The Seaforth News, 1931-04-09, Page 1On' a sudden seven ducks 'With a splashy rustle rise, Stretching out their seven necks, One before, and two behind, • And the others all crow, And as Steady as the wind With a 'swivelling whistle go, T1troegh the Purple shadow led, Till we only hear their whir In behind a rocky spur, Jn ± ahead. -Archibald Lampnian, WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 53, NO.15 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931. Phone 84 $1A YEAR it h d _ --�-�� EASTER EXAMINATIONS, EASTER DANCE hibition grounds; on Saturday, June " ( .. 4 •-,• lath, at 2 p.m. Farther particulars , r e5 • DINNERS and an HOT HOT LUNCHES _ SUPPERS .:.. Seaforth Public School, Room T. Entrance Class, Sr. IV. - (Hen- oars .562, Pass 450.)' ' Onalee Moore Drover 592; Leona rade Crawford 520, Mary Fleet 517, Jean Pearson 4'87 Frank Grieve 473, Jr. IV. Class Dorothy Goldingyouse youse Is• inwited To A hard times dance too ' be held by the lionNs' club of Seaforth in cardnos opery NA11 on fridaynaprfl10Haninep�x� olin bRowns starvation six wilL furnish The mimic. will ne be annotmced later, Ever Hur- 4 y ont.e will be made. welcome: No in vitation is required: ' The sympathy of: the Huron Old Boys' Association goes out to Thomas nt)foy+ •26-ce cent Seafarth, and family, m ,herr re- sad bereavement, - , t II II %'�`` iluer at all hours ' OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices' Reasonable 593, Mary • Johnstone 572, Jack Oh:eros 567, Jack Rankin. 539, Stewart 522, Ted Sout1% ate 505 Mar- jorie Wigg 495, Martha Storey 462 Dorothy Hudson 459, Billie Box 422, Ross Allen 419, Howard Siegrist 417, Glen Pinkne 398 y , Jack Dunlop 39• Dorothy Parke 36-, Van Bell 361, is eX•peeted to ware youre a1d close and The tuffer are the Better y we811 like yuh:7 &admission x$1:50 per pair; extry ladi $.715 cents, kingfish barber bisuthor.crAwfOrd Pres, see. , ` KIPPEN. The A r'g al matin the S: P meeting ofW,M.I was held at the good t of Mrs, J. C Bell with a good attend'anee. The meeting was presided over by Mrs, Wm. Aieicander the opening hymn p 221 Easter i! FRGeddes ABSOLUTELY To make room for new goods arriving we are making very special price on; Dinner Sets we have in was and the special pro - stock „ • Jack Doeranee 298, Gordon McKel- lar 285, Orville Shewfelt 154 (missed, 3 exams), HiPRO'N OLD' BOYS' A:SSIOCIAPI'OJN: OF TORONTO gram was taken, including responsive reading, prayers and the following hymns: (Break Thou the Bread of at at .present. Potting it briefly and truly these sets are extra value' at the re'gul'ar prices; but for sale The Confectionery and Restaurant A Q i E. R. Crawford, Principal. Room IL ` Jr, PV.-(SHonours 488, Pass 390) Honours - A. Finnigagn 528; M. Holmes 527, R. Cluff 515, M. Hanley A continual downpour 6f rain for fiye hours in±erferednwfth the ellen- dance at the Heron Old Boys' An- • nual Euchre and Bridge at Hygeia hall on Wednesday evening last, Life" and "Jesus, Master, Whose I `m•" The minutes of last meeting we're read and adopted, followed by the calling of the ral'1, The business meeting was taken up, It was. decided • decided Miss q d quick the are giving ABSOLUTELY here with each set a 26 -piece Silver Service and :here are the bargains we offer: 94 Piece Grind'ley's Dinner Set, complete with the Silver e at A 120 pieces altogether ■75 511, L Montgomery 457, G. Pinder !However, notwith'etanding the ele- to try and secure Read for the autumn rhankoffering, Mrs: 97 Piece Genuine Limoges China Dinner Set CHURCH CARD. 432, :4I. Holley 429, C`,, Free 420, H. Crich 415, J. Cluff 405. V. Mont- ments, a goodly crowd braved it and carried an in the old Hirai s.yle, Monteith and Mrs. hicClymont were r wish the Silver Service at �o�� • T®1 et`` SOa North Side United Church -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, BA, - 'Senaay, April 12th, li . a,m.