HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-16, Page 8PAGE"EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931. HENSALL. Anniversary services were held in Cannel Presbyterian ter ian Church, on Sun- day, large congregations* being ores -l. eat. • Rev. Dr. Inkster of Toronto de- livered very tine discourses et both Services. In the morning his sermon was on "The Morning of (Suffering," and in the evening,. "The Tr•anistfigura- tiott." The '-choir gave special, music under the leadership of Wm. A, t1VIc- Laren. In the morning special parts in the anthea,iii were taken by Ruby McLaren, Ivrabel Workman, Clifford' Moir and R. Y.,McLaren; solo, Mrs, Jas. W. 'Bonthron solo, Mrs. W. A. McLaren. In the evening a quartette" by R. Y. McLaren, , Jas, BenRough, Clifford Moir and W. A, McLaren; dtiet, Mr. and Mrs, W. A: McLaren, and solo, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. The young people of the United Church held their meeting on' Monday evening ;with Mr. Claude Blowes hi thenit exercises, charge After Opening ex r ie c , an •fnstrantental duet was given by Misse's Marion Sinclair and •Florence McDonell, a violin selection by Miss Ethel-Mtirdock, acconipanied by Miss Greta,. Laramie. An instrumental by Miss Gladys Luker, followed 'by a nulnli'er of community songs, led by Mr. C. Bfowes, after which the meet- ing closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. Mr, John Tapp spent a few days recently visiting his, son in Montreal. Miss Nellie Eoyle, R.19.,.. spent a few days 'last week with friends in Toronto. Miss :Jean 'Cam'p'bell of Toronto was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs. T. Murdock. ' r Ashtonof oaf i , visited 111. J. S ortl t friends in town on Monday. Miss Lois . Moffatt of Brucefield spent a few days, visiting at the home of Mrs. P. Fisher. Mr". Wm. Simpson, accompanied by his mother of Detroit, spent the week with friends here. A very interesting lecture on "Pal- estine and its People" was given in the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Monday evening by Rev. Dr. Inkster of Toronto.' A Large crowd was pres- ent and Dr. Inkster's address was illustrated by lantern slides. Mrs. C, Seaman has returned home after spending a couple of weeks visit- ing relatives in Kitchener. Mr: Arnold Bell of Toronto spent a few days with friends in town. Misse's Phyllis and Kathleen Case of St. Catherines were recent visitors with Mrs, Geo. Redden. The regular Council meeting was held on April 7th at 8 p.m., all mem- bers being present. Minutes of previ- ous meeting read. Mickle and 'Cam- eron, That the minutes .be accepted as read. Carried. 0, Twitchell appear- ed asking permission to install a gas- oline pump and tank in front of his property on King st. Mickle and Cameron, That 0, Twitchell be per- mitted to install a gasoline pump in front of his property. 'Carried, Mr. J. +Simpson, Toronto, appeared re Iia-, bility insurance of the village, decis- ion withheld tuttil nest meeting. The street committee reported the work on King street. Communications read from the following: Eaton Clark Co., County Clerk, Victoria Hospital, Good Roads Association; Dept. of Health, Toronto, Huron Expositor, and ordered filed, Cameron-Mickle.— That ameron-Mickle—That we grant the Hensall Stock and Seed Show twenty-five dollars, --Lost, Amendment, Mi rkle-Cameron.—That• we grant the Hensall stock and seed show fifty dollars for the year 1931. Carried, Bills and accounts: W. Hil- debrandt $1; C. Volland, $3.20; L. Redden 60c; E. Sheffer $260; Bon- thron & Drysdale 93c; R. Broderick, $3.80; Moore Bros., $2.07; F. 3. Wick- wire $24; D. A. Cautelon, $15.50; F. Bonthron $2,65; s'chool board, $1000; Hensall spring and seed show, $50; Total, $1,106.35. Spencer -Cameron. —That the accounts be paid as read. -Carried, 'Cameron-tSpencer.