HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-02-19, Page 7Laughter World's MIDDLE AGE Owl Las If the boss' desk is clean it indi o A'Critieil Time for All Wolrmnl.) Cates. that an assistant is doing the Doctor , I,am.beginning to foel,Thy age" is work, Oftentheboss takes the 'in"i out of indispeusable when an employee the c essio.l many a woman ]las to begins to feel that way. How can When 'NF1 'the 'Future is Viewed .make when she reaches the critical there eVer be teue happiness :in OM1 Through Eyes sof the Fessurist Then Man Must ''Beware" allot/ :middle cite, 'TlI Ie is no need, world when all silver linings have a however, to thinlc.,yon era too -old to lot of little clouds about them? Eat. well and happy.ou'baV slowly, friend. Haste makes 'Waist. Perhaps yonehave lost your grip on With Christmas and 'the New Year things•, .perhaps file 'aid vigor and Sounds Tiptop :festivities 'fresh in ,our •memoi•re4, 'rt `euergY re lacking.; ,you get tired easily, (Adver't'isement in :St. Louis, Mo., •and •your :Itnabs •ache terribly. ''Often Post -Dispatch). .Partner Wanted— Lady .wants partner in bath house; good proposition. The little girl who ordered a baby brother complicated the affair by specifying that be must arrive three years old. might the ‘well it we strive 'to carry 'some of this power :o'1 joyous 'living eith us throughout 1931, observes the 'medical correepontient off 'a'Trade .Journal •(London, England). • ..e baok, seems ready to break and the pail is unbearable. , 'Your blood Is at fault — it has be- come thin ;and impure and ;does' not give the health'giying ,nourishment to He .assertsthat Joy 'possess the the body. +What .you need is a treat- powor of raising What the .doctors .,went of 0)r: ',Mimes' Pink Pills. They eall '9the level of excitahilite" ^when,, will 'set you :right. .They :actually lmakeeleh, reit, health•giviag •blood:and this 'good .blood ' i51 delve out all yotur. reties and eeins. :Dr. Williams' ,Pink pills w. ll ,banish .headaches, ,backaches, nervousness .and lack of.appetite,,and in.their;glace ,come mew •energy .and happiness. You can'get'h-se Title at all medicine dealers or by 'man at '50 cents .a box ;from The:Dr•. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. a 'loan's happy lee Sees clearly aed thirties amore surely than -when .he 'is ' rd: Pessimism, in .Fouehe's 'famous •phrase, is 'not only a Mime; it's .a. blunder. And:it.acliieves ,tot ing. The:coun- -sets Of ,despale are proverbially bad epunsels..Wisdom wears 'a smile. In these days • every' man needs all his wits and a' little more. He 'needs to live on ea higher plane•of:interest, and .enthusiasm. He needs clearer ,eyes, sharper ears. He cannot leave . these -advantages unless 'he 'nuts Bothwell '•omance =gloom out. of his heart. ,For tire neivous sYat mresponds Again Spotlight to "emotional stimuli as resI11y as It ' responds 'to 'physical. The paralysis which fear produces 'is' not confined Smashing of Earl':s .Burial to men arid women; it' is common •to .easiket son the [Oland of • the 'Whole cif 'creation The"springs.of 2., eland Recalls 'His life are dried up. "Eyes' have they; • bite they+do-see not; . they have -ears,Adveliture'with but they hear note 'Mary Stuart Joy is 'the 'only certain antidote to The pillaging of a forgotten .village. tilde poison. It 'can be made ,a habit .church on the remote little island of -so 'that, like 'the discipline oed an Zeeland, reported in Copenhagen die- • army, 'it <wlll •withstand • every strese:. patcbes Isit week, recalls oneof the and, every. shock: There are men -who most ,brutal' episodes in all British can wear•:a smile in the 'face of ruin. ,history. .Here since his ,death, in A eeheerful 'Countenance. • exile, .in 1573; 'has lain the •body of "These:nien:do not get ruined. The one of the husbands of Mary Queen •tonic•effectof their habit of looking of Scots, the .Earl of Bothwell In on thebright side of things is -saab searching for treasures, or accident - that opportunities are perceivedally, thieves smashed the glassed -in ''where other .men see only darkness. Wben this happens • we hoar. of "'ail'- a half centuries