HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1931-02-05, Page 8;PAGE -EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, ,1931. 1-IEN SALL, The many friends of Mrs, Thomas Welsh will be :softy to hear she is confined to her home through illness, Messrs. JackMcDonald and Jos. Hagan were Sunday visitors` with friends' in London, Mr. Wm, Simpson of Detroit ac- companied by his grandmother, Mrs. Robert Bonthron, spent the week end with friends here, Miss Minnie, Gibb,. who has been here for some time lft Tuesday for Toronto, F Lon - doe Margaret McLaren o don spent the week end at her home, Mr.s, James Winces' spent Tuesday with friends in Clinton. Mr. William L, McLaren e'as in Exeter on Tuesday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday with friends in Seaforth, Miss Minnie Gibb visited friends in Winghani on Monday. Miss Doris Harman of Toronto is visiting at her home here. Services at the United Church on Sunday were of a special character, The Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor, preached at both services, A men's choir led the singing, At the morn- ing service a duet was given by the Messrs. Wilson Carlile and Murray Campbell and .solo parts in the an- them were taken by J. W. Ortwein. In the evening a song service opened the service, Mr, Thos, Sherritt gave a solo and Mr. Owen Geiger took solo parts in one of the hymns, On Sunday, Feb. 15th, will be women's day and there will be a women's choir. The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church held the regular meeting on Monday evening with Miss Beryl Pfaff in charge. A Scotch program was given by the young people, consisting of solos by Mrs. Vern Hedden, "The Campbells Are Corning," reading by Mr. Wm, Sangster and Miss Sarah Manson and the topic on "Robert Burns" by Miss Margaret M'aLaren, It was decided to hold their skating party on Mon- day evening, February 9th. Invita- tions are extended to the A.Y.P.A. of St. Paul? Anglican Church and the young people of the United Church. If the weather is not favorable a soc- ial evening will be in the church. The Ladies' Aid Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church put on a sleigh- ing party on Tuesday evening: after a very enjoyable sleigh ride the crowd returned to the church where an im- promptu program was put on every one present taking part. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. Miss M. Whiteman and Mise P. Penfold of Kippen were week end visitors with Hensall friends. In the Hay Hockey League at Zur- ich on Thursday night Hensall elim- inated the Bronson Wildcats from a play-off position by a 9-3 score. Hen - sal' scored 'ie goals in - the first per- iod. The game was one of the rough- est played, but the honours were ab at even. Appleton, Abbott and Brock were the pick of the winners. Drummond played a good game in the nets. Mr, 13. Deyman is having living apartments fixed up at the back of his Store. Miss Jessie Gillespie of Seaforth has *sternest home after a pleasant visit with friends here. Mrs. Rosier and on of Denfield' spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. Mr. Maurice Boa has returned to Windsor after a two weeks' visit with friends here, Mrs. Robinson of Detroit is spend- ing a few days here in town visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Sheffer. Mr. Thomas Cookson of Windsor was a week end visitor with friends in town. The Dramatic Club of St, Paul's Anglican Church intend putting on a play, "Step on it, Stan," in the town hall on Friday evening. February 13. Mrs. A. L. Case has returned home from the Clinton hospital where she recently underwent an operation. BARI1ED4.. t: C IC Remember, all chicks look alike. ',Birt, the part you really wFa 1t is the Breeding,—the part you cannot see. The future egg.broiltietion of -your chicks must be inherited Three years of trapnesting and pedigreeing under Record of Performance, three years selection and blood testing under Ontario Breeding !Station supervision, and four years in the egg -laying contests, puts us in a' position to produce chicks that possess an inborn ability to reach a high pinnacle in production, under the proper