HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-03-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
j, W. Good is in Westminster 1
hospital London, receiving treatment
for overseas injuries,
Mr, Albert Whiteside of Goclerich
was in town Friday.
Miss Isabelle Moir is visiting for a
few days with friends in Exeter.
Mr: Archie Sparks has 'returned
home after a visit for the past three
months with his sons, Archie and
Neil of Detroit.
Mr, Oolin Hudson, the village as-
sessor, is on his rounds, making his
1931 assessments.
While having dinner on Thursday
Mr. Harry Howard had • the misfor-
tune to get a piece of bone stuck in
his throat. Dr. Moir was called and
failing to locate the trouble, took him
to a London hospital for an X-ray.
The bone was removed from his
throat. Mr. Howard will stay in the
hospital a few days till he is fully
The anneal seed show put an by
•the South Huron Agricultural Soc-
iety was held here on Friday after-
noon, some 200 farmers taking in the
show. After the judging was over Dr.
Campbell, president, of the associa-
tion, took the chair and after a short
address called on W. D. Sanders of
Exeter for an address. Mr. Saunders
was followed by Owen Geiger. Mr.
H. B. Jeffs, of Toronto, who was the
judge of the seeds, was then called
en. Mr. Jeffs is a splendid speaker
and in a very entertaining manner
spoke for an hour on seed and weeds.
He had photos of the different kinds
of weeds and told of the best meth-
ods to destroy them. The following
is the prize list: Fall wheat, W. R.
Dougall, Wm. Tupper, H. C. Soldan:
spring wheat, John Robinson, M. Tra-
quair. H. Truemner; early oats, Alex
Buchanan, Earl Kinsman, H. True -
inner; late oats, Allan Betties, W. R.
Dougall, John Ingram, John Robin -
,on. 6 -row barley, Howard Wright,
John Robinson. Owen Geiger, John
Ingram. Field peas, Alex. Buchan-
an, H. Trueroner, Owen Geiger: field
beans, John Ingram, W. R. Dougall,
H. Truemner. Timothy seed, Alex.
Buchanan. Red clover seed, Owen
Geiger, H. Truemner. Alfalfa seed,
Wm. Alexander, H. C. Soldan. Buck-
wheat, Wm. Alexander, M. Traquair,
Harry Soldan. Potatoes, W. R.
Dougall, H. Truemner. Sweepstake
badge for the best .showing of grains
and seeds by one exhibitor, H. True-
Owing to the weed menace to the
farms today it is a wonder more far-
mers don't take advantage of the seed
show put on by the South Huron
Agricultural Society.
Mr, Thos, Parlmer spent Friday in
Miss Myrtle Peart •of Staffa in-
tends spending a few weeks in town
keeping house for her cousin. Mr.
Frank Peart.
Mrs. Wm. Consitt has returned
home after a week's visit with Kin-
cardine friends.
Quite a number from here attended
the masquerade dance at Kippen on
Friday evening.
The firm of Bonthron and Drys-
dale are this week celebrating their
20th anniversary in business in Hen-
sall. Twenty years ago after the big
fire which destroyed most of the bus-
iness houses on the north side of
King street, Jas. Bonthron and Mark
Drysdale organized the firm of Bon-
thron & Drysdale, hardware, furni-
ture and undertakers, By strict at -
tension to business the firm has pros-
pered and now is one of the largest
businesses of the kind in Western
Miss Alice Higgins spent the week
end visiting friends at Exeter.
On Friday evening last 'when Mr,
Foster Pepper and his sister, Miss
Grace Pepper were returning home
from the Babylon line where Miss
Pepper is teaching school. their horse
got frightened while crossing the
road from one side to the other, ow-
ing to the poor sleighing, ran away
and upset the young people and nnade
a dash from home. While passing
through Hensall it got free from the
cutter and ran back the road as far
as the Sherritt farm, when it ran into
a car driven by Mr, Matt Clark with
such force that it broke its neck and
damaged the car. Mr. and Mrs. Clark
were badly shaken up bait escaped
serious injury. The horse was a four-
year-old and valuable and will be
quite a loss to Mr. Pepper.
