HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-16, Page 5You can get smiles and utile; of comfort' by, consulting FRANK P. SWARTZ Chiropodist and foot specialist, formerly of Toronto, now, re- siding in Stratford. • 'Why suffer any longer with bad feet when you can get immediate relief. Consultation is free. Specializing in fallen or broken arches, corns, cal louses, ingrown toenails, etc. Prices moderate, Permanent office, 50 Wellington Street. Registered and licensed by Board o:f Regents . of Ontario. Calls made to the home by ap- pointment. Will be at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH on MONDAY, APRIL 20TH', Corrective shoes supplied if ne- :essary, and Orthopedic boots ind shoes made to measure and >lastfc stockings made to order', 'or varicose veins. Also light weight arch sup- i hors. :all phone 227 for appointment Room 26, fi IMottrs frown. 9 aim., to 10 P.m One day only, tt o s THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931. td THE SEAPORTH NEWS. vensassizaecarmazrnsualmasaaurnanzairommt EMPH'ASIZED FACTORS, Your ,Superior grocer, placing great value on your 'continued pat roiiage, does give your orders the attention they deserve. His delivery service is maintained for your convenience; In every way he tries to make shopping a pleasure in his Superior Store. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LE'S'S Items for Week Ending April 22, 1931. R'i'NMSO, "Washes Clothes Whiter" large pkg. KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN , , «. , • • .... FANCY 'HALLOW' DATES LARGE PEAS IN GLASS "Equal to No. 2 size tin" FRAY BENT'.OS CORNED BEEF RASPBERRY, STRAWBERRY AND BLACK CURRANT rAM 40 oz, jar BROOMS, 5.String, Good Quality Each 29c, 3 for, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 19c large pkg. 1 7 c 2 lbs. 1 2 for 7c 2b• c No. 1 size 17 Sc Catelli's Macaroni or Spaghetti per, pkg. 10c Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, 94 lb. tin 30c; 1 lb. tin.,,, • 57c Princess Soap Flakes "Don't have red hands". ...... , , . large pkg, 23c —with half-size pkg. Free Hillcrest Shortening, l's and Pure Lard "I's -2 lbs, 27c Calay Toilet Soap—one cake, free with 3 cakes for 22c Royal York Tea "Better than ever" 94 1b, 28c Interlake Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 23c 3fapje Leaf Salmon, %'s per tin, ..19e;` l's per tin ` 35c Minute Tapioca 9 pkgs. 25c Quaker Oats, with beautiful Chinaer pkg. 35c Gillett's Lye, "Eats Dirt" ..... . . ..... i. .. . , , . , P p g per tin 19c„ Red Pitted Cherries, 2's 2 tins 29a. Eulk Soap Chips 2 lbs. 25c Vi -Tone, "Serve -Hot. or Cold" 8 oz 33c; 16 oz..,..,, ,;,,,,,.,53c Choice Quality Apples, No. 10 tins,-..,,,ls each 25c Junket Tablets or Powder. 2 for 25c Centre Pull Wax. Paper or 10c rolls ' 3 for 25c' Aylmer Soups, Assorted .(except'Chieken) 3 for 29c Dublin Quality Corn, 2's 3 tins 25c Marshalls Kippered Herring, Plain or in Tomato Sauce,, l'seach 23c Babo, "Best for cleaning enamel or porcelain". ; , , , .... • , .. per tin 14c Hawes'` Floor Wax•• l's 43c Choice Seeded Raisins .2'pkgs. 25c Marshmallows in wrapped packages er' .pkg. 10c Dutchl?, Sets, 3.165.. .. ...25c; 'Multipliers 1 db. lOc Early Seed Potatoes,. Garden Seeds, Sacro `Fertilizer, Agricultural Lime. • Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone Phone 71 Cream Cream HIGHEST PR7.CES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call' in our cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont, C. A. BARBER, Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. .03111191Ma Chas. A. llowey TEACHER OF PIANO ORGAN AND THEORY' Phone' 327-J. Centre Se. D. H. McInnes chiropractor OfW s in ham will be at the 'Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. TUCKERS112ITH. 