HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-03-05, Page 7Britons Declared I Self-Landing`Plane
"Not So Slow" Latest in Aviation
New York. Daily Says Britain
Far in Lead in This
Machine Age
Captain Malcolm Campbell is the which lands itself it'hen. the ,pilot
world's automobile speed_ king. ,This adjusts it's movable wings, to the
Britain piloted a British car over an correct angle for' alighting was
American beach recently at: a speed successfully demonstrated at Glenn
02 245.73 miles por hour, or more Curtiss airport here oti Feb, 12th.
than. Cour miles a minute, More than'. 190 persons, moat of
record be whom were identified with aeronau-
It's the latent 000nd roeor
hung up by a British spend demon. tics or were interested in the corn
And the auto record which this Brit- mercial possibilities of the atreraft,,
islter 'broke was made by soother gathered at the ice -covered field to
Britisher, the late Sir. Henry Segrave. witness the demonstration.
Ou laud and water and in the air, ' Henry White, test pilot who took
the British at present, hold the the airplane aloft, told the spectators
world's spend championships. Their that atter adjusting the 'wings to a
aeroplane cpeed record -307 miles an landing angio, he would hold his
hour, tirade by Major A. Ii, Orlebar white -gloved hands above the cock -
in the 1929 Schneider Cup races— pit to convince them that the stick
was uncontrolled.
The airplane, °whose inventor,
Albert Adams Merrill, was a colla-
borator of Langley and Chanute and
experimented with flying machines
before the Wright Brothers made the.
Ship Alights With•Pilot Hold-
olding Hands in Air
North ' Bench, L.I.—Art airplane
boats _cur by ninety m.p.h Segrave
w'as killed in the processof estab-
lishing the World's motor -boat speed
record of more than 100 miles an
We're able to beat the British at
golf and tennis. Our plug•uglios 'first. flight in history, took off easily
can usually ,beat theirs in the ring.
Every few years we' demonstrate our
superiority it the art of getting ten
miles an hour or so out of a sailboat.
This last time we presented the
British loser with a $5,000 silver cup
to show our sportsmanship. How
about presenting Campbell with a
gold cup encrusted with diamonds?'
He deserves it, even -if he west% ad
and circled the field. Then Mr.
White adjusted the wings to an
angle of incidence of 14 degrees with
respect to the fuselage, by means of
a crank and pushrod arrangement
iu the cockpit, and throttled his
As the airplane glided downward,
the group of spectators saw the
pilot's hands waving above the fusel
vertisiag tea. age, The airplane struck the ground.
In short, the British are far in the with its tail well in` the air. This
load in the most important conquest position is one of its ohaiacteristios_
that man is carrying on 'today, the when landing, but because the centre
struggle ..for dominance over space ofgravity is placed. very Ear. back, it
and time. And we Americans long
ago took to thinking of the British
as a slow, heavy -minded,' muscle--
uscle-bound race.
Incidentally, the British Labor Gov-
overnment recently recused to pay the
bill for British. participation in. the
1931 Schneider Cup aeroplane races.
It was a pacifist gesture, cliaracteris- several times. This stunt, its an-
tic of Ramsay MacDonald. ventor explained, is the only one the
Though Britain is hard up and her airplane .is capable of, since it was
Dominions are restive, this incident designed especially to prove the
cannot nose over. After bouncing
once, thewheels made contact with
the, ground • and rolled along . the
railwy brought to'o ston by `Pictures Flashed
wheelbrakes similar to 'those on an a
Winter's Playground
Picturosciue view of bungalows up in the Music oka district, Ontario's winter playgrounds, slew 1 g
the magnificent evergreens forming a formidable barrier against Nature's. assault.
peated the uncontrolled•landing stunt f saw a mariner far at sea,
. The -pilot took off again and re- 2,500 Mi. Across Sea Sailing cheerily, cheerily.
"A seasonedmariner he must be,"
- Thought I, "to sing so cheerily:
Television Tests Prove High
ly Successful in Atlantic I signalled him; he signalled me.