The Canadian Chautauqua players
opened their series of concerts here
on Saturday evening and are giving
afternoon and evening concerts till
evening. They.p y
ing to large and appreciative audi-
The regular monthly meeting of
the village council will be held
day evening of this week being post-
poned on account of the Chautauqua
The annual meeting of the Hensall
library association was held in the
town hall nn Friday evening with
Owen Geiger presiding, The treasur-
er's report showed the sum of $187.57
spent for books during 1930, with a
BIoidtested Chicks
And Hatching Eggs.
We specialize in Barred Rocks of High Production and good
body type. Order chicks now for delivery any time after February 10.
Chicks and Hatching Eggs all from our own flock which is under
supervision of the O. A, C., Guelph.
(Loc,ated one block north of New Hospital. Visitors 'Welcome.)
Good Poultry Pays and Pays.
Oliver Siegrist Box 173, Seaforth. Phone 304.
balance of $125.39 on hand. There
were 195 books added during the
'ear. The librarian reported a circa
ation of 7,460 and a membership of
450. Board members for 1.931 are
Mrs, ' H. Arnold, Mrs. J. W. Peck,
irs A. W. E. Hemphill, 0. Geiger,
L Follick, G. W. Davis, Ray Mc-
lrthur. librarian and secretary-treas-
trer, Miss G. McNaughton.
The many friends of Mrs, Nathan
Peck will he sorry to learn she is con-
fined to her home through illness,
Mr, Ed. Sheffer received word last
week advising him of the death of his
brother, Noah Sheffer of Toronto.
Mr. Sheffer was 84 years old and has
been an invalid for a number of
Mr, Alex, Sparks has returned to
his home after spending some months
visiting his sons Neil and Archie in
'While Mr. \Vm, Stone, agent for
the W. T. Rawleigh Co„ was making
a trip throngh the country last week
with his sleigh, and owing to the bad
condition of the roads. the sleigh was
upset and he was thrown out, cutting
one of his hands badly on a piece of
'Misses Mary and Emma Johnson
are having the interior of their home
nicely decorated. The work is being
done by Mr. Jas. Sangster.
Mrs. Wm. Foster has been confined
to her home for the past ta' weeks
through illness.
•Miss Doris Chapman of Palmer-
ston is visiting for a few days with
friends in town.
The pulpit in the United Church on
Sunday last by Mn, Johnston of Ex-
eter owing to the illness of Rev. C.
J. \Morehouse of Exeter who ex-
changed pulpits with our pastor, Rev.
A. Sinclair.
Miss Jean Bonthron of Guelph,
spent the week end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lindenfield of
London spent the week end visiting
with Mr, Linden'field's mother, Mrs,
Jacob Lindenfield.
Mr. Milton Johnson from New On-
tario, a former resident of Hensall,
is renewing acquaintances in town,
Mi, Frank Peart and Miss Myrtle
Peart visited friends and relatives at
Dublin last week,
Miss Dorothy Corbett visited over
the week end with Miss Agnes Fair-
burn. Tuckersmith.
lfr. Henry Phile is leis week mov-
ing the barn he recently purchased
from Mr. Harry Howard down to his
land at Rogerville,
Mr. Jas. Sangster is this week en-
gaged in painting and re -decorating
the home of Postmaster Sutherland.
Master Harry Armstrong visited
over the week end with his father,
71r. George Armstrong of Hay.
'Mrs, Fred Bonthron pleasantly en-
tertained the euchre club on Friday
Mr. and Mrs, C. Seiman are this
week moving into the house on King
street which they recently rented
from Mr. John Stewart,
Mr. Allen McDonell of 'Toronto is
spending a week at his home here,
recovering from a recent attack of
the flu. Allen is taking a course in av-
iation at the Toronto airport.
'Mrs, Jas. Ebby of Collingwocd
spent the week end here visiting her
parents, M. and Mrs. W, J. White.
Mr. Harry Abbott has secured a
position with Kingsmills store at
London. Mr, and Mrs. Abbott will
move to London about the first of
Mr. J. R. McDonald of the London
Road spent a few days last week in
Toronto with Mrs. McDonald who is
a patient at the Toronto General hos-
pital where she is seriously i11.