has held the remains •It 'leo), fact that most of the "wiz -agree the man about :whom 'historians aids" of commerce and industry are agree `that 'no goad word can be happy men. ' They are not happy b : I said: n cause 'they }rave succeeded; they 1. James Hepburn, h`.g the t and ad - have 'succeeded because they ale venturous, hiheriting the title and castles of the Ear] of Bothwell, has happy. Admittedly it t easy to keep been said to have contributed more smiling The h ; position 'like than .any other person to sending Mary to the gallows. Although a the drapnei' u.l ) is not, a5 aa ' rule, a g•'t t;' .1 �' ::lsnce (though Protestant, Hepburn .became one of 'that is ttlwaye e;.,d afield it by un- bappy (elk). It comes by care and When 'fi hell it may has convinced himself. that it is a 'blunder as well as..a din to give way to pessimism be is .on the high road to happiness. He can :help himself in various ways. The most important of these coffin which 'for more than three and acres". and'"wizards . Avpiratlon Let .Pie today- do .something ,that shall take A little sadness .from the world's vast store, And may a 'be So Savored .as to make •Of, joy's :too scanty sum a littlemore. Let me not hurt by any selfish deed, 'Or thoughtless word, the heart of foe or friend; Nor would I pass,; unseeing, worthy need, Or sin by silence where 'I should defend. • Crew or shipwrecked schooner "John W. Miller- whim lett St. Johns, N.F., with a load of cod for Brazil. She was .abandoned after being wrecked by a storm in mid -ocean, and the crew was picked up by. a German steamer and landed at Colon. whence the "Carinthia" nought them back to entrain for Canada. They are: (sitting) Wm. Ken- nedy, Mt Mate, of St. Johns; Capt. Cyril Horwood, St. Johns; Bean swain John Clerk of Carbonear; N.F.; (back row) F. Rogers, St. Johns; Wee Laing, Carbonear; Theo. Pike, Berber Grace; John Green, cook, Carbonear. However' . meagre be my worldly Constipated Children Let me give something that shall aid. • my kind. Constipation i3 one of the most.com- A word of courage, or,.a thought`'of pion ailments of childhood and the health, ' child suffering from it positively can - Dropped as,'I 'pass 'for troubled not thrive. To keep the little one well hearts to find. the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach •sweet. To do this nothing 'Let me to -night look back across the can equal Baby's Own 'Tablets. They span ' are a mild but thorough laxative; are 'Twist dawn and ;dark, and to my pleasant to take .and can be given to conscience say: the now -born babe with perfect safety. "Because' of. some good act to beast Thousands of mother use no other or man medicine tor tbei- little; ones but The world is better that I lived to- Baby's Own Tablets, They are sold by day.' medicine dealers or by mail at 26. cents a box from. The Dr. Williams' :Judge -'`You're charged with throw- Medicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. ing your:mother'-in-law out of the window." wealth, the most .violent anti -English leaders ip the ;bitter religious wars between Scotland teem] England. After 'exile in France and impri- sonment -by Queen Elizabeth in the Tower, Bothwell returned to Scot- land in 1565 .at the summons of Mary—his •daring .and strategy made, is the .cultivation .of the •power oY possible This escape despite pursuit shutting the mind. Dismal people by ships Elizabeth sent in search of carry their troubles home with them. him' 'They nurse trent in and out of sea His complete :ascendency over Mary son. Happy men refuse •trouble the appears 'to have dater definitely from 1 the murder of the 9 -aeon's secretary, :freedom of their homes. Rizzio, in March, 1566. From then They shut out from their minds the on he was her chief .adviser, attend - ,difficulties which their work imposes ing with ;her the Craigmiller confer - on them so soon as they have lin encs at which both signed the ''bonds'' 9shod with that work eager •lis which were to result in the murder ,noesis them free and eager to enjoy of the Queen's husband, Darnley. et' To Mary, Bothwell was a "glori- The•man who, in a crisis can enjoy ous, rash and hazardous young man.