HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-02-19, Page 8:PAG EICII T THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931, HENSALL. • Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr, McElroy the pulpit of the Carmel Presbyterian Church was occupied by Mr, Henry Strang, clerk of Us- borne township Sunday morning. No service was held in the•`evening. At the 'United Church on Sunday the Rev.A. Sinclair occupied his own pulpit' at both services. A. ^feature of the day was.a women's choir; who led the singing. Mas: (Dr.) Reid of Port Rowan. gave a solo at both services. Dr. Moir attended the funeral of the late Robert McKay, in Goderich on Thursday afternoon, The Welfare Youth Club of the Germel Presbyterian Church held their meeting on Monday evening. An English program was given, consist- ing of duets by Mr, Jim Mustard arid. Miss 'Blanche Mustard and readings by Miss Jean McQueen, after which a social hour was spent. Mrs, (IDr.) Reid of Port Rowan is visiting for a few days at the home or Mr. and Mrs. E. Sheffer. Mr, J. W. White is able to be out again after his recent illness. Mrs. Sadie Robinson of Toronto, who 'spent the past two weeks visit- ing friends here left Tuesday for Sea - forth where she will . visit for a few days. Mrs. Bella Gordon has been confin- ed to her home owing to a sprained ankle, but is getting along nicely. Death of Mrs. John Sheppard.— There passed away at her home in Tuckerstnith, east of Hensall on Thursday morning last. Eliza Jane Taylor, wife of Mr. JohnS'heppard, in her 57th year. Mrs. Shepperd was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J, Taylor and was born in Hibbert township. Alter her marriage to Mr. . Shepperd she came to Tuckersmith and has been a resident there ever since. About a year ago she was stricken with cancer and despite the best medical care and nursing passed away on Thursday. She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her bereaved husband. two sons, Clarence. in the Bank of Montreal, Paisley and Har- old at home, and one sister, Mrs. 3. D. iW'ren, of Toronto, and one bro- ther, Jos Taylor of Toronto. The fu- neral took place on Saturday after- noon. interment in the McTaggart cemetery. Her pastor, the Rev. A. Sinclair, officiated. The next meeting of the Huron Presbyterial will be held in Hensall on Feb. 28. A large crowd attended the play given by the Dramatic Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church, entitled, "Step on it, Stan," in the town hall. Every member of the caste took their part splendidly and the play was greatly enjoyed by all present. The young people put on the play in Staf- fa on Tuesday evening. Miss Alma Scruton, R.N., of Lon- don spent the week end at her home, Mr, Richard Welsh is lying serious- ly ill at his home on King street. Mr. Welsh is one of the oldest residents of Hensall and up till lately has been very active for his years. His grand- daughter, Miss Nellie Boyle, R.N., is nursing him, ' Mrs. Talbot of London spent the week end visiting at the home of her daughter, firs. (Dr.) Collyer, Mrs. Jas. W. Bonthron is able to be cut again after her recent illness. Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit spent the week end visiting friends here. Miss Florence WeIs'h spent Wed- nesday in London. Miss Eleanor Fisher is visiting for a few days with friends in Stratford. The many friends of Rev. Mr. Mc- Ilroy are sorry to hear he is confined to his home through illness. Mr. Donald McKinnon spent Wed.- nesday in London, Mr. Charles Jinks is able to be out again after his recent severe illness. Miss Blanche Mustard spent a few days in London visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson and Mrs, Mark Drysdale spent Saturday in Exeter. Master Harry Armstrong spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Armstrong of Hay. Quite a number from here attend- ed the dance et Kippen on Friday evening. Miss Mildred Follick entertained a number of her friends on Thursday last. The occasion was her birthday. Mr. John Wilson is nursing a very sore hand caused by blood poisoning. Mr. Johnny Farquhar is able to be out again after being confined to his home for several weeks suffering from. nervous prostration. Miss Nora Petty, .R.N.. spent Mon- day visiting at the home of Mrs. Jno. Murdock, The W.M.S. of the Carmel Presby- terian Church held their meeting on Thursday afternoon last. A large crowd was present and the meeting was addressed byMiss MeEwa n. Miss Margaret Slavin is visiting for a few days with friends in London. The Young People of the United Church held their meeting on Mon- day