Mrs, Jas. A. Bell was called to To-
rontot last week owing to the serious
illness of her son, 'Elliott Bell, who is
suffering from a severe attack of
Mrs, Jas, Bonthron niet with a sev-
ere accidentr
at he home on Wednes-
day last. Mrs. Bonthron was taking
a bottle of acid down from a shelf,
the cork flew out and the contents
struck her in the face, severely burn-
ing her face and arm,,
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 5, Tuckersmith, for the months
of January and February,
Jr. IV, - Edna Macdonald 83%,
Gavin Gemmell 82, Harold Rice 78,
Jean Macdonald 70, Harold Chesney
Sr, ITI.-Edith Wallace 80, Arthur
Leyburne 74, Ethel Chesney 70, Dor-
othy Gemmell 62, Robert Patrick 58.
Jr. IFIL -•Grace Wallace 74,
Sr, II. --Warden Haney 80, Arnoild
Archibald 73.
Jr. II, -John Oldfield 78, Hazel
McNaughton 70. Gordon Macdonald
Primer --Pearson Chesney, Shirley
Oldifield, Clair Haney, .Donald Wal-
lace, John Patrick.
Pupils having the least number of
mistakes in spelling for the two
months were as follows: Jr, IV, Fd
If you toss in bed all night and
can't sleep on right side, try simple
glycerin, saline, etc. (Adlerika). Just
ONE dose , relieves stomach GAS
pressing on, heart so you can sleep
sound all night. Unlikeother medi-
cine, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper
and lower bowel, removing •poisons
you never knew.were there. Relieves
in 2
constipation hours! s Let Adlerika.
cleanse your stomach and bowels and
see how good you feel! Keating's
na Macdonald, Sr: IH. Edith Wal-
lace; Sr. II., Warden Haney; Jr, hI.,
John Oldfield. Number on roll 21,
average attendance, January 21, Feb-
ruary 21112.
Alice M. Archibald, Teacher.
Mr, Lewis Tebbutt visited his bro-
ther at Porter's Hill one day last
week, who is very i11 with bronchial
pneumonia. His many friends hope
for a speedy recovery,
Mrs. `Beecroft and daughter Flor-
ence of Dungannon spent a few days
last week at•the home of her parents,
_lir. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk.
Mrs, Walter Rogerson of Seaforth
is spending a few days with her dau-
ghter, Mrs. Frank 'Crich.
Mn. and Mrs. Addison of Constance
;pent last Thursday .at home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt.
Mrs. John Sinclair Passes, - The
death of a highly respected resident
of Tuckersmith occurred on Friday,
February 27th, at the age of 92 years,
Sarah Broadfoot, widow of the late
John Sinclair, of the tenth concession
of Tuckersmith. The late Mrs. Sin-
clair was the last surviving member
of the fancily of eleven children of the
late Alexander Broadfoot of the 3rd
concession, and was born December
Seh, 18'39, and married on January
Sith, 1863 to Mr, John Sinclair, who
died in 1896. They first farmed on
the Mill Road, then moved north to
Morris Tp, and later to the present
farts. She is stirvived by three
sons and one daughter: Gilbert of
Vancouver, B.C.; Alex„ William and
Miss Sarah Sinclair of T•uekersmtih.
One daughter, Margaret, predeceas-
ed her. Funeral services were con-
ducted at the home on Monday af-
ternoon at 2 o'clock, services by Rev,
R. R. Conner of Kippen, and the re-
mains were laid to rest in the Mait-
land Bank Cemetery, the pallbearers
being near neighbors of the deceased,
Mr, Kenneth Jack'i nt of Guelph
spent the week -end ar his home here.
'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay visited
nn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A.
Johnson near Varna.
Misses Marjory Hay and Helen
Broadfoot are attending short courses
in Seaforth this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pullman are
visiting friends in Mitchell.
Much sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family of the late Mrs, John
March, 1905.
Traffic Tied Up.
A smash-up in the local yard on
Saturday morning last tied up this
end of the line for several hours. For-
tunately no one was hurt and by
fright the line was clear and traffic re-
sumed, The accident occurred by
a westbound .freight breakinginin two
just after climbing the grade east of
the town. The mishap was not not
iced by the crew at.the front of the
train and when a, stop ;was made at
the tank. for water, the rear portion
which was 'descending the grade at
.consider•ab'le speed, crashed into the
front portion. One car was smashed
to kindling wood and several others
derailed and badly damaged.