'The many friends of Mrs, L. Te.b- butt are pleased to ,see her around again after her illness. Mr, C. Martin has returned to Eng- lehart after spending the Easter hol- idays with friends here, Fletcher Whitmore is confined to his roost with inflammatory rheum- atism. His friends wish for a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Johnston of Varna spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Tli•os. Coleman, ALL OXEN GORED. From one end of Canada to the other there has been popular approval o'f a policy of .economy in Govern- ment. It was heralded as not Mote advisable but absolutely essential. It would be thought, in tht cir- cumstances, that a government carry- ing such .a policy into practice would have unanimous approval. But what are the facts ? Every economy pro- posed meets objections, It matters not where the : cuts are . suggested; Somebody's ox is gored. Every one is in favor of economy that does not step on his or her corns, Every, one resents economy that comes home. The truth of the matter is that economy must be practiced. It' is go- ing to hurt a bit, There are few who will not feel its effects and the general nature of the complaints is the best proof tliat no favorites are being played, Sisterly Advice The newlyweds were giving their first real party.' An important de- tail catne tip which.. bbthered the young wife. "If Molly were only here! She can arrange anything!" Why not telephone her ? She: did -- and her sister was, of course,• able to tell her what she needed. What a relief that 'Long Di's'tance call brought TOWN TOPICS. Dr, and Mrs. Hays and Jimmie: hav returned to Fort Erie after visitit Mr, and Mrs, James' Hays. Rev. I. •B. Koine is supplying th Presbyterian. Church in Bayfield for few•Sunday afternoons. • The -Ladies' Guild of St, Thoma Ghurch will hold a sale of home 'cool sing on Saturday, April 25th, Miss Bertha. Grieve, Miss D'Arge and Mr, Charles Ross of !Toronto;- an Miss .Sadie Macdonald" of 'Hamilto were visitors at the home 'of M James Grieve :on Easter Sunday. Mrs, Andrew Archibald is visitin her son, Mr, Fred Archibald, a Brooklin, Mr. Anderson Scott of McKillop i moving to Mr, R. Carnochan's fain n Tuckersmifh;. Mr. and Mrs, James Scotf and thre sons are returning from Windsor,' Mrs, George Dickson who has ,bee resvding in the. Davis estate retidenc is moving into' the residence of th late Mrs. Modeland, Market street: .Miss Elizabeth Smith left on Mon- day to visit friends in Toronto: Miss Mae MoClinchey, Miss Marg- aret Carroll' and Miss Annie Coven- try. all, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr, ' and Mrs, Jos, Mc- Clittchey, Mr, and Mrs. George*Ferguson and daughter Jean of Toronto were week- end guests of Mrs, R. H. Ferguson. Master' Russell Ferguson returned with then after spending the holidays at the house of his grandmother. Many friends of Mrs, R. S. Hays' regret to learn that she is confined to her home through illness. Miss Jessie Wilson '• of Kitchener spent the week -end .with 'her uncle, Mr, Archie Scott, Thornton Hall. Miss Eolith Davidson is visiting in Tiilsonbtsrg with her sister, Mrs. Davis. . Miss Kate Broadfoot who has been at Guelph'and Port Nelson and her sister, Miss Mae Broadfoot, who has been at Seattle and Moosejaw, during the winter, arrived home this week. Mrs. Wegg and fancily of Toronto were visitors last week at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. D. C. Harn, REBEKAH EUCHRE. Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge held a successful' euchre and dance on' April 8th in the G. W. V. A. rooms. There were fifty-three tables of euchre. Mr. E. Smith acted as chairman. The prizes were awarded as follows: Ladies' 'first, Miss , \'fary', Mathews; gentleman's first, Mr Homer Hunt; ladies' tone hand; Mrs. Charters; gen- tleman's lone hand, Mr: J. Beattie; ladies' consolation, Mrs. Golding; gen- tlenian's consolation, . Mr. McLennan, After cards a dainty lunch was serv- ed. Music for the dancing was sup- plied ed lSmith's old ' by time. orchestra. a Persian Bairn imparts a rare charm and distinction to the woman who uses it. Fragrant as a flower, delici- ously cool t > o the skin i ' l �' t a ways re- sults Y s e sult s iu complexions delightfully young aitd lovely. Indispensable to every dainty woman, e rg e a s' c- 1, tut td. MI g n e n e' e BORN. TRE W+ART,HA: In Scott Memorial hospital, to Mr. and Mrs, Trwin Trewartha, of Seaforth, on Tuesday, April 14th, 1931, a son (still -born). M'OO'R1E.