HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HENSALL. Mr, ^ Lester Fisher of Windsor "spentthe week end at his home 'here. Mr. and Mrs, Alex,.:McMurtrie of Toronto 'spent the week end visiting at the home of his mother. Miss Marie Bell of.Lon'don spent the week end at her home here.'' Miss Hazel 'Coxworth spent the holidays -with her mother. 'Mrs. 'John'' Murdock and Mrs. Fred Simmons and son Jack spent Monday with Mrs, John 'H. Fatty. Misses Elva 'Bolton of Kitchener, Victoria, of Toronto, Doris and Nor- ma, of London, spent the wee end With, their father, Mr. Gordon Bolton, Mr, Alonzo Ortwein spent the 'hol iday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Mr, Harry Joyn't, was a holiday vis- itor t t his home 'here, 'Mrs. Dr,"rCollyer, was visited over the week end by her 'brothers . from London. Mr. Albert 'Smith ,of London spent the week end at the 'home of his par- ents, Mr: and Mrs. Harry .Smith. Mrs. Robert Cameron is in Varna this week attending t'he funeral of her father, the late 'Alex. Foster. ,Miss Doreen Farquhar spent the week end at her home in Stanley twp. Bobby and Ruth Hess are visiting this week with friends in Blake. Mr. Wm. Reynolds of 'Tilsonburg is visiting his sisters here. Mr, Edgar 'Stewart of Toronto was a holiday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. Foss. Miss Margaret McLaren of Lon- don is spending the holidays at her home here, Easter Sunday was observed in our local churches on Sunday last. Special sermons were 'delivered and special music by the choir. In the United Church the pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair occupied the pulpit and in the inbrn- ing a solo was given 'by Mrs. S. Ren- nie and special parts in the anthem by Mrs. Clark and Mr. S. Rennie. In the evening a sextet by Misses F. Welsh, M. Drysdale, G. Laramie, A. Hess and Messrs. Sherrit and Carlile. A quartette by Mrs, Hedden, Mrs. Sinclair, Messrs. Goodwin and Pass- more. Special parts in the anthem by 'Mrs. Hedden and Miss 'G. Lam- mie. In the morning Holy Colfinfun- ion was observed. In Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. W. A. Kannawin ,of Toronto 'oc- cupied the pulpit and in the morning a male quartette was given by the Messrs. R. Y. MciLaren, 0. Taylor, W. A. McLaren and C. Moir and spe- cial parts in the anthem by Mrs. J. Mc'Ilroy In the evening a quartette by Mrs. Jas. Patterson; Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Messrs. R. Y. McLar- en and Jas. Bengough. In St. Paul's Anglican Church the pulpit was oc- cupied by Rev. M. Parker. In the morning Holy Communion was ob- served. Mr. Claud Blowes spent the week end with his parents in Mitchell.. Mrs. Leslie Knight of Fruitland spent the week end visiting relatives in town. Mr. Harry Harmon has returned to town and has resumed his old posi- tion with Cook Bros. Mrs. John Dinsdale, Mrs. Fred Simmons and son Jackie have return- ed home after spending the winter months with relatives in California. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, Wm. L, McLaren were Mr. and Mrs. A, Hankin of Thames Road, Mr. and ,Mrs. Wes. Venner of Chiselhurst and Mt. and Mrs. Lata McNaught6rI of Cromarty. Mrs, N'orman Cook and' children spent Saturday in Exeter. 'Mr. Harold Sermon of Port Dover spent the week end at his home. Miss Margaret Slavin has returned home after visiting with friends in London. Miss Edith McEwan of Kitchener spent the week end at her home. Receive Damages from Scottish Firm —.Acting as local master of the Sup- reme Court, Judge Joseph Wearing of London has set $7250.95 as the amount of damages suffered by Ow- en Geiger & Son as the result of an alleged breach of agreement 'by J. D. MacDonald, Ltd., Dundee, Scotland. The Hensel] firm is suing the (Scot- tish manufacturers for this amount and the ease will 'be taken before a court in Dundee, Sco'9land. Geiger & Son claim that over $7,000' is owing them under an agreement for the sale of broken flax straw. They allege that the defendant company contract- ed to buy 300 tons of green flax tow at $60 a fon and they refused' to ac- cept the full amount as specified in the contract, The action was listed for trial at the last assize court in London but was undefended. Glad - man & StanhurY, acting for the Ren— call firm, will arrange to have the case tried in Scotland. Mr, and Mrs, Moffatt of Brucefieid were Sunday visitors with Mrs. P. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott of Tor- onto were holiday visitors with friends in town, 'Mrs. R. Nicholson. of Wyoming spent .a few days recently at the home of Misses 'Emma and Mary Johnston. Mr, Orville Twitohell is improving the appearance of his garage by hav- ing it nicely painted, Mr. Allan'Soldan of Harrlilton spent the week end at his home' here. Mr. James Bonthron spent Wed- nesday in London, Mr, Arthur 'Dick spent a day re- cen'tly in Guelph, Mr, E, Drummond is improving his meat and grocery store by paint- ing the interior, Miss Ellen McAllister spent a few days with her sister in Hillsgreen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palmer spent the week end with friends in Wind- sor. 4,+A eeve & €a¢ PGGVEPNMENT C, INSPECTED CH�CKS We specialize in Barred Rocks of High Production and good body type. Order chicks now for delivery any time, after February 10. Chicks and Hatching Eggs all from our own flock which is under supervision of the 0. A. C., Guelph. (ILocsted one block north 'of New Hospital. Visitors Welcome.) Good Poultry Pays and Pays. ONTARIO BREEDING STATION Oliver Siegrist 'Box 173, Seaforth. Phone 304. Ploodtested Chicks Started Chicks and Hatching Eggs From GOVERNMENT APPROVED BIRDS UN'D'ER TRAPNEST Also Eight to Ten Weeks Old Pullets. Prices Reduce4 K ' Y GI -I I eS on �� Owing to the continued depression,in the country, and low egg prices prevailing, we are reducing our Chick Prices to the lowest pos- sible level, These prices will take effect at once and wilt continue. throughout March and April. May and June prices announced later. SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHOR'NS... ...$13.00 per 100 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS $15.00 per 100 BLACK MINORCAS $15.00 per 100 WHITE WYAND'OTTES $16.00 per 100 JERSEY BLACK GIANTS ....,$18.00 per 100 These are absolutely rock bottom prices. • a and Sunnyvale Poultry ery SEAFORTH, H ONT. Phone 137r3 Mr. and -firs. Wilson of Stratford. spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. j. Stewart and daughters, of Seaforth, spent Monday visiting friends in town. lir. Donald McKinnon has accept- ed a position selling cars 'for Jack McDonnell, Miss Mattie Ellis, who underwent an operation in the Clinton hospital is recovering nicely and left this week for Godericli where she will spend a few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. H. Meow. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Gladys Luker spent a day re- cently in London. Mrs. John Passmore and daughter Gladys spent a• few days. visiting friends in Hamilton. Carmel Presbyterian Church is holding its anniversary services on Sunday, April 12, when Rev. J. Gib- son Inkster of Toronto will preach at both services and special music will be given by the choir. On Monday evening Dr. Inkster will give a lecture on 'Palestine and its People.". MIr, Thomas Drummond of Toron- to is visiting at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drummond. 'Mr. Frank Seale of Detroit spent the holiday. with Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Seale, Mrs, F. Searle of Fordwich was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hodgert were visited by relatives from Stratford ov- er the holiday, Quite a number from here attended the reception given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor al Wat- son's hall, Kippen on Wednesday ev- ening. Housecleaning is now the order of the day. Spring Show.