A Cat Story.
Miss Jean Stevens of Hartock is
visiting her uncle and aunt here, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Fairservice.
Miss Alice Fingland is spending a
few days with her brother, Mr, Frank
Fingland of Clinton, Miss Id.. Lyon
is taking Miss Fingland's work in
Mn. McCool's store for the time.
Me are sorry to relate that Mrs.
Thos. Nott is under the doctor's care.
Her many friends will be pleased to
hear of her ,speedy recovery.
At the time of writing we are glad
to hear that Jack, small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn, is some
Mrs. Chas, Watson is visiting.Blyth
friends this week.
Mrs. Robert Smith of Summerhill
is here nursing her mother.
Mrs, Jack Carter of Waterdown
spent a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Armstrong, of the village.
Miss Dorothy Little and Mr. Bert
Gray of Stratford normal spent the
week end at their homes here,
Miss Moore, who has been a guest
with her friend, Mrs. Armstrong, re-
turned to her home in Forest on
Mrs, Nott returned from a pleasant
visit with Seaforth friends•last Wed-
Mrs. Alex. Welts spent a couple of
days with her mother in Blyth last
Mr. an Mrs. Armstrong'
d s and Dor-
een and Miss Moore spent Sunday
with Miss Alberta Snell.
Mrs. Jas, Fairservice returned from
Seaforth last Wednesday after a visit
with friends there.
Mn. Major Yungblut spent the
week end at his home near Auburn.
A meeting dealing with Weeds,
Seeds and Fertilizers will be held in
the Community Hall, L'ondesboro, on
Wednesday, Manch 11th, commenc-
ing 2
gat o'clock in the afternoon.
This meeting is under the direction
of the Ontario •Department of Agri-
culture and special speakers will be in
attendance. All farmers of the dis-
trict are invited to be present.
Clouds Roll Away.
The mortgage was due. The old,
couple were worried sick about it.
"IT John were only home to 'talk it
over with us 1" Then the telephone
rang, John had remembered, busy
as he was. A few words of wise
counsel and a promise of immediate
help from him -and the sun shone
again, the burden was lifted, Long
Distance had rolled the clouds away,
,Here is a cat story for the truth of
which Mn, E. E. Hallett will vouch.
The other day the snuffled cries of a
cat induced -Mr,-Hallett's mother to
search. for the household mouser, but
inside and outside, doors were open-
ed in vain. Finally the cries were lo-
cated as coining from the kitchen
stove, in which the fire had been out
some time. After: diligent search the
cat was !coated in the back part of
the stove and was with considerable
difficulty set free. The only possible
way that the animal• could have got
there was to have mounted to the
roof and come dawn Sit. Nicholas fa-
shion, certainly the condition of her
fur told of a long journey through
sooty pipes and chimney. 'Mn. Hal-
lett .says the only way 'he can ac-
count for her taking- the strange trip
is the fact that the assessor made a
call previous to the cries of the cat
being 'heard and that fearing she
night 'be assessed. she sought 'safe'ty
in 'hiding in the chimney.
Marshall Bros, have established a
steam laundry in the building immed-
iately south of the lBank of,'Commerce
building on Main street.
Mr. Sam +Hannah and Miss Maud
Hannah of IWaskeda, who have 'been
visiting at Postmaster S. Dickson's;
have returned to the West.
Mr, 'Ed. 'Hinchley has purchased
from 2li, S. Lamb the lots on John
street at the rear of Mr. W. Pickard's
property and will erect a residence
and stable thereon.
One of the oldest and most prom-
inent residents of 'McKillop. passed
away on March 1st, 1905, in the per-
son of Mr. 'Thomas 'Dodds, Sr., after
a short illness. Deceased was in his
76th year.
Miss Hugill:and ter sister, Mrs.
Cook, of Varna, leave ,Brncefield' on
Friday for Irvington, .California, to
visit relatives; Mr. W. C. Land'sbor-
ough of Tuckersmith, left (Seaforth on
Wednesday for Vancouver, 'B.C., via
Chicago and Denver, returning Can-
adian Pacific.
