HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-23, Page 8PAGE EIGHT, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. Mr. Milton-Ortwein of London vis- ited over :the week -end with relatives in town 'Mr, Wm Jarrott and daughter, "Miss,An e of llillsgreen, `.recently v sited with Mr, and' Mrs, D. Nichol. air, and M4f;s, Ebby of :Burlington are visiting her parents, 2v1r. and Mrs. W. J. White. Miss Jean Stone of London visited' over the week -end with her father and sister here. . Mrs, P. Fisher and daughter Miss Eleanor Fisher, visited fora few days with Mr, and Mrs, Moffatt of Bruce field, • 'Mr. Thos. Farquhar has returned to town and has resumed his position as caretaker of the Hensall Bowling Green. • Mr. James Smith, Chief of Police of Kincardine, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Con- sitt. Mr. Win. Davis was arrested .in London on Friday night for. having liquor in his possession on the street.. On Saturday morning he appeared before Magistrate Scandrett and Was fined $100 and costs. . On Sunday morning the barns on the farm of Mr. George Arnn•trong two miles southwest of Hensall, were destroyed by fire. .His little 'son Harry, and his niece, the daughter f Mr, and Mrs. John Coleman of Lon- don, were playing in the barn with matches and set fire to the straw. A few minutes later Mr. Armstrong ncticed the blaze and succeeded in getting all of the live stock out of the building. The drive shed which was next to the barn was also con- sumed with nearly all the farm im- plements which were in the shed. *A bean thresher on barn floor was also destroyed, also a quantity of hay and grain. The Hensall Fire Depart- ment was called and quickly respond- ed and succeeded in saving the house, Mr. Armstrong carried some insur- ance but his loss will be very heavy, Quite a number of neighbors and friends were on the grounds Monday cleaning up the debris, and Mr. Arm- strong inteifds erecting a new barn immediately. 'iiss Jean Russell spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hodgert, Mr. Harold Sherritt spent the week end with friends in lArindsor. Gardening is now the order of the day. Mr. Henry Phile has a number of men engaged in rnovieg the barn that he recently purchased from Mr. Har- ry Howard, down to his farm at Ro- gerville. Miss Viola Johns of Elimville visit- ed on Sunday with friends in town. Mr, Peter Case of Exeter visited for a few days with friends in town. Mr. Wen. Fee visited in Exeter on Saturday. The Presbyterial Society will meet. in the United Church on Tues„ April 28 commencing at 9 a,m. All W. M. S. members and all friends will be welcome. Mrs. R. G. Longley of. West China will be present and ad- dress the meeting, . She is a most in- spiring speaker and all will be help- ed by hearing her message. A number from Hensall attend the services at James street United Church, Exeter, on Sunday evening last. Mr. Henry Horton purchased a new Chevrolet car from Messrs, Pass- more & Sons, Mrs. Streets of Clinton was a re- cent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, A. McDonald. Quite a number from here attend- ed the dance at Watson's Hall, Kip - pen, on Wednesday night. The dance put on by the Hensall Leghorn Chicks THIS WEEK ONLY, WE HAVE A SURPLUS OF WHITE LEGHORN CH'I'CKS, WHICH WE WILL •DIS- POSE OF AT .' ' • 11c EACH OR :$10.00 A HUNDRED We also have a few Black Minorcas, SunnyvalePoultryFarmlines y Hatciscry. • SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 137x3 orchestra was well attended on Fri- day evening. Mr. Thomas Cook is confined to his home through illness. • The Steele Briggs and the Rennie Seed Co, have the onion sets all shipped out of their warehouses here and the men are now sowing the seed for another crop. :lir. Gaefield Brown who recently moved here from Kitchener, has op- ened up a boot and shoe store on the south side of Main street in the Hardy building. r The Odd Fellows of the Hensall Lodge intend attending the St, Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday evening, May 3. LONDESBORO Mr, Tom Moon spent the beginning of the week in Toronto. Mrs. E. Lear of Blyth visited with friends in the village Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Workman of Chatham were visitors here on Sun- day. Mr. Ted