HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-02-19, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19; 1931. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. IMAGE PIPE CANADA'S, PRICELESS HERITAGE 1 It depends entirely upon you,- the buying'. public, whether or not we are to lose our priceless heritage of "Individual opportunity and Independent Ownership." We know that you certainly will not do this knowingly, but it is so easy to be misled that we urge you to stop and consider where you spend ynour money—you will find' that. for service, gttality and price your Horne-IOiwat'ed, Superior Chain._ Store is unequailled and has long since proven its ability to overcome the strongest competition, Shop where you and yours benefit most. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending February 25, 1931. - BRUNSWICK BRAND SARDiIN'E'S, full pack., ,55 tins 25c HARVEST M•ARM'AL'AIDE . ... ... . . .. .... 40 oz, . 'ars ' 26c CARNATLON EVAPORATED MILK "From ° tented Co • Sma11— Cows" 4 tins 25c 12— YELLOW O' ' , 2 tins'25 �i R GRANULAT(t}D SUGAR 5' lbs, 20 i lb, bag Qlb, bag I,8c FAMILY BLEND TEA PLEESAL BLEND COFFEE cRk Vii -,'n ,ij o) GR Sop'P 6 GOL (� 0/�� /Zt P. & G. WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP 7 calces 29 _ Manyflowers Toilet Soap "Has Many Friends" •4 cakes 25c Rinso, "The Hard Water Soap Powder" 2 small pkgs 19c Post's Bran Flakes t ' 2 pkgs. 25c St. Lawrence Laundry Starch in bulk t 2 lbs. 19c Vi -Tone, "S rue Hot or Codd" .......8 oz. 33c; 16 oz........ . ... 53c Hillcrest Shortening 2 lbs. 27c Lawrason's Snowflake A'mmonia 2 for 15c S. O. S. S'courin'g Fads,.. small 3 pad 14c; large...—6 ped 23c Bovril tit oz. 23c; 2 oz 40c De Maiz Sweet Yellow Corn, 2's ........ .,, ., ...,.. , .,,per tin 20c Weston's English Quality York Package Fancy As5otited,. Biscuits' per pkg. 29c Chateau Cheese, "Spreads or Slices"% ib. 19c Pure ,Tam—Rasppiberry, Strawberry, Black Currant] 40 ciz, jar 43c Australian Apricots, "They are delicious". 2's ant. tins, each 25c Bulk Ready. Cut Macaroni • 2 lbs, 17c Fancy Yellow Plums, 2's per tin 19c Singapore tPineapple, .full pack, 2's squat I 2 tiros 25c Leland Sweet Mixed Pickles - , 12 oz. bottle 23c Safety Roll Can Openers "No rough Edges" each 15c Red Cohoe S'alm'on, l's ....... ....................... .,... per tin 31c Lenten 'Suggestions,— Fresh BiC, Salmon, White Fish, Lake Herrings, Pickled Salman, !Cured Filletts, Finnan Haddie, Codfish, Canned Pilch'ards, .Sard ines, . Herring in Tamato Sauce,: Chicken H'addie, Pork & Beans without Meat, Soup's, etc. SATURDAY ONLY— 'Frozen B. C. 'Sa'lm'on, half or whole fish, .....:.... per pound 14c Fresh' Lake Herrings .:., per doz. 30c Ross J Sproat Rhone MissN. Prycene7 Phone Cream Cream HIGHEST PRICES COURTEOUS SERVICES Deliver your Cream to us and receive your cash in full. Call in our cream drawer and receive our services. We will pay you the Highest Market Values consistent with the most careful grading and testing. No other Creamery can do better—"Give us a trial." 'Creamery open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings Seaforth Creamery Seaforth,Ont. S. A. BARBER. .0011111112.1001111 W. J. Walker 86 Son UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license.. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 69. BORN. CAMPBELL.—In Scott Memorial Hos'pita'l, on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1931 to Mr. and :Mrs. George Campbell, McRil'lop, a daughter. FiOPJBIES-3n Scott Meni;orial Hios- pital, on Tuesday, (Feb.:: 171th, 193-1, to Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Forbes, MdK!illop, a !Laughter. Chas. A. Fowey TEACHER OF PIANO ORGAN AND ,THEORY Phone 327-J. Centre St. 1 H. H. McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will he at tit, Commercial Hotel, Seaforti, Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kind's succea, fully treated. Eleotricity used. TOWN TOPICS. Lent began on Wednesday o week. \Lr. Gordon Muir spent the end at the 'hone of Mt-, and Mr Nott of Galt, Mrs. J. J. Mcllhar.gey return her home in Lucan alter a pie visit with her parents, Mr, and D. Reynolds, of Hgmondville. Mrs, E. Rowland, Walton, and drenspent- of P some days last wee the t' e of her parents, Mr. P Mrs