The handsome trophy and dour in-
dividual prizes on view in Messrs,
Bright Bros,' window were captured
at Guelph last week by skip WilIlam
Ament's rink of curlers composed of
W. McDougall, (John Beattie and W.
D. Bright.
Farm Sold.
' _ Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c
George Gray has sold his 'farm on
the 2nd concession of McKillop, one
of the best 100 acres in the township,
to James Cowan for $7,000. Mn. Gray
is going West to reside and has
bought a large tract of land a short
distance out of Calgary.
Fast Run.
One day last week while Mr. Ben-
jamin Snell was breaking This driving
colt, "Dandy lLee," the bit of the
bridle broke and with a terrific pace
the colt ran down the'road as far as
J. Hinchley's gate. Fortunately no
serious damage resulted other than
broken harness.
Men's Heavy Wearinga�Shoes,
Panco"soles. 2 m 9
Women's Patent Leather Straip,
lien's Rubbers,
Per pair
Palin Olive Soap
Plees-!All 'C'offee 1 C
Per pound ., ,
Cascade Salmbn c
3 tins ,for , , e�
Schneiders Pure Lard2
2 lbs;
Men's Rubber Boots,
Good weight , -2.99
,2 99
m F.v
Men's 'Red +Back Heavy
Overalls 1®99
Women's R.irbbers 606, c
'Per pair
P. & G. Soap, 5 bars
2 pounds IGood. Quality iBlack
or Mixed Tea 7
Best quality Sweat
Pads ,,,,,,,..,,.
Paterson's Sodas ' �,
16 oz, .pkgs.
These Prices are Cash
a few - weeks in Detroit with her sis-
tet'; Mrs, Les Wt'eterson,
I'dr, and Mrs, Geo. Pushelberg of
Dearborn, Mich,, visited with their
uncle, C. W. Pushel'berg recently.
They made the trip by car.
Miss Verna Querengesser spent last
week in Stratford' visiting with
The cars are making their appear-
ance on the street which is a sign that
spring must be around the. corner. •
1The funeral of :Mrs. Chas.�F. S'ch'er-
barth, which was held.on Sunday af-
ternoon to Brod'hagen cemetery, was
largely attended.
Mr. and Mrs. John � G. Hinz spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry Wesen'berg at Gran -
The handsome brick residence on
Mr. J. Lawrence's farm on the fifth
of MoKirlop, is now completely fin-
ished. The building is certainly a
credit to both workmen and owner
and also to the community in which
it erected.
a es Boyd of Manitoba
J y Manitoba,
of Merrickville and'Robert of Sharon
were the guests of:Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Driscoll at •.Leadbury. It is
many years since they were in Mc-
Killop and they enjoyed the visit
very much.
:Prof. A. E. 'Shuttleworth, superin-
tendent of the beet sugar factory at
Berlin, has been in Blyth and vicinity
during the past week 'making con-
tracts for the growing of sugar beets,
Under and by virtue of the powers,
contained in a certain Mortgage,
which will be produced at .the time of
sale, there will be offered for sale by
public auction, on Saturday, Maroh
21st, 1931+, at 2 o'clock in the after-
noon, at the Commercial Hotel, in the
Town of Seaforth, in' the County of
Huron, by' Thomas Brown; Auction-
eer, the following property, namely:
Lot No. Eight, in' the Fifth Conces-
sion of the Township of McKillop, in
the County of Huron. On the said.
lands there is said to be two barns, a
brick house with wood shed and kit-
chen attached. The farm is 'conven-
iently located, being about four miles
from Dublin and about 'six miles from
Terms -Ten per cent. of purchase
money to be paid on day of sale, bal-
ance to be paid in thirty days.
For further particulars and condi-
tions of sale apply to
R. H. M+UNIRO, Mitchell, Ont,
Solicitor for the Mortgagee.
Dated at Mitchell, Ont., this 23rd day.
of February, AD. 1931 •
DR: H. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, Aug
nose and throat, Office and reafd-
ence behind Dominion Bank. Office;
Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104,
Grade Holstein -Dunham caw due
Mar. 1, Heavy producer and very.
easy to milk whole year. Has milked
for 18 months the last lactation. Being
dry since Nov, 1st and in ,prune con-
dition will be a heavy producer newt
season. This cow is; the property of.