—The South Huron Spring Show held here Tuesday after- noon was well attended a large crowd being present. The day was bright and warm and everyone enjoyed the show. There was a fine class of horses and cattle shown and in par- ticular the cattle, both in number and quality being above the average of other years. There were some splen- did horses shown, both in heavy draft and general purpose teams and a number of good drivers. Robert McLaren took first prize for a single roadster and there was a splendid line up of horses for the championship Carriage -Single carriage, E. J. \Villert, W. Keys, roadster team, 'Wes- ton Traquair; single roadster, R'obt. \MdLaren, Manning Bros.; roadster or carriage, A. B. Bell. Best draft or agricultural mare or gelding, R. J. Scott, Jarvis Scott and 3rd, R. J. Scott; best three horses for any township, Jarvis Scott. R. J. Scott. Specials—Owen Geiger, for best draft stallion, Robt. Murdoch; Oscar Klopp, for'best mare, R. J. Scott; D. Boyle, for best lady driver, Mrs. Ross Chapman; Dr. Dougal's special for best light horse, W. L. Fraiser; Com- mercial Hotel special for best gentle- man's turnout, Robt. MacLaren; 'best horse R. J. Scott. Judges'--IFor heavy horses, W. J. Douglas, Caledonia;• Saul Putnam, Owen Sound. Mr. J. Thynne of Brussels was 'in town show day and entertained, the crowd with -his violin • playing and singing. A great deal of interest was shown in the great automobile display put. on by Cook Bros, and J. Passmore & Sons. Mr. Passmore had several lines of Chevrolet cars on display and Cook Bros, the Hudson -!Essex and. Plymouth. Messrs. Harry Harman and Norman Gook had charge of the Cook Bros. display and J. Passmore in charge of the Passmore & Sons. Amongst others we noticed in town for the show: County clerk Holman, Constable Whitesid'es, Goderich; G. H. Elliott, N. W. Trewartha, John Jacobs, Clinton; John Govenlock, R. McMillan Thos. McMillan, M.P., of Seaforth; David McNaughton, Bay- field; Reeve Raeder, of Hay; Alex. Neeb, of Stephen, Win. Elliott, of Centralia.. 'Mr. Wm. Geiger of London is spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mos. 0. Geiger. 'Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Green of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hey, of Zurich, Mr. S. Green of Grand Bend, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram North spsnt a 'few days visiting friends in Wood- stock. ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. James Lane of Brantford and Miss Mary Lane of Toronto are vis- iting their mother, Mrs. John Lane. Mr, and Mrs. Vincent McMahon of Detroit spent Sunday at the hone of given for best draft or agricultural l Mr, and Mrs. James O'Reilly. John Murphy of Guelph was home mare. The judges in this class find difficulty in giving their decision. Fol- over the week end, Anne Dalton of Detroit is spending lowing are the prize winners: "he holidays with her parents here. Shorthorns—Bull calved in 1929, The following teachers •in a h ors are home Ofords—.Aged cher 'Bros., Roy Pepper. Here - for the holidays: Thos: McQuaid and Fords—Aged bul'i, Howard Wright, Charles Malone of Windsor; Helena John McGregor; bull=calved fn 1929, Flannery of Linwood, Margaret Mc - W. S, O'Neil. cow, Jahn Herzeal,yrs.I Grath, of Dundas, Mildred and Ger- Howard Wright; heifer under 2 yrs,, trude Mc'Gra'th of Waterloo, Edith W. S. O'Neil, Howard Wright; but- cher steer or heifer, Oes'trioher Bros., Herb Kercher, Jas. C. Smillie. Baby beef, Andrew Bell, Oestricher Bros„ Herb Kercher; best dairy cow, John Ingram, Dr. Collyer. Silver cup for the best Shorthorn female, R. N. Peck; John Passmore & Sons special for best bull, W. S. O'Neil. Harry Smith, judge. Horses--sAged Clyde stallion,' R. Murdoch, Peter Kilpatrick; aged Percheron stallion, J. W. Elliott; ag- ed standard stallion; W. L. Fraiser; HULLETT. 0 r d a a g a v 0 u a r d Edna e a e Mrs. C, Sundeicocic was a London visitor. on Saturday last: Mr. C. Hioggart has bought the farm he has been Living on fromthe Ho'ggart estate. Miss Irene Carter was home from Toronto for the holiday,; Miss Alice Shepherd of Toronto spent her holidays at the home of her parents." Death of Thos. Troop—The death of Mr. Thomas Troop came as sur- prise to the community as he had been in much better health of latethan usual. He was, only sick abouthall an hour and died before medical 1 as- sistance could reach him. Deceased was born in Norfolks'hire, England, 82 years ago. He came to this coun- try when quite young and lived few years in Londesboro. Then moved to a farm on the 13Th concession. Selling out there he Moved to the 8th conces- sion about 45 years ago and has been resident here ever since. He wasnev- er married, but about 12. years ago a nephew and niece came' from Eng- land and have lived with him. The funeral' was to' Burns cemeteryon Wednesday. The bearers were Ben. Riley, John Hesselwood, C. Stewart, Wm. Canter, C. Sundercock andGeo. Carter. Mr.'C, Stewart was a success'f 1 ex- hibitor at the Clinton horse fir on Thirrsday, The following is the Easter report of U. S. S. No. 12, Morris and Hui- lett u'1 lett: 'Jr. IV.