evening in the form of a Valen- tine social. The church was beauti fully decorated by Miss Margaret Johnston and the program was in WIFE, GAS, SCARE MAN IN DEAD OF NIGHT "Overcome by stomach gas in the dead of night, I scared my husband badly. He got Adlerika and it ended the gas." -'Mrs. M. Owen. Adlerika relieves stomach gas in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing old poi- sonous waste you never knew was there. Don't fool with medicine which cleans only. PART of bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a RIEAL cleaning end get rid of all gasl Keating's Pharmacy. BARRED RLK CHICKS Remember, all chicks look alike. But, the part you really went is the Breeding—the part you cannot see. The future egg production of your chicks mast be inherited. Three . Yeats of trapnesting and pedigre'eing under 'Record of Performance, three years selection and blood testing under ,Ontario Breeding Station supervision, and four years in the egg -laying contests, puts us in e position to produce chicks that possess an inborn ability to reach a' high pinnacle in production, under the proper care and management. Poultrymen are Becoming more educated to the underlying principles of breeding, and are quick to recognize the inherent value of tests of performance and uniform results of stock. Sufficient proof of this can be had by referring to our long list of satisfied •customers, who place repeat orders with tis each year. 1\'e will gladly send you a copy of our 183.1 catalogue. JAS. M. SCOTT • Phone 32-251. SUNNY CREST FARM, SEAFORTH TheNew aflpapers For 1931 Are Here NEW COLORS AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS PN PLAIN, SEMI -PLAIN AND FIGURED PATTERNS. SUN WORTHY Papers in 22 and 30 inch widths. Papers suitable i,n• any Room in the 'home, You are cordially' invited to silt our Store and view these beautiful papers, • Graves'Wallpaper Store, Seaforth 1 charge of Mrs. M. Hedden. After the devotional exercises a musical selec- tion was given by Messrs. Hess and Passmore, followed by a reading by Bobby Hess. An instrumental was given by Miss Mildred Smillie and .a reading by Miss M. Ellis. This was followed by a violin selection by Mr. Scott Welsh and solo by Mr. T. Sher- ritt, Mrs. Verne Hedden gave a r,.ading which was one of her own composition after which a quartette was given by Messrs. Sherritt, Good- win, Follick and Passmore. The topic was given by Mr. Murray Campbell followed by a reading by Mrs. A. Mc- Donald and a selection by Messrs. Passmore end Hess. At the close of the program a dainty lunch was serv- ed and games and contests were in- dulged in. CONSTANCE. Mrs. Pockets returned last week to her home in Saskatoon, also Mrs. Thomson to Kitchener after spending a couple of weeks with their father, Mr. Thns. Livingston, and helping him to get settled in his new home at Clinton. The Ladies' Aid of Constance United Church will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Pollard on Feb. 26th. There being two quilts to be quilted, the Indies would like to see as many come as possible. The meeting will open at one o'clock. Miss Phoebe Wakefield is visiting friends in Stratford. The ladies were well pleased with the Valentine Social held in to Church Feb, 13th. " The W. 'M. 5, met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lawson on Thurs- day of last week. The meeting was in charge of the president, Mrs. Peter Lindsay. Sang hymn 91, after which prayer was offered by Mrs. Robert Lawson, Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Business was then discussed. It was decided to hold the Day of Prayer in the base- ment of the church on Friday, Feb. 20th. Mrs. William Britton read the devotional leaflet, "Lead us not into temptation." Mrs, J. Riley gave the Scripture lesson taken from John 141h chapter. The theme was "Christ's Promise of the Presence of the Holy Spirit after His Departure." The Tem- perance secretary, Mrs. A. Adams, gave a reading on "Temperance." The story book on Japan was given by Mrs. George Carter and was much enjoyed by alt, Sang hymn, "The Great Physician now is near," Pray- er followed, by Mrs. Win. Carter avid Mrs. Snell. The president closed the meeting with prayer and the benedic- tion. Lunch was served. The Valentine Social held by the Ladies Aid of the United Church was a splendid .success. The committee had the school room beautifully dec- orated to suit the occasion. The pro- gram was also in keeping with Valen- tine Day, and was much enjoyed by all, Refreshments were served. Many mothers can testify to the vir- tue of Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, because