Mrs. Martin Curtin, now living in
Stratford. Must be sold. JOHN'
NOLAN, Huron Road east. Phone
21 on 144. 10.
Clean seed, $2.50 bushel, White
Blossom. A RO&ERIiSON, Verne
R.R. 1. 11.
2 cattle collie pups, well bred, pure
black, with white tips, feces, neck
and feet; tie parents both ,real heel-
ers; 234 mos. old. Also young tom
turkey. OHiAS. LITTLE, Dublin
P?O, or phone 24 on 240, Seaforth •10
We wish to thank our pastor, the
Rev. R. R. Conner. •and the many
friends and neighbors for the kind-
ness accorded us and expressions df
sympathy exitended us during our re-
cent bereavement.
Sinclair Family.
Mr. John McGavin and family wish
to thank their friendsand neighbors
for their many expressions Of sym-
pathy and acts of kindness during
their recent bereavement.
We wish to express to oiur many
neighbors and friends : our sincere
and heartfelt thanks for the many
acts and expressions of kindness
shown during the illness and dealt -cod
our dear n1ife and mother.
Mr. A. McDonald and Family.
bronze gobbler. Phone 247r2, Sea -
forth. 10
The following is the report of
i1:S.S. No. 12 Morris and Huliett for
the months of January and February:
Jr.' IV. -Gerald Heffr'on 71.4%. Jr..
TH.-Katherine McDonald' 77.7%.
Sr. LI. -Ivan Wightmanl &3.3%.
Margaret Heffron 72,7, Edna Mc-
Donald 63.1. Jr, Ii,-II3arry Bryant
63.8% 'Primer -Lloyd Elliott, very
good; Isabelle Melllonald, good.
,Edythe L. Storey, Teacher.
Miss Pearl Hillebrecht is spending
We have now our chopping and
rolling mill complete and will run
every day at 8c per bag over 5 -bag
lots; from 5 bags down and large
bran sacks, 10c, IQR'UISIE BIROS,
Seaforth, RIR, 3, 12
Plain sewing For children and wo-
men, also two roomers or, boarders.
Apply to News Office. 12.
Two. Shorthorn bulls 11 and
• 12
months odd. ALEX; WRIGHT,
Brumfield, phone 137r31. 111,
2 heifers, springing to calf, 1 Pekin
drake. SOL. SHiA.iNN'ON. Seaforth
r.r, 1. Phone 237 r 2. 10
Two big work horses, 9 years old,
good honest workers; 1 big clean -
legged general purpose horse, rising
4, broke single and double. Will be
home in the forenoons. Apply to
ROY L1AI.WSIOON, Lot 111, con. 6, Hul-
lett; 114. west of Kin'burn.
Choice Seed Barley for sale, 48c a
bushel SAM 'RIEiGE'LE, Phone 24r8,
Dublin. 11.
A good . practice piano for sale
cheap. $15.00 for quick sale, Apply
Mrs. Wm. M. DOdiG, r.r. No. 2, Kip -
pen. Phone 20 on 93,, Hensali. 11.
Three Durham cows,. 4 Sears old,
due to freshen in ,April, Apply to
WM. T. UI,ViIINIGSTON, Seaforth,
R.R.. 2, Phone 31 on 247. 10,
Wednesday, March 4,
Butter, per lb, 28c
Eggs, per dozen 16c 22c, 25c
Potatoes, per bag ... $1,00
Hogs. per cwt. $6,0046,50
(Housekeeper desires position, in
country 'or town, middle-aged woman.
Apply at The News. 10.
DR, F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,.
east of the United Church. Coronevl
for the County of Huron, Telephone -
No. 46.
DR. C. MACKAY,-C. Mackay,
honor graduate of Trinity University,
and gold medallist of Trinity Medical
College; ' member of the College od
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
32'x•40', two-storey, frame house;
can be torn down or moved. Apply
to D1A'ViIID J, S'11 iPHIENISON Sr.,
Varna. 'Phone 19 on $7 Hensall 10
100 acres good level land, fairly
well drained, fair buildings, .lots of
water, would sell cheap or would
exchange for a small place near
town. Apply to ROY LAIWSION, R.