-Public' Worship. Subject, -"Worthy of Your Callin ' • g.' p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes, gomery 372. Sr, TAIL-(iH:onours 450, Pass 360), M. Southgate 4174, M. Keating 458,. A, Hudson 455, Pa'ss.-E, Plant 443, R Stewart 437, J. Drover 429, M.,Moore J 411, H. Carroll 405, G. Welsh 370; bI. Doltuad a 365, H. MacKenzie 360, L. She About twenty tattles were used by the 'euchre players and the same num-Each ber for bridge. The prize winners for the euchre were: Gents-lst M. v prize, �f. Adams; -red Prize, J. Lindsay. Ladies -1st Price, Mrs: Phillips; 2nd prize; Mrs: appointed delegates to the Presbyter sal a±• Hensall and all. members were urged to attend this meeting. The temperance program was taken up Followed by prayer by Mrs. Conner, The topic Then P c on Japanese *Religious ht," and the "Christian Mes sage was taken by Mrs: J. �� 4 123 pieces altogether of these sets are regularly higher than the price quoted above; but they are reduced in price and the Silver Service given is Absolutely Free. 'This is a bargain that the shrewd buyer cannot af-Y ford ford to pass 'by: It is a money saving buy. The good are newesta designs and'first s gquality throughout. CHOICE OF THREE AT Sc,EA'OH These favorablyH 7 pari. -Public Wors'hig Gonclud- ing the series Life and Times- of Moses.- en 349, L. Reeves 342, J. Elliot 334, F. Dunlop 328, N. Reeves 323, H, Edler 30'4, L Botham 301, Oke, 296 Jean Gilchrist. Mrs, E. Duncan won the ladies' 1st prize in bridge and W. F. Mustard• carried off the 1st Thome- d, Mrs. Md'ClymMrs. Thump- son and Mrs. Cochrane. Thecelevo- leaflet on "'Temperance" AAS I NN Our Guarantee 'behind each purchase. compare very with regular 10c soaps, • SEED POTAT,UZ5- IRISIi COBBLERS grown by Mr. J, E Hu ill from Certified Govern- t meat inspected: stock. Per 90 lb, bag,;,,,,,,,,,,,,$1:25 APPLES. -+Good' Bald'wfns. 6 t.- q basketi r eac 11 quart basket , , , , , , , : , , , 50c 111 quart turned comrades. It is not a memor- sal of brick or stone; it is a memorial of flesh and blood, devoted to the ser- vice of those who were disabled and to the service of the widows and chit- dren of the men who:did not return, 1t is a inemaraal.: which perpetuates and service for .which those mien died a which exists today, sot- idly establ shed on a foundation stone of service for comrades, service for M.' E. Turnbull, Room III, (IHonoure 430, Pass 345),=Roy Oke 494, Alastair Wigg 493, Donalder Jean Dale 474, Ma.cTavish -490committee.Net Harold Free 472 Janet' Baker 411, Helen _Gheoros 468, Mary Howes, 45;3, Muriel Hudson 4'49, jean Dungey :435, Helen Chamberlain 4'30, David Stewart 409, ' Oban MaoTaviSh' 408, - gent's prize. At the conclusion of the games; delicious refreshments were served, under the, supervision of Mrs. Van- stone, ,convenor of the refreshment rdays \aw •time _and •old tune dancing was indulged: for the remainder of the evening. following + are. ,he names of some of those present: President C.. G. and given by Mrs. Earle Sproat. The g in uni- meeting was closed byprayerFred song Misses Grace and ehe Margareth> Coop= of London spent t•he Easter holt- with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W Cooper: ', John Workman's new garage is now open for public