Einstein Refutes ` Poultry Notes
Former The=cry Hatchable Eggs
At no' Other limo of year Perhaps to
.Gernlate Savant Causes sensa_
the right kind of management more
' important than during February. The
season's hatching results may be.
greatly affected by the care which the
breeding birds receive tits month,
Tenable Theory It Extremely cold weather is a severe
cap, Snow may pile uP so higta
Pasadena, Calif,—A grou? of far- that the birds eahnot be let out of
ous astronomers and physicists was doors.
intent upon prying off the 111 of a' Under such conditions it is import -
box of mystery in which they ;hope ant that the, birds be given the ad -
to find the secret 02 the nnirerse,vantage of all tho.direct sunlight that
Literally drat. is us Di'. Albert be admitted through open -front
Einstein expressed it in an ate houses, When at .all possible, breed-
cannotecement that swept the old fain- (n birds should be ' allowed (Alt or
steiniau universe into oblivion and deers in direst sunlight Query day.
erected a stew concept iu its place. naafi feed, such as cabbage or let
No longer does Dr. Einstein be- tut•2, will be founda valuable addition
Neve in a symmetrical, aphedical utii• to the ration for breeders. Of 0ourae
verse. Such a thing is 1101 possible the expense may be so great that the
under him new unified field theorya 1.1.,e of these fedi, will not be emetic.
The evolution of the theory was ex- t able, but when a good market for
plained in detail by Dr. Einstein. hatching ego is available one can af-
step by step, equation by equation, i ford to pay well for feeds that will
which resulted in the anal equation; hall, in producing the klud',of eggs
embracing one general law that coy- :tilt will hatch.
ers the phenomena of gravitation Sinril lily, milk is a valuable Part of
and electromagnetism and offers a the ration for breeding birds, particu-
clue to the mystery of the structure l sly in the ab;en: a of green feeds
of space. I Alines with all this the houees
Then Dr. Einstein told his fellow should be kept t pan and dry at all
natural scientists that lie presented, time -a A little etiara straw litter. if
the unified field equation_ as a ceased ; fresh and bright, will help to keep the
box, and that he knewof no methods . bid comfor:abte,
of investigation by direct orphys,cal Turning Eggs
experimental means of prying off the
lid to sea what was within. One of the reasons why hens can
Dr. Walter S. Adams, director of still outhateh the best artificial Inca -
the Carnegie, Institution of washing.' bator appoars to be that the hen turns
Iton lilt. Wilson Observatory announc- her eggs many more times daily than
ed that he and his associates hoped 1 incubated eggs are commonly turned.
to have the cover off the box soon. , Just why the turning process is so es -
Dr. Adams made astronomical obser- I nutlet has not been fully explained.
rations establishing proof of Dr, Ein-' but, within reasonable limits, tate of-
stele's relativity theory. 1 teuer eggs are turned the more chicks
Two California scientists caused I -rill be hatched.
Einstein to change his mind.' Crider commercial conditions ft is
Normal Conditions They are Dr. Edwin P. Rubble and possible to turn at least three times
tion When He Declares
"Symmetrical, Spherical
Space" No Longer
Dr; Richard Chance Tolman. Dr. t daily and often four times. With hand
Seen For Ontario Hubble sits at the turret of the,' turning the practical limit may be
world's largest telescope and has ' twice daily when large numbers of
- bared secrets ot the island universes 1 eggs are being incubated; but :when
Toronto,—Normal business condi- or distant nebulae. These are great mechanical turning de -vices are being
tions will soon prevail in Ontario universes lilte that in which the 1 used. so teat the labor cost is small,
according •to Premier George S. world and some 20,000,000,000 stars' it is frequently worth while to turn
move. There are 00,900,000 such all eggs five or six times daily.
other universe. Some of these have! If any part of the incubation period
been observed 300,000 000 light years is more important than another as far
distant. i as turning is concerned it is the first
Flashes l I asked him whither bound was he. Henry. Much will be accomplished
-angered_ enough Britishets:to produce Safety. of flying. Im bound for Nowhere," answered in the next few mouths through the
It is not :so much what it will do Schenectady, N.Y.—Engineers of. he. co -o eratiou of-tke federal, provincial
an offer from a lady to may the ex- the General Electric Company p
pensee. She said she didn't want as what it will not do that is impor- y plant as, )earning to sail my ship at sea:' and municipal administrations. These
tent," air. Merrill said, It will have been conducting successful ex-
her Government to be a spoilsport. erimeuts in radio television across will provide a fund of 315,000,000 for Dr. Tolman, companion of Dr. Hub-; ten days. Eggs turned during the
When our Government was asked never nose •over because of improper! n I, too, was bound for Nowhere, so carrying on public works and provid- hie, is a physicist. Ile has taken first ten daFs and not at all tlereaftcr
to enter at least one plane in this stabilizer adjustment or overeontrol the Atlantic Ocean for past ser- 1 asked hint holy the winds did blow. ung employment.