—That we purchase a cap for Constable Hudson—Carried. Miokle�Con'sitt,— That we now adjourn,—Carried. James A. Paterson, Clerk. 'Mr. Orville Twitchelb is this week ..Bl.00dtested Chicks zg.//\\\,„„,1,,,„Started Chicks "and Hatching Eggs rcyne ' From, GOI.ERNMENT APPROVEDBIRDSNSPECItt, ,.UND'ER :TRAPNEST • tatcts4 . ,Also Eight to Ten Weeks Old Pullets. We specialize in Barred Rocks of High Production and good body type. Order chicks now for delivery any time after February,'10. Chicks and Snatching Eggs ;all froth our own flock ti'hich'is under supervision of the 0. A. C., 'Guelph. (Located one block north of New Hospital, Visitors Welcome) Good Poultry Pays and Pays. ONTARIO BREEDING STATION Oliver Siegrist Box 173, Seaforth, Phone 304. Leghorn Chicks THIS WEEK ON WEY,HAVE A •SURPLUS ,OF WHITE LEGHO CHICKS, S, W ICH WE WILL DIS- POSE OF AT 11c EACH OR $10,00 A HUNDRED We also have a few Black Minorcas. Sunnyvale Poultry Farm ar"d r y Y SEAF RTH, ONT. Phone 137r3 1 5.� Id installing another gas tank in front of his garage. Pt is being done by Supertest Oil Co, The W.M.S. of the Carmel Presby- terian Church held their regular meet- ing on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. McLaren gave the topic and a solo by Mrs. Jas. Patterson. The Arnold Circle and Mission Band served a dainty lunch at the close. Mr. and Mrs. letervyn Coxworth of London visited at the home of Mrs. A. Cosworth, Miss A. Maxwell of Whitby visited at the home of Mrs. J. W. Peck, A number of our young sports are busy sucker fishing in the evenings and are meeting with great success. Mr. Wm. Craig spent Monday in Seaforth. The farmers in this district are busy seeding, the grounid being in good condition. hIiss 'Margaret Slavin returned to London after a few weeks visit at her home here. Mr. Mervyn Brown of Toronto was a recent visitor a: his home. Our schools opened again on Mon- day after a weeks holidays, with Mrs. Geo. Armstrong still relieving Miss :1I, Ellis of her duties as teacher. • The Oddfellows of .the Hensall Lodge No. 223 intend attending ser- vice in St. Pauls' Anglican Church on Sunday, May 4th. The Grand War- den arden of the London Lodge will cond- uct the services in the evening. Mrs. R. Cudmore has returned home after spending the winter with relatives in Toronto. The W.M.S. of the United Church. held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon last 'with a good attendance. After the devotion- al exercises the minutes of the last meeting were read followed by 4 pi- ano solo by Miss Flossie Foss, a d•:eti by Mrs. M Drysdale, and Miss G. Latnntie,; a devotional icafjet was read by Mrs. A. Sinclair aad an Easter story by Mrs. R. L. Coles, The visit- ing committee reported having visited 34 sick and shut-ins, a' er which .ar- rangements were made for a conven- tion to be held Ap-il 28. Keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment handy. A sure, speedy remedy for burns, sprains felons,'blood poisoning soft corns, warts, scald feet. LOND.ESB+ORO .Easter tide visitors of Miss Sarah Darr: Mrs. Constantine, of Drumhel- ler, Alberta; Mrs. rBrydone, of Clin- ton and Miss E. Chidley of Toronto. Miss Belle Scott returned home last Saturday after spending a few months with Detroit friends. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert McCrea spent Sunday with Belgrave friends. Mrs. Robert Yungblut returned on Sunday after a couple of days with Goderich friends. Mr, and Mrs, Pipe of Goderich Sun- dayed in our burg. Dr. and Mrs. Whitely of Gorrie call- ed on fr'ien'ds here on Sunday. 'Me'ssrs. Fred and Harold Johnston of London and Jas. McCrea spent Sunday at their homes here. Mr, John Nott, started to saw logs at the Auburn mill on Monday last: Mr. Nott expects to be away for four weeks. 