HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-04-02, Page 3r Snake and Bandicoot Fight By An Australian The early morning sun blazed down on the big Queensland teamster , as he searched for one of his lost Working bullocks through the dense scrub fringine the Stanley River. "Cunning old beggar," he mutter- ed to ilimself. "He's standing quiet- ly somewhere in the shade, so that he won't shake his blinking bell." Pausing in his quest to 1111 his - pipe, the silence of the bush was broken on his left by a rustling, swishing sound coming from near the river bank. Quietly walking in the direotion of the disturbance, he came sudden- • ly on a small open space—an me propriale arena or surely one of the strangest betties ever staged for an open audioace of one. Gentle, as the teamster bad atop - ped, the brushwood underfoot had crunched with a certain amount of noise; but now he stopped suddenly M his tracks behiled the cover of a big tree -trunk, and from it e shelter •• 'witnessedthe eight of a lifetime, al- though as a returned soldier, ha, had seen many wonders. The centre of the clearing was add by a six-foot black snake, his opponent being that tiny animal the bandicoot, anti if the combatants had beard his approach, they were far PO mach occupief in their own af- deers to heed anything else. A one -aided affray, everyone will (say, but, incredible as it may appear, !the little marsupial was holding his own, striking at its sinuous advers- ary with both fore and hind paws, and baffling the snake's advance by the most persistent defense. The fatter was not idle, as again he stuck his poisoned fangs into the bandi- • coot's body, invariably alining for the armpits: But no sooner was a wound received than the little animal bounded to the side of the clearing; and rapidly bit into a bunch of long ablady" grass, which it as quickly chewed, then rushed back to renew the fight. During these brief intervals (whieh in the language of the prize ring would be stied "time") the snake, evidently tired from the de- termined resistance of his dauntless little enemy, lay still on the battle- field, waiting for his opponent to resume hostilities. Seven times the ' 'astonished onlooker watched the bandicoot rush off to the patch of "biady" grass and devour hurried mouthfuls, and alwa.ys, thus fortified, it would renew the fight with un- abated vigor. But the any creature, although game to the last, was, after ever round, becoming perceptibly 'weaker, not from the poison, because unquestionably the "blady" grass was the antidote, but from sheer ex- aaustion. "This is where 1 come in," said the :teamster to himself, and picking up 'the nearest stick, he rushed straight efor the snake and settled him. . The •bandicoot meanwhile ambled rather than ran back into the, :iamb, eollowed quietly by the man, who had already made a shrewd guess as to. the -reason of the small ani- mal's wonderful fight. Yes, a few feet in ,from the edge of the scrub, lying peacefully and safely on a soft lied of leaves,. was the wee, inky baby "Joey." "Well, I'll .be bloWed if I didn't think It," said the teamster, aloud, and added. "She fought to save her youngster! Hats off to the little mother!"—Animal "Life, The Truth Farmer Guff hailed Farmer Fogg in the country lane. "I say, Game," he said, "can ye spare a moment?" "Yes," returned the other impati- ently. "But you must hurry up and say what ye've got to say." "I want to ask ye what ye gave year coat the other day • when she were 111?" asked Guff. "A quart of turpentine," replied Garge. "But---" "That be all right," interrupted Guff. "I won't trouble ye any fur then" The two parted company. But the following day they met again in the niarket town. "Why, Garge," said Guff, "that were bad advice ye gave me yesterday." ' "Oh!" exclaimed Garge, "What happened?" ' 'The cow died,' explained Guff. "I'm not surprised," returned the ether. "So did mine." The Dawn's First Prelude It was a pleasant thing To hear the dawn's first preluding, Till the tinkle of starlight .afeel away, And the golden trumpet -blast aeahry, falanglaig 911 ila thd eastern gray, Brae on a hollow,, silent world; And to see the banneret flowers un- furled From the battlements of the turf, and own .A. new earth, lit for him alone. —From "The Clocks of Gnostertown," by Edward Rowland Sill. Do You Know Shits should be ironed with' a warm iron because a hot iron dries the flare too abruptly and causes discoloration. A little coal oil on the burn or scald will stop the peel instantly, Whatever a girl's politics may be, she always wants proteetion. • tzreoect, AMtit&tesa. kertAk.t eph. ok, cz,„ tj0,6%.