` m good book or a good play or good HA was, masterful and daring and music Is on the high to enceese, lie possessed of a certain courage that ds sespy;'lie is independent; he pop even his bitterest enemies were :sasses his own soul forced to recognize. - Benefit of Distraction. And the odds are that he will sur- make the Earl of Bothwell her true Monet WS difficulty. For he will band was, for a time, kept secret, some hack to it with strong nerves she sought refuge with him at Dun - and quickened senses. He will see bar Castle. Ile met her riding out - it whole. He will see it in its true side of Edinburgh and, leading a .proportions. force of 800 spearemen, escorted her The most dangerous moment in forcibly or otherwise—to Dunbar. any man's life is the moment when Less•than a month later. Mary made he allows himself to take a black Bothwell Duke of Orkney and Slret- 4view of the future. The future, . when land. 1 -s does this, is always black. it will Within a month after their mar itpevitahly grow blacker, riage, Mary Queen of Scots and, O'er pessimism is an act of treason Bothwell were again seeking refuge, to ,oneself. He who, in the storm, to be separated from then on. Both takto his halal from the tiller de -. well's flight to Denmark was the last eery es the fate which always over- oe his adventurous life.. He was no takes .him. If we must go down, let longer in position, to aid his Queen, es goetelown smiling, It is a curious and ]ter downfall left him the psis fact, hclvlever', that the proverbial ex- ones of Ring Frederick Il of Den - pression' is not "go clown smiling", mark, from whom, during Mary's but "come op smiling".' reign, he had obtained safety by' Napoleon held that a hopeful at- promising to restore to Denmark the titude was almost, if not quite, equiv .Orkneys and Shetland. Eleven years alent to victory. The same view in- after his marriage with Maty the spired Foch's etrategy in the Great' Earl of Bothwell died at Zeeland. War. When all seemed td be loot he ." wrote his famous bulletin: "Tout va C�11lbS Can Hire Planes bien,•'J'attaque.' Airplanes will bo leased to British` the ' This motto would serve for light airplane clubs, according to the world l buoy each today. al in his Department of Commerce.. The planes baalso d each individual his at the disposal• of the clubs will bo battle with disease. Never say,sO ole. Gipsy I Maths with wooden fuselages, Toeavert' man there is left; so long anti equipped with telephones, auto- ae he lives, a measure of health, matic slots and a compass. The pianos however bright Let us here. our eyes, will be fully insured bet the De Havil- lu ly bright i spot and refuse a reser land Company, the builders, against all lately to - be intimidated by all the ground and air risks, including third ;nn'rn'tnding d9rknoaapf disease., party ri>ilts, They may be -hired fol' arty period up to six months at $291 a U.- month and for a period beyond six Useless ess months at $249. All rentals are pay isle}, Angus, 1 hear ye've got mar -':able 10 advance, Planes must be main- leo:l" tained at the expense of the lessee Inc "Aye, Donald," correct airworthy condition, and must "'an' what kind o' a !icily 15 yer be operated in accordance with the v,l e•? Can she sew?' provisions of the air navigation acts, seems to think replied the. woman, proudly. "Trow fro.. In the event of accidents causing dant- 'eller•. Fiahcee's fathers ms age to the aircraft, the first $77,20 of she is marrying a fool But he's long ham he been in 'America, Mrs. • i I p^tr'itch'?"' Smith?" "Five year%,:sir." 