'Mr. and Mr --s. Westbrook and fam- ily of Goderich called on friends :ere on Sunday. Mrs. Johnston and Miss Helen re- turned home Friday after a few days visit with London friend's, 3vlr, and Mrs, -Hicks of Centralia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Alex. Wells, Rev. and Mrs, Johnstoia and Mr. Howard spent a few days with Tor- onto friends. recently. +Mrs. Smith returned to her home Friday last, taking her mother, Mrs. Nott, with her. Her many friends hope to see Mrs. Nott return much improved in health, STAFFA. The many friends of Mrs, Andrew McLellan will be sorry to hear of her removal to the hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffery of Detroit spent the week end with their par- ents, lVlr, and Mrs, Wm. Jeffery. Mr. Henry Golding visited with his son in Seaforth recently. Mrs. Geo, Tuffin and Miss' Jean spent last week in Fordwich and Wal- ton. Miss Vera Hambley has taken a po- sition in Mr. J. 'Sadder's store. • Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien visited with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil O'Brien in Ridgetown over the week end, ®i®1�1�1t1/2C7l1�r f t�®king�lr�aricjiris�.1raii121., 12110111111100.111400450111 traoff 0� 0\'1 ok5 0 kis► 'Q ss 'v , Seventeen Branches to Ontario SEAFORTH BRANCH THOUSANDS BUILD THEIR FUTURE ON THIS SAFE FOUNDATION HEADS rest easily at night when hard-earned dollars ar 1 ic4�. away Safe. and secure. Arid the regular depositing ositin of funds p P g �s �rlti s wonderful sense of confidence and comfort as to the future. Every dollar you place on deposit with Ifs isaranteed bythe Ontario Government, More than that—every cent you Savehet is interest-bearing and steadily grows in value, Hours for deposit and withdrawal are extended to suit your Con. venience. Make your first deposit today. � t,1 PROVINCEOF Pr AVNGS (OFFICE EVERYDEPO3JT6''U : A• ? eJd;4R 0 viWEiPdlMENT HEAD OFF= ate ” PfOLt$ PIft S cxC'tlam� a F�t<40�p!:!re.S u J. M. McMILLAN, MANAGER. -CARLOAD OF XXXXX B.C. hingles Just arrived. Excellent duality. Haye a is fs before you buy. Prices rig'h't, R. J. McMillan MANLEY. Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Johnston spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth.. - Alex, Mitchell isb swing Mr M 1 us a his stock of custom logs and has en- gaged Mr. A. Simon to asaist him, iMis's Elizabeth Murray left for Windsor to resume her duties as teacher atter spending her Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray. Miss Mary Ellen Dempsey left here' last Saturday for Guelph to join the teaching staff of the city after spend- ing her holidays at her home here. Seeding operations are in full swing and the land is in excellent condition and as there is no growth gone, it will get an even start, But rain is badly needed to start vegetation. New Insurance Company. he Wawanesa r, avt arena Muhta 1 Insurance Company, Canada's. largest Farmer's Co lOdperative Insurance organization, with Head Office in Wawanesa, Man,, is now operating under, Dominion charter, and has opened an offide for Ontario business at 2 'Toronto st., Toronto, and appointing agencies in all sections of the province. The Wawanesa Mutuai is Canada's largest Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, and after investigation by a special committee has been endorsed by the United Farmers of Ontario, and is offering specialty reduced rates to farmers, on fire, automobile, and. windstorm insurance, Mr. J. H, Scott of the Confederation Life has been appointed to represent the Wawanesa 'Mutual in this district, and ` special attention is directed to theirrates for ,automobile insurance for farmers, in the advertising col- umns of this issue. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the resi- dence of Jamds Archibald, Centre St:, Seaforth, Friday, April 17Th, at 1 a'- elude p.m., consisting of three sets bed room fault -tire, dining room fur- niture, kitchen furniture and uten- sils, stove, dishes, paintings, garden' tools, set single harness, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, L1IAM+ES ' A01.01-1-1031ALD, Prop., T. Brown, Auctioneer. 16 AUCTION SALE 01 Household .Furniture and other articles, at the residence of Mrs. James 'G. Martin, West William St., Saturday, 'April 18th, 1931, at 1.30 p.m. Buffet. china cabinet, extension dining table, six dining chairs, 3 bed- room suites, mattress and springs, rockers, 3 small 'tables, settee, arm chair, hall rack, leather couch, book case, sideboard, bureau, •carpets, mats, rug 3/xi4, two rugs 63x3, quilts, pil- lows, curtain's, large ' mirror, small mirror, cooking stove, 3 kitchen tables, 5 kitchen chairs, clock, clothes rack, .21c -tures, verandah: awning, dishes and cutlery, toilet sets, carpet sweeper, electric grill, kitchen uten- sils, pint and quart sealers, preserved fruit, washing machine and wringer, tubs, boiler, 240 lbs, scales, cutter rugs, buggy 'pole, lawn mower, -stove• pipes, and ;sleigh, garden tools, 'car- penter's tools, pipe fittings, ladder, steel roofing, some lumber and a number of other articles. Terms Cash. Geo. H. ,Elliott, Auctioneer; tMRS. JAMES 'G, MA+RT'IN, +Prop. CLEARING AUCTION GT ON SALE Of Farm Stock and Lmplements. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the under- signed proprietor to sell by Public Auction on Lot 1, Con, 1, Twp: of McKillop (right at Dublin Village) on Friday, April 17th 1931,sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp: Horses—+Perdieron team 12 years old; black gelding g 10 years old black gelding 10 years old? • brown marc 10 years old, in foal to a Per- cheron horse; bay snare, 11 years old; Percheron filly, 1 year old. Cattle —2 Holstein cows, 6 years old, with calves by their side; 2 Holstein cows, 7 years old, with calves by their sides; Holstein cow, 6 years old, due May 15th; Durham cow 5 years old due May 15th; Durham steer, rising 2 years old; 4 Durham steers and hei- fers, rising 1 year old; 5 Holstein steers and heifers, rising 1 year old. Hogs — Brood sow with 10 pigs by her side, 3 weeks old; Yorkshire sow due middle of May;: Berkshire sow due middle of May; 9 chunks weigh- ing 100 lbs. Implements. — Deer- ing cultivator; Massey'- Harris hoe drill; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; Deer- ing sulky rake; Verity walking plow; Fleury walking plow, new; Massey - Harris 2 -furrow riding plow; set har- rows; root, pulper;. Jumbo gas engine 134 h•p•;, wheelbarrow;set sleighs, cutter, 2 good wagons, 2 hay racks, Cream separator, Renfrew. Harness— One set douhle harness; set of plow harness, set single harness, a quantity of ensilage and a host of other articles found about a farm. Terms of Sale, — All suns of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes with bona fide property owners as securi- ty or a discount of 5% straight off for cash on credit amounts. - No reserve as everything has got to be sold. Auctioneer's decision final in case of all disputes. ;Michael McCarthy, proprietor; Fred W. Ahrens, auctioneer, nE:;,mondvii1ein FINEST LARD— 2 Pound 19c Cash, FORMALDEHYDE - 16 oz.' Bottle . ,Cash. 29e MEN'S HEAVY SHOES 299 Cash.Cash. RED ROSE TEA - Per Pound , 49c RI•D'EAU HALL COFFEE Per Pound 49c Cash. SWEAT PADS- Best Quality .. . ......... Cash. •49c P. & G. SOAP— 10 Bars,...„.., , , , , ,,, .. 