%A.1&k, 0Sctsh,J04 GOO UAL." g 7kSMCIE., WEAN Att.140.110, OlengEWICCe Germs Eat Germs Effecting Cue According to the English classic: "Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, And little floes have lesser fleas, and so ad inflnitum." This principle of "dog eat dog," which has been long employed in both the ,,animal and vegetable world to get rid of injurious parasites by "sicking" enemy •pare - Sites on them, may now be employed against the germs of disease. The "bacteriophage," or germ -eater, that destroys the germ of dysentery has been known for some time, and now we have another tbat annihilates the germ responsible for boils and abs- cesses. To quote a recent press bul- letin from a well-known New York taboratory• 'Dr. John le. Anderson, director of Agent To Represent Us A Reliable Bond House, Selling Gov't, Municipal and Corporation Bonds, will pay liberal conneis- sions to an aggreseive man. H. J. SAM''SON & CO., LTD. 10-12 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. PIANO JAZZ Worldfamous recording artist now offers 20 -lesson course in • Popular Piano Playing. Lessons mailed singly. • Personal supervision. and assistance regulates the lessons to suit the indi- vidual. This is your opportunity to learn -he hitherto unpublished. secrets of your • favorite artist. All the effects known only to the Pro_ ressional radio and recording artists • explained 10 dethil. - WRITE: Lawrence Cook Stealers. gag Clinton St., Toronto. Ont. , for ANY CHILD WE can never be sure just what makes a child restless, but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoriat There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation, and not the shghtest harm in Its frequent use. As often as your child has a fretful spell, is feverish, or cries and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Some- • thnes it's a touch of colic. Sometimes cOnstipation. Or diarrhea —a con- dition that should always be checked without delay. Just keep Castoria handy. and give it promptly. Relief will -follow very promptly; if it doesn't. you should call a physician. the biological and research labora- tories of E. R. EOM & Sons, and for many years in the U.S. Public Health Service, now announces that after more than a year cov research and In- vestigation, the particular parasitic enema for boas, carbuncles, and abs- cesses has been found, and this mod- Laffs . Fateful Years in Art A sign in a bank window reads: "The man who bas one dollar in his pockets must take the first job offered him. The man who has $1,000 can make his choice of a few. The man who leas $5,000 can dictate who should got his eerviees." Save your money and be a dictator. Smile Even though your heart be sad, • Try to smile, pretend you're glad, Troubles won't seem half so bad, If you smile. When you're feeling very blue,' No one seems to care for you,. Here's the best thing you can do— Try a smile. Life is what we melte of it, Sorrows, joys, of each a bit; You can make the best of It, With a smile. Too many people groty stoop sboulcl- ern method of treating them has been erect carrying' argund the responsa perfected. Dr. Anderson says: • bility for things that don't concern "'The 'phage' that has attracted them in the least. most attention in this country is the Staphylococcus bacteriophage. Staphy- Hai Itosie—"Has your husband a lococcus is the organism that is ee- good ear for music?" sponsible for almost all varieties of Sal Hepatica.—"I'm afraid not. Fle boils, carbuncles, and abscesses. The seems to think that everything he new bacteriophage is a parasite of the hears played in church is a lullaby. Staphylocces, which grows in or on . — the bacteria and finally destroys them. About the only thing a man can run "'If a drop of the phage' is added into while standing is debt. to a culture of Straphyloccus, the bac- teria are killed and dissolved, and the Teacher—"Why do you always add culture becomes sterile. If a drop of Up wrongly?" this dissolved culture is added to the Scholar—"I don't know," fresh Staphylococcus culture, the Teacher—"Does anyone help you?" Same thing takes Place. Ths process Scholar—"Yes, my father." can be carried on indefinitely. In Teacher --"What Is he?" other words, the bacteriophage repro- Scholar—"A waiter." duces itself In causing the destruc- tion of the bacteria on which it grows. The dissolved culture contains bac- teriophage in a concentration so great th-t one -billionth of a cubic centimeter will cause destruction of a culture'." 1,000 Fight London Fire London.