—Gerald Heffron 82.5%. Jr. IIIA Katherine McDon'al 82.1. Sr. DI,—Ivan Wightm'air 87.5%, 'Margaret Heffron 76;6%, Mc- Donald 70.4%. Jr. II.—Harry Bryant 76.6%. Trimer—'Lloyd Elliott (very good). Isabelle McDonald (good). Katherine McDonald received high- est number of stars for Spellingdur- ing the three" months. !Edythe Storey, Teacher, Miles of Guelph. MissesMary O' Svllioan, Mary ar Y William s and Mary -ar y McGrath of Tor- onto spent the week end at their holies here, Joseph Moylan of Kitchener •spent a couple of days at his home here. Harold Maloney, Louis Maloney. and Gerald Holland of Detroit spent a few days with friends here. Peter Maloney had the misfortune to lose a fine horse last week, Joseph Stapleton, Huron Road, is. heavy draft mare in foal, R. J. Scott, confined to his home with .the flu at D. Fotheringhain & Sons; Wm, P'Mist. Thompson; gelding or filly foaled in 'Miss Mildred McGrath spent Eas- 1928, Wm, Patrick; ter sr. Detroit. 7 gelding or filly Mr. Jos. Stapleton is: improving af= foaled in 1929, Albert Etherington, ter his illness. Mat Tinney; gelding or filly foaled in The social on Monday evening was 1930, D. Fotheringham & Sons; A. much enjoyed, the proceeds amount - W. Etheringtott; draft team, Jas. ing to $164: Scott. Agricultural -Mare in foal, D. Fo- theringham & Sons, W. S. Broad - foot, M. Tinney;' gelding or filly, 1928, W. Charters &Sons, G. Thomp- son & Sons, Robt. Tinney; gelding: pose Dr. Thomas' E electric Oil and or filly, 1929, D, Fotheringham & there is no alcohol in it, so that its Sons, Wm. Charters & Sons; team, effects are lasting, R, J. Scott, Thos. Butt, Dr. Moir, A Red -'Letter Day With Tom away at college, Sunday was pretty 'lonesome for `his parents. But it became a red-letter day when he started to telephone in the even- ing. There was so much for ` him to tell them, and they in turn kepthim in touch with the home news. Noe thing could have been pleasant 1. CARD OF THANKS. — Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Lawrance and family and Mr. W. Troop wish to thank their many friends and neigh- bors for flowers sent and rugs loaned for use in their recent bereavement. IN ME'MORI'A'M HUIDISION.—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Jane Hudson, who passed away four years ago to- day, April 9. - "You don't know the sorrow to be left alone, Till God sends a message into your home. 'Tis hard when He calls for one or another, But the hardest of all when he calls for your mother. Sadly missed by your family. •THURSDAY,: APRIL 9, 1931, TERMS CA5 FORMALDEHYDE, 16 oz. size ... , 29c MEN'S' HEAVY SH'O'ES, .per pair , .......r. , , , • • . • $2.99 VERY BEST SWEAT PADS.......,.....,..,.............49c PERRIN'S FANCY BISCU'IT'S, per pound ..........21c SOHNEIDER'S LARD, 2 pounds ........... .............19c SCHNEIDER''S COTTAGE ROLL, per pound • 21c SGHNEIDER'S PURE PORK SAUSAGES, per pound ..19c SCHNEEIDER",S BREAKFAST BACON, per pound.: , ..2244c RED ROSE..TEA' per pound MoLAREN'S 'JELLY POWDERS, 4' pkges..... . ..... . 19c ;.ITWILL PAY YOU TO BUY IN EGMO'N'DVILLE W. I. E INNIGA N Ile MIMORIAIVI STAPLES. --'In fond and loving memory of our dear mother, Eliza- beth Staples, who departed this life, six years ago, April ;10th, 1925. "What would we give her hand to •clasp, Her patient face to see, To hear her voice, to see' her smile, As in the days that used to be; But some sweet day ;we'l'l eget again Beyond the toil and "strife, And clasp each Others hand_ once more, In Heaven, that happy life. -Ever remembered by Family. "Peaceful be thy re's't, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name, In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same." —Ever remembered by her daugh- ters and son, AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at the resi- dence of James Archibald, Centre St., Seaforth, Friday, April 17th, at 1 o'- clock p.m., consisting of three sets bed room furniture, dining room fur- niture, kitchen furniture and uten- sils, stove, dishes, paintings, garden tools, set single harness, and obher articles: too ntunerous to mention. 