Reid of Blyth was in our. burg on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Will Lyon of Blyth spent Sunday with the former's mother here. Mr, Art Weymouth took suddenly ill and was rushed to Clinton hospi- tal Saturday night, being operated on at once for. appendicitis. By last re- ports he is 'doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Armstrong and little Miss Doreen were Seaforth vis- itors 00 Sunday. Mrs, Wm, Ross and Mrs, C, Rud - dell called on Seaforth friends on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pickett were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cowan on Sunday. Mr. George McCall returned to his home Saturday night after spending a few days with Morris friends. 3,lr. George and Miss Sarah Barr spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. King, of Bayfield. Nurse McCrea of London was vis- iting her brother, Mr. Robert Mc- Crea, last Friday.. Rev, and •Mrs. Forster are in Sar- nia this week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Stewart of Stratford Sundayed at the home of Mr. Charlie Watson. Miss Mary Buchanan of Goderich spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Alberta Snell. Mr. Eph, Gray of Palmerston spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Mitchell and babe of Detroit called on Mr, and Mrs, John Nott recently, Mr. and Mrs, Shaddick and family spent Saturday in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. D, D. Roberton s• Roberton'shea t r and keeps it, spent Sunday with lir parents at Ridley, Mrs. Entmerton returning with them for a ;few days' visit, Mr and Mrs, J. Nott and Miss Belle motored over to see the former's mother 'whb is quite fh at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Smith, of Sum- merhih. e Mr. T. CoWan is visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs, Townsend, Gardening and house cleaning are the order of the day in our burg. HULLETT. Mrs, George Garrettof near Clin- ton, who spent last week•at-the Home of Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett of the gravel road, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs, Carter of Wingham were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter, Gravel road, recent- ly. Mr, and Mrs, Stewart of Stratford called at the home of Mr, and Mrs, C. Watson on Sunday. Mr. Appleby, who has resided on the farm of Mr, i5. 'Fairservice for the past two years, has moved to Lon desboro and is living in the house of Mrs. Webster. Mrs, Hutton, who has not been enjoying good health for the pest two weeks, is slightly improved. Wm. Weymouth, who is employed at the home of Mr. D. McCallum was taken suddenly iil Saturday •nig'ht, He we's rushed to Clinton hospital where he was operated on. We wish him.a speedy recovery. KIPPEN. . Mr. Andrew Bell and Harvey Ca- meron who were operated on for ap- pendicitis in Seaforbh hospital, are home and doing nicely. Mr. George Fraser of Hamilton, spent the week end with Kippen friends. Sucker fishing is the order of the day with the boys around the village and many fine catches are made. Mr. Dan Bell and friend, of Bos- ton, are spending a week with their many friends in these parts. Mr, Robert Dinsdale is able to be out again after his recent illness. Grain seeding is completed in these parts. The weather was very fav- odable and the soil worked excellent, Mr. W. C. Sproat of Seaforth is spending a week with his son, Ed. and Mrs. Sproat, The use of Miller's !Worm Powders insures healthy children so far as the ailments attributable to worims are concerned, A high mortality among children is traceable to worms. These sap the strength of infants so that they are unable to maintain the bat- tle for life and succumb to weakness; This preparation gives promise of ,sioti PLAYiNs4i '04,9%.T° TN every one's life there comes•_� a time to stop and consider thy. wisdom of spending every dollar earned, A man begins to question whether he is playing safe with his 'future. Experience and good sense urge that provision for emergencies should be made by saving something each week. It is easier to save with the Province of Ontario Savings Office because of the extended business hours. You will enjoy seeing bow steadily, your reserve grows with interest added regularly. And every 