serviceMr: A. Taylor of Hensel! has completed the floor: Mee Workman has been se. ;- c a� J j� ti 54 Savauge WATCHMAKER, JEWELER, OPTOMETRIST Opposite Post Office. •;Mr, Phones 194. pp' • Seaforth: Res. ]0. , country for Empire, Donna Mole 401, David Grieve 394,' .Mrs. Mr. Mrs, A. McLaren, fortunate in securing Mr, Johnston g HU 7c1as BAKING POW- and service P IThe War Veterans Memorial Zetta Dunlop 38 F Carl Knight 372, 1 and J. • ren'st Mr Mr: and Mrs. B. H. McCreath, of Listowel as his' mechanic. Mr, DER full 16 dz. tin 25c Phis is our leading seller over all others.We ha alsohe well S have, t known Magic; Royal and Forest •City brands at popular prices. It;LENZINE & STAR AMMONIA 2 for ::,.,,,,,., ..,. i1 c0 SPRING CLOTHES PINS at same price as, ordigary, clothes ,pinme 3 doz. . , , , i „: , ,,...... , , 10c BROKEN BISCUITS 3 lbs 25c PRUNES at „. ,20c 121 c & tI c lb, ' ' GARDEN SEEDS' - Royal Purple brand' at Sc or 6 far 2S P These are recommended' to us as being equal to the best. Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, to the fallen heroes is the 'Canadian Le• gion of the British Empire Service League; C'atra'dia's great'unified organization of War Veterans, an organization which has ever before the of comrades left m soldiers graves and the ideals for which these coin- rides; gave their ,lives, As theyserv- ed in War these men of the Caned- tan Legion,Dickson g , are striving'to serve in peace so that the debt which they owe • to comrades shall never be "for- gotten and so that the obligation they owe to Canada and the Empire shall P be fulfilled. It is a great and glorious memorial .but one Which shall reach its full effectiveness and sfgififi'reachance only whets every man who wore'a un- iform in the country's time of danger, is enrolled in this ever- growing item- bership. -Mae Hodgson "3;65, Arthur Cameron 348, Billie. Wamsley •321,, Bobbie Barlow 310 . Harold Calvert 30' 6J Hawkins, 290; Dorothy GenevieveF• er 288;. ' Viola .Dolma'ge 283; Nielson Hulley 203. Maude M. Hartry. Room IV. (iHonours 415, Pass. 330) - -Ole±a 533, Arthur Jones .4'88, Helen Swan - 485, Marion •-Lbbotteen 480,. Bruce Wright. 471, Clara Dolaiiage 463, Allan Dolmage 460, Betty MacLeod 456, Floyd Pinkney 4'52, Carolyn Holmes 440, Anna Dennis 428 Leonore Ed'lar 425, Grace Gill- espie 409,• May Siegrist 401, Doris Hopf 393, Jack \lcNa'bb 391, Charlie Wood 369 Ro Kerr 359 Jack - y , J c Moore. Dennis 1328 aGeorge Case 321, Tommy Wilbee 283, Jack Cameron 254, Earl Mr, and Mrs. IT: B. Stowe, Mr. E. Floody, SPr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. h H• B•rowii. and Mrs. Hessey, Mn and M•rs: D. Thompson, Mr. and. Mrs, H. Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs, F, Mustard, Mr, and Mrs, L Browne; Mr. and Mrs, 3: Hendrick; - Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carlisle, Mr, and 14rs. D. W. Dane 'Mr. and 15rsJohn Moon, oo , Mr. and Mrs.,. Duncan, -Mr. ` and Mrs: j• Gilcher MT. and Mrs, T. Ferguson,° gu•sonMr.' and Mas. H. White, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Spotton, and Miss •S otton Alt, and Mrs. W. P Duckworth, M•r. R. S: Aheppard,; Mr. G. A. Newton, Mr. J. Came ron, Mr, and Mrs. F. Milne 'North ( Bay), Mrs, Minnie Irwin and Miss Ir- win, Mrs. S. L Scott, Mrs. O. M. Ri- ley, Mrs, J. Oke, Mrs. 7. O. Rose (Guelph), Mrs: C. H. Brereton, Mrs, McDermobt Mrs. D. Gu Miss Johnston has had several years of good experience. you 11 ionize °` "Jack.' Hope 'y all pat Wedding bells are ringing in this vicihity, Mr. and Mrs, Grant Love of Lan- sing • spent Sunday with the litter's father, bar. R. J. Coo per. fir. James Bowey has'disposed of his store etos Mr. Emerson Kyle, who gets possession, we believe, earl in may. p We alt wi ' Y y sh Emeroiin.