HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-03-19, Page 81;,•,•
THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1931.'
II-Tulsa11 public school report
jarmary and February:
Room I. Sr. 3,V. ---Norman Sinclair
82, DorothyDruinmond 74,5, Minn.e
Sangster 73, Ruth Coles 72.5, 726-
dred Follicle 71, Harvey" Hudson 69,
Irene Siriale 65, Olive Brock 63.5,
Annie Huiser 63.5, Ross 1\l'cI1ro.)j„ 63,
Kathryn Drysdale 62, Harold Hig-
gins 61.
Jr. Carlile 82, Bill
Glenn 71, Orville Hedden 70.5, Dor-
othy McOneen 70, George Pierce 68,
Olive Lernmon 67, Many Little 64,
Margaret Kennings 63, Isobell' Satin-
clercock 61, Myrna Hudsoli 61, Glad-
ys 58.5, Iienn'eth Mann
58, Harold Bonthron 54.-C. H.
Blowes, Teacher, .
Room 2, 3r, IIII.-Ronald Peck 79,
Loretto Bell 77, Jean Foster 71,. Ivan
Kipfer 67, Nellie . Fee 65, .Dorothy
Deters 64, 12.abert Drysdale 61.
Jr. Hoskins 77, Herbert
Drummond 74, May Wolff 69, Mar-
garet Shepherd 69, Kenneth Pass -
marc 63, Mona Glenn 62, Edna Saun-
dereock 62, Ruth Bell 61, David
Sangster 59, Harold Williard 59, Ir-
sma Kipfer 54, Keith Buchanan 31.
Sr. 11...-E1va McQueen 84, Mary
Clark 84, Jack Coles 76, Barbara
Shepherd 75, Max Hudson 74, Alice
eriaff 73, Douglas Sangster 70, Rus-
sell Hedden 70, Lloyd Brock 64, Her-
man Wolff 44,-36. A. Ellis, Teacher,
Room 3. jr., H. -Elaine Peck 75,
Norman Cook 74, George Sangster
71, Gerald Passmore 62, Ray Foster
5.1, Audrey Twitchell 61, Laird End -
ion 49, Billy Higgins '48, Shirley
Twitchell 41, Cecil Kipfer 25.
Jr, I. -June Saundercock 92, Pres-
ton Lemmon 71, Mattline Vandge-
han 30, Doris Pearce 66, Jack Shep-
herd 65, Billie Coles 56.
Primer A. -James Campbell 37,
Carrie Joynt 87, Ronald Parker 70,
Mary Goodwin 62, Howard Love 56,
Carl Daters 42.5, Howard Singe 40.
Primer B. -Emily Hoskins 82,
Raymond Higgins 62, James Clark
56. Norris McEwan 57, Margaret
Sangster 51, Bobby Hess 48, Donald
Joynt 43, Donald Willard -31.-A. E.
Cs•nsitt, Teacher.
The Young People of the United
Church held their meeting on Mon-
day evening last with a large atten-
dance present. After the devotional
exercises an Irish prograin Vras gitien
consisting 'of selections. by Mr.
Hyde and his trio; solos, Mr. Sher -
rat; readings, 11Iiss. Elva Shaddocle,
and the -topic by Mr: Henry: Horton,
which was very much enjayed:
Mrs. Fred Smallecrirobe Of -Guelph
is visiting her sister, Miss Mattie El-
lis, for a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Foster spent
Saturday visiting friends in Exeter,
Mrs. Coxworth, who has been
spending the winter months with her
daughter, Mrs. A. Scruton, has re-
turned home to Petrolia.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy left
last week for Toronto after spending
a few days with friends here.
Mr. Harold Appleton of Exeter
spent +Fs week end with his mother.
• Mrs. A. Scruton spent a day in
London recently.
The regular meeting of the Board
of Health was held Tuesday evening,
all members being' present The min-
utes of the previous meeting W.ere
read and adopted on motion of Moir
Blatchiaret. pr . Moir discussed
the medical inspection' of Oq SiA001
children, also the innoculation against
diphtheria. It was moved by N.
Blatchford, and seconded by 0. Geig-
er that Dr. Moir inspect the school
'children at a eilitable ,d'Ates. MT.