'depositor's mind is at peace because he knows that the safety, of his deposits is guaranteed by his government, PR E OF- _ 0qSyvcs OFFIGE £ RYDEPOS/T6UAPN,tay/®rA ti®0QNVE/eNT HEAD OFFICE ;a��Q\ ,gyp _ PARLIAMENT WA 3. M, McMILLAN, MANAGER. SEAFORTF BRANCH TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO April, 1905, At a meeting of the players' Managing committee of the Be Lacrosse Club on Monday evening was decided to play senior lacr this year, The step was taken ow to inability: in the past few years serou're interesting games in .the in mediate series. The people of S forth have been educated to good crosse and will not patronize a thing that is not pretty pear up to mark, Efforts will be made to scheduled 'with Brantford, St. Ca arines, Fergus, and one of the t Toronto teams. - The, team will . strengthened in every polssible and, with a good deal of practice the part of several of the old gua who have promised to turn out, be expected to give a. good acco of themselves, lA meeting of the officers of 33rd Regiment was held at the 'R ten+bury House on Wednesday of 1 week, among those present bei Colo ;Colonel to Young, r .Liao Combe C J , tains MdTaggart, 'Rance, Shaw, son, MdPl ail and Chaplain Hodgi at was decided to inem'orialize government to change the holding camps of instruction to'the last t weeks of July or the "firts+t part August which would enable the for to secure a greater number of st dents. Committees were appointe as 'follows: Mess, Major Hays, Ca Vain (Chaplain) 111fodgins, Major Dui lop; band, Major flays, Captain Wi son; finance, Captain• .Rance, Maj Hays,' Captain McTaggart; specie Major Combe, Captains Rance, Sha and McTaggart. Dr. Jahn A. Gray, brother of the 'Messrs. W'ni. and 'J'dseph Gray, of Hallett, died in Dallas, Texas, on (Sunday of last week. He'was in his 28th year and had only been practis- ung medicine for 10•months when he contracted illness•from a patient. D. MoNaughton has rented the carriage shop in Varna from Mrs. Purdy and will run that business in connection with his blacksmith !shop, A couple of shoddy dry goods ped- dlers struck town on 'Tuesday and en- deavored to dispose of some of their goods, Having no license to sell m town their career was cut short by .the Chief of Police. 'rhe experience of. those who have 'purchased goods• from those kind of people in the past have been that the goods were invar- iably not what they were represetned to be. "Op Wednesday a dray load of handsomely bound books, sessional papers and parliamentary reports were taken from the public library and sold for waste paper. 'The books took up a lot of room at the.library and were. never read or asked far, hence their removal. .Dns. Ross and Burrows :.performed a successful operation on Saturday last at the Queens' hotel on John Wright, of Cromarty, The patient is improving nicely, Mr, H. J. Downey disposed of a car load of good grass cattle to Messrs. Dale and Taylor on Wednesday. He recently purchased the lot in Toronto and had no trouble in disposing of them immediately on their arrival. 'Geo. Patterson, foreman of the' lumber yard at the Furniture factory, was the victim of a bad accident on Thursday morning. He was working on a lumber pile about sever' feet higlh and in some unaccounta'Sle way. ,fell off, striking on his head and in- flicting' a gash three inches in length and injuring his cheek bone. He was unconscious for a time. Mr. Burns, of Pueblo, Colorada, a former president of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad, was in town on Wednesday. + e H called „on Y d told two friends, John Barry and John MdGav- in, of McKillop township; and pres- ented the latter with a ,handsome and expensive knife, and aver it osse iitg to ter ea 1a tty- the be th- wo be way on rd, may int the' at'- ast ng: ap-. NV s. the of wo of ce 11- n- 3- 1- 1, -1- 1, w COMING The Lincoln Producing Company will produce the time tried, fav'ori'te melodrama, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," et the opera house, Seaforth, on Friday, April 24th, with a special selected .company of players, New scenery and effects. High-class vaudeville will be presented between the acts making a continuous performance. The prices have. ,been made to meet the conditions; for a• few towns in this vicinity.Tw ent 1fi ve cents s'to everybody, and it can be safely said, that the Lincoln Company is giving more for the money than any travel- ling show now on the road. Don't miss this wonderful opport- unity. Taking No Chances A ;sudden .business trip: ,Bill was hurriedly packing`' up. the wondered if Tom .would be home when he pass- ed through his town. 