HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-23, Page 1Love thyself last; cherish those hearts'
thathatethee; .
Corruption. wins not more than hon
ISti11: in thy right hand carry gentle
tTo 'silence envious tongues; be just;
and fear'iaot.
Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy
Thy God's, and truth's.
--William 'Shakespeare.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
Cleanliness is
next to Godliness
OOLEO SOAP. -=Another first class
10c toilet soap for 5c, made entirely
of vegetable oils, by the famous
CALAY SOAR—Another 10c soap,
at • 4 for 25c
Regular 10c at 4 for 25c
lar 25c. Special 3 for 25c
for 2
4 for 25c
LUX FLAKES.— 3 for 25c
der, juicy 25c
AUTOCRAT PEAS, Large; tender,
juicy, regular 25c, for 19c
der, juicy, regular 25•c, for . 15c
These are put up im glass jars same
size as regular can.
2 cans for 25c
Three other bragds Peas, standard
quality at...3. for 25c.
BLACK TEA -,p5 ecial .3 lbs. $1.00•
11 oz., regular 25c, for 20c
19 oz., regular 40c, for 25c
32 oz. regular 60c, for 39c
DERS.—„,. . .,. 6 for 25c
IRISH COBBLERS grown by Mr. J.
E. Hugill from Certified Govern-
ment ipapected stock.
Per 90 lb. bag $1:25
GARDIEN SEEDS — Royal Purple
brand at . 5c
or 6 for 25c
These are recommended to us as
being equal to the best.
lOc lb.
NAIL BRUSHES, regular 10c for 5c
Phone Phor 'Phood
North Side United Church—Pastor,
Rev, W. P. Lane,; B.A,
1Stinday, 'April 26th
11 a,m-'Public worship conducted
by the Rev. R. N. Stewart of Staffa.
2.30 p.m.—Sund'ay School and Bible
7 p.m.—Public worship. The pastor
will preach. Subject, "All Ye Are
G. Free -Comp. C, lit. C; Can, his.
Seaforth Collegiate Institute C.; alg. F; geom, C phys, C, Latin
F; Fr, F.
J. Frost—Comp, C; lit. F; Can, his.
F; alg. F; geom. C; phy's. I; Fr. F.
'M. Haigh Comp. C; lit. C; Can.
ist. II¢„ alg. F; geom. C; phys. III;
Lat. LII; Fr. I.
NI. Kling -Comp. C; lit. VI; Can.
ist. 11; alg, III; geom. IDI; phys, LI;:
Lat, IT.
E. Malcolm—Comp. I1;,lit, I; Can.
Hist, I!I; alg, C; geom. II; phys, I;
Lat. I; Fr, 1.
1M, McDonald—Comp. ` C, lit. F,
Can. hist, F;' alg. F; geom. F; Fr. F.
M. MOIver-Comp.' C, lit. F, Can.
hist F; alg, C; geom. I; phys. I; Fr,
The following are the results of the
Easter examinations held at the Sea -
forth Collegiate .Ins'ti'tute. In 'Group
A the names are in order of merit.
Honours means than a student hats
made an average of 75% or over.The
subjects after a name means that the
;student has failed in these subjects.
In Group 03 the names are, not in or-
der of merit. Each subject is graded
separately according to the following
schedule: • I., 75% or over; II., 66%
to 74%; ?VIII., 60% to 65%; C., 50%
to 59%; :F., failed.
'Detailed reports have already been
given to the pupils. Parents are re-
quested to sign these and return them
Form 1A.
Highest pupil, A. 'Golding 81%.
-The following have ,passed in all sub-
jects: A. !Golding (honours); I. Bet-
ties (honours), G. Kreuter, (honours),
B. lAberhart (honours), A. Keys
(honours), 'T. Jamieson (honours), F.
Whitmore (honours), A. Devereaux;
V. Anderson; J. 1Hotham, M. Hay,
E. Henderson, 111, Hawkins, V.
The following have failed on one
subject: D.' Stewart' (latin), M.