—In Mallorytown, OD April 7th, 19$1, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Moore, a daughter (Marguerite Anne); KEYES.—In' Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sunday, April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilber E. 'Keyes, of T,uckersinifh, a sot, HAYS.—In the Metropolitan Hospi- tal, Walkerville, on April 10, 1931, to Mr, and Mrs, Howard Hays, a daughter. DIED. ST1OREY--In MoKillop on Saturday, April 11, 1931, Sarah Jane Phair, relict of the late William Storey, in her Both year. HARLOCK. Miss Marjorie McEwing spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McEwing, return- ing tp Seaforth Sunday evening. /We are sorry that Mrs, Angus Reid has' been poorly again, but pleased to know she is somewhat improved and hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Thomas Stevens is at present helping Mr, Charles Parsons. Miss Esta Parsons who is attending Stratford Normal, spent the Easter holidays at the home of her parents, AMr, and Mrs. Chas. Parsons, return- ing to Stratford Sunday evening. Miss Amy Parsons has .started mo- toring again to the school near Walton where -she is teaching, Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Ritchie visit- ed the former's mother in Seaforth Sunday', Mr. and Mrs. Wm, :Rogerson and baby Kenneth of near Bruceleld visit- ed on Sunday at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. Davld Reid and 'Mr, and Mrs, A, W McEwing. The April Ladies' Aid meeting of Bruns' Church was held on Wednes- day last at the home of ietr, and \tis, Frank McGregor `with Mrs Alex. Reid and Mrs, Shannon assisting. The afternoon was . very, pleasantly spent in quilting. Miss Helen McEwing gave a .very ,interesting paper, the sub- ject, "Literature in the.Home." A very dainty lunch .was served. The May meeting 'will• be 'held, at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. George McVittie, Mrs. Frank McGregor' will have charge of the paper, 'Jack' McEwing spent Sunday night at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Mann of the`Hunott road, starting to school again in Clinton on Monday after hav- Mg spent the Easter holidays at his hone here. Mr, Wnn. Leiper spent the holidays at the hone of his parents, Mr: and Mrs, James Leiper, starting back td' Clinton CollegiateMonday. McKILLOP. S S. N'o.' 12, McKillop. —Sr. IV. Elizabeth McFarlane 73%%,. Agnes Case 72/% Jr. IV, — Bert Mc- Spadden 82%, Tillie Hulley 76%. Sr. IiI'I.—Margaret Habkirk 81%, George Habkirk 72%. Sr. I.--Gord•oi Hulley 74%, Lillian MoClure 65. Primer.— Norinan Dodds, excellent;. Jean Mc- Farlane, excellent; Kenneth Beattie, excellent; Jack McSpadden, excellent; y Robert McFarlane, very good. No. on roll -13. Average attendance 12.3. Higliest in Spelling for Jan., Feb., March; Sr. IV.—Agnes Case; Jr. IV.—Bert McSpadden.; Sr, IR.— Margaret and Geo, Habkirk (equal), Annie E. Strong, Teacher. The Huron Presbyterial .Society will convene at the United Church, Hen- sall, on April 28. Mrs. R. S. Long- ley, a missionary from West China; and a very capable speaker, will ad- dres's the meeting. All ladies are in- vited to attend. W.M;S.—'The April meeting of the Duff's W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Hogg, on April 10th with a A good attendance. Mrs. (Rev.) ,Smith .openedeled the meetingtinwith hymn 371. Miss Mae Campbell read the 'Scripture lessor. ' The mis- sionary is- si t r Y notes were taken by Miss V. Murdie. J Mrs.IN . Henderson gave the fourth chapter of the study book. Mrs. Finlay MoKercher, president of the Ladies' Aid, took the business part of the meeting. It was decided to send 'Miss Mae Campbell as dele- gate to Hensall on' April 28. Mrs. (Rev.) Smith gave a leaflet on the en- velope system' for the W.M.S. A temperance leaflet was given by Miss HelenBeattie. Meeting closed with the Lord's prayer, A lunch was serv- ed by the hostess and lunch commit- tee. Miss Lizzie Henderson offered her home for the next meeting, HULLETT. ,Mr, George Laithwaite of Goderich called on friends here last Saturday. 