HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-03-05, Page 11May I reacir '1 hat purest heaven, be to other souls The cup of strength in some great • agony, Enkindle generous ardour,' feed .pure love, Begetthe ,sneiles that have no cruelty, WHOLE SERIES, .VOL. 53, No. 10. forth News DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT, LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME lIIADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931. 1;e the sweet presence of a good diffused, And in diffusion ,ever more intense, So shall I join the choir invisible Whose music is the gladness of the world, —Eliot. lympia Confectionery and Restaurant v®o. Oranges This season the quality is unusually HIIIGIH; prices unusually LOW. SUNKIST S'EEDL'ESS NAVEL ORANGES, 3 doz. 500 Larger %Oranges at 25c to 60c per doz. Same sizes last year were double the price. LEMONS, largest size ......30c doz. GREEN GIANT PEAS, large tender juicy, per can 25c 'Every year so far the demand for this brand of 'peas has been greaterthan the 'supply. OTHER PEAS at 20c, 15c, 130, 10c and 5c per can. TOMATOES, large ans at 10c to 13c per 'can. TOMATOES, small can 5c DOMESTIC ON'rONS, 'first quality, 2.25 per 90 lb. bag. These will keep till green onions are ready. Why not stock, up at this low price ?, FINE HALLOWI DATES 3 lbs, 25c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS, 25, 40, 60 watt, guaranteed 1000 hours for 25c FINEST RED SALMON TROUT 15c lb. or 121/ac ib. for whole fish LIQUID VENEER, regular 25e for 150 GEM LYE, 100%' pure and 2 •oz. heavier than !Gillett's at 2 for 25c CLASSIC CLEANSER, one of the best, 3 for ... ......25c QUICK NAPHTHA WHITE SOAP FLAKES—JRegular 20c for ..15c SUPER SUDS, regular 2 for 25c, at .....3 for 25c Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, Feathers, etc. taken in exchange for groc- eries. F. D. HUTCHISON Phone Phor Phoorl 166 A. COL UALITY SER •, Q �ICE .PHO•NE E. L. BOX HOME AND S'CHO'OL The Ilome and School Association met in the Carnegie Library room on Monday evening. There was a splen- did attendance. Mrs. Lane took the meeting, owing to the indisposition of the president,' Mrs. R. E. Bright. 0 Canada was sung, followed by a vio- lin duet by Eugene Duncan and Fran- ,'st.cis Devereaux.. The secretary then read her report, Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart delighted every one present with a duet. ,A debate followed, "Re- solved that :mending picture theatres • are a detriment to the best interests of the community, Affirmative Miss Winnie Savauge and Harry Sheffer; negative, Alice Devereaux and Ian Mactavish; judges, Mrs, Kirkwood, Rev: J. F. Myers, Mr. Crawford, de- cided in favor of the affirmative. Miss Winnie Kruse played a delightful pi- ano selection, The meeting closed by singing God Save the King. Please keep in mlind the home cooking sale on Saturday, March 4th, in the tog- gery shop commencing at 2 p.m: Do nktions from any one interestedin the work of this association will be very welcome and much appreciated. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church. -Pastor, Rev, W. P. Lane. B.A. Sunday, March &th, 11 a.m.—.Public Worship. Subject, "Temptation." 2.30 p.m. — Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. -Public Worship. Subject, "The Spiritual Determining the Phys - kat." Seventh in series, Life and Times of Moses. LADY BOWLERS The Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club held their annual meeting' Monday af- ternoon in the Carnegie Library room. Mrs. Neil, "the president, was in the chair. ' The - secretary's report Was read by Mrs. F. R. Beattie, the treasurer'•s report by Mrs. Bechely. The Club had a very successful sea- son, and are in a very satisfactory position: financially as the treasurer's report will show. Election of officers took place as follows; Aresident.. Mrs. James Devereaux; 1st vice president, Mrs. D. Shanahan; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Harry Stew- art; secretary, Mrs. F. R. Beattie; treasurer, Mrs. J. J. Huggaird; cap- tain of -.the tournament -committee, Mrs. A. Close; convenor of social committee, Mrs, John Beattie; con- venor of prize committee, Mrs, Neil. Treasurer's Report Receipts Miscellaneous . . .............