care and management: Poultrymen are becoming more educated to the underlying principles of breeding, and are:'q.utck to recognize the inherent value of testsof performance and uniform results of stock, 'Sufficient proof of this can be had by referring to our long list of satisfied customers, who place repeat orders with us each year. We will gladly send you a copy of our 1931 catalogue. JAS. M. SCOTT Phone 32-251. SUNNY CREST FARM, 'SEAFORTH TUCKERSMITH. Tebbutt delivered' a fine horse last Saturday to Mr. McGrath of Dublin. The many friends of Mrs, Gifford Crich will be sorry to know she is very ill with erysiplas, but hope for a speedy recovery. !The young people had a merry time tripping the light fantastic at Miller's school house last Friday night, Miss Sadie Ball of the Huron road entertained the choir of Turner's Church last Thursday night. . Mrs. S. Elgie is visiting with 'friends at Stratford. The many friends of Miss M. Mc- Lean are sorry to know she is still confined to her room but hope to soon hear of a speedy recovery. Mrs. Cecil Pullman is visiting friends in and around Seaforth. 'Miss Margaret McKay visited Mrs. George Strong on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Laidlaw of the direst visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsythe and also other friends. Miss Thelma Elgie has returned home after visiting friends in Varna. Mrs, Jas. Hay was called to Nia- gara owing to the illness of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Lorne Pepper. Mrs. John Hay of the Mill Road is visiting her son, Mr. Jas. Hay of Tuckerstnith. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Forsythe visited friends in Hillsgreen one day last week. Miss Hazel McLachlan has been ant of school on account of sickness. School report for S.S. No. 9, Tuck- ersmith, for January. Honors n%, pass 60%. Sr. IV. --Anna Love 83.6, Irene Mackay 72. Jean Irvine 69, Jack Con- eitt 67.6. Mac Chesney 65.6, Russell 'Hodgert 51.6. Lorne Hay 492. Jr. I'V.--.Billy Dalrymple 39.5. Sr. III. --Robert McLachlan 46, Jr. III. Aldimer Gemmel' 84, Gien Houston 75. Stewart Love 73. Kate Dalrymple 62, Class II. --Billy Powell 95, Jack Mackay 84. Willie Hodgert 58. s :ass L—Helen Houston 56. Number on roll 20. Average at- tendance 19. Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher, ST. COLUMBAN. IiIrs. James O'Sullivan underwent an operation in Seaforh hospital last week, Miss Mary Clarke has returned to her home in L'aSallete. We regret to hear that Mrs. A. Hicknell is seriously 111 at present. The St. Columban hockey team go up against the classy Mill Road stars this Saturday night. Here's hoping for a win and let us all get out and cheer the boys along. Miss 'Beth Hicknell of Dublin is spending a few days with her moth- er, Mrs. A. Hicknell, who is quite, 111. Don't be without Douglas Egyptian Linimeiat. Keep it always handy. Re- lieves toothache, neuralgia, sore throat, quinsy and 'croup. Invaluable for burns, sores, Barber's Itch and Ringworm, DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY STOPS GAS, CONSTIPATION MANLEY. The funeral of the late Mrs. Christ- ian Regele was largely attended last Friday to show the esteem in which she was held. She was a kind mother. The place of interment was in the Ev- angelical Cemetery of this place. The service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Gross of Auburn in the Evangelical Church here, of which she had been a consistent member. The pallbearers were Messrs. Ed. Regele, Clarence Regele, George Regele, Wm. Hoegy and Clifford Hoegy, all grandsons. She is survived by four sons, Charles and Ezra on the homestead and Dan and Sam of McKillop; and Mrs. Hen- ry Koehler of this place. Mrs. John Heaney of Rostock and Mrs. George Hoegy of Grey tp, are daughters, The bereaved have the sympathy of the community in this their hour of sad affliction. Mr. Fred Eckert spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Dougherty of Bornholm. In his private practice, Dr, ,Carl Weschcke•first perfected the simple mixture now known as Adlerika. Unlike , most remedies, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old poisons you would never