HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-03-19, Page 7See Your Doctor
On Your Birthday
o Every Canadian Owes It To
Himself To Undergo
Periodic Health
By John. Burke Ingram
I sometimes think that pious people
are often guilty of the greatest, im
So many of us, as a homely philoso-
pher once pointed out, are given to
blaming our troubles upon Providence
when actually these troubles are
caused by our own carelessness or
Wilfulness. So often ,after a promising
young career has been cut off by
death do we hear many persons gay;
"It was the will of God." Undoubtedly
resignation to divine will is a virtue
that every'truly religions,person tries
to cultivate; but there is a saying to
the effect that Providence Helps him
who helps himself, and if I were
preaching a sermon to -day instead of
'writing a.bsaltll article that would be
niy text.
All this is a preamble conceived in
some bitterness. Itis a fact that con•
servative sound health authorities tell
us that one Canadian out of every
three dies ahead of his time of disease
which could be prevented. •
Now if a man were to wilfnliy shut
his eyes and walk over a precipice we
would regard him as being sam'ellgious
Jf he blamed his mishap upon divine
Providence. is it not equally sacra-
liglous if a death is 'blamed upon.
Providence when that tragic event hats.
been caused .by sheer neglect?
To -day when medical science is tre-
mendously better equipped than ever
is the history of the world to prevent
disease the average man and woman,
father and mother, -do no more to pro-
tect themselves and their children
against disease than did their grand-
parents. Indeed for some reason or.
other a few silly people still resent
the activities of health departments
eventhough those activities tend to-
ward the lengthening of their own
My purpose today is to tell yell of a
simple and inexpensive form of health
insurance. Go to your doctor once a
Year. Better go on your birthday as
this will help you to remember. Even
if you are feeling perfectly well ask
your doctor to examine you thorough-
ly. If be finds trace; of conditions
which if left :doe- muy lead to phJ'sf-
eel disorders, 1 .:.,•s his advice.
I'm not jd • re le up this bit. of
advice for you. 'Pa a is a very im.
pteselve body of favorable opintail be-
hind,' The Canadian Cavernnient and
the Canadian :lledlcnl Association re-
gard it as so important that they have
combined to prepare a book which
they have sent to every physician in
Canada, This book gives detailed
scientifically prepared directions as to
how 'snelt an examination should be
conducted. Your doctor, it says, will
take about a half an hour to make this
examination and he will use up to 13
instruments in making it. He will
make about 50 tests. Now just in case
this might seem a lot of bother and
red tape let me teil you sometiting
elso. Several leading Canadian Life
Insurance Companies have used this
examination to save them money!
They are providing eachYear physical'
examinations FREE for the holders of
valuable p.111aies, simply with the idea
of keeping thew: I;oll,y holders alive
as long as ps,•ib1 e. Obviously the
longer a policy holder lives the more
money the itiaurirnce companies Make.
Surely it tat -:e leading businrsq or-
ganizations find the periodic health
examination schonos tt sound invest-
ment you too will find it a aonud in-
vestment, in fact yeti will find it an
even better inveatlurg:t than they do,
tor while it `avee them only dollars
and cents it may save you days,'
months, and even years of life.
4C sJelaN i s C t g a t s 9� ) (11)1'
LUROSETER" Gaol) 226
2.0 OW,T. %L NDS —Reatalyel&Oro>tgei ®e
New Theory Advanced
of Fatal Belgium Fog
It rase from a poisoned river, thinks
e correspondent of The Digest, writing
from Woulfe Mills, Antwerp, New
York, and terlifying ]lis opinion with
solvewar-tine. experiences.
"That mysterious blanket of fog
that came along to the Meuse Valley
section of Prance and Belgium, carry-
arryIng death with it, will remain a MSS -
tory miler? the. waters .round about
are analyzed for some poisonous sub-
0lancee such as as tweet/fa, or chloral
hydrate; in Prance's toil and rlvers
mystery continues to 1ur]," iie tells us
as he Writes 0n, elaborating his ex-
tremely int, resting tilcoey. We are
told, as we react on:
1 remember, 'len we were there'
dining the war, we were forbidden to
bathe in a river of the same nalue-
1teuee. We were told cl th at to slvini in
the river- wee death, f0r when you.
wept to and come out, :you would be
teee,e rate eronme and -dies Wag;
;nnneneci; slime olid.'