D. Reynolds of- Egmondvill Miss Mer!etta Nash has retu after spending the past two nrorut Listowel the guest of her friend, Bella Hurst. ' (Special services will be' held in ,Thomas' Church each -Wedne during Lent, • Mrs. William .Pinkney of town guest of honour. at the home of daughter, Mrs. Wesley Niehol'ls, Valentine Day, id,celebration •f &3rd birthday. The afternoon spent with about 20 old acquaintan and tela was served. In the eveni fifteen couples gathered and pia progressive euchre. Mrs, 'Pink received many beautiful gifts a flowers. A correction in the Supply Sec tary's report to the Huron Presb terial executive gives $2,100 for t value of goods shipped. • Mr, - W. H. Little of Port Dov spent the week -end with his fath Mr. Andrew Little, Mr. C, Eckart and his daught Lucy were visitors in Dublin la Tuesday, Mrs, M. •Desborough has returned tate East Lawn Sanatorium, Mortvilla, Mich., to join the nursing sta of that institution. f this week- s. El - ed to asant Mrs. chit k a't and e. rued s It in Miss St, sday was her on her was ces nig, yeti ney nd re- y - he er er, er st to h- ff Miss Lucy Eckert returned to De- troit last 17lredensday to resume her duties as stenographer. - Mrs, Lorne Dale and Margaret and Lorna were week -end visitors in Blyth visiting -her father, Mr. Sims. The Canadian Legion are planning. a masquerade ball for March 17th. Mr. Lloyd Dinnin of the Bank of Commerce is in Bayfield relieving on the staff there. Mr. Arthur Edmunds of the Domin- ion Bank has been ill. this- week. Mrs. Charles Riley of Hullett is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. William Riley, and Mrs. Riley, Tuck ersmith, - Mrs, Matt. Haney and Lloyd go to Toronto on Friday to visit Mrs. Hane •' y s brother, who is ill in a hos- pital there. A fine time was enjoyed- at the Legion euchre dance in the G. 'W V. A. Friday night. Messrs, Sid Pullman ,and B. Hildebrandt tied for gentle- men's first prize, Mr. Pullman win- ning on the cut. Mr. Hildebrandt won the prize for lone hands, Three ladies were tied for the ladies' prize, MTs. W. Plant, Mrs, B. Hildebrandt and Miss Nell McDougall. Mies ,Mc- Dougall was the final winner. The accountant of the Dominion Bank at Coburg which was robbed on Tuesday was Mr. Thomas Smith of Seafort'h, son of Mr. John Smith, Market street. The bandits' were captured shortly afterward, the bank staff assisting in the capture. Mrs. Henry Hoggarth is visiting with friends in Clinton this week. The remains of the late Mr, George Ewing, a 'former resident•of 'Seaforth, will arrive in town 'front California on Th'urs'day and interment will take place in Maitland Bank Cemetery. Mr, Eltving''s father was in the butcher business while in Seaforth. Mrs. John. McLaren of Toronto, sister of the deceased, and Mfr. McLaren, came from Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Belle Smith returned . home on ,Saturday after being confined to the hospital for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs, F. 'T, Fowler and family left for their new home in Sarnia on Monday afternoon, Before. their departure a presentation of en electric iron was - made by the neigh- bors. They were accompanied to Sarnia by Mrs. M..Dalton, Mr. Jack H'inc'hley of Belleville is visiting his. mother, Mrs, J, D. Hinch- ley. iW'hile corning into town- Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dor- ranee had the misfortune to have their cutter. upset] On ex'ainitiation at the hospital it was discovered Mrs. Dorrance had suffered a broken arm in the mishap, Mrs. Ben Keys of Stanley was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sang Hanna, Mrs. F. J. Kerslake has been visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. I, Hill- in Goderich.' Mrs,.Andrew D. Armstrong was a week -end visitor in Hensall with Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Jno..ivlcAslt and fam- ily of Varna were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. Annie Reid. DUN'CAN CUP, The Maroons Win' the 1930-31 Hockey Championship, • • The .Maroons,' on Saturday morning, Feb. 14th, defeated the Canadiens at the palace rink, to cop the Duncan Cup Hockey Cham'pion'ship with a splendid victory of 9.7. The ice ' was smooth and hard, which helped - to Make this game one of