Blatchford-, Health Inspdetor, re-
ported everything in good sanitary
toeditioit It was moved by N. Slat-
ehlord, secolided by Dr. Moir, that 0.
Geiger be chairman for 1931. The
Meeting adjourned on motion of 0.
Geiger and Dr. Moir.
The many friends of Miss M. Ellis
will be sorry to hear she continues to
be very poorly.
Mrs. L. Simpson returned to her.
home in Detroit last week after' a few
weeks' visit with her 'mother, Mrs.
R.out. Bonthron.
Mr. Jack Farquhar spent a few days
with friends in Hillsgreen.
, Mr. Edward Sheffer received word
last week of the death of his eldest
sister, Mrs, Clark, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Mrs. Clark was a former resident of
Stanley and was le her 90th year. This
is the second death in the Sheffer
family during the last few weeks. A
"other died about 3 weeks ago.
and Mrs. Young and family of
Arbor, Mich. were visitors at
s home of Mi. W. Fee.
Word was received in the village
on Tuesday of the death of NIrs.
Frank Blatchford of Exeter early
Tuesday morning after an attack of
pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford
were residents of Hensel] for 14 years
Mr. Blatchford conducting a black-
smith business here. After legating
here theY farmed in Ushorne for
about 25 years and for this last- 15
years have been living in Exeter.
Messrs, Alex. Buchanan and An-
drew Buchanan were brothers of the
In his ' private practice, Dr. Carl
Weschcke first perfected the simple
mixture now known as Adlerikh.
Unlike most remedies, Adlerika a:ota
on BOTH upper and lower bowel
and removes old poisons you would
never' believe were in your system.
Stops GAS bloating in 10 minutes!
Relieves chronic constipation in 2
hours! Let Adlerika give your stom-
ach and bowels a REAL cleaning
and see how good' you feell It will
surprise yon l Keating's Pharmacy.
Bloodtested Chicks
., . v.'1X, Started Chicks and Hatching Eggs „
aoveT,mint ri` UNDER TRAPNEST
CtEicKS Also Eight to Ten Weeks Old Pullets.
, .
We specialize in Barred Rocks of 'High Production and good
bodytype. Order chicks now for delivery any time after February 10.
Chicks and Hatching Eggs all from our own Aockwhich is under /
stmeivision of the 0. A. C., Guelph,
(Loccted one block north of New Hospital. Visitors Welcome.)
Good Poultry Pays ..and Pays.
Oliver Siegrist Sox 173, Seaforth. • Phone 304.
B effieks
0,,,ting to the coatinued depression in the country, -and Inc, egg
prices prevailing, we are reducing our Chick Prices to the lowest pos-
sible level, These prices will take effect at once and will continue
throughout March and Aprii. May and June prices announced later,
SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORN S........ .... .$13.00 per 100 .
BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS , $15.00 per 100
BLACK MINORCAS - $15.00 per 100
WHITE WYANDOTTES $16.00 per 100
JERSEY BLACK GIANTS . ' $18.00 per '100
These are absolutely rock bottom prices.
Sunnyvale Poultry Farm Hdatchery
SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 137r3
Mr. Allen McDonald took part in
the boxing tournament put on in Ex-
eter on Saturday evening last and had
no difficulty in cleaning up on those
matched against him.
The many friends of Mrs. Andrew
Dougal are sorry to hear she is con-
fined to her home through illness,
The W.M.S. of the United Church
intend holding a birthday party in the
basement of the church on Friday af-
ternoon. An interesting feature will
be a talk by Miss Annie Consitt on
her visit to the Passion Plays while
on her visit to Europe.
Mrs. Bertram North is confined to
her home through illness.