most ilu instant flying contest, the le the lauds of an ignorant or care-
eral months, It .was learned recently: '"Fair," said le, ' 12you nilly knew p Dr. Hubble's observations and evolr- j have been showu to hatch just about
1 less pilot. The machine can n ate- Officials, when asked to confirm He spoke of the growth of the pro- ed the theory that the major universe as well as those turned throughout
Assistant Secretary of the NavyI this, admitted that wave propagation • How to set your sails and let them duction of gold in Ontario. ".Some le e:tpanding that explosive force the titres weeks, and much better
d that President Hoover w'as iu- I ei+ stall nor ;live. It will not spin 1 blow.
broadcasts were bet coneucted by, Your ship. will ride in any gale
short wave radio twice weekly, but
declined to discuss the subject fur- y1y If you will set the' proper sail."
ther. I did show
Meting on economy. This, though and no one has yet been, able to loop
90 per cent. of the cost of aeroplane lit, It is definitely an airplane to
construction 8005 to labor, and fly and not to stunt, 'because you
though the building of planes for the cannot stunt it"—From "The Chris- i as re
Schneider Cup races would give work
den Science Monitor.")
ve be raphdioed pons and a than 1 That Nowhere still was far to go.
to a lot of people. I
Anyway, the British at this time The. Nation's Health 1 lie.
hold till the important world records,varsity, Leipzig, Ger h B .and tin "You are always in port and always
and no dangerous eliatleugers are in Toronto Telegram (Ind.Cons.): lin and the British Broadcasting
(The mortality rats, for the industrial Company in London through: a 9pec-"
at sea
sight. Speed records on land and s When you sail for Nowhere, cheer -
11 of Canada and the United fatly licensed experlmeutat station frill
sea and in the air indicate the ability States in 1920 was. 0:0 per cent, less Here, it was said. Y
to build better engines thou anybody than the rate in 1929, and 1.1 per cent. The tests were begun three or four
else can build, and the ability to get less than the previous minimum of months ago when Professor Hrolua I asked evhier
if his ship before
most out of those engines. Is any- 1927). It i-, perhaps not to advances of Leipzig University visited the Had ever torrefied at 1\otehere's
thing more important in this machine in medical science that the improved local plant. His picture was sent shore.
age? figures are due, so mueh as to the to his associates in Germany, who "I've been there many times," said
more general application of well- Cabled it was so clear that even the
known bygenic principles, The result
is seen in the practical elimination of
typhoid fever from causes of death, a
further reduction in diphtheria deaths,
• a reduction of tuberculosis to a now
nivlmum, new minimum rates for
diseases of pregnancy and childbirth
and new low death. rates for the com-
municable diseases of childhood. A
drop is also noted in deaths from acci-
dent% influenza, pneumonia, heart
disease and ,Bright's disease. In fu-
ture years epidemics may swing the
death rate higher -than last year's new
low. But more efficient control of dis-
ease promises to give mankind in
general a more extended expectation
of lite. In that control the efficient
operation of public health departments
plays an essential part.
ave ecu radioed across more
1a „Nowhere is everywhere," answered
2,500 miles of ocean to Leipzig Uni• 1
stopped producing tough' and, intelli
gent, and fearless adventurers of the
type that built the British Empire.—
(Front the New York Daily News.)
Traffic Safety Taught in Club
Amsterdam. -In order to promote
alertness and strict adherence to
traffic rules by children, Maarten
Maarten Vrij, superintendent of the
New Scheel Society at Amsterdam,
founded the "Club for Safe Traffic."
` Every pupil, who desires to set an
example as to how to behave in the.
street and who can prove that he or
she lives up to this desire, can join
the chub. Therefore, -when applying
for membership of the club the pupils
have to produce a statement, signed
by five grown ups, to the effect that
they belong to the "good" users of
the road.
These five persons who have to sign
the affidavit must belong to different
bcatichee of traffic activity, One sig
nature may be that of one of the
parents or of the teacher, the second
ono must be that of a car -driver, the
third that of a cyclist, the fourth that
of a conductor of other transport such
as a trant•eonductor, and the fifth
signature should be that of a police
Best Way to Back Car
In reversing the car, bring it to a
standstill, then with the clutch re-
leased place the goat' lever iu the
reverse notch. Allow the clutch
to engage gently and with the right
hand only on the steering wheel look
'backward and gauge the direction by
the rear mud guard or the rear
wheel. _ Do not attempt to steer by
watching the front wheels; always
look to the rear when going back
ward. Be careful that the tires do
not scrape along the curb, as this is
very damaging
Goats in C.•
New Westminster. B4O; Interest in
goat raising continues at a high point
is British Columbia, During last.
year five herds were entered in the
record of perform:tee test for goate,
ten 'head having qualified. The
professor's eyeglasses were disting-
The purpose ot the tests, which
have been conducted one way be-
cause of lack of television equip-
ment in Europe, it was learned, is to
further the studies of the radio wave.
