HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-16, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdoo Bros, Publishers,, ' WA.LTON. Mr. Lou Kirkby has been engaged • by Mr. Dolinage of Seaforth to run one o'f his trucks for the summer months: Mrs. T. Rutledge spent.' the past week in Toronto, accompanying her sons Kenneth and Lesley, and also visited her sister, Mrs, Cook, of Graf- ton. Miss Olive .Rankin of Seaforth spent a few days with her friend, Miss G, Miller. Miss Ruby Young has returned to Strathroy where she will resume her school teaching after spending the holidays at her home here. • Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sellers spent the Easter holidays on the farm at J H. )Sellers, 2nd con., Morris, Mrs, Thomas Mose of Milverton spent a fe.w days with her another, Mrs. 'A, Sholdice. Ethel and Luella also visited with her. The Death of Mrs. Orville Nichol- son. --The death occurred at the home of her father, Mr. Henry Tomtit -Isom McKillop, on Thursday April 9th! of Mabel E , wife of Orville. Nicholson, Prince Albert, Sask., and third daugh- ter of Harry E. and- the late Mrs. Tomlinson, Mrs. Nicholson had been ill for the past year and came East in September, hoping to regain, at least m a measure, her former health, but steadily declined until her release came on Thursday morning, Deceased was born near Thamesford, Ont., re- ceived her education in the St. _Marys Collegiate and since her marriage six years. ago had lived on her hu'sband's farm near Prince Albert,Sask. She was in her 33rd year and besides' her heehaw] and one small son Bobbie, she is survived by her father and three brothers, Fred of London, Ont., jack and Harold near Walton, and three sisters,- Mrs. Russell Martin f Glaenenin. Sade., Ella and Helen at home. The funeral tonic place from her :hr s home on Saturday after - 00,11+ : , 'he Maitland Bank Cemetery, to Rev.Mr. e Maines officiating, The pall-itearees were her three brothers, Ind Me -sr-. W. Morritt, Jacic Mar- shall and Jelin Watson, The regular monthly meeting of Duff's 'United church W.M.S. was held Wed.. April Sth, in the church. Mrs, Ed. Bryans presided. The opening exercises took the forst of an Easter :errice with hymn 215, "Jesus Christ s Risen To -day. Prayer by Mrs. L. Leeming, Scripture reading Mrs. Harvey Johnston, and leaflet, "My Easter Thankoffering," by Mrs. A. McCall. Mrs. Fingland and Miss Annie McTaggaret gave a fine duet which was enjoyed by everyone. Miss Edith Clark, a missionary on furlough from Nean's Soho:ol, Doudis, Africa, was present and gave a very interest- ing nteresting address, telling about the habits and customs of the people and the work done in the schools. She also displayed some very interesting arti- cles, including some beautiful fancy work done by some of the girls in the school, beads, bracelets, etc. After a hearty vote of thanks and a few words from Rev, Mr. Barker, the meeting closed with Hymn 376, "From Greenland's Icys Mountains," and prayer by Mrs, -Day Preston, Members from. Brussels United Church and St. George's Church, Walton, were present. After the meeting the ladies served supper in the Sunday School room where small tables were set decorated with daf- fodils. ' BLYTH. W.M.S.—The Easter Thank -offer- ing meeting of the W. M. S. of the Queen St. United Church was held on ers9 Attenti� Operating' automobiles without Insurance, since the passing of the New Financial Responsibility Law, .involves considerable risk by every car owner, The Wawanesa Mutual' Insurance Company, Canada's Largest Farmers' Co -Operative Insurance !organization, offers specially reduced rates for farmers on Automobile Insurance. Yoar Chevrolet, Durant, Dodge, Essex, Ford, Plymouth, Pontiac, Whippet, and all similar cars, insured for $15.00 for 12 months Five -. Thousand and Ten Thousand Public Liability, and One Thousand Property Damage, and we will refuted you at pro -rata rates for the tine your car is tied up. Corresponding rates for Fire, Theft and Collision Paotecbion, and for the more expensive cars. Or we. will protect you from our short rate table for any number of months you wish, The, Company also writes Fire Insurance on all classes of Town and City Property and offers specially reduced rates to farriers on Fire and Windstorm Insurance. THE WAWANE'SA MUTUAL I'NS'URANCE COMPANY Ontario Branch -2 Toronto street, Toronto 2. Insurance in Force Surplus to Policyholders Approximately $200,000,000,00 $2,500,000.00 John H. Scottt LOCAL AGENT, Box 142. Phone 336, Seaforth Tuesday; April 7th at the home of! Mrs, S. G. Leslie, with the president, Mrs, J, Colclough, presiding. 