'Mr. Matt. Armstrong is nursing some fractured ribs these days, but is improving. 'Mr. Geo. Carter and family spent Sunday in Brussels. Mr. James Medd has been confined. to the house, having contracted a se- vere cold. Mrs. Wnt. Carter had an old fash- ioned quilting bee last Wednesday. Miss Jessie Ferguson has resumed her duties as teacher after spending her holidays with her parents at Clif- ford. KIPPEN. The Gould Mission Band are hold= ing their Easter Thankoffering on Friday evening,..Aprii 24 at 8 p.m. A pageant, "The Challenge of the Cross" will be presented by members of the Mission Band and lantern slides on Japan will be shown. The Young People's Anniversary of St, Andrew's United Church will be held on Sunday, May 17th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The Huron Presbyterial of the W. M. S, of the United Church of Canada will meet in Hensall on Tuesday, April 28 at 9.30 a.m, 'Mrs, R. S, Long- ley of West China will be the special speaker. uto Ins raico Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with, an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing; your insurance and. at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid: Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 . D.SufherIafld GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store There was a reception held at Watson's hall on Wednesday evening in honour of Mr, and. Mrs, R. J. Mac- Gregor, when they were presented with a lovely chesterfield suite, The address was as, follows; Dear Friends: It is with feelings of sincerest pleasure,, that we, your neighbors, friends and fellow associ- ates, ,have gathered here tonight in honor of your recent marriage. Long have we known you and been associ- ated with you. Some of es here as- sembled have known, you as a child, while others have been your play- mates and have grown up with you in life, while the acquaintances of others is of a more recent date, but, all with one accord havedeclared their trust in and esteem for you, We have nituh pleasure in 'welcoming her whom you have woo-edand won to be your wife, to our vicinity, and we trust as you journey through life's pathway, that. your troubles will be little ones, As a token of our ap- preciation of you both, we ask you to accept these gifts, not for their hi- tt-In-sic :value but. as a token of the esteem in which you are held, Signed on behalf o'f your Neighbors and Friends. ,Nfr M R belt Munn and family aof.Ripley visited at the home of Mr. John McNaughton one day re- cently. We are. pleased to hear that Mrs. Robert, Elgie is improving after her accident and is able to take a car ride now, Mr. Robert 12cNaughtou has re- turned to London after spending a week at his home in Tuckersmith, Mrs, Jas. Chesney is getting better now, her many friends are glad to hear, after being confined to bed for a couple of weeks. Miss Fanny Knight of Sault Ste. Marie visited Miss 'Mary McNaugh- ton last week, Mrs. James lfcClynont spent sever- al days in London this week, Missane Smith J lath spent the Easter holidays at the home of her aunt and uncle, .lir, and Mrs, -Meyers, Zurich, Miss 'Mildred Workman spent Sun- day at the honk of her friend, Miss Elden 'Upshall. Mr. Ed. Harrison of Wingham was in the burg on business this week. Mr. Cliff Watson's last "olde tyme" clanee on Wednesday night was a real success. Mrs. John Workman and daughter, Miss Mildred, Mr, M. Johnston and Mrs, Wm. Anderson spent Monday in London. BRUCEFIELD. .Rev, and Mrs, W. Bremner and Ed- na visited .Mr., and Mrs, Westin S. Thomas last Friday, Miss Jean 'Watson is at present con- fined to her bed with jaundice. \'ire hope e for a P speedye recovery. sten 3, Mrs. D. Tough spent part of last. week with her'sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo, Sparks, in London. Mr. atid Mrs. Douglas visited v sited relatives in London and Detroit last week. fanners are busy with seeding. nealasmarazuamseansasmaameademasananmeturarAznetawssamattatraft,....macansusemmememonameit