The experiments still are being con-
It was also learned that engineers
have succeeded is recording with a
Motion picture camera television pic-
tures as they are received in Eur-
ope; as the original. This was done,
it was said, to keep a rend of the
An ideal may be all eight, but a
Square deal is usually better.
Eggs So' Cheap in Illinois
Grocer Gives Them Away
West Frankfort, I11.—hggs have be-
come so cheap in. this neighborhood
that on Feb. 14th one grocer could
afford to give away 500 dozen of them
to his customers in an effort to stimu-
late business. The regular retail price
is 15 cents a dozen, A laying spree
by liens, due to the warm weather,
was given as the reason for the low
Prices. In Centralia eggs sold down
to 11 cents a dozen, the lowest price
in seventy-five years.
King Prefers Irish Linen
London.—"I prefer Irish linen and
every shirt I have comes from Belfast,"
said Its Majesty when, with Queen
Mary, he visited an exhibition of the
Linen Industry Research Association
Examining table linen the had been
washed in various laundries, the Icing
remarked: "Sone laundries do use up
linen, but I suppose when it comes
back with holes, it is good or trade,"
His Majeety has Just placed several
acres of the royal estate at Searing -
ham, Norfolk, under cultivation for
flax, though most Eitglisllt laud -owners
say that flax takes more out of the
earth than it yields.
1,309 ®place l"[aogget
Nelson, 11.C. -:-A. $35,41)0 G'aid brick
was brought to Ne(son•from the keno
highest test was made by a Nubian Gold Mine the other day. The brick
dos, "Shirley Rona" -299 --owned by weighed 1,009 ounces and is the thir-
Narold G. Morson of New Westmins- teeuth such nugget to be found in the
ter, whose milk yield was 2,593 mine, the total value of all of which
pounds and butter fat 112.4 pounds, 1.5101 10 $1112,000.
"I've seen you there, it seems to me."
We drew up close that we might
I looked at him, he looked at me—
Imagine my surprise to see
That the mariner man looked just
like me!
—Malcolm Schloss, in "Songs to
Celebrate the Sun."
When he called next day the woman
sent word by her maid that she could
not see him. Back came the girl in
time ago we achieved the third place
among the gold-prothiciug countries
of the world. The time is not far
distant when we will reach second
place. Canada Inas benefited in
many ways by the activity of gold
mining in Ontario."
Mexico Extending
Rural Education
Amherst, Mass.—Mexico is rapidly
developing its education system in a
determination to educate the rural
two-thrids of its population, according
to Senor Enrique C. Aguirre, who
lectured at Massachusetts Agricul-
tural College: He declared that a
new Mexico is in the nialdng.
1 Rural schools, numbering 7500,
have been established and are in-
1 creasing at the rate of 1500 a year,
he said. The schools, he went on,
are primitive and poorly equipped.
However, the teachers have a zeal
and interest which coupled with the
eagerness of the students, are great-
ly stimulating the native crafts and
arts, he added.
Mr. Aguirre urged that closed rela-
tionship and understanding between
Central America and the. United
States be brought about by greater
a moment to say that the doctor wish- knowledge and more intimate con-
ed to know why he could not see her. tads between the nations.
"Tell him," said the patient, "that
I'm too ill." Force is no remedy.—John Bright,
21 -Year -Old Girl Girdles Globe
T,ventyone-year-old Renne Orb. Lees of London, 'Eng., has jun completed a 'round the world trip,
She purchased motorcycle in Japan, shipped it to California and drove all the way to Jamaica, L,I.,
in 12 days.
and is running down because matter, than those turned only during the tat-
atis being converted into energy and ter half of the incubation period -
thus being annihilated. 1 It is suggested, therefore, that turn -
These two mon found that neither,lug begin as soon as the eggs are pat
the original Einstein concept of the to the required temperature and that
universe, nor that of Dr. De Sitter, 1 they be turned a_ frequently as is reit-
Dutch astronomer and friend of Dr.I sonably possible, espeoialIy during the
Einstein, could fit the ease. Dr. Ein-` first tea days they are in the ma•
stein's old concept was that matter chines.