Iow, then, it must have been ar-
senic, for ouly arsenic would give veli
painful clamps such as that; but, ifr
the ;people died without a struggle,!
then o1 it U•as because of chloral hydrate,
which, when inhaled in vapor 01 gets
Into lite pores through bathing, cuts
the ?circulation completely, and you;
fail asleep and die without pain or a
Maude "1 think Gladys would he
haepler It, she llad married a man
tv1ih loos Mello." i'"',del: 'Don't
.ilo ly, my 'dee. IIe- -.soon have
Owl Laffs
Stranger—"1 want all the rotten
eggs you have,"
Grocer --"Stale Eggs? May I ask if
you, are going to bear Senator Loud -
I mouth speak to -night?"
Stranger — "Ssh-sh, I'm Senator
The hardest ernes word puzzle ds
why one should want to use cross
Kennedy &
421 Coiteg,' St,
Harley.Lavkdson Distribucorf
Write at oncefo? our bargain list of
used motorcycles. Terms .arranged.
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Sends Greetings to Its Many
Friends in Canada.
We are quoting: such a very low
American Plan rate that you will
find it cheaper to stay at the
"Homelike Strand" than staying
at home.
Write us so we may quotethem
to you—so you will know the exacti
cost before leaving.
Music—Salt Sea Baths—Comp11.
meatary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m.—
We will personally see to your',
T. E..4NDOW, Myr.
012 COUGFvvsgyandCOLDS
words. Money slips away from the
Young folks as quickly as time does
from the older folks. There will prob-
ably never be a low cost of high liv-
ing. And,as yon have probably -sus-
pected yourself, a good many of the
chaps who long loudly for the good
old days are actually longing inwardly
for the bad old nights.
The Friend Who Just Stands By
When trouble comes your soul to try,
You love the friend who just stands
Perhaps theses nothing he can do,
The thing is strictly up to you;
For there are troubles all your owe,
And paths the soul must tread alone;
Times when love can't smooth the
Nor friendship lift tile heavy load.
But just to feel you have a friend
Who will stand by until' the end,
Whose.sympathy through all endures,
Whose warm handclasp is always
It helps somehow to pull you through,
Although there's nothing he can do;
A.nd so with fervent heart ewe cry
"God bless, the friend who just
Stands by."
The two Happiest moments of a wo-
man's life are when a man asks her
to marry him and when her doctor
tells her she's got tq have an opera-
tion, 'Prying to get even ,with people
is what keeps up from getting' ahead
of them, There are insulting looks as
well as insulting words. 'If you tackle.
the .yard job first, the rest will be a
A service that others regards as a
nuisance may be the basis ofa profit-
able business if properly handled.
Mrs. -"Where have yon been all
Mr.—"At the office."
Mrs.—"Then you must be mage of
asbestos for your office building burn-
ed down two hours ago."
Inquieitive Small. Boy="Daddy, if
our doctor doesn't treat pigs, who
t'nres the bacon?"
A young lady social worker was
Gettwo ounces of peroxine powder from
your druggist.` ,Sprinkle 7n a hot, wet
cloth and rub the face.: briskly, -Every
blackhead will be dissolved. The one
safe, .sure and simple way to remove
blackheads, Satisfactionguaranteed or.
money refunded,' F. W. SOABY & CO.
422 Wellington 9t. W,,Toronto.
WHAT most people all. indigestion' c its.'s runny times its volume in
call .•:118. The rags is are immediate with
is usually excess 'send in the sternedyi oo,irarnmfu1 a461' -effects' Food has soured. The instant lemony Once you• learn this perfect way:'
r zee s
a t •ani
t Il i rich n u I r
is an a lea v t
But don't use crude helps. Use wbet you 11 tnhe
deal in , asmanner
ter would advise, hausth are headss, in, gas, bloating,
your 'doter �!lansea, dizziness, indigestion, bilious -
The boat help is 'Phillips' Milk of I nese, etc., due to an over -acid stomach
Magnesia. For the 50 years since its anal bowels
invention, it has remained standard
with physicians. You will find 'noth-
ing else so quick in its effect, so harm-
less, 00 efficient. -
Be sure to get genuine Phillips'. It
is always a liquid never niade in tab-
let form. Look ter t:ie. name Phillips
00 the bottle. All drug -stores sell
One tasteless spoonful in_ water it--3oe,
tIlade f n' t aaada
Sunless Window Made Sunny
Every little while someone discovers
a new and delightful` way to curtain
genie north or poorly lighted window,
so that the effect of light and cunni•
nese is brought into the room. A
very successful window curtain and
drapery, which brought ar appearance
of sunshine and a suggestion of a
flowery -garden into a dim and cheer-
less north room, is here described.
