The Seaforth News, 1931-04-23, Page 2Such dello:away � flavetFr is not foitsnd in ether tem TEA 'Fresh front the gardens' rar...v.0707.4 v7.47'.. VW; :".a.."-Anaree:`'.0244X9 fol THE N t' KESTREL USE 6 0 , tti MYSTE Y . ,,,4 • 4-1 We By T. C. H. JACOBS f;..1 tc. s...%. A ‘,... As AV. ...... • As a. at, ,' ,a. ..", .sta ' sr, e 'Jew,* en. egeteeee A:`,.., ...4k.N • BYNOPSIS. I of your physique should have allowed • Denry Dolt and his ward Muriel himself to be so mishandled without Idainwaring are staying at a Dartmoor i farm, a series re dleappearaneee have making the slightest attempt to defend been alarming tho• locality, the latest himself." -victim being mons Page. the local 010 - ars daughter. Percival Pyverort °flaws "Ah! cease, you forget the dope, in- to Devon in search of health and be-. spect,,,,p admonished Pyecroft, beam - comes a boarder at the farm. A. few 1 days later he is kidnapped in mistake mg pleasantly upon the frowning for someone else, and then thrown aver policeman, and wagging a finger in i d reproof. "Remember that Percy was not his usual bright little self." CHAPTER IV.—(Cont'd.) "Yoae attitude, sir, astounds nae," "But sanely, sir, you must know snapped Barnard. "Do you realize where you recovered lonsciousness," that you were in deadly peril?" Inspector Bernal:El peetested. Pyeeroft grinned broadly, and "Oh bless you, yes," grinned Pye- reached out for die bottle, "By ginger, old top," he said, "I n ust have another after that. Gad, you have positively shaken me!" Chief Inspector Barnard turned got mei Did Constable Ford tell you about that ebappie?" "He did not." . "Then, ray dear old eout, get him to spin that yarn, it's a beautn makes your hair positively crawl on yerur "Were you able td form -an impres- sion as to the situation of the house?" cut M Barnard quickly. Be was find Ing 1ir. Pyecyoft a little difficult. "None whatevem absolutely not a point of thee compass noted. But I'll say this much, it's a goodish way, in fact a heck of a ."Your conclusions are arrived at from the length of time you judged yourself to be unconscious, eh?" Pyeeroft eeamed. "Spoken like a thought reader," -he grinned. "Were you able to, form an idea of the make or size of ehe ear?" contin- ued Barnard. "No, but I pulled a button off a mashien when they Tugged me out prior to doing the dirty on me. Awfully funny about that too! When I began to sit up and take notice, after I had been heaved over the cliff, you under- stand, I found myself clutching that beastly little button tike a long -lost brother. It's in illy .coat pocket over :here, the right-hand side, or is it the h va a ellit next by Chief Inspector Barnard. croft. "When I opened my little -lamps I was all tucked up on a nice, comfy totaei or some such useful article et modem furnishing. The two bird, barky and the other, whose name 1. away and walked to the window, feel urn was James, were having e where he stood looking out upon the committee meeting as to the beet e. moor. But he mew none of the beauty the,: of dumping poor Percy." of the purple heather and golden "yes. • . . and then?" gore. His mind was occupied with "And then? Well, it was like tete Pyceroft, n perfect medley of thoughts, Jni-t as I was deciding that 1 -weld ideas and suspicions. What game was not p •eeibly agree with their suave.: he playing? Was rhe man just a time, along came the desk gentleman drink-etalden fool, or was he a re - and plonked an awful lot of the %Mg- markaely clever actor? He felt cer- may as before slap under my nose and letain that he had seen him before some - off I went again. So I rather gather I where, but he could not recall the teem e. that back we went again to the can or place, yet he had a hazy memory "Whin. ear?" snapped Barnard, that it was in his official capacity "The one they took me along in, that he had met him. Be shot a swift after they had le.Oeed the boy." glanee into the wardrobe mirror, and liarnard's eyes narrowed. taw a somewhat touele-headed, inane - young man gulping another "But if you did sot recover eon. fang! 5010001105s until you were on the coat+ how did you know they carried yen by ear?" he demanded. Pyeeroft shrugged his shoulder.