'Terms cash. O11AMES ARCHIBALD, Prop., T. Brown, Auctioneer. An Oil without Alcohol,—Some oils and many medicines have alcohol as a prominent ingredient. A judicious mingling of six essential oils com- PROPERTY FOR SALE 1%, acres of land, with new frame. bungalow, and small barn; large or- chard; would make a good poultry farm; two miles from Seaforth; hydro. passes gate. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Apply to JIOIH'N Me00 6 AN, RR. 2, Seaforth. FOR SALE Seed barley for sale. Apply to R. H. M'OIDIRLAIND, Phone 143r4. 16 PASTURE Mrs. Robert Coubts .has pasture and wants cattle for summer grazing. Con. 14, MdKillop, east of Walton. FOR SALE Two good Durham cows, and one good mare, four years old. Apply to WESLEY SEA'RLE, Walton, O t. Phone 184, Brussels, PROPERTY FOR SALE. - A five roomed cottage for sale, hard water, good cellar and a barn suitable for garage,. and hen house. 'Fruit trees and good garden. Will be sold at a reasonable price.. JOHN HII1I'JDIEBa!!AtbTlDT, :Egmondville. 15. PIANO FOR SALE. Slightly used Heintzman & Co. piano in good shape. For sale cheap. Apply at W'ALKER'S FURNITURE STORE, phone 67, Seaforth. PIANO FOR SALE. Pianofor sale cheap, or would con- sider storing it for use of it. Has been lately tuned. Must be moved as soon as possible for lack of room. The piano is at the home of Mrs. Jno. Workman, Kippen, phone 10 on 94, Hensall, or 20 on 93, Mrs. Wm. M. DOM. 16 FOR SALE Timothy seed for sale. Apply to John Sholdice, Phone 1.36r12, Sea - forth. HOUSE TO RENT. Eight -roomed house and lot, ad- joining t'he town, on. the highway, el- ectric light, hard .and soft water in house. Apply to MISIS ELI'ZA- B'ETiH S'OOPT, Phone 251r21, Sen- fartih, - AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture and other articles, at the residence of ,Mrs. James G. Martin, 'West 'W'illia'm St., Saturday, April 18th, 1931, at 1.30 p.m. iBuffet, china ca'b'inet, extension dining table, six dining chairs, 3 bed- room suites, mattress and springs, i tables, rockers,3 all small a es settee arm chair, hall rack, leather couch, book case, sideboard, bureau, carpets,: mats, rug 3',x4, two rugs '3x3, quilts, pil- lows, curtain's, large •mirro'r, small mirror, cooking srtove, 3 kitchen tables, 5 kitchen chairs, clock, clothes rack, pictures, verandah awning, dishes and cutlery, toilet sets, carpet sweeper, electric gri'll,.'kitclh'en uten- sils, pint and 'quart sealers, .preserved fruit, washing machine and wringer, tubs, boder, 240 lbs: scales, cutter rugs, buggy pole, lawn mower, stove pipes, hand sleigh, garden tools, car- penter's tools, pipe fitting's, ladder, steel roofing, some lumber and a number of other articles, Terms Cash. 'Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; MRS. TAMES G. MART'I'N, 'Prop. PROPERTY FOR SALE Iu Egmondville situated on the Main street, containing one=quarter acre of land. On the property there is a frame house, 7 rooms with cellar, cistern and a never failing well of hard water at the door, plenty' offs small and large fruit, Telephone in; the land is perfectly clean, and every- thing in good repair and is convenient in every wayin regard to town. To'wns'hip taxes; will be sold at a reasonable' price as the proprietor wishes to get a larger place. Apply on the premises or address ALEX. GORDON, Box 51, Seaforth. 17 FOR SALE 1 expect to have a numiber of calves for sale during the calf season, ;Call and let me know what you want. Pricers according to times. HAROLD PIEINII31ArIlE Baylfield, Ont. Phone 5-78, Hensel!. FOR SALE. A quantity of seed oats and seed barley, also e. few choice potatoes, WiM. STOIREY, 15 on 249, Seaforth, 17 Want and For Sale, Ads. 3 times 50c BOY WANTED. To chore on farm for summer or for year. 13 to 16 years of age pre- ferred, Apply at the News Office. 15 FOR SALE A comfortable six -room cottage, hard and soft water in the house, el- ectric lights, four lots of land, well fenced, small orchard, hen house, ROIBT. EDGAR. 15 Apply to. MRS.PPY DUCK EGGS. Mammoth Pekin Duck egg's at 50c a setting. Phone 237 r 4. VEJLMA 7lAIILSIT, - 17 SEED PEA'S FOR SALE About 80 'buslhels, Arthur variety. Apply to M1FJRIVIIIN DAME, Lot 12, con. 6, Tuckersinith,' Phone 131r21. 