The single window, which was about
two feet fro the oorner of the room,
was covered with a glees curtain of
cream eat, reaching,: to the window
sill. It hungmoderately full, Ile width
being once and a half the width of
the window, Oet this curtain, at
side, were appliqued gay -colored i
els with :leaves and; long stems, t,11
made of silk that permitted the light
to shine through brightly, as through
stained glass.. On the opposite side,
that nearest the earner of the room,
a drapery of deep daffodil yellow was
arranged in an unusual ,anti strikingly
decorative manner.
This drapery vas not sills but it had
a silky luster. It eovei'ed the entire
width of the window, and two widths
were used to get the right fullness, the
seam being concealed between the
folds. It was out long enough to reach
to the bottom of the window casing.
The entire width of this drapery was
drawn back to he casing at the side,
ball way between the top of the win-
dow and she middle, from which point.
it hung in graceful .folds down over
the casing, covered• but a few inches
of the glass, hence cutting off almost
none of the light. •
Flowers Like Stained Glass.
The Rowers, leaves, and stems were
cut out and finished befored,hey were
Put on the net curtain. Three flowers,
two wide leaves, and three long,
slender leaves, were used, besides the
stems. Thin plain silk was selected
for all of them In order that the
effect might be airy and dainty and
so their color wduld show up. Per-
fectly. Very thin satin would be
equally satisfactory. Heavier material
should not be used, as the desired
effect is not that of ordinary heavy -
looking applique.
The colors for the flowers were
Pink, , yellow, orange, and a light,
rosy lavender: Another charming
combination, with the yellow drapery,
would be light 'blue, dark blue, yellow,
and deep, reddish orange;
The top flower, which reached to
just below the middle of the window,
was made in this way: A circular
piece of yellow silk was cut out, five
inches in diameter, but very irregular
he outline, suggesting the shape of
a flower. The edge was turned under
one-quarter of an inch and button-
holed with yeflow.silk thread. This is
easier to do if the silk is first basted
on a piece of newspaper, which after
ward, can be toga away. An irregular
circle, 3% inches in diameter, was cut
out of the pink silk and basted over
the middle of the yellow silly. The
edge of the upper h if, of this pink
Inch, and was buttonholed onto the
piece was turned under one-quarter
yellow --silk, using pink silk thread. A
piece of the lavender silk, somewhat,
in the shape )f an irregular half.
moon, Was basted over all the lower'
half of the pink piece and all its
edges turned uncles' and buttonholed
onto the pink above it and onto the
i yellow below it, using lavender thread.
Time all the extra thickness of silk
underneath were cut away so as to
leave only one ,thickness of silk
th:oughout the flower.
i The next lower flower was made
in a similar way, starting with a large,
irregular• circle of lavender, and using
pink for itsupper centre and orange
below. The 'third flower started with
pink and had yellow for its upper
centre ants Lavender blow.
Stems and Leaves.
The stems, which were not cut in
a straight line, hut on a slight curve,
to make diem lock more graceful,
were of a light rut rather vivid green,,
The materia' for thein was cut one
inch wide, and one quarter inch was
turned under on each side, leaving the
finished stem. one-half inch wide,.
Both edge's vere buttonholed with silk
thread of the same shade of green.
The long thin leaves were a little
wider throughcit their middle po-
tion that the stems, but tapered to
Points above, and were Inittonholed in
the same way.' One of the two wide
leaves was of green silk, the other of
orange. They were two and one-half
inches wide by three and one-half
inches ling, when finished and button-
holed. These were much curved, with
O few interesting jags along thein
underside. Along the middle of each
ran a "vein" made with silk thread of
the color of the leaf, in a simple stitch,
When the flowers, leaves, and stems
the lower left half of the net curtain
were Ails:Led, the_, were pinned on
at the winnow and adjusted until their
position seemed right, then lightly
basted in place. This makes it easy to
. remove them whenever the net re -
1 quires laund'erin;. The bottom of the
I stem and l;ngleaves started from the
1. very bottom of the curtain and' ex-
tended almost to the sash.