the fastest of. the esason, The Maroon sextet, play- ing under a one point deficit, skated out on the ice to win. As a result, they beat the Can'adieu goalie for 2 goals in the first five minutes. The Canadiens. seeing their fast opposi- tion,- quickly settled down to play hockey. But, in spite' of this: the: Maroon' combination proved too cutch for therm and the bell ending the first period found the Maroons on top with a score of 5-2. x 0- G. '. Israel Custom .Tailoring REPALRLNG & ALTERATIONS PRESSING &• - RELINING LADIES' FUR COATS Rooms v Dominion Bank. Seaforth h The firts half of the last period found the Canadiens pressing the play, . and after fifteen minutes, tied •the score, 6-6. However, with only ten minutes to go, the Maroon aggre- gation quickly ran in 3 oafs while g tole the Canadien sextet only tallied once on the Maroon goalie.. As a result, the final bell found tate score 9-7 in favour of the Maroons. The Maroon goalie, "Ed." Mathews, proved to be one of the outstanding stars of the game. Time after time, Wright and Venus, outstanding stars of the Canadiens, broke through the Maroon defense, only to be stopped by the faithful goalie. - The Maroon all-star forward line, Capt. "Doc" Hildebrandt, Tont Sills and Ross Macnab,-kept the Canadien goalie, ` C. Knight; under heavy bom- bardment throughout the whole game and sure deserved to win.' Line-up of the 1930-31 Champions: Manager—C. Trott; Captain—Al- bert Hildebrandt; goalie—"Ed" Mat- hews; deefnce—Dickson,-Beattie; cen- tre—"Doc" Hildebrandt; wings—.Ross Macnab, 'Tom Sills; alternates, Sills, Jack Cameron, -Patrick. The second game, between the Mil- lionaires and Maple Leafs, proved to be slower than the preceding game. Many players were absent, as the game did not necessarily have to be played. However, a fair brand of hockey was exhibited andat times proved- to be real thrilling. The Maple Leafs proved to be a little faster aggregation, and came out on top with a neat victory of 5-2. E. Rennie was the outstanding star of the game while Hudson, Dunlop and R. Rennie showed - up well for the M!fillian'afres. "Dutch" Hildebrandt handled the bell. 'The final standing of the teams: 'Maroons 10 points. Canadiens , 9 points. Maple Leafs 4 points Milifonaires 1 point. STANLEY. Mr. Elmer Keys spent the week- end at Toronto visiting -his 'Brother; Mr. ,S'te'wart ,Keys. Mrs. R., Stephenson of Parr line had charge of the •services` at Goshen and Varna United' Churches h-ast Sunday and gave a very interesting and help- ful address which was much ap'prec- iated. Re -v. E. A. Poulter ° of Varna is spending a few days with friends in Chatham. He has been suffering from a severe cold and his doctor has ad- vised him to take a few days' rest. Mr. Cecil Wiley of Detroit spent the week end at Varna visiting his sister, .Mrs. Will Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boyce of Bruce- field spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Stephenson. FMr. Elgin McKinley has begun the season with his mammoth incubator. Llast Saturday he set the first tot of eggs, Mr. Henry McClinchey is holding an atiction sale of farm stock and impiemec.ts-on Thurs., Feb, 26th. TUCKERSM_ITH. .The No. 7 school section had a very enjoyable "hard tinter" dance at the home of .Mr. Joseph and the Misses Forrest on 'Friday night last. Prizes for tithe "toughest -looking" costumes were given. Everybody was in rags and tatters, but Pearson 'Chesney was sure the hardest looking gent on the floor and Mrs. Sant 'Townsend Ivan the ladies' prize for her old time cos- tume. It was a real good time for ell ,and those present wish to thank the Bost and hostesses 'for throwing open their big 'house and giving such a good time which old and young alike enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs, (Samuel Laidlaw of Climax,'Sask., who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'A. Nicholson, Mill Road, at present, spent the week -end In Bay- field visiting Miss A. Nicholson and other friends whom they haven't seen for 18 years. S P EM L For This Week FEB: 21 to 28. SPECIALS FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Oatmeal, 8 lbs for ' 25c Tomatoes . 