% "Well, ask yourself, dear , Perey's a tidy weight, and they took mind made up. Pyeeroft noted the change in his manner as he addressed me back by ear, so. . .11 "Quite," broke in Barnard. "What him in the tone of voice of a man neelleetions have ;on of falling over determined to Le patient with a fool. "Wel:, now, Mr. Pyecroft," Barnard the eliff?" "lima. beastly recollections. I • 'rt *rad. "there are one or two little ques- t•f tan woke up when they lugged me teens I would like to ask and then 1 out of the car, but they turfed your .eon't Double you further." little pal ever the long drop before h "Oh. no trouble, no trouble. I assine eould blink an eyelid, After a thou-, y.n Three a spot of tonic?" sand years or so I felt strong eneugh I "Ne. thenk you, I am a teetotaller." elenrdl" exclaimed Pyecroft, the to toddle home, but I mightn't nava managed It if that shepherd hid hadn't, most mniplete surprise imaginable flipped along and lent a supportingi dawning en his face. "You astonish hand. Bright boy that, not one of the me!" world's great talkers, Mit a eound I "Now, eir, why did you refer les eportsman all the same. Noyv, tell Four assailants as Bosky and Jamas?" me, Mr. Aymara, what ate you go -1 The inspeetor sat down by the bed and ing to do about it? Something ought ; rested his hands on his knees, endeav- oring without much Sneeebs to LOA to be done, you know!" He looked enquiringly at the inepee• plea:mut tor, who rose from his chair and "That's what they ealled one an - steadied to the foot of the bed, where other, I think. But don't take :net he rested his elbows on the back and , for gospel truth, Wag pretty thick subjected the other to a prolonged ' in the bean yemember." and searching gaze. Pyeeroft met the "Quite. len not forgetting that." steady gaze with an amiable grin. The thspeetor s voice was a little mem Preseatly the inspector spoke: and Pyeeroft shot a Swift glaeme at glance at the object aseured him .hat "Did you obtain a sight of them ke had not been mietaken. The pupils "Feankly, Mr. Pyeeroft, had it not him. -been for the fact that I nave evidence at any time?" of his grey eyes became as pin -points to surrport your story I should have Well , . er . no. Only 11 and he nodded almost imperceptibly as believed you to be the victim of your impression. Lord! when they first set a anY he extracted the button which was in the same pocket. imagination. I am amazed that a man on me I thought the Hell Hound had ern k„ - p the button," he said, Then picking up his lusa he walked slowly to the door. "Good-bye, Mr. Pyecroft. I trust that you will soon recover." "Bye, bye, dear ooy, grinned Pere - croft, "see you later, perhaps." "Very probably, Mr. Pyecroft," said Barnard in his slow, measured voice,, which somehow held a hint of menace. As the inspector closed the door the grin vanished from Pyecraft's face. For several moments he listened in- tently, then springing lightly out of bed he stepped noiselessly across the room to his coat. His hand dived into the pocket and a muttered Curse escaped from his open lips as he die. covered the object which had so inter- ested Barnard drink. "Beni" he muttered. "Raw brandy by the tumbler at this hour of the morning!" With a shrug of bis shoul- ders he turned towards the bed, his left? One oft em, any\ y. "P11 see it in a moment," said Barn- ard.' "Now, when you were in the house did you hear any sounds?" "Sounds?" repeated Pyeeroft va- cantly. "Yes, sounds, ones which might lead you to suppose that it was a large house or a small one, or perhaps not a house at all?" "Oh bless you, rely dear old laddie, it was a house," declared Pyecroft, emphatically. "Why are you so sure?" "Well, I eat of gathered that sueh was the ease, I mean, carpets and electric lights, not the sort of thing one finds in a shepherd's hut, what?" "Ah?" Into the inspector's slow, measured tones there crept a new note of interest. His steely eyes shone a little brighter as he leaned forward. "And how did you learn all that, sir, evhen you were practically uncon- scious the whole time?" he demanded. Pyecroft's perpetual grin took on an air of smug satisfaction as he winked knowingly at Barnard. "You forget, inspector, I was not unconscious all the time. When my Pane° Betraying Rowers, destroying sum- mer fruits: ITSOLITL ALUMINUM LAWN MOWER A LIGHTER, easier run- ning and longer lastibg mower Aluminum Drive Wheels. and Side Plates. Barium Metal self.alisning beaFings, steel drive Whee! Axles and Steel Drive Wheel bushings. At your hardware dealer's. CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORGINGS LIMITED - James SmartPlent , Brockville • Ontario 'e"ile.",eitieeeeieneireiase ies False Spring Cruel with all its ancient cruelty Spring comes again, too soon, , too beautifill: • This slumbrous month was never Meant to be More than an interlude, an icy lull. Heartless as beauty itself, the sun- light (Mawr: Too eager life up from the dormant roots— () kindness out et season, gentle two little friends were discussing "he best means of disposing of the body, I was somewhat reeovered and took quite a lively interest in the matter. Then it was that I took stock of my bearings." Barnard nodded slimily. He was con- siderably puzzled as to the reason for Pyecroft's inactivity, when he ming have known that he was in n serious position. He was a big, hefty man, and doubtless could have given