IR. 1, Clinton, Phone 241r31. 10.
DR, F. J. R. FOiRS- TER Eye, Ear.
Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medd-
cine, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Inatit- ;e, Moorefield''
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos-
pitals, London, England. At Comsat
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is
each month, from 11 a,m. to 3 p.as.
Comfortable, seven roomed frame
house, in good condition, favorable
location, electric light, town water,
garage, poultry house and garden lot.
Apply at News Office,
Very desirable hundred acre farm
1'4 miles from Seaforth, for rent or
sale on easy terms. For particulars
apply to
BEST & BEST, Seaforth.
January 28th, 4931.
Slightly used ' Heintzman & Co.
piano in 'good shape. For sale cheap.
STORE, phone 67, Seaforth.
A quantity of Barred Rock, Leg-
horn and Minorca last year pullets;
laying well. Reasonably priced for
quick sale as I need the room for
brooding chicks. Phone 134x3, Sea -
forth. ANDREW A. MOORE. 51
400 acres in Township of McKillop.
Will rent or sell on easy terms. Box
214, ,Seaforth,
D. W. C. SPROAT.-Graduate o8
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and 'Stir-
geons of Ontario. Office in rear of 7
Aberhart's Drug Store, Seaforth..
Phone 90. Hours 1.30.4.p.m„ 7.30--
9 p.m. Other hours by appointment.
Chi c,ks
Order your chicks : now and get
chicks that will grow into big hus-
ky hens with high egg production.
$13,00 per 100.
Phone 231.23 Dublin. RR. 1 Dublin
W. C. Govenlock
Vas on 1cka-Deering Agent
See our line of SULKY -PLOWS,
Have on hand for sale good used
Manure. Spreader, Gangplow, Sul-
ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in
Al shape,
and '25 Ford
P , Coupe.
For Sale-Robt, Bell cutting box,
32 ft. carrier, in first class shape,
Set 2,000 pound Scales,
DR. J. A. MUNN, . Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill. Li-
centiate ;Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over Sil?a
hardware, Main.. St., Seaforth. Phonal
DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate..
Royal College of Dental Surgeons.
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smalls-
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phone*,
office 185W, residence 185j.
Consulting Engineer.
S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor.).
O.L.S., Registered Professional Ea-
gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate,
Member Engineering Institute of
Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont.
D. L. ROSS. Barrister and Solddt-
or, Notary Public. Hours a.m: x ,p. .
and 7 p.m. ' Office above Phillips'"
Drug Store, Blyth, Oat. .Phone 6
Auctioneer for the County of Huron
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges.
moderate and satisfaction guaranteed,
HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Moderate rates and satisfaction gttar-
anteed. Phone 149, .P.O, Box •11:
Seaforilh. -
(Successors to James Watson)
All °kinds of Inaurance ricks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Clap
Box 234, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 191
:Sun Life Assurance
Mutual Fir
u ensur •
ce Co.
Officers -James. Connolly, Goder.
ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood,
Vice President; D. F. McGregor,
Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer.
Directors-JWm. Rinn, No., 2, Sea -
forth, John Bennewies, Brodhagenl
James Evans, Beechwood; M. Mc-
Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God-
erich; Atex. Broadfoot, No.. 3, Sea-
forth; 5.M. Sholdice. No. 4, Walton'
Robert erris, Harlock; George Mc-
Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; Murray;
Gibson, Bruccfield,
Agents' -James Watt, Blyth, r.r..
No, 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth;. J. A.
Murray, r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V.
Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmoutb,
Bornholm, James Kerr and Jolla
Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties
desirous to effect insurance or trans-
ransact other business will be promptly
attended to byapplication tcation to an
the above named officers addressed
to their respective postoffices.
-in- '
They Girl Said No
-7. sequel to "Brown of Harvard"
,Fresh from college with his diploma
all bound in pink ribbon 'neverything.
he takes it on the chin, but -what a
come -back l
'Also Showing a Stan Laurel - Babe
Hardy 2 reeler.
.w- ;. „ : �,...,,,„„s,,.a^: ,a. 4;. 'a;,;