Broa,dfoot (latin)
The following have failed on two
subjects: M. Finnigan (alg., bot.);
Hudson (bot., lat.), L. Hawkins (Br.
hist., lat.)
The 'fol'lowing have failed on four,
subijects:'L, Hart (alg., bot., lat., Fr.),
W. 'Whitmore (comp., alg., Lat., Fr.),
Failed on five' subjects: W. Forrest.
(comp., 'Br. hist., alg., Lat., Fr.)
M. 'Ley'burne, absent.
Form 18.
Highest pupil, S. Plant 83%.
The following have passed on all
subjects: S. Plant (honours), B.
Drover (honours), P. Southgate, M.
Case, T. Sills. •
Failed on one subject, H. - McLean
.((Latin), 'H. Tomlinson (lit.), Marion
Wallace (Latin), C. Lane (lit.), R.
Mc1Nab (alg.) •
!Failed on two subjects: M. Cud
more (alg., geog.), D; Patrick (alg.,
Latin), Douglas' Stewart (lit„ alg.)
I. Strong (alg,, Fr.), V. Townsend
(lit. alg,.)
Failed in three subjects: R. Mc-
Caig, Lat.; Fr.), Mary Case (lit., alg.,
hot.), M. Duffy (lit„ alg., Fr.), H.
Ralph (1•it:, Lat., Fr.)'
'Failed on four subjects: David
Shannon (alg., bot, Lat., Fr,)
Failed on five subjects: V. Mine.
Failed on seven subjects: R. Town-
Absent for two or more examina-
tions: Jessie Wallace, passed on fev
en subjects; M. Thompson, passed on
one subject; 'M. Dodds, passed in Art
and Zoology.
Form II.
!Highest pupil, W. Savauge 90%.
The following have passed on all
subjects: W. 'Savauge (hon.), B. Rice
('hon.), H, Sheffer (hon.), I. ;McTav-
ish khon.),
McTavish'(hon.), 'A. Devereaux (hon.), J.
Watson (hon.), IL Hilleen (hon.) G.
Coleman, J. Murray, B..'Southgate
M. Smith, R. O'Connor, L. J•oynt, F,
Butson, H. Britton.
Failed on one subject: J. Smith
(arith,), 'N, Patrick (Fr.), B. Eckert
(arith.) C. Coleman (lit.), F. O'-
Leary (sat,), E, Broadfoot (lat.), A.
Broadfoot (zool.)
.Failed on two subjects: G. Ander-
son (gram., Fr.), A. O'Leary (Lat.,
Fr.), R, Rennie (gram., arith.), K.
Beattie (Lac, Fr,) H, Kennedy (zoo.
Fr), E. Storey (gram., arith.), W.
Little (lat, Fe.).
!Failed in there subjects:. R. Mc-
Cartney (lit., physiog., arith.), E.
Ferguson (arith., Lat., Fr.); G. Ma-
son (geom., Lat., 'Fr.)
;Failed in four subjects: W. Cud-
more, J. Stevens, C. Eckart.
Failed in more than four subjects,
J. Wright, 'E. Forrest, E. Rennie.
Not ranked (absent for. part of
exams), M. Irvine, G. Perdue, F.
Webster, M. Finkbeiner.
(Absent, from all exams: C. Hotham,.
E. Nott, ,E. Leyburne, J. Scott, W.
Cudinore and J. Wright failed in form
I. algebra. R. McCartney passed in
Form I. botany.
Form III.
D. Adams—Comp. F; lit. F; Can.
hist, C; alg F; geom. 'C, phys. C.
'AL Bolton=;Comp F; lit. F; Can.
hist, F; alg, C; geom. F; phys, F;
Fren: F.
0E. Broad'foot—Comp, F; lit. C;
Can. list. F; alg, C; geom. IiI1.; phys.
I311.; Lat. F; Fren, C.