an ex- cellent account of himself if it had come to a fight. Perhaps he was too rotten with drink, though, and his fuddled brain did not appreciate she danger. Barnard had en uncomfort- able feeling that Pyecroft was deliber- ately obstructing him, and he wonder- ed how much of the tale was true. Some of it was, he knew. On the other eand it was more than probable that "When we resumed housekeeping a tho man was move or tees drunk when month ago I fouled my draperies had he started out for the valley, and eub- become creased from packing. I hung sequent events would be confused in them out on the Rem hoping to remove his mita. Ile decided to abandon the the aeases. Then forgot them. The interview and try some other time, result was they became badly faded when he had nn oliportunity to survey and sun -spotted. the around. "I was heartsick until the happy "I'm very much obliged to you, sir," thought struck me to dye them. I I'll take that button." "Helm just dyed' them a deeper green, and he said, rising from his chair. as I used Diamond Dyes they look take it by all means," replied Pye- gorgeous and new. I have never scan "Certainly, certninlY, Mr. Bonnard, easier dyes to usethan Diamond Dyes. croft. They give the most beautiful colors— Chief Inspector Barnard crossed the when used either for tinting or dye - room to where the coat was thrown Ing—and never take the life out of eart"lesslY masa a ella-t- his bat" cloth as other dyes doe' explored the pockets it came in contact 1VIrs. J.F.T., Montreal, with something which caused a -sudden quickening of his pulse. By a casual crtptin„„mt, ct4 aikv hki Dag SCO.L.L.LE". e There is a race of naen who are born rival armies leers than a hundred miles with a gift of roving, and a thought away. I asked Scottie if he would be in front of these windbrealm so that that all lands are home. They'll hang interested in going to the front, and their hate in an Eseuireaux Igloo, or he wagged his tail and danced about. a chinese Emperor's palace, and set-, We must confess that Scottie didn't tle down as complacently, es e black like the Chinese very well at inst. cat on a warm Once lie had been captured by Ohin- hearth rug. Give ese bandits, and eine° then had car - thein a stout old tied a grudge againet the entire race. pair of shoes and He mixed with them just as a lighted a new highway, or math mixes with a eteg of gunpovvder. an old boat and al Knowing the grouch Scottie ganged salt wind to push I shouldn't have taken lithe -with me the sail, and they'll when I went to see General Lu to ask find their way into for a pass to. the front the queerest places General Lu was located in a palace --with absolute surety that all will in a small walled eity. Walking.into come out right in the end the room he greeted as with dignity, If you asked these men why they , shaking hands with ;himself in the get along so well, they. might tell you Chinese fashion. General Lu was an that this . is just because they have immense man—very tall and stout, found that •folks are much the same and gorgeously dressed in sinus. He atywhere. They would tell you teat! was extremely impressive to MO— the little black boys in Africa and the but he didn't impress Scottie a bit. brown boys in India—yes, and the yel- Imagine ro y that Big Folks are just Little Folks mar: gsiin elate: t, no fw thehene low boys in China—like to play at the • same kind of games as you do, and grIonwnCluita, for instance, there are' 'giToww,leSd,° °a tut di 8, ese, Some are wirse and learned, gig' .earing the about 400,000,000 people, meetly Chin- ki ji others are poor and ignorant. Some eaansdh, fmroadm a mera are kind and honest—others dan-gme jump at hem. ous and wicked. There are other The General w startled --then G rden TAks • Rose Culture Rose must have good drainage and It is hest to give soene protection in, the form of fenees, shrubbery ings on tho noel, side. They should, however, be planted two or three feel) they will get full sun. Plain hybrid perpetnals three feet apart and hybrid teas two. The roots should be spread out when planting and .the earth firm. ed about the stocks. The point at which the roses are budded (union of stock and seem) should be buried two inches below the surface of the soil. Get in as early as possible end' fertilize well, Add Something New While it is well to stick to varieties bleb one has found to do well in pre- vious .