`tltd best' of luck. c• a g lass met �S.oMuc night with a good attendance, Much credit is due to Mr. Goulding of Exeter for the splendid P endfd way in which he is train ing the young voices. Easter •services •itt our church were conducted byan Rev, Mr. Conner who preached a splendid Easter sermon, his topic being' P Christ is Alive," and HILLSGREEN. Ir. and Mrs, - William Love of Ailsa Craig were recent visitors with lir: and Mrs: G. Love. • Mis's Mary Hagan of London' the Easter holiday at the home of her mother, Mrs: A. Hagan. Miss Lettie Love of London Nor- ;mal spent the Easter holidays with her agents, Mr, and Mrs. W: Love. P Miss Edna Cochrano of Tor.o,o f% spendinga few weeks with her par- P cots, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. ' Mr, Lawrence Brightmore of Lon- don is spendiag :the Easter holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cochrane. Mr. 'Stewart Beattie is spending the Easter holidays at his home near Londeslb'oro. Mr, and Mrs. W. Balkwell of Lan- and .Mrs. Kenneth Kfstner, of Wate loo, who has been verysick is' m Proymg: M;. and Mrs. Elmer Hackwell an chrs E were visiting with ens an Mrs. Edw. Regele Sunday evening. Mrs. Thomas Leeming Sr. has n turned home after spending the war ter with her daughter, Mrs. Bell Boyd. , Mr.,.Dun c. McPherson spent Mor 'da evening it ren were with Edward Regele. and Mrs. Thomas Storey an children visiting friends in Se: forth on Sunday. a y visitors a: the home of Jni Rdbfmsan were Mr, and Mrs. Josep Dennis:ennfs, Mrs, 3, McNichol Mr Mrs. Edw. Regele and daughter Shii ley., g Mrs. Edw. C. Regele and daughte etc. taken in exchange for groe-' erica. ' 1 F. D. _ HU ' ' CHtSO� ` Phone Phor Phood 166 EGMONDVILLE. At the April meeting of. the Neil Shaw +Mission ' 'Circle thirty-three members gathered at the home of the president, president, Miss Violet Tyndall. The girls at 7:30 in the dining room and partook of a bountiful re- past which was provided by the los- Montgomery 245; Alex. Baker 222, Ruth Fraiser 18ere 2 ,jack Hanley188, Alfred Alfred Siegrist 133, ed examinational Mar aret Barlow, Margaret Fletcher AlmaHalliday, Elliott, g M. M. Bell, Teacher. Room V. J y' Fannie Paterson; Miss E. King, Miss J. Farrow, Miss J, Young, Miss Isob•el Young, Miss J• ivli'ss 1V, Webster, Miss Grace McLntosh, Miss R. Lawry, Miss M. McNeil, Mips Jean Robert- son, A. MdBurney, Dr. H. A Hes- Sion, and many others whose names was listened to by a large and atten- tare cat gMrs: anon. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs, J, B. McLean, sang number entitled; "Awake Thou •that Steepest," and.much praise was given the choir and their leader for their splendid music on this occasion.. Holiday viistors were Miss Etta Jarrott and Miss Etta Bell, eer, Gil- sing, Mich. spent the Easter holidays with Mrs, W. Blackwell and sons. ' Quite a number from this vicinity •a attended the auction isle o£ the household' effects of the late Mrs: R. Me/Beide in Zurich on Saturday. Mr. F. Stelck,and daughter, Mrs. G. Love attended the .funeral of the late Mr. A. Foster of Varna on -Mon- Shirley spent Tuesday at the home c Herman Brodhagen, 'Miss Annie McDonald, who die at Clinton on Friday, was buried i, cemetery, the •allb ersbeing, ers being, Messrs. Ed and P Waite Davidson, George Jackson and Wer Leeming, ing side in a contest which was held recently.' Following this the regular gg (IHon'Onrs 465, Pass 340).