;M. Broadfoot-Comp. C; .'lit(, C;
Can. hist, C; alg, III; geom. C; phys.
I; Lat, F; 'Free. C.
E. Chapman—Comp,- I!III; lit, I21I
Can, hist. C; alg. F; geom, F; phys..
F; lat. F; Fr, C.
113, Dorrance—Comp, C; lit. F; Can.
hist. F; alg. F; geom. F; phys. 'F; Fr.
-E, Drover -,Comp, IiIII„ lit, II;
Can. hist, I; alg. I, geom. I'I; phys. I;
Lat. <IPI; Fr. I.
A. Eckert—Comp. HI.; .lit, LI;
Can, hist, DI;' alg. F; geom, I'I, phys,
LI; -tat, I; Fr. I.
A, Edmunds—Comp, C; lit. LI
aig, II; geom, II; phys. LI; chem, F
Ad, Forrest—Comp. (ISI; lit. III'
Can, hist, C;; alg. II geom, II; phys,
At the January session of the Hu-
ron County Council the necessary
by-law was passed establishing Hu-
ron County as a "Better Bull Area,
and coming into effect on May lst,
In any County or district where
this by-law has been passed, any
farmer buying a purebred sire for the
first time is eligible' to receive' a 20
per cent: bonus from the Government'
on the purc'ha'se price of the animal,
providing such animals have passed
Government inspection and. have
successfully passed the tuberculin
test or are sold subject to the test.
Before any bonuses can be paid it
is first necessary to form a County
Livestock Improvement Association,
whish shall have as its object -the gen-
eral •.improvement of all '•'livestock
throughout the County. It is through
such an organization that the bonuses
in connection with the "13etter Bull
Area" are granted and, as this by-law
comes into effect on May lst, a meet-
ing of all interested livestock men is
being held in the Agricultural Office,
Clinton, on Saturday, April 25th, at
2.00 p.m, Mr. R. W. Wade, 'Director
of •the Ontario Live Stock Branch,
will be in attendance to outline the
policy and explain fully the condi-
tions on, .which bonuses will be paid.
The formation of such an Associa-
tion should mean much to the live-
stock industry in Huron County and
breeders of purebred cattle in all
townships of the County should "plan
to be in attendance at this meeting.
'The April meeting of the W.M.S.
of North Side United Church, was
held in the school room of the church
on Thursday, 16fh. The president,
'airs, Lane, presided. Hymn 190 was
u _ . followed by prayer, led by Mrs. Lane.
The secretary, Mrs. Laing, read the
minutes of the last • meeting. Mrs.
Burrows, treasurer, reported having
received a very • encouraging letter
from the Pres'by:terial treasurer. For
1930, Seaforth auxiliary ayes the only
one in the Presbyterial to send one
quarter.of their allocation each quar-
ter, "The Ideal Way.” Mrs, Laing
and Miss A. Ferguson were appointed.
delegates to attend the Huron Pres-
byterial to be held in Exeter, Miss
Robb reported 37 calls having been
Made. Mrs. Tycrman gave a splen-
did paper, "Stewardship of Self."
Circle . four then took charge, Mrs,
Barron in the chair, The Scripture
lesson was taken by Mrs. Consitt;
Mrs. Williams led in prayer. The
topic, "Temperance, was taken ,by.
Mrs. Laing, assisted by' Mrs. Lane,
Miss Somerville, Mrs. 'AfcCuaig, Mrs.
Reid, Mrs. •Finlayson. It was decided
to send to the. Presuhy'terial, "A 'Reso-
lution requesting them to send a -reso-
lution to the department df education
asking that scientific temperance ed-
ucation be made .coinpuls'ory in the
curriculums ,of both public andhigh
schools." A duet, "I will be a hero
for Jesus," by Mrs. N. Carter and
Mrs. Tyerman, was much enjoyed by
all. The meeting, closed by singing
Hymn 137 and repeating the L'ord's
AL •
.`LC'BOX 43
Mrs. Fred Stephenson of ,Brussels
spent the ,week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C'olclough
and Mr. Benj. Riley .visited with^ Mr,
and Mrs. John Mann on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley .of Clip;
ton spent Sunday with friends in the
;Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson spent
Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Logan of Blyth.
r. Charles Riley of London spent
rto week -end at his home here.