-eves for the bulk of the Rower and vegetable planting, for the sake of Interest and experience something DOW should be added each season. In this conne tion that section of the seed catalogue devoted to specialties will be Melia valuable. In this part are new varieties that have merit and special •strains of well- known varieties tnat have been proved. There will also be some novel- ties. A .:ew packets chosen from thief sectIon of the catalogue are edvisable. Seedsme are giving more and more attention to securing varieties of the best quality and to improving them. *Descriptions of these specialties are usually very complete and furnish the necessary information on which to base selection. Let the earth sleep awhile; no joy can spring From snow -born alocrr that snow will kill once more; Let the grief sleep that all. awaken- ings bring, The quiet sorrow frozen at the core. Too, soon the earth must open arms to paha The ice -bound heart must crack its sheath again. —Louise Owen. From The Yale Review.) DRAPERIES MADE NEW thliags, too, in China. There are great angry. Instinctively be shot out n bamboo forests full of tigers, bears 'velvet slippered foot to ward off Scot - rend wild ailimals. There are shady tie's attack, mit the terrier was all rivers where pirate junk sn1Ps lie in ready for such a move. He dodged— wait for plunder, There are gilded and quick as flash, he caught the temples with the funniest little spires slipper in his teeth, shaking and tug - and turrets, and .there are frovrning, ging, and pulling for all he was worth getbidden cities away up in the mom), I -.-flnally making off with it. tains, where the bravest white man' There are times when whatever one dare not go, ' I says it is the wrong thine, so I waited One bright morning Scottie and II for the next Move. I glanced Me ex - talked it over, and decided to go to petting to see the General oder us China and meet with new adventures.' pet out, or what not and much to my Inside of a week we were on board a surprise he was smiling.. The situa- steamer bound for ehanghai, and our , tion was so ludicrous that it had ap- good plane safely crated. Talk about pealed to his stense of humor. Your rough weatleee. They screwed That was indeed a relief, and I down the hatches and shut all the apologized fluently for Scottie's sbort Portholes, while great black seas comings, General Im stood and smiled created over the ship, driven before and didn't uederstand a word of It 'the blast of a screaming east wind. 'then tee interpreter began to talk in Landing in Shanghais we began to Chinese. Suddenly General Lu spoke assemble our plane. Just as the job- sbarply.. • I -waited in suspense—so was finished, .reports came in that much depended on his answer, fighting had broken out between two ' movement he turned so that his back German Dog Shields Bird was towards the bed and one swift In Pigeon Hawk's Attack EIER411334;11L.z.alatat="1411341, S as Fresh c $4 e And Good? 1•.' Once you have tasted Shortbread like the Christie Bakers snake, you'll agree you never knew before how very delicious really fresh shortbread could be. Sold b7 the pound or in children's pa a es.' A DONNIE S 14 0 lit ti40)70440,titifetit#44141414i eeilsee eekee-tiMeel' ' e0” elee Jae liefe . . "Damn!" he repeated with increas- ed emphasis, "ten thousand dames; what the devil made me forget that?" (To be continued.) • PATIENCE There is no such thing as. preach- ing patience into peoples unities the sermon ,ie so log that they have to practise it while they bear. No man can learn patience except by going Out into the hurly-burly world, and taking life Just as it blows. Pate race is but lying to, and riding out the gala—H, W. Beecher. (To be continued). Chocolate The health -giving, delicious drink for children and grown- ups. • - Pound and Half Pound tins at your grocers. Unique Library Sheffield, Eng.—A new library, con- taining 16,000 volumes, opened here by Lord Ponsonby, embodies several features new to Sheffield. In the en- trance hall a larg glass ease exhibits open books that would form suitable introductions to the beginner wish- ing to master any particular subject. In this way the student can eee at a glance the type of book which An unusual story of animal intelli- gence oomes from Germany, says "The San Francesco Chronicle." Adolf Schmidt and his pet shepherd dog, Nora, were taking a typically German walk, leisurely and systemata catty, along the shores of the Tel - tow Canal, and the master was teach- ing Nora to retrieve, when suddenly a pigeon, wearing a red ring on its foot, fluttered down at the nose of the dog. Schmidt, thinking the bird was 111 - Jared, ran nearer and beheld a strange sight. Nora, instead of snapping at the nigeon, carefully lay down, rolled herselfinto a ball around the pigebn so that only its head was visible, and proceeded to lick and nuzzle the bird most reas- suringly. Then Sehmit f saw the cause of the strange =ties of the animate. A dark shadow fitted over the group, and a pigeon hawk circled low and lower. The dog growled. In ecience, read, by preference the newest works; in Mello/tare, the old est, The claesics are always modern. —Lord Lytton. 