'Better not take a chance, thought B'iil, so he tele- phoned' hinr. Torn was there and looking forward to seeing him. What a convenience Long Distance isl PRIVATE SALE' ' Saturday, April 25th, 2 to 5' p.m. - 1 clothes mange'(; 1 Victor Victrola and records; 1 Quebec range, new last fall; 2 wash stands; set of scales; 2 large mirrors, lawn mower, 1 set of quartered oak diners;; numerous other articles. E. H. CLOSSE, Jarvis street. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per lb. 28c Eggs, per dozen 12c -18c Potatoes, per bag ,,,., , ...... $L00 Hogs, per cwt, $8.0048.50 THURSDAY', APRIL 23, 1931 uy i � o ville. FINEST LARD- 2 Pound 19c. ' Cash. FORMALDEHYDE— 16 oz. Bottle 29c Cash, MEWS HEAVY SHOES 2.99 Cash, 't RED ROSE TEA- Per. Pound.,,., 49c Cash, RIDEAU HALL COFFEE Per Pound 49c SWEAT PADS-- Best. Quality ... , 49c ._ Cash, P, & G. SOAP—, 10 Bars 36c Cash, WOMEN'S SILK HOSE - Good Quality . . 49c Cash, W. J®. FIN I AN . WANITED '%A !united number of cattle for pas- ture, water and grass gutaranteed. ' have also a number of choice pigs, 6 weeks old for safe. Phone 133 r 21, Seaforth, I T. G , +IL' S LI . zX N IIAW,18 G COWS FOR SALE 'Four young cows, fresh and spring- ing. Apply to DALE NrIX+ON, Phone 144x4. 17 FOUND :Gentleman's combination fountain pen and pen'cil, found between Finini- gan's store and railway. Owner may have same by paying for this adv. RUSISIEIJL WIAMLLfACE, Seaforth,' RJR. 4, Phone 133r15. 1'7' BABY CHICKS FOR SALE +About 250 chicks for sale, from high producing bred -to -lay Barred Rocks $13.00 a hundred, May 15th. Phone- 241 r 12, Seaforth, EARL LAIWISIOIN RIR. 1, Clinton, 17.. 'CLOVER SEED FOR SALE White blossom sweet clover seed for sale, $2.50 per bushel, LOtRNEE TAYLOR, Bruce'field. Phone 627r22, 17. CHICK'S, .CHICKS 'Sin'gl,. Comb White Leghorn ,Chicks 11 cents; O.A.C. Barred Rocks 13 cents; Jersey Black Giants 15 cents for May; for June 1 cent less; eggs from Jersey Black Giants $5 per hundred. Your own eggs hatched out at 4 cents per egg. HARRY K+1+EIHINE, Raz. 1, Born- holm, Ont. Phone 52 r 23. '19. POTATOES FOR SALE Cobbler variety, suitable for seed, 90c bag. Apply to ORAWFORiD S7+N➢I'}SOiN, Egmondvilte, or phone 146 r 11. 17 PROPERTY FOR SALE In Egmondville situated on the Main street, containing one-quarter acre of land. On the property there is a frame house, 7 rooms with cellar, cistern and a never failing weld of hard water at the door, plenty of small and large fruit, • Telephone in; the land is 'perfectly clean and every- thing in good repair and is convenient in every way in regard to town. Township taxes; will be sold at a reasonable price as the proprietor wishes to get a larger place. Apply on the premises or address ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Seaforth. 17 FOR SALE S expect to have a number of calves for sale during the calf season.. Call and let me know what you want. Prices according to times, HAROLD'. PIEINIHIA+LE, BayfieId, Ont. Phone 5-78, Hensall. TENDERS. Tenders for the operating` of the MdKil !oA Township Sta Stone Crusher for the season 1931 will be received by the undersigned till Monday, May 4th, 1931. Tenders will be opened at 3 p.m. at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, Contractor to furnish power, drive belt, oil and to oil crusher, to supply crusher with material from pit; mun- icipality provides scrapers. Crusher speed to be from 280 to 290 revolutions per min. (Screen has 4 rows of holes 1 inch and 4 rows 1% inch. Tenders to be hythe cubic yard and to include amount expected for moving and td setting, also rate for re- pair r work, Contractor to provide roadway a under chutes. Y Tenderswill wi 1 also be received for trucking crushed material from crush- er by the yard mile. Contractor will be held responsible for amount of compensation and will be expected to furnish reliable bonds. Contractor to furnish council with a statement of labor. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted, JOHN McNa Y, Clerk. R.R• 2, Seaforth, IN MEMORIAM 1BlAAEROIN.—In loving memory of our dear husband and father, John Barron, who departed this life six years ago today, April 1.3, 1925: "The month of April again is here, The saddest month of all the year, Because six years ago to -day, Our dear husband and father passed away. —Sadly missed by wife, sons and daughters, CARD OF THANKS Mr:. and. Mrs, -Joseph T. 3-Iugill wish to thank their neighbors and friends for assistance and help during the fire on Mottday evening, HORSE FOR SALE. 1 general purpose gelding, w'orkb single or double. Apply to REV. W. F. SMITH, Me-Kiltop Manse. Tel, 239-15. - • 17 PROPERTY FOR SALE. A comfortable six -room cottage, hard and soft water in the house, el- ectric lights, four lots of land, well fenced, small orchard, hen house. MRS. ROOT. EDGAR. -. 17 PIANO FOR SALE. Slightly used, Heintzman & Co. piano in good shape. For sale cheap. Apply at WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE, phone 67, Seaforth. DUCK EGGS, Mammoth Pekin Suck eggs at 50e a setting. Phone 237 r 4. VEIL'MA HiA7+SIr. 17 SEED PEAS FOR - SALE About 80 ,bushel's, Arthur variety. Apply to MFRVIIIN IJANIE, Lot 12, con. 6, Tuckersm:it'h, Phone 131r21. '17 HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 -roomed house for rent. White Blossom Sweet Clover seed, already scarified, government tested for ger- mination and grade. Get our prices on teed. PHONE 25, Seaforth, 17 FOR SALE. A quantity of seed oats and seed barley, also a few choice potatoes. WM. STOIREY, 15 on 249, Seaforth. 17 HOUSE FOR SALE 7 roomed frame house in G. Sperl- ing survey, one block .from church and Main street. Apply Mrs. M. Mc- AR1DLIE. 17. FOR SALE ' Comfortable, - seven roomed frame house, in good, condition, favorable location, electric' light, town water, garage, poultry house and garden lot. Apply at News Office. FARM FOR SALE Lot 11, Concession 4, H!R.S., Tuck- ersmith, containing 100 acres of choice land, situated on county road, 1/ miles south of the prosperous Town of Seaforth, on C.NR.; convenient -to schools, churches and markets. This farm is all underdrained, well fenced; about 2 acres of choice fruit trees. The soil is excellent and in a good state of cttitivation and all suitable for the growth of alfalfa, no waste land. The farm is well watered with two never failing wells, also a flowing spring in the farm yard; about 40 acres plowed and reading for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat; remainder is seeded with alfalfa. The buildings are first class, in excellent repair; the house is brick and is mo- dern in every respect, heated with fur - re henace, hard and soft water on tap, a three-piece ' p bathroom; rural telephone, also rural mail. The outbuildings con- sist of barn 50x'80 feet with stone stabling under; ail floors in stable' cement;; the stabling has water sys tem installed. A good frame driving shed, 24x48 feet; a 2 -storey henhouse 16x'36 feet, A brick pig pen with ce- ment floors capable of housing about 40 pigs. The house, stables and barn have hydro installed. Anyone desir- ing a first .class home and choice farm should see this. On account of 111 health I will sell reasonable, Besides the above I am offering lot 27, con- cession 12, Hibbert, consisting of 100 res c hole e n d la 6 5 acr es werell and - drained; 10 acres maple bush, all seed- ed to grass; no waste land.- On the premises are a good bank barn 48x56 feet and frame +house, an excellent well. The farm is situated about 5 miles from the prosperous village of Hensall on the C.N.R., one-quarter of a mile from school and mile from church. This farm has never been cropped much and is in excellent shape for cropping or pasture. I will sell' these farms' together or separate- ly to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to the .proprietor, Sea- forth, R.R. 4, or phone 21 on 133, Seaforth, . THOS. G. SHILLING - LAW, Proprietor. ac W. C. Govenlock ZACentIclobsertog Nees* dee our Hue of SULKY PLOWS, W,ALKIN�G • PLOWS TRACTORS AND PLOWS, Have on hand for sale good used Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape,. and '25 Ford Coupe. For 32 ft. carrier,Rinbt.fi first class cutting shape. Set 2,000 pound Scales. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 Limes 50e RINE , PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR, H, HUGH ROSS, Physician and 'Surgeon. Late of London !Hoa pita!, •London, England, 'Spec attection to diseases of the eye, Ws4 nose and throat. Office and resin- ence behind Dominion Bank. Ofieil Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 1fi&, DR, F . J. BURROWS, Seaford", Office and residence, Goderich street. east of the United- Church, Comair for the County of Huron. Telephony No: 46. DR. C. •MAC&AY,— G. MackaTh honor graduate of Trinity Universe, and gold medallist of Trinity Hedead College; member of the College 0,4 Physicians and Surgeons of Ontat_dra, DR. F. J. R. FOIRSTER—Eye, Etit2 Nose and Throat, Graduate in Med& eine, University of Toronto ISM Late Assistant New York Ophtb* mic and Aural Institrite, 'Moore6eld'y Eye, and Golden Sq -rare throat h0- pitals,'London. England. At Conn ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday i3 each month; from 11 a,m. to 3 p.>,' DR. W. C. SPROAT.---Graduate of Faculty of y Medicine, University 41 Western Ontario, London. 1Eewab. of Cpllege of rPhysicians and Stns geons of Ontario.: Office in rear nil Aberharts Drug Store, Seaford!. Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.391- 9 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dental. DR. J. A. MUNNN, Successor• Dr. R. •R Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, Ili. Jit. centiate Royal. College of Dental Surf. gdons, Toronto, Office over Sil;'I hardware, Main St, Seaforth. nand 151. DR. F. 5. BECBELY, graduate Royal College of .Dental Surgeon* Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith's grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Pboaes, office 183W, residence 1851 Consulting Engineer. • S. W. ARCHIBALD B.A•So, (Tar) O.L.S., Registered Pr . Professional En- gineer and Land Surveyor, Anode% Member Engineering Institute• N Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT,d Auctioneer for the County off Hunan osy Arrangements can be made for. W4Date' at The Seaforth News. Charles moderate and satisfaction' guaranteed, HAROLD D. DALE, Liceaakid Auctioneer for the County of Here% Moderate rates and satisfaction lista. anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box M. Seaforth: WATSON • AND REID% ATE AND INSUR NCE AGENCY (Successors to James !Watson) MAIN ST., SEA/FORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effects ed at lowest rates in First -Claw Companies, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire insurance Co. FARM AND p.SOZAfT'ED TO'W'N, PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSU'REi n Officers—James Connolly.. Godj ich; Alex. James ' Evans, Beechwnond, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer, +Directors—lW,m.' Rdnn, No: 2, Stir forth, Joim.'Bennewies, :Brodba dmj James Evans,` Beechwood; M. Me - wen. James Connolly, Gdd- eridh; Alex. Clinton;Broadfaot No. 3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris,,Harlock; George ]de- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray! Gibson; Brucefietd. Ag1nt nWatt, E.Hchle,aSeaforl Blyth, . Ai Murray. r.r, No. 3, Seaforth, J. V. Yeo, H of mesville s • R. G. Bornholm. a IarmJh* James Kers' and Joh* Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addres4t4 to their respective postoffices. Persian Balm is ,irresistibly appeal- ing to all women who appreciate charm and elegance, 'Its use keeps the complexion always clear and beautiful, Tonic in effect, Stimulates •the skin and makes it wonderfully soft -textured. Softens and whitens the hands, Persian rsia n B aIm' is equally invatnoble 'to men as an eecel4ent list ,fix esti ' ve and cooling l' o rn g shaving lotion. ' 1 ' ca Splendid also to protect the tender, skin of the child. ' THURS,-PRI,-SAT, REGI'NALD MacKENINA FARREL1, MacD+ONALD FRANK ALBERTSON Men Without WomenA Melodrama of the 'Submarine Service The highlights of a thousand ro- prances with one romance—that'of a British Naval officer and great lady— a's the motivating influence of the stirring climax, and as the solution of one of the World War's biggest mysteries—the torpedoing of a war- ship carrying the greatest soldier of the Allies. . THIS WEEK -END Mon. Tues. Wed. - 'r VILMA BA'NKY