Miss Lela Cook is seriously ill at
present aitd her friends wish for ' a
speedy 'recovery.
Mr, Joseph Hugill had the misfort-
une to have his baro burned 'Monday
evening of this week„ daughter
Mrs. Wm. Moore and g
Mary of Toronto were visiting at the
home of Mr. William Moore over
Mr. Frank Riley and Mr. Robert
Grimoidby motored to Stratford on
Mr, and Mrs. Noble McCallum of
Walton visited at the home of NL-.
and Mrs: Riley Sr. on Sunday.
:Miss Elizabeth Mills is visiting our
village every week teaching the gos-
pel of good music to our children,
in the
Under the Auspices of the
Women's Guild ,of St. Thomas'
Church on
At 3 o'clock
J, McLachlan—Comp. F; lib, F;
Can.hist, C; alg. hl; geom. LII; phys.
Lat. C; Fr, IT.
C. OlLeary—Comp, IT; lit, I; Can.
hist. C; alg, I1; geom. C; phys, I;
Lat, IIS; Fr. I.
H. Rankin—Comp. SII; lit, C; Can,
hist. F; alg. -F; geom. F; phys. F;
Lat, F; Fr, H.
'M, Reid—Comp. I; lit. T; Can. hist.
I; alg. I; geom. I; phys, I; Lat, I; Fr.
E. Rolph—Comp. C; lit. C; Can.
hist, C; alg. C; geom. I; phys. I; Fr.
R. Shinnen—Comp. C; lit. F.; Cau,
Hist, F; alg. 'F; Geom. F; Phys. F;
Lat. F; Fr. F.
IH,' Somerville—Conrp. C; Lit. F;,
Can. Hist. F; Alga F; Geon. DT;
Phys. C; Lat, C; Fr.
M. Thompson—Comp. C; Lit. I;
Can. Hist. C; Alg, Fla; Geom. C;
Phys. II; Lat. F; Fr. Is:
R. Allen—Comp. F; Lit, F; Can.
Hist. II, 'Alg. 'C; Geom. C; Phys.
SII; Lat. F; Fr. C.
A. Calder—"Comp. C; Lit. F; Can,
Hist. F; Alg. F; 'Geom. F; Phys. C;
Fr. F.
G. Crich -Comp. F; lit. I'LI; Can.
hist. I'I; alg. F; geom. C; phys, II;
Lat. F; Fr. F.
F. Dundas—Comp. C; lit. F; Can.
hist, F; alg. F; geom. F; phys. III;
Fr. F.
R. McLean—Comp. C; lit. I; Can.
hist. I; alg. F; geom. I; phys. I; Lat.
I'I; Fr. I.
S. MdS'padden—Comp. C; lit. I'I;
Can, hist. I; alg. II; geom. I; phys.
J. Murray—Comp, I1I; lit. IDI; Can,
hist. IS; alg. F; geom. II; phys. Il;
Lat. F; Fr, C.
R. Nott—Comp, F; 115.'G; Can. hist.
II; a'g, I; chem. C; anc. hist. 11.
K. R.tledge—Comp. I; lit. C; Can.
hist. C; alg. F; geom, F; phys. 1; Lat.
F; Fr. C.
D. Sills—Comp. C, lit. ISI; alg. I;
geom. II; Lat F; Fr. IIII; anc, hist.
J. Cardiio—Comp. F; 'lit. F; Can,
hist, C; alg. ab.; phys. F; gram F;
arith, F,
C. Ferguson—Comp. F; lit. F; Can.
hist, ISI(; alg. F; lower school geom.