'Meeting opened by singing the Doxology, after which seven members led in sentence prayers, The roll call was answered with a verse of Scripture containing, the word "Risen," then a reading My! Easter Thank Offering" by Mrd J. W. Mills. "An Easter Service of Wor-' tip" was in charge of the president, assisted by Mrs. A. B. Carr with Mrs. W. H. Lydn, pianist, The offering was received by Mrs. Grasby. The presid- ent led in offertory prayer. Then a llouble duet, "Come."., Mrs. ' R. Wightman 'gave the 3rd chapter of. study book, "Fruits of Christian Mis- sions in Japan." This chapter dealt with the Japanese people, their social life and social problems. The leaflet .on temperance was read by the tem- perance herald, Mrs. Wm. Hesk. Del- egates to attend the Presbyterial at Hensall were appointed, Mrs. J, 4\'. Mills•and Mrs. John Mills. The presi- dent closed the meeting with the ben -1 ediction, Group conmutee No. 3 served a 10c tea. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark of Listowel Visited the latter's sister, Mrs. A. Radford, on Sunday; Miss Hazel Petts of London was a visitor with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Petts. Miss Hazel Petts of London spent over the holiday with her parents,) Mr. and Mrs. John Petts. Miss Dorothy 'Robinson of Seaforth` spent over the holiday with her par-' ents, R, H. and Mrs. Robinson. Miss Bertha Brogden of London was a visitor with her father, Geo. Brogden and sisters, Mrs. D. Floody and Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Mr. Norman Floody of Arkona spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, :D, Floody. • Miss Eleanor Jackson of Toronto spent over the holiday With Mrs. Alice Jackson, Miss Muriel Wilford of Whitby Ladies' College was a visitor with her grandmother, Mrs. A. B. Carr. Miss Melda McElroy of Toronto Ladies' College spent the holidays at her home here, Mr. 'Russell Armstrong and Miss 31. Davies of London spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. ,Martin Armstrong, Mrs. (Res.) Maines of Walton was a t_sitor with Mr, and Mrs, Joint Maines. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burling visit- ed it - ed .their sot William at Stratford on Tuesday. Rey. E. L. _Ande rson Mrs. Ander- sit and fainly are visiting the form- er s another at 1Vaikerville. Dougherty -Smith. — The marriage took place in London 011 Wednesday, April Sth lef Miss Edna E, A. Smith, nu.} daughter ofMr, and Mrs, Amos Smith, 2nd ca ace=cion of Grey town- ship, to Mr. Stanley Daugherty of Blyth, youngest son of Mrs. and the late \Ir. John Dougherty, Following the ceremony the happy couple lett by motor for !Woodstock, Niagara Pall. and 'other points et interest. Upon their return they will reside, in Blyth. • \fr, and Mrs. R West- and son Teddy of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr, 'West's mother, Mrs. E. Watson, and other relatives, Word was"received Monday of the death of Mr. Thos. Yeo of Seattle, Wash., brother of Mr. John and Miss Ruth Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wallace were visitors at the home of Mrs. 'Wal - lace's brother, Mr. Leslie Hilborn, on Sunday, Women's Institute. The regular monthly meeting of the lWomen's In- stitute was held in Memorial Hall on Thursday, April 2nd. In the absence of the president and )1st vice.president, the 2nd vice president, Mrs. R, Wiglit- matzi presided, Meeting opened by singing "The Maple 'Leaf Forever," followed by the !Lord's prayer repeat- ed its unison. The secretary then read a letter from. the Department to the effect that all who had joined the Wo- men's Institute the year of. lbs organiz- atieti were charter members—not only thpse who had joined at the first meet- ing as had been stated previously. The date for the summer speaker Wednesday, May 27th. It was also decided that each one write out a well balanced program for next year and bring to the annual meeting. The topic, "Historical Research," was tak- en by Mrs. R. Wightman, A beauti- ful solo, "The Hand that was Wound- ed for ,.Ute," by Mrs, L. `Scrimgeour, accompanied by Mrs, H, McElroy, An interesting reading, "Life's All," by Evening rates on ". Anyone" (station -to -station) calls be- gin at 7 p.,n. Night rates begin at 8.30 p.m. Just give "Long Distance" the ,:um- ber you want — it speeds up the service. It was really the first time Dorothy had ever been away from home alone. She was happy as could be at Aunty's, and romped and played the wholeday long—till bedtime came—then a terrible fit of.. homesickness came over her. l F Aunty was at her wits' end—till she thought of LongDistance. In just a few seconds Dorothy's mother was talking to her little girl ... quietly,1 firmly, cheerily ... then she told her to let ,Auntyl tuck her away in bed. Everything was all right after that. Dorothy felt' that her mother really wasn't far away after all.'. And the telephone had saved Aunty from an awk; ward predicament -at a cost of just 35 cents. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Miss J. CraigJ.'he national anthem was sung in cierereg• The blissyott'•i; aiid of the Qeeen< St, United Churclh held a very success- ful sale of home made baking in the commercial sample rooms on Satur- day. Miss' Ada Craig of Listowel spent the week -end at the hone of her par- ents, Mr. and Airs. RobtCraig. Air. Stewart -Robinson ,of Goderich spent the week -end at the home of his parents,' R, H. and Mrs. Robinson. STANLEY. Mr. D. ,McNaughton of Kitchener who spent last week with his mother, Mrs, •A,' Foster, returned 'home on Sunday. Mr. -!Clayton Elliott spent Thursday and !Friday in 'Woodstock; taking down a power ,grader and demonstra- ting it for the lGoderich !Road Machin- ery Co. Mrs. L. MoAsi, !Mrs. ,M, Reid and Misses Jean Mossop and +M, .Chuter spent 'Saturday lit 'Lon don. The W.A. of St. johns' Church had their monthly meeting otr Thursday at the lhonte of Mrs. A. Galbraith, Mr. Clifford Epps of Banes, Cuba, is spending his holidays at his father's. Miss .Margaret McCon'nell returned to her school at 'Islington on Satur- day. Seeding is the order of the day around here, Mr. F. -Stetck spent a few days last week with his brother, ' ' Mr. Chas: Stelck, Mrs, Geo, Foster of Windsor return- ed to her home on Saturday. Mrs. W. L. Keys -of Seaforth Visit- ed her daughter, Mfrs. Melvin Talbot, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh and fa- mily, of Varna, were guests of Mr. - cAsh on \fcAsb's another; Mrs. T." -\I Sunday. week -end with her slater, Miss Mar- garet Sparks. Mks MargaretTough of Shakes- peare, peare, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and .Mrs. W. J. Tough, Mr,11 h d Mfrs. Y. Howard and Miss Evelyn of Exeter, also Mr, and Mrs, F. Hess of Hensafl, visited Mr, and Mrs, J. A. Carrie on Friday, Little Bobbie • and Ruth' Hess of Hensall are • spending • the holidays with ,lir, and Mrs, 3. A, 'Carnie. • Edwin and Alvin .Steckle and their sisters, Marianne. and Melinda, are visiting friends at 'Waterloo, Miss Margaret Sparks had the mis- fortune to slip on the linoleum and fall, seriously injuring her hip, and is at present confined - to her bed, • —Master—Bobbie Hess and wee sister Ruth, who spent •the holiday. week with relatives on the Bronson Line, returned to their home hi Hensel! Sabbath evening. Miss Annie Laidlaw who has spent the winter with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Tough, returned to her home at Blyth on Saturday. Miss Margaret Tough, who spent the Easter holiday under the parental roof returned to her duties as teacher to Shakespeare on Saturday. Mr. H. D. Steckle unloaded and dis- tnibuted a car of fertilizer from Kip - pen station .ort Monday. A former resident of 'S'tanley passed away at Auburn on Sunday, April 12, rn• the person of Miss Hannah Erratt. The early part of her life was spent in Stanley, later moving to London, where with . her sister she made her home for a number of years. Since the death of her sister a few years ago she has made her home with her nieces, Mrs. Robt, McClinchey of Stanley and, Mrs. Wilson of Auburn, with whops she was at the time of her death. She was a sister of the late Isaac Erratt and the last surviving member of the family. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Bayfield cem- etery. Mr, and Mts. Len Talbot spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Cole-. man, Parr litre. DUBLIN. Miss Verna. Drake of Stratford spent Easter at the home .of her par- ents, Mr, and 'Mrs, John Drake. .Mr. Joseph Feeney of St. Peter's Seminary, London, who has been home attending the funeral of his mother, Mrs, Win. Feeney, returned to London ori Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Donnelly visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Feeney, Sunday last. The dance and card party held on Wednesday evening was much enjoy- ed by alt, Miss Annie McGrath won the ladies' prize. The following teachers have return- ed to their schools: Miss Marie Ben- ninger to f,H.antilton; Hugh to Rivers - dale; Anne McGrath to Chatham; Margaret Jordan to Windsor, Lizzie :Murray to Windsor; Veronica Mc- Connell to St. Clemens. Air. Charles Carpenter herd a very successfulernoon, plowing bee on Tuesday af- t Mr, and Mrs. John Maloney, also Fergus and Minnie Maloney were home attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs, Wm, Feeney, Mr. Wan. Feeney returned to Sask- atchewan on Monday. Miss Mary Dennehy and Mrs. Pot- ter of Buffalo, returned heme'on Mon- day after attending the funeral of the late Mrs. John Donnelly, Miss Florence Coyne of Preston, spent the past week with her parents, Mr, and- Mrs; Michael ,Coyne of Dub- dill; Miss Agnes Maloney spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Maloney .of "Hibbert. Mr. and Airs. 3. H. Weedm.'ark, ac- convpenied by 'Mi'ss Leonia !Maloney of Seaforth spent the "past week with fpoinriendts.s in Toronto, Ottawa and other Miss Marie Benninger has returned to resume her duties as teacher at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs, Harry.Dingel of De- troit spent a few days this week vis- iting the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dave McConnell. Mr. John Mero of Seaforth has re- turned Home .from visiting his sister, Mrs, Jos. hickey south of Dublin. Mothers can easily know when their children are troubled with. vtot•ints, end they lose no thne in ap- plying a reliabile remedy—Mother Graves' Worm Extertnunator. ST, COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Knoxali and. -amity of London spent' Sunday with he latter's mother, Mrs, John Downey, Maiss, Mildred McGrath spent a few days in Detroit last week with ' her brother, Robert, and fancily. !Brother Joseph of the Christian Brothers School at London spent the week -end with his patents, Mr. and Mrs; Joseph McQuaid. . The teachers who were home for the Easter holidays returned to their schools on Monday.. HILLSGREEN. W.MS—The regular- monthly meet- ing of ,the Women's . Missionary' So- ciety was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Stephenson on Wednesday af- terneon, April Bits. The meeting was presided. over by Miss Annie Jarrett.` The opening hymn 220 and the special Easter program was taken including responsive reading-, prayers and hymns after which the secretary's and trea- surer's reports were read and adopt- ed. Thebusiness was then taken: Mrs. Chas. Stephenson and Mrs. R, McAllister wereappointed , dile ato s to the Presbyterial in Hensall on Ape ril 28th.' The Society is send'ing'a let- ter of sytnpftiiyt•o the Blake Society in the loss of their president: The de- votional leaflet was given by Miss Eil- eenTurner; Mrs. J. Cochrane then led in prayer. Hymn 540 was sung, study leaflets on Temperance were.then gi- ven. The study was taken by Mrs, Rev.' Conner and Mrs. Cochrane and Mrs. Turner, The meeting :closed with prayer. • ' The Heron Presbyterial' Societywill meet in the United Church, Hensall, on Tuesday. April 28th, at 9.30 .a.m. All members of the W. M. S. and Y. W.A, are urged to attend this meet= ing, A number from this vicinity attend- ed the anniversary. services c in tlse Presbyterian Chutach in Hensel.' on Sunday. Mrs, W. Blackwell and son David have returned to their home after. spending a few •days ivith their son Will and Mrs. -Blackwell of Lansing,, Mich. Miss Lettie Love has, returned to THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931. Massey-Ilarris' No 19 Spring.Tooth Cultivator J� .Sikry� The NEW CULTIVATOR with the Great "THREE-WAY" CLEARANCE Makes a Fine, Clean Mois- ture Retaining Seed Bed. ta i• JOHN ALL AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS • All Repairs and Labor Cash. resume- her duties at London Normal. The schools re -opened again in this district on Monday after the Easter holidays; Miss Eileen Turner in No. 3, Hay -and Mr. Stewart Beattie in No. 7, Stanley. Mr, and Mrs.. A. Ashton of St, Thomas spent a recent visit with Mr. and bars, J. Richardson. Little Miss Martha