—A thousand London fire- men fought for hours recently against a spectacular waterfront fire in the Leart of the dty's "aanger zone" Pear Life is easier after one gets over the rough spots. The eorset string that witbstood the terrible strain of the early nineties is living on easy street. If it were not fpr "Home, Sweet Home" there' wouldn't be any harmona ea players. alany a man has lost a lot of joys while saving a few deletes. Arthur Brisbane says the average man's mind le closed tight at forty. It seems that way in a political way any- how. None are so well to do as were the famous Tower Bridge across the, most of the depositors in a busted bank—to bear them tell it. Thames. The fire started in Butler's WI...rf and although.fanned by a strong wind was confined to. a six -storey evaee- hoese stocked with rubber and tea. Great clouds of acrid smoke shroud- ed the river a::d a wide area af the south side: The loss was eltimateti at between $250,00 and $500,000. So good are the British -made lenses that Most of the American films are Made with them and shown through them in the majority of American cin- emas. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Harley-bavidson DistrIbueors write at onoe 1 or -our bargain Ilst of used ,motorcycles. Terms arranged. NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK HOTEL STRAND Atlantic City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to Its Many Friends in Canada. We are quoting such a very low American Plan rate that you will find it cheaper to stay at the "Homelike Strand" than staying at home. Write us so we may quote them to you --so you will know the exact cost before leaving. Music—Salt Sea Saths—Compla mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 6 p.m.— We will personally see to your comfort, T. E. ..4ANDOW, Mgr. H. BRADFORD RICHMOND, Prop. seess-e-0-0.44 N after. eating WHAT many call "indigestion" is very often hothing but excess acid in the stomach, The stomach nerves balm been overstimulated, and food sours. The corrective is an alkali, which neutralizes aeids Instantly. The best alkali known to medical science is Phillips' Milk of IViagnesia. It has remained the standard antiacid with physicians in the 50 years since its ieventien. One spoonful of this herniae's, tasteless alkali will neutralize in- eta,ntly many times as much acid, sad the symptoms dlsappear at • Madein GowNt PHILLIPS 00 For Troubles dueloAad INDIGESTION PIM STOMACH HEARTBURN CONST/PALON GAG.NAUSEA once. You will never nee crude methods when once you learn the einciency, of this more pleasant way. A small bottle is sufficient to show its merit. ' Be sure to get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, prescribed by physica.ns for more than 50 years in correcting excess acid. 50c a bottle; any drugstore, Complete directions for its many Uses are enclosed with every bottle. The GellUilliC Milk of Magnesia, is 'always a liquid—never (4 able& Look for Phillipe name on bottle,. Canada Dumb—"I've Got a told in the head." Bright—"Well, theta something." If a Hottentot tot tanght a Hottentot tot to talk e'er the tet could totter, ought the Hottentot tot be taught to say aught, or naught, or what ought to be taught her? If to boot and to toot a Hottentot be taught by a' Hottentot tutor, should the tutor get hot if the Hottenot to hoot and toot at the Hottentot tutor? The teacher was telling his class about parrot fever, and warned the pupils never to kiss animals or birds. Teacher—"Can any pupil give me an instance of this danger?" Little Jackie—"I can, sir. My aunt Emmy used to kiss her lamtleg." Teacher—"Yes, and—?" Little Jeckie—"And it died!" Make Your Life Complete 'Tis the hand you grasp with an hon- est clasp, That gives you a hearty thrill; 'Ti the good you pore into others' lives, ' That comes back your own to till. 'Tis the dregs you drain from another's cup That nmkes your own seem sweet, And the hours you give to your broth- er man That make your Iife complete. A Londoner carne out through the gate after viewing his first baseball game, when he was stopped by a news- boy. The score -board had recorded that both teams had made a run in the lira inning and hadn't Scored since. Newsboy—"Say, Mister, What's the score?" Londoner—"Really, I don't know, but it was some place up in the mil- lions when I left," :.