The regnlar monthly meeting of
the Hibbert Council was held in Staf-
fa on Monday, March 16th, all mem-
bers present, the minutes of the pre-
vious meeting as well as the meeting
on March 4, to select the tender for
supplying wood for township hall,
being adopted on motion of William
Kay, seconded by Frank Allen. The
auditor's report having been found
satisfactory, was adopted and the
Clerk instructed to have 200 copies
printed for distribution amongst the
ratepayers. The following appoint-
ments were made: Treasurer, William
Hills; patrolmen, Wesley Parsons,
Herbert Britton, lames Feeney, Wil-
liam Wood, Charles Tuffin, Thomas
Scott, Malcolm Lamond, dgar Al-
len, Cephas Muxworthy, John Sim-
mons, Simon Sararas, William Mil-
le, William, Burke, Michael Coyne,
Jahn Murphy. Fence Viewers, Wil-
liam Pullman, Joseph Linton, Sams
uel Norris, Oswald Walker, Frank
Jordan, Robert Barbour, Gerald
Doyle, John M. Miller, ?Lately Mc-
Lachlan, George. T. Wren. Pound -
keepers: Frank Feeney, Alma Grey,
Fred Vipond, Hugh Currie, Lorne
Pethick, Patrick Williams, Bert
Peart, Walter Kerslake, David
Bruce, Arnold Westlake, Frank
Hambley. Bylaws confirming said
appointments were passed, also set-
ting the services of patrolmen at 25c
per hour, man and team 45c per hour
and for man only 25c per hour; also
the price of gravel for township
roads being 15c per yard. A. A.
Colquhoun was appointed to audit
the accounts of the township front
Jan. 1, 1931, to present. Bylaws No.
365 and 366 providing for paying
back surplus funds on the *McDougall
and Dow drains were passed. A re-
solution was adopted instructing the
collector to take drastic action with
delinquent taxpayers unless taxes are
paid by April lst. General orders
amounting to $1,261.19 and road ex-
pense orders $8.60 were issued, The
meeting adjourned. -Mrs. Kathleen
Feeney, Clerk.
The Orange Lodge held another
successful progressive euchre and
dance in the hall last Friday night.
The prize winners were: ladies' first,
Miss Agnes Dodds; ladies' lone hand
prize" was also carried off by Miss
Agnes Dodds. Men's first was a tie
between Mr. Andy Crozier and Mr.
Wm. Boyd, Mr. Boyd winning by a
draw; nieWs lone hand prize went to
Mr. Wm,. Herr; the consolation
prizes went to Mrs. C. Dolma.ge and
1VIrs A. Cuthill. After lunch was
served a few hours were spent in
dancing, Patrick's orchestra furnish-
ing the music,
Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George
,Williamson, Grey township.
(Keep your stock free from blemish
with Dotiglas' Egyptian Liniment.
Removes inflammation, quickly. re-
lieves bruises, sprains, strains, swell-
ings, contraction of cords, stiffness of
joints, and sore muscles.
Instant Help
'Wien Bob Terry was obliged to go
to the hospital, his wife wanted to be
with him as much as possible. But
the baby presented a problem. Then
Mrs, 'Terry remembered the tele-
phone. A Long Distance call brought
her Mother within a few. hours!
Persian Balna promotes daintiness,
charm anti beauty. sIt is unrivalled in
its magical effect on, the skin. Swiftly
absorbed by the tissue, it leaves nev-
er a vestige of stickiness. Delightfully
cool to the skin. Stimulating' and in-
vigorating. Softens and makes the
hands flawlessly white. Subtly fra-
grant .Imparts youth and lovelines's
to the complexion, F'ersian Balm is
the inevitable choice of the woman
Who cares,
Mrs. Henry Forsyth and family
wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for their many acts. of
kindness and sympathy shown dm.,
ing the illness and death cif Mr. For-
syth, also the Rev. Mr, Malcolm and
Rev. Mr. Conner, and for the beauti-
ful floral tributes.
'Wanted to 'buy -Used coal -'burn-
ing brooder stoves, 500 -chick size.
We have for sale a quantity of
Sweet .Clover Seed, both White and
Yellow. Apply at the News Office.
Maple Lawn Farm, Lot S. Half 16
and 17, Con. 14, Hullett. 150 acres
choice land and good buildings.
Priced reasonable. Easy terms, NOR-
MAN SANDERSON, r. r. 1, Blyth.
13,1 it
Of General Household Furniture,
on Thursday, March 26th at 2 p. m.
at Lot 30, Concession 1, Hibbert.
Terms cash. Thos. Brawn, auct.; Mrs.
Julia Murphy, Proprietress.
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Im-
plements. Mr, Geo. H, Elliott has
been instructed to sell by public auc-
tion at Lot 24, Con. 4, L. R.S., Tuck-
ersmith, on Tuesday. March 24th, at
1 o'clock sharp:
The Farm, being lot 24, con. 4, L.