-,Rubh Juynt 522, Clara Keller 522, Fdorenee could'not be obtained. Notes hers Jarrot, Mr. Lloyd Workman of Oshawa and friend, Mr. Chamber day• A. meeting was held. The meetin war Calvert 521,' Lois MeiG'avin 513; Joe Nobody was fooled. Everybody J. - lain, Mr. George in charge of :he 1st vice president Smith 505, Donald Scott 497, Eloise had_ a good bfine.. Mr. Harry McClymon•t, Mrs, Geo- . NORTH Mcdas a• Kerslake Kerslake has moves his 'f 'I y to the village and ® C ®�'\ L nUALITY-SERVICE S PHONE=. � Y Ea'6ws.�®-/� •43::: Helen Tho'inpos•n, and ,the program was al so provided by the good los- era. "The meeting opened with hymn "Blest be the Tie that Bind's," Eva1- era Nb'tt led in prayer and the Scrip- ture lesson was read by hsabet For- rest, An instrumental by Lillian Ri- chardson, a solo by Ethel Jackson, a humorous. dialogue .by Margaret and Mary Forrest, an instr•umenital duet Harkness 496, Frank Golding 475, Pinkney 459, Marion Sclater 458 Helen Fraser 44$, Stewart Wigg 4', Doris Barlow 4'4 , Muriel Cameron 435, Mary Wood 415, Rog, Dolmage 369, Margaret Hudson 350, June. Siegrist 340 Barbara Best 340, Dorothy Fletcher 3.40,. Mary Geddes 334 Frank Casson 299, Dorothy Howes 1$6, Stanley Y Hill 177, Leo Oke 144, H•on. President D. D. Wilson and 14?'s: Wilson were unavoidably de-' tamed on account of the death of a near relative in London, Thi y were much missed. �2r• and Mrs. F. Milne of North Bay were present and enjoyed the J y Proceedings. As old Hunonites, i'b was their firs experience at a reunion. Mr; Milne comes formerly from Eth- Grey township, Mrs, pagan and son Gordon'p•f London Mr• Royal McClymonb and wife and children were Easter visitors at the home of theft parents, Mr, and Mrs. James MoClymont, .Mr.. RobertScNaughton of Lon- don fs spending his holidays at his h:ome in Tuckersmitlt, e ale Lance Norris of Toronto spent the week end at the home of his par- encs, Mr. and Mrs, Norris, Mrs, George Dundas was visiting was with Mrs. John Crozier one day last eek. week: Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Thornton acre visiting Mr, and Mrs. Thoma's Leeming Jr, Sunday evening. Mos, Leeming is very much improved and is able to be' up again. Mr•' and Mrs. John Leeming were visiting Sha farmer''s mother, Mrs, Thomas are oc copying Miss A, Herran's house. ' 'Mr. and teles. D, Parker, Exeter spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, �t Walker. The Ladies' Aid are having a gailt mg bee on Then, ay afternoon at th home of M Mrs' J. Vii• Warden. Mr. Wm, Drown had the misfoe tune to fall and break his col ar bone eat Harold O'Br'eu l b ne r of Hamiltoi spent the Easter week end with hu by Jean and Hazel McLachlan, a-vo- cal solo by Jeaneeete Finnigan, and. a Missed exams;: Sterling Hablc rk, Doris Barlow, el, and Milne was formerly Miss Detlor, of Gude- John We are sort Y to hear that Mrs. Jas, Chesney has been on the sick list Leming $r„ on Sunday, Alt. and Mrs. Edw. G Regele and •visiting parents. Mrs. O'Brien of Saskatchewan VETERANS MEMORIAL Fourteen years ago today the men of Canada jumped out of their as- sem'bly trendhes and stormed the heights of Vimy Ridge' to win one of the..most glorious Canadian victories of the Great War: in toeaBert piano duet by Margaret and Jessie Smith were very much enjoyed by all those present. The topic, which was baleenpre Margaret Finnegan and Gladys Colefnap proved very interest- ing, Hymn "L Need. Thee Every. "' Hiour, was sung, and the meeting ,Jfminie closed' with the Mizpah benediction, Dorothy Fletcher, y E•.,H. Elder, Teacher, Room VI, Pruner Clues -(Honours 2 ( s. 13, •Pass 150).