10c & 12c Dairy' Butter in rolls ..,.30c lb. Rice, 3 lbs. for 25c . or Inc lb. Peas ,....10c each or 3 for 25c Brooms,.. ... .....25c, 40c, 60c REDUCED— PRICES ON DRY GOOD'S, E'OOTS, SH'OE'S and MITTS Sale Prices Cash, - M. E. Ciarke 'WINTHROP. Death of Miss - McLean. -On Su day, February 15, there passed to th Great Beyond, Miss Margaret„ An ,IIdLean in her 7Qth year, a lifelon and highly respected resident' Tuckersmit'Ia. Miss McLean .took 11 last 'September and after being in th hospital for; a time was able to return home onlyr:to become critically il' again. Mis-s McLean was the last o her family and -was living with her nephew, Mr� . D ' P avid i'VI dLe au and fam- ily at Riverside Farm on the 2nd concession, her home all her life with the -exception excepkron of a year ago the past slimmer when she tank a trip to the Coast and California, which she ,en- joyed very much, Her only brother, "River John McLean, died suddenly in :March two years ago, Mrs. Thos. McMillaan, her sister, •predeceased her in 1,926. Miss McLean 'had ' the re- spect and friendship 6f all who knew her and was of a• generous, thoughtful nature. A short service took place at he h t one on'Tue'sd• 'Tuesday 'afternoon from 12:45 to 1 o'clock and 11 fu neral e proceeded thence to Egmo'ndville Church which was filled with friends of, the deceased. Rev. 'C. A. Malcolm, her pastor, officiated. The remains were 'laid to rest fit Maitland Bank Cemetery, the pallbearers' being James Allen, James Broad'foot, Robert Car- nochan, William Brack, John Martin and William Charters, Attending the funeral from a distance were Miss Margaret McMillan, Guelph, and Mr, Bruce 'Scott, Kitc'hener, KIPPEN. Miss Grace Cooper has returned home after spending the past few months, with her sister in L'an'sing, Mich. \Irs. R. T. Elgie is improving slow - iy. after her recentaccident, but is still confined to her room. Miss Marion' Scarlett has returned to her home in Seaforth after spend- ing a few days among her many friends. Mr. W. M. Doig of Port Huron spent the week -end with his family. Several from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Margaret Mc- Lean at Egmon'd'ville on Tuesday, which was largely attended. Miss Margaret Elgie is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie. We are very sorry to hear thia't Mrs. Robert Elgie is not feeling as well as her many friends would like to have rte Miss Mildred. Workman spent Tue- sday with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Workman. !Miss Elva Anderson spent the week end at her home here. Cliff Wa'ts'o•n's dance last Friday night -was a decided success. "°Sloppy weather" is the order of the day in Kippers. We are glad to note .that Mrs. Jas. Daymond Sr., who has been so 'seri- ously ill in the Seaforth hospital, has sufficiently recovered to be able to return to the home of her son, Mr, Emerson Smith of our village. Mrs. James B•owey attended the fu- neral of her cousin, Mr. George Baird of Toronto during the week, Miss Mabel Whiteman is attending the Horticultural convention now in session in Toronto, also visiting her brother, Mr. Herbert 'Whiteman. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Sin- clair' east of our village, is not very SUPERIOR QUALITY abyChicks BARRED ROCKS, SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS, WHITE WYA,NDOTTES, BLACK MIN•OROAS AND JERSEY BLACK GIANTS. This year we are in a better position to offer High Quality Chicks at reduced prices. Trapnesting under Canadian Government Recor dF a Performance, these pens are inspected each month by a tt a fi 4•lied R. O. P. inspector eckor a P nd birds ar making ' kin showing. g an excellent.. We re a few ecan s a e P trays each eel - w . for Custom Hatching at 4c" per egg, trays holding 120 eggs. Ask for pamphlet and price list. A 10% discount is allowed on all orders received before March 15 for delivery, any time during season. Sunnyvale Poultry Farm and Hatchelry ANDREW A. MOORE, Prop., Seaforth. Phone.3 on 137. BRUCEFIELD.