$ 20.00' Men's .tournament 134.80 Men's tournament 40.416 Ladies' tournament.. , ...... 28.50 Ladies' singles 1.70 Mixed tournament 3.80 Expenditures Expenditures $229.26 $ '118'56 66.75 24.30 ... 22.25 37.00 3.80 Balance on hand 36.60 $22926 iBeth Bechely, Treasurer. • LEGION MASQUERADE DANCE Arrangements are are • rapidly being completed for the masquerade dance to be held in Cardno's hall,, March 17 for the 'benefit of the Legion. This should be an outstanding event and no pains are being spared to make it a success. Possibly few people are aware that the Legion officers are constantly being called unto to sup- ply relief to unfortunate ex -soldiers. H'atdly a week passes without somee thing .of this nature being done, which all costs money. At all times the public has been most generous in its support and the officers of the local branch of the Legion are confident that this event will be just as gener ously supported as on former occa- sions. No special invitations will -be issued to residents of Seaforth and immed- iate vicinity, all are 'invited to attend. A special nine -piece orchestra will supply the music led by Mr. Olin Brown, while beautiful prizes will be awarded the masqueraders in the var- ious classes already enumerated. Hon- orary patrons and patronesses for this gala occasion will be the officers and wives of ' the Huron Regiment ,these together with the officers and wives of the executive of the local legion will look after the comfort' and en- joyment of the guests of the evening. The grand. march and ,judging will take place at 10.30 p.in., followed by lunc'heon in, tine dining room. The public is assured of a most enjoyable evening's , entertainment well worthy of its support. a SILVER WEDDING. Mr, and Mrs. E, Mole celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on 'Feb. 20th 'when about fifty friends and neighbors .gathered and spent the evening very happily in cards and dancing,followed by a dainty lunch: ST. COLUMBAN WINS • THE Mc'MILLAN TROPHY.. 'Before the largest crowd that have seen a hockeygame in years, St.. Columbait took the Mill Road's one goal lead in the anal game and beat them' 4-1, winning the round by 6 to 3 in 10 minutes overtime. Playing fast, clean hockey the first. period was scoreless McCartney played wonderfully in in the Mill Road net. In the second period Morris scored five mimes after the face-off on a nice pass from Daly. With 6 min., utes yet, to, go, Daly evened the score on a shot outside the blue line. In the third period S't. Colum'ba-n, played hard ' and McCartney was called upon to make many sensation- al stops, Finally Joe Malone tied the round on a back -hand shot close in. Mill' Road then put everything they had into the fray but could not pierce thedefence strong e e of Lane and Hig' nell making it: necessary to'.play over time to decide the winner: Daly- put his' team ahead when he. slammed in a red hot one from Mor- ris' shot. The teams changed ends. Mill Road scored but was called back off side. Morris relieved the pressure for the fan's when he beat the de- fence and sen•f a wicked waist -high shot front close in that McCartney had no chance to save. Line up: St. Columban— Goal, Matthews; defence, Lane and Hignell; centre, Daly; wings, Joe Malone and J. Morris; subs.;: G. Ma- lone, E. Malone, J. Moylan. Mill Road—. 'Goal, McCartney; defence, M. Mc- Cartney, W. Wright; centre, Dale; wings, Nicholson and; Co Leman; subs„ Elliott, Zaphe arid.MeIntosh. Referee—Muir. , BACON LITTER' COM- PETITION FOR 1931. Huron County had six contestants in the 1930 Bacon :7,,ntter Competition and results recently published' show that Russell Bolton, of McKillop Township was first prize winner in the district, comprising Fluron, Perth, Grey and Bruce. Mr. Bolton also stood second in the :competition in the whole Province. The competition. will he conducted again this year, and has as. its ob- ject the estab'l:ishmenit of a standard of excellence for grade brood sows kept by farmers, It is recognized that sows, which are prolific and rear. large litters of select hogs, are valu- able and are improvers of the stand- ard of our commercial hogs. Any bona fide' fanner may make entry in this competition. Thedate of farrowing must . be between Febru- ary 14th and April 30th and entry must be made within seven days after the date of farrowing. In' order to qualify there must be nine pigs in the litter raised to marketing age, and at least 30% of the latter must grade as select bacon. The awards will bebased' on .the weight, size, quality and' uniformity of the .litter, The Federal Live Stock Branch and the Provincial Live Stock Branch of- !fer .