they know from ex- perience how useful It is. HIBBERT. The regular monthly meeting of the ,Ibibbert. Council was held at Stafba on Monday, +February 16, all. members present, the Reeve presid- ing. The minutes of the last regular' meeting, also of the special meeting held in Stratford on Jan. 28, were read and adapted. T'he 4uditor was present to submit his report, but it not being complete, he received in- structions to review the accounts of 1929 and 1930 ,for the purpose of es- tablishing a General Funds Account in relation to 'the Special Accounts. A number of communications were sat- iefactorily disposed of and it was de- cided not to send a delegate to the Good Road's Association meeting. The Clerk received instructions to prepare By,Laws and Schedule to provide for the refunding of the sur- plus 'funds standing to the credit o'f the McDougall :and Dow Drains, George G. Wilson was re -appointed Tax Collector for 1931, and Russel J. Scott, ;Weed Inspector for the southern part of Hibbert. James Shea was allowed $200.'00 for sheep killed and injured by dogs on January 1st. Robert Norris was present requesting a grant for 'Mitchell iSpriire iFair; the sum 01 $25.00 being allowed, The Clerk ryas instructed to post up a Notice of Tenders to be received by the 'Clerk up to Tuesday, 'February 24th for the supplying of 15 cords of maple body wood, 12 inches long, for the Township Hall, ;Staffa. Gener- al expense orders amounting to $393.- 73 393.7t3 were issued; The meeting ad- journed -until the tall of Clerk when a continuation of the regular meeting will be held for the consideration of the supplying of wood for the Town- ship 'Hall. 'Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Clerk. • STAFFA. hfr. S. H. Webb spent two days in Hamilton last week with his sister who is seriously i11,, while Mrs. Webb visited in Mitchell with her brother. Mrs, P. Parsons spent the week -end with relatives in Detroit. Mr. Ernest Luxton of near Lucan spent ,the week -end with his brother, Mr.Archie Luxton. We are sorry to report that Mr. Jas. Miller is under the Dr.' -s care and is not progressing as his many friends would like. Mrs. Melville Gray is around again, after a few days illness. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be 'held in the hall on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 24, Roll call, "Suggestions for next Year's Program." Lunch .will be serv- er) by Circle 2. Keep in mind the Institute plays. which will be given in the very near future. The Y. P. IS. held a social even- ing in the hall recently taking the form of progressive crokinole. Win- ners were ladies --'Miss Ella Chappel; gents—Mr. Arthur Dinnen; consola- tion -Miss Edith Tuffin. The Y. P, S. are preparing e play which they expect to give soon, The Oratorical Contest of the Y. P. S. was held in the church lash week with a goodly number present. Miss Mary Drown, winner of the cup last year in the Presbytery was Bloodtested Chicks. And Hatching Eggs. From GOVERNMENT APPROVED BIRDS UNDER TRAPNEST We specialize in Barred Rocks ' of High Production and good body type. Order chicks now for delivery any time after February 10. Chicks and hatching Eggs all from our own flock which is under supervision of the O. A. C., Guelph. . (Located one block north of New Hospital, Visitors Welcome,) Good Poultry Pays and Pays. ONTARIO BREEDING STATION Oliver Siegrist Box 173, Seaforth, Phone 304. TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO February, 1004. Appointed Organist, Mliss Helen Wilson, who is at pres- ent attending the Toronto- Conserva- tory of Music, has been selected by the Presbyterian congregation to take charge of the nets pipe organ which will shortly be placed in the 'church. Trains Delayed. The heavy snow storm on Sunday and the extreme• cold weather . on Monday and Tuesday. proved a hard proposition' for the railroads, On Monday the trains were hours behind time and on Tuesday the line between Goderich and Stnatford was practic- ally blocked, Thermometers in town registered 23 below zero on Tuesday. Instal Fittings .Messrs. J H. Reid, Wm. Hartry and John Campbell of the Furniture Factory, left for Torontothis week to take charge of the work of puling in the new fittings in the School of Practical. Science, which is being sup- plied by the' company. Sustained Injury. ' Mr. F. Burgard, of E'grnondville, dealeer in pottery, received a cheque from Mr. Hooper for $12;7'0, Mr. Burgard slipped and fell, lighting .on some hard substance_ which knocked him out. Purchases Buildings The store and stables lately owned by James Jordan at