36c ash, WOMEN'S SILK. HOSE - Good Quality Cash. 49c W. J. • �NN� N AUCTION SALE ' The followiing -will be :sold by public auction al the Dominion Hotel, Dub lin' on Wednesday, April 22, at 1 p.in.: Horses -2 draft geldings 7 yrs. old; 2 draft nares 5 yrs. old, 1. general purpose team 5 yrs. old; '1 general purpose team 4 yrs. old; L- general purpose'teani 3 yrs, :did; 1 'draft team 3 'yrs. told; 2 draft, 2 yrs. old; 3 driving 'horses; 1 set of team harness (new); 3 sets tringle harness; 1 rub- ber itire hugSY, 1 steel ftte. buggy, ,1 Ford coach 1923 andel in good 're- pair, 4 cows to freshen d'u +April; 30 pugs 6 weeks old; 20 'c'hunks; 30 an- c'hor post's;' 30 brace.posts. ''Terms: -Ail sums bf $10.00 and under, cash; over thatamount six months' credit, with interest at seven per cent per annum, G. E. HOLLAND, Dublin, Oitt, T. Brown, :Auctioneer, CARD O'F THANKS H. Tomlinson and family wish to express their sincere thanks for all the kindeoss and sympathy shown them and the late Mrs. Nicholson through her long illness and death; FOR SALE Tapestry rug, 9' x 12', cheap for quick sale, Apply Phone 373, Sea- forth, 16 SEED FOR SALE ' ' A quantity of alfalfa seed and yet- low blossom sweet clever seed for sale, All clean seed: Apply to HEN- RY F. BIFJUIERM(AN1N, Dublin, Lot 10, con. 9, McKillop. 1,6 HORSE FOR SALE, 1 general purpose gelding, work's single or double. Apply to REV. W. F. SMITH, McKillop Manse. Tel. 239-15. 17 • FOR SALE Seed ' barley for sale. Apply to R. H. M+OID:ELAINID, Phone 1'43r4. 16 DUCK EGGS. Mammoth Pekin Duck eggs at 50c a setting. Phone 237 r 4. V+EL'MA HIAIISIT 47 SEED PEAS FOR SALE ' About 80 bushels, Arthur. variety. Apply to MERVIN LA 1E Lo 12 con. 6, Titekersnith, Phone 133r21. 47 HOUSE FOR RENT.: 8 -roomed house for • rent. White Blossom Sweet Clover seed, already scarified, government tested for ger- mination and grade. Get our prices on feed. PiHI0iNlE 25, Seaforth. 17 FOR SALE. A quantity of seed oats and seed barley, also a. few choice potatoes. 'WM. STOB EY, • 15 on 249, Seaforth. 17 • HOUSE FOR .SALE 7 roomed frame house in G..Spad- ing survey, oneblock from church and Main street. Apply 'Mrs. M. Mc- A'RIDUJE.. . -17. FOR SALE. Yellow' Blossom Sweet Clover seed $4.00 per bus.; also a quantity of seed barley,. J101SEPIH iL. MALONEY, Lot 8, Con. 4, McKillop. Phone. 40r22, Dublin, 16. BABY CH'ICXCS FOR SALE From Single Comb White Leg- horns—$12 per 100. 0.A,C. 'Barred Rocks -$I4 per 100. Jersey 'Black 'G'iants-418 per 100. Hatching eggs from Black Giants -4I per 15 eggs; $6 per 100. HARRY KIE+HINtE, r.r. 1, Bornholm, Ont. Phone 52r23. PROPERTY FOR SALE. A comfortable six -ronin cottage, hard and soft water in the house, el- ectric lights, four Iots of land, well fenced, small orchard, hen house. MRS. ROOT, EDGAR. 17 WANTED. A limited number of cattle for graz- ing for summer. Plenty of good.grass, shade and water at reasonable rates. GEO. C. DALE, Seaforth; R. R. 2, or phone 170 ring 22, 16 FOR SALE AND TO RENT. Lot 24, on the third concession of Hibbert, grass farm to rent, with lots. of water. Also 3 -colts for sale, geld- ing and mare, coming 3 yrs. old and one mare coming 4 yrs. old, all Per- cherons, well broken. JOHN DALTON, lot 26, con, 2, Hibbert, Phone 1.7r9,'Dublin. PROPERTY FOR SALE 1% acres of land, .with new frame bungalow, and small barn; large or- chard; would make a good poultry farm; two miles from Seaforth;. hydro' passes gate. Will sell cheap for quick sale, Apply to JOHN McOOW- AN, RR. 2, Seaforth. '16. ' PIANO FOR SALE. Slightly used Heintzman & Co. piano in good shape.e. For sale cheap. . Apply at WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE, phone 67, Seaforth. PIANO FOR SALE. Piano for sale cheap, or would con- sider storing it for use of it, Has been lately tuned. Must be moved as soon as possible for lack of room. The 't piano is a the home' of Mrs.T no Workman, I0ippen, phone 