R. S., Tuckersmith, consisting of 100
acres, will be offered, if not said be-
forehand, subject to a reserved bid.
Terms on farm made known day of
Horses. -1 grey horse rising 6
years old; 1 grey mare rising 5 years
Cattle -1 grey cow 5 years old, due
on May 61h; 1 red cow 9 years old.
bred Jan. 16th; 1 yearling heifer calf.
Implements -1 Deering binder, 7
foot cut; 1 McCormick mower, 5 foot
cut; 1 Massey -Harris cultivator; 1
Frost & Wood horse rake 10 ff.;
1 Massey -Harris 13 disc drill; 1 set
.3 section harrows; 1 Frost & Wood
gang plow; 1 Verity No. 21 walking
plow; 1 Bain wagon; 1, set Interna.
tional sloop sleigh; 1 rubber tire top
buggy; 1 piano box cutter; 1 set
breeching harness; 54 set third horse
harness; 1 hay rack, 154 yd. gravel
box; 1 faening mill; 1 Viking separa-
tor, nearly new; 2 sets whiffletrees;
1 set 3 horse eveners; 1 scythe; forks,
hoes, shovels and other articles too
numerous ,to mention.
Hay and a quantity of grain
Terms. -Hay, grain and ail sums of
$10 anti under, cash; over that ariment
7 mos.' credit will be given On furn-
ishing approved joint bankable paper
or a discount of 6% per annum al-
low -ed off for cash on credit. anrounts:
Positively no reserve as the propriet-
or is giving up farming,
Want and For Sale -Ads. 3 times 50c
•March, 1905.
The Londesboro Sons of England
lodge have over $600 to their credit
in the hank, a gt'eo5 record for a non -
benevolent institution.
' 'Mr. R. A. Switzer, , of Hibbert,
leaves this'.,,,week with his family for
Nor.th Dakota, to engage
in farming.
New Rector.
The Bishop of Huron has appoint-
ed Rev. John Berry, D.D., rector of
Parkhill, and fo'rmerly assistant of St,
Paul's Cathedral, London, as rector
of St. Thomas' Church. '
With the large additions or mach-
inery and type materials that are this
week being added to the plant, The
News will have one of the most up -
td -date and complete job work rooms
to be found in the Province.
John Grimoldby had three fingers
and tlie thumb of his right hand sev-
ered by„a saw in the mill at Walton
on Tuesday. The index finger was
the only one left intact.
McTavish & McConnell of Bruce -
field, have Purchased a prize winning
horse from a shipment • of hackney
and heavy draft horses brought from
England by Mr. Wm. Bawden of Ex-
eter. • •
New ouses.
Reynolds & Ingram have made
contracts for the erection of six
houses in Hensall next summer, with
others to follow. R. Cuitinore has a
number of contracts also. Their first
jdb will be the big addition to the
machine shop. ' -
Disposed of Business.
Mr. John Grieve disposed of his
dairy business to Messrs. McIntosh,
sons of Mr. James McIntosh, of Mc-
Killop. Mr. Grieve has been engag-
ed in the business about five years
and has built up and 'held a large
Wins Damage Suit. .
In the case. of Wright vs. the G.T.
R., tried at Goderich, the jury re-
turned a verdict for Mr. Wright of
$34'3.00. The action was the result
of an accident on the Main street
crossing in Seaforth on July 12th,
1904, whereby MT. Wright was 'badly
injtired, his wagon smashed to pieces
and one of his horses killed.
Died at London.
The death occurred in London of
•William Flanagan, a former well
known resident of Seaforth. For sev-
eral years Mr. Flanagan 'conducted
the Grip House, disposing of it abtout
eight years ago to Mr. Henderson,
now of the Commercial. He was an
enthusiastic supporter of the football
and lacrosse teams and was widely
known and esteemed as a genial
whole-souled Irishman. Lately he
had been a commercial traveller.
Hurons Organized,
At a meeting of the members and
supporters of the Hilton football
team held in the town hall on Wed-
nesday evening the following officers
were elected: --Hon. Ptesident, Dr.
Mackay.; Hon. vice president, T. J.
Stephens; President, Geo. A Sills;
vice president, John MciDonald; 2nd
vice president, T. Brownlee; sec.-
Treas., Wm. Murdie; managing comz'
mibtee, James J. Dunn, .Frank Sills,
D. McLeod, Brown Jackson and C,
Stewart. „, „
Western Town Fire Swept.