This glass curtain and accompany-
ing drapery were copied for a larger,
wider :.:o-" in another home. 'But
there was added to the glass curtain,
straight acres: the bottom of the net,
a strip of yellow silk, four inches wide,
the same wi , a' third of lavender,
another just 'below - pink silk, of
1 o
and a bottom one of green, the same
thin, semi -transparent silk being used
as was chosen for the flowers and
Ieaves Th.' bottom strip reached just
ito the wi,-now sill This, of course,
meant rlis'ng the net part so that the
top flower came a few inches above
flowers an 1 lean, were made slightly
.the middy of the window! The
smaller than in the original curtain
to avoid any possibility of the curtain
n looking crow' • 1, The effect was in-
describably go:..
visiting a poor family in a New York
tenement house and the mother was
doing the washing 'and the baby vas
sitting on the floor chewing a very
green banana.
Social Worker -"Oh,' you shouldn't
let that baby eat a green banana."
The Mother (looking up from the
wash tub) --"Have you ever had a
Social Worker (blushing)—"Certain-
17 not. I've never been married."
The Mother—"Well, then don't tell
me how to raise babies, I've buried
seven of them.."
The modern girl has discarded tight
clothes but the tight -husband prob-
lem is still unsolved.
A bright smile and an old gown are
a good deal better thee a bright new
gown and a frown.
Hap To it
On the banks. of a river a little frog
"Hop -to -it, Hop-toit, Hop -to -it."
Along came some campers and took
up the strain,
"Hop -to it,, Hop -to -it, Hop -to -ft."
So when you are asked, pray do not
But jump to your task, lest your,
courage you lose.
And say to yourself, "It is not as "I
"Hop -to -it, Hop -to -it, Hop -to -it"
The Green Places
In fields and deep among the friendly
And on the solemn hills, man knows
his heart:
He is accompanied by ancestries.
His sires loved green, in it they had
But when he moves alone in city ways,
With instabilities along the street,
He has no kinship with historic days
Na acorns crack beneath his alien
Eternity informs the lightest rain,
And truthfulness the everlasting
hills; •
Be sure therers no end to any pain
Save in the womb that nurtures
Loving the things your father ioolted
You have the eyes of Jesus, Dante,
—Deerton Clarke in "Tile Death. of
Crystal -Gazer: "I see -I 580 buried
Poet suffer any longer from then,
unsightly" blemishes. Overcome thein at
home'. Get 2 oz. i'eroxine Powder front
Your druggist. Sprinkle a little on .he
face loth, apply with a Circular motion
and the hla^kheads will be all WASECED
dWAY. Satisfaction or money returnz8.
Head Cold.: Heat Minard's
and inhnlo it. Chest Colds
and Sore Throat: Heat, then
31 tub well into affected parts.
Real relief , . . quickly i
Prompt' relief from HEADACHES, LUMBAGO,
Ar "Aspirin" onl"irin" poch-age which contains proven directions. Handy
Aspirin"boxes of 12 tablets: Also bottles of 24 and 100—,All druggists
Made in. Canada
Live Stock Shows
Toronto,—'Tae impertenee of Tor-
onto as a livestock show centre is fur-
ther illustrated
ur-ther'illustrated in the announcement
made the other day of the signing of
a three -party agreement between the
Dominion, the Province cud the t'.',ity
of Toronto for the ereetian of new
stables at the exhibition Irounde. The
new stab's are expected to cost in
the neighborhood of x1.000,000 and
are to be us 1 for the Hvestoek dis-
plays at 'le exhibition and the Royal
Winter Fair.
She Couldn't
Be Hoodwinked.
Mise E. Thomson, of Clapham,
writes:—"I find that Carter's tittle
Liver Pills will do more to keep the
cothplexion clear, and the skin free
from blemishes, than all the face
creams I have used. I found the real.
cause of face blemishes was usually
due to liver and stomach troubles.
31y druggist recommended them as
a specific for stimulating the liver
and expelling the constipation poi-
sons from the system."
Take Carter's Little Liver Pills
for sick headache, and indigestion.
All druggists 250 and 750 red pkgs.
Classified Advertising .
FQRlktACHINE OR l3AND1(N171ant.i,.
A11 Wool," "Silk and Wool,"
"old Tyme;' all colors, ' ?6e lb. up,
;,amptea free. Stooping & Yarn fi?ilts.
..rept el OriIlia Ont.
'logy Chicks. Fifteen different var.
leties. le per chick books your order,
•'ric list on request .Parkview Hatch-
eries, Oriliia.