believe were in: your system. Stops GAS .bloating in 10 minutes! Relieves chronic constipation in 2 hours! Let. Adlerika give your stom- ach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! It will surprise yowl 1 eating's °Pharmacy, CROMARTY. Miss Louisa Hackney of Thames Road, visited her sister, Mrs. David Gardiner recently. Mr Percy Duncan is helping Mr. John Hoggarth to cut wood. Mrs. Thomas Scott visited her sis- ter, Mrs, Colquhoun, in Clinton last week. Little Jean McCulloch is ill with an attack of tonsilitis, The W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Thos. Scott on Thursday of this week. The first chapter of the study book, "Ambassadors of Good Will," will be taken by Mrs. John Hamilton. Born. --In Clinton on. January 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Colquhoun, a son. Wedding bells are ringing in this vicinity. LONDESBORO. Mrs. Fingland is visiting with Go- derich friends this week, Mr. Jim McCrea spent last Sunday in London. ' Miss Esther Lyon spent Monday in. Blyth. Miss Marjory. Lyon is visiting at the home of her parents here. Miss Dorothy Little of Stratford Normal spent the week end at her home here Miss Ella Armstrong is spending a few holidays with her brother, Mr. J. W. Armstrong. Mrs. Rob't. Hesk of Dakota is re- newing acquaitnances here, Messrs. 3. Nott and C. Vodden spent last Saturday in Seaforth, Mrs. D. Mountain is spending sante time with 'her daughter, Mrs. Pipe of Goderich. • Mr. Bert Gray of Stratford Nor- mal spent the week -end at his home on the 13th. Mr. Wm. Carter is in Toronto this week. Miss Daisy Roberton spent Satur- day in the village. HARLOCK. Mrs. A. W. McEwing is visiting. with friends in Seaforth this week. Quite a number attended the dance in Londesboro last Friday evening, everybody having a real good time. Mr. Leslie Reid spent a few days a his sister's, Mr. and Mrs.'Bill Ro- gerson, near Brucefield. Miss Annie McTaggart spent a few days during fhe week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leo 1W'att and with other friends. Miss McTag- gart teaches school near Brumfield, hitt is having a few 'holidays as her school is quarantined for chickenpox. The people in the community were very sorry to hear of the death of the late Jean Thompson of 'Clinton, who was a former resident here. Much sympathy is extended to her sister, Mrs, M. Watt and other friends. Mr, and Mrs. J, Melville of Lon- desboro'spent Monday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. iBertAllen. Miss Amy 'Parsons 'will spend the week -end at Stratford visiting her sister Ena, also attending the "At Home" Friday evening at the 'Strat- ford Normal School. All the gradu- ates are treated to a supper. Mr. and Mrs. Sol, Shannon enter- tained a few friends Tuesday evening. .lir. and Mrs. 'Allen played at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. !Rowland. Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Rowland were enteraining friends. ELIMVILLE. Mrs. 'Elford is on the road to re- covery, :ales J. BulIock.anct Helen of Cred- iton visited at the home of Mr. Gower recently, ' The play entitled "The Winning of Joy," was presented by the Zion Young People in Elimville Church last Friday night and was very good indeed, The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Ed, Johns last Wednesday afternoon, The regular monthly meeting of the Live Oaks Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Elva Herne last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Pybus of near Chiselhurst visited at Mr. Ed. Johns last Wednesday, • Mr. Roy Hodgert of near Seaforth visited at Mr, Bruce Cooper's -last week, t • Mrs. Richard Johns hes been on the sick lista Mrs. Alva Pym was confined to her bed for a few days with -sere' throat but is able' to be up again. KIPPEN. Mrs. W. R. Cooper has returned home from Buffalo igiiere . she has been for the past month taking treat- ment in,•a hospital and her many friends are glad to know she is feel- ing fine. Mrs, William Green is visiting with friends in Toronto this week,' hlr. William Kyle had a severe at- tack of blood poisoning but is able to bearound again.