- 1Lorne Ibbotson 242, Mildred Swan 242, Kenneth South ate 23 g 3. Southgate 232, Lois Wright 232, Clarence Wescott 231 Ke richt Reid rich, daughter of the late J. O, -Det- for Mr: L. Browne, a Seaforth old.boy, sou of a former Anglican clergyman there, was among the first arrivals. Mrs. Vanstone was ably assisted by Mrs. D, Thompson in preparing tlhe dal. refreshments. Y McCreath put the life into the and pe she uill soon be enjoying her ostial good health: Mrs: Robert Elgie is able tro be up and around -,again, her manyfriends are glad to know, Congratulations to 1St, and Mrs: Wm. Caldwell on the arrival of a fineMary baby boy, The meaty friends of Margaret Sin- daughter Shirley were •with \Tr, and Mrs. •oho Crozier J one even iitg last week, Miss Vera. Crozier •is, spending her-: Easter holidays under her parental. roof. Dempsey Mass De'm se of Guelph 'is spending P g the Easter holidays with father, Frank Dempsey, l- who has spent the last month with her son; Mr. R O'Brien, left for Flim on Sunda Brien accoin an'r• and firs, F. O' P ted her •as far •as For Huron. Mr: and Mrs, W. Drake and chit dren of Stratford and Mr, e and Mrs W. Brown of London visited then •her Parents; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bar - bour for Easier thee for the first time as a united Canadian corps the four Canadian di- visions made the name of Canada ringthroughout the civilized world, '4 g It was a great victory but won at a tremendous cost for, when the smoke of battle had cleave d away, thousand's pi the gallant .ons of the Dominion g HOME AND SCHOOL. Tihe_Houie and School Association will h olcl its regular monthly meeting on Monday ppart t Y afternoon, April 13th, at' �pen. in the teachers room of the public school. A representative of the Clinton Hoine"and School Club will address the meertin Ever anember is requested to be g' y 29, Gorden Dupies 228, Charles Case 2_7, Scott Kerr 223, Audrey Mc- Gavin5220, Arthur Fraser 2 15, Vernon Kopf 214; Reid Allen 1.97, Helen, Hodgson 192, Evelyn Venus •177 Is- abella MCKeIlar 14C Margiter Dal 129 Ross e Greene 119, Donald Wood 106, Khthleen Hoimes' 101, Clarence Reeves 79, Ross Montgomery 39' Ro- g dancing as, he always does, President Vanstone and Mrs, Van- stone are splendid entertainers and did their wellp 'Se'cretary Floody predicts one thousand as the attendance ae the. next annual a2 -home. • •.Messrs; Rober'tsou and Medd, M;- clan are pleased to see her able to be out again after her severe illness. Mrs, asherT Chesney Sr; is not as well many friends would like to see her, The Ladies' Aid of St. An.ouee s. United Church meets at the manse on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ise h Ho. T P lines, Mr. and •Mrs: Ian Leeming, Mr, and e•Il and c , hfldren Mrs. Elsner 'Monday spent last Mo•trday evening with Ed, and Bessie Davidson. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Thornton' P and Itennefh were visiting with Mr, and Mos. John Crozier last Monday Mrs. Charles Treli`r Y, London spent the 'week end with Mr. ani Miss Treffry. Miss Marz etre 'Sadler of Whalen, ii s endfn h g er holidays under the par ental roof, Mr. Harold Leary of London was au Easter visitor at his home Mies Marie Sillery of 5t. Marys i, lay on the battle fields never to rise present. y bert Stead 30, P,•P. s,' were too. bus y at the Parlfa- eiening, the holidays her i afn. YOUNGJack g PEOPLE'S SOCIETY C From coast to coast today the sac- IT'he regular meeting of the socieity gthroughJ ifices of these gallant men are being' was held in North Side United'' with. They Church. on- Elliott (missed exam's)' R 5 T'hom'plgon, Teacher, urea±• Buildings and sent their regrets, Wm Powell, head of the Publicitylast Dep•arfinent was •detained pressure business MANLEY. The" many friends of Mr. olio 'Driscollof' Holden are sorry ±o learn he is laid Miss Edna and And Crozier spent Monday y evening with the Misses Leadbury. ''Master par eats r. cuts, Mi, and alts. R..S:illery. ller The Young People are i r giving play, "Welcome Home Jimmie," T a'. Zito (1=/a wiles east of Dublin)of einembered' rati.ude. Tuesday evening. April 7, all t gratitude. gave they had to .give and died in With Mr; Keibh Webster, convenor ofor their nal department, in C.W.L.CEUCHREMr, of .but watch out him at the picnic in June. - D, W, Dane the big u and hoe for hiss eel recovery. P p speedy W. Manley was called to Lon - Robert' Kistner; son of'Mr. or Fn•day ewenmg. es defence of country and Empire Item evoti charge..: sung, after which the: and the dear ones they 'had left at"Lo d's prayer home. They are r emlbered with P y was repeated in ani-• son. Miss Jean Webster favoured gide for theygave a new meaning to with a solo, accompanied. on bhe i_ theori ward Canadian and today theyo with Pnot by 'Moss Anne Goven'lock. 'Mr. ire .:hon'ored with reverence •b the' A. L Porteous lead, in prayer, 'f follow- by yDirect -ornradea who were with them on ed by the Scripture lesson, read by li hat day and. who were spared to Mist Edith Hoag 4 mast interest- :orae back, g + nstntctive address and ex- Memorials, beyond number; Have planation of the Bible, with a splen- >een raised to• their me'mory, but" i4r'YChlustrated chart, ,was given" by tis Gheoros, which was mach so striking isnthe uitmemorialctwhich' appreciated and greatly enjoyed: Af- sec q•SE'�,T hymn •330, the , meeting , has been 'ter • sin with >•reated in their honouor b heir re- g y I closed with .he 1Tizpah benediction. - -- iThe CJWJL, held a successful eu_ ..roan, chre on Tuesday evening in : St, James parish 'hall, The ladies'-first,.,who. prize was won by Mrs. F. Faulkner the second prize by Mrs, .F, 'De- to vereaux, The 'men's first to Is•t prize was won b Y Mr, D, Shann•a�han and se- cored prize by Mr. Albert O'Reilly. Miss Helen Heffernan won the luckysaw chair prize and Mrs. J. E. Reye -olds and the doorniense] prize, On April 14th the 'td genie of the contest will 1, 11 be (ltd, het ,'"'' real estate' was early ,e the lab; as was a1- so a good Howick •con'hmgent. All .Huronites to Toronto are Alread ,on the les are re• nested y q forward their names and addresses E. Floody, Secy, 56 Close Ave, Dr: H A, Hesston,. a Clinton old boy found time to pull away from his medical practice for a few hours he enjoyed the programme im- y' for The monster picnic of the Huron•the. Boys'..4ssociation will beheld in fast Area No, 3, Canadian. National Ex- ing tan last Stmday when his uncle Mr. J:im Manley; took a sudden relapse from a severe cold but after the visitarrived he`greatly revived. Mr: Chris. Lan cion of Stratliro g y. paid us a'slior, visit last week. Maple syrup making was in fill swing last week with a record run. Mr. last •Mitch ell is engaged with' Mr John McDonald of Walton to his stock of logs. The farmers are buy- elfin readyC Y s g seeding as there is no frost in ground. The land is drying and still no rain in sight, �g up Mr. John Leonhardt is busy mak- his round sawing wood, " Just - lel SHIPMENT �C s ej Bushes ]'5 y�� ��� • 1 OF �] ' ���( From Holland "R 0 Sal it h d