Dublin, have been purchased by S. Murray VS., who intends fitting up the store as an office where lie can more convenient- ly' handle his stock food. Return to the West. Mrs. John Mumble and children, who have been visiting friends in Eg- mondville, left for their home in the. West. They have been located at McGregor, Man., but will move in the near future to Alberta. Prosperity - McKillop, of all townships, is cer- tainly a symbol of prosperity, for on one mile and a quarter on the 4th and 5th concession, there are- no fewer than nix windmills, These institu- tions are as far ahead of the hand pumping arrangement as the binder is superior to the sickle, and there are still more to follow. Night School. ;Through the efforts of Rev'd Fath- ers Corcoran and Northgraves a night school has been started in the separ- ate school and will be conducted two nights a week by competent teachers throughout the remainder of the win- ter. The classes are for those whose common school' education has been neglected and is open and free to all. Bus Contemplated. There is a rtunor about town of the organization of a company to pur- chase a large automobile .to be oper- ated between Seaforth and Baylfield during the conning season. Whether the company will materialize or not we are not in a position to say, but it is certain that such a venture will prove a paying proposition. Closes Fifteen Year Pastorate. Rev. James Wa'l'ter Hodgins an- nounced in the piilpit of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Seaforth, ne Sun- day that he had accepted the rector- ship of Hely Trinity Church, Chat- ham. Mr. H'odigins has been rector here for fifteen years and has not on- ly built up his Church and endeared himself to his congregation, but has been an enterprising citizen as well. again declared winner of the local group, taking as her subject, The Power of Prayer,' Miss Vers' Leary won second place. speaking on The Value of Friends and Miss Audrey Dinnen, third, taking the subject, What Can We Do About the .Mod- ern Liquor Traffic. Miss Drown will compete in the finals in March. LONDESBORO. Mr. Jim McCrea attended the Wes- tervelt at .hone in London last Thurs- day evening, Miss Sarah Barr spent Thursday last with her friend, Mrs. Hall. Mrs. D. D. Roberton was called to her home at Ripley on Monday last, her parents both being quite ill. The young people's society of Knox Church spent a social evening at Mr, F, Johnston's home last Fri- day evening. Music, games and con- tests were given. A very pleasant ev- ening was spent by all. :Friday evening this week they will hold their regular meeting in the church. Mr. Jim McCrea has secured a po- sition with the Ford Company, Lon- don. We wish him every success. Miss Gladys Mountain is visiting her aunt in Goderich this week. Mr.Marsh 1 m i� 7 Marshall of Blyth called. on friends hereon Monday. Mr, George McCall was in Clinton Mai day, Miss Mary Wood of London spent the week end at her .home here. Mrs. H. Lyon returned home from Exeter (where she has spent some time with her daughter„ Mrs. Kers- lake. Mr. Cowan is visiting .with his daughter, Mrs. Townsend of the burg. Miss Pearl Crittington of Clinton is visiting with friends here. .Mrs. Terribly!) entertained a num- ber of ladies on Monday and to tea. Mrs. George Lyon is- the guest of Miss E. Lyon of the village. Mr, F. Johnston spent the week end at his home here, Mrs. Joe Lyon returned from Blyth on Monday after a week's visit with her son, Mr. W. It Lyon. Want and For Sale ads, 1 time 25c 1931. Cashi' a and Carry QUAKER OATS, Large Pkg. 21c 3 Calces PALM iO'LIVE S'O'AP 19c 2 Tins PORK & BEANS 21c 2 Tins CORN .. ,.... 190 1 Pound PLEESALL COFFEE 21c 2 Tins PEAS 190 4 Cakes INFANT' DELIGHT SOAP 21c 5Bars P,&G.SOAP • 19c 2 Pounds SCHNEIDlER'S LARD 29c Pay Cash and Pay Less. We Jo FINNIGAN McKILLOP. Miss Elva and Miss Edythe Storey of Blyth visited at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Storey for the week 'end. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Storey and daughter Clara visited at the home of the former's aunt, Miss Elizabeth Storey ofLeadbury, who has been ill, on Sunday. Miss Clara remained to take care of her aunt, who 'has been i11. Mrs. Albert Spading visited with f iend.s in Seaforth, Miss Madeline Pickett of Goderich township visited oyer the week. end with her cousin. Miss Grace McMich- ael. Mr. Alexander P. Smith was a Sun- clay visitor at the 'home of Miss Ev- elyn Campbell. The many friends of Mr. John Hul- ley will be glad to hear she is im- proving after 'having undergone a serious operation in the Kitchener Hospital and expects to leave the hos- pital, the latter part of -this week. He will be convade;cing at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. Munn fora' few days. PN MEMORIAM' In ever loving remembrance of a dear husband and father, John Con- sitt, late of Seaforth, who passed away very suddenly, Feb. 22, 1929: "The pearly gates were open, A gentle voice said, "Come," And with farewells unspoken, He gently entered home. Not our will, but Thine, be done 0 'Lord, For dearly loved never to be forgot- ten." —Loking wife and family. TENDER FOR WOOD. Tenders will be accepted for ten cords oaf Maple, 14 inches long, deliv- ered at St. Columban School, up till Wednesday, Feb. 25th. P. V. Mc- G,RAT'H, Sec., St. Coluritban post office. NOTICE ;Notice is hereby given that the Annual •General Meeting of the Shareholders of Dublin Calming Fac tory Limited will be held it Dill's Store in Dublin, Ontario, at the hour of 2 o'clock p.m. on Friday, 20th day of February, 1931, to receive and con- sider the annual report and financial statement of the Company for the year ended December 31st, 1930, and to adopt, ratify and confirm a resolu- tion passed at a meeting of the Dir- ectors of the Company held 4lth day of February, 1931, providing for ways and means as to the re -financing or the liquidating of the Company, and for the . purpose of electing officers for the coining year in addition to any other business which may properly conte before the meeting. The meeting is in the vital interest of every shareholder and your per- sonal attendance is desirable. !By order of the Board of Directors. 'TIHIOIS, °MOIRRNIE, Sec. Dublin, th February, 1931. DRAIN TENDER. Tenders will be received by John McNay, Township Clerk, McKillop Twp., 'R. iR. 2, Seaforth, Ont., until 3 p. m. Monday, March 2nd, -1934, for the Il3arron Drain Improvement com- prising 1004 lineal feet of open drain and 3,150 feet of covered drain. Plans by S. W. Archibald, ISeafort'h, Ont. Tenders are to be in the +form of a lump stun, not unit prices and must be accompanied by a marked cheque payable to the Treasurer of the 'Town- ship of McKillop for ten per cent. of the amount bid. The work is to be commenced as .soon as conditions warrant and completed on or before Oct. 1st, 1931. Plans and specifications May be seen at the office of the Clerk, Lot 35, Con. 3, The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. 'Rub it in for Lame Back,—A brisk rubbing with Dr. Thomas' ;Eclectric Oil will relieve lame back. The skin will immediately absorb the oil and it will peuettate the tissues and bring speedy relief. Try it and be convin- ced. 'As the liniment sinks in, the pain comes out and there are ample grounds for saying it is an excellent article. SEAFORTII MARKETS. Wednesday, Feb. leth. Butter, per•lb. 28c Eggs, per doz. .15c -23.c Potatoes, per bag ...$1.00 Hogs, per cwt NOTICE. R. E. Bright will do repairing and altering. Articles called for and de- livered. Terms reasonable. Phone 265. 8. HOUSE FOR SALE. 32'x40', two-storey, frame house; can be torn down or moved. ;Apply to DWWVIIID J. S'TIEIBIIIENIS'O'N Sr., Varna. 'Phone 19 on 87 Hensall 10 FOR SALE.. Hay ' rack, with sliding top, one wa- gon box and wheel barrows, all new; will sell cheap for quick sale. Apply to lot 3, con. 9, McKillop, Phone 23r 16, Dublin. _ 9 WANTED. 'Housekeeper, for fur'm 'home, two children. Apply at News office. 9 FARM FOR SALE 100 acres good level land, fairly well drained, fair buildings, lots of water, would sell cheap or would exchange for a small place near town. Apply to ROY IJAIWSOIN, R. 1R. 1, Clinton, Phone 241r31. 10. FLOUR (Five Roses 'Flour, $2.75 per cwt.; Pastry flour, 55c; oil cake 35%. $2.10. B+ERINDE & MdLJEOD, Walton. PUPS FOR SAVE. Collie pups for sale.Apply to S. STO!R'EIY, Jr, Seaforth, R.R. 2, p'h'one 244r'4i1. 8 COW FOR SALE. Grade Holstein=Durham cow due Mar. 1, Heavy producer and very easy to milk whole year. Has milked for 18 months the last lactation. Being dry since Nov. 1st and in ,prime con- dition will be a heavy producer next season. This cow is the property- of Mrs. Martin Curtin, now living in Stratford. Must be sold. JOHN NOLAN, Huron Road east. Phone 21 on 144. 8 FOR SALE Comfortable, seven roomed frame house, in good condition, favorable llocation, electric light, town water, garage, poultry house and garden lot: Apply at News Office. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Very desirable hundred acre farm 1%. miles from Seaforth, for rent or sale on easy terms. For particulars apply to BEST & 'BEST, Seaforth. January 28th, +1931. PIANO FOR SALE. Slightly used Heintzman & Co. piano in good shape. For sale cheap. Apply at WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE, phone 67, Seaforth. PULLETS FOR SALE' A quantity. of Barred Rock, Leg- horn and Minorca last year pullets; laying well. Reasonably priced for quick sale as I need the room for brooding chicks. Phone 1371'3, Sea - forth, ANQDREW A. MOORS. 11 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres in Township of McKillop. Will rent or sell on easy terms. Box 214, ,Seaforth. S. C. W. .eghorn Chicks TOM BARRON STRAIN Order your chicks now and get chicks that will grow into big hus- ky k hens with , high egg gg Prodaction. $13.00 per 100. JOHN A. ECKART Phone 23r23 Dublin. R.R. 1 Dublin W. C. Govenlock McCormick -Deering Agent See our line of SULKY PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale' good used Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, and '25 Ford Coupe. For Sale—Robt. Bell cutting box, 32 ft. carrier, in .first class shape. Set 2,000 pound Scales. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical. DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos.' pital, London, England, Special attention to diseases of the eye,' cart nose and throat. Office, and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. ; Office Phone No, 5: Residence Phone 104, DE. F . J. BURROWS,, Seaforth, Office and residence, Godertch street, east of the United Church, Coronet for the County of Huron. Telephbuty No. 46. DR. C. MACICAY.-C. Macklin honor graduate of Trinity Univeralty, and gold medallist of, Trinity Medical College; member of the College .ad Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FOORSTER—Eye, Erg Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1807, Late Assistant New• York Ophthal- mic and Aural Instil' ie, Moorefielee Eye, and Golden Square throat hot pitals, London. England. At Coatat- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday It each month, from 14 a.m. to 3 pm. DR. W. C. SPRO•AT.—Graduate et Faculty of Medicine, University ed Western Ontario, London. Menthes • of College of Physicians and . Sur - aeons of Ontario. Office in rear el Aberhart's Drug Store, Seafortk. Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.35'- 9 .p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dental.' DR J. A. MUNN, Succearoz to Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of Nord.. western University, Chicago, I11. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur, geons, Toronto. Office over • Situ hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECH,ELY, graduate RoyaI College of Dental Surgecoa. Toronto. Office over W. R. Smitdt'a grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 185W, residence 185J. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A:Sc. (Toe)5 O.L.S., Registered Professional Ea- 'gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth, Ont. Legal. D, L. ROSS. Barrister and Solicit- or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 p.a. and 7 p.m. Office above Phillipa' Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer mentsr can beo made foof rlSi la Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. 'HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Boz 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND REiD'S LTATE AND INSU ANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest • rates in First -Clap Companies. WM. HARKNESS Box 234, Seaforth, Ont. Phone .Uhl GENERAL AGENT Sun 'Life Assurance COMPANY OF CANADA Ce THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Ca, FARM AND ISOLATBD TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers -James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice President; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec, -Treasurer. 'Directors -]Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Sea - forth, .Jahn ,Bennewies, Brodhagi James Evans, Beechwood; M.- Mc- Ewen. Clinton; James Connolly, God erich; Alex,. Clinton; No. 3, Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice. No. 4, Waltoni Robert Ferris, • Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No.' 3, Seaforth; Marna Gibson, Brucefield. Agents --James Watt, Blyth,- r.r, No. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray. r.r. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holinesville; R. G. Jarmottth, Bornholm. James ' Kerr and John Govenlock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective postoffices. THIS END DELORES Del RIO --With-- Edmond Lowe —in— The ad ld. ne The romance of a sailor with a sweet- heart in every port. -A George Fitzniaurice production 'RINCESS.