C; grammar F; botany II1; (Form
,R. Hugill--Comp. F; lit. ab.; Can.
hist. ab.; alg. F; geom. F; phys. C;
Lat. F; Fr, IIS.
W. Kruse—Comp. III; fit. III;
Can. hist. ab.; alg,31; ,geom. IS; phys.
I•; Lat, C; Fr, I.
IH. Sclater—Comp. ab; lit, III; Can.
hist. ab; alg, ab; geom. F;
phys. ab.; Lat. ab.; Fr, ab.
IK. Webster—Comp. C; lit. C., Can.
hist. ab.; alg. I; geom, I; phys. I;
Lat. ab.; Fr. ab.
J. Gemmell—,Absent for all exam-
Form IV.
I; anc,
Barber—Comp. II' lit. I
hist, II; alg. I; phys. bI; chem. F;
Lata. C; Frena. I'I; Fr. comp. L
A. Boston—Comp. IIS; lit. I'II; alg.
DI; geom, F; phys. C; chem F; Lata,
F; Fr,a. C; Fren. comp, F.
G lit. C; anc.
hist. I3; alg. I; phys. III; chem F;
Lat, a. F; Lat. comp. F; Fr.a. III;
Fr. comp. H.
F. Devereaux --Corp. PII. lit, -I;
alg, I; phys. II; then ISI; Lat.a. C;
Lat,. comp. C; Fr,a, II; Fr, comp, I'I.
C. Dickson—Comp, C; lit, .0; chem
C; Lata, F; Lat. comp. F; Fr.a. C;
Fr. comp. C.
Driscoll—Comp, II'I; lit, C; alg
I; geom, I; phys, I; chem. . C; Lat.a,
C; Lat comp. 51; Fr.a, LI; Fr, comp.
iE, Dtincan—Comp. C; lit. C; anc,
hist. IDI, geom. F; C. hist. C; Lata.
F; Lat, comp. F; Fr.a, F; Fr, comp.
E. Evans—Comp. PI; lit, I; Upper
School alg. I; chem, I; bot. I; zoo, I;
Lata. I; Fr,a, I; Fr. comp, I.
'E. Gillespie—Coinp. C; lit, II; U.S.
alg, 1, chem I, bot. 1, zool. 1, L.A., C;
Greek 1; Lat.a, C,; Fr,a, II; Fr. comp
IIT; trig.' ISIS,
G. Gemme'l1—Comp. C;; lit. C, alg.
ab.; chem. F; Lat.a, F; Lat comp. C;
Fr. ab.
IE. Golding—Comp. II; .lib. I; alg.
II; phys, II; chem. III; Lata. C; let.
comp F; Fr, a. II; Fr. comp. I,
J, Habkirk—Comp.' C; lit. II; anc,
hist: II; chem. I; bot, 1; zool. I.
L. Hagan—Comp. C, Lit. C1 anc,
hist, II!I alg. I; goon, F; chem, III.
G. Hays—Comp. II•I; lit. III; .alg,
I; chem,' II; Lata. II; Lat. comp, 1;
Fr.a, I; Fr, comp. II.
Af, Hotham—Comp. C; lit. II; alg,
ab.; geom, C; chem, F; arith, C,
J. McKenzie—Comp, C; li*., F; anc,
hist, LII; alg, I; Fr.a, F; Fr. comp.
A4. McLennan—Comp, III; lit. III;
alg. F; geom. C; phys. II; chem, F;
Fr. a. I4; Fr. comp. C.
G. Matthews—Comp. C; lit. C;
phys. I; chem .0;. Leta. F; Lat,
comp. C; Fr,a. C.
I, McLean—Comp, LII; lit. III;
phys, I; chem II; Lat,a, C; Lat.
comp, IS; Fra. III; Fr, comp, III.
L Mole—Geoin. F, chem F.
V. Nolan—Comp. C; lit. II; alg. I;
chem, C; Lat,a, II; Fr. a. III; Fr.
comp II,
IM. O'Connor—Comp. C; lit. C, alg.