'tIndeed. the"lessee The intention of Queen Mary to Accused—"I diditwithout thinking, Autos as Earthquake Refuges your honor" Automobiles are cited as "adrnita- Judge—"I realize that, my dear man, bre eartlrgnahe-prod buildings" by but don't you nee how dangerous it Dr. T. A. Jaggar, American volcano was for anyone passing at the time?" Whether administrations are re- sponsible or not, they get blamed for bad tines—and never fail to take credit for good ones. 4rchibald—"Do you and your wife over think t'•s same, John?" Jolut—''When I stay late at the club we do. She keeps thinking what she'll say when I get home, and so de I Flapper's Vocabulary — To under- stand .a modern young woman's vo- cabulary it is necessary to know that "'cute" may describe .a sports road- ster, ,a bridge prize, .a dance step, a baby, a.' dog or Rudy Vallee. Wait for something to turn up and it will, but it will be your toes. Tommy — "Pa, why was Adam created first?" Father "To .give him a chance to say something." Many of us find it harder to shirk than- to wont. The banker's little word "yes" has' power to break the bank and his little word "no" has power to break every- body else. 'stl e Player The Tisa-VJ h1 y' e since I 'Tis long. since, long since, heard A tin -whistle played, And heard the tunes, the ha'penny tunes The tunes that were before Cendfind And Cid went Ireland's rounds— That were before the surety That strings have given sounds! breath, Caller (inquiring for'son of the And iggi g backward t the mist, i house)—" Wham•'s young Angus, Mr. And jigging backward there, McPae?" Mr. McFee—"He's doon in Shrilling with fingers and with . the shed sharpening the gramophone A tin -whistle player! needles. We're. giving. a wee party He has hare's eyes, a long face rim- the nicht." mel Around with 'badger -gray; Aimless like cries of mountain birds, The tnnos he has to Play— The tunes that are for stretches Noiseless Factory To Help Workers Also to be Built Without Windows—}Machines to be Painted Orange m EN TO LEARN MINIATURE GQr,F' a.- course o nst Clasnilled Advorttsirig Y.". RN 'g-hilt01Ak SIN11 )11a:1NI,K fat"htf\G. 1.' •tA11 11 out Sill'- .inn LYuol," Old Ty me." all 501 a s, 75r 'h. up. temples 0do. Steeling k' Yarn 111110. Kept. T, OI )lito, quit. AC+ENTS WANTED, A factory without wfpdowe, and having other features ot an unusual, if" not revolutionary, character, 18 to be constructed at Fitchburg, Mass,' Conditions under which the employes ��� work will be so controlled that they i will be uniform, night and day, and everything possible will be done to make work easy. It is expected that efficiency will be increased by about 30 per,cent, and the experiment is 'being watched by industry. Noise-elii•ninatieg devices will make the factory .quiet. The walls will be built to absorb sound,,and machines will be mounted on' cork. Moises from the manufacturing processes will be made to counteract each other. The intensity ot daylight changes constantly, thus potting a strain on eye muscles and bringing on fatigue In this windowless factory, electric lamps, with special diffusing shades, will famish illumination. A certain amount of ultraviolet light will he Introduced. The temperature in the factory will be kept constant, the air being washed on entering the building, heated in cold weather and cooled by a spray in warm weather. Drafts are to be eliminated. As colors, accai•ding to psychology, either depress or raise the spirits of humans, they are the basis for the decorative scheme. The walls. and ceiling will be white, blue and green. Machines will be painted a bright orange, to make them easily visible and thus to reduce the chance of ac- cidents, o runtton, Write Mint iature Golf Planning ^.o., 449 Church St:, •, AGENTS WANTED. 77 DESIRE TO HAVE, A LOCAL, agent in every town and parish of the provinces. We are posltio)1 to offer you a eery pleaee,,re and U2yinff pre.ptsition. The wor:c fa oast/ and oat asnure sou arep tan Tnr».r• tioulars, Qveter Sales .Company, r,01 .}3al- four Dullding,-Montreal. bare, expert, as a result of personal ex- And men whose liven are lone. periences during the earthquake ot —Padraic Colum, in ''01d Pastures." September 25 1921, 'in Hawaii. In a recent announcement from the Hawaiian Volcano Research As- sociation, Dr. Jagger describes how he happened tbat day to be driving in 1115 .automobile to visit' a friend. Week's Then, Says Dr: D. E. Free's V a Science (New York) : "On arriving at the friend's house, Dr. Jaggar was astonished to find the inhabitants in great. excitement, and the house partly ruined. "_A violent earthnnake had hap- pened while Dr. Jaggar was in his moving automobile. "In spite of long experience as an earthquake observer', he had felt no- thing. During the shocks which fol- lowed, Dr. Jaggar reports, many peo- ple left, their houses and slept in their automobiles. 