` January' passed without a thaw, and many farmers are very scarce of wa- ter ater and several drawing. Watson's old time dance was a read success on Friday eveninglast and all enjoyed it very much. • Mr. Clarence Mcffean spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MdLean. Mr.'and Mrs. James McClymont are spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Vern. Terryberry. Mr. Gilbert Jarrott spent the week end under the parental roof. Miss Mildred Workman spent a few days visiting friends. in Exeter this week. Miss Dorothy McLean has left to train as a nurse in Hamilton General Hospital:" We are sorry Dorothy is leaving us, but wish her success in her new venture, Miss Jennie' Taylor spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrss. W. Harvey. . WEST BRODHAGEN. Mrs, Christian Regele. Another pioneer of McKillop township passed away to the Great Beyond from whence no one ever returned, in the person of Mrs, Christian Regele. She was born in Germany and when two years of age she came to this coun- try with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7sche. They settled in Ellice town- ship where she grew to womanhood. She was married to her late husband when she was nineteen years of age and moved to McKillop on the some farm where she died. At that time the farm was all bush, but about three acres. They soon made a farm and it is now one of the nicest farms in the township of McKillop. The un- ion was blessed with seven children,' Mrs, Henry' Koehler, Charlie on the Ihomestead; Daniel, Slam, in McICil- 1op, ; Ezra at hone with Charlie harlf on the farm, Mrs. George Hoegy, of Grey township; Mrs, John Kiehnie of near Rostock. She leaves to mourn her loss seven children, one sister, Mrs. August Iggert, of Rostock and 19 grand children and 31 great grand children, She was a staunch member of the Evangelical Church and was always in her place when able, but for the last years was not well. She was sick in bed very often and then for the last six months always in bed. She suffered no pain, but gradually became weaker, then dropsy set in so that there was nothing could be done as she had a very weak heart, Bloodtested Chicks And Hatching Eggs. From GOVERNMENT APPROVED BIRDSUNDERTRAPNEST We specialize in Barred Rocks of High Production and good body type. Order chicks now for delivery any time after February 10. Chicks and Hatching Eggs all from our own flock which is under supervision of the 0. A. C., Guelph, !?. r,ited one block north of New Hospital. Visitors Welcome,) Good Poultry Pays and Pays. ONTARIO BREEDING STATION Oliver Siegrist 'Box 173, Seaforth, Phone 304. HILLSGREEN. Master Clarence Love is recovering from an attack of bronchitis after be- ing confined to his room for several days. Mrs. J.' H. Cochrane spent a few days in London recently. Mr. and Mrs.- H. Fuss and fancily spent Sunday atthe home of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Sechler of Blake. Miss Dorothy Kyle spent a few days with Miss Annie Jarrott. We are glad to report that Mr.. F. Stelck is recovering nicely from his severe sickness. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. IV's/Bride on Monday afternoon, held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayter. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the bereft ones in their hour of sorrow, DUBLIN Watch for play in Dublin Parish Hall, 'Wednesday, March 17th. Fur ther details later. ' Mr, and Mrs. Tyers and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forrester and Mr. and Mrs, Downey were Mitchell visitors on Saturday. ' The card party and dance in the parish hall on Friday evening, was a good success. lir. F rrester or Toronto called on friends in the village on Monday. Mr. Joseph Lerner was a Stratford visitor on Saturday. We are sorry bo report the serious illness of Mrs. A. Hicknell of Mc- Killop. Her daughter Beth of the telephone office was called to her.b'ed' side on Monday; We hope to hear .of her speedy recovery., Mrs. Toni Burns is' visiting her son Mr. Patrick Burns in Detroit. Mrs. P. Hicknell of Mitchell is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Ed. Litt of the village. The Ladies' Guild of S't.