V/onrIerfI Opportunity Mr. MATHIESON, OF THE, THEDA MATHIESONBEAUTY. SHOPPE, TORONTO, SPECIALI'ST IN PERMANENT WAVING, WILL BE AT PULLMAN'S BARBER SSiOP Wod5 & ThrL, Ar 30 Genuine Eugene Wave, regularly- 15,00, for„,,,,;,,,,,;,,,,,$10.00 • Duradene, $6.00 All Work Guaranteed, Sid Pullman Make Your Appointment Early Phone 125 i During the Easter week Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Manson and fancily and Mrs. McDonald of Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. .Howard and Evelyn, of Ex- eter, and Mr, and Mrs. F. W, He'ss of Hensall visited at the home of Mr. and Mr's. C. Haugh. Mr. N, Wheeler and Mr. A. Wheel- er and son of Detroit spent the week- end at the home of 'their parents in the village. Miss IC, Elliott is visiting friends in Detroit this week, Mrs. D. Tough visited friends in London last week. Mi•, and Mrs. Wm. Douglas motor- ed to Detroit last week. 'fr. Jas. Hill of Stratford spent his holidays visiting •friends in the vil- lage and vicinity last. week, .lir. and Mrs. Johnston of Clinton have moved into Mr, Cecil Simpson's rooms, 11r. Johnston has secured a posi- tion he Mr. II. Dalrymple's garage. We welcome then, to our village and church, The many friends of 'Mrs, L. For- rest will •be glad -to hear'that she is now able to leave her room after be- ing under the doctor's care for • two herh weeksead. suffering with sinus trouble in Mrs. 0. Tippet was operated on in. Clinton -Hospital for 'appendicitis this week. We are glad to hear that she is doing well. • The April Meeting -of the W.M.S. was held in the- basemen*- of the church with a fairly good attendance and was presided over by the Presid= enc Mrs, Bremner. The he ope nin gh et 104 .was sung, 'followed by sil- ent prayer and prayer by the Presid- ent. The special Easter program was taken which included responsitre Scripture readings, Pr a ens and the. following hymns, "Break Thou the Bread of Life,” and "Jesus Master Whose I Am." The roll call was re - LAST ' e OF THE • SEASON WALKER'S HALL •;rrucefield oiday, April 20 Gents 50• (tax included) T., ouch. Ladies lunch 25e, n 'Hewing" and Mrs: a toad u4 en medical rale - Mr, F. Aikenhead an.1 `l.. tr,nro ,t ere appointed as the Presbyterial which i o, bz i .t Iren a 1 April 28 and were invited to '.at- tn t 1.11•S naeznig. The Temperance Tall; wa . ..riven by Mrs. Haugh and Mrs. MeQ stns A tetter was read by our Ci:r; tian S. and F. Secretary, Mrs R. 3 Watson, telling us of our object:re vhi;h is to be the same as la t yea' and urging us to . get e larger inemhership in .our Societies. It was decided to have each group do their beet to get snare members to at - 'tend the meetings. Mrs. Hazelwood, leader of group 3, took the chair. Hymn 546 was sung. The Devotional Leaflet on Temperance erattce t e t - t A asg even by Mrs. Clifton. The Temperau'ce Pre - gram was taken up. The study .leaflets, "A Hole its the Wali" was read by -'Mrs. Hazelwood wood a ' ssisted by the fol- lowing ladies Mrs. Doiv Mrs. J. Mc- Queen and Mrs, Addison. Closing hymn 544 was then sung and Mrs. Dow closed the meeting with prayers "r !SPIES (4114 RICE SPIES LT,,A 4 ti�w pLT, oc�r ti FIRST you listen to Kellogg's Rice Krispies. You ac. tually hear those tempting rice bubbles pop and crackle with crispness as you pour on milk or eream. Then .... just taste that delicious flavor! Toasted rice. Rich and crunchy. You'll say it's good! Nourishing too. Easy to digest. A fine cereal for nursery suppers. Or for a healthful bedtime 'snack. Let Rice Krisliies brighten the family's breakfast. Serve for hunch with fruits or honey 'added. Use in cookery. Make tasty macaroons, candies, desserts. Order from your grocer. Look for the red -ands. green package to make sure of getting genuine Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. The only cerealso crisp it crackles in creams • •. ' • You'll enjoy Kellogg's Slumber Music, broadcast over wiz and associated stations of the N. B. C. every Sunday evening at 10.30 E. D. S. T. Also KM Los Angeles, moms Seattle at 10.00, and IROA Denver at 10.30.