10 on 94, I-iensell, or 20 on 93, Mrs. •Wm M DOEG.16 t1 HOUSE T.O RENT. iEight.rooined k'use and lot, ad- joining the town, on: the highway, el- ectric. light,; hard• and soft water in house. Apply to MISS ELLI'ZA- B:E'nH SCOTT, Phone 251r21, Sea - forth. PROPERTY FOR SALE +In Egmondville situated on the Main street, containing .one-quarter adze of land. On the property there is a frame house, 7 rooms with cellar, cistern and a never failing well of hard water at the door, plenty of small and, large fruit. Telephone in;, the land is perfectly clean and every- thing in good repair and is convenient in every way in regard to town. Township taxes; will be sold at a reasonable price as the proprietor wishes to ,get a larger place, Apply on the premises or address ALEX. GORDON, Box. 51, Seaforth. 17 FOR SALE ' I expect to have a numberof calves for sale during the calf season. Call and let me know what yod wait. Prices according to times. HAROLD PENHALE, Bayfield, Ont. Phone 5-78, $ensall. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c e FOR SALE ' Comfortable, seven roomed frame house, in good condition, favorable location, electric light, town water, garage, poultry house and garden lot. Apply at News Office. FARM FOR SALE Lot 11, Concession 4, 1-1,R.S., Tuck- ersn'iith, containing 100 acres of choice land, situated on county road, 1./ miles south of the prosperous Town of Seaforth, on CN:R.; convenient to schools, churches and markets. This farm is all underdrained, well fenced; about 2 acres of choice fruit trees, The soil is excellent and in a good state of cteitivation and all suitable for the growth of alfalfa, no .waste land. The farmis well watered with two never failing wells, also a flowing' spring in the farm yard; about 40 acres plowed and reading for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat; remainder is seeded with alfalfa. The buildings are first class, in excellent repair; the 'house is brick and is Mo- dern in -every respect, heated with fur- nace, hard and soft water on tap, a three-piece bathroom; rural telephone, also rural mail. The he o utbuildfn s con- sist of barn 50x80 feet with- stone stabling under; all floors in stable cement; the stabling has water sys- tem installed. A good frame driving. shed, 24x48 feet; 'a 2 -storey henhouse 1'6x36 feet. A brick pig pen with ce- ment floors capable of housing about 40 pigs. The house, stables and barn have hydro ' Y o mstal'led: Anyone desir- ing a first class hoine and choice farm shonld see this. ' On account of ill health I will sell reasonable. Besides the above I ant offering lot 27, con- cession 12, Hibbert, consisting of 100 acres choice land, 65 acres well under - drained; 10 acres maple bush, all seed- ed to grass; no waste land. On ,the premises are a good bank barn 48x56 feet and frame (house, an excellent well. The farm is situated about 5 miles from the prosperous village of, Hensall on the C:N,R., one-quarter of a mile from school and mile from church. This farm has never been cropped mach and is in excellent shape for cropping or pasture. I will sell these farms together or separate- ly to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to the ,proprietor, Sea - forth, R.R. 4, or phone 21 on 1.33, Seaforth, THOS. G..SHILL2'NIG• LAW, Proprietor, w. C. Govenlock u' aS Am ear Fate of SULKY PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale good used Manure 'Spreader, Gangpiow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan inAl : Fors Sae —Robe, Bell cutting Coupe. cutt nbox, 32 ft. carrier, in first class shape. Set 2,000 pound Scales. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physisissd. and Surgeon. Late of -London Hos- pital, London, England, Spedy attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, Office and resi,l- once behind Dominion 'Bank, Office. Phone No. 5: Residence 'Phone 104,. DR. F . J. BURROWS, Seaford;Office' and residence, ;Goderich street. east of the United Church. Coro:add for the County of Huror., Telephon No, 46. DR, C. MACKAY,-C. Machaj'e, honor graduate of Trinity Univers1t7 and gold medallist of Trinity Medi College; member of the. College Oy Physicians and Surgeons of 'Ontario. DI, F. J R.FOIRSTER—Eye Eat Nose and Throat Graduate in Medd: eine, University of Toronto 40171 Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and . Aural Instil lte, Moorekald:'s), Eye, and Golden' Square throat hod- pitals, 'London, England. At Cosalti ercial Hotei, Seaforth, 3rd Monday It each month, from II a.m. to 3 p.ad, DR. W. C. SPROAT.-.Graduate 44 Faculty of Medicine, University ad . Western Ontario, London. ,Member of College of Physicians and Sat. geons of Ontario. Office in rear att. Aberhart's Drug Store, Seafortb.. Phone 90, Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.30- 9 p.m. Other hours by Pp.nta "oi ' ment. Dental. DR. J. A. MIJNN, 'Successor id Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, ,Chicago, Ill. I#- centiate Royal College of Dental Smf geons, Toronto. Office over. !Si1T hardware, Main St„ Seaforth. Pham. 151:' • • DR. F. J. SEC -HELY,' graduate Royal. College of Dental •Surgeoe6 Toronto. Office over W. R. Sm WII grocery, Main St., .Seaforth. Phenol, office 185W, residence 185J. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tar,)s OLS, Registered Professional &a. gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering .Institute . �d Canada Office, Seaforth, Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, License• d Auctioneer for the County of Herd Arrangements can be made for Side Date at The Seaforth News. 'Chargee moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Hwang Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box IS. Seaforth. - WATSON AND REIDs$ REAL ESTATE ANIS INSURANCE' AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Choi Companies. • WM. HARKNESS Box 234, Seaforth, Ont. Photo SI GENERAL AGENT Sun Life Assurance once COMPANY OF.CANADA THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance urs I1CC CO I HARM AND ISOLAt17ED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSU'R'E Officers James Connolly. Godo ich; Alex. James' Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—iWm. Rinn, No.' 2, Set. forth, John tBennewies, Brodha eel lames Evans,' Beechwood; M. tc Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God- erich; Alex. Clinton; Na• 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton; RoberEer ' F na, Fiarlock; George tic- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield, AgentsL-IJames Watt, Blyth, :r.f No. 1, E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r, No. 3, Seaforth,'. J, V, Yeo, Holmesville; . R. G. Jarmoeth, Bornholm, James Kerr and John Govenlock,•Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance n or trans- act other business will .be prompt attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. THURS., F,RI., SAT. The Screen's most virile 'He -matt Victor MacLagien ON THE LEVEL. with MARY .MacALLI'STER (prominent in child roles several years ago) LILTAN TAS'HNIAN WILLIAM HARRIGAN Theme: The man wlio spent most of his time in the air and all of his tine "on the level.” A casual flirtation with a beautiful woman who was always on the snake." y Where 'Filmed: Fox studios, rail- road depots, Long Beach, Cal., amuse - anent concession, and among the gird- ers of a big slcysci'aper tinder con- struction. Strong in 'drama, stronger in Coni- edy. MON., TUES., WED. PAUL 'MUNI MARGUERITE CHURCHILL , "SEVEN FACES" PRJNCESw