,
of Milton; Miss Olga Moffatt, of
Fergus; Miss Ena Bentley, of Mil-
ton; and Miss Minnie Hall, of Hills -
burg. As a favor or memento of the
occasion, each of the graduating
nurses was presented with a book,
black -bound, containing operating
rooin notes.
Mr, and Mrs. Pullman have leased
the house in ,Egmondville now owned
by Mrs. Henry Forsyth and intend
moving in by the first of the month.
3/1r, Kenneth Jackson has returned
home from Guelph College,
'Mr, A. Ross has returned home af-
ter spending a few days with friends
in Flint.
The many friends of Mrs. George
Strong were glad to hear that she is
improving after her long illness.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Love in the loss of their
house Which was destroyed by fire
on Sunday morning.
Mr. John Storey, who is in Sea -
forth hospital, is improving.
The friends of Fletcher Whitmore
are pleased to know he is improving,
bit still confined to bed' with inflam-
matory rheumatism.
The West End 'Ladies' Club are
holding the May meeting- at Mrs.
Lewis 'Tebbutt's next !Wednesday.
.Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Levitt of In-
gersoll spent the week end at the
home of Mr, '1". ,Ccileman,
The :beef ring has commenced at
West End with Mr: Rivers of Sea-
ford:, the 1-uncher and now the farm-
ers are being supplied with fresh beef
every Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Nelson Keyes of the Babylon
Ilas Bayfield, is visiting at the home
of her son, IMr. Wilbur Keyes, Mill
Home Burned.—Mr, James Love
sustained a heavy loss when his house
was consumed by flames early Sun-
day morning. Mr. William Taylor
noticed the smoke and ran over and
gave the alarm, They saved most of
the downstairs furniture, but as water
was not handy, the :fire got too great
a headway before sufficient help lhad
arrived. Neighbors Of this commun-
ity join with them in sympathy ; of
their heavy loss.
Mrs. 'James Allen spent the week
end with her son. Mr. Edgar Allen,
"Heil!!! What are you doing in our
yard? You'd better run, Skinny Jack-
son, and if I ever catch you in our
yard again I'm going to smack you so
hard you'll think a mule kicked you.
You can bring your whole family over
and lick them too. Bring all your
uncles and cousins with them and I'll
clean up the bunch,"—Apple Blossom
Time, co'ming to Cardno's hall, on
Thursday and Friday, May 28 and 29,
'auspices of North Side United Church
Lucille Jones, expert Beauty Operator in all branches of the work,
experienced in large shops, permanent waving a specialty,
Will Be At
Friday of each week beginning May 8th
'Permanent: $4.50, $6.50 and $10.00. Phone 125, Pullman's Barber
Shop, for an appointment, Don't forget—May 8th and every Friday
Lucille Jones
. . •
Mr, George Laithwaite of ,Goderich
called on Wm, Carter last week,
Mr, and Mrs, George Carter, ac-
companied by Miss Ferguson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Par-
sons of Harlock.
Mr, Sam Appleby has moved from
the farm into the village of Loades-
Miss B. Fairservice of Clinton spent
Sunday at the home of her parents.
Mr. George Hesk -of Toronto called
on Mr. Chas, Sundercock and family
on Sunday.
Mr, Ed. Johnston of Stunmerhill,
was a caller on the 8th concession
Another of those very pleasant ev-
ents took place Thursday evening in
the hall when Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
Marshall were invited to receive con-
gratulations and best wishes of their
many friends and well wishers, The
young couple were presented with a
pair of wicker chairs and a purse of
Money. Mr. Beattie, teacher of No. 7,
read a neatly worded address, after
which Mr. Marshall, on behalf of
himself and Mrs. Marshall, showed
their appreciation in a pleasing man-
.Mrs. Welsh and daughter Lizzie,
of Ripley, spent Wednesday evening
with the former's daughter, Mrs. G.
H. Beatty.
(Seeding is at a standstill owing to
conditions of the weather.
Mrs. Aid:winkle and three little sons
recently Of England, arrived on .Mon-
day to join her husband, hit-. Ald-
winkle, who has been here some few
Months, having rented the• farm of
the late John Johnston of Bannock-
burn. We welatime Mr. and Mrs.
Aldwinkle. to .001 !community and
wish them every success. '
Services ia McKillop will revert to
the summer schedule on Sunday next,
May 3rd: Duff's Sunday School at
10 a.m., service at bl earl. Bethel,
Service at 2 p. m. atd S,S. at 3 9, m.
Caven, S4S. at 2.15 p,m, and service
On Sunday, May 10th, Mother's
Day will be observed at all services
Keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment
always in the stable, ready for, im-
mediate use, Renioves proud flesh and
inlflammation, Thrush or Hoof Rot,
and infection of cow's teat,
MeSPADDEN.—On Saturday, April
25th. 1931, to Mr, and Mrs. W. G.
McSpadden, of McKillop, a son.
PINK Montreal, on Thurs-
day, April 23rd, 1931, to Mr. and
Mrs. Carl C. Pinkney, a son (Robert
Carl Merton).
CURRIE.—To Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Currie of Wingham, on Wednesday,
April 29th. 1931. a daughter.
UPSHALL. — In Scott Memorial
Hospital, un Wednesday, April 29,
1931, to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Up -
shall, a danghter.
Persian Balm is a sheer delight to
use. Cools and relieves irritations.
caused by weather conditions. 'Int- -
parts a rare charm and beauty to the •
complexion. Fragrant and velvety
smooth. Never leaves a vestige of
stickiness. Swiftly absorbed by the
tissues and stimulates the skin. Per-
sian Balm is the peerless toilet re-
JUST sprin-
kle in some
Kellogg's Rice Krispies next
time you have soup. Adds
the flavor of toasted rice.
Rice Krispies are the "dif-
ferent" cereal. So crisp they
crackle in milk or cream.
Wonderful for breakfast,
lunch or supper. Ord,er a
red -and -green package. At
grocers. Made by Kellogg
in London, Ontario.