---- American Journal , Congratulates Canada Under the heading "Congratulations Canada!" the Cluestian Science Moni- tor heartily endorses Canada's radio policy. We read; 'Only three minutes a radio adver- tising, an hour! That is the banadlau radiocasters' answer to the movement to have the Government take over broadcastieg. Every single station in Canada has just subscribed to a policy of voluntarily limiting advertising talk to 6 per cent. of a program's time. In connection with Sunday programs a sponsor may have only his name, ad- dress and the nature of his business menttened, no sales talks being al - bowed. . "This is a splendid example of self- discipfine on the part of the Canadian. stations. Few listeners will object to I5 per dent, of a program being de- voted to advertising. "Congratulations t� the Canadian broadcasters on their wise decision and co-operation, and to the Canadian people that they are uow to enjoy radiocasting without the intrusion of excessive aonet ereialism? American broadcasters, Please coley." _ a Words el vvisclom are few, but thera are many echoes. I . of Canada, 1806-1842 Montreat—Tho years between 1806 and 1812 were the most fateful in the history of Comedian art for in tbat period were born the five men who were destined to put it on its feet, said W. M. Barnes, A.R.C.A., to mem- bers of the St, James Literary.SocMty here recently Tracing the progress of Canadian. art, Mr. Barnes declamd that it re- ceived its impetus from those five men —Paul Kane, Canada; Otto Jacob, Prussia; Cornelius lereighoff, Hol. land; Dan Fowler, England; and Geo. Berthon, France, Mile they were of different nationalities, they chose Canada as tt eh. home and produces work here.which was charactevistical- ly.Canadia "As a. painter's land," declared the speaker, "Canada Is second to none. It offers variety, from the snow and ice of Labrador, the rugged coasts and surf of Cape Breton, the pastoral scenes of the Annapolis Valley', the forests of New Brunswick, the historic qualities of old Quebec, Ontario's northern woods, the grandeur of the Rockies tc the warmth of the Pacific cortLe'tlle time of Confederation, he went on art in Canada was still struge gling for existence whilew England ee worrying Naar. the pre-Raphaelites. The Ontario Society of Art Wag form- ed. about this time anti from fleet timeon, on, Canadian art flourished, and the speaker referred to artists who' had achieved distinction from that time, Illustrating his remarks with colored slides of paintings. Britain Says 'Goodbye" To "Slush", Annoyance Louden. — Although Great Britain has not, perhamt, had her full share of Isnow this winter, there have been some big falls in the North and the Midlands. And, as usual, the street sweepers have been faced with the long, and arduous task of throwing snow into carts and remover, it sever- al miles from the towns to be dumped. Even so, traces of the falls have lin- gered for weeks afterwards at the sides of the made., Much expense and trouble will be saved in future if a new German pro. 0050 Is introduced. Mobile tanks now appear In certain German towns after snow has fallen. The glIOW, when shovelled Into these, Is rapidly melted by coke fires, and then pawed down the nearest drain. By this means a street can be entirely cleared of snow in less than half an hour. Some tanks are also equipped with an apparatus resembling a painter's blowpipe. Upon the tank being wheel- ed along a street, the snow is melted in gutters and other crevices before it has so chalice to turn into ills "slush" that both drivers and pedes- trians ilud so timing. faatielitalenalte. MAKE BIG Hairdressers MONEY Classes aro now forming under the personal direction of Mrs. Robertson. Write for free moklet regarding terms. rteuertson,u aratraressing Academy LiMited. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. @ticura OINTMENT Atried and trusty friend for 50years. e ES Prompt relief from COLDS SORE THROAT . RHEUMATISM . LUMBAGO , NEURITIS ACHES and PAINS 0 Does not harm the heart Accept only "Aspirin" package which contains proven directions. Bandy "Aspirin" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100 --All druggists. Made in Canada Ottawa.—The production of COM. mercial apples in Canada for the year 1930 is estimated preliminarily at 3.- 1.65,9341111Frels of the. value of $10,- F"-i"(1•111',L1.4b.1:01.0 HAN"KNITTING. 