$275.00 in prize money which is divided as follows: 1st,—$29; 2nd -$24; 3ed-426; 4th=$22;1 5th $2J1; 6th -$20; 7th' -,$20; and, eight moreprizes of $15 each. In view of the substantial prizes offered and the fact that there is no expense in connection with entering the competition, there should be a good entry from Huron County this year. For further` information and appli- cation forum apply s pp y to the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, Clinton. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The Scott Memorial Hospital board. gratefully appreciates the donation of the following articles since last ack- nowledged in this paper: fruit, vege- tables, magazines, bag of sugar, pre- served fruit and jelly, flowers for per- ennial bed, V'ictrola, pillows, bedding, blankets, towels, sealers, bed jacket, fowl, furniture, comforter 'fox baby crib and cash. Those donating include Miss Grace Stephens Mr. Oolclough, Mrs. Scott, Misses Brine, Mr. Jas. Cleary, Mr, Smillie, Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan, Eg- mondvili'e, Mrs. R. S. Hays, Mrs. Jos. Grummett, Misses "Forrest, Mrs. W. J. Duncan, Mrs, A. D, Sutherland, Mrs. Rand, Mr, Rol t. McMi4lan, Mrs. Chas. Cooper, Hensel!, Mrs. Habkirk, Mr. Little,' Mrs. Margaret Hay, 'Kip - pen: Mrs, Wn1. Mc1{enzie, Kippen; Mrs. J. W, McLean, Kippen; Miss L. Carnpbell, Misses Cresswell, Miss French, , Kippen; 'Miss' .M. Jackson, Mrs. J F. Daly, Miss D. Anderson and McTavish & Co., Toronto. The following societies also donat- ed: Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge, sew- ing machine,' W. Aux. Soc„ money for flower vases; WM.S. North Side United .Oh lrch, quilt and Junior Women's' Institute, teapot and show- er of fruit, pickles and jellies. EAST HURON INSPECTORATE Goderich, Oat, Feb, 16, 1031 To the Warden and Members ;of The Huron County Council, Gentlemen,—On July 1st, 1930, by Act of the'Legislature, the Inspect3rs of Public Schools came under t'he full and direct control of the Department of Education. Previous to that con- trol had been divided between the County Council and the Department of Education. It is, therefore, by'spe- cial request of the Council that .,the following report has been prepared, since they, considered that the public interest in education would, warrant its publication. There are 119 teachers in East Hu- ron, of whom 35 . hold First Class ertificate's, 82 Second Olass and one a Kindergarten Director's Certificate. Seventeen are men and 102 are -wo- men. They average high in ability while few if any proved 'incompetent; their interest and devotion to their work cannot be questioned. The 'total number of pupils on the roll was 3,235, an increase of 104 over the attendance of last year; • the av- erage attendance for the present year was 2,464, an increase of 105 over last year, showing us change in regu- larity. One of the chief .drawbacks to the advancement of pupils is due t irregular attendance. I•t'is a detri- ment to the absentees and is also harmful to the rest of the pupils and the lessons lost mush be repeated. The chief cause of absence is due to sickness,.' especially in the • rural schools, , Pupils lost 22,400. days in .930 from this cause, which if it could he verified, would indicate an alarming ;health condition. - It is, however, given as a ready excuse for absence, when the cause is otherwise. Other main causes are home help and, parent neglect; there were.only 19 cases of.truancy, 15 of which were in the.towns. There were 336 candidates at the Entrance Examination; or whom 262 succeeded in passing; this gives a per- centage o'f successful' candidates of 84, uliich is higher that] in ordinary years and considerably higher than the average over the province. The average of all successful candidates was 13 years .and 5 months. There are only a few schools pay- ing saiaries less than $1,000; what may be done in a year of depression and under reduced grants can only be guessed, at.. A reduction: to compet- ent teachers of experience would be discouraging and disappointing. To- tal salaries in the Inspectorate amounted to $115,355. The total grants paid r'eac'hed the sum of $33,- 462. The rural schools carry a bal- ance of '$86,3'56 over to the present year. The urban schools carry a neg- ligible sum. The total local assess- ment for the Inspectorate is $18,637,- 124. No 'new schools were built this year; improvements were ina'de and the prolperties are as a rule well car- ed for, 'Albout six new schools are badily needed; these are unfit for chil- dren in such a county as this, 'Other- wise the Inspectorate has reason to be 'proud of its school buildings and the equip'm'ent furnished them. The grants payable this year will be based on the statistics of 1930. The amount of the 'salary grants is deter- mined by the percentage that the salary bears to the equalized' assess- ment; if less than three mills the grant is 4% of t'he salary, between 3 and 5 mills 8%; between '5 and =7 mills 12%; between 7 and 9 mills 16%, between 9 and 12 mills 20% and bet- ween 12 and '15 mills 26%. There are higher percentages but they do not apply to schools in Huron County There is a grant of $7S on a Perman- ent First Class 'Certificate and $60 on an Interim First; $60 for a Permanent' Second but none for an. Interim Sec- ond„ ''There is a grant of $1.00 for each pupil in average attendance. There is also a grant of 50% on equipment, which includes water closets, wells and blackboards. There is no change in the grants on. Agri- culture, Music, Kindergartens, H'ottse- 11111111111111119,11 Canadian Legion SECOND ANNUAL MASQUERADE QUE R AD Tuesda . y, March 17th CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Olin Brown's Winterr Gaein Orchestra Dancing Refreshments Prizes Ladies' Character; Ladies' Comic Ladies' National Gents' Character; Gents' Comic Gents' National. Lucky Ticket Prize 'Further Details Announced Next Week INEMINSINSIMMINES hold Science and Manual Training. 'School Fairs were held in the usual centres; the attendance is sufficient to show that the interest has keptup and there appears to nie to be a' steady advance in ' the attainment sought by the Department. Public Speaking has become :a prominent. feature; very considerable talent 'is exhibited. Qualified teaching of Music is ex- tending to the rural schools; Howick and Tuckersniith seem most interest-' ed. 'I expect that instruction will be given this year in all theurban centres; there is no reason why the child's education should not be ex- tended to one of life's greatest' enjoy- ments. There was added $1000 worth of books to the rural school -libraries; their growth has been ' consistent for several years 'past. • The Penny Banks in Clinton, Sea - forth and Wingliam are in a prosper- ous condition; in spite of the trade depression the balances are substan- tially higher than they were last year. A successftsl meeting.of the Teach- er's Institute was held in Wingham; Dr. Amoss, Inspector of Auxiliary Classes, added much to the success of the meetings. In conclusion I wish to thank the Secretaries of the schools for the promptness with which they sent in their report's and' their general ac- curacy. Yours respectfully, JOHN M. FIELD, I. P. S. East Huron. Y. P. LEAGUE. A splendid meeting was held an Tuesday evening, March 3rd under the leadership of Mr. K. Webster. After hymn .52 was sung, Mr. A. L. Porteous led in prayer. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved, followed by a hymn. The Scripture lesson, Luke 5;1,11, was ably taken by Miss -Carter. A vocal duet by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Mc'Gav'in was much appreciated. Miss Trout of the Scott Memorial Hospital gave a very interesting and instructive devotional topic, After -the business of the Lea- gue was dealt with the meeting cies- ed with a hymn and rGzpah benedic- tion. .Mr. Sant Scott then took charge of fifteen minutes of social entertain- ment. INAUGU'R'AL MEETING OF ST. JAMES' ARTS CLUB 'Last Thursday evening some forty members were in attendance at the first. meeting of the St. James' Arts Chub in St, James' parish hall. The meeting was opened by prayer and the singing of 0 Canada. President Cyril Reynolds occupied the chair and outlined the work to be undertaken by the Club, Miss. Mary Finkbeiner was then appointed as corresponding secretary and Louis Purcell as ser- geant -at -arms for the present year. The program which was very much enjoyed consisted of recitation by Miss Vera Nolan. Short oration on "The Heroes of New France," by An- drew OILeary, solo by 'Wm. J. Faulkner. accompanied by Miss Alice Daly, talk on India by Miss Hilda Kennedy, violin solo by Francis De- vereaux, accompanied by :bliss Alice Devereaux; dialogue by ' Edmund Daly and Gordon Reynolds. Father Blonde then gave a short ad -dress which was followed by the Treasurer's report, showing the club to he away to a fine start and from the quality of the art displayed there can be little doubt, but that the St. Janes' Arts Club will be a wonder- ful acquisition to the Parish in gen- eral. The nest meeting will be 'held on March 12th when it is expected every young person of St. James' parish will be in attendance. p e dance. DEMANDS PROBE OF STOCK SALES. Milling Company Shares Sold by • Fraud, M.P.P. Charges. [The following reference was made in the Legislature on Tuesday to a company which was understood to have negotiated for a part of a local vacant trill to be used as a distribut- ing warehouse for their products in the northern counties of Western On- tario. The company's equipment for this plant was expected to arrive 10 six weeks.] Toronto, Mar. 4.—Charging that for nearly a year fraudulent sales op- erations had been continued 111 his riding by Acme Securities - Company and Vitamin Milling ,Company, both promoted from Toronto offices, Nor- man 0, Iiipel. recently -elected Liber- al member for South 'W'aterloo, cli- maxed a :previously uneventful ses- sion of the Legislature last night by demanding action from the Attorney - General's Department and offering to procure any further information the department wanted., Colonel Price, stated after the ad- journment of the Legislature that the companies mentioned by Mr. Hipel had already been under scrutiny by. Colonel W. W. Denison, registrar un- der the Security Frauds Prevention Phone 84 $1 A YEAR ARE YOU/ EYES HOLDING YOU BACK.? SO gradual is the beginning and growth of eye trouble that you often are not conscious of it. Your friends and associates only know that sornething is wrong—sol'c ting that.is hold- ing you back and retarding yoilr accomplishments. Orthogbn Full -Vision Lenses can put you back on your stride if an eye ex- amination indicates the need of glasses. Orthogons bring you the -world just as it is -'-without blur or distortion. Fred' S. ' Savauge _ 1 Jeweller and • Optometrist M. Ross Savauge, 'MO., Eyesight Specialist Act. The matter was being ,consider- ed by the department, he stated, and Colonel Denison was investigating. Tells History of Company. Mr. Hipel stated that in the early part of 1929 a limited company •known as the Vitamin' Milling Company of Canada, Lim'ited,.. which proposed to manufacture whole' wheat flour, came to Preston and negotiated with the officials of the town for a pro'pose'd site. When this was all arranged, said the speaker, an office was opened and another company, the Acme Securi- ties, Limited, also opened an office and undertook to sell stock for the Vitamin Company. Quite a number of people purchased stock and paid for it with the understanding that the plant would be erected in Preston. After a local construction company had been engaged to prepare plans for the proposed mill, the company, for some reason or other, decided to leave Preston and move to the Vil- lage of Tavistock. which is outside the county. "When the company left Preston the people who had paid for their stock demanded their money back, but couldn't get it until a wsit, was issued against the company,'' said Mr. Hipel. "The construction com- pany that prepared the plans and sup-' plied materials for signs and paid, labor for preparing the site, have not been paid to date. "The Vitamin Milling Company and Acme Securities, Ltd., then moved up to Tavistock and opened