• Marys' Church, Dublin, are holding their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Downey on Thursday, Feb. 12th at 2 p.m. All the ladies are invited to attend also the lady friends are in- vited to come and spend the after- noon and enjoy a good time. 1St. Patrick's School ;Report. -.For January. Sr. IV.—(Honours, Lloyd McCar- thy, Charles "Benin, Dorothy Donnel- ly, Pass, John Kraus'kopf, Mary Molyneaux, Rose Arnold, Gerald Donnelly. Jr.; IV.=Jack Benn, Muriel Looby, Genevieve Feeney, Margaret Iyorres- tyn, Agnes Rowland. Sr. MI.—games Delaney, Kathleen Cummings, Albert Donnelly, ,Marg Cennimo, Joseph Donnelly.. Jr. III.—Joseph Evans, Teresa Krauskapf, Fergus Stapleton, James Curtin, john Arnold. ,Second Class -Marie Arnold, .Louis Looby, Lucille McGrath, Mary Ev- ans,- Lorean Looby, Harry Cumming, 'Michael Feeney; Rose Feeney, Mar- garet Tyers, Loretto • Feeney, James' ICrauskopf, Mary Jordan, Louise Flanagan, Joseph' Benn, Kathleen Brennan, Angela Donnelly. Senior Primary — James; Jordan, Margaret ' Cummings, Earl Nfgle, Gerald Burns, Aileen Jordan, Millie Maloney, Veronica OIConnor, Thom- as Dorsey, Mary Dorsey, Francis 1931 Cash an,O Carry QUAKER OATS, Large Pkg. 21c 3 Cakes PALM ,OLIVE S'OAP 19c 2 Tins PORK & BEANS `' 21c 2 Tins CORN , 19c 1 Pound PLEESALL COFFEE 21c 2 Tins PEAS 19c 4 Cakes -INFANT DELIGHT SOAP 21c 5 Bars P. & G. SOAP 19c 2 Pounds SCHNEIDIER'S LARD ' 29c Pay immeeeramv Cash and ,Pay Less. ,FINNIGIN W.- T Perber. Manufacturer of fine Wigs, Toupees, transformations, etc. On our 40th . anniversary we extend our thanks and appreciation to all our patrons and assuring you of our best efforts we solicit the ,continuance of your valued support Mr: J. 13. KNIGHT will be at OONDMERCCIAL HOTEL', Seaforth On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th 1Phone Hotel for Appointment THE W. T. P'EMBER STORES Limited 429 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONTARIO Dillon. Primary—Mary Woods, Edward Rowland; R, Jordan, Rita Dorrestyn, Louis Donnelly. Mr. John Brennan went to Belle- ville on Saturday. Mr. John MdGrath shipped a fine carload of horses to Quebec on Satur- day. Mrs. Wm. Feeney is in Thorold vis- iting her daughter. Mrs. Murphy. • Miss Anna Molyneaux of Kitchener spent the week end with her parents in Dublin. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Morris spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Stapleton. Mr. Jas. Feeney and Jack Ryan spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Wan. Feeney. Many from around Dublin attended the jack rabbit hunt on Tuesday last. HULLETT. The death occurred on .Monday last of Jean Browning Thomson after an illness of about three weeks. Miss Thompson, who was in her 79th year, was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, but cense to Canada with her parents in 1858. The 'family settled on the farm on the gravel road now occupied by George Carbert and Lived there un- til after the death of her father. Itis• over thirty years since her mother, her sister and herself went to Clinton, but during that time Miss Thomson spent same years with her brother, ,Prof. R. Y. Thomson. of Knox College, Toron- to. 'For some years past Miss Thom- son had spent her time nursing her sister, Mies Eliza, who has been an invalid, and who was carefully cared for 'by her. Miss Eliza has passed. away since her sister's death, on Tues- day of this week. Three weeks ago Miss Jean suffered a stroke of paral- ysis and she never really rallied but suffered severely much of the time, Miss Thomson was a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church, and an active worker in the W.MiS. She went into Union and had been a regular at- tendant of Wesley -Willis United Church. Since the death of her sis- ter, Eliza, who was so ill last week she could not be told of her sister's death, one sister, 'Mrs. Margaret Watt, of Clinton survives. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon last, a short service at the house being followed by a service at Burns' Church, and the remains were interred in Burns cemetery, Rev, J. E. Hogg conducted the service at the house and Rev. J. C. Forster of Lon- desboro, at Burns Church. The pall- bearers were G. D, Roberton. C. E. Elliott, W. Glen Cook and A. Cad- zow. The funeral of Miss Eliza Thom- son takes place on Thursday to the Burns cemetery. AUCTION SALE. Of Live Stock, Farm Implements and Household Effects on Lot 1'3, Huron Road, two miles west of Sea - forth on Wednesday, 'Feb. 08th at 1 o'clock sharp: Horses—2 horses 10 years old; 1 mare coming five. Cows —1 cow to freshen March lOth;1 cow to freshen MitIar, 18th; 1. cow to fresh- en July 6th; 1 cow to freshen Aug. 7th; 1 farrow cow. • .Dmplements-4 Massey Harris binder 7 ft. cut; 1' Massey 'Harris mower 6 ft cut; 1 Massey Harris 13 disc drill; one 14- disc .harrow; '1 springtooth harrow, corn cultivator; two -(furrow plow, hay rake, walking plow, hay loader, root scatter, turnip sower, sleigh and box, 4 -section diamond harrows, stone boat, -fanning mill, set of working harness, half set work' 'harness, driving har- ness, 1 -cream separator, 1 wire fence stretcher, .1' hand wire' fence stretch- er, saws, small tools,'1, emery stone, 3 ladders, 6 house 'shutters, mangles. 'Ftrnittu•e.-1 bedroom set, bed springs and.mattress, chest of draw- ers, cherry drop leaf .table, kitchen table,. quarter cut oak extension table. with, 8 extra leaves extends 12 feet, walnut cradle, 1 couch, 1 solid walnut sideboard, 2 mahogany silk uphol- stered chairs, tables, h oval 'table, rugs, rocking chairs, corner cupboard, six kitchen chairs, 2 veranda chairs, lamps, 2 parlor lamps, wire cupboard, crocks, pots and pans, "dishes, lant- erns milk pails, copper . wash boiler, 5Q fruit jars, quilting .• frames, mat frames, pictures and frames, linoleum. Terms, cash day of sale. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. Joseph Fowler Estate, Proprietor. FOR SALE. !Renain'gton. Portable' Typewriter, almost new. SmAV!AUGiE'S JEWEL- LERY STORE, Seaforth. 7 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for the many kindness- es and for the expressions of sym- pathy during our recent bereavement. --Mr. and 'Mrs. Charlie Regele and Family. FOR SALE Comfortable, seven roomed frame house, in good condition, favorable location, electric light, town water, garage, poultry horse and garden lot. Apply at News Office, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Very desirable hundred acre farm 1% miles .from. Seaforth, for rent or sale on easy terms. For particulars apply to . • BEST &• BEST, Seaforth. January 28th, 4931 . DELCO LIGHTING PLANT FOR SALE Having secured Hydro, we are of- fering our Delco Plant for sale. Gen- erator in good condition. Batteries al- most new. Appiy to DAVID A. LAIDLAW, R.R..2,, Blyth. 6 IDEAL INCUBATOR FOR SALE. A 600-dgg capacity, good as new. C. H. HOLLAND, Seaforth. Phone 231 r 22. _ 7. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medical.. DR H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hos- pital, London, England.. 'Special attention to diseases of, the eye, car, nose and throat, Office and resift- • ence behind Dominion. -Sank, Oftdcri Phone No. 5: Residence Phone 104, 'NOTICE.. All taxes in the Township of Me- ICillop . not paid en or before 9th of February, will be handed to 'the bailiff. for collection. All ratepayers in ar- rears of taxes please govern them- selves accordingly. By order, GEO, McK'EE, Collector, 6 WOOD FOR. SALE Limited nprnber• of ccirds of Hard Maple 13 inches long $5.00 per cord. OWIEtN HART, St. Co1lumban. 6 PIANO FOR SALE. 'Slightly used Heintzman & Co. piano in good shape. For sale cheap. Apply at WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE, phone 67, Seaforth. DR. F . J. BURROWS, Seaforth; Office and residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church. Coronet for the County of Huron , Telephone No. 46. DR. C. MACKAY.—C. Mackay+ honor graduate of Trinity University and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College 'ed Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, . Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in, Medi- cine, University of Toronto 1807. Late Assistant New York Ophthah mic' and Aural Instil- 1c, Mooreficld'e Eye, and Golden Square throat hos- pitals, London. England. At Comu,- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday i44 each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.stl. DR. W. C. SPROAT.