563,54f1"la& compared with 3,879,380 "ag•me.1' ku eg.. Lamples froe. Stacking 0 Yarn Mills. barrels, value e10,461.075, the finally Dept. T, ont revised estimate for 1929. The aver - BABY ilEICE3, age value pee bar -et in 1'I30 w's e3 Classified Advertising TAISIT as competed with 62.70 in ie29. etc S:01XVoteit , C ins,.. A. IL Sa.,o. r..;run..,n, Ontario CUTS & SORES pply Minard's freely. It washes out poison and cleanses. Any wound heals quickly after itS use. 20 There's nothing bettor! Five Boys - 5 BUCKLY'S MIXTURE vsts% NI' Ads h. he Best Evidence. Mrs. COLTOr311, of Leigh, writes:— "I suffered with biliousness accom- panied by sick headaches for days . at a time, and every medicine I • tried failed to bring relief. A friend gave me some of your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills and the first dose gave me great relief. For three years I have taken them every night as a regulator and I find they prevent these bilious and sick head- ache attacks. I have five little boys and I give them three or four every week. I have great faith in them." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills. .All druggists 24 and 74 red pkgs. LOST41 LBS. IN 90 DAYS A True Story of "3 have been taking Kruschen Salts for nearly 3 months. I have continued taking one teaspoonful in warm water every morning. I then weighed 217 pounds, Was always bothered with pains in my back and lower part of the abdomen and sides. "NOW lam glad to say I am a well woman, feel much stronger, years younger, and my weight M 170 pounds. I do not only ieel better, but I look better, so all my friends say. I shall never be without Kruschen Salts, will never cease taking my daily dose, and more than glad to highly recommend it for the great good that is in it."—(Mrs. S. A. Solomon.) "P.S.--,You may think 1 am exag- gerating by writing such a long letter, i but, truly, I feel soindebted to you for puteing out such wonderful salt e that 1 cannot say enough." Kruschen Salts are different from ether salts—Kruschen is six salts in Weight Reduction one—the very same six salts that nature demands for your health. When you take Kruschen Salts you not only stimulate your bowels, liver and kidneys to function naturally and per- fectly, but you supply every internal organ, gland, nerve and fibre in the body with nature's Own revitalizing and rejuvenating minerals. Take Kruschen in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast—do not overeat—correct your diet—cut out the fat -forming. foods --get some gentle, regular exereme—in just a few days, indolence changes to activity and liM grows brighter! Before the bottle is empty you'll feel years younger—eyes will brighten— step pow sprightlier ---nerves steadier —you'll sleep sound, enjoy your meals, and after a hard day's work you'll be ready for wholesome recreation. Nrushhen, Salts is dbtainable at all. Drug Stores at 45c. and 75e. per bottle. FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN Try kiniselien now at our expense. We have distributed a great many Borstal "GIA7elT" packages which make it easy for you to prove our. claims for yoUrself. Ask yocr druggist for the new " GIANT" 750 package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together. With a separate trial bottle--suffIclent for about. "awe*. apse it0 trial ?teak diet, put it to the test, and then, 11 not entirely convinced that, Kruschen does everythbig we elahh ft to do, the regular bottle is still as gocd as. new. Take It back. Your druggist it authorised to retnrn your 75c. immediately and without question. You have tried Kruschen free at our expanse._ What could ba fairer? Manufactured by E. GDIFFITES ltusmls, Ltd.. Manchester, Bligland. (Established 172t) A10 ')Treat 'lei `, [INTO List of it,011 t,1 1,4 111,1 fug. intorrnation ,••1",t e. '11,1 P1 7 11' ru- mmy. Wore. l'aeeii elmeo .o.I pi, 10 Street, Ottawa Canada ap EEL Ceir.NTI: SilEr;s—WE op0- WALIT,I.: in ',I groSTTI Grimm Vurlegat.d falfa. SWent lover red Plover, tilDut.ts, alsike and hay Writ,, or 0' Pert." will earn 110 W011 61101111 i'II Send partbmlars ahoti. eluded, vita two refrreter.... . submit our Writ. prolmaition. A11 .`iin- adian DrodUcte. Sturgeons Limited. Toronto. Just think of the terrible 'depres- sion there will be in the apple busi- ness when times get better and the unemployed go beck to their neater Jobs,—Nashville Southern Lumber- man. BLACKFIEAD 001 t suffer any longer from th-se .sightly blenliAhva tut m 00 homel Opt 2 in PernsMe Powder m Your ttruggist. Liormide a little 1.11 1.00 lotii, 071.11 v.itn ..r..u141. in. • ;In. the 1.10, 011 1. / AWAY'. ,-r usy • •-• ''Your Vegetable Com- pound is a good medicine. Anyone who is in poor health should not hesitate to try it. When I was taking the Vege- table Compound I tried the sample Liver Pills I found in the package. 1 have taken them every night since and I can feel myself improving. I am so thankful for the good they do me that I have told several women about it"— Mrs. G. W. Posliff, 263 Pluton St., Stratford, Ontario. -1UE No. 1 2--' 3