.[ia- R IET3E3 loo and up. Catalogur:s
r. A. II_ Switzer, Granton ,Ontario
ser 210BILE engines to land use,
cheaper price? circulars, 1I, 0..CrOsby,
260 Clyde St, Hamilton. Ont.
.L? List of wanted inventions and full
information sent 'yea The Ramsay. Com-
pany. World Patent Attorneys. 273 Rano
het. Ottawa. Canada.
..tlr IAL paper nailed free. A\ 1 less
Friendship 'Magazine, Medina, New tt,,..;.:
.1l-!ur fur In pow back yard. We buy all
"YOU raise. Free ee literatur a t' ,nndihn
Fur Enterprl eS, Stratford. Ontario.
NI AN 11'AATEO IN it)t'R
STY to take cure of paints and
r..alar requirements of farm and. pre.
will earn you goad etnnnu sign, Must
pert' owbers. Whole or part time vork
be well knetvn and of fiord reputation.
Send particulars about yourself, rage in.
eluded, withtwo referer,r s, and we shall
submit our plain prepo ition, An can.
Adlan eashit•ty. Sow:awns Limited,
Cutieui'a Talcaaan
.raeireptte .. g'roptagtteettb
Fragrant and./iefrerlein,g.
The ideal Sklo nod 1labs Powder. A dengbtifil
porinmo rot the steno otter barbing.
23e. everru•boro—Sompfe
,enlrenrn," lux 2616, Montreal, enumhr
ea VInv.,4
No matter how fat you are or how
much you hate to get out and walk
a couple of miles—
If you will take half a teaspoon of
Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water
every morning for 30 days—
You will feel so good—sp energetic,
and the urge for activity will be so
great that you will immensely enjoy
a daily walk of several miles—and
lose fat.
Why, will Kruschen Salts make this
great change for the better in me--
e—it is natural for you to ask,
Because Kruschen is a blend of the
six vitalizing salts Nature says your
body must have to keep every organ,
gland and nerve in the body buoyantly
While you are losing fat you will be I
gaining m energy -in endurance—in
ambition. Your skin will grow clearer,
and your eyes will sparkle with the
good health that Kruschen brings.
The old arm chair won't hold you any
snore --yowl] want to be up and doig —
yott'll enjoy work and active reereation
and you'll sleep like a top. You'll lose
fat, and probably live years longer.
Il you have never tried lcruschrn—try.1E now
et our espense. We bave distributed a great
many edel "GIANT" packugd, which make
it cast' for you to prove our claim for yourself.
Ask you -druggist forthe new "GIANT 75c.
package. -
This consists of our renter 75c. bottle together
with a separate trial bottle—suftkeient for about:
one week. Open the trial bottle first, phtit to
the test, and then, if not entirety convinced that
ltsoscllen doss everything as claim It to-do, the
regular hottie:11 still as good' as neve. Take it
back.: Your druggist is authorised to return
you 750. immediately. and without question:
Ybu have tried Kruschen free. at our expense,
What could he fairer? Manufactured by
E, Griffiths Ruches, Ltd., Manchester, Fug.
(Estab. 1756). :Importers: McGillivray tiros,
Ltd„ Toronto.
are Upset
BABY ills and ailments seem twice
D as serious at night. A sudden cry
may mean colic. Or a sudden attack
of diarrhea. How would you meet
this emergency—tonight? Have you a
bottle of Castoria ready?
For the protection of your wee
one ---for: your own peace of mind,--
keep this old, reliable preparation
always en hand. But don't keep it
just for emergencies; let it be an
everyday aid, Its gentle influence
will ease and soothe the infant who
cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will
help an older child whose tongue is
coated because of sluggish bowels..
All druggists have Castoria.
T° . RIA
f'My daughter Catherine i
fifteen years old. She was ver
irregular, often sick at he
stomach and had to stay i
bed two or three days at a
time. One of your booklets was.
to us mail so $got, her
a bottle of Vegetable Com.
pound, Catherine has been
taking it regularly and she is
gaining in weight and every
way. I told the neighbors and
four other girls are taking it
withoodresults."---Mrs. Cid•.
ence feflkinson, Box 14, Thorn-
loe, O tdrio, '
y d
1 a l einkh ams
.:-VegetableN .0,Comnnaund
‘LydirE, P.nkhanr riled Fn:. Lyon; Mtn. 5.9, g.•
and Coaoutg, eon,,,,, Crntd,.
ISSUE No. 1 0—'3 1