H.; geom, II; phys, I, chem. I'II; Fr.
A, C; Fr, comp. III.
L, Purcell—Comp, III; lit. III; anc,
hist. DI; alg. C; chem III; Lata. C;
Lat, comp, III; Fr.a. II; Fr, comp.
M. Reid—Comp. C; lit. IT; alg. I;
geom. II; chem. F; Lata, I'I; Lat.
comp. C. ,
M. Ross—Comp. C; lit. II; anc,
hist. II; alg. TII; geom. C; phys. I;
chem. III; Lat. a. III; Lat. ,comp.
III; Fr, a. II; Fr, comp II.
K. Stewart—Comp. III; lit, I; anc.
hist, II; alg. I; phys. I; chem., C; Lat.
a, II; Lat, comp. IS•I; Fr.a, bI; Fr.
comp I1.
A. Wallace—Comp. II; lit, PI;
phys. I; chem. I; bot, 1; zoo]. I; Lat.
a. II; Fr.a. I. Fr. comp. I
M. Watson—Comp. III; lit. II;
alg. 5; geom, III; chem. C; Lata. F;
Lat. comp. II; Fr,a. II; Fr, comp. II.
D. Wilson -Arc. hist. I. absent for
Form V.
B. Aberhart—Comp. C; mod, hist.
PI; alg. C; geom. F; trig. C; phys. F;
chem C.; bot, I; zool, IIh
R, Aberhart—Comp. F; alg. F;
trig. C; Lat. a. C; Lat. comp: C; Fr.a.
•II; Fr. comp. C.
H. Ament—Alg. III; geom, I; trig.
II; phys. F; chem. F; Lata. C; Lat.
comp. PI; Fr.a. I; Fr, comp. IT.
M. Beattie—Alg. F; geom. F; Lat.
a. C; Lat. comp. II; Fr,a, I; Fr. comp
II; M.S. chem. III,
M. Cardno—Lit. III; mod, hist, LI;
alg. C; geom. C; Lat.a. II; Lat. comp.
F; Fr.a. II; Fr. comp. III; M.S.
chem, C.
B. Cook—'Alg. I; geom. I; trig. 1'I,
Fr.a, I; Fr, comp. C.
M. Drover—•Alg. II; geom. II;
trig. I; Lat.a. II; Lat. comp. I; Fr. a.
I; Fr, comp. I.
J.. Finnigan—Alg, F;' geom, F; bot.
I; zool. I; Fr.a. I; Fr. comp. C; M.S.
Chem. ID
A. Finlayson—Comp. C; lit. C, mo.
hist. F; alg. F; geom. II; Lat.a. F;
Lat. comp. F; Fr. a. II; Fr. comp. F.
S. Forrest—'1'I. hist. II; alg. F;
geom F; lat. a., F; Lat. comp. C; Fr,
a. II; Fr. comp. C; M.S. chem. 0.
IN. Habkirk—•Comp. C; lit. C; M.
hist. F; alg, F; geom. C; Lat.a, C;
Lat. comp. LII; Fna, II; Fr, comp.
C; M.S. chem. C.
J. Johnston—'NI. hist, C; alg, I,
trig I; phys. I.
Al. Keys—M. hist. IS; alg. II;
geom. C; trig. I; phys, II; Lat. a. C;
Lat, comp. II; Fr.a. I; Fr. comp. I3.
M. McKellar—,Alg. F; geom. F;
Lata. C; Lat. comp. II; Fr.a, I; Fr.
comp. IS; M.S. chem, I.
I. O'Leary—Lit. C; alg. F; geom.
C; Lat.a. F; Lat. comp, C; Fra, I;
Fr. comp. C; M.S. chem. F.