A despatch from Winnipeg an-
nounces that half the town of' Pono-
ka, situated on the Edmonton line of
the C.PlR., and the next town of any
importance to Edmonton, was des-
troyed by fire on Monday evening,
including Fairly's _big store and the
branch of the Bank of Commerce.
The loss is put at $100,000. Fairly's
was a general store and their loss is
the largest. The Mr. Fairly referred
to was a former resident and mer-
chant of Sealforth, and will be cern-
einbered by the older residents. 'Phe
firm here was known as John Fairly
& Sons, who conducted a grocery
business, leaving for the West ten or
twelve years ago. Mr. Ault, town, is
a brother-in-law of Mr. Fairly, Sr,
Bull Fight at Henn&
A rival to the leading sports of
Spain and Mexico took place at Hen-
sel! last Wednesday night when a
bull, belonging to W. Kinsman, and
which was placed in the stable at the
Queen's for safe keeping broke out,
went on the rampage. It first attack-
ed T. Murdock's evergreens where it
made its mark, then rushing through
the station yard it smashed through
the fence and came out with a bellow
of triumph on Brack street. Here
the fun began as about fifteen citiz-
ens with Doc Blacken as chief, mata-
dor and T. Murdock as chief cuspi-
dour, each armed with a pitchfork,
attempted to drive the animal hack to
the stable. Taurus vigorously ob-
jected, and charging furiously drove
the alien armies back. T: Murdock
and Don'ald Burns gave an exhibition
of speed. Doc Blacken stood his
grdund and won great applause by
receiving the bovine on the point of
a pitchfork. The animal on finding
that he was ttp against the real thing,
tetired in disgust.- The rest of the -
crowd then assisted Doc in driving
the beast to the stable. It was at this
junctpre. that Fred Manns had a
closer shave than he ever gave a 'cus-
tomer. The animal turned around
and ran up the stable with Fred about
ten feet ahead, Fred gipped and fell
anti thought his hour had come but
fortunately the bull was merciful and
spared Fred's life. ^
Men's !Heavy 1Wearing Shoes,
pane° 'soles 299
Women's 'Patent Leather Strap
'• Slippers' .........2.99
Mens Rubbers,
Per pair . • ..
• Palm Olive Soap 1 c
Plees-All Coffee, 21c -
3 'cakes
Per pound
Cascade Salmon
3 tins for
Schneiders- Ecure Larde)s9c,
2 lbs.
Men's Rubber Boots.
'Good weight ....2.99
Men's Red Back 'Heavy
Overalls •........1.99
'Women's Rubbers 69 c
P. & 0, Soap, 5 bars d
2, pounds Good Quality Black
or Mixed. Tea, ....7
Be'st quality 'Sweat
Pads 49 c
Paterson's Sodas
16 no, pkgs. ,.....
These Prices are Cash
There will be offered for vale at the
Commercial sSeaforth, on
Monday, March 30th, 1931, at the
hoer of 2 o'clock, the fallowing val-
uable free hold property situate, ly-
ing arid being in the Town of Sea -
forth in the County of Huron and
being composed of Lots 154, 155 and
parts of Lots 152, 153 and 147 all in
the Jarvis Survey of part of the said
Town of Seaforth. On the premises
there is erected a filst-class brick
dwelling house and outbuildings. The
whole bo be sold subject to a reserve
bid to be made knorasat the time of
the sale.
Given by order of William Davis,
Administrator of 'the Estate of Mont-
gomery Davis.
Terms cash.
Thomas BroWil, Auctioneer. 13.
00 Perm Stock and Implements
on Lot 92, Huron Road, 2% miles
west of Holmesville on Highway, on
Thursday, March 26, at 1 o'clocit
sharp, consisting of the - following:
5 young horses, 10 cows milking,
and Inc to freshen in- spring, 5
springers heifers, 110 yearling heifers,
12 calves from 1 to 5 months old,
brood sow due to profit in May,
quantity of oats suitable for seed,
quantity of s'weet clover seed. Full
line of farm machinery. No, of cedar
Terms, Grain, Clover Seed and all
sums of $15 and under, cash; over
that arnoutit 7 months' credit will 'be
given on furnishitig ba.nkable paper,
or a discountW of 4straight allowed
for cash oti credit amounts.