17 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. FOR SALE. Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover seed $4.00 per bus.; also a quantity of seed barley. :JIOISIEPIH L. 'MALONEY, Lot 8, Con. 4, 'McKillop: Phone 40r22, 'Dublin. 16. FOR SALE. A quantr'y of • Spring .Wheat for seed; also some young' cattle. E. S. MUBIRIIIEIN, phone 2451.3, Seaforth 15 FOR SALE (Seed barley for sale. Apply to I i ' ' S N GOOI}DOGORDON.RIOHARD O A. Phone 137r25, Seaforth. 15. DR. H. HUGH ROS'Si .Physfcita and Surgeon. Late of London Hoeg pital, London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear. nose and throat, Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank, Office . Phone No, 5: Residence. Phone 104. FOR SALE A quantity of choice seed oats, from O.A.C. No. 144, yielded over fifty bu- shels per acre in 1930. Also Steel Tanks, 6 feet long, on hand, other sizes on list, can be ordered on short notice, $9.65 for the 6 ft. length; oth- er sizes priced on application. ' Very convenient in the sugar bush for storing sap. Agent for the highest grades of Steel. Roofing and Asp'halt, also fertilizer of all grades. • W'IIL- LIAM D1011IG,,'Jr„ R.R. 3, Kippen, Ont., Phone 138r2, Seaforth. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE From Single Comb White 1Leg- horns—$12 per 100. 0:A.C. Barred Rocks -$14 per 100. Jersey Black Giants—$18 per 100. Hatching eggs from Black Giants—$l' per 15 eggs; $6 per -100. HARRY K'LENNE, r.r. 1, Bornholm, Ont. Phone 52r23. DR. F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Office and residence, Goderich street.. east of the United Church. Coronas. for' the County of Iluror, Telephone No. 46. FOR SALE Comfortable, seven roomed frame house, in good condition, favorable location, electric light, town 'water, garage, poultry house and garden lot.. Apply at News Office. FARM FOR SALE Lot 11, Concession 4, H,IR.S., Tuck- ersmit'h, containing 100 acres of choice land, situated on county road, 1% miles south of the prosperous Town of Seaforth, on C.NJ•R.; convenient to schools, churches and markets: This farm is all undendrained, well fenced; about 2 acres of choice fruit trees. The soil is excellent and in a good state of cttivat'ion and all suitable for the growth of alfalfa, no waste land. The farm is well watered with two never failing wells, also a flowing spring in thefarm yard; about 40 acres plowed and reading for spring seeding, also 12 acres of fall wheat;, remainder is seeded with ,alfalfa. The buildings are first class, in excellent repair; the house. is brick and is mo- dern in every respect, heated with fur- nace, hard and soft water on tap, a three-piece bathroom; rural telephone,' also rural mail. The outbuildings con- sist of barn 50x80 feet with stone stabling under; all floors in stable cement; the stabling has water sys- tem installed. A good frame driving shed, 24x'48 feet; a 2 -storey henhouse 16x36 feet. A brick pig pen with ce- mentfloors capable of housing about 40 pigs. The house, stables and barn have hydro installed. Anyone desir- ing a first .class home and choice farm should see this, On account of i11 health I will sell reasonable. Besides the above I am offering -'dot 37, con- cession 12, H'ib:bert, consisting of 100 acres choice land, 65 acres well under- drained; 10 acres maple bush, all seed- ed to grass; no waste land. On the premises are a good bank barn 48x56 feat and frame 'house, an excellent well. The farm is situated about . 5 miles from the prosperous village of Hensall on ehe'C.N,'R., one-quarter of a mile from schooland mile .from church, This farm has never been cropped much, `and is- in excellent shape for cropping or pasture. 1'. will sell these farms together or separate- ly to suit purchaser. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, Sea - forth, RJR. 4, or phone 21 on 133, Seaforth.:., TWOS. G. SIHQO:.'LIINIG L'AW, Proprietor. DR. C. MACKAY,—C, Mackay, honor graduate of Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. :HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 -roomed house for rent. White Blossom Sweet Clover seed, already scarified, government tested for ger- mination and grade. Get onr' prices on feecl. PHONE 25, Seaforth. 