determined the amount ot space 1a Testing Thermometers
the universe, and Dr. De Sitter fig-
puce again it is necessary to check
ared that matter was infinitesimal tip on ail incubator thermometers.
and space was the Controlling ale-,
:ed universe' Some thermometers that were ascii?.
meat. Both conceived a static or
That a solution is not far distant last ate laseason may require a correc-
tion st year.
was the hope expressed by Dr. Tol- The test may be made easily by
man in a dinner honoring Dr. Ein-
stein. He told of the philosophical
physical and mathematical steps stir . well to be sure that it
taken by Dr. Einstein on his 25 -year I auniform temperature throughout,
journey toward a solution of the ;
problem of the structure of the uui- oust read the two tltermometsrs.
the water
verse. Care should. at course, be taken to
"We have been greatly privileged use water that is only lukewarm se
to walk with him for u few steps ori that there will be no dauger of break -
this journey and to look forward ing either thermometer Since the lm
comparing each thermometer with an
ordinary clinical thermometer. Im-
e the tri: o bulbs in warm water,
with confidence and joyous anticipa
tion to his arrival at the journey's
end," said Dr. Tolman.
A gasp of astonishment swept
through the library of the Mount
Wilson Carnegie Institution of Wash-
ington laboratory when the Berlin
professor with a few simple words
made this revelation.
"Regardless ot what field equa-
tions are used, space never can be a Centigr:tie thermometer as the
anything similar to the old sync- standard of compe*;son, Remember
spherical apace theory," the that 194 1f corn aelsonnheit is equal
professor said with a smile in clos-
lug an hour and a half talk on itis
new unified field theory.
portant range of the incubator ther-
henmometer is front about 90 to 104 de-
grees Fahrenheit, it is the scale be-
tween these limits to which particular
attention should be given One need
not care If the reading is inaccurate
above or below this range if the tem-
perature 15 correctly indicated at the
incubation point.
Occasionally it is necessary to use
Canadian Bonds
Toronto,—The full year's (1939's)
sale ot Canadian. boucle amounted to
$703,022,807, as compared with 3053,-
388,556 Lor the year 1929 and 3440,-
447,519 for 1928, according to Messrs.
A. E. Ames & Company's filial report
for the year. OE the total disposed
of, more than half, or 3391,136,807 was
absorbed by Canadian financial
houses, while those in the United
States took $354,62100 and those la
Great Britain $6,295,000. Government
bonds made up a total of 3295,157,-
500; Municipal of 3113,065,007; Cer-
and Railway
Pulp and Paper Exports
Montreal, Que.—Canadian exports
of pulpandpaper in December were
valued at 315,393,358, according to a
report of the Canadian Pulp and Paper
Association. Thie was an Mere se of
$2,019,750 over the previous month
and the highest total since May, 1930,
Wood -pulp exportsforthe month were
valued at 32,577,546 and exports of
paper at $12,815,812 as compared with
33,198,235 and $10,75,373 respective-
ly for November, For the year 1930,
exports of pulp and paper were valued
at 3177,500,222, while iu 1929 the value
of those exports amounted to 3198,-
Books are embalmed minds,-Bo1ea.
to 40 degreCentigrade, and that 99.3
detrecs P:tit:cuitrit i, the sante ea
asee=rzn Workers Find
Ricket Pmvoirttottive
t ✓:,r.; °, sr -.; lug of ordinary
b is ttf-1, ihantl0 D, a vital food
1-ct•tut st,icit prevents rickets, ant
bufi.is up lime and general health, is
rtoi: pos:tiblc following a discovery
mad_''i'r r",earth workers in the Hos-
pital tor Sisk Children. Announce-
tueut of t:' dfecovery was made last
4 foes months ago workers 11.1. .the
sant: laboratory found a way to ilei
,n emote biscuits and these have been
on the market for some time.
British Immigrants
Ottawa Journal mons.): Just for,
the present this country needs Mimi
grants about as nick as it needs more
wheat, and it may be a long time be-
fore there will be wisdom „in our re-
sorting to the kind of tack used on ins
migration platforms and in immigra-
tion pamphlets throughout the British
isles in the years past. A little lees oo
that sort of thing in days gone hip
might have landed fewer immigrant
at our ports, but might have meauQ}
just as many, perhaps more, on 0110
land; and it worldhave saved as tia
let of bad advertising from the iia
itlustoned and misled,
I feel that It is a pteasant thing fo}'.
a man to have a .house wheel he feels.
inclined to go to. it.