- Mrs, A. T. Scott is spending a: few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Yellow - lees of Bowntlan'ville, who is not en- joying very good health, Miss Irene Strider, of .London, vis- ited at the !tome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Snider this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ranald McKenzie are visiting friends in Detroit, this week, Quite a, number of people - in the village and vicinity are laid up with bad colds and influenza at present. tRev, W. A. and Mrs. Bremner vis- ited friends in London and St.. Tho- mas last week. Mrs, Norman Walker of Tucker - smith underwent an, operation for ap- pendicitis in Seaforth hospital last week. Her many friends will be glad to hear that she is improving nicely. The monthly meeting of the W.M. S. will be held in the school room of the United Church on Friday, 20th, at 2 p.nt. The World's Day of Prayer ser- vice Will begin at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all the wo- men of the community. The offering will be devoted to the printing of Christian literature in all lands and to the British and Foreign Bible - Soc iety. HILLSGREEN. Mrs. E. Broderick spent a few days recently with her daughter and son - m -law, Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Mousseau of Exeter. 'Mr. Edward and Miss -Verlyn Thiel of the Bronson line spent a fewdays with friends in tthis vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido were re- cent visitors with friends near Hen- salh R1'e are pleased to report that Mr. F. Stelck is able to be up and around after being confined to his room for several weeks. The lantern slides on Japan will be given on Wednesday evening, Febrt}- ary 29th in the church, -• VARNA. The Library euchre and dance party Thursday night was well patronized. Progressive euchre was indulged in from to 11, when lunch was served, after which dancing was introduced and was thoroughly enjoyed into the wee sma' hours. Door receipts, $39.- 00. 39:00. Much credit is due the commit - well. tee. Miss Jean Mossop has returned af- ter a pleasant visit with friends in Toronto. Rev, .Mr, and Mrs. Pouiter in co'm- pany with their son, spent a few days of last week in the vicinity of Cha- tham The Woman's Day of Prayer will be observed in St. John's Church at 3 p.m. Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock "Keyes en- tertained a fety of their friends" one evening last week. Mrs. G. Clark is visiting her son in Winthrop, - Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is as- pecially- recommended for spider, or infection of cow's teat.. Invaluable also in cases of spavins, curbs and splints. Seed Potatoes Thousands of dollars are lost in Huron County yearly by sowing run out diseased seed. "We could have cleared the price of our farm in 10 years if we had known the necessity of heavy spraying and special selection of Certified Seed. We pass this tip on to you that $6 Extra Money spent on 1 acre for our seed should net you from $25.00 to $100.00 extra money per acre, over the run of potatoes usually planted by the farmers. IA couple of acres of potatoes on a farm will pay the taxes, and threshing bills. and twine bills, and where are you getting any 20 acres of other crops that can touch it. We will rent our planter to cus- tomers which sows and fertilizes pot- atoes at one operation. We are offering our stock at only 3,4 the price of Seed Houses for the same goods which is: $2.50 per bag for Extras - $1.25 per - bag for .: , Medium All good, sound et{Gk, 'Ord#r pours now by mail or phone' as last year we were 1,000 bags short of filling orders as some people leave it off till they ere gone. r J. E. Hu.giii &Sons SEAFORTH : : : R. R. 2 PS.—These prices are good till Feb. 23rd and 12 bags plant 1 acre. WAITING FOR 8.30 Mother and Anne had always been very close to one another. When Anne married and moved to another city, each missed the other greatly. But one thing more than any other has helped to keep them close - the telephone. Every Friday evening Anne calls her mother by Long Distance . after 8.30 p.in. when the low night rates ate in effect.. During the week they both keep mentos of topics they wish to discuss. Then there is no time lost , '. , and nothing forgotten. What if they, are 120 miles apart! The telephone connection is made in about a minute — nearly, always while Anne holds the line. Their voices are just as clear as on local, and the cost; after 8.30' p.m., is only 40 cents, Evening rates on "Anyone" (station - to -station) calls begin at 7 p.m. Night rates begin at. 8.30 p.m.