Thiel of Zurich spent a few days with little Miss Elda Reichert, Mdaughter Annie n W. arrott and dag J were recent visitors r with Mr, and Mrs. t D. Nichol -of Hensall. Mrs: L, Troyer has returned to her home from Brigden where she spent the winters months with Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Jarrett. Mr. W, E. Jarrott called on friends here recently, ' Mrs, . W, Charters' spent a few days With her sister-in-law, Mrs, V1, -Mc- Allister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dignan were 're- cent visetors with Mrs. L. Troyer, Miss' Helen Anderson has returned to Clinton high school after the holi- days. Mr. H. R. Samuels of Toronto spent a day here recently. ELIMVILLE. Mr. Lewis' Woods and several boys from London visited on Sunday with the formers father, Mr. Robt. Woods. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cole have re- turned from their honeymoon and are getting settled in their new home, Rey, Rutherford of Woodhan and Rev. L. C. White exchanged pulpits last' Sunday, A few cases of mumps have been reported in the vicinity,. Farmers are very busy seeding while the ladies are housecleaning. The Best ,Way. Y Sometimes evenings were very lone- ly in the city, and May would try eitery way to keep front getting lhothesick, But nothing really helped her but 'the telephone. Every so often she would have a good talk with her family by Long Distance, It revived her spirits immensely. DOMINION .OF. CANADA Income Tax Returns v Due Ar pil 30th All persons residing, employed or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to' a tax on income, subject to the following srcwmptions Where Forms May be had 1. Any Postmaster, or • 2. Any .Inspector Of Income Tax at the offices listed below: • CHARLO11 e f OWN, P.E.I., P.O. Building HALIFAX, N.S. 84 Hollis St. QSTU.NJOeHPN.ON.3IiSu.i tding Cstomss Building MONTREAL, QUE., Customs Building OTTAWA, ONT.,. Jackson Building KINGSTON, ONT., BELGLEVILusto,,, BLEu, OildinNTg. ., 27.29 Campbell Street TORONTO, ONT., 21 Lombard Street HAMILTON. ONT. Lennox Building LONDON, ONT., Carling Block FORT WILLIAM, ONT., Customs Building WINNIPEG, MAN.. Commercial Bldg. REGINA, SASK., McCalium•HIll Building SASKATOON, SASK., Ross Building PRINCE ALBERT, SASK., P.O. Building. A - CALGARY.,ALTA., Customs Building EDMONTON, ALTA., VANCO P.O. BUVER, uildtngB• .C., Winch Building DAWSON, X.T. (a) $3,000 in the case of amarried person or householder, or any other person who has dependent upon him any of the following persons: (i) a'parent or grandparent; (ii) a daughter or sister; (iii) a son or brother under 21 years of age or incap- able of self-support on account of mental or physical infirmity. (1,).$1,500 in the case of other persons. (c) $500 for each child under 21 years of age who is de- pendent upon the taxpayer forsupport, or if 21 years of age or over, is incapable of self-support on account of mental or physical infirmity. (d) $500 for each parent, grandparent, brother or sister, incapable of self-support on account of mental or physis . cal .infirmity, who is dependent upon the taxpayer for support (unless otherwise provided for in the Act.) (e) $2,000 for corporations. NOTE—Where the husband and wife each have a separateincome in excess of 01,500, then each shallreceive, not 03,000 exemption, but $1,500 exemption. THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT FORMS AS FOLLOWS: Form Ti For InditriclBals other than Farmers and Rat che,l;s. Form 71A For Farmers and Ranchers only. Form 72 For Corporations and Joint Stock Companies. RETURNS ARE DUE APRIL 30th,• 1931, REPORTING INCOME FOR -4930 Failure, to file return renders the taxpayer liable to a penalty of five per centum of the amount of the tax pay- able with a maximum penalty of $500.00. cheques must be trade payable to the Receiver General of Canada, and must have been Previously accepted and marked by the bank on which drawn. Taxpayers are warned not to send bills or loose change in envelopes. Always use Cheques, Express Orders, Bank Money Orders, Postal Notes, Postal Money Orders, etc. As this notice will not appear again, taxpayers will accept this as a final warning. File your returns at once and avoid penalties. The Department of . National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA }ION. E. B. RYCKMAN, K.C., Minister of National Revenue C. S. WALTERS, Commissioner of Income Tax