G. Parke—Coinp. C; lit. C; in. hist,
F; geom. F; chem.' C; NI,'S, Lata. C;
M.S. Lat. comp. C; M.S. alg. Ih
hit . III; alg. I
L.Pinkney M, hist. , g
geom. II;, trig. I; phys, LII; chem, C;
Lat, a. F; Lat. comp. C. Fr. a, I; Fr.
comp. F.
IG. Rennie—Lit. C; Fra. II; Fr.
comp, III; M.S. chem. F; MS, alg.
C; M.S. leom. II;
M.S. phys, C.
III; lit, II; alg.
II; geom. C; Lat, a, F; Lat. comp. C.
Fr, a. SI; Fr. comp. II; ALS. chem.C.
'A. Sii'lery—Phys. I'I; chem, F; Lat.
a. F; Lat. comp. C; Fr,a. II; Fr,
comp. F.
C. Trobt—+Geom. C; trig, I; arith. I.
5. Williams—Lit. II3; M, hist, F;
Lat.a. C; Lat. comp. IIS; Fr, a. I; Fr,
comp. I'I; M.S. chem. I
Phone 84
$1 A YEAR.
iFYES don't go wrong all at
, once. Gradually little faults
creepin, faults that may later
cause serious harm to you. Na-
ture's warnings are often at-
tributed to other causes or over-
looked entirely.
i- You cannot be sure your eyes are
perfect :unless you have then thor-
oughly examined. If you need glasses,
we recommendOrthogon-100% Full
Vision Lenses.
Fred S. Savauge
M. Ross Savauge,'Ri0., Eyesight Specialist
The open meeting of the St. James'
Arts Club, at which invited guests
were shown the work of the members,
last Thursday evening was a real
treat to the visitors and reflected
great credit on the -various partici-
pants as well as on the director, Rev.
Father Blonde. The programme was
as follows: Duet by Arthur Dever-
eaux and Teddy O'Leary; solo by
William Faulkner; short talk on "Ca-
tholic Men in Science," by Louis Pur-
cell; "History of Seaforth," by Tom
Nash; impromptu debate by different
members on "The Separate School
Question"; violin Solo by Eugene
Duncan and piano solo by Alice Daly.
The following cast then put on the
farce, "Curses, 'What a Night": Ed-
mund Daly, Frank Reynolds, D'Or-
leon ,Sills, Gordon Hildebrandt and Ig-
natius O'Leary, This skit was ex-
tremely well done, provoking mucic
laughter and applause. Rev. Father
Ronde also gave a short address,
oommen'ting and discussing the sub-
ject debated by the members and
pointing out the good work the Club
was doing. An hour or two recrea-
tion folowed, with music supplied by
the members themselves, thus com-
pleting a most enjoyable and instruc-
tive meeting and earning the com-
mendations of all present.
To the Editor of The News,—Just
a line of appreciation of the protest in
your issue last week against the im-
pression given of Seaforth at the edu-
cational association. Over a period of
years energetic citizens have endeav-
ored to improve our town's appear-
ance, and also the burial places of our
dead. Beyond question it would have
been nicer and more accurate if atten-
tion had been drawn by the teachers
to the fact that the donor of that mag-
nificent endowment, the Carter schol-
arship, lies buried at Seaforth in a
fittingly marlced grave amid beautiful.
In conclusion, the idea of comme-
moration is good—why not, set aside
one day each year, or every few
years, when as many as possible for -
tiler winners of these scholarships
could gather at Seaforth, attend, ser-
vice together and place flowers on the
grave of their benefactor?
A4. A.
The death occurred.at his home on
Tuesday, April 21st, after' a short ill-
ness of Mr. Charles Richardson
George Routledge, the one ofold anal
highly respected residents of this dis-
trict, in his 87th year, Deceased had
lived in this vicinity since a young
man of 17. His passing came as the
result of several weeks' illness with
the flu, Mr. Routledge was born in
England at Ketherington, Hampshire,:
son of an Anglican Church clergyman,.