'Even when not in motion Dr, We can't say much Yor these dresses tbat look like they had been caught in a. door and portions torn off as the. lady left home. Love is the only commodity needed to insure a happy marriage between meals. Beauty that used to be skin deep ,is now ` skin and - knee. deep. Dreams that come true would anyway. We know a man who fell out of a twentieth storey window without hurt- ing himself. There was a balcony out- side. Tile ability most .in demand is reliability. -- Caller (at telephone.)—'Grine me Main 2633. Hello; this the ri'lfe-•' Called—"Yes," Caller—"Listen, dear. Will it be all right if I bring 'a couple of fellows home to dinner to -night? Caned—"Why certainly." Caller• -"What? Called -"Certainly it evil). I'n be vary glad to have them" Caller — "0h, pardon me, lady: Wrong number." --s;.. Jaggar reports, 'a sedan on springs and rubber tires produced almost no sensation to the occupants, while ad- jacent homes were rattling and rock- ing with the aftershocks.' ' "'Houses usually act, he finds, as magnifiers of earth movementb, so. that what seems to be a' violent earth- quake to a person indoors may seem to 'a person on the ground in the open .to be a single not very strong thud ander his feet, or may pass alto- gether unnoticed. "This may explain why it is that Primitive men leave few myths of earthquakes, but many of floods and fires. Having no houses to magni- fy them, primitive men probably felt only the very greatest earthquakes, but anybody is impressed by a forest ire or a flood." Tests Show Lack of Vitamin Cause of Grey Hair Premature gray hair may be due to lack of some vltalnin-like material in the food, jest as lack of one of the vitamins causes tho disease called rickets. This is suggested by re- searches reported to the Academy of Sciences in Paris by Prof. Gabriel Ber'trand, Says Dr, E. E. Free in his Week's' Science (New York): "In experiments planned for a dif- ferent purpose, ordinary black and t on- dar]c gray rats were fed on dies c taining` all vitamins known to be necessary, but made of purified or synthetic footle instead of natural materials like vegetables. and grain. "To the investigators' surprise, the black coats of the animals began to tura silver. gray. "This may happen, the expeeimont- ers knew, because of bad health, but the rats in this instance were per - featly healthy, as was oonifi'med by blood tests, Love When the mists of the early morning Disappear• on the rays of the su:1 The soul can climb to heights sub- lime theSon. with Jesus In communion s Though the darkness of night sur- round you And your soul is deep in despair His love and strength can lift you If yon believe that He is there. —I. M. STEEPER, (London, Ont.) "What's the idea of the Greens hav- ing French lessons?" 'They have adopted a French baby and want to understand what it says when it lie= gins to talk The new vicar was calling upon one of his parishioners. "I hear," be said, "that you have a son la the film bust - nets at Hollywood. "That i have," • ' ' damage must he met by wronm "We et! No' mak' par'riteh^: What "Why? Are you going to break the And does he ever come back to Eng- engagement. . land?" "Every summer regularly:' s "And brings his wife' with hirer, ,, is so sir. And they've a The man with !i private grievance pact:" That a t:.:iaey arae been cheaper?" distance of 6,830 miles. usually,baemne P t I he d1?" • . Tho longest air route at present � % ex, Donald, she's a grand singer" with a regular eer'vice 'of planes i ey oee, mon, bet yeee daft.''Wouldna from New York to Buenos Ayi'es, s a public nuisance. been sive await girls, too. kW To Lose Fat and Got That Youthful Feeling Over in Great Britain when a man is feeling "es fit es a fiddle" raid looking the "picture of health" they say S GOT THAT IIRUSCHEN FEELING." That means he takes his little dose of ICruschen Salts every morning. It's the same in the USA,.