—Graduate o1 Faculty of Medicine, University e1 Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Ser: geons' of Ontario. Office in rear oil Aberhart's Drug Store, Seaforth. Phone 90. Hours` 1.30-4 p.m., 7.30- 9 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dental. DR,' J A, ' MUNN, Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross,, graduate of North- western Universtty, Chicago, Ill. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. 'Office over Side hardware, Main" St, Seaforth. Photos 151. DR. F. J. BRCHELY, gradual Royal Coliege of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's. grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones. office 185W, residence 1853. Consulting Engineer. S. W. ARCHIBALD, B.A.Sc. (Tor). O.L.S., Registered Professional Ea- gineer and Land Surveyor, Associate Member Engineering Institute of Canada. Office, Seaforth. Ont. Legal.' D. L. ROSS, Barrister and Solicit- or, Notary Public. Hours 9 a.m.-2 pm. and 7 p.m. Office above Phillip' Drug Store, Blyth, Ont. Phone 6., Auctioneer. GEORGE "ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can be made for Salo Date at The Seaforth News. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. INCUBATOR FOR SALE 120 -egg capacity, in first class run- ning order, used three seasons will sell cheap or exchange for larger $ size. EARL` LJAIW'SION,Clinton RJR. 1, Phone. Seaforth 12 on 2411, 6 PULLETS FOR SALE A quantity of Barred Rook, Leg- horn and Minorca last year pullets; laying well, Reasonably priced for quick sale as I need the room for. brooding chicks.Phone 137x3, Sea - forth. ANIDR1EW A. M'OOIRE. ' tf INCUBATORS FOR SALE Two 250 -egg capacity Wisconsin in- cubators, in good shape. Apply to HOMER HUNT, Phone 228r12, Sea - forth. 6 . FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 100 acres in 'Township of- McKillop, Wi11 rent, or sell on easy terms; Box 214, •Seaforth. tf W. C. Oovenlock McCormick -Deering Agent See our line of SULKY PLOWS, WALKING PLOWS, AND TRACTORS AND PLOWS. Have on hand for sale good used Manure Spreader, Gangplow, Sul- ky Plow, also '25 Ford Sedan in Al shape, and '25 Ford Coupe. SEAFORTH MARKETS Por Sale—Robt, Bell cutting' box, Wednesday, Feb, 4tli. 32 ft. carrier,'in first class shape, Hogs, per cwt. $8,509.00 Set 2,000 pound Scales. HAROLD D. DALE, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Moderate rates and satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone 149, P.O. Box 13. Seaforth. WATSON AND REID'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson). MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. WM. HARKNESS Box 234, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 163 GENERAL AGENT Sun Life Assurance COMPANY OF CANADA THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Iu suraic. e Co, FARM AND I'SOLATED 'TOWN PROPERTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers -James Connolly. Goder- ich; Alex. James Evans, Beechwood, Vice 'President; D, F. .McGregor, Seaforth, Sec. -Treasurer. Directors—Wm. Rion, No. 2, Sea - forth, John Bennewies, Bredhagent James Evans, Beechwood; ' M. Mc- Ewen, Clinton; James Connolly, God - crick; Alex. Broadfoot No. 3 Sea - forth; J. M. Sholdice, •1 o. 4,;Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George Mc- Cartney, No. 3, Seaforth; -• Murray Gibson Brucefield. A ants g Jam es 'Watt, Blyth, r.r. -Murray. 1, E. Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. ray. r,r. No. 3, Seafortli; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jarmonth, Bornholm. James: Kerr and John Govenlock,- Seaforth, auditors, Parties desirous to effect insurance 'or trans- act other business will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to theirrespective postoffices. A "Beau Geste" of the British Army Tommy Atkins A 'British made picture produced in London and Egypt with an allBritish ' cast headed by WALTER YON* whose 'brilliant successes have secured for him contracts to play opposite. the biggest American stars. THURS., FRL, SAT. —in— PRINCESS