Rev. John Routledge, When he came
to this country, he took up farming in
Tuckersmith, where he afterwards
was married to Miss Sarah Sproat, In
1913 they retired to Egmondville and
a year later to Seaforth. He was a
member of the Presbyterian Church,
and later of the United Church, A
great lover of flowers, we s, he was an au-
thority on their culture, Mrs. Rout-
ledge died sixteen years ago; surviv-
ing Mr. Routledge are three '.sons,
Roy and George, of Lansford, N'ort'h
D'akota; and Arthur, of Seaforth; also
six sisters: Mrs. James McGuire and
Mrs. Janes Grieve, of Hannah, N,
Dakota; Mrs, Sam Landsbor'ough, of
Portland, Oregon; Mrs, ,Chas. Dol -
mage and Mrs. John Beattie, of Mc-
Killop, and Mrs. Robert McGonigle,
Seaforth. Mr. John Routledge, his
son, died in the West last year and a
daughter, Annie, died some years ago.
A brother and sister died in England,
having remained there, The funeral
will take place from the Egmondville
Church on Thursday afternoon at .3
o'clock, Rev. Charles Malcolm 'con-
ducting the service. Interment will
take place in the Maitiendbank cern-
A highly -esteemed pioneer of this
district, Mr. John Steele, died at the
home of his sister, Miss Jennie Steele,
Ord street, on Saturday, April 18th.
Mr. Steele would have been 90 years
of age had he lived to October of this
year, and the most of his life was
spennt in 'Tuckersmith and Seaforth.
At the age of 15, he and his father be-
gan the arduous task of clearing one
hundred acres in the midst of the
bush, starting with only one single
acre of open land in the centre of
their lot. He was born at ICilbernie,
Ayrshire, Scotland, and the family
moved to Canada when he was twelve
years old, settled at Paris, Ont., for
three years, and came to the 1.lth con-
cession of the Township of Tucker -
smith. His father, the late Robert
Steele, was a resident of Tuckersmith
for a great many years before his
death. His mother died in Seaforth
28 years ago. For some years after
leaving Tuckersmith, the deceased
lived at Carberry, Man,, and then re-
turned to Seaforth, where for the past
thirty years he resided. Mr. Steele
was of sturdy pioneer stock and until
about five years ago enjoyed the best
of health and only recently was con-
fined' to his home. He was an enthus-
iastic curler and bowler.
The funeral took place from the late
residence to Maitlandbank cemetery,
Rev. Irving Koine conducting the ser-
vices. The pallbearers were Messrs.
William Morrison, John Beattie, Neil
Gillespie, Ernest Geddes, William
Wilson, Robert Smith. Mr. Beattie
sang a beautiful solo, "Beautiful Isle
of Somewhere," A nephew, Mr.
Glen Steele of Toronto, was present
at the funeral.
Mr, Lawrence Ellison died sudden-
ly ,oit Tuesday morning after suffer-
ing from ill -health for years. He had
always lived in Seaforth and Eg-
mondville except at brief intervals
and was 45 years of age. One sister
at home survives, Miss Kate Ellison,
and a sister at Port Huron, Mrs. G.
E. Kerr (Mary); also a half sister is
married and living in the West.
An interesting meeting was put on
by the Citizenship Department of the
Y.P.IS, in the Sunday School room of
Northside United Church on Tuesday
evening, April 21. Mr. E, R. Craw -
for , convenor, presided. Hymn ` 280
was sung, after which the Lord's
prayer was repeated in unison. Miss
G. Hellyer read the Scripture lesson,
followed by the reading by the secret-
ary of theminutes of the, previous
meeting which were adopted as read.
The topic on "What we are proud of
in our community" was ably .present-.
ed by Mt', E. R. Crawford, who also
conducted an intelligence test which
reminded us that there are many facts
concerning our country and its man--
ageiiient with which we can freshen'
our .memories, Some important items
of business' were transacted and a
short contest enjoyed, 'After ,singing
hymn 85, a profitable evetling was
etery. brought to a close with prayer by
Rev. 11', P. Lane,