—ill Germany --in Holland—in Australia— in South Africa, for Iirusella" Salts are now sold the world over. Kruschen Salts is not one salt only— it is the combination of six salts necessary to healthy life. Take half a teaspoon in aglass of hot water before breakfast every morning, modify your dict and exercise regularly. But don't miss a morning, for tisusehen not only puts and keeps the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels in a ;splendid healthy condition, but purifies your blood -stream, and sends new life and activity to every part of your body. • Long Wit The office -boy took off his cap, pre- sented the bill, and stood at ease. . "My boss says I'm not to go back un- til you give me the money you owe him," he said. "Oh?" was the reply of the debtor. "I wonder if he'll recognize you with a beard?" Results Commendable. Genuine Gratitude. Miss Miller, of Croydon, writes:,- "In rites:—"In gratitude, I feel.I must write and tell you what wonderful benefit I have derived from taking a bottle of your Carter's Little Liver Pills. Having been troubled with indiges- tion and sick headache for several months, a friend recommended me. to try your famous pills, with the results that after the first dose I was made aware of their very real tonic value, and felt I had at Met discovered a remedy which per- formed what it claimed to do." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills for the complexion and constipation. .All druggists 250 and 751 red pkgs. 4 ▪ .. ENTS List of "Wanted inventions" and Gull information Sent Gree en Request. ' TEE RAMSAY CO.. newt. W, 253 San], St., Ottawa. Ont.. Does your face burn area itchy after shaving? Try Csitiicllara. Shi viofl.., Stick It soothes and hems ,end Is wondarhtily efficient COUGHS AWslihe on'j— flask on Coughs & Colds A speedy, safe, proven remedy for children and adults. EUGMLE`4rS Ads UheaFlash • A 5,0010 SIP Peatsh` 17A for ANY CHILD I'VE can never be sure lust what VY makes a child restless. t'.ut the remedy can always be the s ane. Good old Castoria1 There 'onelart in every drop 01 this Pure vegetable preparation, and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. As often as your child has a fretful spell. we feverish, or cries and can't sleep, ret Castoria soothe and quiet hrrn. Some- times it's a touch of aoliceSometnnes constipation. Or diarrhea —a mn dition that should always be checked without delay. Just keel) Castoria handy. and give it :remote; Relief will follow very promptly f it doesn't. von eemilri muit.a ohvs.:aan. Take h.11 a teaspoonful of Ivlinerd s in molasses. Heat Minerd s, inhale it. Also rub it veil into your chest. az You'll abet relief causes eaJaches WHEN there's too much acid in your stomach, you must force your- self to work, and even pleasures are too great an effort, Appetite lags; the digestion is poor; the where system suffers. Ls boratory tests shore an avoid condition is due to errors in our modern diet. But you need not wait to diet your way out of the trouble! Take a tablespoonful of Pleitlips' J3Ulk of Magnesia. This will neutralize the excess acid Instantly; make you feel like a new person in just a few moments. Take a little whenever heartburn, sick headaches, nausea, f]atalenee, indigestion or biliousness show the digestive system is ^becoming too acid, Whenever you are taking cold or feel sluggish, weals; constipated, Phillips' 1I111c of Magnesia has a gentle, laxative action, Delightful to take. Endorsed by physicians fol' 50 years and pre- scribed everywhere for men, 'wo- men and children. The genuine, is Always a liquid ;it cannot be made . in tablet form. It always bears the name Phillips for your protection. Made in Canada "1 have to work ino the afore and do my own housework, too, and 1 got nervous andrun down andwasin bednearly allsummer.The least noise would make me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. tinlham's Vege- table Compound and I have taken seven bottles; It has made me strong- er and put more color into my face. I am looking after my store and housework and my four children. and I am getting along nicely now." —Mrs. 1 Malin, R: R. No: 5, Barton St. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. ISSUE No. 6—'31