50,000 Wanted 50,000 Spring Prius#riA ts HIGI-3EST PRICE PAID S. SHAPIRO & OO. LIMITED 148-5 RING ST. EAST TORONTO, ONT. ISSUE No. 1 5—'31 would give him an elementary know- ledge of such studies as literature, art, architecture, discovery, and music, Lindbergh, America's famous ale - man, received 1,043 gifts after his famous solo flight across the Atlantic in May, 1627. Most of these, took the form of medals, plaques, and other "mementoes." .6.111010606136.109laillIft Try this salad dressing it keeps for 'weeks! eenfee:e0eteeeetega.n.. 7f50- '0 KRAFT Salad Dressing is so thoroughly blended, it will keep for weeks, It stays good, right down to the last tangy tea- spoonful. Best of all, it costs just one -bail the price you're used to paying. A generous 12 ounce 'jar sells for only 25 cents. Get some tOclay, Made in Canada by the Makers of Kraft Cheese and Velveeta Spinach Spinach is now a standard vege- table in emetically every garden and despite tl tendency of some restaur- ant cool to serve it with sand is un- doubtedly growing Popular. 11 15 ono. of the first sown vegetables and also among the first to be harvested. It can go 1 at intervals of a couple of weeks from the time the soll is lit to work until June and will furnish de- elghtful e healthful greens for the table until midsummer. This vege- table is at its best in a warm, rice; open soil, It should be heavily mate- ured aro' like all other vegetables, es- pecially these of the green variety, it must be pushed quickly along with fer- tilizers high iu nitragen. Spinach should be sown in rows at least twelve, Indies apart and after the plants are up well thin in the -rows to eight inches apart, Bloomsdale or .Savey, leaved is one of the hardiest and ear- liest variety. This, like the Victoria; is wrinkled like a Savoy ea.bbago. For late use King 00 Denmark is oue of the most valuable of the recent introduce tions. Just Vegetables Vegetables divide themselves into three main classes. First there is the early sort, usually grown for the leaves, such as Lettuce, Spinach, Cress. and Mustard, which eau be started just as soon as the ground can be worked up, With these also go in the Radish. The Fiecond batch, which. in - eludes Onims, Carrot.% Beets and ear- ' liyiniTa,manlitpus,nuggho iznheaylinaorset ntiottthgeuitsett08109 hardy, and after these eomethe Peas, which are liable to rot uuleee the weather is warm, The third main group runs from Calibagee and Cauli- flowerewhith go in ern, Tomatoes set out after all danger of frost is over, right througL to Melons, Cucumbers and Celery, which are not planted un- til the weather is thoroughly warmed up and there is ,no danger of frost. Where theason is short most of the last named can be started in hot-bed:1 or cold.framers and set outside later. Good success is reported 'from sowing Melon and Cucumber seeds in the soti turned upside down and after tbe weather tures really -warm traneplent. ing lee whole thing outside. Valid Rice For Ducks If one is on a lake perhaps there is a place for wild rice whieh will at - tram wild ducks. This can usually be setured attip-to-date seed stores, It is sown 111 the spring ae well as in the fall. The usual way is to unix it with mud to make tho grains sink, sow in water two or three feet deep and use about a, pound of seed for every hun- dred square feet, There le a certain amount of mystery 'about the require- ments of wild rice, according to John Townson, well-known Ontario auth- ority on will bird life, who states that this pewit apparently prefers a liquid mud bottom with no gravel or sand and plenty of decayed vegetable mat- ter. The grain will grow in MX feet of wate , but from two to three feet is best, And SO, if you have not a Ono sandy bathing beacheat your place you can conten. yourself by turning it into a wild Mick pasture Trhlirfamous Recipe nook contains nearly 200 prize recipes chosen from 78,000 received fern eli parte of Canada, They aro endorsed by ono nt Canada's foremost food experts. no Imre to enclose 10 cents In stamps or corn to eclair mailing costa ' FriName,1,1ddress tau.. Imoaggsgmming.tv- to a The CANADA STARCH CO,, Limited MONTREAL Sweden's Huge Garage A garage of record size is soon to bo built at Hornsborg, In Kungshon men, Sweden, which will house 400 large motor buses. -Work is to emn. nience in the near future, and the garage is to be completed in Jana. ary, 1981. The cost is to be more than $1,000,000, - PENITENCE There is a difference between re - mono and penitence. Remorse is the consciousness of wrong -doing with no sense of love. Penitence ie that dame consciousness, With the feeling ot tenderness and gratefulness add- ed —F W Robertson "I lament the importance of head- lines and the unimportance of head- work."—G, R.. Chesterton.