A. E. Townshend, Proprietor;
Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain Mortgage,
which will be produced at the time of
sale, there will be offered for sale by
public auction, on Saturday, March
21st, 1931s at 2 o'clock in the after-
noon, at the Commercial Hotel, in the
Town of Seaforth, in the County of
Huron, by 'Thomas Brown, Auction-
eer, the following property, namely:
Lot No. Eight, in the Fkifth Conces-
sion of the Township of McKillop, in
the County of Huron. On the said
lands there is said to be bWo barni, a
brick house with wood shed and kit-
chen attached. The farm is conven-
iently located, being about four miles
from Dublin and about six miles from
Terms -Ten per cent. of purchase
money to be paid on day of sale, bal-
ance to be paid in thirty days.
For further particulars and condi-
tions of sale apply to
R. II. MUNRO, Mitchell, Ont.
Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
Dated at Mitchell, Ont., this 23rd day
of February, A.D. 1931.
Of Farm Property in the Township
of McKillop.
Under a0 by 'irtue of the Powers
of Sate contained in a certain %fort -
gage which will be produced at the
time of sale, there will be offered for
sale by public auction, on
Tuesday, March 24th, 1931
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon at the
Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Sea -
forth, in the County of Huron, by
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the fol-
lowing property, namely: -
The East half of Lot number
Tsyelve (12) in the Fifth (5th) Con-
cession and the South half of Lot
nunsber Eleven (11) in the Sixth
(6th) Concession of the said Town -
Ship of MeKillop, containing in all
One Hundred (100) acres of land.
On the said lands there, are erect-
ed a good bank barn on a stone
foundation and a small dwelling
house and there is also e large stack
of straw.
This Farm is conveniently located
to Seaforth and Dublin which are
reached by good roads.
The two (2) properties will be of-
fered for sale together or in -.two (2).
separate parcels to suit buyers.
Terms of 'Sale: Ten (10) per cent,
of the purchase money to be paid in
cash on the day of sale and the
balance to, be paid without intere'st
within Thirty (30) days.
' 'Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known at the
time of sale and may be had in the
meantime from the undersigned,
R. S HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario,
Mortgagee's Solicitor.
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer,
Dated`this 12th day of March, 1931.
York sow with litter of nine. Four
weeks ofd, Inc sale:31NO. B. HYDE,
lot 8, con, 2, Stanley.; phone 86r11,
Hensel. • 12.
IA. quantity of choice seed oats,
grown from 0.A.C. No .144, yielded
me- over. fifty bushels per acre in
1930, at 50c per bushel. Also Steel
Tanks, 6 feet long, on hand, other
sizes on list, can be ordered on short
notice,'$9,85,,fOr the 6 ft. length; oth-
er sizes priced on application. Very
convenient in the sugar bugh for
storing sap. Agent for the highest
grades of Steel Roofing and As.phalt,
also^ fertilizer -Of all. grades. WIL-
LIAM D0a1G, Jr. R.R. 3, Kippen,
Ont., Phone 128d, Seaforth,
One young Bronze gobbler for
sale. Apply to OLIDV1ER ANDER-
SON, Phone 250r5. 12.
Anchor .fence posts, priced to sell.
Also 550 ft. of 1% inch dry nard
Maple lumber, 16 ft. long, suitable for
flooring. Apply to NICHOLAS oj.
KRIAlUISK10)ThF, Lot 6, con. 4, Mc-
Killop. " 14
Get orders in, early. Prices reason-
able. 'Iseo.nard, Strong and' Arthur,
Wallace.-Plione 21436 or 2.3-136, Sea
forth. • 13
Now is the time to have your hard-
wood floors put down or old ones
re -surfaced. We 'specialize in Electric
Floor Sanding. H. W. HART, Sea -
forth, Ont, Box 249. 10
We have now our chopping and
rolling miff complete -and will run
every day at 8c' per bag' over 5 -bag
Jots; from 5 bags down and large
bran Sacks, 10c. musE BIROS,
Seaforth, R.E. 3.
Plain sewing for children and wos
men, also two roomers or boarders,
Apply to News Office. 12.
From Single Contb White Leg -
horns -$12 per 100. 01A.C. Barred
Rocks -414 per 100. Jersey Black
Giants -11S per 100. , Hatching eggs
from Black Giants -41i per 15 eggs;
$6 per 100 HARRY KIEHNE, r.r. 1,
Bornlholm, Ont. Phone 52r23.
Comfortable, seven roomed frame
house, in good condition, favorable
location, electric light, town water,
garage, poultry house and garden lot.
Apply at News Office.
Very desirable hundred acre farm
154 miles from Seaforth, for rent or
sale on easy terms. For particulars
apply 4o
BEST & BEST, Seaforth.
January 28th, 1931.,
Slightly used Heinternan & Co.
piano in good shape. For sale cheap.
STORE, phone 67, Seaforth.
S. C. W.
Order your chicks mils and get
chicks that will grow into big hus-
ky hens with 'high, egg production.
$13.00 per 100. '
Phone 23r23 Dublin, R.R. 1 Dublin
W. C. Govenlock
MeCoessiek-Deering Agent
See our Ihie of 'SULKY PLOWS,
Have on hand for sale good used
Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul-
ky Plow,'also '25 Ford Sedan in
Al shape, arid '25 Ford Coupe,
Por Sale-Rolst, Bell cuffing box,
32 ft. carrier, in first class shape.
Set 2,000 pound Scales.
DR. 'H. HUGH FOSS, .Playsidag
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos.-
pital, London, England, - Speci4.
attention to diseases of the eye, Cart
nose and throat. Office and resid-
eoce behind Dominion Bank. Offices
Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104,
F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,.
east of the United Church, Coronet '
for the County of Huron Telephousa
No. 46.
DR. C. MACKAY.-C. Mackay,,
honor gradoate of Trinity University'
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical,
College; member of the College o1'
Physicians .and Surgeons of Ontario.
DR. F. J. R. FORSTER_Eye,_Ew
Nose ancl Throat. Graduate in Medris4
cine; University of Toronto 1897,
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Instit be, Moorefield',-,
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos-.
pitals, London. England. At Contni-.
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in,
ettc.h month, frbm 1.1 a.m. to 3 pm -
DR, W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate c4'
Faculty of Medicine, University
Western Ontario, London, Member •
of College of Physicians and Stur-
geons of Ontario. Office in rear a3'
Aberhart's Drug 'Store, Seaforth..
Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p.m.'7.30-
9 p.m. Other hours by appointmeat.
Dental. .
DR. J. A. MUNN, Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross,graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill. LI- -
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- •
geons, Toronto. -Office over Sin,
hardware, Main St, Seaforth. Phont-
..DR. F. J. BECHELY, grades*,
Royal College of Dental Surgeon*,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's's
grocery,. Main St., Senforth. Phones.
office A135W, residence 185j.
Consulting Engineer.
S W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tac.)t.
0.L.S., Registered Professional En-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate.,
Member Engineering Inatitute clo
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
Auctioneer for the County of 'Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale,
Date at The Seaforth News. Ckargea-
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed.
HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed!
Auctioneer for the County of Hums.
Moderate rates sitd satisfaction guar-
anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13.
(Successors to James Watson)
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
Box 234, Seaforth, Ont. Phone ES
Sun Life Assurance
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Officers-Jatnes Connolly. Godes.-
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice 'President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors -Wm. Rinn, No, 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagall
James Evans, Beachwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God--
erich; Alex. Broadfoot,Sea-.
forth; J. M. Sholdice, No. 4, Without,
Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; .Murray -
Gibson, Brucefield.
Agents -'James Watt, Blyth, r.r..
No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A.
Murray. r.r. No. 3,' Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. jarmouth,
Bornholm. James Kerr and jobs--
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties-.
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
act other business will be promntlY
attended to by application to any of
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
Kenneth MacKenna
Marceline Day
Temple Tower
ream the novel by H. C. ('Sap-
per") McNeile introducing fur-
ther startling adventures of Bull-
dog Drununond.
Also showing
the famous Jewish character
Wednesday, March ta
Butter, per lb. ...,...... ...... 28c
Eggs, Per doz. . . . . . .... . lec-Mc
Potatoes, per bag $1,00.
Hogs, per cwt-' $7.00-1.50e