17 MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 10th What your Mother would love to have is your photograph. Have the Burgess Portrait Studio, Mitchell, make that photograph and it will please you. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ras - Nose and Throat. -Graduate in Medd- cine, University of Toronto 1897. - Late Assistant New -York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instit ,e; Moorefield',' Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Comm- ercial Hote1,_Seaforth, 3rd Monday la each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p•= DR. W. C..S'PROAT.-Graduate o4 • Faculty of Medicine, University Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in rear" of Aberhart's Drug Store, Se'afortk. Phone 90. Hours 1.304 p.m., 7.30-: - 9 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dental. HOUSE' FOR SALE 7 roomed frame house in G. Sperl- ing survey, one block from church and Main street. Apply Mrs. M. Mc- A'RDILE. 17. DR. J A. MUN,N, Successor to Dr. R. R. •Ross, graduate of North- western University, tR Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Sill's- hardware, ill's-hardware, Main St„ Seaforth. Phone - 157.' DR. F. J. BF.CHELY, graduate e Royal College of Dental Surgeons.. Toronto. Office over W. R. Smitlet grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 185W, residence 185J. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.)s O.L.S., Registered Professional Ez- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate:., Member Engineering Institute a Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont. Auctioneer. GEORGE ' ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the 'County ,of Hacoa Arrangements, can be made for Stale Date at The Seaforth News. Charges • moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, W. C. GovenI'ock wOorsziebaketteg Ages See our line of SULKY PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale good used, Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky :Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, . and '25 Ford Coupe. For Sale—Rob't. Bell cutting box, 32 ft. carrier, in first class shape. Set 2,000 pound Scales. HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed... Auctioneer for the County of Herm Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND REID'E REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST.,SEAFO'RMII, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rases in First -Class Companies W M. HARKNESS Box. 234, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 1111• GENERAL AGENT Sun Life Assurance COMPANY OF CANADA THE McKIILOP Mutual Fire Insurance Coo FARM AND, ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers—James Connolly. Girder.. ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. `McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rinn, No. 2,-Sea- forth,John Bennewies, Brodha en/ James Evans, Beechwood; M. -Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, :God- erich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea- forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Wiltoar. Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Me-• Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray Gibson, Brucefield. Agents—James ' Watt, " Blyth, rt.. No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V, Yeo, Holmesville; R. G, Jarmouth,. Bornholm. - James Kerr and . John. Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly*. attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. THURS., FRI., SAT. METRO GOLDWYN-IMAYERIS Technicolor Production. The Mysterious: Island from the book by Jules Verne Two years in the making! Actually filmed at the bottom of the ocean, off the Bahamas, imperilled by .'hurricane: and storm. lOctopus versus submarine and oth- er amazing and ,fantastic sequences done in the highly imaginative style of this sensationally successful au- thor. Presented entirely in Natural Col -- ors with h- LI'ONEL BARRYIvIO'R-E LLOYD HUGHES JANE DALY` 8.15 p.m, Sat. 7.30 and 9.15 p.m. MON., TUBS., WED. "WILD CO'MPAN'Y" with H. B. Warner, Frank Al'bertson,, Sharon Lynn PRINCESS: