HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-02-26, Page 5THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 26. 1931
Merchandise displayed in an orderly ,manner to assist you in your
selections is another example of the way in which the Superior Cluin
Store makes more easy the problems that confront the housewife. The
fresh and canned foods and other articles 1=1ring up our stock -in -
trade are carefully grouped and prominently priced for your conven-
ience, IWe know that you ,will anljoy shopping at a Superior Store, and
remember, we deliver.
Items for Week Ending March 4, 1931
•Exceptional Value
"Fresh and Crispy"
ROYAL YlORK TEA (Regular 28c) .... . ... lb. 23c
"Once tried, always used"
(special) ;4 lb.
"None better made" 2 lbs.
size, "Spreading cheese with a nip" (Special) 2 for salsa go
Corn 2's, Peas No, 4 sieve, Tomatoes 21Ns, assorted, 3 tins ..,...29c
Libby's Dill Pickles, full pack per tin 23c
Chocolate Bars,
Gold Soap "Pure Yellow Soap (Special) 6 bars 25c
Hawe's Lemon Oil, large "for spring cleaning" . 12 oz, bottle 23c
Benson's Corn Starch per pkg,12c
Carnation Milk, small, 4 tins 25c; large, 2 tint 25c
Toddy, 'The Chocolate Drink, Serve hot or cold" 5 oz. 33c; 16 oz530
McCormick's Fancy Jersey Cream Sodas (special) .. . .. ..2 pkgs25c
Lime Jello -10 "Dhe New Flavour" 3 pkgs. 25c
It is St. Patrick's Green
Egg -10 Ready Mixed Cake "Just add water" per pkg, 23c
with heavy cake tin FREE
Buckingham Tobacco "Made by Tuckett's" .... . large pkg. 20c
Fine or for IPipe.
Blue Boy Golden Wax Beans, 2's
Pumpkin, 2,/2"s, large size
Prunes, 30140's, large size
Singapore Sliced Pineapple
White Beans
Bulk Soap Chips 2 lbs. 25c
Hillcrest Extracts .......... .... ......... ........... ..3 battles 25c
Acadia Cod, 1 lb. bricks .... . ....... each 18c
Fresh Rolled Oatmeal 7 lbs. 25c
American Beauty Shrimps ....... ..... .. ..... . .. sser tin 23c
per tin 1Sc
2 tins 25c
2 lbs. 25c
2 tins 25c
3 lbs. 13c
Ross J. Snroat Phone 8
Miss N. Pryce Phone 77
Cream Cream
Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full.
Call in our cream drawer and receive our services.
We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the
most careful grading and testing.
No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial."
Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings
Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont.
W, J1 Walker & Son
—and --
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, htolder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67.
Chas. A. Howey
Phone 327-J. Centre S.
IL ,11, McInnes
' Of Wingham, will be at the
I Commercial Hotel, SeafortL
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons
1 Diseases of all kinds success-
' fully treated.
Electricity used.
W. M. S. -- The regular monthly
meeting of the Women's Missionary
Society was held at the home of Mrs.
Ross Love on Friday afternoon, Fe -
Mrs. Boyes of Egmondville, while
visiting her daugh-ter itt Arthur, re-
ceived the sad news of her youngest
sister's death, Mrs, J, Thirsk, at We-
taskiwin, Alberta. ,
Miss Jean Wright and 'Miss Sharpe,
Mr. Dunbar and Mr. lazer, of Strat-
ford, were guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. McKellar on Friday.
'Nfr, Harold Large of London spent
the week end here.
Mr. Clarence Hoggarth of Stratford
spent Sunday with his lather, Mr. Jos.
-Miss Irene Baikely, and her sister
•!Mrs. Cooper, and Mr. Cooper, visited
their cousin, Mr. Marshall Smith,
last 'week,
• Mr. Arnold Colclough and Mrs. C.
B. DelGeer of Saskatoon, Sask., !mo-
tored to Windsor on Sunday, the
22nd, and were accompanied by Mr.
James Hays.
Mr. Gordon Hays who spent Sun-
day at the home of his parents, !Col.
and Mrs. R. S. Hays, has returned to
his home in Detroit.
Mr. C. Eck -art made a business trip
to Toronto last Wednesday.
Mr.' and Mrs, 'William Klein of
Stratford spent several clays last week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Mr. Jack Hinchley of Brantford spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs,
J. D. il-Dinchley.
Mrs. Fairservice of Londesboro vis-
ited her sister, Mrs. J. D. Melville,
who has been very poorly.
Mr. Thos. Jarman Jr. of Climax,
Sask., is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Jarman.
lfrs. Storey Sr. has been very low
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Malcolm McLeod.
Mrs. Frank Coleman of Stanley was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Reid
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays of
Stratford and Mr, George Hays, Lon-
don, were week -end visitors at their
Mrs,..Jennie Patterson who has been
in London for two weeks returned
home this week.
Mrs. Harold Large is spending a
couple of months with her father, Mr.
Joseph Hoggarth.
Mr. Robert Hastings of Toronto is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Jessie Brown,
for two weeks.
lir. Fred Peattie of Toronto was a
week -end visitor with his family
Mrs. T. G. Shillinglaw who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Har-
greaves in Toronto, returned home on
Mrs. Bert Miller, of Palmerston,
spent a day 'last week at the home of
Mr. Marshall Smith,
Mr. William Francis of Croswell,
Mich., is visiting his brother, Mr.
Henry Francis, Goderich street. •
Mr. John McDowell of Brussels,
spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs, J Currie.
-Mr. Frank Smith and son Allan .of
Pont Colborne were week -end visit -
tors at his home where Mrs. Smith Sr.
is now improving after her recent
serious illness.
Mr, Scott Burchill of Brussels spent
the week -end in town at the home of
his aunts, the Misses Brine,
Mr, Elmer Fowler and Miss Flor-
ence Fowler have moved into their
iRtalheoerma,rr:7e,weeknItescrtdM atthehisBheaotmtiee. Mick.
nursing training this week. Miss
has been a nurse -in -training of Scott
Memorial hospital, completed her
-Miss Ella Roulston of Toronto, who
ue.lsiton is at present remaininghes-e. Barber of London stpent
Miss Margaret Cuclmore is. visiting
her sister, Miss Evelyn Cudmore in
Toronto this week. •
Mr. Joseph Nigh has purchased
Mr. Doyle's pool room on Main street.
TJions Keating, Barber and Duncan
attended the Lions convention at Ha-
milton on Monday,
bruary 2. The . program was in 1
connection with the World's Day of ‘i
Prayer with Mrs. (Rev.) Conner as SFY,
C. G. I. T.
The meeting of the C. G. a. T.
as held on 'Wednesday night, Feb.
5th. • The meeting opened -by =g-
ig hymn. No, 96 in the song book,
which was followed by prayer by
Irs. Lane, Then Hymn No. 1 was
ung, which was followed by the
acting of the Scripture by Muriel
innigian, and the reading of the
ear Book by ,Ethel Storey. As it was
missionary nights Helen Britton took
the chair. The sttidy book was then
read by Ruth Thompson. Hymn 91
was then sung and the meeting closed
by singing the C. G. I. T. bene-
The weekly meeting of the Marion
Keith C. G. II. T. held on Wednes-
day night, Feb, Igth, was opened by
singing the C.,G.I.T. hymn which was
followed by prayer. Mrs, Crich then
taught us how to make button -holes,
The meeting then closed by singing
.the C.,G, I. T. benediction.
leader. The meeting opened with a
silent meditation; call to worship by
the leader; hymn 165; .the consecra-
tion of the witness and the witness-
ing church was then given and silent
prayer, Hymn .270 was sung. Pray-
er of Thanksgiving was given by Mrs,
J. •Cochrane. Prayer for a •witness-
ing church by Mrs. W. Turner. Hymn
295. Witnessing through the Age was
then given. Prayer for a crusader of
Righteousness WaS given by Miss
Annie jarrott, Prayer for our King,
our Empire, • and our Country, for
Peace by Mrs, Robt. Stephenson.
Hymn 714, responsive reading. Hymn
390, witnessing in a new age. Prayer
for our• church faithfulness, mission-
aries. for India and China, by Mrs.
ORev.) Conner, prayer for youth, Mrs.
J. Cochrane. The business and of-
fering was then taken, The March
meeting will be at the home of Mrs..
Chas. Stephenson. Hymn 540 was
sung. The meeting closed with pray-
Mr. Geo. Stephenson of Walkerton
spent a few cliays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson.
Miss Grace Robinson of the Gosh-
en Line spent the week -end with her
friend, Miss Helen Anderson,
Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane
of Clinton are spending a few days
with their sisters on the Parr line.
Mr. Wm. jarrott is attending the
Good Road Convention in Toronto
this week.
Send us the names of your visitors.
,•' , • ' • •
The farmers who still hhve timber
are busy taking advantage of the
good sleighing by hauling their saw
logs to Mitchell's slaw mill for their
custom sawing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Manley spent the
week end with their parents, Mr.
and M'rs. Con .Eckart,
Mr. Prank Dempsey has returned
home from Kinkora where he has
been visiting friends.
Mrs. Perdue of Walton and Mr.
Wilson. Dennis of Oreagon, Sask,
spent Tuesday evening at the horne of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson,
Mr. William Murphy and Miss Es-
tella; and Mr. James Ruddell spent
custom Tailoring
Rcioms over Dominion Bank, Seaforth
Miss Mary ?apple left on Saturday
to take a position at Brantiord.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Laidlaw are vis-
iting his sister. Mrs. Smith of Mc-
Killop, at present.
Mrs. 'Robert Charters is again able
to be up after a short confinement to
her room.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron Jr,
are visiting at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Talbot of Bay-
field, since Saturday last.
The last of the finals of the Junior
Farmers Hockey League will be play-
ed Saturday evening, providing there
is ice.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe McLellan have
rented the farm owned by Mr. Wm.
McGregor of the' 2nd concession of
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Powell and
Tamily spent Sunday with friends in
Mr. Duncan McCallum of Blyth
spent a few days visiting Mr. James
Mr. Joseph McLellan has rented
Mr, Will McGregor's Darns near Kip-
Mr. John Elgie spent a few days in
Windsor this week.
Miss Marjorie Hay is visiting with
friends near Blyth.
Miss Oral Finnigan spent the week
end with her cousin, Mrs. Robert El-
Mrs. John Sinclair is very poorly at
time of writing. ,
We are pleased to learn that Mrs.
Melvin Crich, who has been seriously
ill, is now recovering.
Mrs. W. Crich is visiting relatives
in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crich visited
relatives in Goderich township last
Mr. Roy Pepper was called to Go-
derich last week as a juryman.
Mrs. Roy Pepper, Miss Gladys
Crich, Mrs. Douglass and Mr. H.
Crich. Of 'Clinton visited relatives in
Pontiac, Mich., lest week.
Miss Bessie Watson of Bayfield is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mossop.
Mr.' and Mrs, 'George Foster of
Windsor ,miotored up to spend the
week end with 'the former's mother,
Mrs. A. Foster, who has not been
very well for some'time but at the
time of writing is somewhat improv-
!Caving io illness Rev. Mr. Poulter
was unable to take the service Sun-
day evening in- the United Church
A number in the village and vicin-
ity are suffering from a form of cold.
Consequently the Woman's Day of
Prayer which was held in St. JOhn^s
Church, was not so well attended as
would have been, although Middleton,
Bayfield. and Varna United Churches
were very well represented. Mrs.
Paull of Baylfield was in charge of
the meeting.
'Mr. Ralph Stephenson of the 'Pair
line has disposed of his fine team of
mares to Mr. Gib Dow of Exeter, for
which he received a most outstanding
figure, especially !in these days of de-
pression. "Ralph". although on the
verge of the three score years and ten
has yet a keen eye far a good horse.
At time of writing Mr. Stephenson
has purchased another steam from Mr.
Andrew Kirk of Tuckersmith. His
many friends wish him success with
his purchase.
The W. M. S. 'held their regular
monthly meeting in the school room
of the church Friady afternoon with
the president, Mrs. Bremner, in the
chair, 'The meeting was opened by
singing hymn 495, "From every
stormy wind that blows." The Scrip-
Potato Notice
As potato prices have dropped a
little, we will offer for quick delivery
the balance of our stook at:
Large sized grade $125 a bag
Smaller, about hen -egg size, nice
for cutting into 2, or $3soetsa, bag
same quality, at 1.0
Potatoes are worth 90c per bag for
feeding to bogs and hens.
Why sow that old run -out seed
when you can get in on the ground
floor !of a real quality article.
These potatoes are also better
cookers than mixed varieties and
worth 25c per bag more for eating
purposes alone.
Huron County's Largest Potato
. n et
Tuesday evening' at the home of Mr.i
• E. 11 ugifiat Sons
and Mrs. Robert Watson. SEAPORIIH : : : R. R. 2
ture reading, Matt, 18:19720, 1 John
1;3-7 was read responsively and the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison. A
letter was read from Miss Flora
Souter thanking the Society- for their
kind inessrtgi of sympathy sent them
in their sad bereavement, Mrs. Brem-
ner kindly invited the Society to hold
their March meeting at the Manse. , A
social half hour will be spent at the
close and is to take the form . of a
birthday panty. All having birthdays
in the first 3 months of. the year are
asked to bring their birthday money.
All the ladies of the congregation are
invited to be present, Mrs. Hugh
Aikenhead, herald for February,
brought tidings of the new Hospital
which has just been opened in Haz-
elton, B.C. Ft began as a tiny mission
for north coast Indians 30 years ago
and tb-day the Department of Indian
affairs and the United Church share
the cost. Our Society gives a gram
to this Hospital and so is linked up
with its fine work, Mrs. Chaprnan,
leader uf group 2, then took the chair
and we sang 2 verses at hymn. ;371,
"0. Spirit of the living God," The
January and February devotienlal
leaflets dealing on the Lord's prayer
were read by Mrs. R. Scott and Mrs.
J. Addison. Mrs, Chapman read. the
introduction to the study leaflets,
Chapter 5, Fruits of Christian Mis-
sloes itt Japan, and was assisted by
Miss Murdoch, Mrs. Tough and Mrs,
James McQueen, Two verses of
hymn 498 "We have heard the joyful
sound" were sung. We afterwards ob-
served the World's Day of Prayer.
1Ve were glad to see so many of our
ladies present and we hope far just
as large an attendance at our March
meeting. We would like to have
every lady of the congregation a
member of the, W. M. S.
Mrs, Hugh Berry spent a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Smith of Blue -
vale, last week.
Miss Helen Tough is visiting at
the house of Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison
at Roxboro this week.
!Nurse Hohner returned to her
home in the village last week. She
has beeii waiting on Mrs. Melvin
Crich of Tuckersmith who has been
seriously ill for the past few weeks.
lNr,,eerairaeg.glad to hear that she is re-
eaMr. and Mrs. West of St. Thomas
spent the week -end at the Manse.
The evening service in the United
Church was conducted by the mem-
bers of the Young People's Society
last Sunday night. The devotional
exercises were conducted! 'by the
President, Mr. W. D. Landshorough
and the topic by Miss M. NIONtaugh-
ton, teacher of school- section No. 3,
Tuckersmith, and Mr. McLeod, tea-
cher itt Nlo. 10, Stanley, and were both
interesting- and profitable. Miss Mur-
doch sang a solo which was much ap-
preciated. entitled. "What Will You
do with Jesus."
Mr.. and Mrs. Elmer Hackwell and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Port Dennis.
Mr. Wilson and Emerson Dennis and
Mr. and Mrs. Edw, C. Regele and
daughter Shirley were visiting Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph Thornton on Wed-
nesday evening.
Mr. Leonard Leeming is laid up
With the 'flu.' IWe hope for a speedy
'Miss Edna Crozier was visiting
Mrs. Edward Regele one afternoon
Mr. Ed, and Miss IBessie Davidson
were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hackwell lately.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hulley visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Port Dennis
last Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Port Dennis were vis-
iting with Ed. and Bessie Davidson
one evening of last week.
Mr. John Munn was visiting with
his friend, Mr. Earl Bolton on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton
were visiting the latter's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. George Kistner on Wednes-
day of last week.
Mrs. Joseph 'Thornton has return-
ed home after nursing Mrs. Noble
McCallum who presented her hus-
band With a baby boy. Miss A. Car-
ter of Walton is taking care of the
othef work for a few weeks,
Mr. Ed. Davirisron was visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Thorntot Sunday
A progressive euchre and dance
will be held 'in the hall this Friday
nighytt. Feb. 27th. Come with the
Nfr, Joseph Dolmage got a setting
of eggs (13) from Mrs, S. Shannon
on the 2nd of February- and set them
under a hen and on the 23rd had 13
strong lively birds. Who can beat it?
We are glad to see our mail man,
Mr. Geo. Stewart, back on the job,
after being confined to his home for
a Sew weeks nursing, several fractured
ribs caused by the horse upsetting
the cetter,
-Mr. Archie Campbell of Toronto
Police Force spent the week -end at
his home here.
The W. !M. IS. and Ladies' Aid will
hold their regular monthly meeting
and Woman's Day at Prayer in the
chtinch an We cln e stie y afternoon,
March ‚4th. Everybody turn out.
Patrick Stapleton, one of the most
highly respected residents of this dis-
trict passed peacefully away at his
residence here Thursday night despite
the fait that he had not been in the
best of health for a year. death com-
ing very unexpectedly. The late Me.
Stapleton was born in Perth •Couitty
and for a great part of his fife farmed
in Hibbert Township just west or the
village. He removed to Dublin about
QUALITY a by Chicks
This year we are in e better position to oiler ri.ign Quality
Chicks at reduced prices. Trapnesting under Canadian Government
Record of Performance, these pens are inspected each nsonth by a
qualified R. 0. P. inspector and birds are making an excellent
We can spare a few trays each week for Custom Hatching at 4c
per egg, trays holding 120 eggs. Ask for 'Pamphlet and price list.
A 10% discount is allowed on all orders received before March 15
for delivery any time during season.
Sunnyvale Poultry 'Farm "d
ANDREW A. M.00RE, Prop., Seaforth, kiatcLery
Phone 3 on 137.
two years ago. The deceased man
in his 7-1-st year, conscientious, pains-
taking and honest in all his dealings.
The late Mr, Stapleton during his life-
time won a host of friends who will
learn with deep regret of his passing.
He leaves to mourn his loss his
widow, three daughters, Mrs, John
Burne of McKillop; Mrs. ,Michael
Nagle of Dublin and Gentrude of To-
ronto and one son Joe on the home-
stead in Hibbert, The funeral was
largely attended on Monday morning
at 9 o'clock to St, Patrick's Church,
Rev. Father 0!Drowski sang requiem
Mass and interment was in St. Pat-
rick's Cemetery, Dublin. Those from
a distance attending the funeral .in -
eluded Mr. and Mrs. Michael Staple-
ton. Mr and Mrs. Tom. Stapleton and
Mrs. John Stapleton of Toledo,
Ohio; Mr. Jim Stapleton of Buffalo,
and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Matthews,
Mr. Louis Matthews and Miss Annie
Matthews and Mr. Basil Byrne and
Mrs. James Ryan of Detroit and Mr.
and Mrs. James Shea of Windsor and
Mr. Carol Stapleton of Guelph.
The pallbearers were Messrs. Jame
Redmond, Jahn Redmond, Leo Mur
ray, 1Vm. Curtin, Dan. O'Connor
John Brennan,
Peaceful be thy rest, dear father.
It is sweet to breathe thy name.
In life we loved you dearly:
In death we do the same.
You are gone but not forgotten,
Never shall your memory fade.
Sweetest thought will ever linger
Around the grave where you ere laid.
Miss Marie !Bellinger of Hamilto
spent the week -end with her parents
Mr, and Mrs. M. ,Beninger.
The dance and card party held 1
the Dublin Parish Hall, Monday, Feb
16th, was very largely attended,
Miss R. O'Connor left for 'Detroi
this Week after visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the concert held in Mitchell oy
the Logan crowd oil "Monday night,
Feb. 23rd,
Mr. Tons. Gormley who has spen
the past year out West. returned
honse on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs, John Malloy of Strat-
ford visited friends in 'Dublin on Sun-
The community was shocked to
hear of the very sudden death of the
late !Robert Norris of Staffa whose
death took place early Tuesday morn-
ing. He had been around as usual,
and had been -pall bearer for his near n
lteighbor, Mr, James Miller, last Sat -
udas!. He leaves a wife and one son.
Miss Veronica 'McConnell of Mt.
Clemens spent the week end with her
father, Mr. 'Frank McConnell.
Mr, Basil Byrne and Mr. Jos. Shea
of Detroit motored over on Sunday to
attend the funeral of Mr, Patrick
Mr. Jerry Ryan of Stratford visited
his mother, Mrs. Pat. Ryan on Tues-
day last,
Mr. Con. Eckert and son John visit-
edsai the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Flynn on Sunday last.
Mrs. Ed. Gormley returned on Sat-
urday from Buffalo where she spent
the past two weak a with her sister
and daughter Catherine, of that city.
Quite a number from around Dub-
lin took in the jack rabbit hunt on
Tuesday last.
The many friends of Mr. William
Cairns who has been in a" Torooto
floapital for the past several months,
will be glad to know he was able to
return to his home in Mitchell on
Monday last.
.Mrs, A. W. McEwing returned
home last week from a visit with her
aunt. and uncle, Miss and Mr, Wilson
of Seafarth. also visiting; her daughter.
Mia Marjorie htcEwing.
Miss .Edythe Beacons who is attend-
ing the Collegiate itt Blyth attended
the "At Home Party" which Mr, and
Mrs, Norman Sanderson treated the
Collegiate teachers and pupils to on
Thursday evening. The evening's
programme NOR S all arranged by the
host and hostess and a dainty lunch
was served anti all felt they had been
treated to a very oleasant evening:
Nfois,svaSttaisrashIt-Tetor walata b
ttaildroNtillaesrte or fElfgarsr
u .
Sanderson, also attended.
Mrs. A, W. Beacom visited on Sun-
day afternoon at the home of' Mr, and
Mrs. Thos. Knox.
We are plea.sect to know that Mr.
Dinscan McVittie who has beets suf-
fering with, blood poisoning in his
face, caused by a nails is somewhat
recovered aod we hope he will soon
be perfectly, well again,
Mr, and Mrs, Frank McGregor 'en-
tentained friends on Monday evening,.
'We very much regret to hear of
Mrs. Joseph Toiler being very poorly
a Ild we ho -pe she will speedily recover,
Misses F.,arhieen and Edythe Bea-
cons visited their friend, IVIiss Marie
Raps& Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Audrey Knox and
Reid spent Sunday afternoon with
their friends. the Messrs. Harold and
Bert Beacom. •
Miss Wilma Shepherd spent Mon-
day evening with her teacher, Mis's
Lydia Reid. •
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson spent
Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Shepherd.
Little Mir, Phyllis Shepherd is at
present laid up with'a bad cold, We
hope she will soon be better.
About a year ago the trustees of ihe----
Londeshoro Cemetery decided to
raise a sinking -fund af $1,000, the in-
terest ef the same to be used for the
proper ,maintaining of the Cemetery.
The trustee& decided to ask for a don-
ation for the fund.
The Women's Institute of
Londesboro donated $ 200.00
s Interested persons 640.00
_ Paid out during the summer
,, and fall for work done in the
Cemetery and repairing fence 2780
Leaving a balance 812.20
!Which is deposited in the Bank of
Ifontreal.). Any further donations
will be thankfully reecived 'by the
trustees, viz.,
Reta.J.'W.jahnston.J. C. Adams
Charles 'Watson Edmund Crawford
William Lyon James Elsley
a List of persons who have donated
,to the Londesboro Cemetery fund
are the following:
it Mrs. Chas. Harvey $20; Mrs. iGeo.
, Lyon $1.00, Mrs. Jas. Langley $10;
'Mr. and Mrs, ;Stanley Carter $10;
t Miss Rosella Crawford $10; Mrs.
Ainsley and Mrs. Dr, Medd $5; Mrs.
Murdock ,Ross $3; ,Snell $1;
Edmund Crawford $10; Mrs. John
Stephenson $1; J. C. Adams $15; Miss
Esther Lyon .$4Qa.James Roalcleil $15,
William Brigham $40; Mrs. Joe
t on $5; Charles Ruddell $15. Ther --- ---
men's Institute $200; Sam Woodi1
$15, Jas. McGool $5; Fred Shahs'''. s
brook $10; Harry Moon $20; Chas..
Watson $10; Mrs. Simon McVittie
$5, Mrs. 'Thos. W. Cole $2; Mr. and
Mrs, Robert Caldwell $30; Clarence
Crawford $10; -Fred Johnston $5;
John P. Vodden $5; Geo. Moon $35;
Geo. McVittie $5; Mrs. James Snell
$5; Ernest Adams $10; A. B. McVit-
tie $5; R. J. Lenox $5; Lillian Carta
wright $5, William Moon $40. Thos.
Moon $10, Henry Lear $15,Mrs T
Nott $5, Wm. illiaHiles $20, Herbert
Mogridge $20, W. T. Brunsdon $35,
Frank Longman V, Mrs. Harry Lyon
$5, 'Mrs. Jas, Campbell $25. William
Campbell $5, Mrs. T. W. Dickson $5
Mrs. Wm. Way mou th $10. Edwin
Adams $5: Wm, Vodden $15, Albert
Vodden $5, Mrs. Hugh Radford $5,
Geo, Brunsdon $5, !Benjamin Spind-
ler $5, Ge,. Brogden $10.
Miss :Moon of Forest is a guest at
J. W. Armstrong's.
Mrs. John Nott spent e few days
with her daughter, Mrs. Stevens of
Seaforth this week.
Mr. Wen. Wells is in Torotiio thir
Miss Ida Lyon is visiting this week
with her sister, Mrs. Hesk.
•11iss Gladys Mountain returned to
her home on Monday after a pleasant
visit with Goderich friends.
Misses Helen Johnston and Elda
1Vatson spent Saturday in Blyth.
Mrs, Herman Sundercock and Miss
\'erda 'Watson svere in Blyth Satur-
lir, Bert Brunsdon of London is
honse. We hope Bert still keeps im-
proving itt health.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Ruddell spent
Sunday with bin and "Mrs. Mac Mc-
Quilting and matting is the orde',
of the day in our burg.
Mrs. Robert 'McCrea apens
in London.
Mrs. D. D. Robert ts r
her home on Wedn sday a
mg ten days y"ith,..h4j paren
ley, who have both been ver -e,-'"...
Miss Mamie Ross spent
end with her friend, Miss •Artustrong
of Belgrave.
The Misses Sheddick entertained a
nutnber of their friends to a progres-
sive euchre party Friday night. •
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ball returned
to their home on Friday list after
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas, Josling, •
Rev, 'Mr. Johnston and Rev. Mr,
Forster attended the funeral • service
at Blyth last Friday .of the Rev. Mrs.
!Barber's Itch 'and Ringworm are .
reliewed by the use of Douglas' Egyp.
tian Liniment; 'quick, certain results.,
Relieves the most obstinate cases..