an office," said Mr. Hipel. "I have been told by citizens and a member of the council of Tavistock that the company made an arrangement something like this: If the village supplied the site and the people subscribed a certain amount of stock, the plant -would be b'ttilt in Tavistock. Now I am inform- ed that almost the whole amount re- quested was subscribed. Certain men were prepared to subscribe even more thna the balance required but said that they would not hand over. their cash, but were prepared to de- posit the cash in the bank for the company as soon as the company had the building either partially erected or completed. "'B'ut the stock salesmen would not accept such an arrangement and this would lead one to believe that there was no intention of building the plant in Tavistock," declared the member for South 'Waterloo. "I am also told that one of -the stock saletmen of the Acme Securities Limited, stayed at one of the hotels in Tavistock under a 'false or assumed name. When his real name was established he left that section of the country," EGMONDVILLE. The Sunbeam Mission 'Band met Tuesday after four, The president, Norman MacLean read the call to warship, them, hymn 206 was discuss- ed and learned. The roll call ' and minutes were read by the secretary, John Hammond. Cleve .Combs read the Bible story which was about Jos- eph. Angus MacLean 'led in , prayer. "True Heroes" was then given by Gordie Finnigan. The story, "The. King's Heroes" was told by E. Nott. The meeting closed by singing "Mo- thers of Salem," and Mrs. Malcolm led in prayer. The Y.P.S. was well attended Tues- day night. The meeting opened by Mr. Rutledge leading -in prayer. The tuiaiutes of the last meeting were then read by the secretary, Bob Tyndall. The hymn, "0 God of Bethel," was sung after which Lillian Richardson led in prayer. The Scripture lesson, John 15, was read by Geo. Blake. E. Nott then spoke on "Friendship" and the hymn "We Will Follow Jesus," was sung. The Mission study on- Ja- pan was taken by Elizabeth Broad - foot. A piano duet by Jessie and Marg. Smith was then much enjoyed, A very lively and amusing half hour was then spent in games under the direction of Stanley Jackson. The meeting closed with the first verse of 0 Canada and the Mizpah benedic- tion. The Little Helpers' Mission Band opened their meeting on Monday -by a call to worship read by the Pres- ident, Ruth Smith. The Bible lesson which was the story of Miriam, was well read by Shirley Pretty, followed by the Lord's prayer. A new hymn was then studied and learned. Mrs. Malcolm took charge of this. The roll call was read by the secretary, Mary Pretty. A recitation, "The Chair of Hands," was well given by Ruth Shinen. The meeting closed by singing "Mothers of Salem," and Mrs. Malcolm leading in prayer. CONSTANCE. An old time Irish Concert will be held in the United Church on the 17th of March. 'From the Border Cities Star: Arn- old Colclough, !of Constance, six miles out of Sea'forth, is a real boos- ter for London Tecumsehs. 'Despite the fact that he is an uncle of Vern DeGeer, assistant sports editor of the 'Border Cities Star, Mr. 'Oolclough motored the 180 -odd miles to Wind- sor Tuesday night, and helped root the Tees to victory over the 'Bulldogs, Vern says that "Linc" is now back in Constance, and probably gathering around the old cracker barrel at Leo Stephenson's store, telling the "hot stovers" all about it. Gun Explodes.—Mrs. Robert Grim- oidby and Miss Mary Cooke were ta- ken to Clinton hospital last Friday evening when a gun accidentally ex- ploded among twenty-five of a crowd who were going to ,spend a social ev- ening. The sleigh upset and in the excitement of getting things back to their place the gun was placed on the sleigh. When being removed it hap- pened to hit pne of the stakes of the sleigh and exploded. The rack re- ceived the full force of the shot while the glancing shots caught Miss Cook'. in the knee lodging' in the bone and Mrs. Griinoldby on the hip. Miss Cooke will he confined to ,the Clinton hospital for a week and Mrs. Grim- oldby was allowed to return home and is still under the doctor's care. The whole thing was an accident and is deeply regretted. as the gun: was not known to be loaded,